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AMERICJOAUN RNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY THE JOURNAL OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA N ST"~~; 0 01i 0i :~s~*- 'm VI ~ ;?: EN:, . RV Az~k o PW~PRIi *A: LP -ci Volume 101 1997 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA 1997 OFFICERS STEPHENL . DYSON, President NANCY C. WILKIE, First Vice President CLAIRE L. LYONS, Vice President for Professional Responsibilities HARRISONE ITELJORG, II, Vice President for Publications KAREN S. RUBINSON, Vice President for Societies FRANK J. WEZNIAK, Treasurer JAMESR USSELLP, ast President HONORARY PRESIDENTS FREDERICK R. MATSON, ROBERT H. DYSON, JR., MACHTELD J. MELLINK, JAMES R. WISEMAN, MARTHA SHARP JOUKOWSKY GOVERNING BOARD ELIE M. ABEMAYOR ANNA MARGUERITE MCCANN NANCY BERNARD CHARLES D. MCLEAN ELLEN S. BRUSH FRANCIS P. MCMANAMON FERDINAND CINELLI NANCY H. RAMAGE HESTER A. DAVIS C. BRIAN ROSE NANCY T. DE GRUMMOND SUSAN I. ROTROFF DANYALE ENGLISH-GOLDSTEIN ANNE H. SALISBURY NEATHERY BATSELL FULLER RICHARDB . STOLLEY PATTY GERSTENBLITH MARY VOIGT ELAINE GODWIN JANE C. WALDBAUM ELEANOR GURALNICK CAMERON JEAN WALKER IRA HAUPT, II HECTOR WILLIAMS ARTEMIS A.W. JOUKOWSKY JAMERS . WISEMAN CHARLES S. LA FOLLETTE TRUSTEES EMERITI RICHARD W. BAKER, JR. NORMA KERSHAW RICHARD H. HOWLAND JOHN J. SLOCUM MARKJ . MEISTERE, xecutive Director LEONARDV . QUIGLEY, General Counsel MEMBERSHIP IN THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA AND SUBSCRIPTION TO THE AMERICANJ OURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY The AmericanJ ournal of Archaeologyi s published by the Archaeological Institute of America in January, April,July, and October. Membership in the AIA, including a subscription to AJA, is $82 per year (C$109). Student membership is $39 (C$52); proof of full-time status required. A brochure outlining member- ship benefits is available upon request from the Institute. An annual subscription to AJA is $60 (foreign, $80); the institutional subscription rate is $120 (foreign, $140). Institutions are not eligible for indi- vidual membership rates. All communications regarding membership, subscriptions, and back issues should be addressed to the Archaeological Institute of America, located at Boston University, 656 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215-2010, tel. 617-353-9361, fax 617-353-6550, internet [email protected]. AMERICJOAUN RNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY THE JOURNAL OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA EDITORS FRED S. KLEINER, Boston University Editor-in-Chief TRACEY CULLEN DANIELLE M. NEWLAND Associate Editor Assistant Editor SUSAN E. ALCOCK 8 JOHN E CHERRY, Universityo f Michigan Co-editors, Book Reviews ADVISORY BOARD GEORGE E BASS DIANA E.E. KLEINER TexasA & M University Yale University JOHN BENNET ELEANOR WINSOR LEACH University of Wisconsin-Madison Indiana University LARISSA BONFANTE MACHTELD J. MELLINK New YorkU niversity Bryn Mawr College JOHN MCKESSONC AMP II WILLIAM E. METCALF American School of Classical Studies at Athens The American Numismatic Society JACKL . DAVIS L. RICHARDSON, JR University of Cincinnati Duke University RICHARDD ANIELD E PUMA JEREMY B. RUTTER The University of Iowa Dartmouth College WILLIAM G. DEVER H.A. SHAPIRO University of Arizona Johns Hopkins University STEPHEN L. DYSON DAVID STRONACH State University of New Yorka t Buffalo University of California, Berkeley EVELYNB . HARRISON RONALDS . STROUD New YorkU niversity University of California, Berkeley SHARON C. HERBERT FIKRETY EGUlL University of Michigan University of California, Santa Barbara HARRISON EITELJORG, II, ex officio Centerf or the Study of Architecture iS T/\N RV INCO THEAMERICANJOURNAL OFARCHAEOLOGY,t he Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America, was founded in 1885; the second series was begun in 1897. Indexes have been published for volumes 1-11 (1885-1896), for the second series, volumes 1-10 (1897-1906) and volumes 11-70 (1907-1966). The Journal is indexed in the Humanities Index, the ABS International Guide to Classical Studies, Current Contents, the Book Review Index, the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, and the Art Index. MANUSCRIPTS and all communications for the editors should be addressed to Professor Fred S. Kleiner, Editor-in-Chief, AJA, clo Archaeological Institute of America, located at Boston University, 656 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215-2010, tel. 617-353-9364, fax 617-353-6550, internet [email protected]. The AmericanJ ournal of Archaeology is devoted to the art and archaeology of ancient Europe and the Medi- terranean world, including the Near East and Egypt, from prehistoric to late antique times. The atten- tion of contributors is directed to "Editorial Policy, Notes for Contributors, and Abbreviations," AJA 95 (1991) 1-16 and "Monumenta virum priorum," AJA 93 (1989) 315-18. Guidelines for AJA authors can also be found on the World Wide Web at http://classics.lsa.umich.edu/AJA.html. Contributors are re- quested to include abstracts summarizing the main points and principal conclusions of their articles. Manuscripts, including photocopies of illustrations, should be submitted in triplicate; original photo- graphs, drawings, and plans should not be sent unless requested by the editors. All submissions are sent to reviewers in the form in which they are received; if an author wishes to maintain anonymity, the manuscript should be prepared accordingly. As the official journal of the Archaeological Institute of America, AJA will not serve for the announcement or initial scholarly presentation of any object in a private or public collection acquired after 30 December 1973, unless the object was part of a previously existing collection or has been legally exported from the country of origin (see AJA 94 [1990] 525-27). BOOKS FOR REVIEW should be sent to Professors Susan E. Alcock and John E Cherry, Co-editors, AJA Book Reviews, c/o Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan, 434 South State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1390, tel. 313-764-0112, fax 313-763-4959, internet [email protected]. The following are excluded from review and should not be sent: offprints; re-editions except those with great and significant changes; journal volumes except the first in a new series; monographs of very small size and scope; and books dealing with the archaeology of the New World. THE AMERICANJOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY (ISSN 0002-9114) is published four times a year in January, April, July, and October by the Archaeological Institute of America, located at Boston Uni- versity, 656 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215-2010, tel. 617-353-9361, fax 617-353-6550, internet [email protected]. Subscriptions to the AmericanJ ournal of Archaeologym ay be addressed to the Institute head- quarters in Boston. An annual subscription is $60 (foreign, $80); the institutional rate is $120 (foreign, $140). Membership in the AIA, including a subscription to AJA, is $82 per year (C$109). Student mem- bership is $39 (C$52); proof of full-time status required. Foreign subscriptions and memberships must be paid in U.S. dollars, by a check drawn on a bank in the U.S. or by money order. No replacement for non-receipt of any issue of AJA will be honored after 90 days (180 days for foreign subscriptions) from the date of issuance of the fascicle in question. When corresponding about memberships or sub- scriptions always give your account