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University of Groningen The Area of Contact for Non-Adhesive Rough Surfaces Solhjoo, Soheil PDF

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University of Groningen The Area of Contact for Non-Adhesive Rough Surfaces Solhjoo, Soheil; Vakis, Antonis I. IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite from it. Please check the document version below. Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Publication date: 2016 Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database Citation for published version (APA): Solhjoo, S., & Vakis, A. I. (2016). The Area of Contact for Non-Adhesive Rough Surfaces: Comparison between MD and Persson’s Model. Abstract from 8th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Dijon, France. Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). 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Download date: 11-02-2018 Abstract Book 8th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling 9–14 October 2016 Dijon, France Contents Plenary 2-7 Symposium A 8-25 Symposium B 26-40 Symposium C 41-69 Symposium D 70-91 Symposium E 92-116 Symposium F 117-126 Symposium G 127-156 Symposium H 157-180 Symposium I 181-196 Symposium J 197-221 Symposium K 222-232 Symposium L 233-247 Symposium M 248-271 Symposium N 272-291 Author index 292-296 MMM 2016 1 Plenary (plenary) Model-reduction in multiscale problems for composite and polycrystalline materials P Suquet1, R Largenton2 and J-C Michel1 1CNRS Marseille, France, 2Electricité de France (EdF), France A common practice in multiscale problems for heterogeneous materials with well separated scales, is to look for homogenized, or effective, constitutive relations. In linear elasticity the structure of the homogenized constitutive relations is strictly preserved in the change of scales. The linear effective properties can be computed once for all by solving a finite number of unit-cell problems. Unfortunately there is no exact scale-decoupling in multiscale nonlinear problems which would allow one to solve only a few unit-cell problems and then use them subsequently at a larger scale. Computational approaches developed to investigate the response of representative volume elements along specific loading paths, do not provide constitutive relations. Most of the huge body of information generated in the course of these costly computations is often lost. Model reduction techniques, such as the Non Uniform Transformation Field Analysis ([1]), may be used to exploit the information generated along such computations and, at the same time, to account for the commonly observed patterning of the local plastic strain field. A new version of the model [2] will be proposed in this talk, with the aim of preserving the underlying variational structure of the constitutive relations (similar objective in [3]), while using approximations which are common in nonlinear homogenization. [1] J.C. Michel, P. Suquet, Int. J. Solids Structures 40, 6937-6955 (2003) [2] J.C. Michel, P. Suquet, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, In press (2016) [3] F. Fritzen, M. Leuschner, Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng. 260, 143–154 (2013) 2 MMM 2016 (plenary) The effect of dislocation junctions on the work hardening rate of face-centered cubic metals W Cai1, R B Sills2,1, A Aghaei1 and N Bertin1 1Stanford University, USA, 2Sandia National Laboratories, USA Understanding plasticity and strength of crystalline materials in terms of the physics of microscopic defects has been a long-standing goal of materials research. Over the last two decades, much effort has been placed on the prediction of stress-strain curve of single crystals through large-scale dislocation dynamics (DD) simulations. If successful, DD can thus provide a quantitative link, which has been lacking to date, between dislocation physics at the atomistic scale and crystal plasticity at the continuum scale. Unfortunately, the progress in this direction has been limited by the very small strain that can be routinely reached (<1%) by existing DD simulations compared with the typical strain (up to 30%) in experiments. Because of this limitation, a direct comparison between DD predictions and experimental stress-strain curves has been impossible. A series of advanced time integration algorithms have been developed to expand the strain range of DD simulations [1]. In particular, the pairwise interaction forces between dislocation segments are separated into several groups, and each group is integrated with a different time step size. The resulting (force-based subcycling) algorithm leads to an increase of computational efficiency by more than 100 times. The new simulation capability enables the prediction of stress-strain curves for shear strains in excess of 1% routinely and repeatedly. As a result, a systematic investigation on the relation between the unit mechanisms and work hardening rate is now possible. The strain hardening rates predicted by DD simulations in FCC metals under [001] loading are consistent with stage II of the quasi-static stress-strain response observed in experiments, i.e. on the order of μ/200 [2]. By changing rules on unit mechanisms in DD simulations, we determine the relative importance of different dislocation reactions on the hardening rate. We find that glissile junctions are the most important junction type for hardening, with collinear and Lomer junctions second most important. Interestingly, the relative importance of different junctions in hardening is not the same as that in strength. A Boltzmann-type theory based on dislocation line length distributions is constructed to explain the role of different junctions on the hardening rate revealed by DD simulations. This work was supported by Sandia National Laboratories (R.B.S.) and by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering under Award No. DE-SC0010412 (W.C. and A.A.). Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. [1] R. B. Sills, A. Aghaei, and W. Cai, Advanced Time Integration Algorithms for Dislocation Dynamics Simulations of Work Hardening, Submitted to Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. (2015) [2] U. F. Kocks and H. Mecking, Physics and phenology of strain hardening: the FCC case, Prog. Materials Science, 48, 171-273 (2003) MMM 2016 3 (plenary) Can a simulation be reality? Does it matter? H Van Swygenhoven-Moens Paul Scherrer Institut & EPFL, Switzerland Synergies between experiment and multiscale materials modelling are since many years a booming topic in science, with both communities stimulating each other. This can be ascribed to a great extend to an increasing availability of high performance computing resources. These resources have allowed the development of simulations over a large span of length and time scales. One should however recognize that the increase in computational capacities has also allowed further developments in experimental techniques and data analysis. In science simulations can be used to mimic “experiments” on a model system with the aim to understand the outcome of an experiment. In such cases one tries to make the model as close as possible to reality. However more and more research is devoted to the development of computational tools allowing to turn-on or switch-off physical mechanisms in order to distinguish between essential and incidental mechanisms among all what is possibly occurring in real life. In these simulations the model simulated is usually further away from reality. Mechanistic insights provided have then the potential to develop predictive computational tools and to design new experiments with validating character. By using illustrative examples involving different length and time scales we will elaborate how experiments stimulate the simulation world and how simulations stimulate experimental research with an outlook to the future. (plenary) Reaching experimental times at the atomic scale in complex materials: the kinetic activation-relaxation technique N Mousseau Université de Montréal, Canada In spite of considerable advances in computational capacities over the last decades, there remains a considerable gap between experimentally relevant time scales and those accessible to atomistic simulations. This gap reflects the fundamentally multi scale nature of atomistic kinetics that can only be lifted partially through approximate methods that attempt to capture the most important aspect of specific phenomena. Among those approaches, the kinetic activation-relaxation technique (k-ART) is an off-lattice kinetic Monte Carlo with on-the-fly cataloging capabilities that allows fully atomistic second-long and more simulations of complex alloys and amorphous systems such as amorphous silicon and steels, while incorporating exactly elastic effects. In this talk, I'll present the k-ART method, recent applications to various systems and its advantages and limitations in the study of complex materials. 4 MMM 2016 (plenary) Data-driven materials research: Novel routes to new insight and predictions C Draxl Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Germany On the steady search for advanced materials with tailored properties and novel functions, high-throughput screening has become a new branch of materials research. For successfully exploring the chemical compound space from a computational point of view, two aspects are crucial. These are reliable methodologies to accurately describe all relevant properties for all materials on the same footing, and new concepts for getting insight into the materials data that are produced since many years with an exponential growth rate. What are our concepts for tackling big data of materials science? It is not an issue of boosting more high-throughput calculations but it is about the question: How to exploit the wealth of information, inherently inside the materials data which promises unprecedented insight? I will first introduce the NoMaD Repository [1], which was established to promote the idea of open access and sharing of materials data. As open access implies that data can be used by anyone, large collections of materials data opens an avenue for using and developing tools that the present (computational-)materials community does not even know. The latter is now being realized in the Novel Materials Discovery Laboratory – a European Center of Excellene [2]. Here the main aims are the creation of a Materials Encyclopedia and the development of big-data analytics tools for materials science. Finally, I will demonstrate some examples how statistical-learning approaches based on domain-specific knowledge can indeed lead to new scientific insight [3]. [1] The Novel Materials Discovery (NoMaD) Repository: https://nomad-repository.eu [2] NOMAD Center of Excellence, funded by the EU within HORIZON2020: http://nomad-CoE.eu [3] L. Ghiringhelli, J. Vybiral, S. V. Levchenko, C. Draxl, and M. Scheffler, Big Data of Materials Science - Critical Role of the Descriptor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 105503 (2015) MMM 2016 5 (plenary) Computational mechanics in advancing the Integrated Computational Materials Science & Engineering (ICMSE) initiative for metals and alloys S Ghosh Johns Hopkins University, USA The Integrated Computational Materials Science & Engineering or ICMSE initiative entails integration of information across length and time scales for materials phenomena. This talk will present an integration of methods in Computational Mechanics and Computational Materials Science to address the deformation and failure characteristics of polycrystalline metals in various applications. Specifically it will address physics based modeling at different scales and multi-scale spatial (scale-bridging) and temporal modeling methods for Titanium, Magnesium and Aluminum alloys and Nickel based-superalloys. Spatial scales will range from atomistic to component levels. Application