What Sequential Games, the Tychonoff Theorem and the Double-Negation Shift have in Common Mart´ınEscardo´ PauloOliva UniversityofBirmingham,UK QueenMaryUniversityofLondon,UK [email protected] [email protected] Abstract selection functions (x -> r) -> x for a type x, and the output isasingle,combinedselectionfunction([x] -> r) -> [x]for Thisisatutorialformathematicallyinclinedfunctionalprogram- thetype[x]oflistsofelementsofthetypex.Iftheinputlistof mers, based on previously published, peered reviewed theoretical selectionfunctionsis work.Wediscussahigher-typefunctional,writtenhereinthefunc- tional programming language Haskell, which (1) optimally plays ε=[ε ,ε ,...,ε ,...], 0 1 n sequential games, (2) implements a computational version of the Tychonoff Theorem from topology, and (3) realizes the Double- thenthemathematicalnotationfortheoutputofthealgorithmis NegationShiftfromlogicandprooftheory.Thefunctionalmakes O ε . sense for finite and infinite (lazy) lists, and in the binary case it i amounts to an operation that is available in any (strong) monad. i Infact,oncewedefinethismonadinHaskell,itturnsoutthatthis Asweshallsee,thedefinitionofthealgorithmamountsto,andcan amazinglyversatilefunctionalisalreadyavailableinHaskell,inthe infactbeliterallywrittenasarecursivedefinition, standardprelude,calledsequence,whichiteratesthisbinaryop- O O ε =ε ⊗ ε , eration.ThereforeHaskellprovesthatthisfunctionalisevenmore i 0 i+1 versatilethananticipated,asthefunctionsequencewasintroduced i i forotherpurposesbythelanguagedesigners,inparticulartheitera- forasuitablebinaryoperation⊗thatcombinestwoselectionfunc- tionofalistofmonadiceffects(buteffectsarenotwhatwediscuss tions. here). This algorithm makes sense for both finite and infinite (lazy) lists,andweshallwriteitinseveraldifferentbutequivalentways. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.1.1 [Programming tech- Itisdifficulttogiveageneralspecificationofwhatitdoes,because niques]:functionalprogramming itturnsoutthatitperformsavarietyofseeminglyunrelatedtasks: GeneralTerms Algorithms,languages,theory. 1. Itoptimallyplayssequentialgames. Keywords Functional programming, Haskell, monad, search, 2. ItimplementsacomputationalmanifestationoftheTychonoff game theory, optimal strategy, exhaustible set, axiom of choice, Theoremfromtopology. infinitedata,dependenttype,Agda,topology,logic,foundations. 3. It realizes the Double-Negation Shift (DNS) from logic and prooftheory(whoseroleistocomputationallyextractwitnesses 1. Anamazinglyversatilefunctional fromclassicalproofsthatusetheaxiomofcountablechoice). Perhapsthemostconciseandself-containeddefinitionofthefunc- Andmore,asdiscussedin[6–8,10–12].Forexample,theso-called tionalwetodiscussinthistutorialisthis,usingHaskellnotation: Bekic’s Lemma for fixed-points that arises in domain theory and bigotimes :: [(x -> r) -> x] -> ([x] -> r) -> [x] programminglanguagesemanticsisaparticularcaseoftheproduct bigotimes [] p = [] ofselectionfunctions[8]. bigotimes (e : es) p = x0 : bigotimes es (p.(x0:)) Originally, the algorithm was designed to achieve (2), but, by where x0 = e(\x -> p(x : bigotimes es (p.(x:)))) studyingitinmoredetail,wediscoveredthatitalsoachieves(3) and(1),inchronologicalorder.Weregardthisasarathersurprising This is an example of an algorithm that is patently not self- courseofevents,giventhattheTychonoffTheoremhasn’tappeared explanatory.Hereisapreliminaryindicationofwhatisgoingon, sofarinthetheoreticalstudyof(1)and(2),atleastnotexplicitly. tobeelaborated below.Thinkofrasatype ofgeneralizedtruth Inanycase,itiscertainlysurprisingthatthesamemathematicalop- values.Aparticularcaseofinterestwillber = Bool,butnotthe erationoralgorithmshouldsimultaneouslysolvetheseseemingly onlyrelevantone.Theinputofthealgorithmisalistofso-called unrelatedtasks,eachofwhichisfundamentalinitsownright. Itisthepurposeofthistutorialtoexplainthemainideasbehind N the mathematical operation , defined and studied in [6–8, 10– 12].Thisexpositorypaperisaninvitationforthereadertoexplore Permissiontomakedigitalorhardcopiesofallorpartofthisworkforpersonalor thesereferences,whichgivefullmathematicaldetailsandproofs, classroomuseisgrantedwithoutfeeprovidedthatcopiesarenotmadeordistributed aswellasmoretechniques,ideasanddirections. forprofitorcommercialadvantageandthatcopiesbearthisnoticeandthefullcitation We also implement a number of sample applications in func- onthefirstpage.Tocopyotherwise,torepublish,topostonserversortoredistribute tolists,requirespriorspecificpermissionand/orafee. tional programming, such as playing Tic-Tac-Toe (aka Noughts- MSFP’10, September26,2010,Baltimore,Maryland,USA. and-Crosses),solvingthen-Queenspuzzle,anddecidingequality Copyright(cid:13)c 2010ACM978-1-4503-0251-7/10/09...$10.00 offunctions(!)oncertaininfinitetypes,amongothers. Organization. 2. Selection functions. 