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Preview Variational problems with fractional derivatives: Invariance conditions and Nöther's theorem

Variational problems with fractional derivatives: Invariance conditions and N¨other’s theorem 1 1 Teodor M. Atanackovi´c ∗ 0 2 Sanja Konjik † Stevan Pilipovi´c ‡ n a Srboljub Simi´c § J 5 1 Abstract ] A Avariational principlefor Lagrangian densities containingderivativesof real orderis for- F mulated and the invariance of this principle is studied in two characteristic cases. Necessary . and sufficient conditions for an infinitesimal transformation group (basic N¨other’s identity) h are obtained. These conditions extend the classical results, valid for integer order deriva- t a tives. Ageneralization of N¨other’stheorem leading toconservation laws for fractional Euler- m Lagrangianequationisobtainedaswell. Resultsareillustratedbyseveralconcreteexamples. [ Finally, an approximation of a fractional Euler-Lagrangian equation by a system of inte- ger order equations is used for the formulation of an approximated invariance condition and 1 corresponding conservation laws. v 2 Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): Primary: 49K05; secondary: 26A33 6 PACS numbers: 02.30 Xx,45.10 Hj 9 2 Keywords: variational problem, Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives, variational sym- . metry,infinitesimal criterion, N¨other’s theorem, conservation laws, approximations 1 0 1 1 Introduction 1 : v There are two distinct approachesin the formulationof fractionaldifferential equations ofmodels i X in various branches of science, e.g. physics. In the first one, differential equations containing r integer order derivatives are modified by replacing one or more of them with fractional ones a (derivatives of real order). In the second approach, which we will follow in the sequel, one starts with a variationalformulation of a physical process in which one modifies the Lagrangiandensity by replacing integer order derivatives with fractional ones. Then the action integral in the sense of Hamilton is minimized and the governing equation of a physical process is obtained. Hence, one is faced with the following problem: find minima (or maxima) of a functional B L[u]= L(t,u(t), Dαu)dt, 0<α<1, (1) a t ZA where Dαu is the left Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative, under certain assumptions on a a t Lagrangian L, as well as on functions u among which minimizers are sought. After this, the ∗FacultyofTechnicalSciences,InstituteofMechanics,UniversityofNoviSad,TrgDositejaObradovi´ca6,21000 Novi Sad, Serbia. Electronic mail: [email protected]. Work supported byProjects 144016 and 144019 of the SerbianMinistryofScienceandSTART-projectY-237oftheAustrianScienceFund. †Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovi´ca8,21000NoviSad,Serbia. Electronicmail: [email protected]. ‡Faculty of Sciences, Department of Mathematics, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovi´ca 4, 21000 NoviSad,Serbia. Electronicmail: [email protected] §FacultyofTechnicalSciences,InstituteofMechanics,UniversityofNoviSad,TrgDositejaObradovi´ca6,21000 NoviSad,Serbia. Electronicmail: [email protected] 1 Euler-Lagrange equations are formed for the modified