Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–19(0000) Printed5February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Wave Modes in the Magnetospheres of Pulsars and Magnetars Chen Wang1,2 and Dong Lai2,1 1National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. A20 Datun Road, Chaoyang District,Beijing 100012, China 7 2Centerfor Radiophysics and Space Research, Department of Astronomy, Cornell University.Ithaca, NY 14853, USA 0 E-mail:[email protected], [email protected] 0 2 n Accepted2006xxx,Received2006xxx;inoriginalform2006xxx a J 2 2 ABSTRACT Westudy the wavepropagationmodesinthe relativisticstreamingpairplasmaofthe 2 magnetospheres of pulsars and magnetars, focusing on the effect of vacuum polariza- v tion.Weshowthatthecombinedplasmaandvacuumpolarizationeffectsgiverisetoa 4 vacuum resonance, where “avoided mode crossing” occurs between the extraordinary 2 9 mode and the (superluminous) ordinary mode. When a photon propagates from the 1 vacuum-polarization-dominatedregionat small radii to the plasma-dominatedregion 1 atlargeradii,itspolarizationstatemayundergosignificantchangeacrossthevacuum 6 resonance. We map out the parameter regimes (e.g., field strength, plasma density 0 andLorentzfactor)underwhichthe vacuumresonanceoccursandexaminehowwave / h propagationis affectedby the resonance.Some possibleapplicationsofourresultsare p discussed, including high-frequency radio emission from pulsars and possibly magne- - o tars, and optical/IR emission from neutron star surfaces and inner magnetospheres. r t Key words: plasmas–polarization–waves–star:magneticfields–pulsars:general s a : v i 1 INTRODUCTION X r The magnetospheres of pulsars and magnetars consist of relativistic electron-positron pair plasmas, plus possibly a small a amountofions.Theseplasmascanaffecttheradiationproducedintheinnerregionofthemagnetosphereorthestellarsurface. Understanding the property of wave propagation in pulsar/magnetar magnetospheres is important for the interpretation of various observations of theseobjects. Radioemissionfrompulsars(atleast“normal”–nonmillisecond–pulsars)likelyoriginatesfromclosetothestellarsurface, within a few percent of light cylinder radius (e.g., Blaskiewicz et al. 1991, Kramer et al. 1997). A number of studies have been devoted to the propagation effect of radio waves in pulsar magnetospheres (e.g., Cheng & Ruderman 1979; Barnard & Arons1986;Barnard1986;Lyubarskii&Petrova1998;Melrose&Luo2004;Petrova2006).Someoftheobservedpolarization properties of pulsar emission, such as orthogonal modes (in which the polarization position angle exhibits a sudden ∼ 90◦ jumps; e.g. Stinebring et al. 1984a, 1984b) and circular polarization (e.g., Radhakrishnan & Rankin 1990; Han et al. 1998; You&Han2006) maybeexplainedbythepropagationeffect.Inaddition,optical/IRradiationmaybeproducedintheinner magnetosphereorsurfaceofmagnetizedneutronstars.Forexample,whileformostradiopulsarstheopticalandnearIRflux is thought to be dominated by magnetospheric emission, several middle-aged pulsars (PSR B0656+14, PSR B0950+08 and Geminga)alsoexhibitasurfaceopticalcomponent(e.g.,Mignani,deLuca&Caraveo2004;Kargaltsevetal.2005,Mignaniet al.2006).Theopticalemissiondetectedinseveralthermallyemitting,isolatedneutronstarsmostlylikelyhasasurfaceorigin (e.g., Kaplan et al. 2003; Haberl et al. 2004; Haberl 2005; van KerKwijk & Kaplan 2006). Finally, the optical/IR emission detected from a number of magnetars may originate from a hot corona near the stellar surface (Beloborodov & Thompson 2006). Wave modes in pulsar magnetospheres have been studied in a number of papers under different assumptions about the plasma composition and the velocity distribution of electron-position pairs (e.g., Melrose & Stoneham 1977; Arons & Barnard 1986; Lyutikov 1998; Melrose et al. 1999; Asseo & Riazuelo 2000). In this paper, we reinvestigate the property of wave propagation in the magnetospheres of pulsars and magnetars, focusing on the competition between the plasma effect and the effect of vacuum polarization. It is well known that in the strong magnetic field typically found on a neutron star, 2 C. Wang and D. Lai theelectromagnetic dispersion relation is dominated by vacuumpolarization (a prediction of quantumelectrodynamics; e.g., Heisenberg & Euler 1936; Adler 1971; see Schubert2000 for extensive bibliography) at high photon frequencies (e.g. X-rays) and by the plasma effect at sufficiently low frequencies (e.g., radio waves). But where is the “boundary” at which the two effects are “equal” and what are the mode proportion in the “boundary” regime? These are the questions we are trying to address in this paper. We show that the combined plasma and vacuum polarization effects give rise to a vacuum resonance: Foragivenplasmaparametersandexternalmagneticfield,thereexistsaspecialphotonfrequencyatwhichtheplasmaeffect andvacuum polarization effects“cancel” each other.A morephysicalway to describetheresonance isas follows: Consider a photonpropagatingintheinhomogeneouspulsar/magnetar magnetospherewithvaryingplasmadensity(and/ordistribution function) and magnetic field. For certain parameter regimes of the photon frequency, plasma density and magnetic field strength — to be determined in the following sections, the photon may traverse from the vacuum-polarization-dominated region to the plasma-dominated region or vice versa. This transition point (location) is the vacuum resonance. When the photoncrosses thisresonance, its polarization state mayundergosignificant change. Thegoal of ourpaperis tomap outthe parameterregimes underwhich thevacuumresonance mayoccurand toelucidatehowwavepropagation maybeaffected by theresonance. Vacuumresonanceincold,non-streamingplasmashavebeenstudiedbefore(e.g.,Gnedinetal.1978;M´esz´aros&Veutura 1979; Lai & Ho 2002, 2003a). In the atmospheres of highly magnetized neutron stars, the resonance can significantly affect thesurfaceemission spectrumandpolarization (Ho&Lai2003;Lai&Ho2003a,b;vanAdelsberg&Lai2006).Wenotethat while some previous papers on wave modes in pulsar magnetospheres (e.g. Arons & Barnard 1986) did include the vacuum polarizationcontributionstothedielectrictensor,thevacuumresonancephenomenonwasneglectedbecauseitisunimportant at thelow frequencies and magnetic fieldsthey considered. Our paper is organized as follows. In §2, we give the expression for the dielectric tensor of a relativistic pair plasma charactering the magnetosphere of pulsars/magnetars, including the contribution due to vacuum polarization. In §3, we derive the general expression for wave modes in the combined “plasma + vacuum” medium, and show that the vacuum resonancearisesforawiderangeofmagnetosphereparameters.In§4westudytheevolutionofwavemodeacrossthevacuum resonance. In most of this paper, we consider cold, streaming plasma with a single Lorentz factor γ. We examine the effect ofamoregeneral γ distributionin§5andthecaseofoppositeplasma streamsin§6.In§7wediscusspossible applicationsof ourresults. 