3. Products of selection find [x] p = x functions.4.Playinggames.5.TheTychonoffTheorem.6.Mon- find (x:xs) p = if p x then x else find xs p ads.7.TheDouble-NegationShift.8.Concludingremarks. forsome, forevery :: [x] -> K Bool x 2. Selectionfunctions forsome = overline.find forevery xs p = not(forsome xs (not.p)) Ifwedefine Or,expandingthedefinitions, type J r x = (x -> r) -> x forsome xs p = p(find xs p) then the type specification of the function bigotimes can be rewrittenas OurdefinitionoftheexistentialquantifieristhesameasinHilbert’s ε-calculus: bigotimes :: [J r x] -> J r [x] ∃x p(x) ⇐⇒ p(ε(p)). TounderstandthetypeconstructorJ,wealsoconsider Notice that the definition of forevery uses the De Morgan Law type K r x = (x -> r) -> r forquantifiers, The type constructor K r is known as the continuation monad, ∀x p(x) ⇐⇒ ¬∃x ¬p(x). andisrelatedtocontroloperatorssuchascall/cc.Butweshall Asdiscussedabove,weareinterestedinfinitenon-emptylistsonly, insteadregarditasatypeofgeneralizedquantifiersoverthetypex, tomakesuretheproducedselectionfunctionistotal.Forinstance, withtypeofgeneralizedtruthvaluesr.Asweshallseelater,J r isamonadtoo,calledtheselectionmonad,andthereisamonad find [1..100] (\x -> odd x && x > 17) = 19 morphism to K r. We shall have occasion to use the morphism forsome [1..100] (\x -> odd x && x > 17) = True beforewegiveJ rthestructureofamonad: find [1..100] (\x -> odd x && even x) = 100 overline :: J r x -> K r x forsome [1..100] (\x -> odd x && even x) = False overline e = \p -> p(e p) AselectionfunctionεforasetShastosatisfy: TheHaskellnotation 1. ε(p) ∈ S,whetherornotthereactuallyissomex ∈ S such overlinee thatp(x)holds. correspondstothemathematicalnotation 2. Ifp(x)holdsforsomex∈S,thenitholdsforx=ε(p). ε. Notice that the first condition forces the set S to be non-empty. We refer to the elements of J r x as selection functions. What Hereisanotherexamplethatweshallneedlater: overlinedoes,then,istotransformselectionfunctionsintoquan- findBool :: J Bool Bool tifiers.Inthiscontext,werefertotheelementsofthefunctiontype findBool p = p True (x -> r)aspredicates. Thisisequivalentto Terminology Mathematics Haskell Type findBool p = if p True then True else False predicate p,q p,q x -> r selectionfunction ε,δ e,d J r x butitissillytocheckthetwopossiblecases.Thisissobothconcep- quantifier φ,γ phi,gamma K r x tuallyandforthesakeofefficiency.Infact,thegivendefinitionof findBooldoesn’tforcetheevaluationoftheexpressionp True, Withr = Bool,aparticularelementofthetypeK r xistheex- butthealternativeformulationdoes(hencethegivenformulationis istential quantifier, or the existential quantification functional to lazier,inthetechnicalsenseoftheword). be more precise, which arises when we consider selection func- tionsforsets.Afterconsideringthisparticularcaseofaselection 2.2 Selectionfunctionsforquantifiers function,weconsiderthemoregeneralcaseofselectionfunctions forarbitraryquantifiers,whichincludetheuniversalquantifier,of Ouruseofselectionfunctionsgoesbeyondtheaboveidea.Ifφ(p) course,butothergeneralizedquantifiersaswell. standsfor∃x∈S p(x),thenHilbert’sconditioncanbewrittenas In this discussion we adopt the traditional terminology from anequation, logic that refers to higher-type functions as functionals, and we φ(p)=p(ε(p)), stress that in logic one usually adopts the terminology higher- orequivalently,usingthemonadmorphism,astheequation ordertologicsthatquantifyoverpropositions,andtheterminology higher-type to formal systems that allow nested function types φ=ε. (suchasGo¨del’ssystemT andgeneralizations,includingPCFand Ifthisequationholds,wesaythatεisaselectionfunctionforthe Haskell). quantifierφ.Thus,aselectionfunctionforasetSisthesamething asaselectionfunctionfortheexistentialquantifierofS. 2.1 Selectionfunctionsforsets Whenφ(p)istheuniversalquantifier∀x∈S p(x)ofthesetS, A selection function for a set S finds an element of S for which theaboveequivalentequationsamountto a given predicate holds. But we emphasize that we require our 1. ε(p)∈S. selection functions to be total. Hence if there is no element of S satisfyingthepredicate,weselectanarbitraryelementofS,andso 2. Ifp(x)holdsforx=ε(p),thenitholdsforallx∈S. Smustbenon-empty.Hereisanexample,whereweconsiderfinite This is known as the Drinker Paradox: in every pub there is a setsgivenasfinitelists: person a such that if a drinks then everybody drinks. Here S is find :: [x] -> J Bool x thesetofpeopleinthepub,andp(x)meansthatxdrinks,andwe find [] p = undefined calculate a with the selection function as a = ε(p). A selection functionfortheuniversalquantifierofafinitesetcanbedefinedin Ofcoursethedefinitionofargsupisequivalentto Haskellasfollows: argsup p = if p True > p False then True else False findnot :: [x] -> J Bool x whichisperhapsmorenaturalbutlesslazy.Ifwewantourgoods findnot [] p = undefined tobegivenasalist,wecaninsteaddefine findnot [x] p = x findnot (x:xs) p = if p x then findnot xs p else x argsup :: [x] -> J Int x argsup [] p = undefined Noticethatthissatisfies argsup [x] p = x findnot = find.not argsup (x:y:zs) p = if p x < p y then argsup (y:zs) p andthatthefunctionforeverydefinedabovesatisfies else argsup (x:zs) p forevery = overline.findnot This can be made more efficient by avoiding re-evaluations of p. We now consider “predicates” that give numbers rather than Moreover,iftherangeofpisnotthesetofallintegers,butjusta booleantruthvalues(sometimesknownasobjectivefunctions).For finiterange,suchas−1,0,1,thenthefollowingisamoreefficient example, the predicate may assign prices to goods. Given such a algorithm,whichstopswhenthemaximumvalue1isreached,and predicate,wemaywishto switchestoaspecializedalgorithmwhenthevalue0isreached: 1. findthepriceofthemostexpensivegood—thisisdonebya argsup :: [x] -> J Int x quantifier,calledsup, argsup [] p = undefined 2. find the most expensive good — this is done by a selection argsup (x:xs) p = f xs x (p x) function,calledargsup. where f xs a 1 = a f [] a r = a Ofcourse,theresultoftheselectionfunctionisambiguouslyde- f (x:xs) a (-1) = f xs x (p x) fined, because there may be more than one good with the high- f xs a 0 = g xs estprice(justastheremaybemorethanoneelementsatisfyinga where g [] = a givenboolean-valuedpredicate,andwechoseonearbitrarilywith g (x:xs) | p x == 1 = x theabovealgorithms). | otherwise = g xs This should be compared with the Maximum-Value Theorem, whichsaysthatanycontinuousfunctionp: [0,1] → Rattainsits maximumvalue.Thismeansthatthereisa∈[0,1]suchthat Infimacanhehandledbymirroringthisalgorithm,oralternatively byreductiontosuprema,wheretheinvolution\x -> -xplaysthe supp=p(a). roleofnegationinthiscontext: However,theproofisnon-constructive,anditisknownthatthere arginf :: [x] -> J Int x is no computable selection function argsup that calculates a = argsup(p)(butthesupremumquantifiersup: ([0,1] → R) → R arginf xs p = argsup xs (\x -> - p x) is known to be computable). This can also be compared to the Thesetwofunctionswillbeusefulfortwo-playergamesinwhich Mean-ValueTheorem,whichsaysthatforsomea∈[0,1], therecanbeadraw. Z p=p(a). 