number, as shown on the mailing label or invoice. A microfilm edition of the Journal, beginning with volume 53 (1949), is issued after the completion of each volume of the printed edition. Subscriptions to the microfilm edition, which are available only to subscribers to the printed edition of the Journal, should be sent to University Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Back numbers of AJA and the Index 1907-1966 may be ordered from the Archaeological Institute of America in Boston. Exchanged periodicals and correspondence relating to exchanges should be directed to the AIA in Boston. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, Massa- chusetts and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes to the American Journal of Archaeology,A rchaeological Institute of America, located at Boston University, 656 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215-2010. The opinions expressed in the articles and book reviews published in the AmericanJ ournal ofArchaeology are those of the authors and not of the editors or of the Archaeological Institute of America. Copyright ? 1997 by the Archaeological Institute of America The paper in this journal is acid-free and meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources. CONTENTS OF VOLUME 101 (1997) PAGES Aleshire, S.B.,R ev.o f Hellstr6m and Alroth eds., Religiona nd Poweri n theA ncient GreekW orld 792-93 Allen, S.H., Rev. of Traill, Excavating Schliemann:C ollectedP apers on Schliemann 598-99 -, Rev. of Traill, Schliemanno f Troy:T reasurea nd Deceit 598-99 Allison, P.M.,R ev.o f Eschebach and Eschebach, Pompeji:V om7 .Jahrhundervt. Chr.b is 79 n. Chr. 420-21 Ashmore, W., Rev. of Fletcher, The Limits of SettlementG rowth:A TheoreticalO utline 162-63 Bardill,J., The Palace of Lausus and Nearby Monuments in Constantinople: A Topograph- ical Study 67-95 Bartman, E., Rev. of Rausa, LEmmaginde el vincitore:L 'atletan ella statuariag recad all'etaa rcaica all'ellenismo 178-79 Rev. of Viacava, L'atleta di Fano 178-79 Becker, M.J., Rev. of Nunn, Ancient Egyptian Medicine 405-406 Bergmann, B., Rev. of Biering, Die Odysseefreskevno n Esquilin 802-804 Berlin, A.M., Rev. of Stern et al., Excavationsa t Dor: Final Report,A reas A and C. Vol. IA: Introductiona nd Stratigraphy;I B: The Finds 606-607 Bienkowski, P., Rev. of Eshel and Prag, Excavationsb y K.M. Kenyoni n Jerusalem1 961-1967 IV: The Iron Age Cave Deposits on the South-EastH ill and IsolatedB urials and Ceme- teries Elsewhere 170-72 -, Rev. of Finkelstein, Living on the Fringe: The Archaeologya nd History of the Negev,S inai and NeighbouringR egions in the Bronze and Iron Ages 170-72 Bikai, P.M., and V. Egan, Archaeology in Jordan 493-535 Boardman, J., Rev. of Moon ed., Polykleitos,t he Doryphorosa nd Tradition 177-78 Bober, P.P., Rev. of Spinola, Le sculture nel Palazzo AlbertoniS pinola a Roma e le collezioni Paluzzi ed Altieri 627 Bommelje, S., Rev. of Berktold, Schmid, and Wacker eds., Akarnanien:E ine Landschafti m antiken Griechenland 791-92 Borg, B., Rev. of Corcoran, Portrait Mummiesf rom Roman Egypt (I-IV CenturiesA .D.) with a Catalog of Portrait Mummies in Egyptian Museums 187-88 Braund, D., Rev. of Tsetskhladze ed., New Studies on the Black Sea Littoral 788-89 Bunnens, G., Carved Ivories from Til Barsib 435-50 Burn, L., Rev. of Alfieri, Spina e la ceramicaa ttica 194-95 Carafa, P., Rev. of De Caro, La villa rustica in localith Villa Regina a Boscoreale 421-22 Cartledge, P., Rev. of Roberts, Landscapeso f Settlement:P rehistoryt o the Present 789-90 -, Rev. of Shipley and Salmon eds., Human Landscapesi n ClassicalA ntiquity:E nvironment and Culture 789-90 Castriota, D., Rev. of Sauron, Quis deum? L'expressionp lastique des ideologiesp olitiques et religieusesa Rome a la fin de la Ripublique et au debut du