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Preview Voices From the Middle 2008 - 2009: Vol 16 Index & Table of Contents

VOLUME 16 “SEPTEMBER 2008-MAY 2009 Index AUTHOR INDEX Bird, Shawn & Vickey M. Giles. Gainer, Jesse. Who Is DeAndre? Tapping Editors’ Message. On a Quest for New Editors. Books for Young Adoles- the Power of Popular Culture in Discoveries: Effective Professional cents. Navigating the Crossroads with Literacy Learning. September, pp. Development. May, pp. 7-8. YA Books. December, pp. 58-59. 23-30. Henkin, Roxanne, Janis Harmon, Bird, Shawn & Vickey M. Giles. Garcia, Cesar. (See Van Sluys, Cambrén, Elizabeth Pate, & Honor Moorman. Editors. Books for Young Adoles- Pérez, Garcia, Rosales, & Antonio A Rest Stop: Time for an Open Cail. cents. Novels in Verse. March, pp. Ramirez, September.) Editor’s Message. September, pp. 42-43. Giles, Vickey M. (See Bird & Giles, 7-8. Bird, Shawn & Vickey M. Giles. December). Henkin, Roxanne, Janis Harmon, Editors. Books for Young Adoles- Giles, Vickey M. (See Bird & Giles, Elizabeth Pate, & Honor Moorman. cents. Portals to New Discoveries. May, March). Editor’s Message. The Road Seldom pp. 41-42. Giles, Vickey M. (See Bird & Giles, Taken: Poetry. March, pp. 7-8. Bird, Shawn & Vickey M. Giles. May). Hill, K. Dara. Conflict in a Sixth-Grade Editors. Books for Young Adoles- Giles, Vickey M. (See Bird & Giles, Book Club: The Impact of a Rule- cents. Taking a Rest along the Fourney. September). Driven Discourse. December, pp. 16—- September, pp. 44-45. Hall, Katrina Willard, Guest Editor. + Bryant, Jill & Stephen Daniels. Power; Bumps in the Road. Reading in Hughes, Janette & Amy John. From Page Voice, and Empowerment: Classroom Viddle School: Bumps in the Literacy to Digital Stage: Creating Digital Committees in a Middle Level Crossroads. December, pp. 72-74. Performances ofP oetry. March, pp. Language Arts Curriculum. Septem- Hansen, Jane. “The way they act around a 15-22. ber, pp. 31-41. bunch ofp eople”: Seventh-grade Writers Hynds, Susan. No Middle Ground: Taking Cambron, Yaritza. (See Van Sluys, Learn about Themselves in the Midst of a Stand at the Crossroads. December, Cambron, Pérez, Garcia, Rosales, & Others. September, pp. 9-14. pp. 9-15. Antonio Ramirez, September.) Harmon, Janis. (See Henkin, Harmon, John, Amy. (See Hughes & John, Carter, Stephanie Power, James S. Pate, & Moorman, Editors’ Message, March). Damico, and Kafi Kumasi-Johnson. September). Kittle, Penny, Editor. Stories Along the The Time Is Now! Talking with African Harmon, Janis. (See Henkin, Harmon, Way. Notes from a Life Scientist. May, American Youth about College. Pate, & Moorman, Editors’ Message, pp. 43-44. December, pp. 47-53. December). Kittle, Penny, Editor. Stories Along the Cramer, Steven. (See Cramer & Cramer, Harmon, Janis. (See Henkin, Harmon, Way. Rise Up. December, pp. 60-61. December). Pate, & Moorman, Editors’ Message, Kittle, Penny, Editor. Stories Along the Cramer, Susan & Steven Cramer. Online March). Way. the road from where we are. or Face-to-Face? Which Class to Take. Harmon, Janis. (See Henkin, Harmon, March, pp. 44-45. December, pp. 25-36. Pate, & Moorman, Editors’ Message, Kittle, Penny, Editor. Stories Along the Damico, James S. (See Carter, Damico, May). Way. Wings, Shoes, Stories, Truths. & Kumasi-Johnson, December). Hayes, Sandy, Editor. Technology September, pp. 46-47. Daniels, Stephen. (See Bryant & Toolkit. Making a Difference in the Kumasi-Johnson, Kafi. (See Carter, Daniels, September). World. September, pp. 52-54. Damico, & Kumasi-Johnson, Egawa, Kathryn A. Good Talk about Good Hayes, Sandy, Editor. Technology December). Teaching. May, pp. 9-16. Toolkit. Mapping 21st Century Mergil, Fernando. (See Bradley & Ford, Kim, Editor. Student to Student. Instruction. May, pp. 50-52. Mergil, December.) Harry Potter and the Avid Readers. Hayes, Sandy, Editor. Technology Minnick,J . Bradley & Fernando Mergil. September, pp. 50-51. Toolkit. Using Wordle Words. The Doubling Moment: Resurrecting Ford, Kim, Editor. Student to Student. December, pp. 66-68. Edgar Allan Poe. December, pp. Poetry across Our Lives. March, pp. Heard, Georgia. Celestino: A Tribute to 37-46. 