Nawa`e Waqfe Nau Vol. 1 | Issue 9 | April 2012 Waqfe Nau USA Newsletter Waqfe Nau Evaluation Ameer Jama`at USA "You were born for a great purpose at a great time." Dr. Ahsanullah Friday Sermon delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(rah) on April 3, 1987 at Zafar Fazal Mosque, London. Na’ib Ameer & A highly blessed Scheme to welcome the next century: Missionary In Charge Maulana I thought that I will convince the whole Jama'at that as we are trying to increase our spiri- Naseem Mahdi tual progeny before the next century through propagation, we should also offer our yet to be born children as Waaqifeen in the cause of Allah, right now and we should pray, 0 National Secretary Allah! Give us a son but if You have decreed to give us a daughter then we offer our daughter to You. Ma fee batanee - whatever is in my womb. This should be the prayer of Waqfe Nau the mothers and the fathers should pray in the words of Hadhrat Ibraheem (as): '0 Allah! Hafiz Samiullah Let our progeny be among Your elect servants so that they be entirely dedicated to You'. Chaudhary So that a magnificent army of Waaqifeen children, who are willing to relinquish this world, should enter the next century as the slaves of the God of Hadhrat Muhammad Chief Editor (saw) the Messenger of Allah. We should be offering young children as gifts to Allah… Imran Jattala Hundreds of thousands of Waaqifeen should come from all strata of the Jama'at: Editors There will be an acute need of Waaqifeen-e-zindagee in the next century. We are going Mansoor Ahmad to offer a gift of millions of Waaqifeen-ezindagee from all segments of the Jama 'at to Madiha Qureshi Allah in the next century. It is the people of the next century who will benefit from our gift, Hammad Malik so we are, in fact, offering this gift to (the people of) the next century. So, whoever can offer this gift should get prepared to do so… Please send any information "How should we train these children" regarding Waqfe Nau to [email protected] Friday Sermon delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(rh) on February 10, 1989 at Fazal Mosque, London. Online Waqfe Nau Classes After Tasha'hhud, Ta'awwuz and recitation of Surah AIFatihah, Huzoor said: Need for important preparations for the Waaqifeene- nau: In getting ready for the next century the most important (task) is the preparation of the Waaqifeen-enau children. It has been re- ported that by the Grace of Allah more than twelve hundred children have been born that had been offered for the Waqf-e-Nau scheme launched by me. These children were born as the result of fervent prayers to Allah with the vow that they would be offered for the In This Issue Waqf-e-nau scheme and Allah with His blessings led to their birth. These little babies are the Waaqifeen-e-nau of the next century. Many more letters (about these children) are Waqfe Nau Evaluation 1 still being received. Special Message — National 2 Secretary Waqfe Nau—USA Responsibilities of the parents of the Waaqifeen: Summary - Friday Sermon 3 Many parents have written to me to ask what they should do (to appropriately raise these Career Workshop Report 4-5 children). As I said before there are two aspects to it. First, are the responsibilities of the Intezamia (Jama'at executive) and second are those of the parents of these children. As Jamia Canada Trip Report 7-10 far as the Intezamia is concerned, I have been giving them instructions periodically and Blog Talk Radio Classes 11 whatever new ideas come to my mind or I receive suggestions from Ahmadies, those are also incorporated in this plan. But, today I want to talk about the responsibility of the par- Book of the Month 11 ents. Dedicating children to Allah is a very serious matter. It is not a trifling matter. Re- member that the people who offer sacrifices with love and sincerity adorn their offerings Jamia Students Group Photo 12 in proportion to their love. Sacrifices are a kind of gift… The human soul is embellished Up coming Events 12 withTaqwa (love and awe of Allah). It is the love of God that embel- Continued on Page 6 Editor’s Note 12 lishes and adorns the human soul. Therefore, before these children Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA A Special Message From National Secretary Waqfe Nau Dear Jama`at President Sahib; Dear Secretary Sahib Waqfe Nau Assalamu Alaikum WaRahmatullahe WaBarakatuh The blessed scheme of Waqfe Nau was started on April 3, 1987 by Syedna Hadhrat Khalīfatul Masih IVrh. In refer- ence to this date, every year we hold Waqfe Nau Evaluation Day. This year Waqfe Nau department has suggested in the National Calendar of events, Saturday, March 31, 2012 being dedicated as “Waqfe Nau Evaluation Day”. This is to refresh and improve upon the awareness of the blessings of Waqfe