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Preview Walsall Chronicle, January 26, 2017

Walsall & Willenhall Thursday,January26,2017 Readbymorethan78,000people Pricewhensold70p SCHOOL HITS THE MARK WITH NEW ACHIEVEMENT RATING THEFT Trailerstolenfrom churchgroupfound PUPILSataWillenhallschoolhavebeencele- 8measureinWalsallwereQueenMary’sGram- ingandrecruitmentcrisis’.Forthefirsttimethis bratingafterrecordingahighscoreunderthe mar, Queen Mary’s High, Hydesville Tower, year,schoolshavenotbeenjudgedonthepro- Government’snewachievementmeasure. WalsallAcademyandBarrBeaconSchool.How- portionofpupilsscoringatleastfiveCgradesat PoolHayesAcademywasgivenan‘Attainment everWalsallhasahighrateofunder-performing GCSE,includinginEnglishandmaths. ATRAILERwhichwasstolenfromachurch 8’scoreof51.9–aheadofthenationalaverage schools.Meanwhile,acrossthecountry,almost Instead,ministershaveintroducedanewhead- groupinWalsallhasbeenrecovered. whichwas48.5.ThescoreisbasedonGCSEre- onein10secondaryschools–collectivelyteaching linemeasurecalled‘Progress8’.Thislooksatthe ItwasdroppedoffanonymouslyonSat- sultsfromgradesA*toGacrosseightsubjects. morethan200,000children–areunder-perform- progressapupilmakesfromtheendofprimary ufrrodmayAaPftlearcneooofnRaefwugeeekinaTftheeriDtewlavesst.aken AndyLawrence,theschool’sVicePrincipal,said: ing,accordingtolatestgovernmentfigures. schooltotheendofsecondaryschool.Itcompares WestMidlandsPoliceofficersarestill “Iamtremendouslyproudofourstudentsand Statistics show that nearly 300 schools in pupils’resultswiththeachievementsofother investigatingtheoriginaltheft.Thechurch theresultsthattheyhaveachieved. England are falling below a new government youngsterswiththesamepriorattainment,and issuedanappealafterthetheftonJanuary “Iamreallypleasedhowweworkwithparents floortargetthatmeasurespupils’progressand measuresperformanceacrosseightqualifications. 14.Areplacementtrailerhasalsobeendo- atthisschoolandIamgratefultoourfantastic achievementovereightGCSEsubjects.However TheGovernmenthasarguedthatthismeas- natedtothegroupinrecentdays. staffandalltheirhardwork.”Thetables,pub- SchoolsMinisterNickGibbsaidfigures,basedon ureisfairerbecauseittakesstudents’previous A caller claimed they had bought it lishedlastweek,revealed57.4percentofpupils lastsummer’sGCSEs,showedhardworkislead- achievementintoaccount,andrecognisesthere- withoutknowingitwasstolen.Thetrailer inWalsallachievedA*toCinboththeirEnglish ingtohigherstandards. sultsofallyoungsters,notjustthoseonthebor- wasrecoveredbutitemsinsideit,includ- GeorginaJones,viceprincipalAndy andmathsGCSEsduringlastyear. Headteachers warned the results had been derofCandDgrades. ingwheelchairsanddisabilityscootersfor LawrenceandJamesCorcoran ThebestschoolsbasedonthenewAttainment achieved‘againstanationalbackdropofafund- lWorst–Page5 members,arestillmissingandpolicehave urgedthepublictocomeforwardwithany Hospital bosses seek funding to expand capacity informationaboutthetheft. POLITICS 8,000 PATIENTS Vaz in Holocaust day support plea ABLACKCountryMPhasurgedpeo- pletoshowtheirsupportforHolocaust MemorialDay.ValerieVazsignedthe HolocaustEducationalTrust’sBookof Commitmentlastweek. TARGET FOR A&E AheadofHolocaustMemorialDayon Friday,theWalsallSouthMPsaid:“Iwas honouredtomeetasurvivoroftheHolo- caustinHungary,JohnHajdu,inParlia- mentinSeptember2016. “John’s experience of life after the Holocaustandasarefugee,whichhe publicisedinhisautobiography,tellof theturmoilofpost-SecondWorldWar Europe.ItisthroughsurvivorslikeJohn andfellowsurvivorandauthor,ElieWie- sel,thatwecantrulygainaninsightinto thestrugglesoftheHolocaust.” BOSSESatWalsallManorHospitalhaveconfirmed Ruby is a real gem despite ordeal POLICE thesitewillbeabletocaterforanadditional8,000 Cannabischarges A&E patients a year if multi-million pound funding issecured. for pair after raid ADOGthatwasthrownoutofa AsrevealedbytheChronicle’ssisterpaper,theExpress&Star, cartravellingat40mphisonthe einagrliaerbtuhsiisnmesosnctahs,ethtehaWtawlsoaullldHesaelethitcsareemNeHrgSenTcryusdteipsaprrtmepeanrt- mrieeTrnhdweaasnSdtraerfsefcoaurdedydsthboiyrbetehBreeuhRlolSmPTeCedrA.- cTaWnOnambeisnphraovdeubcetieonncahftaerrgeadnienarrelylatmioonrnto- expandedoverthecourseofthenexttwoyears. afterwitnessesreportedthein- ingraid.WestMidlandsPoliceraideda Bosses hope to find £17.5 million cidentataround2amonNew propertyonHadleyWay,Beechdale,last overtheperiodfortheproject,which ByCarlJackson Year’sDay,onHighRoad,in Tuesday,wheretheydiscoveredthedrug itishopedcouldbecompletedbyearly Willenhall. hadbeenproduced. 2019. ThefemaleStaffiesuffereda TheychargedKierenSmith,38,withper- mditcitnrroueeiTotsnasrhhttttseeesosdhotnauraasunusemdmdsdtstaboietlstelehaic.ronyehnsoaaacfniultpgssrdaieregistefmnifineaiecnfittrutcgneslateennitnievhgtcsihryriobbonduneocegcurmphaeraueairninssttgeest- abtpwtQiinaeemeutrdnattehtelmsiHart–eayvRennewCn,tdeovbsnlomiealreueiomeadrnndh:simsseth“saatieOifdgoonfhunteaolr)xniffgipdoEnoharsumttnphirbdneeioscrgCtttgiohQisefoonCcanorrncuewy(sraiCshotDsapmeiucraehaeee-- ciawhinnunehiTtrdCteihtoroaaoeevvlgleehcyansrhest,rahttanhrofloieefotSngayuhu,rghhanwWheavnhrtseoyielcsswvahtiienrdear.miecshnepKasbhpmoreaeronpcnaknttrdeooeienrnlldyss,, htmwtwarrneaaaaitdttsstweeinssucabgshsCCaianpoioblrgeruugaodrrieeltdtedlooutedonnccwtttoFiiFartoihepecanbbipptpyrroepurufoaweaardaarriytyurhaCc1a2tolt6at.uiWo.sWtnJsaaaalouBslystfahaDdclollrealurMaMnitgnnyaa.,aagg3bHnii7ssides--, Improve identifiedthesameconcerns. namedherRuby. “When the department was first Assistant manager Tina INSIDE Atpresent,theemergencydepart- established,circumstancesatneigh- Leedhamsaid:“Therewereno mentisabletocaterfor79,000pa- bouring trusts were very different. signsofshockinitiallybutthere ALLSHIPSHAPE tientsayearbutchiefsdeclaredan Weneedtoexpandtocopewiththe wereconcernsshehadfractured expansionwouldenablestafftodeal riseinpatientsthatwearecurrently herleguntilshehadanx-ray. withanextra8,000–around22addi- experiencingaswellastheadditional TheRSPCAdidagoodjobtak- FFOORRPPLLAAYYAARREEAA tionalpatientsaday. demandweexpectwhentheMidland ingcareofher..” InJanuarylastyearadamningre- MetropolitanHospitalopensitsdoors ItisthoughtRubyisatleast port published by health watchdog inSmethwick.” sixyearsoldandbecausesheis theCareQualityCommissionbranded He added: “The expansion will alittleboisterous,havinghad emergency services as ‘Inadequate’ allow us to cater for an additional no apparent training not to statingbossesdidnothave‘strategic 8,000 patients a year, compared to jumpupatpeople,thevetshave plan’forhowthedepartmentwould around 79,000 currently. When we recommendedshedoesnotgoto growandimprove. havefinishedworkingonourfunding ahomewithchildren. WhiletheManorisexpectedtosee bid,whichwillbesubmittedtoNHS Anyonewhowishestoinquire additional A&E demand when the Improvement,wecanthenworkona aboutrehomingRuby,orany Midland Metropolitan Hospital in businesscasewithaviewtoconstruc- of the otherdogs atthe ken- Smethwickopens.MarkSinclair,trust tionstartingattheendofthisyearor nels,cancontactthemon01902 PAGE5 directoroforganisationaldevelopment atthebeginningof2018.” GettingakissofthanksfromrescueddogRubyiscaninecarerEmmaHadley 790618. CONTENTS Owner who stabbed dog in face jailed Winnick airs 2 fears over RHODES 4 7 01 LETTERS 7 A THUG has been locked up for repeat- house in Dale Terrace officers, dis- being found guilty in his absence at the 6, 2 FAST TICKET 25 ethdelyn sttraybibnign gto h hisi dpee th dero gf rionm th peo flaiccee iann da bcoovaerdreedd utph eb efhriinghd ttehnee wd adshoign gh mada cbheienne samBaei lceoyu rwta isn dNisoqvuemalibfieerd. from keeping failures on y 2 TV 28 conMfiinchedae slp Baaceil.ey, of Tividale, launched anBd auinledye rwnaeas thja ail ekdit cfhoern 1 w2o rwketeokps. for a£n11im5 avlisc tfiomr lsifuer achnadr wgea so ovredr etrheed itnoc pidaeyn at ar PROPERTY 33 a savage attack on Lucky after she uri- causing unnecessary suffering to the on June 18 last year. living wage nu MOTORING 49 nated on a bag of marijuana at his home. dog through physical violence and the Lucky made a full recovery, but was a The 54-year-old punched her in the infliction of blunt force trauma. later identified by a police dog legislation ay, J SPORT 55-56 mfaceer oaunsd t ibmodesy iann tdh teh feanc es.tabbed her nu- takHee r weaasso nalasbol ef osutenpds gtuo ieltnys uorf ef atihliantg t htoe offiIncesrp eacst oar b Manonrreadl lb sraeiedd: a“nTdh ipsu ist da ovwerny. A WALSALL MP says not enough em- hursd CONTACT US wdoaOgs fhofiavcdee rrrhsue nwa roedrff eb. ucat lBleadi leayft teorl dt hteh eamtt athcke nmboeedeedyts c hooenf rdt hinteei oedndo. g tB owa bielreee yi nmw aeatsn, sbaeypn ptfearnoilpcinerdgia attoet irsneactdoo veaen rdnyi enawgn dha swo meL ewu.c ekTryeh ehh oaRpdSi nPmgC atAdo e sd eaoe fnhueolrtl psptleaoofypfe lrets hs eitnr u ntgahgteil oiBnnlgaa lct kol imCvioanukgne twernyad gaesr ,em lpeeaaevyt.iinngg nicle T TSTEEee-DPmll::OI