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bustransformationproject.com Action Plan Executive Summary December 2019 A better way to GET THERE Congestion, affordability, and mobility are major problems in the Washington Region that will only continue to grow as 40,000–60,000 jobs and households are added each year. Meanwhile, our regional bus system is not keeping pace with this growth and riders’ needs for frequent, reliable, and fast service. Other regions nationally and globally have transformed their bus systems to address similar challenges, decreasing congestion, improving reliability, and THE VISION: operating efficiently with frequent and fast service. It is past time for us to do Bus will be the the same: rapid, effective surface transportation is critical to our region’s mode of choice on prosperity. Buses have a vital role to play because they make efficient use of the region’s roads roadways by transporting large numbers of riders safely, conveniently, and affordably, and they provide service in areas not accessible by Metrorail. by 2030, serving as the backbone of a Over the course of the project, the region’s residents and civic and advocacy groups were loud and clear on how to transform the bus system: strong and inclusive Transformation means fast, frequent, reliable, affordable service regional mobility that feels like a unified system, and isn’t beholden to geographic or system that will funding boundaries. The Bus Transformation Strategy provides a path support a growing forward as a coordinated regional strategy that addresses customer needs, and sustainable leverages innovative technology, and fosters collaboration and coordination to make the strategy a reality. economy. This Action Plan highlights the activities required to achieve the changes envisioned for the region’s bus system, and demanded by stakeholders and the public, over the next decade. Whereas the Bus Transformation Strategy document embodies the “what” for transforming bus, this Action Plan details the “how.” These actions focus on achieving Visit bustransformationproject.com results that benefit bus riders and the whole region by providing frequent to read more about the Strategy and reliable bus service on a consistent basis across the region, with and the Action Plan. improved speed and efficiency for riders. 1 BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com Recommendations Key Outcomes of Implementation THE FOUR MAIN RECOMMENDATIONS ARE: Authored in Concerted effort leads to a BY 2030 BUS RIDERS WILL SEE partnership with 1 range of far-reaching regional A VASTLY IMPROVED BUS SYSTEM: Provide frequent and convenient bus benefits: stakeholders across service that connects communities and the region, the promotes housing affordability, regional Satisfaction with transit Faster and … as a result of service more reliable trips service standards, equity, and economic growth. Bus Transformation bus priority, and enforcement. Strategy sets out an Financial benefit 2 ambitious path Give buses priority on roadways to move Environmental benefit forward. The strategy people quickly and reliably. makes four key More affordable … with new reduced transportation fare options and free recommendations to The region’s system will also transfers between bus achieve the goals of see many benefits: and Metrorail. 3 this effort. Increased Create an excellent customer experience ridership to retain and increase ridership. A restructured … that better meets Higher operating regional bus system customer needs. cost efficiency 4 Better Empower a publicly appointed task force coordination in to transform bus and lead the implementation regional decision of a truly integrated regional system. making A bus system … thanks to Increased transit that is easy to use standardized maps, more accurate data, mode share These four overarching recommendations encompass 26 specific upgraded technology and signage. recommendations that will require collaborative action from a number of Reduced agencies and stakeholders. With nine separate agencies providing local bus environmental impact of service in the region, along with multiple layers of state and local transportation governments with adjacent responsibilities, no one entity can implement all Safer, more … with cleaner buses, of these recommendations on their own. Agencies will need to take the Improved comfortable trips improved bus stops, and added security features initiative to lead some actions and partner together to achieve customer throughout the system. others. Building on the excellent work already underway in our region, the satisfaction Action Plan envisions a collaborative implementation approach that Less congestion facilitates progress by sharing knowledge and best practices while on the region’s leveraging the priorities and resources of each stakeholder. roads 2 3 BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com Action Plan Overview The recommendations have been divided into three categories The Action Plan represents the detailed based on how they should be implemented: implementation plan for the Bus Transformation Strategy recommendations and prioritizes each activity for maximum impact over the 10-year implementation period. The Action Plan is built around a set of milestones associated with the 26 Complete the Enhance Existing Implement New Initiatives: recommendations—targets for achieving specific improvements by Work Already Efforts: Includes Includes the remaining individual entities and all of the region’s bus providers. These milestones highlight how action by these agencies will result in a better bus system Underway: Includes recommendations whose recommendations whose for the whole region. recommendations whose activities represent ongoing activities should be implemented actions are already work that will need to be as soon as possible by the All of the recommendations are critical to truly transforming bus in the largely underway by the elevated through expanded involved actors. Current region, but taken together they represent an extremely large undertaking responsible parties. funding or staffing existing progress on these actions may that cannot all be addressed simultaneously. The Action Plan presents programs and work vary widely between agencies, sequenced