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While I Was Away PDF

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www.markswatson.com While I Was Away I thank all of my readers for their patience during my absence. May God grant all of you who love our Lord grace, peace and love in the Holy Spirit. May he guide you in the paths of righteousness, for his names sake. May, your days be full of joy and may God free you from excessive worldly cares so that you may have fellowship with and serve God. God bless all of you. Why was I gone so long? The truth is I just needed a break from all the writing, reading and researching. It was getting to be too much. It was really starting to effect my own personal walk, very deeply. I was letting my spiritual guard down, and when that happens the devil starts to tiptoe in. If I did not take some time for myself, I sensed great danger ahead. I needed the break to recharge, redirect and mostly just plain old rest. The break was good and needed. I was truly getting burned out and frankly, I would be lying to you if I told you I was 100% today. Don't get me wrong, I am fine otherwise, in fact, I am doing pretty well. But this job is no picnic and it has probably got to be one of the most thankless one's in the world and if I did not know the Lord would chastise me if I stopped, I would have long since stopped. But I realize the dearth of real news reporting from a truthful and Christian perspective that is out there and I know I do have an important job. Yes, there are many Christian news sites, but I have found very few that are not merely regurgitating the political, left-right voodoo that comes out of the worldly news sites. Many of these sites get their bills paid from worldly party hacks for the express purposes of spreading the party line around election time. They are not extensions of Christ, but of worldly political machinery. There is no depth to their reporting and little real spiritual relevance, other than "we have to elect the so-and-so's to get the thus-and- so's out of office so that nothing can really change and I can keep my football addiction while my brothers slowly starve and are blown out of their homes. Just keep my benefit check coming or my major government contract in tact and to hell with my brothers in need, 'praise the Lord', ain't it great to be an American!.” In short the real story, the background is utterly missing from the reporting of the vast majority of sites on the net. When I was in Intel analyst many years ago, my buddies and I had a word for it when reading some of the reporting we saw coming off the wires. We called jokingly called it “regurgint” (regurgitated intelligence). That is what I see on the internet today in Christian and secular reporting. It's becoming the Parakeet news service. Yet today, we have had a plethora of revolutions and revolts, civil wars and natural disasters and in so many Christians sites (US) I see the emphasis on personal success, making money and how pretty that young Christian woman is they put on the front page of their sites and ow Pastor Smith's new series on careers is a big $ma$h hit. I scope out many Christian sites of all persuasions and frankly with the exception of a few blogs and surprisingly a couple of Catholic sites, I just don't pay much heed to them. You have all these extreme right wing sites that push guns and ammo while claiming to preach the gospel of the Prince of Peace. Many of these sites are not what they appear to be. They have been set up to set up certain groups of Americans and those who are prone to violence. False Brethren are everywhere dear readers. I am here to tell you and some of the guys who run these sites are drawing a federal paycheck and will never tell you that, the will rat you out faster than you (or they) can count 30 pieces of silver. They are merely liars claiming to be Christian. Then you have the left sites who Push sodomy and other sins and abominations as being Christian virtues who are paid by the other side of the political aisle. They are all fleecing the people because they are all false shepherds. I have long striven to be different. I don't seek nor do I desire to have a large, booming site. There is a lot of baggage and unwanted attention that goes with that. This site has striven to be small and stay small and be here for a select group of people when and if they feel they want it or need it. But brothers, I feel led to tell all of you this. I have never called myself a prophet. I am a simple Christian writer whom God has called to be a watchman. It is my hope that my readers do not under any circumstances put me on any kind of pedestal. I have and will reject it and will not stand on it. If you put my on any kind of pedestal, it is manufactured out of your own imagination because, I ain't standing on or even near it. That's on you, not me. If I fail to live up to your self-concocted expectations, that's more your fault than mine. I am a simple man and strive desperately to remain a simple, quiet and humble man who wants first and foremost to please Christ and get into the Kingdom. If God has given me a gift, I will use it for the improvement of the Body of Christ which today in the west