Lagrangian, which leads to equations that intrinsically characterize a physical process. This approach has a more sound physical basis (see e.g. [8, 9, 10, 31, 34]). It provides the possibility of formulating conservation laws via No¨ther’s theorem. Conservationlawsareveryimportantinparticlereactionphysicsforexample,wherethey are often postulated as conservation principles [37]. The central point is the fact that equations of a model, i.e., Euler-Lagrange equations, give minimizers of a functional. As a rule, fractional differential equations obtained throughEuler-Lagrangeequations containleft and rightfractional derivatives, which makes this approachmore delicate. In the last years fractional calculus has become popular as a useful tool for solving problems from various fields [21, 41] (see also [6, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 35, 38]). The study of fractional variational problems also has a long history. F. Riewe [32, 33] inves- tigated nonconservative Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics and for those cases formulated a version of the Euler-Lagrange equations. O. P. Agrawal continued the study of the fractional Euler-Lagrangeequations [1, 2, 3], for generalfractionalvariationalproblems involving Riemann- Liouville, Caputo and Riesz fractional derivatives. G. S. F. Frederico and D. F. M. Torres [13] studied invariance properties of fractional variational problems with No¨ther type theorems by in- troducinganewconceptoffractionalconservedquantitywhichisnotconstantintime,sotheterm conserved quantity is not clear. Conservation laws and Hamiltonian type equations for the frac- tionalactionprinciples havealsobeen derivedin[39]. Thereare nowadaysnumerousapplications of fractional variational calculus, see e.g. [5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30]. Wecansummarizethenoveltiesofourpaperasfollows. First,wederivedinfinitesimalcriterion for a local one-parameter group of transformations to be a variational symmetry group for the fractional variational problem (1). In previous work [13, 14, 15] this was done only in a special case. Moreover,weseparatelyconsidercaseswhenthelowerboundaintheleftRiemann-Liouville fractional derivative is not transformed (Subsection 2.1), and when a is transformed (Subsection 2.2). Both cases have their physical interpretation. In the case when fractional derivatives model memory effects the lowerbound a in the definition of derivativeshould not be varied. However,if fractionalderivativesmodel nonlocalinteractions(e.g. innonlocalelasticity)the lowerbound has to be varied. Second, we give a No¨ther type theorem in terms of conservation laws as it is done in the classical theory. This approach preserves the essential property of conserved quantities to be constant in time. Third novelty is the approximation procedure which is given for the Euler-Lagrangeequations and infinitesimal criterion, therefore also for No¨ther’s theorem. By the use of additional assumptions we obtain that appropriate sequences of classical Euler-Lagrange equations,infinitesimalcriteriaandconservationlawsconvergeinthesenseofanappropriatespace ofgeneralizedfunctionstothecorrespondingEuler-Lagrangeequations,infinitesimalcriterionand