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West European Politics 2003: Vol 26 Index PDF

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Index to Volume 26 Page number precedes bracketed issue number. Volume 26, Number | (January 2003) is a special issue entitled “Church and State in Contemporary Europe: The Chimera of Neutrality’; Volume 26, Number 4 (October 2003) is a special issue entitled “Germany: Beyond the Stable State’. John Anderson, Catholicism and Democratic Consolidation in Spain and Poland 137(1) Tim Bale, Cinderella and Her Ugly Sisters: The Mainstream and Extreme Right in Europe’s Bipolarising Party Systems 67(3) Jiirgen Beyer and Martin Hépner, Corporate Governance and the Disintegration of Organised Capitalism in the 1990s 179(4) Olivier Costa and Paul Magnette, The European Union as a Consociation? A Methodological Assessment 1(3) Mark Donovan, The Italian State: No Longer Catholic, no Longer Christian 95(1) Morten Egeberg, Giinther F. Schaefer and Jarle Trondal, The Many Faces of EU Committee Governance 19(3) Zsolt Enyedi, Conclusion: Emerging Issues in the Study of Church-State Relations 218(1) Zsolt Enyedi, The Contested Politics of Positive Neutrality in Hungary 157(1) Goran Gustafsson, Church—State Separation Swedish-Style 51(1) Reinhard Heinisch, Success in Opposition — Failure in Government: Explaining the Performance of Right-Wing Populist Parties in Public Office 91(3) Charlie Jeffery and William E. Paterson, Germany and European Integration: A Shifting of Tectonic Plates 59(4) 262 GERMANY: BEYOND THE STABLE STATE Hans Keman, Explaining Miracles: Third Ways and Work and Welfare 115(2) Bill Kissane, The Illusion of State Neutrality in a Secularising Ireland 73(1) Herbert Kitschelt, Political-Economic Context and Partisan Strategies in the German Federal Elections 125(4) Herbert Kitschelt and Wolfgang Streeck, From Stability to Stagnation: Germany at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century 1(4) André Krouwel, Otto Kirchheimer and the Catch-all Party 23(2) Stephan Leibfried and Herbert Obinger, The State of the Welfare State: German Social Policy between Macroeconomic Retrenchment and Microeconomic Recalibration 199(4) Martin Lodge and Christopher Hood, Competency and Bureaucracy: Diffusion, Application and Appropriate Response? 131(3) John T.S. Madeley, European Liberal Democracy and the Principle of State Religious Neutrality (1) John T.S. Madeley, A Framework for the Comparative Analysis of Church-State Relations in Europe 23(1) Joan O’Mahony, The Catholic Church and Civil Society: Democratic Options in the Post-Communist Czech Republic 177(1) George Th. Mavrogordatos, Orthodoxy and Nationalism in the Greek Case 117(1) Karl Ulrich Mayer and Steffen Hillmert, New Ways of Life or Old Rigidities? Changes in Social Structure and Life Courses and their Political Impact 79(4) Michael Minkenberg, The Politics of Citizenship in the New Republic 219(4) Michael Minkenberg, The Public Policy Impact of Church-State Relations: Family Policy and Abortion in Britain, France, and Germany 195(1) Takis S. Pappas, The Transformation of the Greek Party System Since 1951 90(2) Riccardo Pelizzo, Estimating Party Positions or Party Direction? An Analysis of Party Manifesto Data 67(2) Dieter Rucht, The Changing Role of Political Protest Movements 153(4) Wolfgang Streeck and Anke Hassel, The Crumbling Pillars of Social Partnership 101(4) Lori Thorlakson, Comparing Federal Institutions: Power and Representation in Six Federations 1(2) Mark I. Vail, Rethinking Corporatism and Consensus: The Dilemmas of German Social Protection Reform 41(3) INDEX Joop J.M. Van Holsteyn and Galen Irwin, Never a Dull Moment: Pim Fortuyn and the Dutch Parliamentary Election of 2002 Helmut Wiesenthal, German Unification and ‘Model Germany’: An Adventure in Institutional Conservatism ELECTION REPORTS David Arter, From the ‘Rainbow Coalition’ Back Down to ‘Red Earth’? The 2003 Finnish General Election 153(3) Dominic Fenech, The 2003 Maltese Referendum and General Election 163(3) Kurt Richard Luther, The Self-Destruction of a Right-Wing Populist Party? The Austrian Parliamentary Election of 2002 136(2) John T.S. Madeley, “The Swedish Model is Dead! Long Live the Swedish Model!” The 2002 Riksdag Election 165(2) Paul Mitchell, Fianna Fail Still Dominant in the Coalition Era: The Irish General Election of 2002 174(2) Peter Pulzer, The Devil They Know: The German Federal Election of 2002 153(2) REVIEW ARTICLE Ingrid Van Biezen, The Place of Parties in Contemporary Democracies 171(3) BOOK REVIEWS Maura Adshead, Developing European Regions? Comparative Governance, Policy Networks and European Integration 252(4) Gerard Alexander, The Sources of Democratic Consolidation 186(3) David Arter (ed.), From Farmyard to City Square? The Electoral Adaptation of the Nordic Agrarian Parties 245(1) Richard Balme, Didier Chabanet and Vincent Wright (eds.), L‘action collective en Europe/Collective Action in Europe 193(2) Stefan Berger and Hugh Compston (eds.), Policy Concertation and Social Partnership in Western Europe. Lessons for the 21st Century 241(1) Mark Blyth, Great Transformations: Economic Ideas and Institutional Change in the Twentieth Century 250(4) Tanja Borzel, States and Regions in the European Union Institutional Adaptation in Germany and Spain 192(2) Marc. L. Busch, Trade Warriors: States, Firms, and Strategic- Trade Policy in High-Technology Competition 187(2) 264 GERMANY: BEYOND THE STABLE STATE Luciano Cheles and Lucio Sponza (eds.), The Art of Persuasion: Political Communication in Italy 246(1) Carlos Closa (ed.), La europeizacion del sistema politico espanol 188(3) Alistair Cole and Peter John, Local Governance in England and France 189(3) P. Nikiforos Diamandouros and Richard Gunther (eds.), Parties, Politics, and Democracy in the New Southern Europe 171(3) Larry Diamond and Richard Gunther, Political Parties and Democracy 171(3) Thomas Diez (ed.), The European Union and the Cyprus Conflict: Modern Conflict, Postmodern Union 194(3) Robert Elgie (ed.), Divided Government in Comparative Perspective 185(3) Michael Gallagher and Michael Marsh, Days of Blue Loyalty: The Politics of Membership of the Fine Gael Party 192(3) Olga Gil, Telecomunicaciones y politica en Estados Unidos y Espana (1875-2002). Construyendo mercados 254(4) Mireia Grau and Araceli Mateos (eds.), Analisis de politicas publicas en Espafia: enfoques y casos 190(2) Richard Gunther, José Ramon Montero and Juan J. Linz, Political Parties: Old Concepts and New Challenges 171(3) Frank Hendricks and Theo Toonen (eds.), Polder Politics: The Reinvention of Consenus Democracy in the Netherlands 193(3) Liesbet Hooghe, The European Commission and the Integration of Europe: Images of Governance 194(2) Dan Hough, The Fall and Rise of the PDS in Eastern Germany 189(2) John D. Huber and Charles R. Shipan, Deliberate Discretion? The Institutional Foundations of Bureaucratic Autonomy 248(4) Peter John, Local Governance in Western Europe 250(1) Bill Kissane, Explaining Irish Democracy 247(1) Sandra Lavenex, The Europeanisation of Refugee Politics: Between Human Rights and Internal Security 251(1) Lawrence LeDuc, Richard G. Niemi and Pippa Norris (eds.), Comparing Democracies 2: New Challenges in the Study of Elections and Voting 188(2) Steen P. Mangen, Spanish Society after Franco 188(3) Jordi Matas (ed.), E/ control politico de la Administracion 2494) Amy Mazur, Theorizing Feminist Public Policy 242(1) Markus M. Miller, The New Regulatory State in Germany 255(4) Pippa Norris, Democratic Phoenix: Reinventing Political Activism 195(3) Ton Notermans (ed.), Social Democracy and Monetary Union 244(1) INDEX 265 Gustavo Palomares (ed.), Politica de Seguridad de la Union Europea: realidades y retos para el siglo XX1 196(2) Salvador Parrado, Sistemas administrativos comparados 186(3) Gianfranco Pasquino, // sistema politico italiano: Autorita, istituzioni, societa 191(2) Thomas Poguntke Parteiorganisation im Wandel. Gesellschaftliche Verankerung und organisatorische Anpassung im europdischen Vergleich 243(1) Sabrina P. Ramet and Christine Ingebritsen (eds.), Coming in from the Cold War: Changes in U.S.—European Interactions Since 1980 2594) Martin Schain, Aristide Zolberg and Patrick Hossay (eds.), Shadows over Europe: The Development and Impact of the Extreme Right in Western Europe 256(4) Fritz W. Scharpf and Vivien Schmidt (eds.), Welfare and Work in the Open Economy: Volume 1: From Vulnerability to Competitiveness 184(2) Fritz W. Scharpf and Vivien Schmidt (eds.), Welfare and Work in the Open Economy: Volume 2: Diverse Responses to Common Challenges 184(2) Manfred G. Schmidt, Political Institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany 247(4) Vivien Schmidt, The Futures of European Capitalism 184(2) Amanda Sloat, Scotland in Europe: A Study of Multi-Level Governance 253(4) Hazel Smith, European Union Foreign Policy 2491) Duane Swank, Global Capital, Political Institutions, and Policy Change in Developed Welfare States 240(1) Henning Tewes, Germany, Civilian Power and the New Europe: Enlarging NATO and the European Union 248(1) Amy Verdun (ed.), The Euro: European Integration Theory and Economic and Monetary Union 251(4) Julie R. Watts, Immigration Policy and the Challenge of Globalization: Unions and Employers in Unlikely Alliance 258(4) Ruth Wodak and Anton Pelinka, The Haider Phenomenon in Austria 256(4) Riidiger Wurzel, Environmental Policy Making in Britain, Germany and the European Union: The Europeanisation of Air and Water Pollution Control 246(1)

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