48-49. the Healing Power ofP oetry. March, Monnin, Katie, Guest Editor. Bumps in Ford, Kim, Editor. Student to Student. pp. 9-13. the Road. Finding Literacy in The Nature ofF riendship. December, Hedrick, Wanda B., Editor. Bumps in Neverland. March, pp. 54-56. pp. 64-65. the Road. A Worthwhile Detour? The Moorman, Honor. (See Henkin, Ford, Kim, Editor. Student to Student. Reading Coach. September, pp. 58-59. Harmon, Pate, & Moorman, Roadmapfso r the Treacherous Journey. Hedrick, Wanda B., Editor. Bumps in Editors’ Message, September). May, pp. 48-49. the Road. No Writing Allowed! This Is Moorman, Honor. (See Henkin, Fredricksen, James E., Guest Editor. a Reading Class. May, pp. 56-57. Harmon, Pate, & Moorman, Next Steps in the Journey. Ta/king Henkin, Roxanne, Janis Harmon, Editors’ Message, December). about Teaching: Establishing Trust Elizabeth Pate, & Honor Moorman. Moorman, Honor. (See Henkin, amidst Uncertainty. May, pp. 38-40. Editors’ Message. At the Crossroads: Harmon, Pate, & Moorman, Friese, Elizabeth E. G. & Jenna Nixon. Time for Another Open Call. Editors’ Message, March). Poetry and World War II: Creating December, pp. 7-8. Moorman, Honor. (See Henkin, Community through Content-Area Henkin, Roxanne, Janis Harmon, Harmon, Pate, & Moorman, Writing. March, pp. 23-30. Elizabeth Pate, & Honor Moorman. Editors’ Message, May). Voices from the Middle, Volume 16 Number 4, May 2009 Index: Volume 16 Napoli, Mary & Emily Rose Ritholz. Shanklin, Nancy, Editor. New Puzzles, Silvers, Penny, Editor. Professional Using Facqueline Woodson’s Locomo- Next Moves. At the Crossroads: A Reading for Middle Level Educa- tion with Middle School Readers. Classroom Teacher's Key Role in RTI. tors. Renewing and Reinvigorating March, pp. 31-39. December, pp. 62-63. Literacy Practices. September, pp. Nixon, Jenna. (See Friese & Nixon, Shanklin, Nancy, Editor. New Puzzles, be March). Next Moves. Being Proactive about Tarasiuk, Tracy, Guest Editor. Pate, Elizabeth. (See Henkin, Harmon, Your Professional Learning: What’s the Technology Toolkit. Extreme Poetry: Pate, & Moorman, Editors’ Payoff? May, pp. 45-47. Making Meaning through Words, Message, September). Shanklin, Nancy, Editor. New Puzzles, Images, and Music. March, pp. 50-51. Pate, Elizabeth. (See Henkin, Harmon, Next Moves. Exploring Poetry: How Van Sluys, Katie with Yaritza Cambrén, Pate, & Moorman, Editors’ Does a Middle School Teacher Begin? Teresa Pérez, Cesar Garcia, Cesar Message, December). March, pp. 46-47. Rosales, and Antonio Ramirez. Pate, Elizabeth. (See Henkin, Harmon, Shanklin, Nancy, Editor. New Puzzles, Engaging as Ethnographers: Insights Pate, & Moorman, Editors’ Next Moves. Webquests: A Literacy/ from the Collaborative Study of a Message, March). Technology Practice That Fosters Literacy Learning Community. Pate, Elizabeth. (See Henkin, Harmon, Adolescents’ Curiosity. September, pp. September, pp. 15-22. Pate, & Moorman, Editors’ 48-49. Whitney, Anne Elrod. Opening Up the Message, May). Silvers, Penny, Editor. Professional Classroom Door: Writing for Pérez, Teresa. (See Van Sluys, Reading for Middle Level Educa- Publication. May, pp. 17-24. Cambron, Pérez, Garcia, Rosales, & tors. Decision Making for Literacy Wilhelm, Jeffrey D., Editor. Next Steps Antonio Ramirez, September.) Development. December, pp. 69-71. in the Journey. Poetry as a 21st Ramirez, Antonio. (See Van Sluys, Silvers, Penny, Editor. Professional