steps to implementation, based on each recommendation’s activities. and some may already be potential for transformation and the relative difficulty of implementation, underway at individual agencies. to achieve maximum impact within a 10-year timeframe. Considering activities already being pursued at the local, state, and regional levels, this Action Plan is designed to be flexible enough to encourage each jurisdiction and agency to implement their priorities while working collaboratively to implement regional priorities. The specific actions are likely to be pursued and achieved in This Action Plan will allow the region to truly transform the bus into the mode of choice on the region’s different manners in each of our region’s jurisdictions due to differences roads and ensure that customers will be provided with high-quality service that takes them where they in the governance structures, processes, and progress that each has need to go quickly, reliably, and comfortably. This won’t be easy. It will take political will and require difficult already made. decisions. While financial stewardship is an important tenet of the Strategy – and indeed many of the recommendations would result in operating cost savings, increased fare revenues from higher ridership, or The following pages highlight the Action Plan schedule and priorities, both – to successfully transform the bus, the Action Plan needs political leadership and with a focus on the milestone achievements that will transform the financial resources. bus system in our region. It is critical that in addition to completing the planning and technical work that is part of this Action Plan, the region must come together to ensure that investment in bus and continued support of bus are at the forefront of regional conversations about transportation. 4 5 BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com 1 Provide frequent and convenient bus service that connects communities and promotes KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS BENEFITS UNLOCKED housing affordability, regional in 2020 Customers will have: equity, and economic growth. The WMATA Board will revise the definitions of – a more seamless “regional” bus service and associated funding – experience using the formulas. region’s transit system Multiple agencies will pilot and implement flexible PRIORITIES: – on-demand service. bus service that better A. Establish regional standards across bus systems to provide – The region will adopt minimum service standards – matches their needs consistent bus service, tailored by location and time of day. tailored by land use and time of day. and demands B. Collect and share standardized bus operations and performance data across agencies to improve transparency and better plan bus better access to – service. in 2021 frequent bus service C. Collaboratively restructure the region’s bus network to create the most efficient and customer-focused bus system. Data sharing agreements between bus providers The region’s bus system will see: – will be implemented. D. Cooperatively assess Metrobus’ current service definitions and increased ridership The bus system restructuring effort for the region – funding allocation formula using the WMATA Board’s Authority. – 1%–3% will begin. higher operating cost E. Leverage existing efforts by transit providers to operate flexible – efficiency on-demand services to supplement the fixed route network where Cities such as Austin, and when warranted. improved customer Columbus, and Houston by 2025 – that have recently satisfaction restructured or redesigned their bus service have Data about all the regional bus providers will be less congestion on the – stabilized ridership and in 48% available in one place. – region’s roads some instances, realized The new restructured regional bus system will be ridership increases from – reduced environmental operational. 1% to 3%. Today, 48% of the Washington – impact of area population has 15-minute Flexible, on-demand service will be provided in the – or better service during peak areas and times of day where it makes the most transportation periods. Applying service sense, widening the reach of the transit system guidelines to ensure that throughout the region. service aligns with demand will increase the number of residents with access to frequent service and the number of jobs accessible via frequent service. 6 7 BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com 2 Give buses priority on roadways to move people quickly and reliably. KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS BENEFITS UNLOCKED in 2020 Customers will have: PRIORITIES: The region will commit to pursuing area-appropriate – Faster and more bus priority treatments at the policy level. – F. Obtain commitments from state and local agencies (including roadway reliable trips owners) to adopt consistent guidelines, bolster jurisdictional capital The region will develop an implementation-ready – spending, and expedite coordinated implementation of bus priority. enforcement program for bus priority. The region’s bus system G. Implement enforcement policies that establish bus priority and result will see: in reliable and fast service. Increased ridership $30M – H. Establish a capital program at WMATA that supports accelerated in 2021 Higher operating cost implementation of bus priority projects, including BRT. – efficiency Improving bus speeds to I. Support regional congestion mitigation efforts that bolster bus priority WMATA will develop a capital program for – 2008 levels would enable and move more people more efficiently. implementing bus priority in the region. Improved customer Metrobus to recoup much – of the $30M that is lost satisfaction annually to congestion and could result in ridership Less congestion on 85% – increases of 7%. the region’s roads Reduced In London, by 2025 – automated bus environmental impact lane enforcement of transportation The region will have established guidelines for reduced bus lane – 10% violations by 85%. where and how bus priority should be implemented. To appropriately enforce bus priority, the necessary – equipment will have been acquired and necessary With transit signal priority Up to 31% (TSP), routes outside of legislation will have been enacted by the appropriate downtown DC have shown state and local bodies. runtime improvements of New York City Select Efforts to support and implement congestion pricing greater than 10% and – Bus Service showed in the region will be moving forward. schedule reliability has travel time improvement shown improvements by Implementation of bus priority projects around the averages of 13% to 23% – about 5%. region will be underway. and 10% to 31% increases in ridership. 