Universal invariant renormalization for supersymmetric theories. A.A.Slavnov 3 ∗ 0 Steklov Mathematical Institute, 117966, Gubkina, 8, Moscow, Russia and 0 2 Moscow State University, physical faculty, department of theoretical physics, n 117234, Moscow, Russia a J 2 and K.V.Stepanyantz 2 † Moscow State University, physical faculty, department of theoretical physics, 2 v 117234, Moscow, Russia 6 0 0 February 1, 2008 8 0 2 0 / h Abstract t - p Manifestly invariant renormalization scheme for supersymmetric gauge theo- e ries is proposed. This scheme is applied to supersymmetric quantum electrody- h : namics. v i X r 1 Introduction. a This paper addresses the problem of a manifestly invariant renormalization proce- dure for supersymmetric (SUSY) gauge theories. A peculiar feature of supersymmetric gauge theories is nonpolynomial structure of the action. The only possibility to reduce the action to a polynomial form is to use the Wess-Zumino gauge. However in this case the manifest supersymmetry is lost and the powerful superdiagram technique cannot be used. In supersymmetric gauges an infinite number of primitively divergent diagrams is present, which makes the theory formally nonrenormalizable. Nevertheless it can be shown that supersymmetry and gauge invariance reduce the number of independent counterterms, and the usual charge and wave functions renormalizations are sufficient. ∗E-mail:[email protected] †E-mail:[email protected] 1 The corresponding procedure was firstly constructed for SUSY QED by one of the present authors [1] and then applied to Abelian and non-Abelian models in papers [2, 3, 4]. However the proof given in these papers relies on the assumption of a pos- sibility to use an intermediate regularization preserving the symmetry of the theory. Mostpopulargaugeinvariantregularizationslikedimensionalregularization[5],dimen- sionalreduction[6]orlatticeregularizationsbreaksupersymmetry[7]. Highercovariant derivative regularization [8, 9, 10] in principle may be used, but the calculations are quite involved (see however [11, 12]). A possible alternative is presented by algebraic renormalization. In this method one uses an arbitrary regularization or subtraction scheme, breaking the symmetry of the theory (for example the momentum cut-off regularization or the differential renor- malization [13, 14]). The symmetry is restored at the second step by tuning finite counterterms to provide relevant Generalized Ward Identities (GWI) for the renormal- ized Green functions. This method was applied successfully to SUSY gauge theories in the papers [15, 16, 17], where the invariant renormalizability of N = 1 and N = 2 non-Abelian SUSY gauge models was proven in the framework of algebraic renormal- ization. However a practical implementation of the algebraic renormalization is rather cumbersome as the procedure requires a tuning of a large number of (noninvariant) counterterms. Recently a new method of invariant renormalization was proposed [18, 19], which provides automatically the renormalized Green functions possessing a relevant symme- try for arbitrary intermediate regularization. This method was formulated as a special subtraction procedure which incorporates GWI. Solving explicitly the corresponding GWI one reduces the problem of renormalization in an arbitrary regularization scheme to explicitly gauge invariant procedure. So instead of the two step algebraic renor- malization we have the one step procedure which guarantees the symmetry of the renormalized theory. In the present paper we discuss how this method may be generalized to super- symmetric gauge theories. Renormalization of SUSY QED is described in details. A corresponding procedure for non-Abelian SUSY gauge models is under consideration. The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we introduce the notations and remind some information about super- symmetric quantum electrodynamics. The universal invariant renomalization scheme for the model is constructed in the next Section 3 and illustrated by an example of the one-loop renormalization in Section 4. The results are discussed in the Conclusion. 