Principat 185-87 Chavalas, M.W, Rev. of Potts, Mesopotamiaa nd theE ast:A n Archaeologicaal nd HistoricalS tudy of ForeignR elations, ca. 3400-2000 B.C. 192-93 Coleman,J.E., Rev.o f Alram-Stern, Die aigiischeF riihzeit,2 . Serie:F orschungsberich1t9 75-1993 1: Das Neolithikumi n Griechenlandm it Ausnahmev on Kreta und Zypern 782-83 Cook, R.M., Rev. of Koch, De picturae initiis: Die Anfdngeg riechischenM alerei im 7.J ahr- hundert v. Chr. 814-15 Cornell, TJ., Rev. of Moltesen and Brandt, Excavationsa t La Giostra:A Mid-RepublicanF or- tress outside Rome 196 Cosmopoulos, M., Rev. of Renard, Le Piloponnese au BronzeA ncien 595-97 Coulton, J.J., Rev. of Cooper, The Templeo f Apollo Bassitas I: The Architecture 796-97 -, Rev. of Cooper, The Templeo f Apollo Bassitas III: The ArchitectureI: llustrations 796-97 vi CONTENTS OF VOLUME 101 (1997) [AJA 101 Crouwel, J.H., Rev. of Spruytte, Attelages antiques libyens: Archeologie saharienne expirimentale 814 Curvers, H.H., and G.M. Schwartz, Umm el-Marra, a Bronze Age Urban Center in the Jabbul Plain, Western Syria, with a contribution by S. Dunham: Remarks on Some Objects from Umm el-Marra, 1994-1995 201-39 D'Ambra, E., Rev. of Tusa, I sarcofagi romani in Sicilia2 196-97 Davies, P.J.E.,T he Politics of Perpetuation: Trajan's Column and the Art of Commemoration 41-65 Day, J.W., Rev. of Breuer, Reliefs und Epigramme griechischer Privatgrabmiler: Zeugnisse biirger- lichen Selbstverstdndnisses vom 4. bis 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. 179-80 De Puma, R.D., Rev. of Cateni, Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum, Italia 3. Volterra, Museo Guar- nacci I 609-10 ~- , Rev. of Frascarelli, Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum, Italia 2. Perugia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale I 609-10 -, Rev. of Lambrechts, Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum, Stato della Cittcad el Vaticano 1. Cittd del Vaticano, Museo Profano della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana; Roma, Collezione di antichita' dellAbbazia di San Paolo fuori le mura 609-10 Dickinson, O., Rev. of Betancourt and Davaras eds., Pseira I: The Minoan Buildings on the West Side of Area A 173-74 Dillon, S., Figured Pilaster Capitals from Aphrodisias 731-69 --, Rev. of Mattusch, The Fire of Hephaistos: Large Classical Bronzes from North American Collections 806-807 , Rev. of Mattusch, Myth, Man and Metal: Bronze Sculpture of Ancient Greece and Rome 806-807 Doonan, O.P., IV, Rev. of McConnell et al., La Muculufa II: Excavation and Survey 1988-1991. The Castelluccian Village and Other Areas 607-608 Doukellis, P., Rev. of Clavel-Leveque and Plana-Mallart eds., Cite' et territoire: Colloque eu- ropeen (Beziers 14-16 octobre 1994) 189-90 , Rev. of Clavel-Leveque,Jouffroy, and Vignot eds., De la terre au ciel: Paysages et cadastres antiques (XIFI Stage international, Besangon, 29-31 mars 1993) 189-90 Duncan-Jones, R.P., Rev. of Harl, Coinage in the Roman Economy, 300 B.C. to A.D. 700 807-808 Dunham, S. See Curvers and Schwartz. Egan, V. See Bikai and Egan. Emberling, G., Rev. of Boehmer et al., Uruk: Die Grdber 169-70 - , Rev. of Campbell and Green eds., The Archaeology of Death in the Ancient Near East 169-70 Evans, J.D., Rev. of Ashton ed., Studies in Ancient Coinage from Turkey 816 Fant, J.C., Rev. of Hellenkemper Salies ed., Das Wrack:D ie antike Schiffsfund von Mahdia I-II 182-84 Fotiadis, M., Rev. of Kuna and Venclovai eds., Whither Archaeology?P apers in Honour of Ev-en Neustupnj 426 Fullerton, M.D., Rev. of Belli Pasqua, Scultura di eta' romana in "basalto" 613-14 - , Rev. of Hacklainder, Der archaistische Dionysos: Eine archdologische Untersuchung zur Bed- eutung archaistischer Kunst in hellenistischer und rimischer Zeit 799-800 Gates, M.