VERBACLO MPLEMENT CLAUSES LINGUISTAIKI<T UELL TI1isse riperso vipdleast fosrme si nt hsen a fortu di y tax, semantiacnsdp, r agmatoiftc hse Germlaannigcu ages :mdt hehiirs tordiecvaell opments. Thef ocuosft hes eriiesrs e presebnyti etds Gertmiatnl e Lingl�Aiksttuie(klL li nguiTsotdiacys) . Textisnt hes eriaerse Einng lish. SeriEedsi lor \VernAebrr aham Germantiissclhn stituut RijlciuniverGsriotneiintg en OudeK ijikn ' tj atst2r6a at 9712E KG roningen The� etherlauds E�rnaiAlb:r [email protected] AdvisEodriyt oBroiaarld Guglielmo (CUinniqvueeor fsVietnyi ct) GHntlGHr�erw end(oUrnfi veorfsS ittuyt tgart) Ulialnlea ege(mUanni veorfsG ietnye va) 1u1b erltl ai(dUenri veorfsS iall)z'b urg) ChrisPtleart z(aUcnki veorfsl iutnyd } JaRno ber{tUsn iveorfsS ittuyt tgart) Ken S(aRtultrg Uenrisv erNseiwlB )'r·u nsw�iJc)k lloskulTdhmci ins(sUornl h•oefrI scietlyaR nedy.k javik) Usa det\·fTernaav( iMsc GiUlnli versity) SteVni kn(eUrn iveorfsS ittuyt tgart} C.J an-Woutcr( UZuwiavretor fs iGlryo ningen) Volume 25 i Clauda Felser VerbCaolm plemCelnatu ses A minimalsitsutdo yfd ir&peetr cepctoinosnt ructions VERBAL COMPLEMENT CLAUSES A MINIMALISSTT UDYO F DIRECT PERCEPTIOC ONSTRUCTIOS CLAUDIAF ELSER oEfs sex University JOH BENJAMINPSU BLfSHICNOGM PANY AMSTEROA)./fP HILADElPHIA TM Thep apeurs emd tlupsu blicamteieottnsh em mnnumr equiremoefn ts OC) AmericNaant ioSntaaln dafroIdrn formaStcitoenn ccPse-mtanconfcP ea per foPrn nteUdb rarMya tcruAlKsS.IZ 39·4S-.r 984 LibraorfCr o ngr;csC.. aotalog)ng-in-fD>autbal ication Fdser. Cbudia. Verbcaolm plemecnlta us:e msam imalissttu doyfd irect �rceptton 1cC olnasutdriuac tions Fclsr.e p. em.··( Lmgmstatkkr uell.lmfguttsotdlacIysS. S N01 &6·0&2v<.).:2 5) lndudbeisb hograprhetfcearle nceisn dexa.n d 1.G rammaCro.m paraatnwdeg t>nerai-Verb2 .G prharmamsaeCr.o. m paraam·ncdg eneral Compleme3n.tG .r ammarC.o mparatawncdg cuc.rC.ab Ju seIs..T t te.1I IS.c ncs:L mgmst1k aktu:cB 1d1.2 5 . P28LF-ts 1999 415-�c21 99·2H96 ISBN9 0 2722 7462 (EU R55)6 19/9 091 () (t:(sH)b a.Uc. .p aper� CIP © 1999- JohBnc nlammBs.V . Nop arotft htboso km ayb er eprodumcaendyf ormb.yp rinpth.o topnmnilc rofiolrma .n yo ther me-ans. \VIthwcnmttt cpenn mss1ofrno m thep ublisher. JohBne nJarmPnusb hslCuno.g· P.O.B7o5x)7 7· 1070, \NA �>tS TERDA.M TheN etherlands JohBne n1ammKso rth AmenPc.aO .B2o7x51 9 PluladcPlAp 1h9t11a8 .()51 9 usA · • · Fiirm einEel tern Contents Pretacc XI AbbreviaatnidSo ynm.b ols xii Pe1ceptVieornba �n dG eneraGtriavmem ar 1.J1m orduction I 1.T2h eP roblems 3 1.T3h e Aim Scaonpodef t hSitsu dy 4 1.O4r gaanuio.n 6 1.O5v er\'itehw'el lolefet oirFcraalm ework 7 1.50.