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Lecture Notes scisyhP in Edited yb .J Ehlers, ,nehcn3(M .K Hepp, ,hciriLZ .R Kippenhahn, MOnchen, .H .A ,re113fmnedieW Heidelberg, and .1. Zittartz, n16K Managing Editor: W. BeiglbSck, Heidelberg 07 Wave noitagaporP dna Underwater Acoustics Edited yb hpesoJ .B Keller dna John S. Papadakis Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1977 Editors Joseph B. Keller Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University New York, New York/USA John S. Papadakis New London Laboratory Naval Underwater Systems Center New London, Connecticut/USA ISBN 3-540-08527-0 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-08527-0 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, re- printing, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks, Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a eef is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to eb determined by tnemeerga with the publisher. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1977 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 012345-041313512 WAVE PROPAGATION AND UNDERWAT~ ACOUSTICS Joseph .B Keller* and John S. Papadakis~* Editors Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University Department of Mathematics, University of Rhode Island and Naval Underwater Systems Center, New London Laboratory Preface A "Workshop on Wave Propagation and Underwater Acoustics" was held from November 19 to November 21, 1974 in Mystic, Connecticut. It was sponsored by the Acoustics Branch of the Office of Naval Research under the aegis of Hugo Bezdek. The workshop was conceived at the New London Laboratory of the Naval Underwater Systems Center and organized by the following committee of members of that laboratory: Chairman: John .S Papadakis, Department of Mathematics, University of Rhode Island (Consultant) L. T. Einstein R. .H Mellen Henry Weinberg Among the twenty-one lectures at the workshop was a set of six surveys of various aspects of the field. Those surveys were presented by five members and one former visiting member of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. They were prepared with the intention that they would be expanded, combined and published together as a general survey of the mathematical theory of underwater sound propagation. These notes are the result. They would not have appeared without the untiring effort of Professor John .S Papadakis, who guided them through the editorial process. I wish to thank him particularly for this. I also thank the entire committee for having asked me to present a set of survey lectures, and for then agreeing to let me share the presentation with my colleagues. Joseph .B Keller WAVE PROPAGATION AND UNDERWATER ACOUSTICS ELBAT FO STNETNOC I. SURVEY OF WAVE PROPAGATION AND UNDERWATER ACOUSTICS (~eph B. Keller) i. Introduction ......................................................... i 2. Wave propagation in a deterministic medium ........................... 2 3. Wave propagation in a stochastic medium .............................. 8 References ........................................................... 12 II. EXACT AND ASYMPTOTIC REPRESENTATIONS OF THE SOUND FIELD IN A STRATIFIED OCEAN (DalJit S. Ahluwalia and Jo~B. ~ ) O. Introduction ......................................................... 14 i. Formulation and fundamental equations ................................ 16 2. Time harmonic waves .................................................. 19 3. The homogeneous ocean of constant depth 3.1 Introduction ................................................... 21 3.2 Normal mode representation ..................................... 23 3.3 Hankel transform representation ................................ 25 3.3A Appendix ..................... ~ ................................. 26 3.4 Ray representation ............................................. 27 3.5 Connections between the representations ............. ........... 30 3.5A Appendix ....................................................... 34 4. The inhomogeneous stratified ocean of constant depth 4.1 Introduction ................................................... 36 4.2 Normal mode representation ..................................... 38 4.3 Hankel transform representation ................................ 39 4.4 Multiple scattering representation ............................. h0 4.5 Connections between the representations ........................ h3 4.5A Appendix ....................................................... 45 IV 5. Asymptotic representations for the inhomogeneous stratified ocean of constant depth 5.1 Introduction ........................................ ~ .......... 46 5.2 Asymptotic form of the modal representation .................... 46 5.2A Appendix ....................................................... 54 5.2B Appendix ....................................................... 61 5.2C Appendix ....................................................... 63 5.3 Asymptotic form of the Hankel transform representation ......... 64 5.4 Asymptotic form of the multiple scattering representation ...... 