-H., Archaeology in Turkey 241-305 Gerstenblith, P., Rev. ofJrgouzo and Frier eds., Archiologie et droit de l'urbanisme en Europe 197 Ghanimati, S., Rev. of Azarnoush, The Sasanian Manor House at Hajiabad, Iran 622-23 Gill, D.W.J., of Jenkins and Sloan, Vases and Volcanoes: Sir William Hamilton and His Rev. Collection 424-25 Griffith, A.B., Rev. of Sauer, The End ofPaganism in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire: The Example of the Mithras Cult 429 Haigg, R., Rev. of Albers, SpiitmykenischeS tadtheiligtiimer: SystematischeA nalyse und vergleichende Auswertung der archdologischen Befunde 411-12 1997] CONTENTS OF VOLUME 101 (1997) vii Hall, E.A., Theatrical Archaeology 154-58 Harrison, G.W.M., Rev. of Marangou-Lerat, Le vin et les amphores de Crete:D e l'ipoque classique a l'dpoque impjriale 805-806 Hemans, C.D., Rev. of Duval, Marin, and Metzger eds., Salona I: Catalogue de la sculpture architecturale paleochritienne de Salone 810-12 , Rev. of Chevalier, Salona II: Ecclesiae Dalmatiae 810-12 Henig, M., Rev. of Calinescu ed., Ancient Jewelry and Archaeology 808-10 - , Rev. of Johns, The Jewellery of Roman Britain: Celtic and Classical Traditions 808-10 Herzog, H., Rev. of Maass ed., Delphi: Orakel am Nabel der Welt 794-95 Hirschfeld, Y., Rev. of Patrich, Sabas, Leader of Palestinian Monasticism: A Comparative Study in Eastern Monasticism, Fourth to Seventh Centuries 423-24 Hoffman, G.L., Rev. of Tsetskhladze and De Angelis eds., The Archaeologyo f GreekC oloni- sation: Essays Dedicated to Sir John Boardman 601-602 Hurwit, J.M., The Death of the Sculptor? 587-91 Invernizzi, A., Rev. of Litvinskii and Bromberg eds., The Archaeology and Art of Central Asia: Studies from the Former Soviet Union 594 Jackson, A.H., Rev. of Jarva, Archaiologia on Archaic Greek Body Armour 194 Jenkins, I., Documenting the Parthenon Frieze in Basel 774-75 Jones, G., Rev. of Harlan, The Living Fields: Our Agricultural Heritage 426-27 Kalogirou, A., Rev. of Korkuti, Neolithikum und Chalkolithikum im Albanien 594-95 Kampen, N.B., Rev. of Galinsky, Augustan Culture: An Interpretive Introduction 610-12 Kardulias, P.N., Rev. of Edmonds, Stone Toolsa nd Society: Working Stone in Neolithic and Bronze Age Britain 628 King, H., Rev. of Amberger-Lahrmann, Anatomie und Physiognomie in der hellenistischen Plas- tik: Dargestellt am Pergamonaltar 604-606 -, Rev. of Metraux, Sculptors and Physicians in Fifth-Century Greece: A Preliminary Study 604-606 Klein, N.L., Rev. of Bommelaer and des Courtils, La Salle hypostyle d'Argos 428 Kolb, C.C., Rev. of Davis-Kimball, Bashilov, and Yablonsky eds., Nomads of the Eurasian Steppes in the Early Iron Age 407-408 ~- , Rev. of Telegin and Mallory, The Anthropomorphic Stelae of the Ukraine: The Early Icon- ography of the Indo-Europeans 407-408 Koloski-Ostrow, A.O., Rev. of Neudecker, Die Pracht der Latrine: Zum Wandel iffentlicher Bediirf nisanstalten in der kaiserzeitlichen Stadt 428-29 Kosmetatou, E., Rev. of Levidis ed., HAi Vrog o HpeaftrEpoq Epti rTq apyaiIaq EAA(cid:127)wV1Ktcj 195 rjoypa(plKflq (350 fliprioA 1q "'oV1K7flq Ioropiaq") Kroll, J.H., Rev. of von Reden, Exchange in Ancient Greece 175-76 Kuniholm, P.I., Rev. of Baillie, A Slice through Time: Dendrochronology and Precision Dating 192 Lacovara, P., Rev. ofBaines ed., Stone Vessels,P ottery and Sealingsfrom the Tombo f Tutankhamun 780-82 -, Rev. of Eaton-Krauss, The Sarcophagus in the Tomb of Tutankhamun 780-82 -, Rev. of Lilyquist, Egyptian Stone Vessels: Khian through Thutmosis IV 780-82 Lapatin, K.D.S., Pheidias hspavtoupy6q 663-82 -, Rev, of Harris, The Treasures of the Parthenon and Erechtheion 603-604 Lawall, M.L., Rev. of Whitbread, Greek Transport Amphorae: A Petrological and Archaeological Study 176-77 Leader, R.E., In Death Not Divided: Gender, Family, and State on Classical