3. Productsofselectionfunctions Againthisacannotbefoundfrompusinganalgorithm.Similarly Wefirstconsiderbinaryproductsofselectionfunctions,andthen theDrinkerParadoxcanbewritten iteratethem(in)finitelyoften,obtainingthefunctionaldiscussedin Section1. ∀(p)=p(a), andfindingelementsinsetscorrespondsto 3.1 Binaryproduct ∃(p)=p(a). Inordertomotivateourconstruction,considerthefollowingvari- ationoftheDrinkerParadoxdiscussedabove:ineverypubthere We have already seen that we can find a as a = ε(p) if the areamana andawomana suchthatifa buysadrinktoa 0 1 0 1 ranges of the universal and existential quantifiers are finite (and theneverymanbuysadrinktosomewoman.Ifthesetsofmenand we’ll go beyond the finite case below). The general equation we womenareX andX respectively,andifwedefinethecombined 0 1 areconsideringhereisthus quantifierφ=∀⊗∃by φ(p)=p(a), φ(p)=(∀x ∈X ∃x ∈X p(x ,x )), 0 0 1 1 0 1 whereinfavourablecircumstancesacanbecalculatedas then this can be formalized by saying that, for a suitable pair a=ε(p) a=(a0,a1)∈X0×X1, forasuitableselectionfunctionεthatworksforallpredicatesp. φ(p)=p(a). Continuing the discussion about prices of goods, in the next Ourobjectiveistocalculatesuchapaira. example we artificially assume that the only two goods are True Thekeyobservationisthatwehaveselectionfunctionsforthe andFalse,andthatournumbersareintegers: quantifiers ∀ and ∃, say ε and ε , and that what we need is a 0 1 argsup :: J Int Bool suitablecombinedselectionfunctionε=ε ⊗ε forthecombined 0 1 argsup p = p True > p False quantifierφ = ∀⊗∃.Wedefinecombinationsofquantifiersand of selection functions in such a way that they commute with the sup :: K Int Bool above monad morphism, where the combinator is written ⊗ for sup = overline argsup bothquantifiersandselectionfunctions.Inotherwords: Ifε isaselectionfunctionforthequantifierφ fori=0,1, adifferentprogramforeachnisrequired.Thislimitationcanbe i i thenε = ε ⊗ε isaselectionfunctionforthequantifier overcome if we restrict ourselves to the particular case in which 0 1 Q φ=φ ⊗φ . X =XforeveryiandsomefixedX.Then X amountsto 0 1 i i<n i thetypeoffinitelistsoflengthn,andwewriteanalgorithmthat Itiseasytodefinetheproduct⊗ofquantifiers,generalizingfrom worksforlistsofanylength. theaboveexample,whereφ=φ ⊗φ forφ =∀andφ =∃: 0 1 0 1 Wefirstneedtoconsidertheparticularcaseofthebinaryprod- (φ0⊗φ1)(p)=φ0(λx0.φ1(λx1.p(x0,x1))). uct with types x0 = x and x1 = [x] for a given type x. Then a pair (a ,a )::(x ,x ) can be coded as the list (a :a )::[x]. Thedefinitionoftheproductofselectionfunctionsisabitsubtler: 0 1 0 1 0 1 Withthesechoicesandcoding,theabovebinary-productprogram (ε0⊗ε1)(p) = (a0,a1) canberewrittenas where a =ε (λx .ε (λx .p(x .x ))) 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 otimes :: J r x -> J r [x] -> J r [x] a1 =ε1(λx1.p(a0,x1)). otimes e0 e1 p = a0:a1 where a0 = e0(\x0 -> overline e1(\x1 -> p(x0:x1))) Whatweneedtocheckisthat a1 = e1(\x1 -> p(a0:x1)) ε ⊗ε =ε ⊗ε , 0 1 0 1 Thisisnowinasuitableformforiteration: whichamountsto bigotimes :: [J r x] -> J r [x] ifφ =ε fori=0,1,thenφ ⊗φ =ε ⊗ε . i i 0 1 0 1 bigotimes [] = \p -> [] Thisisaroutineverificationthatthereaderisencouragedtoper- bigotimes (e:es) = e ‘otimes‘ bigotimes es form for the sake of understanding (and that is performed in the givenreferences).Comingbacktoourmotivatingexample,there- Expandingthedefinitions,thisisthesamealgorithmgiveninSec- quiredmanandwomancanbecalculatedwiththeformula tion1.Althoughwehavemotivatedthisalgorithmbyconsidering finitelists,itdoesmakesenseforinfiniteliststoo,asweshallsee (a ,a )=(ε ⊗ε )(p), 0 1 0 1 induecourse. whereε andε areselectionfunctionsforthequantifiers∀and∃ 0 1 respectively. 4. Playinggames Thebinaryproductofselectionfunctionscanbeimplemented as Wefirstshowthatproductsofselectionfunctionscomputeoptimal plays and strategies. We then generalize the product of selection otimes :: J r x0 -> J r x1 -> J r (x0,x1) functions in order to account for history dependent games, and otimes e0 e1 p = (a0,a1) giveconciseandefficientimplementationsofTic-Tac-Toeandn- where a0 = e0(\x0 -> overline e1(\x1 -> p(x0,x1))) Queensasillustrationsofthetechniques. a1 = e1(\x1 -> p(a0,x1)) We leave the implementation of the binary product of quantifiers 4.1 Optimaloutcomes,playsandstrategies as an exercise (but later we shall implement the binary product Asafirstexample,consideranalternating,two-persongamethat for all monads, which will apply to the selection monad and the finishesafterexactlynmoves,withoneoftheplayerswinning.The continuationmonadinparticular). i-thmoveisanelementofthesetX andthegameisdefinedbya i Q 3.2 Iteratedproduct predicatep: i<nXi →Rwith GivenasequenceofsetsX0,X1,...,Xn,...,definetheproduct R=Bool, Q X byinductiononnas i<n i thattellswhetherthefirstplayer,EloiseplayingagainstAbelard, YXi ={()}, Y Xi =X0×YXi+1. winsagivenplayx = (x0,...,xn−1) ∈ Qi<nXi.ThenEloise i<0 i<n+1 i<n hasawinningstrategyforthegamepifandonlyif Informally, ∃x ∈X ∀x ∈X ∃x ∈X ∀x ∈X ···p(x ,...,x ). Y 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 n−1 X =X ×···×X . i 0 n−1 Ifwedefine i<n ( Foreachnwedefineafunction ∃ ifiiseven, O: YJRXi →JRYXi, φi = ∀XXii ifiisodd, i<n i<n then this condition for Eloise having a winning strategy can be byinductionas equivalentlyexpressedas O O O ε =λp.