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What Sequential Games, the Tychonoff Theorem and the Double-Negation Shift have in Common PDF

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Preview What Sequential Games, the Tychonoff Theorem and the Double-Negation Shift have in Common

What Sequential Games, the Tychonoff Theorem and the Double-Negation Shift have in Common Mart´ınEscardo´ PauloOliva UniversityofBirmingham,UK QueenMaryUniversityofLondon,UK [email protected] [email protected] Abstract selection functions (x -> r) -> x for a type x, and the output isasingle,combinedselectionfunction([x] -> r) -> [x]for Thisisatutorialformathematicallyinclinedfunctionalprogram- thetype[x]oflistsofelementsofthetypex.Iftheinputlistof mers, based on previously published, peered reviewed theoretical selectionfunctionsis work.Wediscussahigher-typefunctional,writtenhereinthefunc- tional programming language Haskell, which (1) optimally plays ε=[ε ,ε ,...,ε ,...], 0 1 n sequential games, (2) implements a computational version of the Tychonoff Theorem from topology, and (3) realizes the Double- thenthemathematicalnotationfortheoutputofthealgorithmis NegationShiftfromlogicandprooftheory.Thefunctionalmakes O ε . sense for finite and infinite (lazy) lists, and in the binary case it i amounts to an operation that is available in any (strong) monad. i Infact,oncewedefinethismonadinHaskell,itturnsoutthatthis Asweshallsee,thedefinitionofthealgorithmamountsto,andcan amazinglyversatilefunctionalisalreadyavailableinHaskell,inthe infactbeliterallywrittenasarecursivedefinition, standardprelude,calledsequence,whichiteratesthisbinaryop- O O ε =ε ⊗ ε , eration.ThereforeHaskellprovesthatthisfunctionalisevenmore i 0 i+1 versatilethananticipated,asthefunctionsequencewasintroduced i i forotherpurposesbythelanguagedesigners,inparticulartheitera- forasuitablebinaryoperation⊗thatcombinestwoselectionfunc- tionofalistofmonadiceffects(buteffectsarenotwhatwediscuss tions. here). This algorithm makes sense for both finite and infinite (lazy) lists,andweshallwriteitinseveraldifferentbutequivalentways. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.1.1 [Programming tech- Itisdifficulttogiveageneralspecificationofwhatitdoes,because niques]:functionalprogramming itturnsoutthatitperformsavarietyofseeminglyunrelatedtasks: GeneralTerms Algorithms,languages,theory. 1. Itoptimallyplayssequentialgames. Keywords Functional programming, Haskell, monad, search, 2. ItimplementsacomputationalmanifestationoftheTychonoff game theory, optimal strategy, exhaustible set, axiom of choice, Theoremfromtopology. infinitedata,dependenttype,Agda,topology,logic,foundations. 3. It realizes the Double-Negation Shift (DNS) from logic and prooftheory(whoseroleistocomputationallyextractwitnesses 1. Anamazinglyversatilefunctional fromclassicalproofsthatusetheaxiomofcountablechoice). Perhapsthemostconciseandself-containeddefinitionofthefunc- Andmore,asdiscussedin[6–8,10–12].Forexample,theso-called tionalwetodiscussinthistutorialisthis,usingHaskellnotation: Bekic’s Lemma for fixed-points that arises in domain theory and bigotimes :: [(x -> r) -> x] -> ([x] -> r) -> [x] programminglanguagesemanticsisaparticularcaseoftheproduct bigotimes [] p = [] ofselectionfunctions[8]. bigotimes (e : es) p = x0 : bigotimes es (p.(x0:)) Originally, the algorithm was designed to achieve (2), but, by where x0 = e(\x -> p(x : bigotimes es (p.(x:)))) studyingitinmoredetail,wediscoveredthatitalsoachieves(3) and(1),inchronologicalorder.Weregardthisasarathersurprising This is an example of an algorithm that is patently not self- courseofevents,giventhattheTychonoffTheoremhasn’tappeared explanatory.Hereisapreliminaryindicationofwhatisgoingon, sofarinthetheoreticalstudyof(1)and(2),atleastnotexplicitly. tobeelaborated below.Thinkofrasatype ofgeneralizedtruth Inanycase,itiscertainlysurprisingthatthesamemathematicalop- values.Aparticularcaseofinterestwillber = Bool,butnotthe erationoralgorithmshouldsimultaneouslysolvetheseseemingly onlyrelevantone.Theinputofthealgorithmisalistofso-called unrelatedtasks,eachofwhichisfundamentalinitsownright. Itisthepurposeofthistutorialtoexplainthemainideasbehind N the mathematical operation , defined and studied in [6–8, 10– 12].Thisexpositorypaperisaninvitationforthereadertoexplore Permissiontomakedigitalorhardcopiesofallorpartofthisworkforpersonalor thesereferences,whichgivefullmathematicaldetailsandproofs, classroomuseisgrantedwithoutfeeprovidedthatcopiesarenotmadeordistributed aswellasmoretechniques,ideasanddirections. forprofitorcommercialadvantageandthatcopiesbearthisnoticeandthefullcitation We also implement a number of sample applications in func- onthefirstpage.Tocopyotherwise,torepublish,topostonserversortoredistribute tolists,requirespriorspecificpermissionand/orafee. tional programming, such as playing Tic-Tac-Toe (aka Noughts- MSFP’10, September26,2010,Baltimore,Maryland,USA. and-Crosses),solvingthen-Queenspuzzle,anddecidingequality Copyright(cid:13)c 2010ACM978-1-4503-0251-7/10/09...$10.00 offunctions(!)oncertaininfinitetypes,amongothers. Organization. 2. Selection functions. 