Nau and the benefits of joining in this scheme. Therefore, we request you to please help the local Waqfe Nau secretaries organize this program, and please guide them to make this event a success. A few suggestions on the topics of speeches/presentation by Waqifeen & Waqfe Nau Parents are as follows: Speeches by Parents: 1. How to remain current with Waqfe Nau Syllabus according to child's age 2. Reasons for dedicating our children 3. Challenges faced today in raising a Waqfe Nau child and the solutions 4. How to instill the spirit of devotion – Waqf in our children 5. Waqfe Nau Syllabus for age 18 & above and the responsibilities of parents Speeches by Waqifeen: 1. Importance of REDEDICATION 2. What do we understand about Waqfe Nau Scheme? 3. How should we inculcate, improve and excel the spirit of Waqf in ourselves 4. The challenges faced today in the material world 5. Highlights of Hudhur's Khutba Juma of October 22, 2010 and our responsibilities 6. Waqfe Nau Programs in the USA In addition, it is requested that the Waqifeene Nau should provide an update on their biodata, review of their aca- demic achievements and health records to their local secretaries, and also their career inspirations and choices. The local Waqfe Nau secretaries of your Jama’at, along with the regional secretaries, would be available for all assistance, Insha`Allah. However, please contact us for any assistance or clarification desired by the 'National Team Waqfe Nau - USA'. We pray that may Allah enable us all to strive on His path and fulfill the expectations of our beloved Hudhuraba regarding the scheme of Waqfe Nau. We need your guidance and support with prayers. Thanks for your coopera- tion and Jazakumullah Ahsanal Jaza. Wassalam, Khaksaar Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhary, National Secretary Waqfe Nau, USA Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary Friday Sermon: Tabligh by Companions of The Promised Messiah(as) Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor AhmadABA, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on March 16, 2012 In continuation of last week’s subject of accounts of Tabligh as carried out by the companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) Hudhur Aqdas related a few incidents. Hudhur said the objective of relating these incidents, as Hudhur has explained before, firstly is that prayer is made for the elders. They accepted the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) which has brought us among those receive blessings in this age. May God continue to elevate their stations. Without them many of us would have been deprived of this God-sent blessing. Secondly their piety, courage of belief, sense of honor for relig- ion and enthusiasm to serve faith may inspire their descendants as well as those who may not be their blood-relations but have spiritual ties with them and that Prophets’ and by virtue of Qur’an and Ahadith believed they all may take this fervor to their next generation. that Hadhrat Isa (on whom be peace) had passed away and Hudhur Aqdas said many write to him or tell him when that he truthfully accepted the Messiah who had come and they meet Hudhur about their relationship with any elder considered anyone who did not believe him not to be on that Hudhur may mention in his addresses. However, truth. He added that he did not have any certificates to Hudhur said the due of these relationships will be hon- show for his knowledge and that he was self-taught and oured only when people walk in the footsteps of these had kept the company of the Promised Messiah (on whom elders.Hadhrat Mian Jamal uddin sahib (may Allah be be peace). He said if anyone could prove from the Qur’an pleased with him): He relates that a Maulwi Nawab uddin and authentic Ahadith that Hadhrat Isa (on whom be used to go from town to town in his assumption to ‘sort peace) was alive on the fourth heaven, he would repent. out/fix Mirzai people’. Mian Jamal uddin sahib came to The maulwi asked him to put this affidavit in writing and know that he was visiting one of nearby villages and as he sign it. After Mian sahib duly wrote and signed this the was the only Ahmadi in the area, they sent for him. The maulwi tried to engage in other matters, like how much Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) had stopped his knowledge of the Qur’an Mian sahib had and his belief followers from getting into undue religious arguments in about the Khulafa e Rashideen etc. He would not be those days. Mian Jamal uddin sahib sent a message that he drawn to the matter under discussion until the Hindu vil- was not interested in a debate, the other party should lage esquire asked him to present the Quranic verses present their questions and he would give the answers. which proved