(), ε =ε ⊗ ε . ! i i 0 i+1 O i<0 i<n+1 i<n φi (p). Finiteproductsofquantifierscanbedefinedinthesameway,and i<n thefollowingequationholds,byinduction: Moregenerally,thisvaluegivestheoptimaloutcomeofthegame, O O which takes place when all players play as best as they can. In ε = ε . i i thisexample,theoptimaloutcomeisTrueifEloisehasawinning i<n i<n strategy,andFalseifAbelardhasawinningstrategy. Ofcourse,theproductsareofquantifiersintheleft-handsideand The following is proved in the paper [8], which also gives ofselectionfunctionsintheright-handside. formaldefinitionsofthegametheoreticterminology.Supposeeach In dependently typed languages such as Agda, one can write quantifier φ has a selection function ε (thought of as a policy i i a single product program that works for every n, but in Haskell functionforthei-thmove). 1. Thesequence appropriately: ! (φ ⊗φ )(p)=φ (λx .φ (x )(λx .p(x ,x ))). O 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 a=(a ,...,a )= ε (p) 0 n−1 i Similarly, given a selection function and a family of selection i<n functions, isanoptimalplay. ε ∈JRX , ε : X →JRX , Thismeansthatforeverystagei<nofthegame,themovea 0 0 1 0 1 i isoptimalgiventhatthemovesa0,...,ai−1havebeenplayed. wedefinetheirhistory-dependentproduct Q 2. Thefunctionfk : i<kXi →Xkdefinedby (ε0⊗ε1)(p) = (a0,a1) nO−1 ! ! where a0 =ε0(λx0.ε1(x0)(λx1.p(x0.x1))) f (a)= ε (λx.p(a++x)) n i a =ε (a )(λx .p(a ,x )), 1 1 0 1 0 1 i=k 0 whereitisunderstoodthatε (x ) = ε (x ).Andthenagainwe isanoptimalstrategyforplayingthegame. 1 0 1 0 have Thismeansthatifthesequenceofmovesa = (a ,...,a ) 0 k−1 ε ⊗ε =ε ⊗ε . have been played, then a = f (a) is at optimal move at 0 1 0 1 k k stagek. This amounts to saying that if ε0 is a selection function for the Here k < n − 1, and x ∈ Qn−1X , and a++x is the quantifierφ0,andifε1(x0)isaselectionfunctionforthequantifier i=k i φ (x )foreveryx ∈X ,thenε ⊗ε isaselectionfunctionfor concatenationofthesequencesa = (a ,...,a )andx = 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 k−1 thequantifierφ ⊗φ . (x ,...,x ),andthesubscript0picksthefirstelementof 0 1 k n−1 Wecaniteratethisifwearegivenasequenceofhistorydepen- thelistcalculatedinsidethebrackets. dentselectionfunctions Asasecondexample,wechoose Y ε : X →JRX . n i n R={−1,0,1} i<n instead, with the convention that −1 means that Abelard wins, 0 Wedothisbyinduction,usingthebinaryhistorydependentproduct means that the game is a draw, and 1 that Eloise wins. Because intheinductionstep: EloiseandAbelardwanttomaximizeandminimizetheoutcome O of the game respectively, we replace the existential and universal εi=λp.(), quantifierssupandinfrespectively, i<0 ( O O sup ifiiseven, εi=ε0()⊗λx0. (λ(x1,...,xi).εi+1(x0,...,xi)). φi = inf Xi ifiisodd. i<n+1 i<n Xi This can be written in Haskell as follows, if we trivialize the N Theoptimaloutcomeisstillcalculatedas i<nφi,whichinthis dependentproductsasabove: caseamountsto otimes :: J r x -> (x -> J r [x]) -> J r [x] sup inf sup inf ···p(x0,...,xn−1), otimes e0 e1 p = a0 : a1 x0∈X0x1∈X1x2∈X2x3∈X3 where a0 = e0(\x0->overline(e1 x0)(\x1->p(x0:x1))) and is 1 if Eloise has a winning strategy, −1 if Abelard has a a1 = e1 a0 (\x1 -> p(a0:x1)) winning strategy, and 0 otherwise. Moreover, the above formulas forcomputingoptimaloutcomes,playsandstrategiesapply. bigotimes :: [[x] -> J r x] -> J r [x] bigotimes [] = \p -> [] 4.2 Historydependentgames bigotimes (e:es) = Inmostsequentialgamesofinterestandthatoccurinpractice,the e[] ‘otimes‘ (\x->bigotimes[\xs->d(x:xs) | d<-es]) setofallowedmovesatagivenstagedependsonthemovesplayed at the previous stages. The simplest case is that of a two-move 4.3 Implementationofgamesandoptimalstrategies game. We assume that we have sets of moves X0 and X1. Once To define a sequential game, we need to define a type R of out- amovex0 ∈ X0 hasbeenplayed,theallowedmovesformaset comes,atypeMoveofmoves,apredicate S ⊆ X thatdependsonx .Wewanttoaccountforsituations suxc0has 1 0 p :: [Move] -> R ∀x ∈X ∃x ∈S p(x ,x ). thatgivestheoutcomeofaplay,and(history-dependent)selection 0 0 1 x0 0 1 Forexample,ineverypubthereareamana andawomana older functionsforeachstageofthegame: 0 1 than a0 such that if a0 buys a drink to a1, then every man buys epsilons :: [[Move] -> J R Move] a drink to an older woman. Here S is the set of women older thanx .Thiscanbeformalizedbycoxn0sideringtwoquantifiers,the Once this is done, we can compute optimal plays, optimal out- 0 secondofwhichhasaparameter: comes, and optimal strategies with the mathematical formulas givenabove: φ ∈KRX , φ : X →KRX . 0 0 1 0 1 optimalPlay :: [Move] Inourrunningexample, optimalPlay = bigotimes epsilons p φ (q) = ∀x ∈X q(x ), 0 0 0 0 optimalOutcome :: R φ (x )(q) = ∃x ∈S q(x ). 