Century Problem-Solving Pursuit! Cambréon, Pérez, Garcia, Rosales, & Reading for Middle Level Educa- March, pp. 40-41. Antonio Ramirez, September.) tors. Effective Professional Develop- Wilhelm, Jeffrey D., Editor. Next Steps Ritholz, Rose. (See Napoli & Ritholz, ment: Making a Difference in Our in the Journey. Staking Identity and March). Teaching and Our Students’ Learning. Making Relationships: Considerations Rosales, Cesar. (See Van Sluys, May, pp. 53-55. for the Future ofL iteracy and Cambréon, Pérez, Garcia, Rosales, & Silvers, Penny, Editor. Professional Schooling. September, pp. 42-43. Antonio Ramirez, September.) Reading for Middle Level Educa- Wilhelm, Jeffrey D., Editor. Next Steps Seglem, Robyn. Creating a Circle of tors. Nurturing the Love ofP oetry: A in the Journey. Teaching with Learning: Teachers Taking Ownership Journey of Communication, Expression, Urgency: A Call for Immediate through Professional Communities. and Self-Understanding. March, pp. Actions. December, pp. 54-57. May, pp. 32-37. Wirsing, Jan. Regaining Momentum: Teacher Inquiry as Ongoing Professional Development. May, pp. 25-31. SUBJECT INDEX A Rest Stop: Time for an Open Call/ Renewing and Reinvigorating Literacy At the Crossroads: Time for Another September 2008 Practices. Penny Silvers, (Professional Open Call/December 2008 Reading for Middle Level Educa- A Rest Stop: Time for an Open Call. At the Crossroads: A Classroom Teacher's tors), September, pp. 55-57. Roxanne Henkin, Janis Harmon, Key Role in RTI. Nancy Shanklin, Staking Identity and Making Relationships: Elizabeth Pate, & Honor Moorman. (New Puzzles, Next Moves), Considerations for the Future of (Editors’ Message), September, pp. December, pp. 62-63. Literacy and Schooling. Jeffrey D. 7-8. At the Crossroads: Time for Another Open Wilhelm, (Next Steps in the A Worthwhile Detour? The Reading Coach. Cail. Roxanne Henkin, Janis Journey), September, pp. 42-43. Wanda B. Hedrick, (Bumps in the Harmon, Elizabeth Pate, & Honor Taking a Rest along the Journey. Shawn Road), September, pp. 58-59. Moorman. (Editors’ Message), Bird & Vickey M. Giles, (Books for Engaging as Ethnographers: Insights from December, pp. 7-8. Young Adolescents). September, pp. the Collaborative Study of a Literacy Conflict in a Sixth-Grade Book Club: The 445. Learning Community. Katie Van Sluys Impact ofa Rule-Driven Discourse. K. “The way they act around a bunch of with Yaritza Cambrén, Teresa Pérez, Dara Hill, December, pp. 16-24. people”: Seventh-grade Writers Learn Cesar Garcia, Cesar Rosales, and Decision Making for Literacy Development. about Themselves in the Midst of Antonio Ramirez, September, pp. Penny Silvers, (Professional Reading Others. Jane Hansen, September, pp. 15-22. for Middle Level Educators), 9-14. Harry Potter and the Avid Readers. Kim December, pp. 69-71. Webquests: A Literacy/Technology Practice Ford, (Student to Student), Navigating the Crossroads with YA Books. That Fosters Adolescents’ CJ uriosity. September, pp. 50-51. Shawn Bird & Vickey M. Giles, Nancy Shanklin, (New Puzzles, Next Making a Difference in the World. Sandy (Books for Young Adolescents). Moves), September, pp. 48-49. Hayes, (Technology Toolkit), December, pp. 58-59. Who Is DeAndre? Tapping the Power of September, pp. 52-54. No Middle Ground: Taking a Stand at the Popular Culture in Literacy Learning. Power, Voice, and Empowerment: Classroom Crossroads. Susan Hynds, December, Jesse Gainer, September, pp. 23-30. Committees in a Middle Level pp. 9-15. Wings, Shoes, Stories, Truths. Penny Language Arts Curriculum. Jill Bryant Online or Face-to-Face? Which Class to Kittle, (Stories Along the Way), and Stephen Daniels. September, pp. Take. Susan Cramer and Steven September, pp. 46-47. 