-1T heoarnydM erger 9 1.5A.r2g umeMnotv ement I 0 1.5F.u3n ctiCoantaelg oarnidHe. e.,a t\d•o 1vemcnt II 1.5B.m4d inagnd Control 13 2 Synta<�ltnSidec m anCthiacr acten.o nt-iFcisPn eiortfce e ption Complemeinnt .E nglish 16 2.1 Introduction 16 2.2S, m act iJc> ropeo1fIP t VtCe.� 17 2.2Oe.t1e rminCmogn stituency 18 2.2A.b2e. n coefF initetnvet,ac; edAr usx ilianes 25 2.2t.{3se tricotniP oansissv aiu.o n 26 2.2R.e4, c;trionc1'/u: trieo Innss ertion 33 2.3 SemParnoetpratcoi feI s PVC� 36 2.3T.em1p omSli multaneity 38 2.3R.e2, c;triocntt ihoPern esd icate 39 2.3L.o3g icParlor pteaoef. Blmnemf uives 46 2.3R.e4s trictBiaornPesl uorSnaul jb ects 50 2.4S ummaroyf t hPer opieenosfI P VC� 52 2.5P ercep"teirosCnua sua .t tCvoem ptcmen11 53 2.6P articPiepriceaplCt oimopnl ement� 57 2.6T.l1l J\em biguoifrP ya rticCiopmtpal1e ment. 59 2.6.2 OiTthfee rbeentcwee PePnV;d J.P VC 76 27.S um<muy 80 viii contents 3 The StructurPee rocfe pCDuotomrnpe lcetm ems 90 31. lmroduction 90 3.2P reviAonuasl yse. 91 3.2.'1l lC\PeA naliy.. 91 3.2.T2h elP Ana.ltys. 93 3.2.P3Y Csa sb :uVeP . 99 3.2.P4Y Csa sS malCll aeus 107 ... 2.5P l'elnm nar, Summary I1 3 3.3A nA lternaPtVtCva e.:A pecPth rase. 114 3.31. S yntaHcetaidc 114 3.3.T2h eS trucotfm eP VC. 121 3.4S ummary 125 4 Thel:. vem-ConAtnraolly sL 182 4.1l mroduction 182 4.2' 11S\yen toaft:x v: emA rguments 192 4.2E.v1i defnocaren E xtArrag umePnots tttOJl 192 4.2.T2b e ofEn x ternAarlg ument� 134 4.2.'113\ SyntaSctuacto ufE. 142 c 4.3P erccpttonC oVnetrrPborsle dicates 145 i"C 4.3·.n1, Neo n-StCahtairvaeco tfPe err cepVteirobns 148 4.3.E2v enCton trionPl V Cs 149 4.3.A3g aifn•v.t ulBtitnpdlien g 125 1 4A DerivtihnPegro pertoifPe e.n: eptlu{aelpom 155 4.4B.a1r Eev emC omplements 155 4.4.A2c counftotSrnn gnu haneity 185 4.4.S3e lectRieo:-.ntanlc tointo hnPesr edicate 165 4.4.'4l lD\ies triobfuE txipolne '1u1vtee re 176 4.4.I5n teripnrBgea trPel urals 17-l 4.4.D6e rtin Ogt heSre manPtmipce t1te. 176 4.4.171 \Ceo nt.r aaigma mPsatst .v e 180 4.5E xtensoifto hnAesn altys. 109 4.51. Comp1emoefmA :-.s pectVuearlb s 109 4.5.A2d Junct-PCroendsitcartuec lions 192 4.5.P3u rpoCslea use:-. 194 4.6S ummary 195 contents ix 5 DtrePcetr cep1Cioomnp lemelilnOl l!!.l tEeurr opeaLna nguage. 204 5.1l mroduction 204 5.2 speActualC omplemematiino nG eramnadnD utch 206 5.2.A1m andAa n·al .A spectt-.u1atla rkers 208 5.2.T2h eS yntaoxfA CIa ndP repo$itlinofnianltC totmvpel emen2t1.3 5.2.V3e rRba i�imn Pge rceptual Reports 222 5.2.S4u mmary 227 5.3D irePce1r ceptCioomnp lemenitnR. o mance 227 5.3.A1C IC omplements 228 5.3.P2.e udo-RelCaotmipvlee menh 233 5.3.P3r epo�itIinofnianli tive. 237 5.4S ummary 239 6 Conclusion 248 Reference.