2 Supersymmetric quantum electrodynamics. In the superspace N = 1 supersymmetric electrodynamics is described by the fol- lowing action: 2 1 1 S = Re d4xd2θW CabW + d4xd4θ φ+e2Vφ+φ˜+e−2Vφ˜ + 0 4e2 a b 4 1 Z 1 Z (cid:16) (cid:17) + d4xd2θmφ˜φ+ d4xd2θ¯mφ˜∗φ∗, (1) 2 2 Z Z ˜ where φ and φ are chiral superfields, V is a real superfield. The superfield W in the a abelian case is defined as 1 W = D¯(1 γ )D (1+γ )D V , (2) a 5 5 a 16 − h i where D is the usual supersymmetric covariant derivative ∂ D = iγµθ∂ . (3) ¯ µ ∂θ − The integration over the superspace in the equation (1) is defined as 1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ d2θ = (1+γ ) ; d2θ¯= (1 γ ) ; 5 ¯ 5 ¯ 4∂θ ∂θ 4∂θ − ∂θ Z Z 2 1 ∂ ∂ d4θ = d2θd2θ¯= . (4) 8 ∂θ∂θ¯! Z Z Up to surface terms these expressions can be written in the explicitly supersymmetric form: 1 1 d4xd2θ = d4xD¯(1+γ )D = d4xD2; 5 −4 −2 Z Z Z 1 1 d4xd2θ¯= d4xD¯(1 γ )D = d4xD¯2; 5 −4 − −2 Z Z Z 1 1 d4xd4θ = d4xD¯2D2 = d4xD2D¯2. 4 4 Z Z Z (5) Here we use the following notations: 1 1 D2 D¯(1+γ )D; D¯2 D¯(1 γ )D. (6) 5 5 ≡ 2 ≡ 2 − Action (1) is invariant under the gauge transformations 1 V V Λ+Λ+ ; → − 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) φ eΛφ; φ∗ φ∗eΛ∗; → → φ˜ e−Λφ˜; φ˜∗ φ˜∗e−Λ∗, (7) → → 3 where Λ is an arbitrary chiral superfield. This invariance allows to gauge away some components of V(x,θ), resulting in the following equation: 1 1 V(x,θ) = θ¯γµγ θA (x)+i√2(θ¯θ)(θ¯γ χ(x))+ (θ¯θ)2D(x), (8) 5 µ 5 2 4 whereA isagaugefield, χisaMaioranaspinorandD isarealscalarauxiliaryfield. In µ this gauge, which is called Wess-Zumino gauge, residual gauge transformations depend only on a single parameter, while the action is polynomial. However, this gauge breaks explicitly supersymmetry of the model. Quantization of model (1) is described in details in book [21] and is not considered here. We only note, that the gauge fixing is made by adding the term 1 S = d4xd4θD2V D¯2V, (9) gf 32e2ξ Z ξ being a constant. 3 Universal invariant renormalization. In this section we consider arenormalization procedure, which may be used with ar- bitrary not necessary gauge invariant regularization providing renormalized correlators satisfying automatically SUSY GWI. In the language of counterterms it means, that no noninvariant counterterms are needed and renormalization freedom is restricted to the choice of gauge invariant local terms, which are not fixed by GWI. We assume, that a regularization used for calculations is manifestly supersymmetric allowing to use supergraph technique. The construction presented below may be used for arbi- trary SUSY gauge models formulated in terms of corresponding superfields. However in this paper we concentrate on renormalization of SUSY QED and explicit equations will refer to this model. We follow the approach, developed in [18, 19], where the subtraction procedure incorporating automatically GWI was proposed. To avoid the appearance of spurious infrared divergences we shall work in the ”diagonal” gauge, corresponding to ξ = 1 in equation (9). Consideration of a general − gauge requires additional infrared regularization, which in the Abelian case may be achieved by simply adding the mass term for gauge field and putting m = 0 after A calculation of integrals (see [20]). It is well known [21], that the degree of divergency of a diagram with E external φ lines of chiral and antichiral superfields and E external lines of the gauge superfield V is equal to ω = 2 P E , (10) φ − − 4 where P is a number of φφ, φ˜φ˜, φ+φ+ or φ˜+φ˜+ propagators. Therefore, divergencies are present in the following Green functions: 1 (2π)4δ4 k +q +(p ) +...