3. Products of selection find [x] p = x functions.4.Playinggames.5.TheTychonoffTheorem.6.Mon- find (x:xs) p = if p x then x else find xs p ads.7.TheDouble-NegationShift.8.Concludingremarks. forsome, forevery :: [x] -> K Bool x 2. Selectionfunctions forsome = overline.find forevery xs p = not(forsome xs (not.p)) Ifwedefine Or,expandingthedefinitions, type J r x = (x -> r) -> x forsome xs p = p(find xs p) then the type specification of the function bigotimes can be rewrittenas OurdefinitionoftheexistentialquantifieristhesameasinHilbert’s ε-calculus: bigotimes :: [J r x] -> J r [x] ∃x p(x) ⇐⇒ p(ε(p)). TounderstandthetypeconstructorJ,wealsoconsider Notice that the definition of forevery uses the De Morgan Law type K r x = (x -> r) -> r forquantifiers, The type constructor K r is known as the continuation monad, ∀x p(x) ⇐⇒ ¬∃x ¬p(x). andisrelatedtocontroloperatorssuchascall/cc.Butweshall Asdiscussedabove,weareinterestedinfinitenon-emptylistsonly, insteadregarditasatypeofgeneralizedquantifiersoverthetypex, tomakesuretheproducedselectionfunctionistotal.Forinstance, withtypeofgeneralizedtruthvaluesr.Asweshallseelater,J r isamonadtoo,calledtheselectionmonad,andthereisamonad find [1..100] (\x -> odd x && x > 17) = 19 morphism to K r. We shall have occasion to use the morphism forsome [1..100] (\x -> odd x && x > 17) = True beforewegiveJ rthestructureofamonad: find [1..100] (\x -> odd x && even x) = 100 overline :: J r x -> K r x forsome [1..100] (\x -> odd x && even x) = False overline e = \p -> p(e p) AselectionfunctionεforasetShastosatisfy: TheHaskellnotation 1. ε(p) ∈ S,whetherornotthereactuallyissomex ∈ S such overlinee thatp(x)holds. correspondstothemathematicalnotation 2. Ifp(x)holdsforsomex∈S,thenitholdsforx=ε(p). ε. Notice that the first condition forces the set S to be non-empty. We refer to the elements of J r x as selection functions. What Hereisanotherexamplethatweshallneedlater: overlinedoes,then,istotransformselectionfunctionsintoquan- findBool :: J Bool Bool tifiers.Inthiscontext,werefertotheelementsofthefunctiontype findBool p = p True (x -> r)aspredicates. Thisisequivalentto Terminology Mathematics Haskell Type findBool p = if p True then True else False predicate p,q p,q x -> r selectionfunction ε,δ e,d J r x butitissillytocheckthetwopossiblecases.Thisissobothconcep- quantifier φ,γ phi,gamma K r x tuallyandforthesakeofefficiency.Infact,thegivendefinitionof findBooldoesn’tforcetheevaluationoftheexpressionp True, Withr = Bool,aparticularelementofthetypeK r xistheex- butthealternativeformulationdoes(hencethegivenformulationis istential quantifier, or the existential quantification functional to lazier,inthetechnicalsenseoftheword). be more precise, which arises when we consider selection func- tionsforsets.Afterconsideringthisparticularcaseofaselection 2.2 Selectionfunctionsforquantifiers function,weconsiderthemoregeneralcaseofselectionfunctions forarbitraryquantifiers,whichincludetheuniversalquantifier,of Ouruseofselectionfunctionsgoesbeyondtheaboveidea.Ifφ(p) course,butothergeneralizedquantifiersaswell. standsfor∃x∈S p(x),thenHilbert’sconditioncanbewrittenas In this discussion we adopt the traditional terminology from anequation, logic that refers to higher-type functions as functionals, and we φ(p)=p(ε(p)), stress that in logic one usually adopts the terminology higher- orequivalently,usingthemonadmorphism,astheequation ordertologicsthatquantifyoverpropositions,andtheterminology higher-type to formal systems that allow nested function types φ=ε. (suchasGo¨del’ssystemT andgeneralizations,includingPCFand Ifthisequationholds,wesaythatεisaselectionfunctionforthe Haskell). quantifierφ.Thus,aselectionfunctionforasetSisthesamething asaselectionfunctionfortheexistentialquantifierofS. 2.1 Selectionfunctionsforsets Whenφ(p)istheuniversalquantifier∀x∈S p(x)ofthesetS, A selection function for a set S finds an element of S for which theaboveequivalentequationsamountto a given predicate holds. But we emphasize that we require our 1. ε(p)∈S. selection functions to be total. Hence if there is no element of S satisfyingthepredicate,weselectanarbitraryelementofS,andso 2. Ifp(x)holdsforx=ε(p),thenitholdsforallx∈S. Smustbenon-empty.Hereisanexample,whereweconsiderfinite This is known as the Drinker Paradox: in every pub there is a setsgivenasfinitelists: person a such that if a drinks then everybody drinks. Here S is find :: [x] -> J Bool x thesetofpeopleinthepub,andp(x)meansthatxdrinks,andwe find [] p = undefined calculate a with the selection function as a = ε(p). A selection functionfortheuniversalquantifierofafinitesetcanbedefinedin Ofcoursethedefinitionofargsupisequivalentto Haskellasfollows: argsup p = if p True > p False then True else False findnot :: [x] -> J Bool x whichisperhapsmorenaturalbutlesslazy.Ifwewantourgoods findnot [] p = undefined tobegivenasalist,wecaninsteaddefine findnot [x] p = x findnot (x:xs) p = if p x then findnot xs p else x argsup :: [x] -> J Int x argsup [] p = undefined Noticethatthissatisfies argsup [x] p = x findnot = find.not argsup (x:y:zs) p = if p x < p y then argsup (y:zs) p andthatthefunctionforeverydefinedabovesatisfies else argsup (x:zs) p forevery = overline.findnot This can be made more efficient by avoiding re-evaluations of p. We now consider “predicates” that give numbers rather than Moreover,iftherangeofpisnotthesetofallintegers,butjusta booleantruthvalues(sometimesknownasobjectivefunctions).For finiterange,suchas−1,0,1,thenthefollowingisamoreefficient example, the predicate may assign prices to goods. Given such a algorithm,whichstopswhenthemaximumvalue1isreached,and predicate,wemaywishto switchestoaspecializedalgorithmwhenthevalue0isreached: 1. findthepriceofthemostexpensivegood—thisisdonebya argsup :: [x] -> J Int x quantifier,calledsup, argsup [] p = undefined 2. find the most expensive good — this is done by a selection argsup (x:xs) p = f xs x (p x) function,calledargsup. where f xs a 1 = a f [] a r = a Ofcourse,theresultoftheselectionfunctionisambiguouslyde- f (x:xs) a (-1) = f xs x (p x) fined, because there may be more than one good with the high- f xs a 0 = g xs estprice(justastheremaybemorethanoneelementsatisfyinga where g [] = a givenboolean-valuedpredicate,andwechoseonearbitrarilywith g (x:xs) | p x == 1 = x theabovealgorithms). | otherwise = g xs This should be compared with the Maximum-Value Theorem, whichsaysthatanycontinuousfunctionp: [0,1] → Rattainsits maximumvalue.Thismeansthatthereisa∈[0,1]suchthat Infimacanhehandledbymirroringthisalgorithm,oralternatively byreductiontosuprema,wheretheinvolution\x -> -xplaysthe supp=p(a). roleofnegationinthiscontext: However,theproofisnon-constructive,anditisknownthatthere arginf :: [x] -> J Int x is no computable selection function argsup that calculates a = argsup(p)(butthesupremumquantifiersup: ([0,1] → R) → R arginf xs p = argsup xs (\x -> - p x) is known to be computable). This can also be compared to the Thesetwofunctionswillbeusefulfortwo-playergamesinwhich Mean-ValueTheorem,whichsaysthatforsomea∈[0,1], therecanbeadraw. Z p=p(a). 