\\ ,_)- 3 Subjeicntd ex 267 Aulhmi ndex 275 Preface ·ntper e�esmt udgyr ewo uto fm y doctotrhaels oin.t h.ey maxo fp ercepvteirotn> s 11c1n glhi.s. u bmmetdo t heF aculotfyH istoarnydJ >htlo;l\ollgh yeU mversiotf y Gtsuin1ge1Jn1u n e1 99O5n. t hew ayt ob el.'ommagb ookl.l uw.o rkh a�u ndergone manys ubstamcihaaln. g.ea lthoulghoher igipnraolp osaanlda. n asl.,e h.a \•lea rgely beemna mtainAeldcl.h apthearvsbe e erne vie.d a ndu pdatCehda.p te2ra .nd 3 h ave been shoratnedrn eeodr gaemd..a ndd etaoiflt :-h>ea naleysi. nc hapt4eh ra vbeee n modineMdo.:- to ft hem atenparle senitneC dh apt5ei r� n ew. Iw th tot hanaklt lh osweh o.i no new ayo ro thehra.v ceo mributtote hdt bso ok·. cornimntgo b einIga. m gratetfouW le rnerA brahaf\m·.1 arAttmk insHoanr.a ld ClahsTehno.m asG ardneHre.rJ oa Bne nM.i kJeo ne. .An dreRwa dforLdau.r Rau pp. Te�sSaa ya.n dt wo� monymorues ,•iefwoernr usm erouh.e lpfcuolm menta.n d sugge�.t.if oonrp rovidniantgt .vp ee akejru dgemenotros f ferifnugr thdeart a. It hanmky fnendasn dc olleagautUe osu ingaennd t: :e xf otrh e�turp poarntde n .. couragemPeannto .f t he hn derlylihnisg.t udw,a sf undebd)a rD AAD re.�esacrhcohl araswhairpd tedo m ei n1 993w.h icih.g ratefauclklnyo wledgJea dm. mdebtetdo Tes.aS ayf obri 'Ushuiprn ngy c nglhi a.n dt 'hecksmogm eo ft hdea ta. �eedlet,o.a yI.t akteh seo lree �ponsifboiarll irlte ym mnienrgr oIrts h.a nk Kecs Vaefsor m Benjamifnoshr e lpimneg w itthh ela youStpe.c iatll taanrkde.u et or ny parenfto!\re verythtihneghya ved onef orm e.L a tb utn otl easItt .h anHka rald Clahsfeonrh ip:-a.l lena�:nedm oraslu ppoann.d f orh elpimneg k eepm feeotn theg round. Claudia Fdsrr ColrheJsawnr.u a/r99y9 AbbreviatainodnS sy mbols 3 existemoipearla tor 1VAP AdJective/AdPjhecrlaisvea l 1\CC accusatciavsee 1\CI lkcu.,·tuilwn,j•i nuindl .it lr'ut!c tcioonn Adv/AdvP l\dverbl/\dvPehrrbremu l Agr/AgrP AgrecmeJn\lglr eemPehmn u e Ag•O/AgrOAPg reemm-eObJeAC.:gIr!e emme -ObejcPth rase AgrS/AgrSAPg reemem-SubJect/1\greePmhernats-eS ubjet't A.p iAp.P A.p ecAts/p eePlh rase Al.5X amahary Bl Brul·ncn niivte BT Binding Theory C/CP Complememiser/ComplPehmrcmaei. s er D/DP Determiner/DetPeh.r1am·.ci ner DP�,_ objeDcPt DP., subjeDcPt t:te cvema rgumem EC�J ex.:;eipotn acla .�e marking ECP EmptyC ategoPrryi nciple EPI, Extended Projecrion Principle rl rulIln terpretation GBN generoipce rator HJ\B habuuoaple rator 1/IP lnOecrion/lnfJPehcmt.ei on ILP mdtvidual-level predicate INF mfinitmiovraplh eme IPl' ll{/ilPfroi PfairltlitcJiSp io IP VC InfiniPteirvcaelp tVieornbC omplement LF LogtcFaoln n �Jl' �Jmima.1h P rogram �/NP �oun/�oPuhnr ae. �EG negatimvaer ker �eg/NegP �egation/�ePglamtlei! o'n