67 5.4.1 Explicit asymptotic form of the multiple scattering representation ................................................. 68 5.5 Connections between the asymptotic forms of the representations ................................................ 71 6. The ray representation 6.1 Introduction ................................................... 76 6.2 Geometrical construction of the ray representation ............. 77 6.3 Analytic derivation of the ray representation .................. 78 6,4 The ray representation for the stratified ocean of constant depth ................................................. 82 References ........................................................... 85 III. HORIZONTAL RAYS AND VERTICAL MODES (Robert Burridge and Henry Weinberg) I. Introduction ......................................................... 86 2. Acoustic propagation in an almost stratified medium .................. 88 .3 Uniform asymptotic expansions in regions containing caustics ......... 97 3.I The field near a smooth caustic ................................ 97 3.2 A point source in an almost stratified medium .................. 105 4. Space-time rays for more general time dependence ..................... 109 4.1 The ray theory ................................................. 109 4.2 The excitation due to a point source ........................... i14 4.3 The Airy phase ................................................. 118 4.4 The precursor and other phenomena requiring special treatment ...................................................... 12 3 VII .5 Two theoretical examples .............................................. 125 5.1 Homogeneous medium, one free horizontal boundary, one rigid boundary with small constant slope ......................... 125 5.2 Propagation in deep water for which the sound speed increases with depth ............................................. 130 6. Long range acoustic propagation in a deep ocean. ...................... 13h 6.1 Environmental parameters ......................................... 13h 6.2 The computer program ............................................. 139 6.3 Comparison of computed amplitudes with observational data ........ lh3 References ............................................................ 150 IV. WAVE PROPAGATION IN A RANDOMLY INHOMOGENEOUS OCEAN (Werner Kohler and George C. Papanicolaou) 0. Introduction ......................................................... 153 i. The physical problem ................................................. 155 2. Asymptotic analysis of stochastic equations .......................... 163 .3 Application of asymptotic methods to coupled mode equations .......... 170 4. Coupled power equations .............................................. 177 .5 Quasi-static and slowly-varying coupled power equations .............. 180 Appendix. First and second order perturbation theory for Boltzmann-llke equations .................................... 187 6. Coupled fluctuation equations .......................................... 192 7. Depth-dependent quantities ............................................. 196 8. High frequency approximation to coupled power equations ................ 197 Appendix A. Numerical study .......................................... 213 Appendix B. Diffusion approximation for coupled power equations with radiation loss ............................. ~ ........ 217 References ............................................................. 222 V. THE PARABOLIC APPROXIMATION METHOD (Fred D. Tappert) i. Basic concepts ......................................................... 224 2. Derivations of parabolic equations ..................................... 238 .3 Asymptotic analysis .................................................... 266 h. Summary ....................................... . ........................ 280 IIIV 5. Acknowledgment ................................................... 281 Appendix A. Historical survey of parabolic wave equation applications .............................. 282 References ....................................................... 582 CHAPTER I SURVEY OF WAVE PROPAGATION AND ~ERWA~ ACOUSTICS Joseph B. Keller Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University 251 Mercer Street New York, NY 10012 .i Introduction Underwater acoustics, the science of sound propagation in the ocean, has been developed extensively during the last forty years in response to practical needs. By now the theory .si so well developed that it provides a general understanding and a detailed description of how sound travels in the ocean, and of the mechanisms affecting it. The theory can also he used to make quantitative Calculations of the sound field produced by a given source. However, there are difficulties which limit the accuracy of such calculations. The first is the lack of adequate information about the sound velocity in the ocean as a function of position and time. The second is the analytical and computational difficulty of Calculating the sound field in terms of the properties of the ocean. The mathematical methods which have been devised to overcome this latter difficulty Sme the subject of these