8 9 BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com 3 Create an excellent customer experience to retain and increase ridership. KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS BENEFITS UNLOCKED in 2020 Customers will have: PRIORITIES: Mobile payment will be enabled on local buses in A more seamless – – Equip riders with high-quality, accurate, and easily accessible the region. experience using the information to plan a trip. All bus providers in the region will have a plan for – region’s transit system J. Ensure that accurate, real-time service information for all publishing GTFS-Real Time bus data. providers is available in one place. Transfers between Metrorail and Metrobus will Less expensive trips, – – K. Make bus service easy to understand with legible maps and be free. especially for low- customer-friendly route names across providers. DC will pilot a low-income fare product for transit income passengers 15,000 – L. Expand marketing efforts to enhance visibility of bus options passengers. Accurate, easy-to-use, and benefits. – accessible information An increase in 15,000 Make paying bus fares easier. in 2021 weekday transit riders that makes it easy to could result by creating M. Provide full transfer discount between local bus and Metrorail. GTFS-Real Time data will be available for all bus use the region’s transit a more seamless fare N. Provide reduced fare options for low-income riders. – structure between providers in the region. system O. Create a mobile solution to plan and pay for trips in one place. Metro and local bus Transfers between Metrorail and all local bus – providers. P. Develop regional passes that work across all providers, and services will be free. The region’s bus system make bus fares clear and understandable. The region will begin deploying easier to will see: – Q. Incentivize more employers to offer transit benefits. understand print and electronic maps. Increased ridership – The region and the jurisdictions will develop plans – Improved customer to encourage more employers to offer transit – 20% benefits to bus riders. satisfaction 2% Less congestion on by 2025 – Across the WMATA Compact the region’s roads Providing accurate real-time area, some 350,000 residents information increased (8.5% of the total population) Bus routes across the region will have a cohesive, Reduced – – ridership by 2% in San live below the poverty line, easy to use numbering scheme. environmental impact Francisco, New York, and and low-income people make Low-income fare products will be available in all Chicago. They also realized up about 25% of weekday – of transportation jurisdictions. increased customer passenger trips (rail + bus). A satisfaction, increased 50% decrease in fares could WMATA will have an upgraded mobile solution that – customers’ feelings of generate a 20% increase in allows people to plan and pay for all their local bus safety and security, and ridership. and Metrorail trips in the region. reduced perceived All regional bus providers will accept WMATA’s wait times. – Monthly Unlimited Passes and other types of unlimited bus passes. 10 11 BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com 3 Create an excellent customer experience to retain and increase KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS BENEFITS UNLOCKED ridership. (continued) in 2021 Customers will have: New customer service training programs will be – A more seamless developed for transit staff. – PRIORITIES: experience using the Best practices for bus cleanliness will be Make it safer and more pleasant to ride the bus. – region’s transit system established. R. Make bus stops and shelters safe, comfortable, accessible, Safer and more and technology-enabled. by 2025 – comfortable S. Advance technology and programs that improve the safety of experience when everyone on board by partnering with riders, bus operators, and Bus will be marketed more effectively around the – unions. region, with an appropriate portion of operating riding and waiting for T. Empower front-line staff to provide exceptional customer costs spent on marketing efforts. the bus service. Responsible parties will have developed plans and – identified funding to ensure that all bus stops are The region’s bus system U. Ensure that all buses meet the highest standards of comfort ADA accessible and meet jurisdiction’s amenity will see: and cleanliness. guidelines by 2030. Pursue innovation and bus improvement. Increased ridership All transit providers will be implementing their – – V. Advance new vehicle technologies to improve bus’ plans to equip buses with enhanced safety Improved customer environmental footprint and efficiency, such as electric buses – equipment. satisfaction and automation. All transit providers will have implemented improved 50% W. Establish a Regional Mobility Innovation Lab to systematically – customer service training programs and other – Less congestion on share knowledge and accelerate improvements such as policies that ensure best-in-class customer service. the region’s roads service provision, customer experience, and bus operator and All providers will have implemented improved bus On-board monitors passenger safety. – Reduced showing live CCTV footage cleaning programs, ensuring that buses throughout – environmental impact of the vehicle to passengers the region have clean interiors and exteriors. of transportation were added to some Bus providers across the region will be in the Metrobuses, which resulted – 128,000 process of implementing full zero emission vehicle Higher operating cost in a reduction in customer – fleets and supporting facilities. complaints by over 50% and efficiency criminal incidents logged by The Regional Mobility Innovation Lab will have Transitioning to a battery – the control center by 30%. successfully launched. electric bus fleet could reduce Metrobus emissions by almost 128,000 metric by 2030 tons of CO e annually by 2 2040, the equivalent of All bus stops in the region will meet jurisdictional – almost 100,000 passenger guidelines for access, amenities, and safety. vehicles driven for 1 year. Buses will be safer for passengers and bus drivers – and be fully equipped with the best safety and security features. 