1 0 1 x0 1 optimalOutcome = p optimalPlay Theirhistory-dependentproductisdefinedasthehistory-freeprod- uct considered before, taking care of instantiating the parameter optimalStrategy :: [Move] -> Move optimalStrategy as = head(bigotimes epsilons’ p’) standardprogrammingexercise,butweincludethedefinitionlater where epsilons’ = drop (length as) epsilons forthesakeofcompleteness. p’ xs = p(as ++ xs) Nextwedefineafunctionoutcomesuchthat,givenaplayer,a play(thatis,alistofmoves),andaboard,producestheboardthat Notice that all playersuse the same strategy function. To be pre- resultsafterplayingthemovesinanalternatingfashion.Ifatsome cise, because the notion of player is not part of our definition of pointoneplayerwins,thentheremainingmovesareignoredand sequentialgame,thestrategysayswhatmoveshouldbeplayedat theboardisunchanged: stagekgiventhemovesatstagesi<k.Thesethreedefinitionsap- plytobothhistory-freeandhistory-dependentgamesandproducts outcome :: Player -> [Move] -> Board -> Board ofselectionfunctions. outcome whoever [] board = board outcome X (m : ms) (x, o) = 4.4 Finitegamesofunboundedlength if wins o then (x, o) Sofarwehavediscussedfiniteproducts,andhencegames,offixed else outcome O ms (insert m x, o) length.Inordertoaccountforfinitegamesofunboundedlength, outcome O (m : ms) (x, o) = weuseinfinitelazylists,andweassumethatthepredicatepscans if wins x then (x, o) the list of moves until the game ends and produces an outcome. else outcome X ms (x, insert m o) Of course, for this we need that every sequence of moves does Thenthepredicatethatdefinesthegameisobtainedbycomputing eventuallyleadtotheendofthegameinafinitenumberofmoves. theoutcomeoftheplaystartingfromtheemptyboard.Weassume Theonlyexplicitlygiveninfinitelazylistinthespecificationofa thatplayerXstarts,asusual: gameisthelistepsilonsofpolicyfunctionsforeachstageofthe game. p :: [Move] -> R p ms = value(outcome X ms ([],[])) 4.5 Tic-Tac-Toe Finally, we need to the define the selection functions, or policy WenowconsiderTic-Tac-Toeasanillustrationoftheabovetech- functions,foreachstageofthegame.Asdiscussedabove,because niques,butweemphasizethattheideasareverygeneralandapply the player X wants to maximize the outcome of the game, and O toawidevarietyofsequentialgames.Thetypeofplayersis wantstominimizeit,weuseselectionfunctionsforthesupremum data Player = X | O andinfimumquantifiers,definedabove.Theseselectionfunctions arehistory-dependent,wherethehistoryhisthesequenceofmoves Theoutcomesare1(firstplayerwins),-1(secondplayerwins)and playedsofar,andtheychoosemovesamongthosethathaven’tbeen 0(draw).Werepresentthembyintegers: playedyet: type R = Int epsilons :: [[Move] -> J R Move] Thepossiblemovesare epsilons = take 9 all where all = epsilonX : epsilonO : all 0 1 2 epsilonX h = argsup ([0..8] ‘setMinus‘ h) 3 4 5 epsilonO h = arginf ([0..8] ‘setMinus‘ h) 6 7 8 Thefunction Soagainwerepresentmovesbyintegers: setMinus :: Ord x => [x] -> [x] -> [x] type Move = Int returns a list with all elements that are in the first list but not in Althoughtheconceptofagameboarddoesn’tfeatureexplicitlyin the second one. And that’s it, apart from the standard definition ourspecificationofasequentialgame,itisconvenienttointroduce of set-theoretical operations, which are routine, but are given in itinourimplementation: Section4.7belowforthesakeofcompleteness. type Board = ([Move], [Move]) Totesttheprogram,weadd The components of the pair are the sets of moves played by X main :: IO () andOrespectively.Werepresentthesesetsassortedlistswithout main = repetitionsforefficiency.Asetofmoveswinsifitcontainsarow, putStr ("An optimal play for Tic-Tac-Toe is " a column or a diagonal, and we use this to define the value of a ++ show optimalPlay ++ "\nand the optimal outcome is " board: ++ show optimalOutcome ++ "\n") wins :: [Move] -> Bool CompilingthiswiththeGlasgowHaskellcompileras wins = someContained [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8], $ ghc --make -O2 TicTacToe.hs [0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8], andrunning [0,4,8],[2,4,6]] $ time ./TicTacToe value :: Board -> R under the operating system Ubuntu/Debian 9.10 in a 2.13GHz value (x,o) | wins x = 1 machine,weget: | wins o = -1 | otherwise = 0 An optimal play for Tic-Tac-Toe is [0,4,1,2,6,3,5,7,8] and the optimal outcome is 0 Herethefunction someContained :: Ord x => [[x]] -> [x] -> Bool real 0m1.721s user 0m1.716s sys 0m0.004s satisfiessomeContained xss ys = Trueifandonlyifsomelist Thismeansthat,asiswellknown,ifthetwoplayersplayasbest xsinthelistxsshasallelementsoccurringinthelistys.Thisisa as they can, the game is a draw. There are many optimal plays. Thecomputedonedependsonwhichselectionfunctionswehave $ ghci --make -O2 NQueens.hs chosenforoursupremumandinfimumquantifiers.Inpictures,the $ time ./NQueens computedoptimalplayis: andweget: X X X X An optimal play for 8-Queens is [0,4,7,5,2,6,1,3] O O and the optimal outcome is True real 0m0.011s user 0m0.012s sys 0m0.000s X X O X X O X X O ThefactthattheoptimaloutcomeisTruemeansthattheoptimal O O O O playisindeedasolutionofthe8-Queensproblem.Withn = 12 X X the solution [0,2,4,7,9,11,5,10,1,6,8,3] is computed in five seconds. It should be apparent that many other standard games andsearchproblemscanbeconciselyexpressedandsolvedinthis X X O X X O X X O formalismusingthesamepattern. O O X O O X O O X X X O X O X 4.7 Appendix 4.6 n-Queens For the sake of completeness, so that the reported experiments can be reproduced by the readers, with similar run-time results Wecansolvethen-Queenspuzzleusingthesameideas.Thistime in similar machines, we include the routine code for finite sets this is a 1-player game, but again the number of players is not representedassortedlistswithoutrepetitionsusedabove: explicit in the formalization of the problem and its solution. We adoptthefollowingconventions: contained :: Ord x => [x] -> [x] -> Bool contained [] ys = True 1. Asolutionisapermutationof[0..(n−1)],whichtellswhere contained xs [] = False eachqueenshouldbeplacedineachrow. contained (us@(x : xs)) (y : ys) 2. Amoveisanelementof[0..