domains will include both monotonic and cyclic loading and address properties such as time and location-dependent strength, ductility and fatigue life. The talk will begin with methods of 3D virtual image construction and development of statistically equivalent representative volume element at multiple scales. Subsequently it will discuss the development of novel system of experimentally validated physics-based crystal plasticity finite element or CPFE models to predict deformation and micro-twinning leading to crack nucleation. These CPFE simulations will provide a platform for the implementation of physics-based crack evolution criterion that accounts for microstructural inhomogeneity. For crack evolution, a coupled molecular dynamics-continuum model for a crystalline material with an embedded crack will be discussed. A wavelet transformation based multi- time scaling (WATMUS) algorithm for accelerated crystal plasticity finite element simulations will be discussed as well. The method significantly enhances computational efficiency in comparison with conventional single time scale integration methods. Finally, stabilized element technology for analyzing this class of complex deformation problems will be discussed. (plenary) Crystallography in Curved Space - the Interplay of Crystalline Order, Geometry and Topology A Voigt Technische Universität Dresden, Germany The ground state configurations of two-dimensional crystals fully covering a curved surface are not defect free. Due to topological reasons they feature crystalline defects, such as disclinations, dislocations, grain boundary scars and pleats. What determines the type of defects? How do geometric properties influence their locations? Can these ground states be accessed under growth? Is our understanding for crystalline defects also useful for defects in liquid crystals on curved surfaces? We will answer these questions by phase-field-crystal simulations. The modeling approach will be introduced and discussed in detail together with appropriate numerical schemes. 6 MMM 2016 (plenary) A new simulator for real-scale dislocation plasticity based on dynamics of dislocation-density functions A Ngan and M H S Leung University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Current strategies of computational crystal plasticity that focus on individual atoms or dislocations are impractical for real-scale, large-strain problems even with today’s computing power. Dislocation-density based approaches are a way forward but most schemes published to-date give a heavier weight on the consideration of geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs), while statistically stored dislocations (SSDs) are either ignored or treated in ad hoc manners. In reality, however, the motions of GNDs and SSDs are intricately linked through their mutual (e.g. Taylor) interactions. A correct scheme for dislocation dynamics should therefore be an “all-dislocation” treatment that is equally applicable for all dislocations, with a rigorous description of the interactions between them. In this talk, a new formulation for computational dynamics of dislocation-density functions, based on the above “all- dislocation” principle, is discussed. The dynamic evolution laws for the dislocation densities are derived by coarse- graining the individual density vector fields of all the discrete dislocation lines in the system, without distinguishing between GNDs and SSDs. Elastic interactions between dislocations in 3D are treated in full in accordance with Mura’s formulation for eigen stress. Dislocation generation is considered as a consequence of dislocations to maintain their connectivity, and a special scheme is devised for this purpose. The model is applied to simulate a number of intensive microstructures involving discrete dislocation events, including loop expansion and shrinkage under applied and self stress, dipole annihilation, and Orowan looping. The scheme can also handle high densities of dislocations present in extensive microstructures. (plenary) Size effects in fracture and plasticity Stefano Zapperi University of Milan, Italy The size dependence of strength is a well known but still unresolved issue in the fracture of materials and structures. The difficulty in addressing this problem stems from the complex interplay between microstructual heterogeneity and long-range elastic interactions. Furthermore, in micro and nanoscale samples, the plastic yield strength displays size effects and strain bursts, features that are not present in macroscopic samples where plasticity is a smooth process. Large fluctuations both in fracture processes and in microscale plasticity make the use of conventional continuum mechanics problematic and calls instead for a statistically based approach. In this talk, I will review recent results obtained from idelized models of disordered fracture and from more realistic simulations of defected graphene. Finally, I will discuss the size dependence of strain burst statistics as revealed by statistical models for crystal and amorphous plasticity. (plenary) Programming shape L Mahadevan Harvard University, USA Recent progress in understanding the shape-shifting abilities of thin sheets and slender filaments in natural (morphogenetic) and artificial (engineered) settings naturally raises the prospect that we might be able to design and control shape for function at multiple scales. I will describe our attempts to solve this inverse problem that combines geometry, matter and motion in the context of controlled precipitation for functional nanoscale structures, phytomimetic 4D printing of stimulus-responsive structures, inverse origami for programming curvature, and inverse design of active filaments for optimal locomotion. MMM 2016 7

Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record specific calculations are performed using open-source codes (LAMMPS and ParaDis) within the
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