Athenian Grave Stelae 683-99 Leveau, P., of Dietz, Ladjimi Sebai, and Ben Hassan eds., AfricaP roconsularisR: egional Rev. Studies in the Segermes Valley ofNorthern Tunisia I: Archaeological Fieldwork; II: Pottery, Numismatics and the Antiquarian Data 616-17 viii CONTENTSO F VOLUME 101 (1997) [AJA 101 Lloyd, J.A., Rev. of Libyaa ntiqua:A nnual of the Departmento f Antiquitieso f Libya, New Series 1, 1995 813 Lock, G., Rev. of Drennan, Statisticsf or ArchaeologistsA: CommonsensAe pproach 628-29 Magness, J. See Waldbaum and Magness. Marabini Moevs, M.T.,R ev. of Puppo, Le coppe megaresii n Italia 416-17 Maran, J., Rev. of Rutter, Lerna, a PreclassicalS ite in the Argolid:R esults of ExcavationsC on- ductedb y the AmericanS choolo f ClassicalS tudiesa t AthensI II: TheP otteryo f LernaI V 409-11 Marchetti, N., Rev. of Collon, Ancient Near Eastern Art 167-69 Mason, R.S., Rev. of Marchetti and Kolokotsas, Le nymphied e l'agorad 'Argos:F ouille, etude architecturalee t historique 614-15 Meskell, L., Rev. of Montserrat, Sex and Societyi n Graeco-RomanE gypt 619-21 Morris, S.P., Ex Oriente Books: Near Eastern Resources for Classicists 149-53 Muhly, J.D., Recent Works in Archaeometallurgy 771-73 Nagy, H., Rev. of Bini, Caramella, and Buccioli, I bronzi etruschi e romani I-III 801-802 Neils, J., Rev. of Matheson, Polygnotosa nd VaseP ainting in ClassicalA thens 412-13 Nevett, L., Rev. of Kiderlen, Megale Oikia. Untersuchungenz ur Entwicklunga ufwendigerg rie- chischerS tadthausarchitekturV: on der Friiharchaikb is ins 3. Jh. v. Chr.I -II 602-603 Newland, D.M., Rev. of Naso, Architettured ipinte:D ecorazionip arietali nonf igurate nelle tombe a camera dell'Etruriam eridionale( VII-V sec. a.C.) 608-609 Nielsen, I., Rev. of Boersma, Mutatio Valentia:T he Late Roman Baths at Valesio,S alento 615-16 , Rev. of Farrington, The Roman Baths of Lycia:A n ArchitecturalS tudy 615-16 Niemeier, W.-D.,R ev. of Rehak ed., The Role of the Ruler in the PrehistoricA egean 785-86 Packer, J.E., Report from Rome: The Imperial Fora, a Retrospective 307-30 Palaima, T.G., Rev. of Knapp ed., Near Eastern and Aegean Textsf rom the Third to the First Millennia B.C. 629 Parkins, H., Rev. of Potter, Townsi n Late Antiquity:I ol Caesareaa nd Its Context 816 Pedley, J.G., Rev. of Kyrieleis, Der grosse Kuros von Samos 793-94 Petruso, K.M., Rev. of Arkeologjia:M ateriale,s tudime dhe informacionea rkeologjike1 -3 191 Plantzos, D., Crystals and Lenses in the Graeco-Roman World 451-64 - , Rev. of Vollenweider, Camdese t intailles 1.1-2: Lesp ortraitsg recsd u Cabinetd es midailles 180-81 Pollitt, J.J.,R ev. of Zanker, The Mask of Socrates:T he Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity 415-16 Potts, D.T.,R ev. of Kuhrt, The Ancient Near East c. 3000-330 B.C. I-II 166-67 Rathbone, D., Rev. of Bagnall, Reading Papyri, WritingA ncient History 429-30 Ratte, C., Rev. of von Thiingen, Die frei stehendeg riechischeE xedra 181-82 . See Smith and Ratte. Redford, S., Rev. of Moore, Tille HoiyiikI : The Medieval Period 812-13 Reger, G.L., Rev. of Bringmann and von Steuben eds., Schenkungenh ellenistischerH errscher an griechischeS tidte und Heiligtiimer I: Zeugnisseu nd Kommentare 418-19 -, Rev. of Worrle and Zanker eds., Stadtbildu nd Biirgerbildi m Hellenismus:K olloquium, Miinchen, 24. bis 26. Juni 1993 418-19 Rehak, P., Interconnections between the Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millen- nium B.C. 399-402 Rendeli, M., Rev. of Christie ed., Settlementa nd Economyi n Italy 1500 B.C.t o A.D. 1500. Papers of the Fifth Conferenceo f Italian Archaeology 621-22 Renfrew, C., Rev. of Trigger, Early Civilizations:A ncient Egypt in Context 164 Richards, J.D., Rev. of Lock and StanEi1 eds., Archaeologya nd GeographicaIl nformationS ys- tems:A European Perspective 163-64 