+(p ) µ µ 1 µ n µ × (cid:16) (cid:17) Γ (θ ,p ),...(θ ,p );(θ ,q),(θ , q p ... p ) × x1 1 xn n y z − − 1 − − n ≡ h i δn+2Γ d4x ...d4x d4yd4z (11) ≡ Z 1 n δVx1...δVxnδφyδφ+z (cid:12)(cid:12)V,φ,φ˜=0 × (cid:12) exp i(p ) xµ +...+i(p (cid:12)) xµ +iq yµ +ik zµ . × 1 µ 1 n(cid:12)µ n µ µ (cid:16) (cid:17) (2π)4δ4 (p1)µ +...+(pn)µ Π (θx1,p1),...(θxn,−p1 −...−pn−1) ≡ (cid:16) (cid:17) h i δnΓ d4x ...d4x exp i(p ) xµ +...+i(p ) xµ (12) ≡ Z 1 n δVx1...δVxn(cid:12)(cid:12)φ,φ˜,V=0 (cid:16) 1 µ 1 n µ n(cid:17) (cid:12) (cid:12) and in the functions Γ˜, which are c(cid:12)onstructed similar to functions Γ, but differenti- ˜ ation is performed over φ-fields. Note, that functions Π for odd n are equal to 0, because contributions of diagrams with loops of φ are cancelled with contributions of ˜ corresponding diagrams with φ-loops. The functions Γ, Γ˜ and Π satisfy Ward identities [4], which in our notations can be written in the following form: (D2 +D¯2 )Γ (θ ,p ),(θ ,p ),...,(θ ,p );(θ ,q),(θ , q p ... p ) = x1 x1 x1 1 x2 2 xn n y z − − 1 − − n = 2D¯2 δ4(θ h θ ) i x1 y − x1 × Γ (θ ,p ),...,(θ ,p );(θ ,q +p ),(θ , q p ... p ) + x2 2 xn n x1 1 z − − 1 − − n +2D2 δ4(θh θ ) i x1 x1 − z × Γ (θ ,p ),...,(θ ,p );(θ ,q),(θ , q p ... p ) ; (13) × x2 2 xn n y x1 − − 2 − − n h i 1 D2 +D¯2 Π (θ ,p),(θ , p) p2δ4(θ θ ) = 0; (14) x x x y − − 2e2ξ x − y ! (cid:16) (cid:17) h i Dx21 +D¯x21 Π (θx1,p1),...,(θxn−1,pn−1),(θxn,−p1 −...−pn−1) = 0, n > 2. (cid:16) (cid:17) h i (15) The supersymmetric covariant derivative in momentum representation is written as 1Note, that for an invariant regularization divergencies in functions Π will be absent for n > 2. However, in the general case it is impossible to ignore their existence. 5 ∂ D = γµp , (16) x ¯ µ ∂θ − where pisthemomentum, corresponding tox-coordinate. Wardidentities forfunctions Γ˜ has the same structure. As the chiral projector E can be presented as c E 1 D¯2D2 +D2D¯2 = 1 D¯2 +D2 2, (17) c ≡ 16∂2 16∂2 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) these identities express the Green functions with at least one ”chiral” gauge field com- ponent in terms of correlators with less number of chiral gauge components. Equations (13), (14) and (15) are written for SUSY QED. However they have essentially the same structure in non-abelianSUSY models, differing by the RHSwhich includes in this case also correlators with Faddeev-Popov ghost lines. Our strategy may be formulated as follows: We firstly consider one-loop diagrams and renormalize in arbitrary (infrared safe) way the diagrams at the RHS of equations (13) – (15). Then having in mind that in an anomaly free theory GWI for correlators calculated with arbitrary subtraction scheme may be violated only by local terms, we define the renormalized Green functions at the LHS of equations (13) – (15) in such a way, that these identities are satisfied automatically. This renormalization still may be incomplete, as GWI obviously allow to add to the vertex function at the LHS an arbitrarygaugeinvariantcounterterm. Thesecountertermsasusualarefreeparameters which may be fixed by normalization conditions. In the case of SUSY QED this procedure looks as follows: First of all it is necessary to renormalize one-loop two-point Green function of ∗ mattersuperfields. Theterms, proportionaltoφ φandnotcontainingV intheeffective action, have the following structure 4 d4xd4θφ∗(x)Σ √ ∂2 φ(x). (18) − Z (cid:16) (cid:17) Hence, the two-point function of the matter field can be written as Γ (x,q),(y, q) = D¯2D2δ4(θ θ )Σ(q). (19) − x x x − y h i Renormalized two-point function is defined by subtraction