is becoming a very small number of men and women. I said body of Christ mind you, not your nominal run of the mill Babylonian 'Christians'. I kind of look at this site as a kind of lighthouse, where ships who are stuck in the horrible fog of today's deceitful world can kind of get their bearings. But if there are any changes coming to this site it is that I will be nearly impossible to contact in the future. Those who have long know me and have also been given special email addresses and use them, will be able to. The rest no longer will. I must concentrate on writing and watching. No longer will any and every false brother and individuals who think they have discovered the secrets of the universe because they read some half-baked conspiracy book be able to come by here and harass me, wasting my time. I get it all the time, “Why Don't you talk more about this? Why don't you expose that? Why don't you spit hate at these guys, why Don't you sound more like so and so, who I think is really spot on....” Such people are a serious drain and are akin almost to leaches, who latch on to you and if not cut off, will suck all of the blood right out of you, leaving nothing but diseases in your veins. I have simply decided what I am going to do and what I am not going to do and what I am not going to do is take any more questions or comments, good or bad from those I don't know. I am sorry that this has to be so, because there are some who write I really do want to help out. But it's a drain on me and dealing with the spiritual arrogance and willful ignorance of so many Christians and it is just beyond my capacity to stomach any longer. To put it bluntly, I don't want those kinds people filling up my inbox any longer. Let them take a dump in someone else's inbox, I refuse to be bothered any longer with the kind of foolishness I was being bombarded with. I won't call them brothers, because in most cases, I don't think they are but rather have caught the spirit of religion and conspiracism whose basis comes from the prince of this world and is founded on his ways - pride, hate and accusations rather than love, humility and peace. I have to stay focused and that is what I will do. So if you get an email from me with a new address, you're in. If not you aren't... and please don't pester me about it and don't take it personal. Simply put, a few readers were becoming a real pain to deal with. In short, those with a genuine kind and humble spirit who have shown love towards me and this site and are not 'high maintenance' are going on the insiders list. There will probably never be more than 20 of you of the 10-20 thousand visits I get every week. Try and understand this as well brothers and sisters, running this site is work and can be more than a little dangerous. I have to deal with a lot of issues I don't say much about and have in the past had folks who were doing whatever they could to silence me, including attempting to frame me up. Oh, yes. So understand, running this site is no picnic and can be somewhat dangerous. But it is far less dangerous than being a Christian in Ma'loula, China or in Sudan. All true servants of Christ have their crosses to bear and this is one of mine. As I have told many of you in a posting the first week of December, if the devil isn't messing with you regularly, its because he already has you and you just don't know it. I have another rule of thumb, if American Christians are constantly accusing you and mocking your work and always have some negative things to say about you, you are probably on the right path. The devil often works most effectively through false brethren. Take heed those of you in ministry. Criticism from some quarters is often the best kind of compliment you are going to get from a darkened world system and it is often a good compass as to where to point wheel of your ship in the storms of life. In short, if the devil is pissed, you're almost certainly doing what your supposed to be doing. 7000 Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him. (1Ki 19:18) Of course Christ always has his 7000 who have not nor will ever bow the knee to Baal or Mammon. But this 7000 is just a very small number of very simple, humble people from all walks of life who have counted the cost (Luke 14:8 ff) and go where the spirit leads and do (and action word) what Christ commands. I did not say they were perfect but that God has, in his own sovereign will called them out for himself and they are 100% his, even to the death. Again, they have counted the cost and in almost every instance, they have already made many sacrifices for the Kingdom. They will never look back because they have no desire to go back into the devils system and kingdom. They have not kissed the materialistic, political or sexual idols of our times. I have to spend a lot of time on the interest and as a result I get to see so many sites from all persuasians. While some supposedly Christian sites out there on the net do indeed have some decent stories, I don't really like going by them too much and having my IP address linked to them. As we have all seen, Big brother is watching all we do and be assured, What Snowden has revealed is just the very smallest tip of a very large