2 DIELECTRIC TENSOR FOR AN STREAMING ELECTRON-POSITRON PLASMA Weconsider an electron-positron plasma in themagnetosphere of a neutron star (NS).Let N , N be the numberdensities − + ofelectronsandpositrons,respectively,N =N +N thetotaldensity,andf =N /N thepositronfraction.Thecorotation − + + region of themagnetosphere is usually assumed tohave Goldreich-Julian charge density 1 ρ =− Ω·B, (2.1) e 2πc whereΩistheangularvelocityofthestar.Thisisnotnecessarilythecaseintheopen-fieldlineregion.Inthispaperweshall usethe Goldreich-Julian numberdensity as a fiducialvalue: ΩB N = ≃7.0×1010B P−1cm−3. (2.2) GJ 2πec 12 1 whereB =B/(1012G),P isthespin period inunitsof1s.Theactual particledensityN islarger thanN byafactor of 12 1 GJ η,i.e.N =ηN ,withη>1.IfthechargedensityisequaltotheGoldreich-Julian value,thenη(1−2f)=1,butwewillnot GJ entirely restrict ourselves to this constraint. Although the plasma is expected to be relativistic, it is useful to define the (nonrelativistic) cyclotron frequencies and plasma frequencies of electron and position: eB ω = ω =ω = , (2.3) c c+ c− m c e 4πN e2 ω2 = − =(1−f)ω2, (2.4) p− m p e 4πN e2 ω2 = + =fω2, (2.5) p+ m p e 4πNe2 ω2 = . (2.6) p m e The characteristic values are ω ν = c =2.795×109B GHz (2.7) c 2π 12 3 ω ν = p =8.960×103N1/2Hz=2.370η1/2B1/2P−1/2GHz, (2.8) p 2π 12 1 Because of the very short cyclotron/synchrotron decay time of elections and positions (≈ 3 × 10−16B−2γsec) , all 12 the particles in the magnetosphere quickly lose their transverse momenta and stay in the lowest Landau level. Thus the magnetospherepairplasmacanbeconsideredasone-dimensional,withtheparticlesstreamingalongthefieldline.TheLorentz factor γ of the streaming motion is uncertain. In the polar-cap region of a pulsar, primary particles may be accelerated to very high energy (γ ∼ 106 −107) by a field-aligned electric field. The bulk of the plasma produced in an electromagnetic cascade may have lower energies, γ ∼ 102 −104, with multiplicity factor η ∼ 102 −105 (e.g., Dangherty & Harding 1982; Hibschman & Arons 2001). Kunzl et al. (1998) argued that too high a density of secondary particles in the magnetosphere isin contradiction totheobservedlow-frequency emission from radio pulsars, implyingη<∼100. Thephysicalparameters for theplasmaintheclosed-field-lineregionofapulsararealsonotwellconstrained.Itwassuggestedthatapairplasmadensity larger thanN may bepresent,maintained byconversion ofγ-raysfrom thepulsar’spolar-cap and/orout-gap accelerators GJ (see Wanget al. 1998; Ruderman 2003). For magnetars, recent theoretical work suggests that a corona consisting mainly of relativistic pairs with γ ∼ 103 (and a wide spread in γ) may be generated by crustal magnetic field twisting/shearing due to starquakes (Thompson et al. 2002; Beloborodov & Thompson 2006). The plasma density is of order N ∼|∇×B|/(4πe)∼B/(4πer) (for a twist angle of order unity), implying η = N/N ∼ c/(2Ωr) ≃ 2×103(R/r) (where R is the stellar radius). There are roughly equal amount of GJ electrons and positrons, f ≃1/2, with theelectrons and positrons streams in opposite directions. 