that Hadhrat Isa (on whom be peace) was The travelling maulwi ended up in Mian sahib’s village alive in heaven. The maulwi asked for a copy of the Qur’an along with three men. They got in touch with the village and when a copy was brought to him he started making esquire who was a Hindu and asked him to arrange a de- excuses saying it was ‘Mirza’s Qur’an’ and he did not ac- bate with the ‘Mirzai’. Mian sahib received the message, cept it. He was assured that it was not. Eventually he took he prayed most humbly for God’s help and went to see the Qur’an, looked who was the publisher and asked who the maulwi. Many people, both Hindu and Muslim had (God forbid) the writer was? Mian sahib asked him did he gathered. Mian sahib opened the conversation and asked not consider it God’s Word to say something like that. the maulwi what was his reason for travelling around. He The maulwi said he had made a mistake, but then asked answered he did so because of the dissent among the who had compiled it. Mian sahib asked the maulwi to have Ummah. Mian sahib asked him how many certificates etc. some sense and look for the verse. The maulwi took had he attained and the maulwi said he had many but twenty minutes looking through the Qur’an but did not could not show them because he had left them behind. find anything. Mian sahib asked him that he had said that he He said his real objective was to debate with people that could produce twenty Quranic verses to corroborate his (God forbid) ‘Mirza’ was a Kafir (disbeliever) and was creed at the very least he should present one verse. The turning others into Kafirs. The maulwi said his creed was maulwi said he could not find it and added that he would Hanafi and he believed in the Oneness of God and the read the verse from memory. He read the Quranic verse: Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) as ‘When Allah said, ‘O Jesus, I will cause thee to die true and believed on the basis of 20 Quranic verses that a natural death and will exalt thee to My- Hadhrat Isa (on whom be peace) was alive on the fourth self…’ (3:56) and translated it as: ‘When Allah said ‘O heaven and whoever rejected this, the maulwi believed Jesus, I am about to raise your spirit along with your entire him to be a Kafir. He said his knowledge was certified. body to the heaven’. [Continue to read here…] When Mian sahib was asked about his creed he said he believed in Oneness of God, and the Holy Prophet (peace PLEASE VISIT ALISLAM.ORG — FOR THE ENTIRE SUMMARY and blessings of Allah be on him) as the ‘Seal of all the Nawaa`e Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 4 Career Planning Workshops March 17 and March 18, 2012 The National Waqfe Nau department held its annual East Coast Career Planning and Rededi- cation workshops in Masjid Baitur Rahman, Silver Spring, MD and Masjid Baitul Huda, Long Island, NY on March 17th and 18th respectively. The aim of these workshops is to provide high school and older Waqfe Nau students with infor- mation on the various careers recommended for Waqifeen and advice on how to get in to college and further professional training. In addition we remind Waqifeen on the directions of Hadhrat Khalifatul Ma- sih (atba) regarding rededication by Waqifeen to the blessed scheme of Waqfe Nau at the appropriate milestones in their life and career development. This year's event was reformatted to be highly interactive and personalized. Instead of presenta- tions and speeches, the main part of the program was devoted to individualized career counseling. A number of current college students (both Waqfe Nau and non-Waqfe Nau) as well as professionals held 10 to 15 minute one-on-one counseling sessions with the participating Waqifeen. The younger students had the opportunity to directly ask the counselors any questions they wanted to be about their counsel- ors specialty, profession or career decisions. At the end of each 15 minute session the Waqifeen rotated to a different counselor. We were blessed with the presence of National Taleem Secretary, Faheem Younus sahib and his team at the Masjid Baitur Rahman workshop. The Taleem department team were able to provide valuable tips on college applications and information regarding internships and work experience. At the Long Island workshop we were graced with the participation of Naib Ameer, Maulana Daud Hanif sahib, and Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Rizwan Alladin sahib, both of whom were counselors for the duration of the event. National Secretary Waqfe Nau, Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhary sa- hib, presided over both day's events, along with his team of Assistant National Secretaries as well Re- gional and Local Waqfe Nau Secretaries. Alhamdolillah, the feedback from the Waqifeen who