notes. The analysis of underwater sound propagation is based upon the physical Principles of theoretical acoustics. These principles lead to a wave equation for the acoustic pressure, together with suitable boundary conditions at the ocean Surface and bottom, and initial conditions. The properties of the ocean which enter into this formulation are the sound speed c(x,y,z,t) , the bottom depth h(x,y), the surface elevation n(x,y,t) and the ambient water velocity R(x,y,z,t). Absorption, which results from viscous dissipation, heat conduction, chemical reaction, scattering by particulate matter, etc. is usually accounted for by an absorption coefficient which depends upon position and frequency. In the analysis of time harmonic fields it is combined with the sound speed to yield a complex refractive index. Absorption by the bottom is usually accounted for by a bottom impedance, or sometimes by a bottom reflection coefficient. Most of the theoretical analyses ignore the surface elevation, the ambient water velocity, and the absorption in the fluid and in the bottom. Some of these effects are taken into account afterwards in an ad hoc manner. For the most part we shall follow the common procedure of ignoring them. Initially, the theory concerned the deterministic problem of propagation in an ocean of prescribed constant or gradually varying properties. However, as experi- mental technique improved, it was found that the observed sound field undergoes extensive and rapid fluctuations. These fluctuations are caused by fluctuations in the properties of the ocean. To analyze them the ocean is represented as a random medium, and the problem of sound propagation in a random medium is considered. The theory of this kind of propagation is not as well developed as that of propagation in a deterministic medium, as we shall see. We shall first describe the theory of the deterministic case and then describe that of the random case. .2 Wave pro~a~ation in a deterministic medium Let us consider first the simplest case, that of a time harmonic point source in an unbounded homogeneous ocean. The resulting sound field is a spherical wave. Secondly, suppose the ocean is bounded above by a horizontal plane free surface on which the acoustic pressure p vanishes. Then p is the sum of two spherical ~aves, one from the source and another from the image of the source in the plane surface, multiplied by the reflection coefficient R = -1 . The interference between these two waves leads to an oscillation in the magnitude of p which is sometimes referred to as the Lloyd mirror effect. Thirdly, let the ocean be bounded above by a horizontal plane free surface on which p = 0 and below by a horizontal plane bottom on which the normal derivative 8p/Sn = O. Then p is the sum of an S infinite number of spherical waves from the source and from an infinite set of images of it in the two planes. The image method of constructing p , which leads to the above results, does not generalize to the case of an inhomogeneous ocean nor to the case of non-planar bolmdaries. Furthermore, at horizontal distances from the source which are large compared with the depth, many of the spherical waves have nearly the same phase, or arrival time. This makes it difficult to calculate p because the successive waves nearly cancel one another. These disadvantages of the image method can be overcome, in part, by the method of normal modes, which was introduced and developed by C.L. Pekeris i. That method applies to any horizontally stratified ocean of constant depth. It leads to a representation of p as the sum of an infinite number of normal modes. Only a finite number of them are propagating and the rest are evanescent. Thus, at large distances from the source only the propagating modes are important, so there p is represented by a finite sum. The method of normal modes is restricted to horizontally stratified oceans of constant depth. Furthermore, at distances from the source which are not large compared with the depth, the evanescent waves are not negligible, so many of them must be taken into account in calculating p. The latter difficulty, but not the former, can be overcome by the Hankel transform method, which was utilized by L. Brekovskikh 2 and others. This yields a representation of p as an integral involving Bessel functions and solutions of the normal mode equation. Although this integral is convenient for evaluation at short ranges, it is not so convenient at long rs/iges, where the normal mode representation is more useful. A third representation of p in a horizontally stratified ocean of constant depth is given by the method of multiple scattering. This method is a generalization of the image method from the case of a homogeneous ocean to that of a horizontally stratified one. In it p is represented as a stun of waves: one wave emerging directly from the source, another wave which represents scattering of the direct Wave by the medium above the source, a third wave which results from scattering of the direct wave by the medlumbelow the source, and successive multiply scattered

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