Ta00ROi11TlR:95S wI04:A23 a L l34:s 16a l95l.43c50h35ro [email protected] LDucky seein aftser her ruescue sHoweveer, folldowing a searsch of tthe Biarminghatm Maigistroates’ Counrt after smake thesme decisions.”ay spwhueaaDrrsge aeuh fiv.ro irgDudme ruWd sr r iitaannhrtgneee i acPprk aerd,yic emMiobngePagnrt iwfeMso eoriindr nWk itaesahsrtlee sst rathH lhtleoo eN u lm£iosv8erai.t n2kho5gef, o E-mail: [email protected] Commons, he said ‘too many employees’ hr PHOTOGRAPHIC: Tel: 01902 319430 in the region are struggling to manage C E-mail: [email protected] on the wages they are paid. The ATEe-Dml:V a0Ei1Rl:5 Ts4IaS3r Ia4Nh6G.5w:3 Si4na1firealhd [email protected] be put back on track minitHnroiemd suuacmiedd :w “baIy ga etr,h gaeun eLdd a ttbhhoiesur rwe gasosh vooeufr lncdom uberens aet PROPERTY: Marguerita Finnegan when it was elected in 1997. Such a min- Tel: 01902 319627 imum is absolutely essential to avoid E-mail: [email protected] outright pay poverty, as what occurred MOTORING: Phil Morris previously. However, in my view, such a Tel: 01902 319177 legal minimum should not be considered E-mail: [email protected] a maximum, as in some instances it is CLASSIFIED: by employers; hence the reason for my Tel: 01902 317878 parliamentary question. E-mail: [email protected] “While I accept that it is for employers DTEe-ImlS: Ta0Ri1lI:9B p0U.2jTo 3InO1eN9s9@: 9P0eaxupl rJeosnseasndstar.co.uk blDerInoShuUagSlhlE taD nb rdaa cilDkw aatroyla sslittfaoet nioa snc sop uianldr Wt boile-f Retail and leisure hub takes shape tttohh aed tel cetigodoae l momna iwnnyaim geeumsm –p lao–py aterhetes o , ffia nccoctul urrdseemin fagroi nimns Walsall a revamp of the train network twhhei cBhla mcka Ckeosu nitt rvye, rayr ed rifeficceuivlitn, gp aa rwtiacgue- in the Black Country, transport larly for those with families, to manage. 51-53 Queen Street chTiehefs p hlaanvse t or erveeopaelend P. ortobello sta- cam“Ien dPereimd, eT Mheinreisstae rM, saayi,d w shheen w sahse c obne-- Wolverhampton, WV1 1ES tion in Willenhall and the station in cwehron eadr efi jursstt aabnodu tfo mreamnaogsitn agb.”out those Open wMowndway. ytoo Furidracyh 9raomn-1ipcmle a.ncdo 2mpm-5pm CDoaurlnatsrtyo n Laorcea l seEt noteurtp riins et hPea rBtnlaecrk- Pensioners at ship’s board papers. Transport bosses have said they still risk, fears MP need to secure funding for the project, which is part of a wider plan to rejuvenate transport across the region. Previous pro- posals to reopen Willenhall and Aldridge PROPOSED Government changes to stations are also still in the pipeline. benefits for people in supported housing The plans are being worked on by the will put Black Country pensioners at Transport for West Midlands, which wants risk, an MP has warned. to reopen the stations as part of a wider John Spellar has urged the Prime plan to recreate a rail line between Wolver- Minister to rethink plans for housing hampton and Walsall. benefit payments for people in sup- Councillor Roger Lawrence, the leader of ported housing to be capped in line with Wolverhampton council, who is the trans- Local Housing Allowance levels. port lead for the West Midlands Combined Critics have claimed the changes, due Authority, said: “These plans looking at to come in for 2019/20, would lead to reopening these stations are part of the many people being unable to afford to Transport for West Midlands proposals to live in sheltered housing. The Warley recreate the rail link between Wolverhamp- MP said: “Theresa May had an opportu- ton and Walsall with intermediate stops.” nity to ditch Iain Duncan Smith’s failed Freight Universal Credit scheme. “That she hasn’t shows she has the Currently passengers looking to get from same careless attitude as him.” He said Wolverhampton to Walsall or vice versa on it was the latest example of the Tories the train need to go through Birmingham. ‘piling misery on poorer communities’. A direct route between the two Black Coun- Leading choir in try authorities exists however it is only used for freight trains. It was open to pas- sengers until 1965, restored in 1998, then search of voices withdrawn again a decade later in 2008. The new St Matthew’s development taking shape in Walsall, set to be completed before the year’s end The rail station at Darlaston, previously WORK to revitalise Walsall town ity as the development has taken largest town centre Asda super- known as Darlaston James Bridge railway centre is gathering pace – with the shape and is expected to be finished store in the UK as well as a 1,000 A LEADING male voice choir in the station, was part of the line but closed in steel frame that will become a new this year. car park which opened in 2007. Black Country is looking for new blood, 1965 along with the line. retail and leisure development now Once finished, the site will offi- Council bosses touted the £25 requiring singers in all four sections. Darlaston Councillor Paul Bott said he in place. cially be referred to as The Quar- million project as a ‘major demon- Walsall Harmonic Male Voice Choir pro- would be supporting the scheme to get the Shop units at Market Square ter and consist of 55,000 sq ft of stration of confidence’ in Walsall as vides after-dinner entertainment and station reopened. in the St Matthew’s Quarter have new retails units including B&M a modern day retail location. Plans charity concerts for churches, commu- He said: “Me and Councillor Chris Bott been bulldozed ready for the site to and Poundland who have already for the second phase had to be re- nity groups and various organisations. are 100 per cent for it. I have seen it func- be transformed with the develop- signed pre-lets agreements to open thought when the listed Shannon’s As well as singers it is seeking a dep- tion in the past as a railway station when ment of 11 new units for retail and next spring. Ill had to be demolished due to a uty accompanist. A spokesman said: thousands used to use it. leisure use. The work is the second part of a fire in August 2007. The demoli- “Anyone interested can come along to “Residents will be able to commute to The vision shared by Walsall multi-million pound investment in tion work was originally supposed our practices on Monday nights at 8pm Birmingham and Wolverhampton so it will Council and developers St Modwen St Matthews Quarter. to begin in 2015 but eventually at the Chuckery Mutual Club, Beacon be a necessity and a vital link for the West is now closer to becoming a real- Phase One included building the started in April 2016. Street, Walsall, or phone 0121 502 5751, Midlands.” for further information.” Walsall:01922455018 We are delighted to offer ALL Wolverhampton: 01902582051 New Clients a... 24HrNumber:07853248056 FREE CALL NOW FOR HUGE DISCOUNTS THROUGHOUT JANUARY Cut & Finish When you have ANY Colour Service! Don’t miss out, call today. Victorianand 6Windows Doors Edwardian from from Conservatories £959 £325 from£3695 Feelsecurreewwiitthhoouurr2244yyeears’experienceanddoouurriinnssuurraanncceebbaacckkeeddgguuaarraanntteeee 17 Anchor Parade, Aldridge WS9 8QP t: 01922 456152 Viewouronlinevideo@ ImprovingHomes www.windowtechinterframe.co.uk forover24years T’s & C’s: Not valid in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Valid for new Units1,2&9BrickyardRoad,AldridgeWS98SR clSieknints A ollnelryg ayt T Fersatn rceeqsuciroe dG r4o8u hpo Aulrdsr ipdrgioer wtoit hc osleoluerc steedrv tiecaem fo mr aelml nbeewrs c uonlotiul r2 c8l/i0e2n/t1s.7. Appointments are subject to availability. The Name You CAN Trust Screenings Rob’s knowledge is knot to be ignored NEWS IN BRIEF 3 to focus on Museum to host T A POLICE forensics expert who beingcalledonabroadandinother tiedup;andaninvestigationbyIre- h has helped solve dozens of serious partsoftheUK. land’sGardaintoaseriesofburgla- e worldwide crimes across the Black Country is In2010hewasabletoprovethat rieswherevictimshadbeenboundby Easter fun day C beingcalledonbyotherforcesfrom BilstontruckerDarrenWalkerhad theirhandsandfeet. h acrosstheworldbecauseofhisexpert hunghimselfbecauseofthewaythe Speakingabouthisforensicwork r differences knowledgeofknots. knotforhisnoosewastied.Walker andknots,MrBonesaid:“Istarted Thoselookingtohavesomeartyfun on wesitRtahobbWliBsehosntiefM,asiodsmleanenioodnrsefPowroelaincssei,accsmacniuenrhdteielsprt Brhearndocmeh.wunicghhismchsoeloflgaifrtlerSktailclienygLWaewst- waspokarnrkkoitnedgspibneycfioahrliiessntsvaiacnssdtinmk1ny9oi8wn7tleeardloegnsetgswaindades tlehriWysaEinlasaWstllearLlsaearalelt.hinerviMteudsteouamtt,ebnadseadgaoln- icle THE life experiences of Black and vorichtiams,dheellidbecraaptteilvyebdouurnindgthaermobsbelevreys, exApewratiysefrwoamsctahleleBdloancktoChouelnptrdyethecis- htioowns.hTehceorueldarehemlporpeotlhicaeni4n,v0e0s0tidgiaf-- LhoitltdleittosnESatsrteeertFWamesitl,yWFaulnsalDl,ayisotno Th AwfiwlsihmOliliacrnbhgseapacnrcereeeoiselpetenlobdeirnsaftgbrtasoyermdtitonthanhlerlMWooUuoovgnlnevhdrievarateyhh.rwaesmiewtepykotroolondff CRobBaone,serniorfoerensicsciehntist ooowrfaHytianeakvhekenasnmstotitghbaeeistierintoioneiwdns.nvloolleicvfaeeldl–yianallshfurwonmetdlrlethdaessotioAnifvueRsAstusrcpsalosrliitoaa;bniadwntgsyhecetrorhioeeenswhBoiofgomhrsti-eespxnrBoaehfitraltoeeadzcodkbvesesaektinhny tyafeoonmrudeidnctehtannektnmilfeoyaatstrte.nhrIeitfaa’rmslosmnauolsthleaodbkbw.u”otuthtmebyoeriaeenrgewathbiealdet AafaobcprtToriuyvihloitet1urie7eennsgftwrfesootirlrmetlarabsi1lnel0aet.sprh3suw0e,paefapmalnlemdtatioslsfyah4m.copeawmnps.ya,iwonttahilnekgr- ursday,J WnoorlivtyerEhtahmnpict)onneBtwMoErk(,BwlaictkhasunpdpMorit- theAdamctiivssitioiensiwsilflreine,cutrhoaucghharsgoem.eFoorf anu fromtheUniversity’sDisabledand moreinformationvisitwww.walsall. a LGBT(Lesbian,Gay,Bisexualand gov.uk/leathermuseum. ry Transgendered) networks, the One 2 WorldFilmFestivalwillfeaturefilms Classic cars show 6 fromfivedifferentcountries,includ- ,2 ingFrance,UgandaandIndia. 