ISSUE NO. 173 OCTOBER–DECEMBER 2009 SHAWWAL–DHU AL HIJJAH 1430 PUBLISHED SINCE 1991 GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE ON ISLAMIC BANKING & INSURANCE WAQF: ALLEVIATING POVERTY FINANCIAL CRISIS: LESSONS FOR ISLAMIC FINANCE IT FOCUS: ARAB BANK ANALYSIS: MUSHARAKAH MUTANAQISAH IIBI CAMBRIDGE WORKSHOP REVIEW NEWHORIZON Shawwal–Dhu Al Hijjah 1430 CONTENTS Features 24 12 Recent crisis: lessons for Islamic finance Leading financial hubs are increasingly looking toward Islamic finance as a new type of banking that will promote lasting stability. NewHorizon examines the valuable lessons the Islamic finance industry should learn from the recent financial turmoil. 18 Horses for 18 courses There is no doubt that technology is vital for 40 Would Islamic finance have prevented the global any financial institution nowadays, whether financial crisis? conventional or Islamic. Mohammed Amin, UK head of Islamic finance at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, NewHorizon talks to addresses the question on everyone’s lips. Andrew Cobb, chief proj- ects officer at Arab Bank, about the bank’s first-hand 46 Shari’ah and legal experience in implementing Islamic banking software across its international locations. issues of musharakah 24 Waqf and zakat: alleviating poverty mutanaqisah How can Shari’ah-compliant finance mechanisms Adam Ng Boon Ka, PhD candidate at the assist in the burning issue of alleviating poverty? In the International Centre for Education in Islamic first of a two-part analysis, NewHorizon focuses on Finance, Malaysia, takes a close look at this waqf. 46 type of financing. Regulars 04EXECUTIVE EDITOR’S NOTE IIBI and ISRA sign MoU. London conference, ‘Managing IIBI and SII join forces to promote Shari’ah Risk through Shari’ah 05NEWS the UK as Islamic finance hub. Governance’. A round-up of the important stories More students complete the from the last quarter around the globe. IIBI’s Post Graduate Diploma 38DIARY course. Upcoming Islamic finance events 16APPOINTMENTS endorsed by the IIBI. A summary of appointments within 30IIBILECTURES the Islamic finance industry. July and August lectures reviewed. 45RATINGS & INDICES Credit ratings of Islamic financial 20IIBINEWS 34IIBIEVENTS REVIEW institutions and instruments by IIBI, GK Partners and the British Reviews of the Cambridge workshop, Capital Intelligence (CI). Library hold the UK’s first Access to ‘Structuring Innovative Islamic Islamic Finance (A2IF) conference. Financial Products’, and the 50GLOSSARY IIBI 3 EDITORIAL NEWHORIZON October–December 2009 Executive Editor’s Note Deal not unjustly, and ye shall not be dealt with unjustly. Surat Al Baqara, Holy Quran On behalf of the staff at the IIBI and NewHorizon I would like to wish all our readers Eid Mubarak. EXECUTIVE EDITOR The month of Ramadan has special significance for Muslims the Mohammad Ali Qayyum, world over. ‘The month of Ramadan is the month in which was Director General, IIBI sent down the Quran, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) EDITOR for guidance and judgement (between right and wrong).’ (The Tanya Andreasyan Quran 2:185). It is a time for deep devotion and reflection on the IIBI EDITOR wisdom and guidance that comes with faith. It brings the spirit of Mohammad Shafique giving and sharing to the fore. US President Barack Obama in his CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Ramadan message this year reminded us that fasting is shared by James Ling many faiths as a way to bring people closer to God and to those NEWS EDITOR among us who cannot take their next meal for granted, and for Lawrence Freeborn all of us to remember that the world we want to build and the IIBI EDITORIAL ADVISORY PANEL changes we want to make must begin in our own hearts and in Mohammed Amin our own communities. Richard T de Belder Ajmal Bhatty Stella Cox NewHorizon ponders how Islamic finance mechanisms can be Dr Humayon Dar applied to a long-term strategy of poverty alleviation. To begin Iqbal Khan Dr Imran Ashraf Usmani with, we focus on waqf, followed by an in-depth analysis of zakat in the next issue of the magazine. Would Islamic finance have DESIGN CONSULTANT prevented the crisis? What lessons should be learned from recent Emily Brown events? Eminent Islamic finance specialists attempt to answer these PUBLISHED BY pertinent questions. IBS Publishing Ltd 8 Stade Street Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BE Together with GK partners (advisers to socially responsible business) United Kingdom and the British Library, the IIBI held the UK’s first Access to Islamic Tel: +44 (0) 1303 262 636 Fax: +44 (0) 1303 262 646 Finance (A2IF) conference. The Institute’s third annual residential Email: [email protected] workshop on structuring