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Preview Union Government, Weekly, 1996-01-20, CSL, Ref. CSL

PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 3] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20,1996/PAUSA 30, 1917 Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation PART II—Section 3—Sub -Section (ii) Statutory Orders Notifications Issued by the Ministries of the Government of India (other than the Ministry of Defence) MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES & PENSIONS (Department of Personnel & Training) ORDER New Delhi, the 28th December, 1995 S O. 120.—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub- section (1) of section 5 read with section 6 of the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946 (Art No. 25 of 19461. the Central Government with the consent of the Government of West Bengal, vide Home Deptt. (Political) Notification No. 9660-P dated 27-12-95 hereby extends the powers and jurisdiction of the members of the Delhi Special Police Esta- blishment to the whole of the State of West Bengal for the investigation of the offences punishable under section 121 121-A. 122, 123 of Indian Penal Cods. 1860 (Act No. 45 of 1860) and Sections 25|27 of Arms Act (Act No. 54 of 1959) and any attempts, abelments and conspiracies in rel- tion to or in connection with the said offences and any other offences committed in the course of the some transaction arising out of the same fact or facts with regard to FIR No. 152|95 dated 18-12-1995 registered at Police Station, Jhalda, West Bengal. [No. 228|80|95-AVD-II] S. S0UNDAR RAJAN. Under Secy. (169) 57 GI/96—1 170 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: JANUARY 20, 1996/PAUSA 30, 1917 [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) ORDER ORDER New Delhi, the 8th January, 1996 New Delhi, the 1st January, 1996 S.O. 122.—Whereas the Joint Secretary to the Government of India, specially empowered under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Conservation of Foreign Exchange and SO. 121.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub- Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974 (52 of 1974) Section (1) of Section 5 read with Section 6 of the Delhi issued Older F. No. 673/100/90-Cus. VIII dated 19-4-1990 Special Police Establishment Act, 1946 (Act 25 of 1946), the under the said sub-section directing that Shri Kishore Vashi Central Government with the consent of the Government of Mirchandani, A-5, Prem Sagar, 703, Linking Road, Khar, Harvana conveyed vide Government of Haryana Home De- Bombay be detained and kept in custody in the Central partment Order No. 20|47|95-3 HGI dated 27th December. Prison Bombay with a view to preventing him from acting 1995 hereby extends the powers and jurisdiction of the in any manner prejudicial to the augmentation of foreign members of the Delhi Special Police Establishment to the exchange in. future. whole of the State of Haryana for the investigation of offences punishable under sections 304-A Indian Penal Code and any attempts, abetments and cospiracies in relation to 2. Whereas the Central Government has reasons to believe or in connection with the said offences and any other offen- that the aforesaid person has absconded or is concealing ces committed in the course of the same transaction or arising himself so that the order cannot be executed; out of the same fact or facts in regard to case FIR No. 3971|1995 dt. 23-12-95 registered at Police Station—City 3. Now therefore, in exercise of the power conferred by Dabwali, (Distt. Sirsa) in the State of Haryana. clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 7 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby directs the aforesaid person [No. 228[81|95-AVD.III to appear before the Commissioner of Police, Bombay, S. SOUNDAR RAJAN. Under Secy. Maharashtra within 7 days of the publication of this order to the Official Gazette. [F. No. 673|100|90-Cus.VIII] ROOP CHAND. Under Secy, 171 ORDER New Delhi, the 8th January, 1996 S.O. 124.—Whereas the Joint Secretary to the Government of India, specially empowered under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974 (52 of 1974) ORDER issued order F. No. 673|325|91-Cus. VIII dated 12-7-1991 under the said sub-section directing that Shri Moosa Mohd. New Delhi, the 8th January, 1996 Shaikh 1|G|8, Shivaji Nagar Govindi, Bombay be detained and kept in custody in the Central Prison Bombay with a S.O. 123.