0 TheFilmFestivalistakingplaceat urgent improvements heading to NEC 17 theArenaTheatrefromJanuary30 toFebruary2. Everyeventwillstartwithaspe- THEUK’sfastestgrowingclassiccar cialpublictalkexpandingonsomeof event is heading to Birmingham’s thethemesexploredinthefilmbeing NEC. shown. Morethan19,000enthusiastsat- Support tendedlastyear’sPracticalClassics ClassicCarandRestorationShow. WillCooling,interimheadofequal- The2017showrunsfromMarch31 ityanddiversityattheUniversityof toApril2.Itwillfeatureeverything Wolverhampton,said:“Attheheart ACAREhomethatwasorderedto Tiger meets old owner 14 years on frombarnfindstospecialprojectres- oftheUniversityofWolverhampton improvebythecareinspectorsear- torations. isourmissiontoeducatepeopleabout ly last year has been told it is still Theeventalsoincludesasalefrom theworldaroundthem. ClassicCarAuctionsonApril1and “Weareveryexcitedtostart2017 failing–withimprovementsneeded 2andmorethan800carswillbeon withtheOneWorldFilmFestival,a inallareas. display.Detailsviawww.necrestora- specialweekofeventstoexplorethe The latest Care Quality Commission tionshow.com lifeexperiencesofBlackandAsian (CQC) report into Orchard Manor care peopleacrosstheworld. home on Slaney Road, Walsall, reveals Masked robbers “Buildingonourlongsupportof thatapatientwentfourdayswithoutbe- wWeolaviemrhatompbtootnhBclealcekbrHaitsetoBrlyaMckonatnhd, inggivenmedicineintendedtostopthem target Greggs Asiancultureswhilealsohighlighting gettingbloodclots. theuniquechallengesthatBMEpeo- Italsohighlightsissueswithstafflevelsand plefaceacrosstheworld.” alackofleisureopportunitiesforresidents. TWO masked robbers burst into Every day there will be a film Thehome,whichcanprovideaccommoda- Greggs bakery in Wednesbury and screeningat5.30pm,andonFebruary tionforupto34people,hasbeentolditre- threatenedtohurtfemalestaffunless 1therewillbeanadditionalscreening quires improvement across the board after theyhandedovercash. at1.30pm. asurpriseinspectiononNovember23,when Themenweredressedindecorators Allscreeningsarefreetoattend therewere25residents. overallsandhadtheirfacesalmost andopentothegeneralpublic. Itssafety,effectiveness,responsiveness,lead- completelycoveredwhentheywent Ticketscanbereservedthroughthe ershipandlevelofcaringwereallratedas‘re- intotheUnionStreetstoreataround website. quiresimprovement’.Inthereportinspectors 7amonFriday.Theyorderedthetwo Formoredetailsemailarena@wlv. said:“Peoplecouldnotrecallbeinginvolvedin femaleworkerstoopenthesafe,say- ac.ukorcalltheboxofficeon01902 discussionsabouttheircareneedswithstaff. ingtheywouldgethurtiftheydidn’t 321321. Qualityauditsystemswerenoteffectiveat doso.Therobbersthenstolecashand identifyingconcernsandtheimprovements lefttheshopwhichhadnocustomers. Serious failings ngieveedfeede.dPbeaocpkleabdoiudtntohtehsaevreviacnetohpepyorretuceniivteydt.o Put on your Red Concern ShoesforBrumshow at GP surgery “Wereceivedmixedviewsfrompeopleand theirrelativesaboutthestaffinglevels. ANEWadaptationoftheclassicBrit- “A relative commented they did not feel ish Powell and Pressburger ballet AGPsurgerywithnearly2,000pa- thereweresufficientstaffnumberstomeet movieTheRed Shoesisheadingto tients has been placed into special people’sneeds.” RogerColbourne,Tigerandhispreviousowner,RachelWellsattheBlackCountryLivingMuseum Birmingham. mfW‘fCpsrrwitcshrnioootuialalanoooaauuoecyiLATMnrrsmusssafiaynnrgdghadfhumedsselaneddmendeeoredueertriooynew.drnisobgrqyi”pntdo.setyeayHc,urhsgsfacipswirnams.iardiaedreoaanceooTutaadeedtnptimetosinfplhhdirrt.ptt’dnBckaet:emooheeee.osrnrsvrLr“bcstseeoCwtgoetWuaydnosomewettoanremtarhnnefgtseretskcohetceeifhn.hahreSoyaor,rleietanueyiwussesm,lvcomssirshhpkenCoutpgawaleafosrgeeoaanwasdsisrsfnecrraitooisylbeleehdicgtiirsr,npenxihoeekantanesoguQreomnetpnieresyttdduoteswmGorafcfwhaanvatartaaelfahtetteeocisjumnhehvrotreaarelddyyeeerssstt--l gaatptmitestawctchhohhuhxrdineihveoeeeTTH“OporpnomdceaeiursPulipoehhdrronnanceoinmgeocnheeeweinrtfohdnrhrwpoisaaembettseprau.rnhldoahehivtqalertgetranedsPeefouhtpdyngaaoadrieweoiwiepeontttu,mcrnMoirio.rsnerceteroritstpteeraniedsrahnuh-slscdcnhess.msnseiifoeaosapsredaitfioinipvneeayiegnevwhcrzestcdctscneeihvauoeoee.etwirdwtosadocrdrrrn’Wulaadiedsrneih:vttnhtbfssheeehwgfiira“emmsonedadcoacupOauifioldniemieirarpipitdtsenntdidneehmeepcnmtmetciifnndcahwoccamtooiateoeieliricprbrinynestrddadttttdeyod.eemeeeheki.iar”aTc:d.diointseiienitnp“hnhnunHoadedbstgrPenetdtleipouoosyfcyye,i’dtretawfticsohwomienacichnaepnedetocsyematednoavlkifseu-.eedrodtreiic.eflddnoorsdroslmwdbTirmn-t,.uwnide”tniaeehacnanheeeaariodalilnnkdddyeessst--l thCTbthosawymyneShhpretfeeanaeoHoutieARTaaaaewssuinrrtsrtnEcrtohiakcnacebsmistgrgacoerih,udttrepeentetyruhaaiqi,cmusir,prymsgdogosueins,rcwd,noCmeietroaugceaimoh.-eLopvisrkrenphttnmoleiorsoytltlbtivtyareeheushtsfsoieeasxhvotennetRunbdhneteirioegdnomeorvatarodoatsnlgueicnmkmohtuhiothteMsscoovheu’apale,seuelsfareevysuiwlpsisdsnahthegtsWhepathhttgeoiea.ucksiaadnoaeumnesotptimnbesmlrhmemheocl1rbeoosetbaiept4y,wp.dffoavsioee,oaBneTynetcfntbhrndweaalhiveaattgiamlaeehohh21eecvaeriitnnkd47oeeeesrrsr- ncuopglsWfswmchniaineeocivlrepifoeaadwamasehveRRoteawslehi.neriwranaho.watpro”bRykcegtinttnapriwmohesohenatrdCeennherecaaovterf,ldaohaoshwcbeuxoyfnWluaeleabasmtnseewfirlctgsrllsame..eeoenoeiweihrlVdtHwdFnsmlddutshihstegeosnios,fhnoetaar7oeewh3sclwnigmhvur0yhos4yieidehimm,hnme,avTmrafeaecwdecsyoWiplnralrraagl–rhoasndnoniemmaohtsondaerdsr’hlReamt:iuvyov,eneovwoertmeciao“inaetgrmrhrcfoswIonseeheoer-arhgalaoolrdwahkhioligcitnhnsmievsphvnatihvipeeinenhev.aeeapmiei’’ndpgeeesssrssIt-- toyiirpInhalnThcptino’eaelfoeeoioaivdtntpgmt““Oagrsvpwseee’ri,tWrIeeesrwdonaaeosrnal.sdiisrviahhsdcwtneoavssaeslpheedegwaailiedntanoennntieonthepnhdfnvdgfhddiebrhdeat:tnhetsruwemuiete“hsgomeetceisntimeTrt.euirptwcdlueyhitfhiisyeelorgniieehmeoessecnnnednoaseusoRiangbartaew.rtrmoheIletlyHtwsbtlnltovgrsoyynoooIoeaeensenfiborrrwsmrtcupprvesafendor1eerulegescfaduaesvap8rfot.aibytfe”,lesptehutdugmetirthpeRoinasmnertsmrweoeeunvwra’geatnlertcoehoecabrtethbdreuuane1henhuuke.e’nnppd4gessst---l t3AWotBa1iTapnohunr13rihaseTTTTro,8td2FuloLmsadshhhi2rFIr5niicnoauudRn.eiees0k.wnlidcdberlE0efitrfigteabeth0tsiSrhrrhyiesoh.eswbs,eoaentohruHcmswipsohlorubtfilhaki.buhasmtHrlotebyTsnhcelewmeaih.fpnoiLhrbMrsereppuotoiaernoetifatmbnBt.rdrsntuleboafotarromde£htoozdnbrea1mkeemstenm9wFshfwef.saoerea5raannrboegB0nhseermbccedouxeoadvro7utsareJciCpardrdpkmupoonmyeuolf0moyderoe78nttf1ioeh4atctat9ndaohss4oet, BLINDS Atyourservice 24Hoursaday WALSALL-www.bl£ind-1dea2ls.co0.uk Allaspectsofarranginga 7DaysaWeek BEST DEAL! Funeralforyourlovedone Funeralsfrom£950 3childsafe OurValuesaresimple: SSHHOORRTTHHEEAATTHHDDeennttaall PPrraaccttiiccee verticals Webelieveinbeingopenandtransparent. WebFeluienveeratlhHemomosetaimrepyoorutranlotvpeedoopnleesin. our NEWWEPLACTOIEMNETS ••2OOpwFeeenmnda&aleiMlydre8sn.S0tit0seatfskma--MIv5arpsnmoJvaane STopoetchiaWlOhiftfeenrinogn NOonOeBLpIeGrAThIoOuNsHeOhMolEdQoUfOfeTrE Emergenciesseen •ToothWhitening •HomeVisits&Arrangements Etxhaemsianmateiodnatyo •Newpatientswelcome ALLPRICESINCLUDEFREE includescale&polish •CosmeticDentistry-getthe MEASURE&FITTING •PrivateChapelofRest £18.50 smileyoualwaysdreamedof Youmaybeeligiblefor •Implants-replacethose HUGECHOICEOFPOPULAR •24HourProfessionalSupport freetreatmentifyouarein missingteethpermanently FABRICS&GENEROUSSIZE reifcyeoiputhoafvceehratadinabbeanbeyfiitns, •DentureRepairs £150 RESTRICTIONS •Pre-PaidFuneralPlansAvailable thelastyear,ifyouare18 •SportsMouthGuards Caringforyouandyourloved andinfulltimeeducation •WhiteFillings •CFuhnaeurfafeluHroSmerevicetoour 78HighoSntersetehtr,oBugrhowthnehgeinllesr,aWtioSn8s6EW oorraarreeuunnddeerr1188. ••BCrroawcennsss,B2ridgAes&ODeantukreesnD(Brringitvhisaedve,rtwithyou) CFRAELEL ctoonostteahecetroyauovruafrailablobrcilcealrdaaendagvlesiso&r •RepatriationService 01543 378 022 00WW1i9lle2nh2all4W7V81285N9U3 0800 0214266 www.jafunerals.co.uk AAppointmentsAvailableImmediately! £2.7bn deal on