3. Productsofselectionfunctions Againthisacannotbefoundfrompusinganalgorithm.Similarly Wefirstconsiderbinaryproductsofselectionfunctions,andthen theDrinkerParadoxcanbewritten iteratethem(in)finitelyoften,obtainingthefunctionaldiscussedin Section1. ∀(p)=p(a), andfindingelementsinsetscorrespondsto 3.1 Binaryproduct ∃(p)=p(a). Inordertomotivateourconstruction,considerthefollowingvari- ationoftheDrinkerParadoxdiscussedabove:ineverypubthere We have already seen that we can find a as a = ε(p) if the areamana andawomana suchthatifa buysadrinktoa 0 1 0 1 ranges of the universal and existential quantifiers are finite (and theneverymanbuysadrinktosomewoman.Ifthesetsofmenand we’ll go beyond the finite case below). The general equation we womenareX andX respectively,andifwedefinethecombined 0 1 areconsideringhereisthus quantifierφ=∀⊗∃by φ(p)=p(a), φ(p)=(∀x ∈X ∃x ∈X p(x ,x )), 0 0 1 1 0 1 whereinfavourablecircumstancesacanbecalculatedas then this can be formalized by saying that, for a suitable pair a=ε(p) a=(a0,a1)∈X0×X1, forasuitableselectionfunctionεthatworksforallpredicatesp. φ(p)=p(a). Continuing the discussion about prices of goods, in the next Ourobjectiveistocalculatesuchapaira. example we artificially assume that the only two goods are True Thekeyobservationisthatwehaveselectionfunctionsforthe andFalse,andthatournumbersareintegers: quantifiers ∀ and ∃, say ε and ε , and that what we need is a 0 1 argsup :: J Int Bool suitablecombinedselectionfunctionε=ε ⊗ε forthecombined 0 1 argsup p = p True > p False quantifierφ = ∀⊗∃.Wedefinecombinationsofquantifiersand of selection functions in such a way that they commute with the sup :: K Int Bool above monad morphism, where the combinator is written ⊗ for sup = overline argsup bothquantifiersandselectionfunctions.Inotherwords: Ifε isaselectionfunctionforthequantifierφ fori=0,1, adifferentprogramforeachnisrequired.Thislimitationcanbe i i thenε = ε ⊗ε isaselectionfunctionforthequantifier overcome if we restrict ourselves to the particular case in which 0 1 Q φ=φ ⊗φ . X =XforeveryiandsomefixedX.Then X amountsto 0 1 i i<n i thetypeoffinitelistsoflengthn,andwewriteanalgorithmthat Itiseasytodefinetheproduct⊗ofquantifiers,generalizingfrom worksforlistsofanylength. theaboveexample,whereφ=φ ⊗φ forφ =∀andφ =∃: 0 1 0 1 Wefirstneedtoconsidertheparticularcaseofthebinaryprod- (φ0⊗φ1)(p)=φ0(λx0.φ1(λx1.p(x0,x1))). uct with types x0 = x and x1 = [x] for a given type x. Then a pair (a ,a )::(x ,x ) can be coded as the list (a :a )::[x]. Thedefinitionoftheproductofselectionfunctionsisabitsubtler: 0 1 0 1 0 1 Withthesechoicesandcoding,theabovebinary-productprogram (ε0⊗ε1)(p) = (a0,a1) canberewrittenas where a =ε (λx .ε (λx .p(x .x ))) 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 otimes :: J r x -> J r [x] -> J r [x] a1 =ε1(λx1.p(a0,x1)). otimes e0 e1 p = a0:a1 where a0 = e0(\x0 -> overline e1(\x1 -> p(x0:x1))) Whatweneedtocheckisthat a1 = e1(\x1 -> p(a0:x1)) ε ⊗ε =ε ⊗ε , 0 1 0 1 Thisisnowinasuitableformforiteration: whichamountsto bigotimes :: [J r x] -> J r [x] ifφ =ε fori=0,1,thenφ ⊗φ =ε ⊗ε . i i 0 1 0 1 bigotimes [] = \p -> [] Thisisaroutineverificationthatthereaderisencouragedtoper- bigotimes (e:es) = e ‘otimes‘ bigotimes es form for the sake of understanding (and that is performed in the givenreferences).Comingbacktoourmotivatingexample,there- Expandingthedefinitions,thisisthesamealgorithmgiveninSec- quiredmanandwomancanbecalculatedwiththeformula tion1.Althoughwehavemotivatedthisalgorithmbyconsidering finitelists,itdoesmakesenseforinfiniteliststoo,asweshallsee (a ,a )=(ε ⊗ε )(p), 0 1 0 1 induecourse. whereε andε areselectionfunctionsforthequantifiers∀and∃ 0 1 respectively. 4. Playinggames Thebinaryproductofselectionfunctionscanbeimplemented as Wefirstshowthatproductsofselectionfunctionscomputeoptimal plays and strategies. We then generalize the product of selection otimes :: J r x0 -> J r x1 -> J r (x0,x1) functions in order to account for history dependent games, and otimes e0 e1 p = (a0,a1) giveconciseandefficientimplementationsofTic-Tac-Toeandn- where a0 = e0(\x0 -> overline e1(\x1 -> p(x0,x1))) Queensasillustrationsofthetechniques. a1 = e1(\x1 -> p(a0,x1)) We leave the implementation of the binary product of quantifiers 4.1 Optimaloutcomes,playsandstrategies as an exercise (but later we shall implement the binary product Asafirstexample,consideranalternating,two-persongamethat for all monads, which will apply to the selection monad and the finishesafterexactlynmoves,withoneoftheplayerswinning.The continuationmonadinparticular). i-thmoveisanelementofthesetX andthegameisdefinedbya i Q 3.2 Iteratedproduct predicatep: i<nXi →Rwith GivenasequenceofsetsX0,X1,...,Xn,...,definetheproduct R=Bool, Q X byinductiononnas i<n i thattellswhetherthefirstplayer,EloiseplayingagainstAbelard, YXi ={()}, Y Xi =X0×YXi+1. winsagivenplayx = (x0,...,xn−1) ∈ Qi<nXi.ThenEloise i<0 i<n+1 i<n hasawinningstrategyforthegamepifandonlyif Informally, ∃x ∈X ∀x ∈X ∃x ∈X ∀x ∈X ···p(x ,...,x ). Y 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 n−1 X =X ×···×X . i 0 n−1 Ifwedefine i<n ( Foreachnwedefineafunction ∃ ifiiseven, O: YJRXi →JRYXi, φi = ∀XXii ifiisodd, i<n i<n then this condition for Eloise having a winning strategy can be byinductionas equivalentlyexpressedas O O O ε =λp.