12 13 BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com 4 Empower a publicly appointed Task Force to transform bus and lead the implementation of a truly KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS BENEFITS UNLOCKED integrated regional system. in 2021 Customers will have: The region will come to consensus on a – A more seamless formal process that elevates the role of bus – experience using the PRIORITIES: in regional transportation plans and ensures region’s transit system that all local bus providers are moving X. Convene a Task Force to ensure implementation of the Strategy and forward in the same direction. provide long-term leadership for the region’s bus system. A voice in shaping the – The first Bus Transformation Progress Y. Facilitate an independently published annual progress report on Bus – Bus Transformation Report will be published. Transformation Strategy implementation and a bus performance Strategy as it evolves The first annual Bus Performance scorecard to track the level of service delivered to customers. – Scorecard will be published by an Z. Develop a platform for rider feedback, administered by the task The region’s bus system independent entity. force, and an ongoing mechanism for incorporating feedback into will see: The region’s Rider Feedback Platform will regular revisions of the Strategy recommendations. – Improved customer be launched to provide a single touchpoint – for riders to provide comments on the bus satisfaction  system. Less congestion on – by 2025 the region’s roads With increased visibility of bus performance, progress Better coordination in This Action Plan will have been revised to – on bus transformation, and – regional decision expanding implementation reflect progress made and new priorities of bus priority treatments and opportunities. making across the region, the profile 8,800 of bus is expected to grow among regional decision makers, and investment in The Bus Transformation Strategy priority treatments and was shaped through the priorities other critical improvements and preferences of over 8,800 is expected to increase. people who responded to surveys and attended events. During implementation, public input will continue to be a crucial part of the process in the form of a regional rider feedback platform. 14 15 BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com Action Plan 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 1 Provide A Establish regional standards across bus systems to provide consistent bus service, tailored by location and time of day. frequent and Collect and share standardized bus operations and performance data across agencies to improve transparency B convenient and better plan bus service. bus service C Collaboratively restructure the region’s bus network to create the most efficient and customer-focused bus system. D Cooperatively assess Metrobus’ current service definitions and funding allocation formula using the WMATA Board’s Authority. Leverage existing efforts to provide flexible on-demand services where and when fixed route service is not efficient, E through collaborative planning with bus operators and unions. 2 Give buses Obtain commitments from state and local agencies (including roadway owners) to adopt consistent guidelines, bolster F jurisdictional capital spending, and expedite coordinated implementation of bus priority. priority on roadways G Implement enforcement policies that establish bus priority and result in reliable and fast service. H Establish a capital program at WMATA that supports accelerated implementation of bus priority projects, including BRT. I Support regional congestion mitigation efforts that bolster bus priority and move more people more efficiently. 3 Create an J Ensure that accurate, real-time service information for all providers is available in one place. excellent K Make bus service easy to understand with legible maps and customer-friendly route names across providers. customer L Expand marketing efforts to enhance visibility of bus options and benefits. experience M Provide full transfer discount between local bus and Metrorail. N Provide reduced fare options for low-income riders. O Create a mobile solution to plan and pay for trips in one place. P Develop regional passes that work across all providers and make bus fares clear and understandable. Q Incentivize more employers to offer transit benefits. R Make bus stops and shelters safe, comfortable, accessible, and technology-enabled. Advance technology and programs that improve the safety of everyone on board by partnering with riders, S bus operators, and unions. T Empower front-line staff to provide exceptional customer service. U Ensure that all buses meet the highest standards of comfort and cleanliness. Advance new vehicle technologies to improve bus' environmental footprint and efficiency, V such as electric buses and automation. Establish a Regional Mobility Innovation Lab to systematically share knowledge and accelerate improvements in W service provision, customer experience, and bus operator and passenger safety. 4 Empower X Convene a task force to ensure implementation of the Strategy and provide long-term leadership for the region’s bus system. Key a publicly Facilitate an independently published annual Progress Report on Bus Transformation Strategy implementation and a Complete the Work Already Underway Y appointed Bus Performance Scorecard to track the level of service delivered to customers. Enhance Existing Efforts task force Implement New Initiatives Develop a platform for rider feedback, administered by the task force, and an ongoing mechanism for incorporating Z Dependency feedback into regular revisions of the Strategy recommendations. Milestone 16 17 BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Action Plan Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com

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