iceberg that even now, our leaders are doing what they can to misdirect and otherwise downplay the scope thereof. Don't be fooled. An Intelligence Chief who can go before Congress and perjure himself and not be punished, but rather is rewarded with key new oversight responsibilities only shows the depth of the corruption of the entire system. Perjury like this is almost always committed to protect deeper criminal acts. Have we not seen key leaders in the US being surveilled? Were not key intelligence oversight personally targeted directly? Scroll down on this page and re- read the Blackmail Files entry. Still having trouble wrapping your mind around it? All you have to do is to stop thinking like Alice in Wonderland and start thinking like an adult who lives in harsh world with harsh realities. You have to stop using your patriotism as a blindfold and use your head for more than a hatrack. You see, It took me a long time to figure out why the Lord had set me up the way he did and did it so miraculously. It was simple. He wanted someone he could trust that was not tied in with any institution (who could be pressured to silence me) to tell the folks what is going on and why it is important to the Christian world. He wanted someone who would keep on pushing, would not be intimidated and most importantly, would not stop. I have tried my best to let my readers know what is really happening in our world with stories and information that is being deliberately omitted from news reporting today that have a direct effect on all of us and especially Christians. Let me give you an example. I have long talked about Fukushima. I told all of my readers just how bad this was going to be and that it was not likely to end in our lifetimes. No one else was saying that when this crisis first happened. I did and now, Scientists are finally allowed to tell you this. How bad can this get? I do not know, but the level of cover-up and its pervasiveness would not be present if this crisis was merely a small blip on the global radar screen. It isn't. In fact, it may very well change life on earth in very significant ways. What has caused this major disaster? The MSM narrative story is that a Tsunami caused it. That is true, that is exactly what happened. But the question is now being asked more and more as scientists, not under informational lock-down by the Obama administration and Japan who look at the Seismic data is this - no naturally occurring event like this has ever been recorded before, its signature is completely different. That leaves us with two alternatives. A supernaturally occurring event or a artificially occurring event. I know the answer and have dropped a few hints but will drop no more. Many of the earth Judgments in Revelation deal with the sea. In one of the Trumpet Judgments, we find that one third of all sea life dies as well as 33% of Global shipping capacity and one third of the sea becomes blood in some kind of divinely ordained cataclysm. And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed. And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. (Rev 8:8-11) Look at this verse in this fashion, a 'great mountain burning with fire'. Well what is a nuclear power plant but a controlled nuclear reaction whose energy (heat/fire) is used for electricity? Remember, that the Apostle John living in the First Century had no frame of reference about Nuclear power. But he gave us a very potent description of it because when this kind of mountain touches the sea, the fish die. Was Fukushima the fulfillment? I do not know as the verse also states that a great many ships were destroyed in the same judgment. Presently I cannot conceive of how this can be as a result of Radiation at this plant. Can one-third of the ocean die as a result of this disaster? Frankly, I don't know, but given the disastrous response so far by Tepco and the inability of the wold Community to pressure Japan to get moving, such a scenario is not all that far-fetched. Large portions of sea life are already being deeply effected by strange 'mysteries' and 'anomalies' that no one in authority will publicly/officially link up to Fukushima. When as much radiation as was released into the Ocean and will be soon, the ecosystem of the Ocean is going to be effected. Yes, the Ocean is big, yes most of it will be diluted, but not all of it and the longer the crisis lasts, the more radiation that will flow into the sea. Radioactive fish are going to be just one of your problems, its also going to be portions of the food chain and microscopic life that are altered in ways that could prove devastating to the food chain. Could radioactive plankton turn from a food stuff to a disease because of radioactivity that mutates its genetic structure? I don't know but something is destroying fish and star fish along the west coast of the US. Planet earth has never see anything like this before, so no one really knows what to expect... except that the powers that be in the US, Japan and even Europe will do whatever it takes to protect the Nuclear Power industry, including covering up the scope, scale and real cause of this truly cataclysmic disaster, even if it costs humanity in soaring cancer rates. Well, no I do not