Σr(q) = Σ(q) Σ(µ ), (20) σ − where µ is a normalization point. σ Afterrenormalizationoftwo-pointfunctionitisnecessary toconstruct renormalized ˜ vertex functions Γ and Γ. Due to supersymmetry the function Γ can be presented in the form Γ[θ,p] = B (θ,p)F (p), (21) i i i X 6 wherepandθ denoteallset ofarguments, B (θ,p)arepolynomialsinpandθ, whichare i some linear independent combinations of covariant derivatives, acting on the product of δ4(θ θ ), and F (p) are scalar functions of external momenta. Renormalization is k l i − performed by subtracting polynomials P (p) from the functions F (p). We choose these i i polynomials in such a way, that the resulting function satisfies GWI (13) – (15) where the RHS includes renormalized functions with less number of chiral external lines. Let us define ”partially renormalized” function γr[θ,p] = B (θ,p) F (p) P (p) , (22) i i i − Xi (cid:16) (cid:17) where P (p) are some polynomials. Then the LHS of equation (13) may be written in i the form (D2 +D¯2 )γr[θ,p] = (D2 +D¯2 )B (θ,p) F (p) P (p) . (23) x1 x1 x1 x1 i i − i Xi (cid:16) (cid:17) The combinations D2 +D¯2 B (θ,p) in the general case are not independent. It is x1 x1 i convenient to intro(cid:16)duce linear(cid:17)independent polynomials Qj, proportional to the chiral parts of B : i D2 +D¯2 B (θ,p) = c Q (θ,p). (24) x1 x1 i ij j (cid:16) (cid:17) Xj Expanding the RHS of equation (13) over Q it is possible to rewrite the Ward identity j as c Q (θ,p) F (p) P (p) = Q (θ,p)R (p). (25) ij j i i j j − Xij (cid:16) (cid:17) Xj Taking into account, that Q are linear independent, this equation is equivalent to the j following system of linear equations: c F (p) P (p) = R (p), (26) ij i i j − Xi (cid:16) (cid:17) which represents Ward identity (13) expanded in terms of linear independent polyno- mials Q (p,θ). If the polynomials P (p) satisfy system (26), the function γr defined by i i equation (22) satisfies SUSY GWI. Indeed, D2 +D¯2 γr[θ,p] = c Q (θ,p) F (p) P (p) = Q (θ,p)R (p). (27) x1 x1 ij j i − i j j (cid:16) (cid:17) Xi (cid:16) (cid:17) Xj Note, that a choice of P is not unique, because any solution of Ward identity is defined i up to a term Π f, which can not be determined from the Ward identity. However, 1/2 this freedom is irrelevant for our procedure. 7 To eliminate the remaining ultraviolet divergences it is sufficient to subtract from γr gauge invariant local counterterms P gi Γr[p,θ] = γr[p,θ] P . (28) gi − These counterterms obviously can not be fixed by GWI. So we succeeded to reduce the subtraction procedure in an arbitrary regularization scheme to subtraction of gauge invariant counterterms. Having obtained the function Γr, it is necessary to substitute it into the RHS of 3 renormalized Ward identity (13) for the function Γr. Then the process is repeated. So, 4 we constructed a recurrent procedure, which defines all functions Γr. This procedure n is illustrated in the next Section by an example of one-loop renormalization of the function Γ in the momentum cut-off regularization. 3 The functions Γ˜r are constructed in a similar manner. At the next step it is necessary to renormalize Green functions Π, corresponding to diagrams without external lines of matter superfields. Due to supersymmetry they can be written in the form, similar to equation (21): Π[θ,p] = B (θ,p)F (p). (29) i i i X For example, the function Π for n = 2 can be presented as Π (θ ,p),(θ , p) = F (p)p2Π δ4(θ θ )+F (p)δ4(θ θ ), (30) x y 1 1/2 x y 2 x y − − − h i where 1 Π = DaD¯2C Db. (31) 1/2 −16∂2 ab In this case B (θ,p) = p2Π δ4(θ θ ); B (θ,p) = δ4(θ θ ) (32) 1 1/2 x y 2 x y − − As before, the renormalized Green functions are obtained by subtracting from F (p) i some polynomials chosen to provide GWI for the function Πr Πr[θ,p] = B (θ,p) F (p) P (p) , (33) i i i − Xi (cid:16) (cid:17) For the two-point Green function substitution of (30) into equation (14) gives the following equation: 1 F (p) P (p) p2 D2 +D¯2 δ4(θ θ ) = 0. (34) 2 − 2 − 2e2ξ x x x − y (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17) Therefore, 8 1 P (p) = F (p) p2, (35) 2 2 − 2e2ξ whilethefunctionP cannotbedefinedfromGWIandcorrespondstoagaugeinvariant 1 counterterm. It is convenient to choose 1 P (p) = F (µ ) p2, (36) 1 1 π − 2e2ξ where µ is a normalization point, which can be different from µ . Then the renormal- π σ ized two-point Green function can be written as 1 Πr (θ ,p),(θ , p) = D2D¯2 +D¯2D2 δ4(θ θ )+ x y − 32e2ξ x − y h i (cid:16) (cid:17) + F (p) F (µ ) p2Π δ4(θ θ ), (37) 1 1 π 1/2 x y − − (cid:16) (cid:17) This Green function satisfies the equation 1 D2 +D¯2 Πr (θ ,p),(θ , p) p2δ4(θ θ ) = 0, (38) x x x y − − 2e2ξ x − y ! (cid:16) (cid:17) h i which is a supersymmetric generalization of transversality condition in the usual quan- tum electrodynamics. Greenfunctions, containing only external V-lines withE > 2, canberenormalized V similarly. It is sufficient to put in equations (25) and (26) R = 0. Then equation (22) j may be used to define the renormalized function Πr. So, the one-loop renormalization procedure is finished. Due to the locality of the subtraction terms in the limit, when regularization is removed, the present scheme is equivalent to adding the counterterms 1 ∆S = d4xd4θ ...d4θ B (θ,∂)P (∂)V (θ ,x)...V(θ ,x)+ 1 n i i 1 1 n − n! n,i Z X ∞ 1 1 + (Z 1) d4xd4θφ+(2V)nφ+ 4 Γn − n! n=0 Z X ∞ 1 1 + (Z˜ 1) d4xd4θφ˜+( 2V)nφ˜. (39) 4 Γn − n! − n=0 Z X It is important to note, that due to the presence of δ-functions in B all these terms i can be presented as integrals over a single θ. For the noninvariant regularization these counterterms certainly can be not gauge invariant. Having constructed one-loop counterterms, one can calculate two-loop diagrams and perform similar renormalization at the two-loop level. All combinatorics is given by the standard R-operation. After the renormalization in the each loop renormalized Green functions will automatically satisfy renormalized Ward identities. It means, that the present scheme provides gauge invariant result for the effective action even if a regularization is not gauge invariant. 9 4 Application of universal invariant renormaliza- tion at the one-loop level. To illustrate application of the scheme, described above, let us consider one-loop renormalization of N = 1 supersymmetric QED, regularized by cutting-off loop mo- menta in the gauge with ξ = 1. − The diagram, corresponding to the one-looptwo-point Greenfunction of the matter field is presented at Figure 1. After simple calculations, using Feinman rules, described in book [21], in the Euclidean space its contribution to the effective action can be written as M d4q d4k 1 ∆Γ(1) = d4θe2 φ∗(q)φ( q)+φ˜∗(q)φ( q) , φ − (2π)4 − − (2π)4 2(k +q)2(k2 +m2) Z (cid:16) (cid:17)Z (40) where integration over loop momentum k is defined as M M π π 2π d4k dkk3 dθ sin2θ dθ sinθ dθ (41) 1 1 2 2 3 ≡ Z Z Z Z Z 0 0 0 0 and M is an ultraviolet cut-off. Therefore, according to equation (18) the function Σ(q) can be written as M d4k e2 Σ(q) = = − (2π)4 8(k +q)2(k2 +m2) Z e2 M2 +m2 m2 q2 +m2 = ln +1 ln . (42) −128π2 q2 +m2 − q2 m2 ! Two-point function for the matter superfields is renormalized by subtraction (20), which corresponds to α M2 +m2 m2 µ2 +m2 ∆S = ln +1 ln σ d4xd4θ φ∗φ+φ˜∗φ˜ . (43) 8π µ2 +m2 − µ2 m2 ! σ σ Z (cid:16) (cid:17) The next diagram to be considered is the one-loop three-point vertex function, which is described by the diagrams, presented at Figure 2. Having calculated them in the chosen regularization we obtained, that the corresponding three-point function can be written as Γ (θ ,p);(θ ,q),(θ , q p) = x y z − − h i 10