HS2 trains up for grabs Junior team 4 THEBESTOF PETER scores with 7 26,201 RHODES phTaiHgUnhEyp-sttspooeeaed6rde0cshtitrgrahnainai,nssbsfubowierlgdilHulanSbn2edf.onrmeeaadinecdtoamtino- smr£ee5aat5ajr.orc7ryhbsCfitolehlriproai’nsttropGawrrionaajyermdclitsan.ngBTurdrfiaaetnscactisunrpirobgereretdtaStstienh‘cage- mbofleaCHkpoeSon2sssiuttfrrriouoenmctthtioLoeynownaiwdnreoocnrionkntottohrnBaecirpbtmshe.sa”itnspegohosansmie- ptaaonduvdtetanirnnescglueiardtebhrleesoelpjlaoaimunsrgslneesnestsygo,sec.rak”c,acwtestithshiebidrleeh,siefgaanrsstt £25k boost y transportpassengersataround225 anewrailwaycarryingmorethan willstartinthespring,subjecttoits Greater Birmingham Chamber ar ANYONE taking bets on President mph,andthecontract–worth£2.75 300,000peopleeachday. parliamentarybillgettingroyalas- of Commerce chief executive Paul in windfall u Trump not completing his first four-year billion–willbeawardedin2019. Mr Grayling said building and sentinthecomingweeks. Faulknerwelcomedthelatestdevel- an term?I’mnottalkingaboutassassination Advancewarningaboutthestart maintainingthetrainswouldbea Chris Rayner, of HS2 Ltd said: opmentsaid: J orimpeachmentbutTrumpsimplygetting ofthebiddingprocesswaspublished ‘greatopportunityforBritish-based “Wearelookingforasupplierwho “I’msureourlocalbusinesseswill y, fedup.Today,heisthestaroftheworld. onFridaybyHS2Ltd,theorganisa- businesses.Headded:“Wehaveheld iscapableofdeliveringandmain- relishtheopportunitytotryandse- sda Teormheorraocwtuhalelywhilalsd,ishcoowvemrhuocwhmlittolenepyowhe- Jtionresaponsiblezfordevmelopingthe idiscunssions with UhK supplioers to tpaining soeme of tshe world’sVmost cuoretheconitractc.” e AbeLenEAalDloIcNatGedjufnuinodrinfogotobfa£l2l5te,0a0m0.has ur islosing,howheandhisfamily’severy Wyrley Juniors FC was granted h moveandeverycarelesswordorTweetis themoneybytheAvivaCommunity T doggedbythepressandsocialmedia. Fund.Theclubhas14girlsteams, e twoladies’sidesandaveteranladies nicl pygoAut-asRrhdEosAtsDahtEoPRurte:as“siDdkose,nnatiflTdsr,uodmmupec,bkw!o”dillythtaekbeosda- ttaehwarmeael,kmainsegnw’fesolsolitadbseastl,wlttoweadomivsaeatbenirldiatny41tteebaaommysss’,, hro THATgreatsocialobserverWillSelfsug- will put her on track sidTehs.eItwiisnadlfsaollcrweialltibneguasdeedaftotewaamrd.s C gestswaspishlythattheArmyshouldbe thepurchaseandinstallationofflood- e scrappedandreplacedbygivingweapons lightsatitsHarrisonsGround,atotal h andtrainingtoall30millionBritishadults. costof£40,000.Theclubisalsolook- T Anassaultrifleineveryhome.Whatcould ingtocreatenewchangingrooms, possiblygowrong? kitchen and hospitality area, at a totalcostof£500,000.TheHarrisons SOMEONE gave me directions this projectcompetedwithmorethan300 weekincluding:“Yougodownthatroad organisationsaroundtheUK.Thena- wheretheoldpubusedtobe.”Canthere tionwideinitiativeaskedresidentsto bfitetahastindgelescrroipatdioinn?EWngelaanrdeathalatnddooesflnoostt ReportbyJudithHawkins Crews fight fire at Morrisons store sbuebimniwtiathpraocjehcatnccloesoeftfoutnhdeiinrgh.eartto pubs. OLYMPIC long jumper Jazmin Eachorganisationhadtogalvanise thesupportoftheirlocalcommunity anteTeleOdassmtshyoonsueuldrprebraiesdeeg,rivIwehnhaovperbiotehrliieteyvseousvpephrouwrmtiladon-f aSsifantwegriyneagrpscpioesmarhpionepgtiitnioognntotThhegeopVfraoimriceein-, stsrouiueppsvpp:ooohtrreettaiifnlnotgrght,thtdhheieesioarlybdeoielnuirttngyrgeyaennriendrgawsetiniexolenlcr-;abastetpeiiongonorgt-;; life when it comes to turning Swansea timeITVshowonSaturday. inthecommunity;environmentand Bayintoavastelectricity-generationtidal The 22-year-old who came eighth communitysupport. hltahagevoenoenww.aHdeeendsvairayowsn:am“yeW,nwhteitwnhiilntlhbeaewfreaewdcionmlgoonbniisrtedhdss iinnWthailssasullmanmdeirs’sthReiodaOulgyhmtepricosf,Slitvaefs- woviOethrvaelorl.vfiTevrhee4mc5li0ullbiopngroavljveocattenssiswebdeernaeenfpialtatrcimnedgy withnewspecieswhichlikethenewcon- fordshirePolice’schiefconstableJane of supporters to secure votes from ditions.” Sawyers. friends,families,colleaguesandthe On the hit talent local community to secure nearly YOU have show she was seen 2000peoplevoting.Clubchairman pprobably spot- describing the wait KeithHardysaid:“Weareextremely tted the tiny before the audition pleasedthatthefundingwillgoto- pproblem with infrontofjudgesSir wardsoureffortstogiveyoungpeople the statue of Tom Jones, Jennifer thefacilitiestheydeserve.” Cilla Black un- Hudson,will.i.amand veiled in Liver- Gavin Rossdale, as ‘Crazy’ rules pool.Inaclas- TheVoiceaudition more nerve-wrack- sicexampleof ingthantheOlympic the Emperor’s final,andhopingthat are criticised new clothes, atleastonewouldturn localpeopleapplaudedtheunveilingwith- aroundintheirchair. outdaringtopointoutthatitdoesn’tlook “Athletics is my UKIP’S transport spokesman has evenvaguelylikeCilla. firstlove,it’smypas- slammed ‘crazy’ EU rules which sion,andit’swhatI’ve mean uninsured motorists must be READERSmayberemindedofthecel- been working on for givencompensationiftheircarsare ebrated“blackDiana,”thestatueofthe years,butitisnotthe damaged. princessinblackgraniteandunveiledin onlythinginmylife,” TheGovernmenthasadmittedit 2000.ItlooksnothinglikePrincessDibut Jazminin2012 she said on the pro- ispowerlesstopreventthenewreg- bears a passing resemblance to Denis gramme. ulationsfrombeingintroducedinthe Nordenwithouthisspecs.Itstandsout- “EversinceIwasakidI’vealsohada UK,aslongasBritainremainspart sideafuneraldirectorsinWalsall.Unlike greatloveformusic,andit’shardtohave oftheEU. theScousers,Walsallfolkhaveneverkid- twothingsthatyoulovebecausehowdo WestMidlandsMEPJillSeymour dedthemselvesit’sagoodlikeness.“De- yougiveonetheattentionitdeserves?But said:“Thisbureaucraticmadnessisa monic,”wasoneFacebookuser’sopinion. mymotivationtodowellinmusichasshot perfectreminderofwhywemustnot up.Beingontheshowisabigdeal.When delayourdeparturefromthemorally ROLFHarrisisontrialforsexcrimes IwalkoutontothetrackI’mincontrol,I bankruptEUforamomentlonger. withthejurytoldondayoneofhispre- gettodecideeverythingthathappens,but “Itisyetanotherpieceofcrazy, viousconvictions.Heisgivingevidence hereIdon’t.Andthat’squitescary.” nonsensicallegislationbeingimposed viaavideolinkfromprison.Ifonetrialcan Itprovedtobeatenseauditionasfor TheincidentatMorrisonsinWalsallfollowingarupturedgasmain,itresultedinLowerRushallStreetbeing ontheUK,whichfliesinthefaceof firdobaerlneelsc?fegtoeDintMnriidnmdwa,oaencbintyonhutthutaiters’oartye,tlta’laveaclsexodmeclsneirseeisgacpepaliltnoilvsrsteihglhulsiaaemtromien.,jPeupwwrryweihet,thyhektencanrdaeeocnwire’trit’mssvtehittnrhheyaeey-l m‘ctclwnHihlhgoaooOeehteiusecmrtntlk,eBdoe’wolhyfdaitfoietJuclhualakhdr.eriznioe.ridmanurE.nmftgiTyo’rn,terehtapdwnlhehbroadnehoioPstsiuokt’sresttiewialeogiddahsnkahomesehtpsroij,eatsufoa.amn”nmrrAtyeuhpltdosclehieahfnsbetisgtiudtihcvoa:twseettoi“rCcjthnyuWhaaedrralojgedaoanweesey’dsrst-,. fiFdMlqaatiurIssoCeRetaarlrEsrraTletiotFshewtuohrIausnG’ner.dsssHwAufldi8pnToaag.remyE2Lak.r0RmiesicansShpamgfibribp.keewaeeflWdtoittctraSlhaweeltusdhrtNgaeihhlfcealoehtttr,fiififiwoWrsrrneiaeeaxaslslsowhtjanuaGaoltslusaritaorinfitdsn‘mna’otsmbauionlotclauueyprnrtetuapew2twgsu.3eoatcfd0ulroloaotmutmmoaotf- twifibfitiurro.h“eeinT“elT,dIynhwofhioenfttehuhhgfitishcc,eeruahyteeehnbwlcfisse’erttrtacoeflasbtswrttarreitimseao,charnadwrerklsiesihdesvtwaiuehwcorodbheereu.slsftslllToooad.uuhuctIshiatrertoatcaywmneevinsdadeisnseicobdidaundeyutwaefioeagnnersuhgelsmlftemhrdtrfioaaoaaomvrslmuescelsioadovitnnfgoiueostse.traaciedosticrnotneresettttrerwhhh.oceees-l cdooninmrtaNhemreyocH,sntlrarSsewueentait.s”bteridsauinndgsfpomteanrnsalearisneoedsklwtehosemsoarn- Rhodes every Mon- ingJeannlaisfetrmHiundustoenlecaonulfdoarwlsoarbdebseuetninmtahke- tmhaenadlearrmNewilaTsufirrnsetrrapirsaeidseadstthheesspieteudatoifoncrwewassw‘mhienn- roo“fI.twasveryluckytheroofwaspitchedasthe WimAaLgiSnAgLtLeaHmeaalrtehchaorlediNngHSarTercurusti’ts- day to Friday in your esanwdsheeermcoedmtpoetcihnagnjguedgheergomfionrditw.henshe uteHsefrsoamiddtihseasfiterre’.hadspreadclosetotwoelectrical flaWmhesitwtimereeraebSletrteoegtoanudpaLnodwoevreRrutshheaslulbSsttraeteitonwse.”re meRnotledsayonnexotffmeronitnhc.lude radiogra- Express & Star staCrocmoamchen,tJianzgmainftesraisde:c“uIrt’isnggohinegrtsoupbeera- asulsbosstaettiaolnigshsti.tuatedinpartofthestorewhichhad cshloustedtoocfufsftoormpeurbslficorsaafteitmyew.hItilheatdhreesotpoerneewdatoscaulsso- pHhoesrpsi.taTlhoeneFveenbtruisarayt1W1a,lfsraolmlM1a0naomr greatpartnership.” Hesaid:“Theflameswerequitesevere.Withagas tomersbymid-morning. to3pm. Come and visit Concept UPTO our new range of BLINDS 50% OFF LOG BURNING STOVES. ALLBLINDS Specialist supplier of the Newman Stoves Specialistsinfinestqualitybespoke Vertical&RollerBlinds HHIIGGHHSSTTRREEEETDentalPractice Newseasonfabricsnowavailable GasandElectricfiresandsurrounds NEWPATIENTS •OSapteunrdDaayisly99aammttililll28ppmm, NeNwewYeaYrou ChildSafety 5YEARGUARANTEE 15WOmrebianiCtruaaetlnelinessoslfacsrnkotdmhaintnhe