(n−1)],sayinginwhichcolumnof | x == y = contained xs ys thegivenrow(=stageofthegame)thequeenshouldbeplaced. | x >= y = contained us ys | otherwise = False Let’ssayweconsiderthestandardchessboard: n = 8 someContained :: Ord x => [[x]] -> [x] -> Bool someContained [] ys = False The following should be self-explanatory given the above devel- someContained xss [] = False opment and assuming familiarity with the formulation of the n- someContained (xs : xss) ys Queensproblem: = contained xs ys || someContained xss ys type R = Bool type Coordinate = Int insert :: Ord x => x -> [x] -> [x] type Move = Coordinate insert x [] = [x] type Position = (Coordinate,Coordinate) insert x (vs@(y : ys)) | x == y = vs attacks :: Position -> Position -> Bool | x < y = x : vs attacks (x, y) (a, b) = | otherwise = y : insert x ys x == a || y == b || abs(x - a) == abs(y - b) delete :: Ord x => x -> [x] -> [x] valid :: [Position] -> Bool delete x [] = [] valid [] = True delete x (vs@(y : ys)) valid (u : vs) = | x == y = ys not(any (\v -> attacks u v) vs) && valid vs | x < y = vs | otherwise = y : delete x ys p :: [Move] -> R p ms = valid(zip ms [0..(n-1)]) setMinus :: Ord x => [x] -> [x] -> [x] setMinus xs [] = xs epsilons :: [[Move] -> J R Move] setMinus xs (y : ys) = setMinus (delete y xs) ys epsilons = replicate n epsilon where epsilon h = find ([0..(n-1)] ‘setMinus‘ h) 5. TheTychonoffTheorem Andthat’sit.Wetestthisasabove: Thissectionisaboutthecloseconnectionofsomecomputational and topological ideas, with applications to computation. For the main :: IO () purposes of this exposition, it is not required to know what the main = topological terms space, compact, continuous, countably based, putStr ("An optimal play for " ++ show n andHausdorff mean.Rather,thereadersshouldregardtopologyas ++ "-Queens is " aforeignlanguage,andusethefactsstatedbelowasadictionary ++ show optimalPlay betweencomputationalandtopologicalnotions.Computer-Science ++ "\nand the optimal outcome is " Land readers interested in learning the language can start from ++ show optimalOutcome ++ "\n") theintroductorytext[17],butthisisnotnecessaryinordertoget Wethenrun aroundinourguidedtourtoTopologyLand. 5.1 AnexcursiontoTopologyLand 4. Any non-empty exhaustible set is a computable image of the Cantorspace. Callaset Thisisprovedin[7],whichdevelopsmoreexamples.Noticethat 1. searchableifithasacomputableselectionfunction,and we have replaced compact sometimes by searchable and some- 2. exhaustibleifithasacomputableboolean-valuedquantifier. timesbyexhaustible(andsometimesbyboth).Wedidthisdelib- erately,inordertogetthefollowingsouvenirfromourtopological Itwasshownin[7]that excursion: Exhaustiblesetsaretopologicallycompact. Non-emptyexhaustiblesetsaresearchable. Here we are implicitly assuming that we are dealing only with Thisworksasfollows:ifthesetK isnon-emptyandexhaustible, setsoftotalelements.Thesituationforsetsthatincludepartialor then it is a computable image of the Cantor space by (4), and undefinedelementsissubtlerandwereferthereaderto[7].Bythe because the Cantor space is searchable by (1) and (2), the set K development of Section 2, using the monad morphism, we know is searchable by (3). This is computationally interesting, because thatsearchablesetsareexhaustible,andhencesearchablesetsare it says that if we have a search procedure that answers yes/no compact too. The above quoted fact is related to the well-known (givenbyaquantifier),thenwecanautomaticallygetaprocedure factthat thatgiveswitnesses(givenbyaselectionfunction).Moreover,the selection function can be obtained by a higher-type functional, Computablefunctionalsaretopologicallycontinuous. whichcanbewritteninHaskellwiththefollowingtype: Thisissoevenfromapurelyoperationalpointofview[4],without selectionFromQuantifier :: K Bool x -> J Bool x consideringanydenotationalsemanticssuchasScottdomains.A widelyquotedtopologicalsloganisthat Thedefinitionandtheargumentthatitworksarerathercomplicated andusenon-trivialrecursion-theoreticandtopologicaltechnology, Infinitecompactsetsbehave,inmanyinterestinganduseful andinterestedreadersarereferredto[7]. ways,asiftheywerefinite. Wenowgivesomeindicationsofhowtheaboveworks,andde- velopsomeexamples.ThefiniteandcountablyinfiniteTychonoff This matches computational intuition, because the ability to ex- Theoremisimplementedbythehistory-freeversionbigotimesof haustivelysearchaninfiniteset,algorithmicallyandinfinitetime, theproductofselectionfunctions.Henceaselectionfunctionfor is indeed a computational sense in which the set behaves as if it theCantorspaceisgivenby werefinite.Itmayseemsurprisingatfirstsightthattherearesuch sets,butthiswasknowninthe1950’sorbefore[13,14],andwe findCantor :: J Bool [Bool] shallseesomeexamplesshortly.Wealsoneedtomentionthatin findCantor = bigotimes (repeat findBool) ourcomputationalsetting: Weshallrunanexampleinamoment.Wenowimplementthefact Sets of total elements form countably based Hausdorff thatcomputableimagesofsearchablesetsaresearchable: spaces. image :: (x -> y) -> J r x -> J r y image f e = \q -> f(e(\x -> q(f x))) Here we assume that any two equivalent total elements are iden- tified (for example, the strict and non-strict constant function This works as follows. Suppose that f :: x -> y is given and Int -> Intareconsideredtobethesametotalelement). thate :: J r xisaselectionfunctionforasetS ⊆ x,andlet Thepapers[5,7]explorewhathappensifonelooksattheorems f(S)={f(s)|s∈S}⊆ybetheimageofS.Givenapredicate intopologyandappliesthisdictionary.Eventheoremsthatareat q :: y -> r, we wish to find s ∈ S such that q(s) = True. the core of topology and analysis turn out to be computationally Thegivenalgorithmfirstfindsxsuchthatq(f x) = True,using relevant: theselectionfunctione,andthenappliesftoit,givingthedesired result. 