(), ε =ε ⊗ ε . ! i i 0 i+1 O i<0 i<n+1 i<n φi (p). Finiteproductsofquantifierscanbedefinedinthesameway,and i<n thefollowingequationholds,byinduction: Moregenerally,thisvaluegivestheoptimaloutcomeofthegame, O O which takes place when all players play as best as they can. In ε = ε . i i thisexample,theoptimaloutcomeisTrueifEloisehasawinning i<n i<n strategy,andFalseifAbelardhasawinningstrategy. Ofcourse,theproductsareofquantifiersintheleft-handsideand The following is proved in the paper [8], which also gives ofselectionfunctionsintheright-handside. formaldefinitionsofthegametheoreticterminology.Supposeeach In dependently typed languages such as Agda, one can write quantifier φ has a selection function ε (thought of as a policy i i a single product program that works for every n, but in Haskell functionforthei-thmove). 1. Thesequence appropriately: ! (φ ⊗φ )(p)=φ (λx .φ (x )(λx .p(x ,x ))). O 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 a=(a ,...,a )= ε (p) 0 n−1 i Similarly, given a selection function and a family of selection i<n functions, isanoptimalplay. ε ∈JRX , ε : X →JRX , Thismeansthatforeverystagei<nofthegame,themovea 0 0 1 0 1 i isoptimalgiventhatthemovesa0,...,ai−1havebeenplayed. wedefinetheirhistory-dependentproduct Q 2. Thefunctionfk : i<kXi →Xkdefinedby (ε0⊗ε1)(p) = (a0,a1) nO−1 ! ! where a0 =ε0(λx0.ε1(x0)(λx1.p(x0.x1))) f (a)= ε (λx.p(a++x)) n i a =ε (a )(λx .p(a ,x )), 1 1 0 1 0 1 i=k 0 whereitisunderstoodthatε (x ) = ε (x ).Andthenagainwe isanoptimalstrategyforplayingthegame. 1 0 1 0 have Thismeansthatifthesequenceofmovesa = (a ,...,a ) 0 k−1 ε ⊗ε =ε ⊗ε . have been played, then a = f (a) is at optimal move at 0 1 0 1 k k stagek. This amounts to saying that if ε0 is a selection function for the Here k < n − 1, and x ∈ Qn−1X , and a++x is the quantifierφ0,andifε1(x0)isaselectionfunctionforthequantifier i=k i φ (x )foreveryx ∈X ,thenε ⊗ε isaselectionfunctionfor concatenationofthesequencesa = (a ,...,a )andx = 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 k−1 thequantifierφ ⊗φ . (x ,...,x ),andthesubscript0picksthefirstelementof 0 1 k n−1 Wecaniteratethisifwearegivenasequenceofhistorydepen- thelistcalculatedinsidethebrackets. dentselectionfunctions Asasecondexample,wechoose Y ε : X →JRX . n i n R={−1,0,1} i<n instead, with the convention that −1 means that Abelard wins, 0 Wedothisbyinduction,usingthebinaryhistorydependentproduct means that the game is a draw, and 1 that Eloise wins. Because intheinductionstep: EloiseandAbelardwanttomaximizeandminimizetheoutcome O of the game respectively, we replace the existential and universal εi=λp.(), quantifierssupandinfrespectively, i<0 ( O O sup ifiiseven, εi=ε0()⊗λx0. (λ(x1,...,xi).εi+1(x0,...,xi)). φi = inf Xi ifiisodd. i<n+1 i<n Xi This can be written in Haskell as follows, if we trivialize the N Theoptimaloutcomeisstillcalculatedas i<nφi,whichinthis dependentproductsasabove: caseamountsto otimes :: J r x -> (x -> J r [x]) -> J r [x] sup inf sup inf ···p(x0,...,xn−1), otimes e0 e1 p = a0 : a1 x0∈X0x1∈X1x2∈X2x3∈X3 where a0 = e0(\x0->overline(e1 x0)(\x1->p(x0:x1))) and is 1 if Eloise has a winning strategy, −1 if Abelard has a a1 = e1 a0 (\x1 -> p(a0:x1)) winning strategy, and 0 otherwise. Moreover, the above formulas forcomputingoptimaloutcomes,playsandstrategiesapply. bigotimes :: [[x] -> J r x] -> J r [x] bigotimes [] = \p -> [] 4.2 Historydependentgames bigotimes (e:es) = Inmostsequentialgamesofinterestandthatoccurinpractice,the e[] ‘otimes‘ (\x->bigotimes[\xs->d(x:xs) | d<-es]) setofallowedmovesatagivenstagedependsonthemovesplayed at the previous stages. The simplest case is that of a two-move 4.3 Implementationofgamesandoptimalstrategies game. We assume that we have sets of moves X0 and X1. Once To define a sequential game, we need to define a type R of out- amovex0 ∈ X0 hasbeenplayed,theallowedmovesformaset comes,atypeMoveofmoves,apredicate S ⊆ X thatdependsonx .Wewanttoaccountforsituations suxc0has 1 0 p :: [Move] -> R ∀x ∈X ∃x ∈S p(x ,x ). thatgivestheoutcomeofaplay,and(history-dependent)selection 0 0 1 x0 0 1 Forexample,ineverypubthereareamana andawomana older functionsforeachstageofthegame: 0 1 than a0 such that if a0 buys a drink to a1, then every man buys epsilons :: [[Move] -> J R Move] a drink to an older woman. Here S is the set of women older thanx .Thiscanbeformalizedbycoxn0sideringtwoquantifiers,the Once this is done, we can compute optimal plays, optimal out- 0 secondofwhichhasaparameter: comes, and optimal strategies with the mathematical formulas givenabove: φ ∈KRX , φ : X →KRX . 0 0 1 0 1 optimalPlay :: [Move] Inourrunningexample, optimalPlay = bigotimes epsilons p φ (q) = ∀x ∈X q(x ), 0 0 0 0 optimalOutcome :: R φ (x )(q) = ∃x ∈S q(x ). 