conservationlawsofthefractionalvariationalproblem(1). Therearealsoanumberofillustrative examples which complete the theory. The paper is organized as follows. To the end of this introductory section we provide basic notions and definitions from the calculus with derivatives and integrals of any real order, and recall the Euler-Lagrange equations of (1) for (A,B)⊆(a,b) (so far only the case (A,B)=(a,b) was treated, cf. [1, 2]). Section 2 is devoted to the study of variational symmetry groups and invariance conditions. In Section 3 we derive a version of No¨ther’s theorem which establishes a relation between fractional variational symmetries and conservation laws for the Euler-Lagrange equation, which have the important property of being constant in time. We use in Section 4 the approximationoftheRiemann-Liouvillefractionalderivativebyafinitesumofclassicalderivatives. In this way and by introducing a suitable space of analytic functions we obtain approximated Euler-Lagrangeequations, approximated local Lie group actions with corresponding infinitesimal criteria and No¨ther theorems. 1.1 Preliminaries In the sequel we briefly recall some basic facts from the fractional calculus. Foru∈L1([a,b]),α>0andt∈[a,b]wedefinetheleft,resp.rightRiemann-Liouvillefractional 2 integral of order α, as 1 t 1 b Iαu= (t−θ)α−1u(θ)dθ, resp. Iαu= (θ−t)α−1u(θ)dθ. a t Γ(α) t b Γ(α) Za Zt Left, resp. right Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of order α, 0 ≤α <1, is well defined for an absolutely continuous function u in [a,b], i.e. u∈AC([a,b]), and t∈[a,b] as d 1 d t u(θ) Dαu= I1−αu= dθ, (2) a t dta t Γ(1−α)dt (t−θ)α Za resp. d 1 d b u(θ) Dαu= − I1−αu= − dθ. t b dt t b Γ(1−α) dt (θ−t)α (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)Zt If f,g ∈AC([a,b]) and 0≤α<1 the following fractional integration by parts formula holds: b b f(t) Dαgdt= g(t) Dαfdt. (3) a t t b Za Za For the left Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative (2) of order α (0≤α<1) we have: 1 t u˙(θ) 1 u(a) Dαu= dθ+ , t∈[a,b], (4) a t Γ(1−α) (t−θ)α Γ(1−α)(t−a)α Za The integral on the right hand side is called the left Caputo fractional derivative of order α and is denoted by cDαu. Similarly, the right Caputo fractional derivative cDαu is defined. a t t b Itfollowsfrom(4)thattheleftRiemann-LiouvilleequalstotheleftCaputofractionalderivative in the case u(a)=0 (the analogueholds for the rightderivatives under the assumption u(b)=0). The same condition, i.e. u(a)=0, provides that d Dαu= Dα du. dta t a t dt Weintroducethenotationwhichwillbeusedthroughoutthispaper: derivativesofLagrangian ∂L L = L(t,u(t), Dαu) with respect to the first, second and third variable will be denoted by , a t ∂t ∂L ∂L and , or by ∂ L, ∂ L and ∂ L respectively. ∂u ∂ Dαu 1 2 3 a t 1.2 Euler-Lagrange equations As stated in Introduction, we solve a fractional variational problem B L[u]= L(t,u(t), Dαu)dt→min, 0<α<1. (5) a t ZA (A,B) is a subinterval of (a,b), and LagrangianL is a function in (a,b)×R×R such that L∈C1((a,b)×R×R) and (6)  t7→∂ L(t,u(t), Dαu)∈AC([a,b]), for every u∈AC([a,b]) 3 a t  Solutions to (5) are sought among all absolutely continuous functions in [a,b],which in addition satisfy condition u(a)=a , for a fixed a ∈R. 0 0 OnecanconsidermoregeneralproblemswithLagrangiansdependingalsoontherightRiemann- Liouville fractional derivative. Our results can be easily formulated in that case, and because of simplicity we shall consider only Lagrangians of the form (5). Moreover, in (5) one can consider the case α>1, but this also does not give any essentialnovelty and because of that it is skipped. We will recallresults about the Euler-Lagrangeequations obtained in [1, 2, 4]. As we said,we consider the fractional variational problem defined by (5). 