Lee:WarinLateAntiquity 0631229254_1_pretoc FinalProof page i 19.4.2007 6:39pm CompositorName:ARaju WAR IN LATE ANTIQUITY Lee:WarinLateAntiquity 0631229254_1_pretoc FinalProof page ii 19.4.2007 6:39pm CompositorName:ARaju Ancient World at War Thebooks in this series areauthoritativesurveys of the relationship betweenwarfareand the economy and culture of ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean societies.Theseriesexplores the impact of military organization on social life andthe place of war inthe culturaland imaginative life ofcommunities. It also considers the ‘‘face of battle,’’ examining the experiences of combatants andcivilians. Published War in Late Antiquity A. D. Lee War inthe Hellenistic World AngelosChaniotis War inAncient Egypt AnthonyJ.Spalinger In Preparation War in the Ancient Greek World John Buckler War inthe AssyrianEmpire Mario Fales War inthe Roman Republic JohnSerrati War in the Ancient World Philip de Souza War in the ByzantineWorld Frank Trombley Lee:WarinLateAntiquity 0631229254_1_pretoc FinalProof page iii 19.4.2007 6:39pm CompositorName:ARaju WAR IN LATE ANTIQUITY A Social History A. D. Lee Lee:WarinLateAntiquity 0631229254_1_pretoc FinalProof page iv 19.4.2007 6:39pm CompositorName:ARaju (cid:1)2007byA.D.Lee BLACKWELLPUBLISHING 350MainStreet,Malden,MA02148-5020,USA 9600GarsingtonRoad,OxfordOX42DQ,UK 550SwanstonStreet,Carlton,Victoria3053,Australia TherightofA.D.LeetobeidentifiedastheAuthorofthisWorkhasbeenassertedin accordancewiththeUKCopyright,Designs,andPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedina retrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical, photocopying,recordingorotherwise,exceptaspermittedbytheUKCopyright, Designs,andPatentsAct1988,withoutthepriorpermissionofthepublisher. Firstpublished2007byBlackwellPublishingLtd 1 2007 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Lee,A.D. Warinlateantiquity:asocialhistory/A.D.Lee. p.cm.—(Ancientworldatwar) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-0-631-22925-4(hardcover:alk.paper)—ISBN978-0-631-22926-1 (pbk.:alk.paper)1.Militaryartandscience—Rome—History.2.Rome—History, Military—30B.C.-476A.D.3.Warandsociety—Rome.I.Title. U35.L442007 937’.08—dc22 2006036159 AcataloguerecordforthistitleisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. Setin10/12ptGalliard bySPiPublisherServices,Pondicherry,India PrintedandboundinSingapore byCOSPrintersPteLtd Thepublisher’spolicyistousepermanentpaperfrommillsthatoperateasustainable forestrypolicy,andwhichhasbeenmanufacturedfrompulpprocessedusingacid-free andelementarychlorine-freepractices.Furthermore,thepublisherensuresthatthe textpaperandcoverboardusedhavemetacceptableenvironmentalaccreditation standards. Forfurtherinformationon BlackwellPublishing,visitour website: www.blackwellpublishing.com Lee:WarinLateAntiquity 0631229254_1_pretoc FinalProof page v 19.4.2007 6:39pm CompositorName:ARaju For James, Philip, and Naomi Lee:WarinLateAntiquity 0631229254_1_pretoc FinalProof page vi 19.4.2007 6:39pm CompositorName:ARaju Lee:WarinLateAntiquity 0631229254_2_toc FinalProof page vii 19.4.2007 6:40pm CompositorName:ARaju CONTENTS List of Figures ix List of Maps x List of Tables xi Preface xii Acknowledgments xv Selected RomanEmperors during Late Antiquity xvi Selected PersianKingsduringLate Antiquity xviii Table of Significant Events xix Glossary xxi List of Abbreviations xxiv Introduction 1 1.War and its Causes in LateAntiquity:AnOverview 3 2.The Evolutionof the LateRoman Army:An Outline 9 3.AncientSources for War and theArmy inLateAntiquity: A Guide 14 1 Emperors and Warfare 21 1.1. Changing Patterns ofImperial Involvement inWarfare 21 1.2. TheUnchangingIdeology of Victory 37 2 MilitaryLoyalties and Civil War 51 2.1. Retaining Soldiers’ Loyalties 51 2.2. Civil War andMilitaryUnrest 66 3 The Infrastructure of War 74 3.1. Manpower 74 3.2. Supplying the Army 85 3.3. Fortifications 98 4 The Economic Impact of War 101 4.1. Economic Benefits of War 101 4.2. Economic Costs of War 105 vii Lee:WarinLateAntiquity 0631229254_2_toc FinalProof page viii 19.4.2007 6:40pm CompositorName:ARaju CONTENTS 5 The Experience ofWar 123 5.1. Soldiers 125 5.2. Urban Communities 133 5.3. Rural Communities 138 5.4. Women 141 6 Soldiers and Society 147 6.1. Soldiersand their Families 147 6.2. Interactionbetween Militaryand Non-MilitaryElites 153 6.3. Military–Civilian Interaction at Non-EliteLevels 163 7 Army, Warfare, and Religion 176 7.1. The Changing Religious Complexion of the Army 176 7.2. The Army and Religious Policy 193 7.3. A Christian Empire at War 205 Notes 212 Bibliography of AncientSources 234 Bibliography of ModernWorks 240 Index of Ancient Sources 263 GeneralIndex 270 viii Lee:WarinLateAntiquity 0631229254_3_posttoc FinalProof page ix 4.5.2007 7:33pm CompositorName:RVijayaraj FIGURES 1.1. Silver largesse plate ofValentinian I or II 43 1.2. TheBarberini ivory 44 1.3. Thevictorycolumn of Arcadius 46 1.4. Gold solidus ofthe emperor Anastasius (491–518) 49 1.5. Gold solidus ofthe emperor Valentinian III(425–55) 49 3.1. Illustrationsof the office of magister officiorum from the Notitia Dignitatum, showing the output of state arsenals (fabricae) 93 5.1. Graffito from Dura-Europos depicting a town under siege 131 5.2. Relief from the Arch of Constantine depicting the siege of Verona 132 ix