think this is that Earth Judgment mentioned in Revelation chapter 8. The Seven Trumpet Judgments I think have not occurred yet. But if Fukushima should teach all bible Prophecy students anything, it is that the things in Revelation that were once scoffed at by mockers walking in their own lusts, could very, very easily come to pass, given mankind's technological advancement, greed and his ethical retardation. But speaking of earh Judgments, we have already seen much of the earths tree's removed by man made activity... look at the Rain forests The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. (Rev 8:7) So far, fires have destroyed 3% of the rain forests. Who knows how much has been 'developed' out of existence by multinational corporations and the resource extraction industry. My point is a simple one, things that seemed so fantastical just a hundred years ago now appear not only to be possible, but are happening on a small, if not apocalyptic scale today with growing and more devastating regularity. The Church Today, brothers, the devil has created many new ways to deal with those 'pesky' Christians who preach the gospel of love and forgiveness of sins, a doctrine the devil truly hates. How many of you remember that Bombing in Beijing? You know the one that took place near Tienanmen square and blast? Oh, the blogoshpere went nuts about the Islamic threat to China. Well, insiders (who are in a position to know) relayed this to me. It's going to be hard to believe, but once you sit down and think about it, it makes perfect sense because China is paranoid, but not about Muslims. Several Christians including a Catholic Priest had just had a private meeting in China, from what I understand it was kind of a spiritual strategy session. The Chinese authorities had known about it and concocted a plan. They would use one of their self driving cars disguised as a Taxi pick up key people when the meeting was over, when they got in, the driver got out and all the doors were automatically locked (bolted closed), so no one could get out. The car took off and drove over (filled with explosives) to the politically charged target destination and exploded, killing the victims. The Chinese who had already had the story written before they were killed, then issued their press release. It was 'Muslim Terrorists', a narrative that plays exceptionally well with Western and US press outlets and keeps the 'anti-Christian' sentiment and accusations from taking root against China in the international media. Sound fantastic? If you only knew how some of the things you think you know are merely well orchestrated propaganda, you would think twice before you scoffed. In todays twisted world, the only thing you can be certain of is that Governments of all stripes almost never tell the truth and when they are force to, its usually only half of it. This much you can be assured of, the Chinese see Christianity as one of their top, if not the top national security threats. It is a huge and growing underground movement and the authorities are in a panic. It is a doctrine and dogma that is 180 degrees opposite of the Communist doctrine that Xi is doing his very best to re-invigorate in all levels of Chinese society. But the Chinese are very sensitive and want very much to keep any criticism from the west of what they do from happening and they do that by keeping many of the killings and massacres (there have been many) off the airwaves and Internet. They are very good at it. Blogs that talk about them when they happen in China are quickly shut down and the bloggers arrested. Their Internet 'police' are very real and quite effective. American intelligence is very much aware of the scope of the problem but again today, US foreig policy is working very hard to undermine the influence of Christians in favor of the open acceptance of Sodomy. Thus the US, under its President, has not allowed this information out into the Press probably for fear it might generate sympathy for Christians. Many of you may not be aware, but US intelligence is often sanitized and released via news outlets that never cite the intelligence agency or source. There are laws and specific regulations that govern this process. I think the thing to keep in mind is that while Xi has been relentless in his pursuit of corrupt officials, he is also just as determined to root out Christianity in China. This is a top, covert domestic policy of the new Chinese leader. I strongly suspect the Pope knows the truth about this killing/bombing, but he must be careful because he has a lot of Priests over there and making a ruckus about it could make life even more difficult for them. So he remains silent as so many others have to. There is a wholesale campaign right now being waged against Christians in China but you are only going to hear about one-tenth of one percent of it. China's other target is Christian sites here in the US that teach and feed China's Christians. I have been most reliably informed that yours truly is firmly in their cross-hairs as is any site located in the US that has content that is for China's Christians. I have for many years been carefully watched by China's authorities. How do I know? US officials (acting in an