2.1 Cold, Streaming Pair Plasma We first consider a cold electron-positron plasma with all the electron streaming with velocity V and positron all with −,0 V which is also along themagnetic filed B . Thedielectric tensor for such aplasma was derived byMelrose & Stoneham +,0 0 (1977)basedonLorentztransformation(seealsoMelrose1973).Hereweoutlineaderivationbasedonclassicalmagneto-ionic theory. The equation of motion of a given charge species (mass m =m , charge q =±e, s=±) reads s e s d q (γ m V )=q E+ sV ×B, (2.9) dt s s s s c s whereβ =V /c,γ =(1−V2/c2)−1/2,V =V +δV ,E =δE,B =B +δB.HereδV ,δE,δB areassociatedwiththe s s s s s s,0 s 0 s disturbanceintheplasma,andhavetheformei(k·r−ωt).WithdδV /dt=−iωδV +ic(k·V )δV andδB =(ck/ω)×δE, s s s,0 s we can solve for δV in terms of thecomponents of δE. The current density associated with thedisturbanceis s δJ = (N q δV +δN q V ), (2.10) s s s s s s,0 Xs wherethesumrunsovereachchargedparticlespeciess(electroneandpositionp).ThedensityperturbationδN isdetermined s bythecontinuityequation,∂N /∂t=−∇·(N V ),whichgivesδN =N (k·δV )/(ω−k·V ).Theconductivitytensor s s s,0 s s s s,0 isdefinedbyδJ =σ·δE,andthedielectrictensorisgivenbyǫ=I+i(4πc/ω)σ,whereIistheunittensor.Inthecoordinate systemx′y′z′ withBˆ /|B |alongz′,andk inthex′-z′ plane,suchthatkˆ×Bˆ =−sinθ yˆ′ (θ istheanglebetweenkˆ and 0 0 0 B B Bˆ ), we find 0 S iD A ǫ(p) = −iD S −iC , (2.11) A iC P with S = 1+ f , s,11 Xs D = f , s,12 Xs A = ζ f , s s,11 Xs C = ζ f , s s,12 Xs P = 1+ f +ζ2f , (2.12) s,η s s,11 Xs (cid:0) (cid:1) 4 C. Wang and D. Lai where v γ−1 f = − s s , s,11 1−u γ−2(1−nβ cosθ )−2 s s s B sign(q )u1/2v γ−2(1−nβ cosθ )−1 f = − s s s s s B , s,12 1−u γ−2(1−nβ cosθ )−2 s s s B v f = − s , s,η γ3(1−nβ cosθ )2 s s B nβ sinθ ζ = s B , (2.13) s 1−nβ cosθ s B (thesubscript “0” has been suppressed),n=ck/ω is therefractive index and therelevant dimensionless quantities are ω2 u =u =u= c, (2.14) − + ω2 ω2 ω2 ω2 v = p−, v = p+, v= p =v +v . (2.15) − ω2 + ω2 ω2 − + 2.1.1 Pair Plasma With the Same Velocity (β =β =β) − + Consider the case where all the electrons and positrons have the same velocity (V = V , β = β = β, γ = γ = γ). − + − + − + In this paper, we will focus on the regime where ω ≫ γω(1−nβcosθ ), or uγ−2(1−nβcosθ )−2 ≫ 1, i.e. the photon c B B frequency shifted to the plasma rest frame is much lower than the cyclotron frequency. In this regime, the components of dielectric tensor can be simplified to S = 1+f , 11 D = f , 12 A = ζf , 11 C = ζf , 12 P = 1+f +ζ2f , (2.16) η 11 with f = f ≃vu−1γ(1−nβcosθ )2, 11 s,11 B Xs f = f ≃−(1−2f)vu−1/2(1−nβcosθ ), 12 s,12 B Xs f = f ≃−vγ−3(1−nβcosθ )−2, η s,η B Xs ζ = nβsinθ (1−nβcosθ )−1. (2.17) B B 2.1.2 Pair Plasma with opposite velocity (the case of β =−β =β) − + Supposetheplasmaiscomposedoftwooppositestreams:oneistheelectronstreamwithβ =βandtheotheristhepositron − stream with β =−β. For ω ≫γω(1±nβcosθ ), Eqs. (2.13) simplify to: + c B f ≃ fvu−1γ(1+nβcosθ )2, +,11 B f ≃ (1−f)vu−1γ(1−nβcosθ )2, −,11 B f ≃ fvu−1/2(1+nβcosθ ), +,12 B f ≃ −(1−f)vu−1/2(1−nβcosθ ), −,12 B f ≃ −fvγ−3(1+nβcosθ )−2, +,η B f ≃ −(1−f)vγ−3(1−nβcosθ )−2, −,η B ζ = ∓nβsinθ (1±nβcosθ )−1. (2.18) ± B B 2.2 Pair Plasma with a Distribution of γ Thepair plasma in pulsarmagnetosphere many havesome spread in theLorentzfactors, although theprecise distribution is unknown.For a general distribution function f (γ ),normalized f (γ )dγ =1, we can average ourresult in §2.1 to obtain s s s s s R 5 thedielectric tensor components: S = 1+ f f (γ )dγ , s,11 s s s Z Xs D = f f (γ )dγ , s,12 s s s Z Xs A = ζ f f (γ )dγ , s s,11 s s s Z Xs C = ζ f f (γ )dγ , s s,12 s s s Z Xs P = 1+ f +ζ2f f (γ )dγ . (2.19) s,η s s,11 s s s Z Xs (cid:0) (cid:1) Theseexpressionsagreewiththeresultderivedusingstandardkinetictheory[e.g.Krall&Trivelpiece1986,equation(8.10.11); Arons& Barnard 1986; Melrose & Stoneham 1977, Lyutikov1998]. Given the uncertainty in the γ-distribution, we shall consider the simplest flat distribution, for both electrons and positrons: 1/(2∆γ) γ −∆γ <γ <γ +∆γ f(γ)= c c (2.20) (cid:26) 0 otherwise where we shall assume γ = γ −∆γ ≫1 (so that |β| ≃ 1 for all particles) and (γ +∆γ)ω(1±nβcosθ ) ≪ ω (so that min c c B c theDoppler-shiftedphotonfrequencyisalwaysbelowcyclotron resonance).Thenthecomponentsofthedielectrictensorcan beevaluated analytically. For thecase of β =β =β, substitutingEqs. (2.17) and (2.20) in Eq.(2.19), we obtain − + S = 1+F , 11 D = F , 12 A = ζF , 11 C = ζF , 12 P = 1+F +ζ2F , (2.21) η 11 with F ≃ vu−1γ (1−nβcosθ )2, (2.22) 11 c B F ≃ −(1−2f)vu−1/2(1−nβcosθ ), (2.23) 12 B F = −vγ−3 1−∆γ2/γ2 −2(1−nβcosθ )−2. (2.24) η c c B (cid:0) (cid:1) Note that F and F are unchanged compared to thecase of delta-function distribution (Eq.2.17), while F is changed by 11 12 η a factor 1−∆γ2/γ2 −2. c For(cid:0)thecase of β−(cid:1) =−β+ =β, substituting Eqs. (2.13) and (2.20) in Eq. (2.19),we obtain S = 1+ F , s,11 Xs D = F , s,12 Xs A = ζ F , s s,11 Xs C = ζ F , s s,12 Xs P = 1+ F +ζ2F , (2.25) s,η s s,11 Xs (cid:0) (cid:1) with F ≃ fvu−1γ (1+nβcosθ )2, (2.26) +,11 c B F ≃ (1−f)vu−1γ (1−nβcosθ )2, (2.27) −,11 c B F ≃ fvu−1/2(1+nβcosθ ), (2.28) +,12 B 6 C. Wang and D. Lai F ≃ −(1−f)vu−1/2(1−nβcosθ ), (2.29) −,12 B F = −fvγ−3 1−∆γ2/γ2 −2(1+nβcosθ )−2. (2.30) +,η c c B F = −(1−f)(cid:0)vγ−3 1−∆γ(cid:1)2/γ2 −2(1−nβcosθ )−2. (2.31) −,η c c B (cid:0) (cid:1) 2.3 Correction due to Vacuum Polarization Vacuumpolarization contributes a correction to thedielectric tensor: ∆ǫ(v) =(a−1)I+qBˆBˆ, (2.32) whereIistheunittensorandBˆ =B/BistheunitvectoralongB (hereweuseB,Bˆ todenoteB ,Bˆ forsimplenotations). 0 0 The magnetic permeability tensor µ also deviates from unity because of vacuum polarization, with the inverse permeability given by µ−1 =aI+mBˆBˆ. (2.33) In the low frequency limit ¯hω ≪m c2, general expressions for the vacuum polarization coefficients a, q, and m are given in e Adler(1971) and Heyl & Hernquist (1997). For B≪B =m2c3/(e¯h)=4.414×1013 G, they are given by Q e a=1−2δ , q=7δ , m=−4δ , (2.34) V V V where 2 α B δ = F =2.650×10−8B2 (2.35) V 45π (cid:18)BQ(cid:19) 12 and α = e2/¯hc = 1/137 is the fine structure constant. For B ≫ B , simple expressions for a, q, m are given in Ho & F Q Lai (2003) (see also Potekhin et al. 2004 for general fitting formulae). When |∆ǫ(v)|≪1 or B/B ≪3π/α (B ≪5×1016 G), the plasma and vacuum contributions to the dielectric tensor ij Q F can beadded linearly, i.e., ǫ=ǫ(p)+∆ǫ(v). In theframe with Bˆ along zˆ′, S′ iD A [ǫ]zˆ′=Bˆ = −iD S′ −iC , (2.36) A iC P′ with S′ =S+aˆ, P′ =P +aˆ+q and aˆ=a−1, 3 WAVE MODES IN A COLD STREAMING PLASMA Here we consider the case of a pair plasma all streaming with the same velocity β along the field line. The effect of finite spread in γ will bestudied in §5, and thecase of opposite streams will be considered in §6. 3.1 Equations for the Wave Modes Using the electric displacement D = ǫ·E and equation (2.33) in the Maxwell equations, we obtain the equation for plane waves with E ∝ei(k·r−ωt) (henceforth we useE to denoteδE, and useB to denoteB ) 0 1 m ǫ +n2 kˆ kˆ −δ − (kˆ×Bˆ) (kˆ×Bˆ) E =0, (3.37) a ij i j ij a i j j n h io where n=ck/ω is the refractive index and kˆ =k/k. In thecoordinate system xyz with k along thez-axis and B in thex-z plane, such that kˆ×Bˆ =−sinθ yˆ, thecomponents of dielectric tensor are given by[compared to eq.(2.36)] B ǫ = S′cos2θ −2Asinθ cosθ +P′sin2θ , xx B B B B ǫ = S′, yy ǫ = S′sin2θ +2Asinθ cosθ +P′cos2θ , zz B B B B ǫ = −ǫ =i(Dcosθ −Csinθ ), xy yx B B ǫ = ǫ =Acos2θ +(S′−P′)sinθ cosθ , xz zx B B B ǫ = −ǫ =−i(Dsinθ +Ccosθ ), (3.38) yz zy B B The z-component of equation (3.37) gives E =−ǫ−1(ǫ E +ǫ E ). (3.39) z zz zx x zy y 7 Reinserting this back intoequation (3.37) yields η −n2 η E xx xy x =0, (3.40) (cid:18) ηyx ηyy−rn2 (cid:19)(cid:18) Ey (cid:19) where r=1+rˆ≡1+(m/a)sin2θ and B 1 1 η = (ǫ ǫ −ǫ ǫ )= S′P′−A2 , (3.41) xx aǫ zz xx xz zx aǫ zz zz (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 η = (ǫ ǫ −ǫ ǫ ) yy aǫ zz yy yz zy zz 1 = (S′2−D2−S′P′+C2)sin2θ +2(AS′−CD)sinθ cosθ +S′P′−C2 , (3.42) aǫ B B B zz (cid:2) (cid:3) 1 η = −η = (ǫ ǫ −ǫ ǫ ) yx xy aǫ zz yx yz zx zz −i = P′Dcosθ −S′Csinθ +A(Dsinθ −Ccosθ ) . (3.43) aǫ B B B B zz (cid:2) (cid:3) 3.2 B=∞ limit without QED effect The aboveexpressions are valid for the general dielectric tensor (Eq.2.36). Wenow consider the B=∞ limit introduced by e.g., Tsytovitch & Kaplan (1972) and Arons& Barnard (1986). In this regime, the magnetic field is sufficiently large so that the cyclotron frequency are large compared to the Lorentz-shifted wave frequency. At the same time, B is not really infinity so that thewave propagation is dominated by plasma effect and we neglect theQED correction in thedielectric tensor. The approximate elements of thedielectric tensor are f ∼vu−1γ ∼0, f ∼−(1−2f)vu−1/2 ∼0, (3.44) 11 12 f ≃−vγ−3(1−nβcosθ )−2, (3.45) η B S ≃1, P ≃1+f , D≃0, A≃0, C ≃0, (3.46) η ǫ ≃1+f cos2θ . (3.47) zz η B Equations (3.41) – (3.43) then reduce to 1+f η ≃ η , xx 1+f cos2θ η B η ≃ 1, yy η ≃ −η ≃0. (3.48) yx xy Solving equation (3.40),we find(see Arons & Barnard 1986) 1+f n2 =η = η (3.49) xx 1+f cos2θ η B or ω2 (ω2−c2k2) 1− p −c2k2 =0 (3.50) k (cid:20) γ3ω2(1−βck /ω)2(cid:21) ⊥ k (where k =kcosθ , k =ksinθ ) for the ordinary mode (O-mode) and k B ⊥ B n2 =1 (3.51) for the extraordinary mode (X-mode).The polarization of the O-modeis given by E η y = yx ∼0, (3.52) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)EEx(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)fηyysi−nθηxxco(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)sθ n2−1 z = η B B = , (3.53) a(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)nEdxt(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)hat(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)fo1r+thfeηcXosm2oθBde(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)is (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)tanθB(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) E E x ∼0, z ∼0. (3.54) (cid:12)E (cid:12) (cid:12)E (cid:12) (cid:12) y(cid:12) (cid:12) y(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 8 C. Wang and D. Lai Figure1. Therefractiveindicesn=ck/ωofwavemodesasafunctionofωp/ωforacoldplasmawithγ=1andthewavepropagation angleθB =30◦.ThesolidlineshowsthesuperluminousO-mode,thedashedlinetheX-mode,andthedot-dashedlinethesubluminous O-mode. The insert shows the blowup of the “avoided crossing” region between the X-mode and the superluminous O-mode due to vacuum resonance. The mixed modes are labeled “+” mode and “−” mode. For the insert, the x-axis gives 104ωp/ω, and y-axis gives 108(n−1),andtheotherparametersareB=1012G,N =NGJ withP =1s. Figure 2. Same as Fig.1 except for γ = 1.1, and the x-axis gives (ωp/ω)γ−3/2. Note that for (ωp/ω)γ−3/2 ≪ 1, the subluminous O-modehasn=−(ωp/ω)γ−3/2+1/(βcosθB),anditisshownasadottedlineinthefigure. Thus,theX-modeis a transversewavewith theelectric field vectorin thek×B direction, while theO-modeis polarized in theplane spanned by k and B. Figures 1 – 3 depict the refractive indices n=ck/ω of different modes as a function of (ω /ω)γ−3/2 for γ = 1, 1.1 and p 103, respectively, all with θ =30◦. The O-modes have two branches: the superluminous branch (w >ck or n<1) and the B subluminousbranch (w<ck orn>1),thelattercorresponds toplasma oscillations. Atlow densities,(ω /ω)γ−3/2 ≪1,the p superluminous O-modebecomes transverse vacuum electromagnetic wavewhich can escape from themagnetosphere. In the very low density region, (ω /ω)γ−3/2 ≪1, the QED effect may not be neglected compared to the plasma effect. p The “competition” between the vacuum polarization effect and the plasma effect gives rise to a vacuum resonance, at which the superluminous O-mode and the X-mode may be coupled with each other. In the remainder of this paper, we will focus on this vacuum resonance phenomenon. 9 Figure 3. SameasFigure2except forγ=103.Intheinsert,thex-axisgives105(ωp/ω)γ−3/2 andthey-axis108(n−1). 3.3 Wave Modes Including QED Effect We now consider how vacuum polarization affects the X-mode and (superluminous) O-mode. Because of the possibility of “modecrossing”,welabelthemodesas“+mode”and“−mode”.WewritethemodepolarizationvectorasE =E +E zˆ, ± ±T ±z with thetransverse part 1 E = (iK ,1), (3.55) ±T (1+K2)1/2 ± ± where iK =E /E . Eliminating n2 from equation (3.40),we obtain ± x y K =β ± β2+r≃β ± β2+1, (3.56) ± p p p p p p where thepolarization parameter β is given by p rη −η β = −i xx yy p 2η yx S′2−D2−S′P′+C2 sin2θ + A2−C2 +(AS′−DC)sin2θ + S′P′−A2 (1−r) B B = − . (3.57) (cid:0) 2[P′(cid:1)Dcosθ −(cid:0)S′Csinθ(cid:1)+A(Dsinθ −Ccosθ )(cid:0)] (cid:1) B B B B The index of refraction n of thetwo modes can be obtained from equation (3.40), giving ± η η n2 = yy + yxiK . (3.58) ± r r ± We now consider the case of cold streaming plasma with β = β = β. We focus on parameter