1. Finitesetsarecompact,andhenceforexamplethebooleansare compact. 5.2 Decidingequalityoffunctionals 2. Arbitrary products of compact sets are compact (Tychonoff As an application, perhaps contradicting common wisdom, we Theorem). writeatotal(!)functionalthatdecideswhetherornottwogivento- Hencethespaceofinfinitesequencesofbooleansiscompact. talfunctionals(Integer -> Bool) -> zareequivalent,wherez ThisisknownastheCantorspace,asitistopologicallyisomor- isanytypewithgivendecidableequality: phic(orhomeomorphic)tothefamousCantorThird-Middleset equal :: Eq z => ((Integer -> Bool) -> z) intherealline. -> ((Integer -> Bool) -> z) -> Bool 3. Continuousimagesofcompactsetsarecompact. equal f g = foreveryFunction(\u->f u == g u) 4. Anynon-empty,countablybased,compactHausdorffspaceis acontinuousimageoftheCantorspace. This doesn’t contradict computability theory, which correctly as- serts that, for example, equality of functions Integer -> Bool Applyingthedictionary,weget: isnotdecidable.Agrammarthatsinglesoutinfinitelymanytypes thathavedecidableequalityisprovidedin[7]. 1. Finitesetsaresearchable,andhenceforexamplethebooleans To complete this definition, we first faithfully code functions aresearchable. Integers->Boolaslazylistsbystoringnon-negativeandnega- 2. Finite and countably infinite products of searchable sets are tiveargumentsatevenandoddindicesrespectively: searchable. code :: (Integer -> Bool) -> [Bool] HencetheCantorspaceissearchable. code f = [f(reindex i)| i<-[0..]] 3. Computable images of searchable/exhaustible sets are search- where reindex i | even i = i ‘div‘ 2 able/exhaustible. | otherwise = -((i+1)‘div‘ 2) Butactuallyweareinterestedintheoppositedirection: 5.3 Uniformcontinuityandthefanfunctional decode :: [Bool] -> (Integer -> Bool) Readers unfamiliar with topology and its relation to computation decode xs i | i >= 0 = xs ‘at‘ (i * 2) arelikelytobepuzzledregardingtheabovedecisionprocedurefor | otherwise = xs ‘at‘ ((-i * 2) - 1) equalityoffunctions,andmoregenerallyuniversalquantification overinfinitespaces.Whatisgoingon?Hereisanindication. at :: [x] -> Integer -> x Functionsf :: [Bool] -> zarecontinuous.Ifzistopologi- at (x:xs) 0 = x callydiscrete(hasequality),thismeansthatforeveryinputa,there at (x:xs) (n+1) = at xs n isanindexndependingona,suchthattheanswerdoesn’tdepend onpositionsofawithindicesi≥n.Thisisintuitivelyclearfrom Becausethespaceoftotalinfinitesequences[Bool]issearchable acomputationalpointofview,andcanberigorouslyproved(see by the computational Tychonoff Theorem, and because its image e.g. [4]). Now, the Cantor space is compact, and there are theo- underthecomputablefunctiondecodeisthesetoftotalfunctions remsintopologythatsaythat,inmanycases,continuousfunctions Integer -> Bool, this set of total functions is searchable and definedoncompactspacesareuniformlycontinuous.Inourcase, henceexhaustible: this means that that there is a single index n, independent of the findFunction :: J Bool (Integer -> Bool) input,suchthatthefunctionf :: [Bool] -> zdoesn’tlookat findFunction = image decode findCantor indicesi ≥ ninordertoproducetheoutput.Anotherwayofsay- forsomeFunction :: K Bool (Integer -> Bool) ingthisisthatiftwoinputsaandbofthefunctionfagreeinthe forsomeFunction = overline findFunction firstnpositions,thentheyproducethesameoutput.Thiscriterion foreveryFunction :: K Bool (Integer -> Bool) can be coded in Haskell, and hence such an n can be computed. foreveryFunction p = not(forsomeFunction(not.p)) Thefunctionalthatcomputesitiscalledthefanfunctional,andis knownsincethe1950’sorevenearlier[14]: Thiscompletesallingredientsneededtodefinethefunctionequal. Hereisanexperiment,wherethefunctioncisacoercion: fan :: Eq z => ([Bool] -> z) -> Int fan f = least(\n -> forevery(\a -> forevery(\b -> c :: Bool -> Integer agree n a b --> (f a == f b)))) c False = 0 c True = 1 least :: (Int -> Bool) -> Int least p = if p 0 then 0 else 1+least(\n -> p(n+1)) f, g, h :: (Integer -> Bool) -> Integer f a = c(a(7 * c(a 4) + 4 * (c(a 7)) + 4)) forsome, forevery :: K Bool [Bool] g a = c(a(7 * c(a 5) + 4 * (c(a 7)) + 4)) forsome = overline findCantor h a = if not(a 7) forevery p = not(forsome(not.p)) then if not(a 4) then c(a 4) else c(a 11) else if a 4 then c(a 15) else c(a 8) agree :: Int -> [Bool] -> [Bool] -> Bool Areanytwoofthesethreefunctionsequal?Whenwerunthis,using agree n a b = take n a == take n b theinterpreterthistime,weget: (-->) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool $ ghci Tychonoff.hs p --> q = not p || q ... Ok, modules loaded: Main. Hereisatrivialexample: *Main> :set +s *Main> fan(\a -> a !! 5 && a !! 6) *Main> equal f g 7 False (0.02 secs, 4274912 bytes) However, we are not interested in computing the fan functional. *Main> equal g h What is relevant is that once we know the modulus of uniform False continuity n, it is enough to inspect 2n cases to figure out the (0.01 secs, 0 bytes) completebehaviourofthefunction. *Main> equal f h Ifthereisanymagicintheabovealgorithmforquantifyingover True theCantorspaceandhencedecidingequalityoffunctionsdefined (0.00 secs, 0 bytes) on the Cantor space, it amounts to the facts that (1) this n is not explicitly calculated by the quantification procedure (although it (Wehavenocluewhythelastcomputationisreportedtotakezero canbecalculatedwiththefanfunctionalthatusesthisprocedure), bytes!) These examples are somewhat trivial, although probably and (2) very often, a small portion of the 2n cases