innovative Islamic financial products, held Web: in August in Cambridge, was also a success. Furthermore, the IIBI CONTACT has signed a memorandum of understanding with the International Advertising IBS Publishing Ltd Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA), and an Paul Minister agreement with the Securities and Investment Institute (SII), a Lon- Advertising Manager don-based professional body for those working in the financial and Tel: +44 (0) 1303 263 527 Fax: +44 (0) 1303 262 646 investment industry, to promote the UK as an Islamic finance hub. Email: [email protected] SUBSCRIPTION As always, I hope that you will find this issue of the magazine IBS Publishing Limited interesting, informative and thought-provoking. 8 Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1303 262 636 Fax: +44 (0) 1303 262 646 Email: [email protected] Mohammad Ali Qayyum Web: Director General IIBI ©Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance ISSN 0955-095X This magazine is published to provide information on developments in Islamic finance, and not to provide professional advice. The views expressed in the Cover photo: © Amanda Rihde, articles are those of the authors alone and should not be attributed to the organisations they are associated with or their management. Any errors and omissions are the sole responsibility of the authors. The Publishers, Editors and Contributors accept no responsibility to any person who acts, or refrains from acting, based upon any material published in the magazine. The Editorial Advisory Panel exists to provide general advice to the editors regarding matters that may be of interest to readers. All decisions regarding the published content of the magazine are the sole responsibility of the Editors, and the Editorial Advisory Panel accepts no responsibility for the content. 4 IIBI NEWHORIZON Shawwal–Dhu Al Hijjah 1430 NEWS AAOIFI to perform temporary watchdog role The Accounting and Auditing to credible Shari’ah compliance An example of the difficulties AAOIFI already provides prod- Organisation for Islamic Finan- screening of products and serv- facing the industry came with uct and auditing standards cial Institutions (AAOIFI) has ices,’ stated Alchaar. comments from Shaikh Muham- which are mandatory in seven announced its intention to mon- mad Taqi Usmani, head of the countries across the Islamic itor Islamic financial products in Currently, the Islamic financial Shari’ah committee of AAOIFI, world (Dubai, Bahrain, Jordan, the absence of a sector watch- industry must rely on different pronounced in February 2008 Lebanon, Qatar, Syria and dog. AAOIFI stated it plans to standard-setting bodies, such as that many sukuk issues up to Sudan). Alchaar stated that ‘screen products and services of- AAOIFI in Bahrain and the In- that point were not Shari’ah- AAOIFI wants to screen prod- fered by the industry for Shar- ternational Financial Services compliant. This resulted in a ucts of all institutions, not just i’ah compliance’. According to Board (IFSB) in Malaysia, which sharp drop in new issues of those which are members of Mohamad Nedal Alchaar, secre- recently issued new governance sukuk, despite having doubled AAOIFI, and not just those in tary general of the organisation, and capital adequacy guidelines every year since 2004 the seven countries listed. ‘It will the move would help to ‘ho- (NewHorizon, April–June (NewHorizon, October– be market-wide, regardless of mogenise the market’. 2009). The guidance of individ- December 2008). the geographic distribution of ual, qualified Shari’ah scholars products,’ he said. ‘Although AAOIFI is not taking also plays an important role, as As well as preparing accounting, on a permanent role of industry do national governments in governance, ethics and Shari’ah AAOFI plans to submit a pro- watchdog, there exists a current countries which practice Islamic standards for Islamic banking posal to this effect to its board huge gap in the market relating finance. and financial institutions, of trustees by the end of 2009. Thailand’s government supports Islamic microfinance Thailand’s Ministry of Inte- tre had appointed a rior has told government working group to study Pattani Mosque, agencies and state-owned or- what form and model of Thailand ganisations to provide techni- Islamic microcredit cal, management and financial would be most appropri- support to encourage Islamic ate. The population of microfinance in the country. this region is predomi- The proposal by the Ministry nantly Muslim, and the has received cabinet support. Ministry’s objective is It will result in knowledge of that communities in the transactions, accountancy and area have access to finan- welfare arrangements accord- cial institutions which ing to Shari’ah being