1 0 1 x0 1 optimalOutcome = p optimalPlay Theirhistory-dependentproductisdefinedasthehistory-freeprod- uct considered before, taking care of instantiating the parameter optimalStrategy :: [Move] -> Move optimalStrategy as = head(bigotimes epsilons’ p’) standardprogrammingexercise,butweincludethedefinitionlater where epsilons’ = drop (length as) epsilons forthesakeofcompleteness. p’ xs = p(as ++ xs) Nextwedefineafunctionoutcomesuchthat,givenaplayer,a play(thatis,alistofmoves),andaboard,producestheboardthat Notice that all playersuse the same strategy function. To be pre- resultsafterplayingthemovesinanalternatingfashion.Ifatsome cise, because the notion of player is not part of our definition of pointoneplayerwins,thentheremainingmovesareignoredand sequentialgame,thestrategysayswhatmoveshouldbeplayedat theboardisunchanged: stagekgiventhemovesatstagesi<k.Thesethreedefinitionsap- plytobothhistory-freeandhistory-dependentgamesandproducts outcome :: Player -> [Move] -> Board -> Board ofselectionfunctions. outcome whoever [] board = board outcome X (m : ms) (x, o) = 4.4 Finitegamesofunboundedlength if wins o then (x, o) Sofarwehavediscussedfiniteproducts,andhencegames,offixed else outcome O ms (insert m x, o) length.Inordertoaccountforfinitegamesofunboundedlength, outcome O (m : ms) (x, o) = weuseinfinitelazylists,andweassumethatthepredicatepscans if wins x then (x, o) the list of moves until the game ends and produces an outcome. else outcome X ms (x, insert m o) Of course, for this we need that every sequence of moves does Thenthepredicatethatdefinesthegameisobtainedbycomputing eventuallyleadtotheendofthegameinafinitenumberofmoves. theoutcomeoftheplaystartingfromtheemptyboard.Weassume Theonlyexplicitlygiveninfinitelazylistinthespecificationofa thatplayerXstarts,asusual: gameisthelistepsilonsofpolicyfunctionsforeachstageofthe game. p :: [Move] -> R p ms = value(outcome X ms ([],[])) 4.5 Tic-Tac-Toe Finally, we need to the define the selection functions, or policy WenowconsiderTic-Tac-Toeasanillustrationoftheabovetech- functions,foreachstageofthegame.Asdiscussedabove,because niques,butweemphasizethattheideasareverygeneralandapply the player X wants to maximize the outcome of the game, and O toawidevarietyofsequentialgames.Thetypeofplayersis wantstominimizeit,weuseselectionfunctionsforthesupremum data Player = X | O andinfimumquantifiers,definedabove.Theseselectionfunctions arehistory-dependent,wherethehistoryhisthesequenceofmoves Theoutcomesare1(firstplayerwins),-1(secondplayerwins)and playedsofar,andtheychoosemovesamongthosethathaven’tbeen 0(draw).Werepresentthembyintegers: playedyet: type R = Int epsilons :: [[Move] -> J R Move] Thepossiblemovesare epsilons = take 9 all where all = epsilonX : epsilonO : all 0 1 2 epsilonX h = argsup ([0..8] ‘setMinus‘ h) 3 4 5 epsilonO h = arginf ([0..8] ‘setMinus‘ h) 6 7 8 Thefunction Soagainwerepresentmovesbyintegers: setMinus :: Ord x => [x] -> [x] -> [x] type Move = Int returns a list with all elements that are in the first list but not in Althoughtheconceptofagameboarddoesn’tfeatureexplicitlyin the second one. And that’s it, apart from the standard definition ourspecificationofasequentialgame,itisconvenienttointroduce of set-theoretical operations, which are routine, but are given in itinourimplementation: Section4.7belowforthesakeofcompleteness. type Board = ([Move], [Move]) Totesttheprogram,weadd The components of the pair are the sets of moves played by X main :: IO () andOrespectively.Werepresentthesesetsassortedlistswithout main = repetitionsforefficiency.Asetofmoveswinsifitcontainsarow, putStr ("An optimal play for Tic-Tac-Toe is " a column or a diagonal, and we use this to define the value of a ++ show optimalPlay ++ "\nand the optimal outcome is " board: ++ show optimalOutcome ++ "\n") wins :: [Move] -> Bool CompilingthiswiththeGlasgowHaskellcompileras wins = someContained [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8], $ ghc --make -O2 TicTacToe.hs [0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8], andrunning [0,4,8],[2,4,6]] $ time ./TicTacToe value :: Board -> R under the operating system Ubuntu/Debian 9.10 in a 2.13GHz value (x,o) | wins x = 1 machine,weget: | wins o = -1 | otherwise = 0 An optimal play for Tic-Tac-Toe is [0,4,1,2,6,3,5,7,8] and the optimal outcome is 0 Herethefunction someContained :: Ord x => [[x]] -> [x] -> Bool real 0m1.721s user 0m1.716s sys 0m0.004s satisfiessomeContained xss ys = Trueifandonlyifsomelist Thismeansthat,asiswellknown,ifthetwoplayersplayasbest xsinthelistxsshasallelementsoccurringinthelistys.Thisisa as they can, the game is a draw. There are many optimal plays. Thecomputedonedependsonwhichselectionfunctionswehave $ ghci --make -O2 NQueens.hs chosenforoursupremumandinfimumquantifiers.Inpictures,the $ time ./NQueens computedoptimalplayis: andweget: X X X X An optimal play for 8-Queens is [0,4,7,5,2,6,1,3] O O and the optimal outcome is True real 0m0.011s user 0m0.012s sys 0m0.000s X X O X X O X X O ThefactthattheoptimaloutcomeisTruemeansthattheoptimal O O O O playisindeedasolutionofthe8-Queensproblem.Withn = 12 X X the solution [0,2,4,7,9,11,5,10,1,6,8,3] is computed in five seconds. It should be apparent that many other standard games andsearchproblemscanbeconciselyexpressedandsolvedinthis X X O X X O X X O formalismusingthesamepattern. O O X O O X O O X X X O X O X 4.7 Appendix 4.6 n-Queens For the sake of completeness, so that the reported experiments can be reproduced by the readers, with similar run-time results Wecansolvethen-Queenspuzzleusingthesameideas.Thistime in similar machines, we include the routine code for finite sets this is a 1-player game, but again the number of players is not representedassortedlistswithoutrepetitionsusedabove: explicit in the formalization of the problem and its solution. We adoptthefollowingconventions: contained :: Ord x => [x] -> [x] -> Bool contained [] ys = True 1. Asolutionisapermutationof[0..(n−1)],whichtellswhere contained xs [] = False eachqueenshouldbeplacedineachrow. contained (us@(x : xs)) (y : ys) 2. Amoveisanelementof[0..