HDOEMLNEIVeFSwEUURLRrYLaVSnFEgEIYTReTAVIoVNIfCAGlEIo,LgAANBDLE VaAanuldothrEoClrgeiisnnetrd&e EExmatWmehsicre£nEgaals1eLetain8oC&mcn.pOi8teeooMs0ldiisnashEceyluedne ••••tIgdNCTpmhoreeoeoeortpswsamtltmhaemhpaneemWaentttssdieihcismen-iostDntiferilltnyeeensgnpiynwtltoaigeseuctelercatyholwm-aeys TSopoetchiaWlOhiftfeenrionng FFereaetuorefsChFaitrtgeed ••A••WVRCleoosonmnoeosdateinaVrasvnean•BvteoPlitarnliyeadianRsltsoaedobfBlleinds BELAHRINGDEDCAIZRZYPAKRIKDZ burnersinstore Halldealer otrfYecoaeutrmtmaeiannytbbifeeynoeeulfiigtasibr,eliefinyfoorruefchreeaiepvet •••SWDpehonitrteutsrFeMilRloineugptshaiGrsuards £99.00 •FCRurveEdTEracPksHforBOayWNindEows hadababyinthelastyear, •Braces Open66Dayysaweek1100aamm--55pppmm CClloosseeddSSuunnddaayyss ifyouare18andinfulltime •Crowns,Bridges FREE 0800 5875279 educationorareunder18. &Dentures (Bringthisadvertwithyou) Fittingon Unit6,ArrowIndustrialEstate,StraightRoad 131HIGHSTREET,BROWNHILLSWS86HG allblinds OpenSevenDaysaWeek ShortHeath,WillenhallWV125RA 01543360663 01214293169 01922 475222 www.firesandfireplaceswillenhall.co.uk AppointmentsAvailableImmediately! FREEHomeQuote.FASTDelivery Players won’t Big Apple fans ap-peel for Grannies’ visit NEWS IN BRIEF 5 be board of Fountain voted T START spreading the news . . . the sponsorship to help fund the trip. minster, on February 4, The Steps, h Dancing Grannies have decided to Member Deb Nicholls said: “The plan Bridgnorth, on February 9, 10 and e their chance have a rest from the Edinburgh is to take America by storm. We aim 11, Gatehouse Theatre, Stafford, on town’s top pub C Fringe this year and pop over to the to flashmob in New York this summer February 18, Core Theatre, Solihull, h Big Apple. as the Americans keep asking when on March 4. r to succeed The Grannies, also known as Black we are coming over. It’ll cost an arm The tour will feature some of their THE Fountain pub in Lower Forst- on toBonO saAhtiRtpeD ne dvg eaanmnt, e aw ewhnaitcrhhdu- iwssi iasnsentts it naogr r eec htinuavrmnitp etido- Cbmonfmafeuo eni ulmNjrslen i teteowttowrnri ohnys utoYg pcr s oeaoua rocmtrrkrp eeteo l qhcedsaueis ymti et ytraosoh .st c neTstth gu phta ffohmervfn eo eoom dm nFr voi e intizv Ahe ztetwehmo h gfaeseeosndt rl,sr l iueow3ctemwah0itnl0ess-l mSaGainnlurrugCdace lk lnfaaaoo d n sOIrylite ee sn rgbsApe eorn tteGonoodnu sr g otaShbeirnenotosed oemht kshiPi espeaer d.trciTt xeutthh horiseener oip e r FBAewn iraptznefhlrzo yeraior wlargmt.ieo sn u slt hFohrhaioooenvkrwiger-- ifGtCaanarsnorivg dbnaw oa untume etnblreslaiii t detgab,e sistagc , o naiac atned hhnnn gaeFsetsr wetAaMKarc B strtirkAdhe aaesre,p n,ts w Epc,d Mheuh ir Mnroac oW acgravllssurlai eseCyd‘di nonila nan CedugB ahSK nabeotecrranhhrbatger--,, ebpABrrurr RaimbScnu ktoscnr sfhei nnti eonhe tfHr e J-th uiyohgapehehsa n C wrbS .Saaetmtserr enpeTe eathvt ioe gwit nnBiet dftlhoah rtcTih krRhde Cee paW oPllua aArcnleselttea.rt’lyysl icle Thurs tathhreeeT hWWtoeee tssBattko MMaer iipdddll laaaGcnneadd mass tett hhsm iiCssic hyyreeaoaapmrru. pfbiosol lnaoscwhrioinpsgss BUS-bouond – ther Danciong Grannuies GgrNanonwi etsh’h ed aFniczez oong s s oacraiea l lmooekdiinam.g for amraonucnoeds atth teh eMn Ridolsaen Tdhsg ewatirteh, Kpie drdfoerrw-- ehrtstp a:/n/wd woEwa.ttehresfi. zFrzoogr st.cicoskmets intfo see twtohhwWei ncaph’lsrs eaBhsllaae cnsCk tayabmateirreodann B mrtreoeemv wTabhmheoreups se Fewd,o iolubln nym t Faateihknbee-, day, Ja athime soufc tcheess c ohfa mlapsti oynesahri’pss e ivse tnot .r Teihne- ruTarhye 2 5p aret s7e.3n0taptmio.n to the Black nua force the traditional pastime and will Country Arms is on February 18 and ry run at various venues from February to the Pretty Bricks on February 11. 2 26 to March 26. Delay in repairs 6 The quickest players and the sharp- , 2 est minds will battle it out over five 0 selected staple board games, provided in UK for GCSE results to Wright statue 17 by a leading board game manufac- turer, including Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit 2000s and Jenga among other WORK to repair the Billy Wright stat- favourites to reach the semi finals. ue which was damaged after being hit Tim Bentley, reigning Board Games by a car will not start for at least a Champion, said: “I love board games month. The full extent of the damage so it was perfect really.”The crown- has still to be assessed and the repairs ing of the Board Games Champion approved by the insurers before the with take place following an intense work can begin, Wolves said. semi-final and grand final combined dcCouhmTraihmmnegep n2iNoc0nia1nst7giho iMNnpa aality siB o8ton.haaerl d bB Groaaaimnrd e cshG iWaldme eeoksf WanseA wiLn Sfi tAghuLerL ec sios uh anamtvreyo rnfeogvr e tGhaelCe SdwE.o rrsets ualrtes-, All aboard for play fun shipmates! mslitdaeTenndhtd e wst o pit outhuhb ttelhsi cEiedl ynse-gt faluMatnunodedle i inadnne £tudh5 xWe0. ,e0oAal0rv 0lcey asm hrg ooicnauonurlst-- pork pie manufacturer Pork Farms. The borough was ranked 123rd out of of Sunday January 15. A 30-year-old Pork Farms is running the champion- 158 local authority areas in the country, man has been bailed on suspicion of ship in partnership with the Micropub based on GCSE results from grades A* to dangerous driving and drink-driving Association. G across eight subjects, known as Attain- in relation to the incident. For families wanting to get involved ment 8. Police plea after in the championships, Pork Farms Walsall was also ranked 11th out of 158, ac- hNaisg hat diend wichaticehd Ffaammiilliye sB coaanr db aGtatlme eist cuonrddeirnpge trof otrhme ipnrgo,p moretaionnin ogf smchoroeo ltsh faonu nad q tuoa bre- goods are found out against each other right in the ter – 26.3 per cent – are not up to standard. comFofor rmt oofr eth ienirfo orwmna tliivoinn gv irsoito:m w. ww. Bloxwich Academy, Ormiston Shelfield Com- BURGLARY victims are asked to boardgameschampionships.co.uk munity Academy, Walsall Studio School, West contact police after stolen items were Walsall E-ACT Academy and Willenhall E-ACT found. Academy are the five schools in the borough Police officers have traced a signifi- Art gallery is on that have been rated as underperforming. cant amount of goods. Only Wolverhampton, which has 29.4 per They are believed to have been cent of secondary schools underperforming, is taken in house burglaries, shed and Lords’ agenda worse in the Black Country. Sandwell has 17.6 garage break-ins and from vehicles. per cent underperforming and Dudley 10 per The items could have come from the cent. Lichfield, Burntwood, Cannock or sur- THE Government has been asked to In Staffordshire just 7.3 per cent of second- rounding areas. take steps to ensure the future of Wal- ary schools are rated as underperforming. Contact Pc Simon Lawrence for de- sall’s New Art Gallery after a debate However, more than half of school pupils in tails on 101. at the House of Lords. tEhneg blioshro aungdh maraet hasc.hieving an A* to C in both MPs backing move The future of the gallery is at risk among savings being lined up by Wal- System for a greener UK sall Council over the next four years. A total of 57.4 per cent of pupils are reach- pmoinfu i TT2rllsh0hieo0ee n0 a Na n aiuednttw chawl o uAcardosris etto ty Gp t’osheaf ne le£l eef2pfdro1oy rbmt,t eyws n t thotthoii atec hh lsQ ae co vulppoeeues en£bun8ler.id6e c Siifnnoarg TnWd hdtshowheel ievrsGleeelr,o. gh5vr5aear.m7dn eppmste,oe rcnn co tema nnhptda ai snr5 e 9Dcdh. u7tad onpl e4egyr9e, d. c65 e 8tpn.h8eter p i ncewer anS cytte a niifntt- SMfcratoOlaWlmfiRfna oEltgrsh dafteoslh lrhB aS ialnroa e guc1 rkt–7eh 0Ceh M naoMevuPrPen VUsts rai–Kgyl en .ianrenicdedl uVa od anpiznee,tg Dfi rttuiowomdno- During a debate in the House of ranks school performance. Schools had pre- ley South MP Mike Wood and Stafford Lords, The Earl of Clancarty, Nich- viously been rated on the number of pupils MP Jeremy Lefroy have added their olas Power Richard Le Poer Trench, achieving five A* to C GCSEs, including Eng- names to the campaign. said that the potential closure would lish and maths. Not one area in the Black The petition calls on the Govern- vsiegsntimfye na t‘’t, erbreifbolere w aadstdei nogf ptuhbalti c tihne- Ctoopu n10tr0y faonr dG SCtSaEff orredssuhltirse u wndase rr athnek ende win styhse- Chase Terrace Primary pupils try out their play ship which was funded by M6 Toll operators mone ntht et oe nmviarkoen mtheen Ut bKy ac owmomrldit tlienagd etor West Midlands region needs as much tem. A PRIMARY school near Walsall foundation stage leader at Chase tems and IT at Midland Express- match or exceed current environmen- support as possible. Attainment 8 gauges the achievement of has received a welcome financial Terrace, thanked Midland Ex- way, said the company wishes to tal, wildlife and habitat protections. Local TV station a pupil across eight qualifications including boost towards its project thanks pressway for its generosity. play