Richards,J.E., Rev. of Bard, FromF armerst oP haraohs:M ortuaryE videncefort heR ise of Complex Society in Egypt 165-66 -, Rev. of Sive-Soderbergh, The Old KingdomC emeterya t HamraD om (el-Qasrw a es-Saiyad) 165-66 1997] CONTENTS OF VOLUME 101 (1997) ix Rose, C.B., Rev. of Fless, Opferdieneru nd Kultmusikera uf stadtr6mischenh istorischenR eliefs. Untersuchungenz ur IkonographieF, unktion und Benennung 612-13 Runnels, C., Rev. of Mellars, The NeanderthalL egacy:A n ArchaeologicaPl erspectivfer om West- ern Europe 777-78 Sagona, A., Rev. of Qilingiroglu and French eds., Anatolian Iron Ages 3: The Proceedingso f the Third Anatolian Iron Ages ColloquiumH eld at Van, 6-12 August 1990 787-88 , Rev. of Mellaart and Murray, Beycesultan1 11:2:L ate BronzeA ge and Phrygian Pottery and Middle and Late Bronze Age Small Objects 787-88 - , Rev. of Summers, Tille Hoyiik 4: The Late BronzeA ge and the Iron Age Transition 787-88 Schwartz, G. See Curvers and Schwartz. Shanks, M., Archaeological Theory: What's on the Agenda? 395-99 Shelmerdine, C.W.,T he Palatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland 537-85 - , Rev. of Eder, Staat, Herrschaft,G esellschafti n friihgriechischerZ eit: Eine Bibliographie 1978-1991/92 427-28 -, Rev. of Feuer, MycenaeanC ivilization:A ResearchG uide 427-28 - , Rev. of Sikkenga ed., Studies in MycenaeanI nscriptionsa nd Dialect 1979 427-28 Silberman, N.A., Rev. of Bahn ed., The CambridgeI llustratedH istory of Archaeology 776-77 - , Rev. of Ben-Yehuda, The Masada Myth: CollectiveM emorya nd Mythmakingi n Israel 813-14 Simmons, A.H., Rev. of LeBrun ed., Fouilles recentesa Khirokitia (Chypre)1 988-1991 629-30 Sinopoli, C.M., Rev. of Journal of Material Culture 1.1 191-92 Slane, K.W.,R ev. of Fulford and Tomber eds., Excavations at Sabratha 1948-1951 II: The Finds, Pt. 2: The Finewaresa nd Lamps 618-19 Smith, M.L., Rev. of Allchin, The Archaeologyo f Early Historic South Asia: The Emergenceo f Cities and States 816-17 Smith, R.R.R., Rev. of von den Hoff, Philosophenportrdtds es Friih- und Hochhellenismus 414-15 Smith, R.R.R., and C. Ratte, Archaeological Research at Aphrodisias in Caria, 1995 1-22 Snodgrass, A.M., Rev.o f Lang, ArchaischeS iedlungeni n GriechenlandS: trukturu nd Entwicklung 600-601 Stein, G.J., Rev. of Wilkinson and Tucker, SettlementD evelopmenti n the NorthJ azira, Iraq: A Study of the ArchaeologicalL andscape 779-80 Stieber, M.C., Rev. of Marcade ed., Sculpturesd iliennes 815 Stirling, L., Rev. of Desbat et al., La Maison des Dieux Oceana Saint-Romain-en-Ga(lR hone) 804-805 Strasser, TE, Rev.o f Patton, Islands in Time:I sland Sociogeographayn d MediterraneanP rehistory 778 Sutton, R.E, Jr., Rev. of Kilmer, GreekE rotica on Attic Red-FigureV ases 413-14 Swinton, A., Rev. of Buchholz and Untiedt, TamassosE: in antikes K6nigreicha uf Zypern 630 Talbert, R.J.A., Rev. of Scarre, The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome 195-96 Taylor,R ., Torrent or Trickle? The Aqua Alsietina, the Naumachia Augusti, and the Trans- tiberim 465-92 Terrenato, N., Rev. of Smith, Early Rome and Latium. Economya nd Societyc . 1000-500 B.C. 419-20 Thomas, C.G., Rev. of Fitton, The Discoveryo f the GreekB ronzeA ge 408-409 Thomas, P.M., Rev. of Mountjoy, MycenaeanA thens 193 Timpson, M.E., Rev. of Barham and Macphail eds., ArchaeologicaSl edimentsa nd Soils:A naly- sis, Interpretation,a nd Management 592-93 -, Rev. of Beavis and Barker eds., Science and Site: Evaluation and Conservation 592-93 Todd, S.C., Rev. of Boegehold, The Lawcourtsa t Athens:S ites, Buildings,E quipment,P rocedure, and Testimonia 797-98 Van De Mieroop, M., Rev. of Dercksen, The Old Assyrian CopperT radei n Anatolia 778-79 Vandenabeele, E, Rev. of Karageorghis, The CoroplasticA rt of Ancient CyprusI V. The Cypro- Archaic Period Small Male Figurines 