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IINNTTEEGGRRAATTEEDD DDIISSEEAASSEE Technical Guidelines for SSUURRVVEEIILLLLAANNCCEE RREESSPPOONNSSEE AANNDD AAFFRRIICCAANN RREEGGIIOONN IINN TTHHEE 22NNDD EEDDIITTIIOONN 2010 Technical Guidelines for Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response in the African Region October 2010 World Health Organization Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Regional Office for Africa Center for Global Health Disease Prevention and Control Division of Public Health Systems and Cluster Workforce Development Brazzaville, Republic of Congo Atlanta, Georgia, USA The second edition of the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) Technical Guidelines was prepared by the Disease Prevention and Control Cluster with active participation and involvement of programmes dealing with disease surveillance at the WHO Regional Office for Africa (AFRO), Brazzaville, Congo as well as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, USA. The purpose of the revision was to update existing information, include other priority diseases, conditions and public health events and incorporate aspects of the International Health Regulations (IHR) that deal with disease surveillance. In planning to update these guidelines, suggestions and advice for improving the recommendations were sought and gratefully received from the IDSR development teams who prepared the 1st edition. This revision builds on the technical expertise from more than 100 surveillance and disease experts at WHO, CDC and Ministries of Health in African countries who conceived and produced the 1st edition. The revision process involved internal WHO consultation followed by a wider consultation that involved a series of meetings with various partners and Member States. In addition, an ad hoc IDSR task force was constituted to help with the revision process. The final draft was peer reviewed by the ad hoc task force as well as during a final partner consultative meeting held in August 2010. Compiled and edited by: Dr Francis Kasolo, MD, MSc, PhD, DTM&H RCP Program Manger, Integrated Disease Surveillance Disease Prevention and Control Cluster WHO AFRO Brazzaville, Congo Dr Jean Baptist Roungou, MD, MPH Director Disease Prevention and Control Cluster WHO AFRO Brazzaville, Congo Helen Perry, PhD Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center for Global Health Division of Public Health Systems and Workforce Development Field Epidemiology and Systems Development Branch Atlanta, Georgia Authors The persons listed in the table below have actively participated at various stages of writing and revising this document. CDC WHO Dr Peter Nsubuga Dr Adamou Yada, EPR/DPC Chief, Field Epidemiology and Systems Dr Fernardo Da Silveira, IDS/DPC Development Branch, Division of Public Dr Kwenteminga Tshioko, IDS/DPC Health Workforce and Systems Development, Dr Louis H. Ouedraogo, IDS/DPC Center for Global Health Dr Peter Gaturuku, IDS/DPC Dr. Helen Perry Dr Ali Yahaya, IDS/DPC Team Lead, IDSR, Field Epidemiology and Dr Boureima Sambo, NPC/DPC Systems Development Branch, Division of Dr Zabloni Yoti EPR/DPC Public Health Workforce and Systems Dr Wondimagegnehu Alemu, WR Sierra Leone Development, Center for Global Health Dr Bernido Impouma EPR/DPC Dr Celia Woodfill EPR/DPC Mr Kevin Embrey Dr Ladry Bide NTD/DPC Fellow, Association of Schools of Public Health, Field Epidemiology and Systems Dr Patience Mensah, FAN/HPR Development Branch, Division of Public Dr Bakyaita Nathan MAL/ATM Health Workforce and Systems Development, Dr Abdikamal Alisalad, RPA/ATM Center for Global Health Dr Deo Nshimirimana IVD/ARD Dr Ekeke Monono MVI/DPC USAID Dr Abel Dushimimana MPS/FRH Dr Sambe Duale Dr Henriette Wembanyama TUB/ATM Technical Director and Infectious Disease Dr Sebastiana Da Gama Nkomo MVI/DPC Advisor Dr. Jean-Marie Dangou, NPC/DPC USAID/Africa’s Health in 2010 Washington, DC Dr Sidi Allel Louazani, HRF/HPR Mr Corera Choueibou , IDS/DPC Dr Phanuel Habimana, CAH/DRH Cover Design and Graphic Support by: Diane Speight (B.A.), CDC, Atlanta The material in this manual is in the public domain. It may be used and reprinted without permission. However, please refer to the suggested citation: World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010). Technical Guidelines for Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response in the African Region, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo and Atlanta, USA,: 1-398. Acknowledgments The following individuals provided technical contributions during the review of the 2nd edition and are gratefully acknowledged. Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization Prevention (CDC) Dr Ray Arthur Dr Pierre Nabeth, IHR/ Lyon Center for Global Health, Division of Global Dr Stella Chungong, IHR/WHO HQ Disease Detection and Emergency Response Dr Rajesh Sreedharan, IHR/WHO HQ Mr Tukuru Michael, EPR/DPC Mr Peter Edwards Mr Sanyang Yahaya, EPR/DPC Center for Global Health, Division of Public Dr Toshiyasu Shimizu, NTD/DPC Health Systems and Workforce Development Dr Samuel Okiror, IVD/ARD Dr Sharon McDonnell Dr Solomon Nzioka, PHE/ HPR Consulting Medical Epidemiologist to Dr Nzuzi Katondi, DPC/ Angola Center for Global Health and Dr Ekwanzala Florent , DPC/ DRC Associate Professor, Dartmouth Medical Dr Kunuz Abdella, DPC/ Ethiopia School, Department of Family and Community Dr Musa Emmanuel, DPC/ Nigeria Medicine and The Dartmouth Institute of Health Care and Dr Opata Harry, DPC/ South Africa Health Policy Dr Kone Mamadou Lamine, IST Central Africa Hanover New Hampshire, USA Dr Adama Berthé, IST West Africa Dr Eseko Nicholas, IST South & East Africa Dr Aisu Thomas, IST South & East Africa United States Agency for Dr Idrissa Sow, WR Eriteria International Development Dr Balcha Masresha. IVD/ARD Dr Barrysson Andriamahefazafy, WR Cap Verde Dr Diafouka Saila-Ngita, Dr Thomas Sukwa, WR Gambia USAID/Respond Project, Kinshasa Dr Edoh SoumbeyAlley, AHO/ARD Dr Jean B. Ndihokubwayo, BLT/HSS Dr Charles Sagoe Moses, MPS/FRH Dr Yokouide Allarangar, WR Guinea Bissau Dr John Clements, Consultant We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the following WHO programs, CDC divisions and USAID colleagues: Centers for Disease Control and WHO African Regional Office (AFRO) Prevention (CDC) Division of Public Health Systems and Immunization and Vaccine Development (IVD) Workforce Development (DPHSWD) Tuberculosis (TUB) Division of Global Diseasae Detection Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) and Emergency Response (DGDDER) Non Communicable Disease ( NCD) Division of Parasitic Diseases and Child and Adolescent Health (CAH) Malaria (DPDM) HIV/AIDS (RPA) Division of Preparedness and Malaria Control (MAL) Emereging Infections (DPEI) Mental Health Violence and Injuries (MVI) Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Assistant Regional Directors Office ( ARD) Environmental Diseases (DFWED) International Health Regulations ( HQ & Lyon) Division of High Consequence Pathogens and Pathology (DHCPP) Division of Vector Borne Diseases (DVBD) Division of Viral Hepatitis (DVH) Influenza Division Division of Viral Diseases (DVD) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) Division of Adult and Community Health (DACH) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Africa’s Health in 2010 Project The revision of the technical guideline was supported through a cooperation grant from the United States Agency for International Development, Bureau for Africa (USAID/AFR), Washington, DC. The editors and authors acknowledge the commitment of Ms Mary Harvey, USAID/AFR to the partnerships that have contributed to improving public health in the Africa Region. Abbreviations AFP Acute flaccid paralysis ARI Acute respiratory infection AEFI Adverse events following immunization AFRO WHO Regional Office for Africa BU Buruli ulcer CFR Case fatality rate CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CCHF Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever DHF Dengue haemorrhagic fever DSS Dengue shock syndrome DRRT District epidemic rapid response team DHMT District Health Management Team EHF Ebola haemorrhagic fever EPR Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response EPI Expanded Program on Immunizations XDR-TB Extensively drug resistant tuberculosis Hib Haemophilus influenzae type b HAV Hepatitis A Virus HBV Hepatitis B Virus HCV Hepatitis C Virus HDV Hepatitis D Virus HMIS Health management information system HSV Herpes simplex virus HEV Hepatitis E Virus HBP High blood pressure HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome PIV Human parainfluenza virus IPC Infection Prevention and Control ILI Influenza-like Illness ITN Insecticide treated nets IDS Integrated Disease Surveillance IDSR Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response Abbreviations IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illness IHR International Health Regulations LBW Low birth weight LF Lymphatic filariasis MUAC Middle upper arm circumference MDR-TB Multi drug resistant tuberculosis Nm Neisseria meningitides NNT Neo-natal tetanus NCD Non-communicable disease PPE Personal protective equipment PoE Point of Entry PHEIC Public health emergencies of international concern PHEMC Public health emergency management committees PHENC Public health event of national concern RRT Rapid response team RVF Rift Valley Fever SARI Severe Acute Respiratory Infection SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome STI Sexually transmitted infection TB Tuberculosis USAID United States Agency for International Development VHF Viral haemorrhagic fever WNV West Nile Virus WHO World Health Organization

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