(n−1)],sayinginwhichcolumnof | x == y = contained xs ys thegivenrow(=stageofthegame)thequeenshouldbeplaced. | x >= y = contained us ys | otherwise = False Let’ssayweconsiderthestandardchessboard: n = 8 someContained :: Ord x => [[x]] -> [x] -> Bool someContained [] ys = False The following should be self-explanatory given the above devel- someContained xss [] = False opment and assuming familiarity with the formulation of the n- someContained (xs : xss) ys Queensproblem: = contained xs ys || someContained xss ys type R = Bool type Coordinate = Int insert :: Ord x => x -> [x] -> [x] type Move = Coordinate insert x [] = [x] type Position = (Coordinate,Coordinate) insert x (vs@(y : ys)) | x == y = vs attacks :: Position -> Position -> Bool | x < y = x : vs attacks (x, y) (a, b) = | otherwise = y : insert x ys x == a || y == b || abs(x - a) == abs(y - b) delete :: Ord x => x -> [x] -> [x] valid :: [Position] -> Bool delete x [] = [] valid [] = True delete x (vs@(y : ys)) valid (u : vs) = | x == y = ys not(any (\v -> attacks u v) vs) && valid vs | x < y = vs | otherwise = y : delete x ys p :: [Move] -> R p ms = valid(zip ms [0..(n-1)]) setMinus :: Ord x => [x] -> [x] -> [x] setMinus xs [] = xs epsilons :: [[Move] -> J R Move] setMinus xs (y : ys) = setMinus (delete y xs) ys epsilons = replicate n epsilon where epsilon h = find ([0..(n-1)] ‘setMinus‘ h) 5. TheTychonoffTheorem Andthat’sit.Wetestthisasabove: Thissectionisaboutthecloseconnectionofsomecomputational and topological ideas, with applications to computation. For the main :: IO () purposes of this exposition, it is not required to know what the main = topological terms space, compact, continuous, countably based, putStr ("An optimal play for " ++ show n andHausdorff mean.Rather,thereadersshouldregardtopologyas ++ "-Queens is " aforeignlanguage,andusethefactsstatedbelowasadictionary ++ show optimalPlay betweencomputationalandtopologicalnotions.Computer-Science ++ "\nand the optimal outcome is " Land readers interested in learning the language can start from ++ show optimalOutcome ++ "\n") theintroductorytext[17],butthisisnotnecessaryinordertoget Wethenrun aroundinourguidedtourtoTopologyLand. 5.1 AnexcursiontoTopologyLand 4. Any non-empty exhaustible set is a computable image of the Cantorspace. Callaset Thisisprovedin[7],whichdevelopsmoreexamples.Noticethat 1. searchableifithasacomputableselectionfunction,and we have replaced compact sometimes by searchable and some- 2. exhaustibleifithasacomputableboolean-valuedquantifier. timesbyexhaustible(andsometimesbyboth).Wedidthisdelib- erately,inordertogetthefollowingsouvenirfromourtopological Itwasshownin[7]that excursion: Exhaustiblesetsaretopologicallycompact. Non-emptyexhaustiblesetsaresearchable. Here we are implicitly assuming that we are dealing only with Thisworksasfollows:ifthesetK isnon-emptyandexhaustible, setsoftotalelements.Thesituationforsetsthatincludepartialor then it is a computable image of the Cantor space by (4), and undefinedelementsissubtlerandwereferthereaderto[7].Bythe because the Cantor space is searchable by (1) and (2), the set K development of Section 2, using the monad morphism, we know is searchable by (3). This is computationally interesting, because thatsearchablesetsareexhaustible,andhencesearchablesetsare it says that if we have a search procedure that answers yes/no compact too. The above quoted fact is related to the well-known (givenbyaquantifier),thenwecanautomaticallygetaprocedure factthat thatgiveswitnesses(givenbyaselectionfunction).Moreover,the selection function can be obtained by a higher-type functional, Computablefunctionalsaretopologicallycontinuous. whichcanbewritteninHaskellwiththefollowingtype: Thisissoevenfromapurelyoperationalpointofview[4],without selectionFromQuantifier :: K Bool x -> J Bool x consideringanydenotationalsemanticssuchasScottdomains.A widelyquotedtopologicalsloganisthat Thedefinitionandtheargumentthatitworksarerathercomplicated andusenon-trivialrecursion-theoreticandtopologicaltechnology, Infinitecompactsetsbehave,inmanyinterestinganduseful andinterestedreadersarereferredto[7]. ways,asiftheywerefinite. Wenowgivesomeindicationsofhowtheaboveworks,andde- velopsomeexamples.ThefiniteandcountablyinfiniteTychonoff This matches computational intuition, because the ability to ex- Theoremisimplementedbythehistory-freeversionbigotimesof haustivelysearchaninfiniteset,algorithmicallyandinfinitetime, theproductofselectionfunctions.Henceaselectionfunctionfor is indeed a computational sense in which the set behaves as if it theCantorspaceisgivenby werefinite.Itmayseemsurprisingatfirstsightthattherearesuch sets,butthiswasknowninthe1950’sorbefore[13,14],andwe findCantor :: J Bool [Bool] shallseesomeexamplesshortly.Wealsoneedtomentionthatin findCantor = bigotimes (repeat findBool) ourcomputationalsetting: Weshallrunanexampleinamoment.Wenowimplementthefact Sets of total elements form countably based Hausdorff thatcomputableimagesofsearchablesetsaresearchable: spaces. image :: (x -> y) -> J r x -> J r y image f e = \q -> f(e(\x -> q(f x))) Here we assume that any two equivalent total elements are iden- tified (for example, the strict and non-strict constant function This works as follows. Suppose that f :: x -> y is given and Int -> Intareconsideredtobethesametotalelement). thate :: J r xisaselectionfunctionforasetS ⊆ x,andlet Thepapers[5,7]explorewhathappensifonelooksattheorems f(S)={f(s)|s∈S}⊆ybetheimageofS.Givenapredicate intopologyandappliesthisdictionary.Eventheoremsthatareat q :: y -> r, we wish to find s ∈ S such that q(s) = True. the core of topology and analysis turn out to be computationally Thegivenalgorithmfirstfindsxsuchthatq(f x) = True,using relevant: theselectionfunctione,andthenappliesftoit,givingthedesired result. 1. Finitesetsarecompact,andhenceforexamplethebooleansare compact. 