attended was very positive and, Inshallah this format will be repeated in future workshops. Photos by Ataul Ghalib Ahmad, Waqfe Nau Nawaa`e Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 5 Career Planning Workshops in pictures Nawaa`e Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 6 Waqfe Nau Evaluation [Continued from page 1] are old enough to be put under the supervision of the Jama'at, it is the great responsibility of their parents to groom and adorn them in a befitting manner, so that the wishes of their heart of offering an extraordinary 'sacrifice' to Allah in an appropriately magnificent manner may be realized. Parents should watch the Waaqifeen closely: We have, by the grace of Allah, ample time for this new stock of Waaqifeen children. If we neglect their upbringing and moral training we will be held accountable for it before God. Now, it cannot be said that these are accidental instances. Therefore, first of all the parents should watch their children closely. And, as I will explain, they should pay special attention to certain aspects of moral training. If they, God forbid, think that their child is deviant and not worthy of Waqf, then they should fear God and inform the Jama'at honestly that they had a sincere intention of presenting a gift to God. Unfortunately the child has these bad habits. If the Jama'at is still willing to accept him in spite of these habits, they are ready, otherwise the Waqf should be annulled. Thus, in future, we have to train the Waaqifeene Nau along these lines in a very serious man- ner. Importance of inculcating high morals in the children: As far as high morals are concerned, Waaqifeen should not only possess all the qualities that should be present in all the members of the Jama'at but they should excel in those qualities. In various sermons, I have been presenting different programs about morals or high morals. Keep those in mind while training these children. Briefly, every child in the Waqfe Nau scheme should love truthfulness and hate lying. It should be as if he was nurtured this hatred (for falsehood) in his infancy. As radiation penetrates an object entirely, truthfulness should radiate from the loving arms of the father and penetrate the heart of the child. This means that parents will have to be more truthful than before because parents of all Waaqifeen Nau might not be at that high level of truthfulness that is required of the true believers (momeneen). So, before training these children they will have to attend to their own training. They will have to be more cautious and careful during conversation in their homes and avoid lying even in gossip or jest. They have a sacred ama- nat (Waqf child) of Allah in their homes. This trust entails some responsibilities that they have to fulfill. So, from the point of view of truthfulness, the atmosphere in the homes of these children should be immacu- lately clean and holy. Arrangements for the education and training of the Waaqifeen Nau: As far as their education is concerned, teaching them in the Jamia would come later, but from the beginning these children should be taught the Holy Quran. InshaAllah, the Jama'at will also devise some programs for this purpose. In any case, the parents should keep in touch with the Jama'at (in this regard). When children reach the age where they can read the Holy Quran and receive religious education, the par- ents should contact their local Jama'at or write directly to the Markaz (center) and ask how these children can be taught excellent recitation and meanings of the Holy Quran. There are two types of qaaree (one who recites the Holy Quran). There are some who recite well, their voice has charm and phonetically they have correct pronunciation. But a charming voice alone cannot put life in the recitation. If those who are reciting do not know the meaning of the Holy Quran then,so to speak they can erect a statue of recitation but they cannot breathe life into it. Those who recite the Holy Quran with comprehension, with their hearts melting at the message of the verses being recited and filled with the love of Allah, have the true spirit of recitation. In the homes of Waaqifeen Nau this aspect of recitation should be stressed upon. Even if you teach less, do so with translation and explain the meanings. Inculcate in your child the habit of recitation with comprehen- sion. In order to get the child in the habit of daily recitation of the Holy Quran in the morning, you may have to teach him to read just the Arabic text for a long period of time. But along with this you should continue to stress upon him the need to learn its translation and meanings. From Sermons on Waqfe Nau English translation of Five Friday Sermons delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad Khalifatul-Masih IV(rh) Nawaa`e Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 7 REPORT OF WAQFE NAU BOYS’ ANNUAL VISIT TO JAMIA AHMADIYYA, CANADA April 6 — 8, 2012 (FRI — SUN) By Moazzam Ahmad Saqib & Mutwassim Sandhu Spiritual power isn't some kind of miraculous power, it is a talent born with each of us. To use spiritual power, one must have a strong mind and the ability to learn and focus. It should take over your being and come out of your soul. If all we do is worry about worldly things, then our spiritual power will never progress. Don't let these worldly things out there scare you from learning. Follow the path ... follow the path to Jamia! For the past 6 years, a group of Waqfe Nau USA boys have been adventuring to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada located in Maple, Ontario, Canada – an institution dedicated to the cause of Islam in North America and focused on providing specialized education on Islamic beliefs, history and culture. Moazzam Ahmad Saqib Once again, like many years past, Jamia Canada welcomes Waqfe Nau USA group with open arms. We started the first day of our 2012 Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada trip on Friday April 6 with Fajr prayer in Bai- tul Islam mosque promptly at 5:35 am. After salaat, we were told that we have to come to the mosque at 8 am to watch Hudhur’s (ABA) live Friday sermon. It was a sad sermon where Hudhur (ABA) talked about the people who gave up their lives for Ahmadiyyat. Mainly the sermon was about Shaheed Master Abdul Qudoos – may Allah elevate his status in paradise. After the sermon, we ate breakfast. The breakfast consisted of different types of cereal, eggs, toast, juice etc. After we ate breakfast we had time until 12:30 pm to take a shower and get ready for the Friday prayer. We went back to our assigned sleeping houses and got ready for the Friday prayer. We came back for lunch around 12:30 pm. The lunch included chicken, rice, bread, etc. After lunch we went to Baitul Islam mosque for the Friday prayer. After the prayer, we had our opening session in the mosque. We began with the recitation of the Holy Quran. All the U.S.A youth introduced themselves to the other elders. Maulana Mubarak Nazir sahib, missionary in- charge of Canada was also present at the event. After the introduction we heard from Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhary sa- hib about what we were going to be doing during the trip. Right after the session, we offered salatul Asr in congrega- tion. After the prayer, we were told to get ready to play sports in the newly built Tahir hall which is right next to Baitul Islam mosque. The sports began around 4 pm. We played basketball, badminton and there was one table for ping pong as well. There was a junior and senior team from both the American and Canadian side. There were very talented kids from peace village in the junior team. All of them played bas- Continued on next page.. Nawaa`e Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 8 ketball very well. The senior team consisted of Jamia stu- dents. The junior and senior teams from Canada were vic- torious in the basketball competition. This was the first time most of the people on the trip got to see Tahir hall. By the grace of Allah, all the Ahmadis are very fortunate to have such a place where they can go play various sports with their Ahmadi brothers. The sports ended at 7 pm. We went back to the sleeping quarters and took a shower and got ready for combined Maghrib and Isha prayers which took place at 8:15 pm. Subsequently, we went to eat dinner and then all of us were told to go to bed around 10 pm because the next day was going to be an extremely long day. On the second day of the trip, Waqfe Nau students were invited to Jamia Canada for a full-fledged tour of the institu- tion. The day started off early at 7:25 AM with the journey from Peace Village to Mississauga. Future students of Jamia Canada will not have to worry about this distance as the Jamia Canada campus is moving inside Peace Village very soon, insha`Allah. We started off with the Assembly in the Mosque hall and the introduction of the Jamia Faculty. Formal assembly started with recitation of the Holy Quran and Dars. Attendance is then taken for all the Jamia students. At around 8:45 AM, breakfast was served in the dining hall; a traditional Canadian Jamia breakfast with Nutella, bread, scram- bled eggs, cereal and croissants – yummy right? Sorry for making you hungry but let’s move on. Boys with the Waqfe Nau USA group were then divided into six groups each with one Jamia stu- dent as the leader. Then, the interactive session for each group began with the group leader. You could ask whatever question you wanted an- swered about Jamia. Some responses of questions