passed operate in accordance on to staff in the sector by the with their own lifestyle agencies and organisations in- and religious beliefs. volved. Social welfare and other benefits, in terms of ed- The working group’s ucation, social services and study demonstrated that the environment, will also be most villagers were keen © Jean-Yves Benedeyt, provided for members of Is- to see the establishment lamic microcredit plans. of Shari’ah-compliant micro- dustry. Once the working nance to the government. finance in their communities, group submitted its study, in Muslims are the second largest According to the Ministry of although they still lacked un- May 2009, the administrative religious group in Thailand, Interior, the Southern Border derstanding of financial centre then made its proposal numbering approximately two Provinces Administrative Cen- mechanisms used in the in- on Shari’ah-compliant microfi- million. IIBI 5 NEWS NEWHORIZON October–December 2009 First fully Islamic bank to open in India The first Indian bank to deal the company’s major promot- that Islamic New Dehli, only in Islamic financial prod- ers. The state government said finance op- India ucts is to open in Kochi, in the that the outfit will first oper- tions will help south western Indian state of ate as a non-banking finance expatriates Kerala, early next year. The Ker- company before becoming a who return to ala State Industrial Development fully Shari’ah-compliant bank. India having Corporation has initiated the lost their jobs company with an authorised There are approximately 150 as a result of capital of over $100 million. million Muslims in India, the global The company is expected to in- making the Indian Muslim recession. vest mainly in infrastructure population the third largest in projects and pay dividends to the world (after Indonesia and It will appar- depositors, and the state govern- Pakistan). Senior politicians ently also set ment is looking into which prod- and officials in India, such as up a separate ucts to finance with the bank. Amar Singh, general secretary social fund of India’s Socialist party, have for financing interest-free loans ernment had formed a promot- P. Mohammed Ali of Oman’s in recent times spoken in for Gulf returnees (Indians ers group, including business- Galfar Group, C.K. Menon of favour of Islamic finance in who had previously worked in man Mohammed Ali, who was Doha-based Behzad Group, the country. The push in the GCC) to start small-scale quoted as explaining that ‘Is- M.A. Yusuf Ali who heads the Kerala is supported by the ventures. Isaac was recently lamic banking doesn’t work on LuLu supermarket chain in the regional government headed quoted as saying that he interest. It invests deposits in Gulf, and Azad Moopen of by state finance minister Dr wanted GCC members to con- business and returns a share of Moopen’s Group are said to be Thomas Isaac, who believes tribute to the fund. The gov- its profit to depositors.’ Bank Negara Malaysia issues first Shari’ah parameter Malaysia’s central bank and stitutions. The parameters will extensive research and compiled time as it would unlock the regulator, Bank Negara act as standard documents for various fatwas in addition to the huge potential of the domestic Malaysia (BNM), has issued its understanding the principles views of several local and inter- market. He believed that the murabaha parameter, the first and basis for adopting Shari’ah national Shari’ah boards. agreement could improve the in a series of Shari’ah parame- contracts. innovation level of deposit ters to Islamic financial institu- Further parameters are currently products. tions in the country. These are The murabaha parameter out- being developed, including ijara, issued as guidance and refer- lines the main Shari’ah require- mudarabah, musharakah, is- ‘The adoption of the CMMA ence to promote greater har- ments in the contracts and tisna and al-wadia. for corporate deposits is ex- monisation in the development provides examples, methods and pected to result in cost and of the Islamic finance industry models for practical application Meanwhile, the Association of resource savings for both Is- in the Malaysia. of this mode of financing. It will Islamic Banking Institutions lamic banks and corpora- also contribute to further har- Malaysia (AIBIM) has launched tions,’ said Zukri at the This initiative aims to define monisation in the interpretation a Corporate Murabaha Master launch. Takaful Malaysia, the essential features of Shar- and application of Shari’ah Agreement (CMMA), with the ACR Retakaful, Astro, Mae- i’ah-compliant financial prod- views and opinions among Shar- intention of boosting the work- sat and the Employees Provi- ucts and services based on i’ah committee