174-75 van Dommelen, P., Rev. of Barker, A MediterraneanV alleyL: andscapeA rchaeologya nd Annales History in the Biferno Valley 184-85 -, Rev.o f Barker ed., TheB ifernoV alleyS urvey:T heA rchaeologicaaln d GeomorphologicRale cord 184-85 x CONTENTSO F VOLUME1 01 (1997) [AJA 101 Venit, M.S.,T he Tomb from Tigrane Pasha Street and the Iconography of Death in Roman Alexandria 701-29 Vermeule, C.C., III, Rev. of Henig, Classical Gems: Ancient and Modern Intaglios and Cameos in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge 624-25 Vitelli, K.D., Rev. of Pyke and Yiouni, Nea Nikomedeia I: The Excavation of an Early Neolithic Village in Northern Greece, 1961-1964, Directed by R.J. Rodden: The Excavation and the Ceramic Assemblage 172-73 Walbank, EW., Rev. of Cohen, The Hellenistic Settlements in Europe, the Islands, and Asia Minor 798-99 Waldbaum, J.C., and J. Magness, The Chronology of Early Greek Pottery: New Evidence from Seventh-Century B.C. Destruction Levels in Israel 23-40 Warden, P.G., Rev. of Tamburini, Un abitato villanoviano perilacustre: II "Gran Carro"s ul Lago di Bolsena (1959-1985) 800-801 Watrous, L.V., Rev. of Evely, Lemos, and Sherratt eds., Minotaur and Centaur. Studies in the Archaeology of Crete and Euboea Presented to Mervyn Popham 599-600 Weingarten, J., Rev. of Hallager, The Minoan Roundel and Other Sealed Documents in the Neo- palatial Linear A Administration I-II 783-85 , Rev. of Popham and Gill, The Latest Sealings from the Palace and Houses at Knossos 783-85 Weiss, H., Archaeology in Syria 97-148 Wells, P.S., Rev of Graves-Brown, Jones, and Gamble eds., Cultural Identity and Archaeology: The Construction of European Communities 404-405 Wescoat, B.D., Rev. of White, The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya. Final Reports 5: The Site'sA rchitecture, Its First Six Hundred Yearso f Development 617-18 Whitehouse, D., Rev. of Stern, Roman Mold-Blown Glass: The First through Sixth Centuries 422-23 Whitehouse, H., Egyptomanias 158-61 Whitley, J., Cretan Laws and Cretan Literacy 635-61 Wiencke, M.H., Rev. of Sbonias, Friihkretische Siegel: Ansdtze fiir eine Interpretation der sozial- politischen Entwicklung auf Kreta wihrend der Friihbronzezeit 597-98 Wilfong, T.G., Rev. of Forman and Quirke, Hieroglyphs and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt 406-407 Williams, H., Rev. of Fitch and Goldman, Cosa: The Lamps 625-26 -, Rev. of Tezgor and Sezer, Catalogue des lampes en terrec uite du Musde archdologiqued 'Istanbul I: Epoque protohistorique, archaique, classique et hellinistique 625-26 Winter, N.A., Rev. of Heiden, Die Tondaicherv on Olympia 795-96 Woodford, S., Rev. of Cambitoglou and Robinson eds., Classical Art in the Nicholson Museum, Sydney 193-94 Wright, J.C., Rev. of Tubb ed., Antiquities, Trade or Betrayed: Legal, Ethical and Conservation Issues 403-404 -, Rev. of Vitelli ed., Archaeological Ethics 403-404 Young, B.K., Rev. of Halsall, Settlement and Social Organization: The Merovingian Region ofMetz 623-24 Zvelebil, M., Rev. of Kohl and Fawcett eds., Nationalism, Politics, and the Practice of Archaeology 591-92 Zwirn, S.R., Rev. of Kondoleon, Domestic and Divine: Roman Mosaics in the House ofDionysos 188-89 NEWSLETTERS Archaeology in Jordan (P.M. Bikai and V. Egan) 493-535 Archaeology in Syria (H. Weiss) 97-148 Archaeology in Turkey (M.-H. Gates) 241-305 Report from Rome: The Imperial Fora, a Retrospective (J.E. Packer) 307-30 PROCEEDINGS The 98th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America 331-93

DANIELLE M. NEWLAND American School of Classical Studies at Athens .. Sagona, A., Rev. of Qilingiroglu and French eds., Anatolian Iron Ages 3: Simmons, A.H., Rev. of LeBrun ed., Fouilles recentes a Khirokitia (Chypre)
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