asked were: “It’s not all study at the Jamia, there is a lot of physical fit- ness involved as well.” “You can apply for Jamia between the ages of 18-21 but once you're over 21, Hudhur’s (ABA) permission is required” “Aisha Academy is a school for ladies who wish to study Islamic subjects, located in Peace Village” When it comes down to it, the common stereotype that all Jamia students in North America are hardcore preaching type people is totally wrong. Sure there's a lot of studying involved; let’s be realistic, Jamia isn’t easy and a lot of dedi- cation is required. But it’s not as if it is all non-stop academics 24x7. The Jamia students are just as normal as every- one else with just a twist – they have an enhanced spiritual knowledge and power. After the interactive session, we were given the full tour of Jamia. Jamia Canada’s current building consists of two floors – the first floor is for Local Jama`at offices alongside the Faculty offices while the second floor is where all the classrooms are located. We were invited into the classrooms and we took part for a few minutes in various on-going classes. After the tour of the classes, we went back to the dining hall to have lunch with the Jamia students and fac- ulty. Following lunch, we went back to the Mosque hall with all our group and the Jamia students for another session with the Jamia students. The session started off with Riaz sahib, a first year Jamia student from Kyrgyzstan – a country where Russian is spoken as the primary language. What was most surprising about the presentation was that Riaz sahib spoke about Kyrgyzstan Muslims in Urdu. It was amazing to see and hear how well he was speaking considering he knew not one word of Urdu before joining the Jamia. Then Frasat sahib, also a first year from Jamia student origi- nally from Queens, New York USA, gave a speech about the “Promised Messiah’s (AS) love Continued on next page.. Nawaa`e Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 9 Nawaa`e Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 10 Cont’ from previous page for the Holy Prophet (SAW)” in Arabic. Wow!!! I bet you didn’t see that coming fellow New Yorkers. Basically at Jamia, the students are provided an opportunity to learn Urdu and Arabic and become quite com- petent in them. Following the Arabic speech, a Waqfe Nau member of the visiting US group, Safwan Akbar sahib of New Jersey did a speech in English about “What US students should do to improve and go to Jamia”. It was short but full of detail and good reason. Last of all we had our US applicant for Jamia Canada this year from Brooklyn, New York Mozeem Saqib sahib who did a speech in Urdu about “Why I want to go to Jamia?” It was a motivational speech and offered much for the listeners to reflect upon. At around 1:15 PM, we were coming close to the end of our day at Jamia. An Urdu poem was beautifully recited by two Jamia stu- dents at this time to launch us into the final part of the session. Maulana Mukhtar Cheema sahib gave a speech about his time in the USA. After him, the Principal of Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada, Salim Akhtar sahib spoke. After his very informational and motivational speech, Hafiz Samiullah sahib gave his remarks about Jamia. At 3 PM, combined Zuhr and Asr salaat was offered to conclude the visit to the Jamia Ahmadiyya Can- ada’s teaching facility. After this we all headed to Woodbridge to catch some bowling action during the next two hours. By 7PM, we were all back at Peace Village getting ready for salaat and the scheduled dinner with Respected Amir sahib Canada, National Amila members of Canada, and Principal sahib. The next day, we woke up once again for Fajr prayer which was offered in Baitul Islam mosque. After the prayer, we started packing for our return journey to the US. Following breakfast, we collected in Baitul Islam mosque for a final collective session with the Waqfe Nau boys from Canada. Respected Amir sahib Canada presided over the session and offered great advice to those present about learning short prayers that are easy to recall and recite at all times. Maulana Mubarak Nazir sahib, National Secretary Waqfe Nau Canada and National Secretary Waqfe Nau USA Hafiz Samiullah Chaud- hary sahib also spoke during this short session. At the end, souvenirs were distributed to the Canadian hosts and volun- teers as well as the members of the Waqfe Nau US group. After the conclusion of the last formal session of the trip, we were provided with boxed lunch as we loaded ourselves and our luggage into our vans. Silent prayer was offered and the vans started rolling back towards the USA. Thus, another very memorable Waqfe Nau USA trip to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada came to a beautiful conclusion.