members. ings of the Islamic money mar- dent Fund have all signed a existing contracts that have ket in the country. AIBIM’s memorandum of understand- been endorsed by Shari’ah To ensure the robustness of the president, Datuk Zukri Samat, ing (MoU) to participate in boards and used by Islamic in- parameter, BNM has conducted said the launch came at a good the CMMA. 6 IIBI NEWS NEWHORIZON October–December 2009 Ramadan inspires CSR in Islamic banks A number of Islamic financial Orphan Care Charitable Soci- allah al-Jarallah; ‘This Is day out was organised by Taka- institutions around the world ety, Ensan. What Life Has Taught Me’ by ful Ikhlas in conjunction with are celebrating the holy month Mustafa al-Sibaai and ‘Compre- the Petaling Jaya branch of the of Ramadan by stepping up Shamil Bank, an Islamic com- hensiveness of Islam’ by Sheikh Selangor Tithe Board. their charitable operations. Cor- mercial bank in Bahrain, is Yousef al-Qaradawi. The books porate social responsibility helping two children in the have been printed in India and The children, aged between five (CSR) is an important year- Kingdom regain their ability to are being distributed among and 17, were accompanied to round consideration, but this hear with the purchase of two Malayalam speakers in Qatar a shopping complex in Bukit time represents a valuable op- sophisticated cochlear implant for free. A number have also Tinggi, Klang, where the takaful portunity to double charitable hearing aids. The bank has pre- been sent to educational estab- firm paid for the purchase of deeds and strengthen relations sented the hearing aids to the lishments and public libraries in all their clothes and shoes, be- with the community. Bahraini Society for fore picking up the tab for an Cochlear Implanta- iftar dinner. Takaful Ikhlas also In Malaysia, Maybank has set tion and Hearing Im- made a donation to nine further up a fund, Tabung Maybank Se- pairment (right). They children, who were unable to jahtera, to assist the creation of will then be passed attend. sustainable living environments on to the Cochlear for vulnerable communities in Implantation team ‘The children got to know our the country regardless of race, of the country’s Min- staff, who could be like foster religion or creed. Members of istry of Health for brothers and sisters to them,’ the public are able to donate to implantation to two said chief operating officer this fund via all of the bank’s children on the and executive vice president delivery channels. waiting list. of Takaful Ikhlas, Wan Mohd the Indian state of Kerala. Fadzlullah. For the second successive year The Indian Islamic Association Meanwhile in Malaysia, Taka- Saudi Arabian bank, SABB, is and Qatar International Islamic ful Ikhlas, a provider of Shar- While Takaful Ikhlas has em- sponsoring orphans to perform Bank have partnered to trans- i’ah-compliant insurance, has braced the social side of Islamic Umrah during Ramadan. The late three Arabic religious brought joy to a score of poor finance for Ramadan, it does bank is covering the expenses of books into Malayalam to help children in the Petaling Jaya dis- have a track record of making 300 boys and girls to perform create awareness of Islam in the trict of Selangor, by treating charitable donations. In July the pilgrimage through its par- Indian community in Qatar. them to a day of Hari Raya 2009, it donated a dialysis ma- ticipation in the Umrah Pro- The books are: ‘The Complete (Eid) shopping followed by a chine to the Mersing District gramme organised by Riyadh Prayer’ by Sheikh Abdullah Jar- dinner to break their fast. The Hospital in Johor. Meezan Bank partners with Islamic Relief Pakistan-based Meezan hance its Shari’ah-compliant and in Pakistan since 2001. It Islamic Relief has several on- Bank has signed a memoran- microfinance operations in the gives out loans through a non- going projects in Pakistan, dum of understanding country by capacity building, interest bearing mudarabah such as a small enterprise (MoU) with international training and product develop- financing strategy. Once se- development programme in non-governmental organisa- ment support. lected for loan eligibility, bene- partnership with HSBC that tion (NGO), Islamic Relief. ficiaries are provided the offers halal lending to female Islamic Relief has been offer- desired working capital on entrepreneurs. To date, this Under the terms of the ing Shari’ah-compliant micro- credit. Repayments are made project has helped 388 MoU, Meezan will assist Is- credit facilities around the in instalments over the period women in the Rawalpindi lamic Relief to further en- world for a number of years, of one year. district in Punjab. 