31-41. Cramer, December, pp. 25-36. Voices from the Middle, Volume 16 Number 4, May 2009 Index: Volume 16 Reading in Middle School: Bumps in the From Page to Digital Stage: Creating Moves), May, pp. 45-47. Literacy Crossroads. Katrina Willard Digital Performances of Poetry. Janette Creating a Circle of Learning: Teachers Hall, (Bumps in the Road), Hughes & Amy John, March, pp. Taking Ownership through Professional December, pp. 72-74. 15-22. Communities. Robyn Seglem, May, Rise Up. Penny Kittle, (Stories Along the Novels in Verse. Shawn Bird & Vickey M. pp. 32-37. Way), December, pp. 60-61. Giles, (Books for Young Adoles- Effective Professional Development: Making Teaching with Urgency: A Call for cents). March, pp. 42-43. a Difference in Our Teaching and Our Immediate Actions. Jeffrey D. Nurturing the Love ofP oetry: A Journey of Students’ Learning. Penny Silvers, Wilhelm, (Next Steps in the Communication, Expression, and Self- (Professional Reading for Middle Journey), December, pp. 54-57. Understanding. Penny Silvers, Level Educators), May, pp. 53-55. The Doubling Moment: Resurrecting Edgar (Professional Reading for Middle Good Talk about Good Teaching. Kathryn Allan Poe.J .B radley Minnick and Level Educators), March, pp. 52-53. A. Egawa, May, pp. 9-16. Fernando Mergil, December, pp. Poetry across Our Lives. Kim Ford, Mapping 21st Century Instruction. Sandy 37-46. (Student to Student), March, pp. Hayes, (Technology Toolkit), May, The Nature ofF riendship. Kim Ford, 48-49. . 50-52. (Student to Student), December, pp. Poetry and World War II: Creating No Writing Allowed! This Is a Reading 64-65. Community through Content-Area Class. Wanda B. Hedrick, (Bumps in The Time Is Now! Talking with African Writing. Elizabeth E. G. Friese & the Road), May, pp. 56-57. American Youth about College. Jenna Nixon, March, pp. 23-30. Notes from a Life Scientist. Penny Kittle, Stephanie Power Carter, James S. Poetry as a 21st Century Problem-Solving (Stories Along the Way), May, pp. Damico, and Kafi Kumasi-Johnson, Pursuit! Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, (Next 43-44. December, pp. 47-53. Steps in the Journey), March, pp. On a Quest for New Discoveries: Effective Using Wordle Words. Sandy Hayes, 40-41. Professional Development. Roxanne (Technology Toolkit), December, pp. the road from where we are. Penny Kittle, Henkin, Janis Harmon, Elizabeth 66-68. (Stories Along the Way), March, pp. Pate, & Honor Moorman. (Editors’ 44-45. Message), May, pp. 7-8. The Road Seldom Taken: Poetry/ The Road Seldom Taken: Poetry. Roxanne Opening Up the Classroom Door: Writing March 2009 Henkin, Janis Harmon, Elizabeth for Publication. Anne Elrod Whitney, Pate, & Honor Moorman. (Editor’s May, pp. 17-24. Celestino: A Tribute to the Healing Power of Message), March, pp. 7-8. Portals to New Discoveries. Shawn Bird & Poetry. Georgia Heard, March, pp. Using Facqueline Woodson’s Locomotion Vickey M. Giles, (Books for Young 9-13. with Middle School Readers. Mary Adolescents). May, pp. 41-42. Exploring Poetry: How Does a Middle Napoli & Emily Rose Ritholz, Regaining Momentum: Teacher Inquiry as School Teacher Begin? Nancy March, pp. 31-39. Ongoing Professional Development, Jan Shanklin, (New Puzzles, Next Wirsing, May, pp. 25-31. Moves), March, pp. 46-47. On a Quest for New Discoveries: Roadmaps for the Treacherous Journey. Kim Extreme Poetry: Making Meaning through Effective Professional Development/ Ford, (Student to Student), May, pp. Words, Images, and Music. Tracy May 2009 48-49. Tarasiuk, (Technology Toolkit), Talking about Teaching: Establishing Trust March, pp. 50-51. Being Proactive about Your Professional amidst Uncertainty. James E. Finding Literacy in Neverland. Katie Learning: What's the Payoff? Nancy Fredricksen, (Next Steps in the Monnin, (Bumps in the Road), Shanklin, (New Puzzles, Next Journey), May, pp. 