5.2 Decidingequalityoffunctionals 2. Arbitrary products of compact sets are compact (Tychonoff As an application, perhaps contradicting common wisdom, we Theorem). writeatotal(!)functionalthatdecideswhetherornottwogivento- Hencethespaceofinfinitesequencesofbooleansiscompact. talfunctionals(Integer -> Bool) -> zareequivalent,wherez ThisisknownastheCantorspace,asitistopologicallyisomor- isanytypewithgivendecidableequality: phic(orhomeomorphic)tothefamousCantorThird-Middleset equal :: Eq z => ((Integer -> Bool) -> z) intherealline. -> ((Integer -> Bool) -> z) -> Bool 3. Continuousimagesofcompactsetsarecompact. equal f g = foreveryFunction(\u->f u == g u) 4. Anynon-empty,countablybased,compactHausdorffspaceis acontinuousimageoftheCantorspace. This doesn’t contradict computability theory, which correctly as- serts that, for example, equality of functions Integer -> Bool Applyingthedictionary,weget: isnotdecidable.Agrammarthatsinglesoutinfinitelymanytypes thathavedecidableequalityisprovidedin[7]. 1. Finitesetsaresearchable,andhenceforexamplethebooleans To complete this definition, we first faithfully code functions aresearchable. Integers->Boolaslazylistsbystoringnon-negativeandnega- 2. Finite and countably infinite products of searchable sets are tiveargumentsatevenandoddindicesrespectively: searchable. code :: (Integer -> Bool) -> [Bool] HencetheCantorspaceissearchable. code f = [f(reindex i)| i<-[0..]] 3. Computable images of searchable/exhaustible sets are search- where reindex i | even i = i ‘div‘ 2 able/exhaustible. | otherwise = -((i+1)‘div‘ 2) Butactuallyweareinterestedintheoppositedirection: 5.3 Uniformcontinuityandthefanfunctional decode :: [Bool] -> (Integer -> Bool) Readers unfamiliar with topology and its relation to computation decode xs i | i >= 0 = xs ‘at‘ (i * 2) arelikelytobepuzzledregardingtheabovedecisionprocedurefor | otherwise = xs ‘at‘ ((-i * 2) - 1) equalityoffunctions,andmoregenerallyuniversalquantification overinfinitespaces.Whatisgoingon?Hereisanindication. at :: [x] -> Integer -> x Functionsf :: [Bool] -> zarecontinuous.Ifzistopologi- at (x:xs) 0 = x callydiscrete(hasequality),thismeansthatforeveryinputa,there at (x:xs) (n+1) = at xs n isanindexndependingona,suchthattheanswerdoesn’tdepend onpositionsofawithindicesi≥n.Thisisintuitivelyclearfrom Becausethespaceoftotalinfinitesequences[Bool]issearchable acomputationalpointofview,andcanberigorouslyproved(see by the computational Tychonoff Theorem, and because its image e.g. [4]). Now, the Cantor space is compact, and there are theo- underthecomputablefunctiondecodeisthesetoftotalfunctions remsintopologythatsaythat,inmanycases,continuousfunctions Integer -> Bool, this set of total functions is searchable and definedoncompactspacesareuniformlycontinuous.Inourcase, henceexhaustible: this means that that there is a single index n, independent of the findFunction :: J Bool (Integer -> Bool) input,suchthatthefunctionf :: [Bool] -> zdoesn’tlookat findFunction = image decode findCantor indicesi ≥ ninordertoproducetheoutput.Anotherwayofsay- forsomeFunction :: K Bool (Integer -> Bool) ingthisisthatiftwoinputsaandbofthefunctionfagreeinthe forsomeFunction = overline findFunction firstnpositions,thentheyproducethesameoutput.Thiscriterion foreveryFunction :: K Bool (Integer -> Bool) can be coded in Haskell, and hence such an n can be computed. foreveryFunction p = not(forsomeFunction(not.p)) Thefunctionalthatcomputesitiscalledthefanfunctional,andis knownsincethe1950’sorevenearlier[14]: Thiscompletesallingredientsneededtodefinethefunctionequal. Hereisanexperiment,wherethefunctioncisacoercion: fan :: Eq z => ([Bool] -> z) -> Int fan f = least(\n -> forevery(\a -> forevery(\b -> c :: Bool -> Integer agree n a b --> (f a == f b)))) c False = 0 c True = 1 least :: (Int -> Bool) -> Int least p = if p 0 then 0 else 1+least(\n -> p(n+1)) f, g, h :: (Integer -> Bool) -> Integer f a = c(a(7 * c(a 4) + 4 * (c(a 7)) + 4)) forsome, forevery :: K Bool [Bool] g a = c(a(7 * c(a 5) + 4 * (c(a 7)) + 4)) forsome = overline findCantor h a = if not(a 7) forevery p = not(forsome(not.p)) then if not(a 4) then c(a 4) else c(a 11) else if a 4 then c(a 15) else c(a 8) agree :: Int -> [Bool] -> [Bool] -> Bool Areanytwoofthesethreefunctionsequal?Whenwerunthis,using agree n a b = take n a == take n b theinterpreterthistime,weget: (-->) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool $ ghci Tychonoff.hs p --> q = not p || q ... Ok, modules loaded: Main. Hereisatrivialexample: *Main> :set +s *Main> fan(\a -> a !! 5 && a !! 6) *Main> equal f g 7 False (0.02 secs, 4274912 bytes) However, we are not interested in computing the fan functional. *Main> equal g h What is relevant is that once we know the modulus of uniform False continuity n, it is enough to inspect 2n cases to figure out the (0.01 secs, 0 bytes) completebehaviourofthefunction. *Main> equal f h Ifthereisanymagicintheabovealgorithmforquantifyingover True theCantorspaceandhencedecidingequalityoffunctionsdefined (0.00 secs, 0 bytes) on the Cantor space, it amounts to the facts that (1) this n is not explicitly calculated by the quantification procedure (although it (Wehavenocluewhythelastcomputationisreportedtotakezero canbecalculatedwiththefanfunctionalthatusesthisprocedure), bytes!) These examples are somewhat trivial, although probably and (2) very often, a small portion of the 2n cases actually need puzzling.Anon-trivialapplicationofquantificationovertheCantor tobecheckedinthequantificationprocedure(thishastodowith spaceisgivenin[16].Thisdevelopsanalgorithmfornumericalin- lazy evaluation). If we move from [Bool] to [Integer], then