its part ‘in nurturing and cre- Group offers help mathematics and English, which are dou- to the operators of the M6 toll. She said: “On behalf of every- ating opportunity for our young ble-weighted, three further qualifications that Chase Terrace was one of the one at Chase Terrace Primary people’. launches on Sky count in the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) five successful primary schools to School we would like to say a very He said: “Chase Terrace’s pro- A HELP group for people with eating measure, and three other qualifications that be awarded with a project grant big thank you to Midland Ex- ject application really captured problems is seeking new members. can be GCSEs or any other approved equiv- of £3,000 from Midlands Express- pressway. Our custom-built out- our attention; the ship will help The Overeaters Anonymous group, TV station Made in Birmingham – the alent qualification. A score out of 80 is calcu- way. The money has been used by door ship entitled ‘Chase Terrace the children develop their gross in Staffordshire, meets on Mondays former Big Central – has launched on lated. the school to build an outdoor ship Explorers’ has made our outdoor motor skills and support their from 7.15pm at Hayes Green Commu- Sky Guide 117. Viewers outside of the According to the figures, Walsall has a score which could be used to support learning environment come to imaginative play.” Full details are nity Centre, in Cannock. transmission area can tune in manu- of 47.8, slightly below the national average of imaginative play. life.” available by visiting www.m6toll. Details via 07740 645401 or 07971 ally via www.madeinbirmingham.tv/ 48.5. Wolverhampton is ranked 127th with a Jamie Maritza, the early years Colin Mabey, the direct of sys- co.uk/community. 968430. info/tune-us-in/ score of 47.7 and Sandwell 147th with 45.1. ADVERTISEMENT Has Your Double Glazing Cloudy2Clear GUARANTEEAll Steamed Up? CustomersThatAn AverageQuoteWill TakeNoLonger Than20MINS!!! Establishedforoveradecade faileddoubleglazing? experiencedengineersfora byanindustryleading25year Cloudy2Clearwindowshave Ifyouactnowyoucanavoid freenoobligationquote.A guarantee. Cloudy2Clearalso becomealeadingcompanyfor theseproblems. Cloudy2Clearquotetakes replacefaultylockshandles glassreplacement. Issueswith Now,youmaythinkyouneedto onaveragenolongerthan andhingesonallwindowsand Cloudy2ClearWindows... doubleglazingcanoftenbe replacethewholewindowincluding 20minutes.Oncethequote doors. ServiceWithASmile! gradualandmayonlybenoticed theframesandallthehardware, iscompleted,wewillsit YourfriendlylocalCloudy2Clear duringaclearsunnydayor howeverCloudy2Clearhavecome downwithyouandexplain specialistisBrianStanleyandhe duringthewinter.Afailedglass upwithasimpleandcostsaving theproblemandtellyouhow servicesWalsall&thesurrounding unitmaynolongerprovideyou solution…Justreplacetheglass!! wecanfixit. Withyearsof areas. withtheprotectionyouneed Ifyouseecondensationinyour experienceCloudy2Clearhave So,ifyourwindowsare orbeenergyefficient.Whynot windowsjustvisitourwebsiteor awealthofknowledgeandare steamedup,brokenordamaged spendafewminuteschecking giveusacallon0800 6121118. recognisedasaWhichTrusted giveBrianacallforafree yourhometoseeifyouhaveany Wewillsendoutourhighly Trader,plusourworkisbacked quotationon08006121118. 6 IN MY VIEW with Mark Andrews 7 Sweet man 1 0 2 6, y 2 who put ar u n a J his town y, a d s ur on the map h T e cl oni YOU would need a heart of stone not to CBaroness Heiyhoet Flint cyollects he r OBaE in 2008mWith her fribend and foarmer Wolsves and Esngland baoss Grahdam TayloroHeyhroe Flin t in thae World Cnup winningd year of 73 r laugh at Amber Rudd’s speech to the Ch Conservative Party conference in Bir- e mWiensgth Mamidl alnadsts Pyoelaicr eb aesi nag ‘ hraetceo inrdceidde nbt’y. h Apparently, a professor of physics T called Joshua Silver – sounds more like he should be in Pirates of the Caribbe- an to me – took offence at something the Home Secretary said and called the po- a sporting trailblazer lice. He hadn’t actually heard the speech, but we don’t what little details like that to get in the way of a bit of pompous virtue signalling, do we? Anyway, the good news is that the crime rate is obviously so low in the West Midlands that the Old Bill found time to investigate. They concluded that no crime had been committed, which you might think might would be the end of the matter, but in the strange world of “hate” legislation it is never that simple. If you’re “They suddenly realised there was a woman found guilty it’s a crime, but if you’re in- As tributes are paid following applying. The MCC held a referendum on fe- nocent it is recorded as a “hate incident”. the death of Baroness Heyhoe male members and after a second referendum This sort of thing would normally make it got through. me livid. But this is the Home Secretary, Flint, HEATHER LARGE looks “I was there the day the vote was passed the figurehead for the establishment back on her life and legacy at Lords, it was just amazing. She has been a which created all this nonsense. Poet- great role model.” ic justice is the phrase which springs to Later Baroness Heyhoe Flint became a suc- mind. SHE was known for being a proud cessful journalist – working for the Express & n n n Wulfrunian with a heart of gold and Star and as sports editor on the Wolverhamp- BY the way, the definition of “hate ton Chronicle – and an award-winning after crimes” on a poster in my local library in- a trailblazer for women’s sport. dinner speaker. cludes “anything that is offensive to your But to her beloved football club, Bar- After Sir Jack took over Wolves in 1990, Bar- family.” I take it mother-in-law jokes are oness Heyhoe Flint will always be “Our oness Heyhoe Flint became heavily involved in out, then? Rachael – warm, witty, hugely competent the club’s public relations department, From n n n and irreplaceable.” 1997 to 2003 she served as a director at Sir MANY people in the Black Country will As Wolves mourn the loss of their vice-pres- Jack’s request, later being made a vice-pres- be saddened to hear of the death of Dud- ident tributes have flooded in from the world ident. ley confectioner Ted Gray, aged 81. of sport for one of England’s finest female She was President of the Lady Taverners Ted, who worked full time until the cricketers. And there was an outpouring of from 2001 to 2011 and a Deputy Lieutenant age of 76, was one of the old school, a grief from across Wolverhampton – the city of the West Midlands. In 2008 she received her type of businessman you rarely find to- she loved and called home. OBE from the Prince of Wales and two years day. A small, quietly spoken man with a Her son Ben says Wolverhampton and later was inducted into the ICC Cricket Hall proper Black Country accent, he never Wolves meant everything to the 77-year-old. of Fame. had any big ambitions or grandiose ex- “She, the club and the city were intrinsically Honoured pansion plans, he just liked sweets and linked,” he said. wanted to carry on his family tradition. Gruelling In 2011 she was honoured by her home city His tiny, beautifully chaotic office was by being granted the Freedom of Wolverhamp- stacked high with precarious piles of pa- Baroness Heyhoe Flint was still a familiar ton. She was also inducted into Wolverhamp- per, the walls festooned with sepia pic- and much-loved face at Molineux up until her At the Molineux home of her beloved Wolves, where she served as vice president ton’s Sporting Hall of Fame. tHfsaauesecrAnse tussosliem v ry acei.on hd fjgr o o wfumnruriitnacshnaltiinrnl’isas g twtr i,eot ahlnIul ek cra ietnctamg ont mehcdmiespis tbatomane nyrdo ’cedsfeel ei vhesoeiltsi,rfn t goauthn rnyaey-. rtisdnhpeir ce“iteWe Seccnh tlohtuoel evrb ir,lwe l ihsnone’owen mccstnohs e n.tag otaSrri inuhnetdeyevul eilawanirwnnygaga d stg y soaca,c om rhtpmaaeerkidn moeuw u oulahdern . eksisnteluey epes nthwp ,oie obn rrowttkeeta trrodse moseatf- Cvater BSroshphcoakoermrne wtr po feartnnnoo tdJnm u oG Gnanenei ort 1elofsfa 1r pr He1llyay9i yg H3a h9gae e yStp ohaci nhvoPeodoE,to lat lath lte peerau rofcp oltheirale mu irengsex hrdRc teeWo lPvmloeeEllda--. sinsnhoa rBempe asrdetor iov fltolnih drce eirhsn eswegd r ioHshtmeeeeldrefy .nhhw’iosmit eth ew Fatihmltihen itppn ll aba1yte9ficon7ar0gmm. a eY mt eotaa hrmjeos arl fikaretore slaert asmthp leiB“oen Srgsegthehnssneem dtswwoaa i anainsdsssa : thjjy euui“ rpssaAmt tba maosnl o udoguttfi m tv ohthih.fnee Serg pl h soeopeivovem epwer psrloaeo lfste n h hh a,te eah ag rdilyr nw feeawgaaamsryto s slnipi l ktbdeyher.uesi rthnof euktnor-l, boastful soundbites that would make my of the table or top of the table. For 30 years it oping women’s cricket, captaining England woman to be admitted to the MCC when her ing about other people, not herself. It was job easier. Teddy Gray’s shops were sell- was the mainstay of her life,” added