38-40. March, pp. 54-56. BOOKS REVIEWED Professional Reading Fletcher, Ralph, Poetry Matters, March, and Writing, Teaching and Learning, 2009. March, 2009. Albers, Peggy, Finding the Artist Within, Flynn, Rosalind, Dramatizing the Content Wild, Monique, Amanda Mayeaux, & September, 2008. with Curriculum-Based Readers Kathryn Edmonds, Teamwork: Allington, Richard, What Really Matters Theatre, September, 2008. Setting the Standarfdo r Collaborative in Response to Intervention, May, 2009. Lewison, Mitzi, Christine Leland, & Teaching, Grades 5—9, May, 2009. Bass, JoAnn, Sheryl Dasinger, Laurie Jerome Harste, Creating Critical Wilhelm, Jeffrey, Engaging Readers and Elish-Piper, Mona Matthews, & Classrooms: K-8 Reading and Writing Writers with Inquiry, September, 2008. Victoria Risko, A Declaration of with an Edge, December, 2008. Readers’ Rights: Renewing Our Lieberman, Ann & Lynne Miller, Eds., Books for Young Adolescents Commitment to Students, December, Teachers in Professional Communities: 2008. Impraving Teaching and Learning, Almond, David, et al., Click: One Novel, Bishop, Rudine Sims, Free within May, 2009. Ten Authors, December, 2008. Ourselves: The Development ofA frican Nye, Naomi Shihab, Honeybee: Poems ¢& Bingham, Kelly, Shark Girl, September, American Children’s Literature, Short Prose, March, 2009. 2008. September, 2008. Robb, Laura, Differentiating Reading Connor, Leslie, Waiting for Normal, Collom, Jack & Sheryl Noethe, Poetry Instruction: How to Teach Reading to December, 2008. Everywhere: Teaching Poetry Writing Meet the Needs of Each Student, Creech, Sharon, Love That Dog, March, in School and in the Community (2nd December, 2008. 2009. ed.), March, 2009. Robb, Laura, Teaching Reading: A Crutcher, Chris, Deadline, September, Conrad, Lori, Missy Matthews, Cheryl Differentiated Approach, December, 2008. Zimmerman, & Patrick Allen, Put 2008. Curtis, Christopher Paul, Elijah of Thinking to the Test, May, 2009. Romano, Tom, Zigzag: A Life of Reading Buxton, December, 2008. Voices from the Middle, Volume 16 Number 4, May 2009 Index: Volume 16 Fields, Terri, My Father's Son, May, Murdock, Catherine Gilbert, The Off Grimes, Nikki, What Is Goodbye?, 2009. Season, September, 2008. March, 2009. Frost, Helen, Spinning Through the Neri, G., Chess Rumble, March, 2009. Hale, Shannon, Princess Academy, May, Universe: A Novel in Poems from Room Sanchez, Alex, Rainbow Boys, September, 2009. 214, March, 2009. 2008. Lowry, Lois, Gathering Blue, May, 2009. Grandits, John, Blue Lipstick, March, Trueman, Terry, Stuck in Neutral, May, Park, Linda Sue, Project Mulberry, 2009. 2009. December, 2008. Grant, Vicki, Res Fudicata, May, 2009. Walsh, Marissa, A Field Guide to High Robinson, Sharon, Safe at Home, May, Grimes, Nikki, Bronx Masquerade, School, December, 2008. 2009. March, 2009. Robinson, Sharon, Slam Dunk, Hesse, Karen, Out of the Dust, March, Student to Student December, 2008. 2009. Rowling, J. K., Harry Potter Boxed Set Hesse, Karen, Witness, March, 2009. Birdsall, Jeanne, The Penderwicks, (Books 1-7), September, 2008. Hickey, Caroline, Isabelle’s Boyfriend, December, 2008. Spinelli, Jerry, Eggs, December, 2008. May, 2009. Colfer, Eoin, Artemis Fowl, May, 2009. Stewart, Trenton Lee, Mysterious Kearney, Meg, The Secret of Me, March, Creech, Sharon, Love That Dog, March, Benedict Society, May, 2009. 2009. 2009. Testa, Maria, A/pmost Forever, March, 2009. Love, D. Anne, Defying the Diva, May, Flake, Sharon G., The Skin I’m In, Woodson, Jacqueline, Locomotion, 2009. December, 2008. March, 2009. Mass, Wendy, Every Soul a Star, May, Glenn, Mel, Who Killed Mr. Chippendale?, Zimmer, Tracie Vaughn, Reaching for 2009. March, 2009. Sun, March, 2009. Voices from the Middle, Volume 16 Number 4, May 2009

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