3 Fractional Euler-Lagrange equations, which provide a necessary condition for extremals of a fractional variational problem, have been recently studied in [1, 2, 4]. Let A = a and B = b. Euler-Lagrangeequations are obtained in [1, 2]: ∂L ∂L + Dα =0. (7) ∂u t b ∂ Dαu a t (cid:16) (cid:17) In terms of the Caputo fractional derivative, the Euler-Lagrange equation (7) is given in [4] and reads: ∂L ∂L ∂L 1 1 +cDα + =0, (8) ∂u t b ∂ Dαu ∂ Dαu Γ(1−α)(b−t)α a t a t t=b (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:12) Euler-Lagrangeequations for (5) are derived in(cid:12)[4]: (cid:12) ∂L ∂L ∂L 1 1 +cDα + = 0, t∈(A,B) (9) ∂u t B ∂ Dαu ∂ Dαu Γ(1−α)(B−t)α a t a t t=B (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:12) ∂L(cid:12) ∂L tDBα ∂ D(cid:12)αu −tDAα ∂ Dαu = 0, t∈(a,A). (10) a t a t (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Equation (9) is equivalent to ∂L ∂L + Dα =0, t∈(A,B). (11) ∂u t B ∂ Dαu a t (cid:16) (cid:17) Remark 1. If we replace the Lagrangian in (5) by L(t,u(t), Dαu,u˙(t)) then Euler-Lagrange a t d ∂L equations will be also equipped with a ‘classical’ term − on the left hand side. It can be dt∂u˙ shownthat in this caseinfinitesimal criterionand conservationlaw canbe obtainedby combining the results of the present analysis (see Theorems 5, 11 and 15) and the classical theory (see e.g. [29]). 2 Infinitesimal invariance Let G be a local one-parameter group of transformations acting on a space of independent and dependent variables as follows: (t¯,u¯) = g ·(t,u) = (Ξ (t,u),Ψ (t,u)), for smooth functions Ξ η η η η and Ψ , and g ∈G. Let η η ∂ ∂ v=τ(t,u) +ξ(t,u) ∂t ∂u be the infinitesimal generator of G. Then we also have t¯ = t+ητ(t,u)+o(η) (12) u¯ = u+ηξ(t,u)+o(η). Weintroducethefollowingnotation(cf., e.g.,[40]): ∆t= d | (t¯−t)and∆u= d | (u¯(t¯)− dη η=0 dη η=0 u(t)). More precisely, the notations ∆t and ∆u denote limη→0 t¯(ηη)−t and limη→0 u¯(t¯,η)η−u(t), respectively. It follows from (12) that ∆t = τ, and writing the Taylor expansion of u¯(t¯) = u¯(t+ητ(t,u)+o(η)) at η =0 yields that ∆u=ξ. On the other hand, if we write Taylor expansion of u¯(t¯) at t¯=t we obtain d ∆u= (u¯(t)−u(t))+u˙∆t, dη η=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) or, if we introduce the Lagrangianvariati(cid:12)on d δu:= (u¯(t)−u(t)) (13) dη η=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 4 we obtain ∆u=δu+u˙∆t. Thus, we have δu=ξ−τu˙. Note that δt=0. In the same way we can define ∆F and δF of an arbitrary absolutely continuous function F =F(t,u(t),u˙(t)): d ∂F ∂F ∂F ∆F = F(t¯,u¯(t¯),u¯˙(t¯))−F(t,u(t),u˙(t)) = ∆t+ ∆u+ ∆u˙ dη ∂t ∂u ∂u˙ η=0 (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:12) d ∂F ∂F δF =(cid:12) F(t,u¯(t),u¯˙(t))−F(t,u(t),u˙(t)) = δu+ δu˙, dη ∂u ∂u˙ η=0 (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) and (cid:12) (cid:12) ∆F =δF +F˙∆t. Itwillbeapparentintheforthcomingsectionsthat,ifwewanttofindaninfinitesimalcriterion, we need to know ∆ Dαu and ∆L. Therefore, we have to transform the left Riemann-Liouville a t fractionalderivative ofu under the actionofa localone-parametergroupoftransformations(12). Therearetwodifferentcaseswhichwillbeconsideredseparately. Inthefirstone,thelowerbound a in Dαu is not transformed, while in the second case a is transformed in the same way as the a t independent variable t. Physically, the first case is important when Dαu represents memory a t effects, and the second one is important when action on a distance is involved. 2.1 The case when a in Dαu is not transformed a t In this section we consider a local group of transformations G which transforms t ∈ (A,B) into t¯∈(A¯,B¯) sothat both intervalsremainsubintervalsof (a,b),but the actionofG has no effecton the lower bound a in Dαu, i.e., τ(a,u(a))=0. So, suppose that G acts on t,u and Dαu in the a t a t following way: g ·(t,u, Dαu):=(t¯,u¯, Dαu¯), η a t a t¯ where t¯and u¯ are defined by (12). In this case we have: Lemma 2. Let u∈AC([a,b]) and let G be a local one-parameter group of transformations given by (12). Then d ∆ Dαu= Dαδu+ Dαu·τ(t,u(t)), a t a t dta t where d δ Dαu= Dαu¯− Dαu = Dαδu. a t dη a t a t a t η=0 (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) Proof. To prove that δ Dαu = Dαδ(cid:12)u it is enough to apply the definition of the Lagrangian a t a t (cid:12) variation (13). Also by definition we have d ∆ Dαu= Dαu¯− Dαu . a t dη a t¯ a t η=0 (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) Thus, (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 d d t¯ u¯(θ) d t u¯(θ) d t u(θ) ∆ Dαu = dθ± dθ− dθ a t Γ(1−α)dη dt¯ (t¯−θ)α dt (t−θ)α dt (t−θ)α (cid:12)η=0" Za Za Za # d(cid:12) = Dαδu+ (cid:12) Dαu¯− Dαu¯ a t dη a t¯ a t η=0 d (cid:12)(cid:12)dt¯ (cid:16) (cid:17) = Dαδu+ (cid:12) Dαu¯− Dαu¯ a t dt¯dη a t¯ a t η=0 (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) = aDtαδu+ ddtaD(cid:12)(cid:12)tαu·τ(t,u(t)). 5 2 Lemma 3. Let L[u] be a functional of the form L[u] = BL(t,u(t), Dαu)dt, where u is an A a t absolutely continuous function in [a,b], (A,B) ⊆ (a,b) and L satisfies (6). Let G be a local R one-parameter group of transformations given by (12). Then B ∆L=δL+(L∆t) , A (cid:12) (cid:12) where δL= bδLdt. (cid:12) a Proof. AgaRin it is clear that δL= bδLdt. For ∆L we have a d B¯ R B ∆L = L(t¯,u¯(t¯), Dαu¯)dt¯− L(t,u(t), Dαu)dt dη(cid:12)η=0(cid:18) ZA¯ a t¯ ZA a t (cid:19) d (cid:12) B B = (cid:12) L(t¯,u¯(t¯), Dαu¯)(1+ητ˙(t,u(t)))dt− L(t,u(t), Dαu)dt dη a t¯ a t (cid:12)η=0(cid:18) ZA ZA (cid:19) d (cid:12) B B = (cid:12) L(t¯,u¯(t¯), Dαu¯)dt− L(t,u(t), Dαu)dt dη a t¯ a t (cid:12)η=0(cid:18) ZA ZA (cid:19) (cid:12) B +(cid:12) L(t,u(t), Dαu)τ˙(t,u(t))dt. a t ZA This further yields B B ∆L = ∆L(t,u(t), Dαu)dt+ L(t,u(t), Dαu)τ˙(t,u(t))dt a t a t ZA ZA B B d = δL(t,u(t), Dαu)dt+ L(t,u(t), Dαu)τ(t,u(t))dt a t dt a t ZA ZA B + L(t,u(t), Dαu)τ˙(t,u(t))dt a t ZA B B = δLdt+(Lτ) ZA (cid:12)A (cid:12) and the claim is proved. (cid:12) 2 We define a variational symmetry group of the fractional variational problem (5), which we call a fractional variational symmetry group: Definition 4. A local one-parameter