Ben. during a career which spanned two decades, playing career ended and in 2004 she became almost impossible for me to keep track of ing the classic sweets in jars long before Wolves club secretary Richard Skirrow said: and leading her country to victory in the 1973 the first woman elected to the full commit- everything she was doing.” it became fashionable, and even today “We have lost a really special lady. I’ve known World Cup. tee. She later became the first woman to be Huge crowds are expected at Baroness Hey- there is something unmistakably welcom- her well for over 20 years. You felt you knew During her first House of Lords speech inducted into the International Cricket Coun- hoe Flint’s funeral on February 8. A funeral ing about them that the new pretenders her well from the first meeting as she was such in 2011, she said: “My challenges in sport cil’s Hall of Fame. cortege will leave Molineux at 2pm and make can’t quite emulate. a warm and engaging person. Rachael was a began with garden cricket aged seven with my Ben added: “Women’s cricket was an un- its way to St Peter’s Church. Some fans will be It is often hard to explain to outsiders bundle of energy; tireless, always on the move brother and his friends. known sport then, and under-funded, which is able to attend church, but via a ballot. Num- what makes the Black Country special, and always, it seemed, happy. “I wasn’t allowed to bat for three years be- where her wonderful friendship with Sir Jack bers will be limited due to the amount of peo- but this unassuming little man had it in “Her many achievements will be well docu- cause girls don’t play cricket. When I did even- Hayward started. There was a lot of bigotry in ple expected to pay their respects. spades. mented and for her charity fundraising alone tually get to bat, the boys couldn’t get me out sport then and she faced real barriers. But she To apply for a place, email fans@wolves. World famous in Dudley, that’s what he she should perhaps have been more highly for three days, so in the middle of June they was a trailblazer. co.uk with Rachael Heyhoe Flint in the sub- was. A proper Black Country mon who decorated but, at Wolves, she’ll just always be decided it was the football season.” “She applied to the MCC under the radar ject line, and include a name, address and sup- wouldn’t have had it any other way. “our Rachael” – warm, witty, hugely compe- It was while playing cricket that she became as R.Flint. As the MCC started to process her porter number. It will be family flowers only tent and irreplaceable.” friends with Sir Jack Hayward when he spon- application they thought she was a bloke. at the funeral. MASSIVE NEW YEAR SAVINGS IN STORE NOW SERVICE&REPAIRSYOUCANTRUST APPROVEDBYMOTORCODES BEST CARE Best Care www.UNIPARTWALSALL.co.uk now in Pelsall FREE COLLECTION AND DELIVERY MOBILITY Village Interim Service & MOT £89 Sale on rise & recline MOT WHILE U WAIT£25 FREE insurance plus FREERE-TEST chairs and Stairlifts first service FREE FULL ANNUAL AND £130 NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED with any new scooter Rise & Recliner Chairs ON STRAIGHT LIFTS WARRANTY SERVICE FROM DIAGNOSTICSANDWARNINGLAMPFAULTS all in store for same day delivery MOTORHOME SERVICEAND MOT Walk-in-Baths on show Brakes Clutches Exhausts Cambelt AirCon Daily Living Aids and a whole lot more EXPRESS MOTORISTS CENTRE 146 Bridgeman Street, Walsall WS2 9PG 01922 493506 8 Norton Road, Pelsall, Walsall WS3 4AY email: [email protected] (01922) 632018 Appalling persecution of the sick and disabled 7 9.8 OUT OF 10 FROM 150 SURVEYS ASsomeonewhohascaredformyse- hospital as a resultof unacceptable outintherealworld,wheretherest T verelydisabledwifeforsome30years, delaysintheirtreatment,butwhich ofuslive. h I am appalled at the continued lack I must emphasise was no reflection Howlongwillitbebeforesomeone e of consideration and financial perse- onthehardworkingstaff.Meanwhile, inGovernmentfacesuptothetruth C cutionofthesickanddisabledinthis TheresaMayandJeremyHuntchoose andrefrainsfromusingsickandvul- h countrybythisandpreviousgovern- toblatantlyturntheirbacksonthis nerablepeopleaseasytargetsfrom JANUARY Wherereputationmatters r ments. frighteningsituation,respondingwith whominvestmentcancontinuetobe on iisnsgPureoidonrcaetloeattgthaeeirnrt,oegcterhnaevtepfercseotsnisvceeemrsnepahasaossnitsoI- ifcsaotnwucroeournsngs’at.anCtdeomuolrednattwshiatshraeanptpeinsasfreerbne‘tnldoautchekintogof wGthioatvhtehvreenlrdmy?efAnewrtecatohrneesyiindstoeerdreiassptreeadnisliwanbaalyentdlhinoaert icle thefactthatsickandvulnerablepeo- thefactthattheyareunlikelytoever foreignaidpaidtocountrieswhooften OFFERS T pleinthiscountrywerebeingputat befacedwithsuchcriticalsituations can’tjustifyit,areagreaterpriority h risk,astheresultoftheseriouslack themselves? thanthemostvulnerableandneedy? u of investmentand withindays,two Thesepeopleneedtogetoutmore ALLANKYTE rs peoplehadlosttheirlivesinthesame andgetahandleonwhatishappening GreatWyrley da Tribute to LETTERS TOTHEEDITOR Not a new y, J a Graham was problem BUY NOW PAY 2018 nu POST EMAIL a ry the best yet CWharolsnaicllleChErdointoicrilael,, walsall.chron@ of parking INTEREST FREE 26, 51-53QueenStreet expressandstar.co.uk 20 Wolverhampton,WV11ES 1 IREADyourtributetoGra- IREADwithinterestinthe 7 ham Taylor in the Walsall LettersshouldbebriefandMUSTincludename,addressandtelephone Express & Star (Monday, Chroniclethisevening. numbernumber.TheEditorreservestherighttocondenseletters. January 7) about Walsall LikeyouIwasatGoodi- Carry on the fight to Councilandcouncillorcon- sonParkforhisfarewellin cernsregardingacashma- (TERMS&CONDITIONSAPPLY) 1990andasimilarage. chinewhichtheywantre- Iremembertheglorious movedfromWestBromwich sunshine. save Streetly library StreetinCaldmore,asitis WINDOWS, DOORS & CONSERV- I remember us all sing- causing ‘pedestrian safety ingGrahamTaylor’sClaret andtrafficflowissues’. atinmdeBlaunedAcromnytitnhurionugghuhnatlifl IWASheartenedbythereportofthecampaigntosave thWeyhnyoiwsmiteanfttieorn1v0ehyiecalerss ATORIES ...BUILTTOLAST weequalised.Iremembera Streetly Library from Walsall Council’s slash-and-burn parking by the cash ma- greatgameoffootballwhich policies.Streetlyisawonderfullibrary.Itwouldbedevas- chine on West Bromwich sbueimngmseodcluopsetbhuetusletaimsoanteolyf tatingifthelibrarywereclosed,andallcredittoStanZetie Shtarveeebtewehnetnhethreesaetpthroebslaemmes fallingshort. andotherresidentswhoaretryingtokeepitopen. locationoutsideshopsand But mostly I remember Itisbeyondshockingthatthecouncilistryingtoclose businesses? stayingafterthefinalwhis- allWalsall’s15branchlibraries,destroyingthisimportant Whyhavetheyfailedto tle,notbecausewehadto communityserviceandfloggingoffpubliccapitalassets install these bollards as aswesooftendidinthose builtupovermanygenerations. requestedformanyyears? days,butbecausewewanted Thecouncilhaslaunchedabogus‘consultation’onwhich Infact,waybackin2011l tosaygoodbyetoGraham ofthreewaysshouldbechosentocutthelibrariesbudget complained regarding the Taylor. And singing the bythree-quarters:toclose15ofthe16libraries;ortoclose sameproblemsatthissame songuntilheappeared. 11ofthe16libraries;ortofindthethree-quarterssavingin locationonWestBromwich Ihavereminiscedabout someotherway–withnojustificationfor‘pickingon’the Street. thatmomentwithmyDad librariesbudgetinthisextraordinaryway. Mycomplaintwasprinted this week and it remains Thecouncil’splansareofdoubtfullegality.Inprovid- in a newspaper article at oneofmygreatestfootball ing‘acomprehensiveandefficientlibraryservice’,local that time and there was memoriestoo. authoritiesmust‘haveregardtoencouragingbothadults evenapictureaccompany- Iwasshockedlastweek andchildrentomakefulluseofthelibraryservice’(Public ingthearticleofavehicle whenIheardofGraham’s LibrariesandMuseumsAct1964,section7(2)(b)).Anyone parkedonWestBromwich passing. I have told my whothinksreducingthelibraryservicetoasingle‘hub’at Streetshowingwhattrou- FREEPHONE 0800 0355581 30years’experienceofmanufacturinghigh Villa-loving son that Gra- LichfieldStreet(orevenfive‘hubs’)will‘encourage’adults blethiscausesintermsof qualitypvcuwindowsanddoorproducts hbeacmaTusaeylhoerswaavsedimouprorftoaontt- orTchhielrdereisnatoloutsoefdthifefesreernvciceebnetewedesenthveoilruhnetaederesxhaemlpinininggt.o peYdeosutrriaenallayndhatrvaeffitocflqouwe.s- Email:[email protected] www.castlewindowswalsall.co.uk Factoryopeninghours ballclub. provideanextra-specialservice,andvolunteersattempting tionwhynothingwasdone 8-5pmMontoFri So I just wanted to say toruntheplacethemselvesbytakingthejobsofskilled, overthemanyyearstoad- (AuthorisedandregulatedbythefinancialConductAuthority) thankyouforyourtribute. hard-workinglibrarystaff–andthenfindingthemselves dressandstopthisongoing ItisthebestoneIhaveread forcedtoputupthemoneytocontinuallyreplacewornand problem. andhasmovedmeagain. outdatedbooks. 