regimes satisfying the − + following conditions: uγ−2(1−βcosθ )−2 =7.812×1012B2 ν−2γ−2(1−βcosθ )−2 ≫1, (3.59) B 12 1 3 B vγ−1 =5.617×10−3ηB P−1ν−2γ−1 ≪1, (3.60) 12 1 1 3 where ν is the wave (photon) frequency, ν = ν/(1GHz) and γ = γ/103. The first condition implies that the Doppler- 1 3 shifted frequency is lower than ω , so that we can use equation (2.17) for f , f and f . The second condition implies c 11 12 η |f |2 ≪|f |≪1, and |f |≪1. Underthese conditions, equation (3.57) reduces to 12 11 η (f +q+m)sin2θ −f 1−(cosθ −ζsinθ )2 η B 11 B B β ≃ . (3.61) p 2f (cosθ (cid:2)−ζsinθ ) (cid:3) 12 B B We shall see that conditions (3.59) and (3.60) also imply that the index of refraction is close to unity, |n−1| ≪ 1. Thus (cosθ −ζsinθ )2 = (cosθ −nβ)2/(1−nβcosθ )2 ≈ 1−γ−2sin2θ (1−βcosθ )2, and we can easily check that the B B B B B B second term in thenumerator of equation (3.61) is much smaller than f . Equation (3.61) therefore simplifies to η f +q+m sin2θ β ≃ η B p 2f (cosθ −ζsinθ ) 12 B B 10 C. Wang and D. Lai f sin2θ q+m = η B 1+ 2f12(cosθB−ζsinθB)(cid:18) fη (cid:19) = β β , (3.62) 0 V where β is thepolarization parameter in the absence of vacuum polarization: 0 f sin2θ β ≃ η B 0 2f (cosθ −ζsinθ ) 12 B B 1 sin2θ ≃ − (1−2f)−1u1/2γ−3(1−βcosθ )−3 B , (3.63) 2 B (cosθ −ζsinθ ) B B and β is thecorrection factor dueto vacuumpolarization: V q+m β ≃ 1+ V f η q+m ≃ 1− . (3.64) vγ−3(1−βcosθ )−2 B Equation (3.58) for the indexof refraction n of thetwo modes also simplifies to ± n2 ≃1−msin2θ +f +f (cosθ −ζsinθ )K . (3.65) ± B 11 12 B B ± For positive β with |β |≫1, we obtain simple expressions of refractive indices p p n2 =1−msin2θ +f +(f +q+m)sin2θ , n2 =1−msin2θ +f , (3.66) + B 11 η B − B 11 while for negative β with |β |≫1, we have p p n2 =1−msin2θ +f , n2 =1−msin2θ +f +(f +q+m)sin2θ . (3.67) + B 11 − B 11 η B For |β |=0, we haveK =±1and p ± n2 =1−msin2θ +f ±f (cosθ −ζsinθ ). (3.68) ± B 11 12 B B From equations(3.66–3.68), we see that n is indeed close to unity when equations (3.59) and (3.60) are satisfied. 3.4 Vacuum Resonance For |β | ≫ 1, the two modes are (almost) linearly polarized: the mode with |K| ≃ 2|β | ≫ 1 is polarized in the kˆ-Bˆ plane, p p and is usually called ordinary mode (O-mode); the mode with |K| ≃ 1/(2|β |) ≪ 1 is polarized perpendicular to the kˆ-Bˆ p plane, and is called extraordinary mode (X-mode).From equation (3.62), we see that for a general θ which is not too close B to 0o or 180o, and for almost all values of B,N, ν,γ’s, theinequality |β |≫1 is satisfied either when the condition p f η sin2θ ≃ (1−2f)−1u1/2γ−3(1−cosθ )−3sin2θ (cid:12)f B(cid:12) B B (cid:12) 12 (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) = 2.795B12ν1−1γ3−3(1−cosθB)−3sin2θB(1−2f)−1 ≫1 (3.69) is satisfied, or when 2 q+m α B sin2θ ≃ F (1−2f)−1u1/2v−1(1−cosθ )−1sin2θ (cid:12)(cid:12) f12 B(cid:12)(cid:12) 15π (cid:18)BQ(cid:19) B B (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) = 39.56B122ν1(1−2f)−1η−1P1(1−cosθB)−1sin2θB ≫1 (3.70) is satisfied. Theexception occurs when f +q+m=0 (3.71) η or q+m β =1− =0. (3.72) V vγ−3(1−βcosθ )−2 B This definesthe “vacuum resonance”. For given ν, γ and B,the resonance occurs at the density N =9.905×1011B2 ν2γ3(1−βcosθ )2F(b)cm−3, (3.73) V 12 1 3 B where q+m F(b)≡ (3.74) α2b2/(15π) F