official capacity) have informed me so I can be on my guard. Yet more and more some of the statements and emphasis of the Pope's comments have troubled me and a few others. While I certainly like the new flavor of this guy and the way he is turning the corrupt Vatican establishment on its ears and rooting out corruption, his statements at times seem to be devoid of solid Biblical admonitions. Lately he has been talking about tolerance. He is correct that there is far too much intolerance out there. We Christians are in the world but not of it and while we are in it we must be tolerant of others, regardless of their race, creed, religion sexual preferences, language, hairstyles, music tastes, etc. as we deal with the world we must all inhabit. But I suspect (I could be wrong) that the Pope may be trying to lay the groundwork for accepting the militantly unrepentant into the Church and perhaps even the Priesthood. In short, turning the Church into an instrument of Sodom and not of Christ. I hope I am wrong, but I am not so sure that I am. I find it most odd that the Pope's comments seem, at least on the surface, to correlate very closely with President Obama's policies, who has praised the Pope's comments. Frankly I have started to ask myself some hard questions about this man that are not safe to ask in Obama's secrecy obsessed America. Suffice it to say that as much as I like most of where the Pope is taking the Church, I am watching most closely to determine if someone has gotten their hooks in him to push the anti- Christ, pro-Sodomy, pro-sexual liberation doctrines of the devil and jettison the basic doctrines and eternal teachings of Jesus Christ. Unlike many 'Christians' (whose whole focus of faith appears to be not Christ, but anti-Catholicism), I will look most carefully before I leap and am going to have some firm evidence before I even think about pointing fingers at anyone. Even then, I won't point them but mark what I see and proceed accordingly. I don't know the whole deal here and the jury is still out. This is why I think praying for this Pope is so very important and praying against the satanic entities in high places and high offices who would try and destroy the Church using blackmail or the threat of murder against its leaders, to do the devils bidding. I don't know that it is or isn't but I am beginning to suspect that it might be the case. Keep this in mind, there are some people in Hollywood with some very deep pockets who would love to destroy the Biblical basis for Christianity and undercut the spiritual, moral and political forces that represent God's principles and replace it with viagra, a dildo and a condom and would love to replace the ancient liturgy and with a sodomite and pedophile orgy. These demonic forces now essentially control our President who in turn controls a truly vast intelligence and covert (that includes blackmail and even murder of foreign officials and leaders) action bureaucracy. This is why I think a long and deep prayers need to be said for the Pope. This is a spiritual issue and a spiritual battle. Be sure you know whose side you are on and whose side you are aiding. I think this needs to be said as well- Let us be careful about what we are learning brothers and how we apply that knowledge for there are many who are spending all their time railing against other Christians after having read many 'conspiracy books' and are not paying attention to the greater things of Christ. The Gospel of Jesus Christ must be proclaimed in these times. We should aid in keeping people, especially in the western world from being deceived by seducers either in religion or in politics. Keep in mind that the end time system is a political-economic system of enormous deceptiveness and it has already stolen the minds of large swaths of nominal Christianity. Once the devil gets your mind, your body and soul will be right behind it. Let us avoid those Christians who are like those false believers whom Moses had to deal with who are... Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. - 2 Tim 3:7-13 But we who belong to God's elect and are truly striving to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, let us keep our eyes on the cross, keep to the basic tenets of the faith, Christ come in the flesh, was crucified, died, was bodily resurrected, sits at the Father side and will come again with great power and glory to judge the living and the dead to whom belong glory and honor forever more. Let us avoid those who cause dissension and in whose spirit is not Christ but an argumentative spirit that springs from pride or even as unacknowledged hatred of the simplicity of the Gospel. Let us not leave ourselves open to the devil's attacks by befriending unbelievers, apostates and heretics who refuse the humility of the Gospel message. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

party hacks for the express purposes of spreading the party line around election time Snowden has revealed is just the very smallest tip of a very large iceberg that even now .. ourselves open to the devil's attacks by befriending unbelievers, apostates and heretics . intercession for us. Who shall
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