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C Workers – subcontracted out by he 5kg chicken fillet £18 McleiadrlainngdtMheettrraocAksllioafnpclean–tshaanvdetbreeeens T sostructuralandenvironmentalsur- Full selection of other meats at veyscanbecarriedout. Communityleaderssaidthedevel- greatly reduced prices opmentwillcreate‘hugeopportuni- ties’forjobsandtourisminthearea. Therailwayline,whichsawtrains stoprunninginthe1980s,willoffer newrailservicetopartsoftheBlack Countrythatcurrentlydon’thaveone. Passengers TheroutewillrunfromtheWa- terfrontinBrierleyHill,passedDud- leyCastle,andtoWednesburyGreat WesternStreet. MMA,whoareworkingonbehalfof theWestMidlandsCombinedAuthor- ity,expectworkontheroutetobegin WorkersclearovergrowthonlandwhichissettobecomepartoftheMetro in2019andbeopenforpassengersby willcreatehugeopportunitiesforjobs lentnewsforthelocaleconomy,and 2023. andtourisminthearea. willprovideasignificantboosttoour Thecostoftheprojectisnotknown yet.MMAwillhavetosubmitabusi- “Thereforeit’sgreattoseethepro- regenerationplansfortheregion. ness case to the Department for jectmovingintherightdirectionanda “Itwillalsoprovidebenefitstores- 38 High Street, Clayhanger, Brownhills WS8 7EA CommunitiesandLocalGovernment commitmentfromallinvolved.” identsacrosstheregionbymakingit beforeitcanfindout. AlejandroMoreno,MMADirector, easierforthemtogettojobs,andthe 01543 375046 / 377625 FundswillbepaidbytheGovern- said:“Weareveryexcitedtobegin nationaland international railnet- Tel: mentandthosedeliveredtotheWest workonthiskeyroutebutbeforewe work.” MidlandsCombinedAuthority. canbeginconstruction,wedoneedto The WMCA believe the business CouncillorKhurshidAhmed,cabinet carryoutsomepreparatoryworkin case will be strong as it will have AllMajorDebit&CreditCardsAccepted memberforregenerationandenter- ordertodecidewhatfurtherworksare economicbenefitsandboostjobsand priseforDudleyCouncil,said:“We’ve requiredtoprepareforconstruction.” transportlinks. Visitwww.edmundhowdle.co.ukforafullpricelist&offers beenworkinghardwithpartnersto StuartEverton,BlackCountryDi- Inthelongterm,theauthoritysays makethisprojecthappenasweareset rectorofTransport,added:“Thestart itwillprovideadirectlinktotheup- Like us on Facebook tobenefitsignificantlywhentheMetro of construction of thelinebetween comingHS2highspeedrailandBir- rollsin.Theimprovedtransportlinks WednesburyandBrierleyHillisexcel- minghamAirport. SpecialistsinBespokeOak,Pine, PaintedandReclaimedFurniture FIRESIDESFACTAORYLE Ahugechoiceofquality Furnitureinourfantastictwo MASSIVE storeyshowroom FIREPLACE Heritagepaintedreclaimedrange SALE NOW ON! EVERYTHING Farmhousetraditionaloakrange REDUCED EXTRA DISCOUNTS • ONE OFF SALE PACKAGES EX-DISPLAY SUITES TO CLEAR GENUINEREDUCTIONS AMAZINGCHOICE LisbonPaintedRange-ComingSoon! Industrialrange LOWEST SALE WOOD BURNING PRICES! BARGAINS DON’TMISSTHESE STOVES AMAZINGSALEPRICES SEWEOITVHERGA10S0&FEIRLEECPTLRAICCES AVAILABLEIN £FIT1TE8DF0RO0M CALLFIRESIDEFACTORYNOW! 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WalsallwomanDawnHowitt,aged42,haddrank ginandtoniconSaturday,December31,atafriend’s wHowdsshhtnaoahaiTeullulyeylkhgshsroehiteeeaddvotdeepeshhwrcraaoehCaarrmrwroktrtaoeyeeatns,lshsaeucgaewnveep–hecnddonwoortfffo,uuk-eooyrslernrPlgeertdaaeh.eehtsrlfesrtrl-reeiaioonnaeltmllpdrggo,d.sYweBineiny“dtagShorClhr’esaseehrEmmlhevJraeoesanthctspgeekoaorvnsrn,etoehynnh,et-royaseslhiaaceregN-nioosecnlewdae. qgtaouuloabiWktrebaaeeaatntfisotoaeinrsne*loyikne FIT1T2INHGOWUIRTSHIN Onherwaybacktothe daughter.Shearrangedfor address Howitt’s Suzuki ataxitopickthemupbut Vitara crashed into street the taxi did not turn up. signsandbollardsonChes- Shegothomeandwentto *Terms& ter Road, Stonnall before bedbutwokeupsometime ConditionsApppply restinginaditch.Residents later,shewasobviouslystill 0% VAT FOR VAT FREE QUALIFYING CUSTOMERS Willenhall,WV124JQ heardthecrashandcalled intoxicatedandhadforgot- police who attended and tenwhathadhappened.” (Terms&&CondditionsApply) Tel/Fax: 01902 606026 quizzedHowitt.Sheadmit- Howittpleadedguiltyto tedbeingthedriverofthe achargeofdrivingamotor vehicleandrecordedaposi- vehicle while alcohol was GreenLane,WalsallWS28LE tiveroadsidebreathtest. abovethelegallimit. Tel/Fax: 01922 634555 Atthepolicestationthe Mr Lee added: “This is proportionofalcoholinher completelyoutofcharacter. breathwasrecordedas92 Sheworksinaschoolfor Aldridge,WalsallWS98AAAAA microgrammesin100milli- childrenwithspecialeduca- litres–thelegallimitis35. tionalneedswhichisquite Units2/3,SmartsBusinessPark,ChaseRoad,Brownhills,WS86JN Tel/Fax: 01922 452626 Magistrates sitting in a responsible job. She is Cannock, banned Howitt utterlyashamedastowhat OpeningHours-Mon,Weds,ThursandFri9am-5pm,Tues10am-3pm,Sat10am-4pm fromdrivingfortwoyears. hashappened.” Hednesford,StaffsWS121DW sSatiedp:h“MensHLoewei,ttdheafsennodipnrge-, £1H96owainttdworadseraeldsotofinpeady Call now for a FREE, no obligation quote: 01543 379670 Tel/Fax: 01543 879500 vious convictions and has £135incourtcostsaswell neverhadasinglepointor asa£30victimsurcharge. Historical sex offences 10 7 COOKING LAUNDRY 1 unit probes 300 cases 0 6,2 BuiltinHobs SinBglueilOt-ivnens Cookers TDurmyebrlse MWaacshhininegs Dishwashers 2 y ar u n a J y, A SPECIALIST police team a established to investigate d s historical sex offences dealt ur with almost 300 cases in its Th FFFRRRO£££M8O9N.9L9YYY FFFRRRO£££M9O9N.9L9YYY FFFRRR£O111M4O9N.L9YYY9 FFFRRRO£££M9O9N.9L9YYY FFFRRR£O111M2O9N.L9YYY9 FFFRRR£O111M4O9N.L9YYY9 first year – securing justice e for survivors who suffered cl Pricescorrectatthetimeofprint Stocksubjecttoavailability abuseupto50yearsago. ni West Midlands Police’s histori- o REFRIGERATION HUGESELECTIONAVAILABLE calsexoffencesunitwascreated hr inDecember2015inresponseto eC Urnedfreigrecroautniotner FFrereidzgeers freInetFegrirdagteedFrfreoeszter FrCeheezsetrs FArmidegreicFarneesztyelres CRoaonkgeers abrseuarkgineginthtehiresniluemncbeerovoefrpaeboupslee h theysufferedinthepast. T It’sanincreaseattributedtothe ‘Savile-effect’–withsurvivorsspeak- ingoutasaresultofthehigh-pro- fileJimmySavileenquiry–butalso encouragedbyprosecutionssecured against sex fiends who thought they had escaped punishment for theircrimes.LastyeartheBirming- ham-basedteam–consistingofseven FFFRRRO£££M9O9N.9L9YYY FFFRRR£O111M5O9N.L9YYY9 FFFRRR£O111M9O9N.L9YYY9 FFFRRR£O111M1O9N.L9YYY9 FFFRRR£O333M5O9N.L9YYY9 FFFRRR£O444M9O9N.L9YYY9 csepievceidalalyt-ottraalinofed26i2nrveepsotirgtsatoofrhsis–torreic- sexoffences. Indecent OfficersfromWestMidlandsPolice’shistoricalsexoffencesunit BORSHCH quAirrioeusn–dw15it0ho1f1thloissteedremfoarintrliiavletehnis- rheasluflotfed20in16o,fcfeansedserwseb’deitnagkceonllteoctciovuerlyt itnwgo–sudcehalsspweciitahlicsatsuensiwtshienreUoKffepnocliecs- Walsall yearandthesamenumberwithpros- handedprisonsentencestotallingal- areallegedtohavetakenplacemore Unit17-19Victorian ecutorsawaitingachargingdecision most70years–andwehavetwosen- than12monthsagoandwherethe 01A9rc2ad2eW27S1919R2E7 t–chobneTuvwttiecoasteminovnoestrseaa.cblulhreaevcaaes1ae5lsr-yefaeradorymprre2is0suo1ln6tesdseaniwn- teteaxnlplcyei.cntTghwheieslaelrasinirgegnspitfiehocipasnlemtlwoynhatohdhdwahvtoeicbhtehweanet cinomRtheppelaoWirntiaensngttsMoafirdheliasatngoderdsicoravolessere1xb8yo.f2fe5npceers tenceagainstamanwhocarriedouta livingwiththeemotionalandpsycho- centin2016comparedtotheprevi- Gas & Electrical Superstore FREE DELIVERY 1se9r7i0ess,opfluraspaesmoannajaviilcetdimforinsitxheyelaartes laongdicianlssocamresocafstehsesdeecoaffdeensc.esforyears oaruosu1n2dmatohnitrhdsoafnadlltnhoewsearcicoouusnatdfuolrt OTHERBRANCHESIN WIOTHVTEHRIS£VO1U5C0HER ftohreminidde-c1e9n6t0sa.ssaultsdatingbackto sp“eaMkaonuythbeacvaeusteoltdheuyssutshpeeyctdedidpno’t- sexDcertimInesspinIavnesItniggartaemd,bwyhthoeofvoerrcsee.es Birmingham Dudley Erdington Expires4thFebruary2017 Theteamalsoledontheinvestiga- licewouldbepowerlesstoactbecause theteam,said:“No-oneshouldsuffer UpperTrinityStreet PearTreeLane 1-41SuttonRoad tioninto101-year-oldRalphClarke theywereabusedsolongago. insilenceandI’durgeanyonewho’s BirminghamB94EG DudleyDY20QU ErdingtonB236QH OpeningTimes whobecametheoldestpersoninUK “Butwe’veprovedwecanputcom- experiencedabuseorsexualoffences, 01217736361 01384571879 01214480202 Monday-Saturday9am-5.30pm legalhistorytobeconvictedofacrim- pellingevidencebeforejuriesandse- nomatterhowlongago,togetintouch inaloffencewhenhewasgivena13- cureconvictions–andasaresultmore sowecangetjusticeforthem.”To Extendedguaranteeavailable•Atleast12monthsguarantee•Localdelivery&installation•SiriusRetaileroftheYear2012 yearjailtermforassaultingchildren and more victims are putting their contactthehistoricalsexoffencesunit Facebook www.borshchelectric.co.uk inSthgteR1u97th0sBaondddy19sa8i0ds:.“Inthesecond truTshteinteuasma–ndbedliiescvleodsitnogboefofennecoefs.o”nly caatlPlethrreyfBoracrer’spopluicbelisctaptrioonteoctnio1n01u.nit Borshchelectric

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