tegration,whererealnumbersarerepresentedasinfinitesequences compactnessanduniformcontinuityfail,andmoreoverequalityof ofdigits.Hencetherearenoround-offerrorsintheproducedre- functions(Integer -> Integer) -> zisnolongerdecidable. sults, which can be computed to arbitrary precision with guaran- teedaccuracy.Comingbacktoourtrivialexample,wheredofand 6. Monads gdiffer? Itturnsoutthatthefunctionimagedefinedaboveisthefunctorof *Main> take 11 (code (findFunction(\u->g u /= h u))) amonad[8].Theunitis [True,True,True,True,True,True, True,True,True,True,False] singleton :: x -> J r x (0.05 secs, 3887756 bytes) singleton x = \p -> x Webelievethattheseideasopenupthepossibilityofnew,useful Itimplementsthefactthatsingletonsaresearchable.Themultipli- toolsforautomaticprogramverificationandbugfinding. cationis bigunion :: J r (J r x) -> J r x sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a] bigunion e = \p -> e(\d -> overline d p) p sequence = foldr mcons (return []) where mcons p q = Itimplementsthefactthattheunionofasearchablesetofsearch- p >>= \x->q >>= \y->return (x:y) ablesetsissearchable(butitactuallysatisfiesamoregeneralspec- ificationinvolvinggeneralizedquantifiers[8]).Toseethatthemul- Thus,ourcomputationalmanifestationoftheTychonoffTheorem tiplicationbehavesasclaimed,assumethattheselectionfunctione is already in the Haskell standard prelude, and becomes immedi- selectsoveracollectionofselectionfunctionsdforsetsS .Using atelyavailableonceonedefinestheselectionmonad. d the selection function e, we find a selection function d such that Here the function mcons is simply one of the versions of our p(d p)holds,i.e.p sholdsforsomes∈S .Thenweapplythis function otimes generalized from the continuation and selection d selectionfunctiontop,toactuallyfindsuchs. monadstoanymonad,andcanbeequivalentlywrittenas mcons :: Monad m => m x -> m[x] -> m[x] 6.1 Thecontinuationandselectionmonads xm ‘mcons‘ xsm = WenowwritethemonadsusingHaskell’sconventions,wherethe do x <- xm above gets a bit cumbersome and probably harder to understand, xs <- xsm asHaskellrequirestagsformonads,andhenceweneedfunctions return (x:xs) forextractingtags(namelyquantifierandselection).Wefirst definethecontinuationmonad: Moreover,sequenceitselfcanbeequivalentlywrittenas sequence :: Monad m => [m x] -> m[x] module K (K(K), quantifier, unitK, functorK, muK) where sequence [] = return [] newtype K r x = K {quantifier :: (x -> r) -> r} sequence (xm : xms) = do x <- xm unitK :: x -> K r x xs <- sequence xms unitK x = K(\p -> p x) return(x : xs) functorK :: (x -> y) -> K r x -> K r y The history-dependent version of bigotimes also generalizes to functorK f phi = K(\q -> quantifier phi(\x -> q(f x))) anymonad: muK :: K r (K r x) -> K r x hsequence :: Monad m => [[x] -> m x] -> m[x] muK phi = K(\p -> quantifier phi hsequence [] = return [] (\gamma -> quantifier gamma p)) hsequence (xm : xms) = do x <- xm [] instance Monad (K r) where xs <- hsequence[\ys -> ym(x:ys) | ym <- xms] return = unitK return(x : xs) phi >>= f = muK(functorK f phi) butthistimethisisnotinthestandardprelude. Usingthis,wedefinetheselectionmonad: Another consequence of having a monad is the topic of Sec- tion7,forwhichtheremarksofSection6.3arerelevant. module J (J(J), selection, unitJ, functorJ, muJ, module K, morphismJK) where 6.3 Thefunction(h)sequenceinmonadsotherthanJr import K Weobservethatsequenceandhsequence,althoughdefinedfor newtype J r x = J {selection :: (x -> r) -> x} all monads, usually don’t produce convergent computations in monads other than J r when supplied with infinite lists. More- morphismJK :: J r x -> K r x over,thetyperhastohavedecidableequalityforinfiniteproducts morphismJK e = K(\p -> p(selection e p)) of selection functions to be total (topologically, it has to be dis- crete) [8]. The termination proof is non-trivial and relies on the unitJ :: x -> J r x so-called bar induction principle. In particular, infinite products unitJ x = J(\p -> x) N ofquantifierscannot becomputedwithsequenceor ,asalso functorJ :: (x -> y) -> J r x -> J r y shownin[8],withacontinuityargument. functorJ f e = J(\q->f(selection e(\x->q(f x)))) Onecaneasilyunderstandthiskindofphenomenonwiththelist monad.Inthefinitecase,sequencecomputescartesianproducts muJ :: J r(J r x) -> J r x inthelexicographicorder: muJ e = J(\p -> selection(selection e (\d -> quantifier(morphismJK d) p)) p) Prelude> sequence [[0,1],[0,1],[0,1]] [[0,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[0,1,1], instance Monad (J r) where [1,0,0],[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[1,1,1]] return = unitJ e >>= f = muJ(functorJ f e) But now the elements of the countable cartesian product {0,1}ω cannot be arranged in an infinite list, by Cantor’s diagonal argu- A proof that the monad laws hold is given in [8]. There is also ment,andwhenweattempttolistthemusingsequence,wegeta a short proof written in the dependently typed programming lan- divergentcomputation,whichinpracticeabortsforlackofmem- guage/proofcheckerAgda[3]availableat[9]. ory: 6.2 Consequencesofhavingamonad Prelude> sequence (repeat [0,1]) *** Exception: stack overflow Firstofall,nowthehistory-freeversionofthefunctionalbigotimes issimplytheHaskellstandardpreludefunctionsequenceinstan- It is reassuring to see Haskell refusing to give an answer to an tiatedtotheselectionmonad: impossiblequestion.

In fact, once we define this monad in Haskell, it turns out that this amazingly versatile Therefore Haskell proves that this functional is even more versatile than chosen for our supremum and infimum quantifiers. In pictures, the .. tools for automatic program verification and bug finding. 5.3 Un
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