group of transformations G (12) is a variational symmetry groupofthefractionalvariationalproblem(5)ifthefollowingconditionsholds: forevery[A′,B′]⊂ (A,B), u=u(t)∈AC([A′,B′]) and g ∈G such that u¯(t¯)=g ·u(t¯) is in AC([A¯′,B¯′]), we have η η B¯′ B′ L(t¯,u¯(t¯), Dαu¯)dt¯= L(t,u(t), Dαu)dt. (14) a t¯ a t ZA¯′ ZA′ We are now able to prove the following infinitesimal criterion: Theorem 5. Let L[u] be a fractional variational problem (5) and let G be a local one-parameter transformation group (12) with the infinitesimal generator v =τ(t,u)∂ +ξ(t,u)∂ . Then G is a t u variational symmetry group of L if and only if ∂L ∂L d ∂L τ +ξ + Dα(ξ−u˙τ)+ Dαu τ +Lτ˙ =0. (15) ∂t ∂u a t dta t ∂ Dαu a t (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) 6 Proof. SupposethatGisavariationalsymmetrygroupofL. Then(14)holdsforallsubintervals (A′,B′) of (A,B) with closure [A′,B′]⊂(A,B). We have: B′ B′ ∆L = δLdt+(L∆t) ZAB′′ ∂L ∂(cid:12)(cid:12)LA′ B′ = δu+ (cid:12) δ( Dαu) dt+(L∆t) ∂u ∂ Dαu a t ZA′ (cid:18) a t (cid:19) (cid:12)A′ B′ ∂L ∂L (cid:12) B′ = (∆u−u˙∆t)+ Dα(∆u−u˙(cid:12)∆t) dt+(L∆t) ∂u ∂ Dαua t ZA′ (cid:18) a t (cid:19) (cid:12)A′ B′ ∂L ∂L (cid:12) = ∆u+ Dα∆u dt (cid:12) ∂u ∂ Dαua t ZA′ (cid:18) a t (cid:19) B′ ∂L ∂L ∂L B′ − (u˙∆t)+ Dα(u˙∆t)± ∆t dt+(L∆t) ∂u ∂ Dαua t ∂t = ∗ ZA′ (cid:18) a t (cid:19) (cid:12)A′ (cid:12) (cid:12) ApplyingtheLeibnitzrulefor d(L∆t)wereplace ∂L∆t+∂Lu˙∆tby d(L∆t)− ∂L (d Dαu)∆t− dt ∂t ∂u dt ∂aDtαu dta t L∆t(1). Then B′ ∂L ∂L ∂L ∗ = ∆t+ ∆u+ Dα∆u ∂t ∂u ∂ Dαua t ZA′ (cid:18) a t ∂L d + Dαu ∆t− Dα(u˙∆t) +L∆t(1) dt. ∂ Dαu dta t a t a t (cid:16)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) (cid:19) Since ∆L has to be zero in all (A′,B′) with [A′,B′]⊂(A,B), the above integrand has also to be equal zero, i.e., ∂L ∂L d ∂L τ +ξ + Dα(ξ−u˙τ)+ Dαu τ +Lτ˙ =0. ∂t ∂u a t dta t ∂ Dαu a t (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) wherewehaveusedthat∆u=ξand∆t=τ. Hence,necessityofthestatementisproved. Toprove that condition (15) is also sufficient, we first realize that if (15) holds on every [A′,B′] ⊂ (A,B), then ∆L = 0 in every [A′,B′] ⊂ (A,B). Thus, integrating ∆L from 0 to η we obtain (14), for η near the identity. The proof is now complete. 2 In the following example we calculate the transformation of the fractional derivative Dαu a t under the group of translations. In Subsection 2.2 we shall perform such calculation also in the case when a in Dαu is transformed. a t Example 6. Let G be a local one-parameter translation group: (t¯,u¯) = (t+η,u+η), with the infinitesimalgeneratorv=∂ +∂ . Then u¯(t¯)=u(t¯−η)+η andbya straightforwardcalculation t u it can be shown that 1 d a u(s)+η Dαu¯= Dα(u+η)+ ds. a t¯ a t Γ(1−α)dt (t−s)α Za−η 2.2 The case when a in Dαu is transformed a t Now let the action of a local one-parameter group of transformations (12) be of the form g ·(t,u, Dαu):=(t¯,u¯, Dαu¯). η a t a¯ t¯ Thus, the one-parameter group also acts on a and transforms it to a¯, where a¯ = g ·t| . This η t=a will also influence the calculation of ∆ Dαu and ∆L: a t 7 Lemma 7. Let u∈AC([a,b]) and let G be a local one-parameter group of transformations (12). Then d α u(a) ∆ Dαu= Dαδu+ Dαu·τ(t,u(t))+ τ(a,u(a)), (16) a t a t dta t Γ(1−α)(t−a)α+1 where d δ Dαu= Dαu¯− Dαu = Dαδu. a t dη a t a t a t η=0 (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) Proof. Again using (13) we check th(cid:12)(cid:12)at δaDtαu = aDtαδu. To prove (16) we start with the definition of ∆ Dαu: a t d ∆ Dαu= Dαu¯− Dαu . a t dη a¯ t¯ a t η=0 (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) Thus, (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 d d t¯ u¯(θ) d t u¯(θ) d t u(θ) ∆ Dαu = dθ± dθ− dθ a t Γ(1−α)dη dt¯ (t¯−θ)α dt (t−θ)α dt (t−θ)α (cid:12)η=0" Za¯ Za Za # (cid:12)(cid:12) 1 d d a u¯(θ) d t¯ u¯(θ) = Dαδu+ dθ+ dθ a t Γ(1−α)dη dt¯ (t¯−θ)α dt¯ (t¯−θ)α (cid:12)η=0" Za¯ Za (cid:12) d t u¯(θ) (cid:12) − dθ dt (t−θ)α Za # d 1 d d a u¯(θ) = Dαδu+ Dαu·τ(t,u(t))+ dθ. a t dta t Γ(1−α)dη dt¯ (t¯−θ)α (cid:12)η=0 Za¯ (cid:12) Note that in the last term we can interchange the order o(cid:12)f integration and differentiation with respect to t¯. This gives −α d a u¯(θ) dθ. Γ(1−α)dη (t¯−θ)α (cid:12)η=0Za¯ If we differentiate this integral with respect t(cid:12)o η at η =0 we eventually obtain (16). 2 (cid:12) Lemma 8. Let L[u] be a functional of the form L[u] = BL(t,u(t), Dαu)dt, where u is an A a t absolutely continuous function in (a,b), (A,B) ⊆ (a,b) and L satisfies (6). Let G be a local R one-parameter group of transformations given by (12). Then B α u(a) B ∂L ∆L=δL+(L∆t) + τ(a,u(a)) dt, (17) Γ(1−α)(t−a)α+1 ∂ Dαu (cid:12)A ZA a t (cid:12) where δL= BδLdt. (cid:12) A Proof. CleaRrly, δL= bδLdt. On the other hand we have a d R B¯ B ∆L = L(t¯,u¯(t¯), Dαu¯)dt¯− L(t,u(t), Dαu)dt dη(cid:12)η=0(cid:18) ZA¯ a¯ t¯ ZA a t (cid:19) d (cid:12) B B = (cid:12) L(t¯,u¯(t¯), Dαu¯)(1+ητ˙(t,u(t)))dt− L(t,u(t), Dαu)dt dη a¯ t¯ a t (cid:12)η=0(cid:18) ZA ZA (cid:19) B(cid:12) B = (cid:12)∆Ldt+ L(t,u(t), Dαu)τ˙(t,u(t))dt a t ZA ZA B ∂L ∂L ∂L B = ∆t+ ∆u+ ∆ Dαu dt+ L(t,u(t), Dαu)τ˙(t,u(t))dt. ∂t ∂u ∂ Dαu a t a t ZA (cid:16) a t (cid:17) ZA 8 We now apply (16) to obtain B ∂L ∂L ∂L d ∆L = ∆t+ (δu+u˙∆t)+ Dαδu+ Dαu·τ(t,u(t)) ∂t ∂u ∂ Dαu a t dta t ZA (cid:18) a t (cid:16) α u(a) B + τ(a,u(a)) dt+ L(t,u(t), Dαu)τ˙(t,u(t))dt Γ(1−α)(t−a)α+1 a t (cid:17)(cid:19) ZA B B α u(a) B ∂L = δLdt+(L∆t) + τ(a,u(a)) dt, Γ(1−α)(t−a)α+1 ∂ Dαu ZA (cid:12)A ZA a t B (cid:12) α u(a) B ∂L = δL+(L∆t) + (cid:12) τ(a,u(a)) dt. Γ(1−α)(t−a)α+1 ∂ Dαu (cid:12)A ZA a t (cid:12) 2 (cid:12) Remark 9. It should be emphasized that the last summand on the right-hand side of (16), as well as of (17), appears only as a consequence of the fact that the action of a transformation group affects also a, on which the left Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative depends. In the case when u(a) = 0 or α = 1 that term is equal to zero (since limα→1−Γ(1 − α) = ∞) and B ∆L=δL+(L∆t) . A (cid:12) Nowwedefinea(cid:12) variationalsymmetrygroupofthefractionalvariationalproblem(5)asfollows: (cid:12) Definition 10. A local one-parameter group of transformations G (12) is a variational symmetry groupofthefractionalvariationalproblem(5)ifthefollowingconditionsholds: forevery[A′,B′]⊂ (A,B), u=u(t)∈AC([A′,B′]) and g ∈G such that u¯(t¯)=g ·u(t¯) is in AC([A¯′,B¯′]), we have η η B¯′ B′ L(t¯,u¯(t¯), Dαu¯)dt¯= L(t,u(t), Dαu)dt. a¯ t¯ a t ZA¯′ ZA′ Recallthatwearesolvingthefractionalvariationalproblem(5)amongallabsolutelycontinuous functions in [a,b], which additionally satisfy u(a) = 0. Therefore, the