8 IIBI NEWHORIZON Shawwal–Dhu Al Hijjah 1430 NEWS GFH and Macquarie enter into wholesale Islamic finance JV Gulf Finance House (GFH), gion and an investment by Middle Eastern region, as well Meanwhile, the involvement the Middle Eastern Islamic Macquarie in GFH of around as in Shari’ah-compliant finance. of Macquarie reflects a investment bank, plans to $100 million in the form of a wider interest from Australia found a joint Islamic financial convertible murabaha, as part John Wright, group COO of in Islamic finance – The services platform in the Mid- of GFH’s current capital man- GFH, suggested that part of the Muslim Community Co-op- dle East with Macquarie agement initiatives. An execu- rationale for the joint venture erative (Australia) recently Group Limited, the Australia- tive of GFH stated that the pair was to help the bank diversify received a financial services listed global bank. The plat- plan to have the platform up away from its core business of license from the Australian form will focus on providing and running by the beginning infrastructure and real estate fi- Securities and Investments Shari’ah-compliant financial of 2010. The agreement will nancing, which currently stands Commission (ASIC) services on the wholesale enable GFH to structure Mac- at around 65 per cent of its busi- (NewHorizon, April–July side for the Middle East and quarie’s existing products to be ness. Wright indicated that GFH 2009), and has since North Africa. The two parties Shari’ah-compliant, while al- aims to reduce this down to launched the first Australian signed a memorandum of un- lowing GFH access to Mac- about 20 per cent. It also re- Shari’ah-compliant invest- derstanding at a ceremony in quarie’s global advisory services cently signalled its intention to ment fund. It is believed to Bahrain. and trading links, and helping raise up to $300 million of fresh be the first ASIC registered it expand geographically. capital, which is to help it ex- retail managed investment The partnership, which pand the activities and geogra- mortgage fund directed awaits approval, will see a Meanwhile, the agreement sig- phies it covers, as well as primarily to Islamic invest- joint presence based in the re- nals Macquarie’s interest in the strengthen its balance sheet. ments. New charity takaful scheme Kuwait Finance House eyes up Germany T’azur, a takaful firm head- receives the intended amount quartered in Bahrain, has no matter what happens. launched what it claims to be The Turkish operation of nic group in Germany, while the world’s first Shari’ah- Dr Abdulaziz Bin Naif Al Kuwait Finance House (KFH), Muslims in the country account compliant charitable insur- Orayer, chairman of the known as Baytak, has received a for 3.7 per cent of the popula- ance product, called the board of T’azur, said: ‘This licence from the Federal Finan- tion. Saxony-Anhalt, another ‘Sadaqah’ plan. plan embodies the essence of cial Supervisory Authority of federal state of Germany, has takaful, namely mutual help Germany to establish a Shar- the distinction of issuing the The plan helps donors save and assistance for the com- i’ah-compliant financial services only sovereign sukuk in western regular contributions which mon good, and demonstrates branch in the country. The Europe (NewHorizon, January T’azur invests over a set our commitment to charities branch will be headquartered in – March 2009), showing that number of years in Shari’ah- and all communities in Mannheim, in the south western there is an interest in Islamic compliant funds. Accumu- Bahrain.’ German state of Baden-Würt- banking that KFH will be able lated capital is then passed temberg. Mohammed Al-Omar, to target. on to the donor’s charity of Nikolaus Frei, T’azur’s chief chairman of Baytak, stated that choice. T’azur will continue executive officer, added: ‘The this is a significant step in the KFH has over 100 branches to make payments on behalf Sadaqah plan is to our knowl- geographical expansion strategy in Turkey, as well as offices in of the donor if unforeseen edge the world’s first insured of the bank. He added that it is other countries including re- events (such as an illness) charitable savings plan.’ This likely to open more branches in cently established representation force the donor to stop pay- innovation, in his view, is Germany, and also apply for li- in Kazakhstan. Other parts of ing them. These donations an affirmation of Bahrain’s cences to operate in other Euro- KFH have also continued to will be made through taka- position as a leading financial pean countries. grow, for example in Kuwait, ful, thereby ensuring that the services hub in the Middle where another five branches charity chosen by the donor East. Turks are the second largest eth- are due to open. IIBI 9 NEWS NEWHORIZON October–December 2009 Islamic banks make core system decisions As the Islamic finance industry (AAOIFI) as Shari’ah-compliant UCB includes about ten modules while First East Export Bank in continues to modernise the tech- (NewHorizon, January–March of the product, and will last Malaysia, a subsidiary of Iran- nology which underpins it, a 2009). until March 2010. Among the based Bank Mellat, also took number of banks have recently benefits UCB will see will be an iMAL from Path Solutions. taken the decision to upgrade BOK is a universal financial in- easing of the process of opening their core banking systems. stitution, while UCB focuses on new branches. ‘The system is de- Path Solutions itself has recently corporate banking. UCB looked signed in a way that when we claimed to be nearing the com- Among these are two Sudanese at four international core bank- open a new branch we can do pletion of a rewrite of its core banks, United Capital Bank ing system offerings before that with minimum effort.’ banking system in Java, with all (UCB) and Bank of Khartoum choosing iMAL, which the modules to be completed and (BOK). Both have chosen to im- bank’s IT manager, Abdelrazag Among other banks who have commercially available by the plement the iMAL core banking Mustafa Abdelrazag, describes recently been active in upgrad- end of 2009. Around 35 of the system of Kuwait-based Path as a ‘pure Islamic system’. He ing their IT, Abu Dhabi Islamic company’s staff have been work- Solutions, which was recently adds that ‘Path Solutions has Bank in Egypt has gone live ing on the project, and existing certified by the Accounting and good knowledge of Islamic with a new Shari’ah-compliant users of iMAL will be able to Auditing Organisation for Is- banking itself, which is reflected banking system from Interna- upgrade over a period of three lamic Financial Institutions in the solution’. The project at tional Turnkey Systems (ITS), years or so. Largest Islamic banks’ assets Alms to remain voluntary continue to grow in UAE Despite, or perhaps because of, for 40 per cent of the top 100 The secretary general of the make it mandatory to submit the strong headwinds in the banks’ assets. Four other coun- zakat fund of the UAE, Ab- audited accounts and pay the conventional international fi- tries, Malaysia, the UAE, Saudi dullah Bin Aqeeda Al required share, the purpose nancial markets, the world’s Arabia and Kuwait, accounted Muhairi, has rowed back on being to streamline the process largest fully-fledged Islamic for most of the rest of the wealth suggestions made last year of distribution. However, the banks have continued to grow of the top 100 banks, in roughly (NewHorizon, July – Septem- government of the UAE last strongly, according to statistics equal proportion to each other. ber 2008)that the collection year rejected the fund’s pro- from Asian Banker Research, and distribution of zakat posal for new legislation, the consultancy division of The Some have questioned whether should be made mandatory which would have mandated Asian Banker. The hundred the Iranian institutions should be for all UAE citizens whose that individuals earning over a largest Islamic banks’ assets included, since their treatment of income surpassed a certain threshold make an annual pay- grew to $580 billion in 2008, riba (interest) appears to be dif- threshold. According to these ment. Al Muhairi has now ad- up from $350 billion the previ- ferent from other Islamic finance plans, local Islamic financial mitted that the payment of ous year (a 66 per cent rise). markets. Likewise, the report institutions and companies zakat will remain discretional shows that, while Iranian banks would have had to pay 2.5 ‘for the time being’, for both Compared to the previous year, are often very large by assets, per cent of their net operat- companies and individuals. the identities of the largest they are not necessarily the most ing capital to the fund from banks remained fairly constant, profitable. Al-Rajhi Bank had the the beginning of 2009, with ‘What we have to do now is with Bank Melli of Iran at the highest net income at $1.74 bil- eight Islamic banks included raise awareness of how volun- top of the list and Al-Rajhi lion, with the next highest, Ku- among those that would have tary payment can benefit us as Bank, headquartered in Saudi wait Finance House, just under to make payments. a society,’ Al Muhairi said. The Arabia, in second place. Indeed, $1 billion. In terms of asset size, UAE’s zakat fund has grown seven out of the top ten institu- the study suggested that Bank Al Muhairi had wanted to from its inception in 2004 to tions are Iranian, and the twelve Melli may lose its top spot, since amend the fund’s bylaws to be worth over $12 million. Iranian banks in the list account it did not grow in 2008. 10 IIBI