actually need puzzling.Anon-trivialapplicationofquantificationovertheCantor tobecheckedinthequantificationprocedure(thishastodowith spaceisgivenin[16].Thisdevelopsanalgorithmfornumericalin- lazy evaluation). If we move from [Bool] to [Integer], then tegration,whererealnumbersarerepresentedasinfinitesequences compactnessanduniformcontinuityfail,andmoreoverequalityof ofdigits.Hencetherearenoround-offerrorsintheproducedre- functions(Integer -> Integer) -> zisnolongerdecidable. sults, which can be computed to arbitrary precision with guaran- teedaccuracy.Comingbacktoourtrivialexample,wheredofand 6. Monads gdiffer? Itturnsoutthatthefunctionimagedefinedaboveisthefunctorof *Main> take 11 (code (findFunction(\u->g u /= h u))) amonad[8].Theunitis [True,True,True,True,True,True, True,True,True,True,False] singleton :: x -> J r x (0.05 secs, 3887756 bytes) singleton x = \p -> x Webelievethattheseideasopenupthepossibilityofnew,useful Itimplementsthefactthatsingletonsaresearchable.Themultipli- toolsforautomaticprogramverificationandbugfinding. cationis bigunion :: J r (J r x) -> J r x sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a] bigunion e = \p -> e(\d -> overline d p) p sequence = foldr mcons (return []) where mcons p q = Itimplementsthefactthattheunionofasearchablesetofsearch- p >>= \x->q >>= \y->return (x:y) ablesetsissearchable(butitactuallysatisfiesamoregeneralspec- ificationinvolvinggeneralizedquantifiers[8]).Toseethatthemul- Thus,ourcomputationalmanifestationoftheTychonoffTheorem tiplicationbehavesasclaimed,assumethattheselectionfunctione is already in the Haskell standard prelude, and becomes immedi- selectsoveracollectionofselectionfunctionsdforsetsS .Using atelyavailableonceonedefinestheselectionmonad. d the selection function e, we find a selection function d such that Here the function mcons is simply one of the versions of our p(d p)holds,i.e.p sholdsforsomes∈S .Thenweapplythis function otimes generalized from the continuation and selection d selectionfunctiontop,toactuallyfindsuchs. monadstoanymonad,andcanbeequivalentlywrittenas mcons :: Monad m => m x -> m[x] -> m[x] 6.1 Thecontinuationandselectionmonads xm ‘mcons‘ xsm = WenowwritethemonadsusingHaskell’sconventions,wherethe do x <- xm above gets a bit cumbersome and probably harder to understand, xs <- xsm asHaskellrequirestagsformonads,andhenceweneedfunctions return (x:xs) forextractingtags(namelyquantifierandselection).Wefirst definethecontinuationmonad: Moreover,sequenceitselfcanbeequivalentlywrittenas sequence :: Monad m => [m x] -> m[x] module K (K(K), quantifier, unitK, functorK, muK) where sequence [] = return [] newtype K r x = K {quantifier :: (x -> r) -> r} sequence (xm : xms) = do x <- xm unitK :: x -> K r x xs <- sequence xms unitK x = K(\p -> p x) return(x : xs) functorK :: (x -> y) -> K r x -> K r y The history-dependent version of bigotimes also generalizes to functorK f phi = K(\q -> quantifier phi(\x -> q(f x))) anymonad: muK :: K r (K r x) -> K r x hsequence :: Monad m => [[x] -> m x] -> m[x] muK phi = K(\p -> quantifier phi hsequence [] = return [] (\gamma -> quantifier gamma p)) hsequence (xm : xms) = do x <- xm [] instance Monad (K r) where xs <- hsequence[\ys -> ym(x:ys) | ym <- xms] return = unitK return(x : xs) phi >>= f = muK(functorK f phi) butthistimethisisnotinthestandardprelude. Usingthis,wedefinetheselectionmonad: Another consequence of having a monad is the topic of Sec- tion7,forwhichtheremarksofSection6.3arerelevant. module J (J(J), selection, unitJ, functorJ, muJ, module K, morphismJK) where 6.3 Thefunction(h)sequenceinmonadsotherthanJr import K Weobservethatsequenceandhsequence,althoughdefinedfor newtype J r x = J {selection :: (x -> r) -> x} all monads, usually don’t produce convergent computations in monads other than J r when supplied with infinite lists. More- morphismJK :: J r x -> K r x over,thetyperhastohavedecidableequalityforinfiniteproducts morphismJK e = K(\p -> p(selection e p)) of selection functions to be total (topologically, it has to be dis- crete) [8]. The termination proof is non-trivial and relies on the unitJ :: x -> J r x so-called bar induction principle. In particular, infinite products unitJ x = J(\p -> x) N ofquantifierscannot becomputedwithsequenceor ,asalso functorJ :: (x -> y) -> J r x -> J r y shownin[8],withacontinuityargument. functorJ f e = J(\q->f(selection e(\x->q(f x)))) Onecaneasilyunderstandthiskindofphenomenonwiththelist monad.Inthefinitecase,sequencecomputescartesianproducts muJ :: J r(J r x) -> J r x inthelexicographicorder: muJ e = J(\p -> selection(selection e (\d -> quantifier(morphismJK d) p)) p) Prelude> sequence [[0,1],[0,1],[0,1]] [[0,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[0,1,1], instance Monad (J r) where [1,0,0],[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[1,1,1]] return = unitJ e >>= f = muJ(functorJ f e) But now the elements of the countable cartesian product {0,1}ω cannot be arranged in an infinite list, by Cantor’s diagonal argu- A proof that the monad laws hold is given in [8]. There is also ment,andwhenweattempttolistthemusingsequence,wegeta a short proof written in the dependently typed programming lan- divergentcomputation,whichinpracticeabortsforlackofmem- guage/proofcheckerAgda[3]availableat[9]. ory: 6.2 Consequencesofhavingamonad Prelude> sequence (repeat [0,1]) *** Exception: stack overflow Firstofall,nowthehistory-freeversionofthefunctionalbigotimes issimplytheHaskellstandardpreludefunctionsequenceinstan- It is reassuring to see Haskell refusing to give an answer to an tiatedtotheselectionmonad: impossiblequestion.