last term in both (16) and (17) vanishes, and the infinitesimal criterion reads the same as in Theorem 5: Theorem 11. Let L[u] be a fractional variational problem defined by (5) and let G be a local one- parameter transformation group defined by (12) with the infinitesimal generator v = τ(t,u)∂ + t ξ(t,u)∂ . Assumethat u(a)=0, for all admissible functions u. Then Gis a variational symmetry u group of L if and only if ∂L ∂L d ∂L τ +ξ + Dα(ξ−u˙τ)+ Dαu τ +Lτ˙ =0. (18) ∂t ∂u a t dta t ∂ Dαu a t (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) Proof. See the proof of Theorem 5. 2 Example 12. Let v = ∂ +∂ be the infinitesimal generator of the translation group (t¯,u¯) = t u (t+η,u+η). Then u¯(t¯)=u(t¯−η)+η and Dαu¯= Dα(u+η). a¯ t¯ a t 3 N¨other’s theorem Inthe formulationofNo¨ther’stheoremweshallneeda generalizationofthe fractionalintegration by parts. 9 Lemma 13. Let f,g ∈AC([a,b]). Then, for all t∈[a,b] the following formula holds: t t f(s)· Dαgds= Dαf ·g(s)ds s b a s Za t 1Za g(b) g(t) b g˙(σ) (19) + f(s)· − − dσ ds. Γ(1−α) (b−s)α (t−s)α (σ−s)α Za (cid:20) Zt (cid:21) Proof. In order to derive (19) we shall use the representation of the right (resp. left) Riemann- Liouville fractional derivative via the right (resp. left) Caputo fractional derivative (4), as well as (3): t t 1 g(b) b g˙(σ) f(s)· Dαgds = f(s)· − dσ ds s b Γ(1−α) (b−s)α (σ−s)α Za Za (cid:20) Zs (cid:21) t 1 g(b) t g˙(σ) = f(s)· − dσ Γ(1−α) (b−s)α (σ−s)α Za (cid:20) Zs b g˙(σ) g(t) − dσ± ds (σ−s)α (t−s)α Zt (cid:21) t 1 g(b) = f(s)· Dαg+f(s)· s t Γ(1−α) (b−s)α Za " (cid:20) g(t) b g˙(σ) − − dσ ds (t−s)α (σ−s)α Zt (cid:21)# t 1 g(b) = Dαf ·g(s)+f(s)· a s Γ(1−α) (b−s)α Za " (cid:20) g(t) b g˙(σ) − − dσ ds. (t−s)α (σ−s)α Zt (cid:21)# 2 Remark 14. If we put t=b in (19), we obtain (3). The main goal of symmetry group analysis in the calculus of variations are the first integrals of Euler-Lagrangeequations of a variational problem, that is a No¨ther type result. Analogouslytotheclassicalcase,anexpression dP(t,u(t), Dαu)=0iscalledafractionalfirst dt a t integral(orafractionalconservationlaw)forafractionaldifferentialequationF(t,u(t), Dαu)=0, a t if it vanishes along all solutions u(t) of F. Inthestatementwhichistofollow,weproveaversionofthefractionalNo¨thertheorem. Aswe will show, a fractional conserved quantity will also contain integral terms, which is unavoidable, duetothepresenceoffractionalderivatives. Ifα=1then(20)reducestothewell-knownclassical conservation laws for a first-order variational problem. Theorem 15. (No¨ther’s theorem) Let G be a local fractional variational symmetry group defined by (12) of the fractional variational problem (5), and let v = τ(t,u(t))∂ +ξ(t,u(t))∂ be the t u infinitesimal generator of G. Then t ∂L ∂L Lτ + Dα(ξ−u˙τ) −(ξ−u˙τ) Dα ds= const. (20) a s ∂ Dαu s B ∂ Dαu Za (cid:18) a s (cid:16) a s (cid:17)(cid:19) is a fractional first integral (or fractional conservation law) for the Euler-Lagrange equation (9). The fractional conservation law (20) can equivalently be written in the form t 1 ∂ L(B,u(B), Dαu) ∂ L(t,u(t), Dαu) Lτ − (ξ−u˙τ)· 3 a B − 3 a t Γ(1−α) (B−s)α (t−s)α Za (cid:20) b d ∂ L(σ,u(σ), Dαu) − dσ 3 a σ dσ ds= const. (21) (σ−s)α Zt (cid:21) 10

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