—Whereas the Joint Secretary to the Government view to preventing him from acting in any manner prejudi- of India, specially empowered under sub-section (1) of cial to the augmentation of foreign exchange in future. section 3 of the Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974 (52 of 1974) 2. Whereas the Central Government has reasons to believe issued order F. No. 673|65|85-Cus. VIII dated 12-7-1985 that the aforesaid person has absconded or is concealing under the said sub-section directing that Shri Kiran Vrajlal himself so that the order cannot be executed; Parikh C|o Shri Bhastar Bhanuvadan Shah, 111, Brij Kutir, Nepean Sea Road, Near Petit Hall, Bombay-26 be detained 3. Now therefore, in exercise of the power conferred by and kept in custody in the Central Prison Bombay with a clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 7 of the said Act, view to preventing him from acting in any manner prejudi- the Central Government hereby directs the aforesaid person cial to the augmentation of foreign exchange in future. to appear before the Commissioner of Police, Bombay Maharashtra within 7 days of the publication of this order in 2. Whereas the Central Government has reasons to believe the Official Gazette. that the aforesaid person, has absconded or is concealing himself so that the order cannot be executed; [F. No. 673|325]91-Cus.VlII] 3. Now therefore, in exercise of the power conferred by ROOP CHAND, Under Secy. clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 7 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby directs the aforesaid person to appear before the Commissioner of Police, Bombay within 7 days of the publication of this order in the Official Gazette. [F. No. 673|65|85-Cus.VIII] ROOF, CHAND, Under Secy. 172 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : JANUARY 20. 1996/PAUSA 30, 1917 [PART II—SEC. 4] MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS New Delhi, the 28th December, 1995 S.O. 126.-In pursuance of the Clause (a) of the Section 2 of the Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) Ate, 1948 (41 of 1948) the Central Government hereby authorises Shri Raj Kumar, Assistant in the Consulate General of India. Jeddah to perform the duties of Consular Agent with effect from 21-12-1995. ORDER [No. T-4330/1/951 New Delhi, the 8th January, 1.996 PRATAP SINGH, Under Secy. (Consular) S.O. 125.—Whereas the Joint Secretary to the Government of India, specially empowered under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974 (52 of 1974) issued order F. No. 673/150/89-Cus. VIII dated 5-4-1983 under the said sub-section directing that Shri Devinder Kumar Saint (a) Kuku Saini S/o Shri Gurbachan Singh Saini, NA-212, Mohalla Kishanpura, Jalandhar City (Punjab) be detained and kept in custody in the Central Prison Jalandhar (Pb.) with a view to preventing him from acting in any manner prejudicial to the augmentation of foreign exchange in future. 2. Whereas the Central Government has reasons to believe that the aforesaid person has absconded or is concealing himself so that the order cannot be executed. 3. Now therefore in exercise of the power conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 7 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby directs the aforesaid person to appear before the Commissioner of Police, Jalandhar. (Punjab) within 7 days of the publication of this order in the Official Gazette. [F. No. 673|150| 89-Cus.VIII] MINISTRY OF CIVIL SUPPLIES. CONSUMER AFFAIRS ROOP CHAND, Under Secy. AND PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION New Delhi, the 12th December. 1995 S.O. 127.—In exercise of the Powers conferred by Sub-sec- tion (2) of Section 3 of the Forward Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1952, and in continuation of Notification of even number dated 5th October the Central Government hereby regularises the tenure of Shri S. Habeebullah, IAS (MH : 66) upto 4th October, 1995 as Chairman, Forward Markets Commission, Bombay- [File No. A-12011/2/95-Estt. II] R. K. SINGH. Under Secy. 173 Bureau of Indian Standards New Delhi: the 21st December 1995 SO. 128.—In pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of the rule of the Indian Standards Rules 1987 the Bureau of Indian Standards hereby notifies the Standard Mark(s) for the Indian Standards given in the schedule: SCHEDULE Sl. Design of the Standard Produce/Clasa of Product No. and year of the Indian Date of No. Mark Standard Effect (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1. IS 3148 Slide Fastoners IS : 3148:1991 95-11-13 2 IS 5248 Staples IS :155348:1681 95-05-31 3 IS 5507 50 Litre capacity chemical fire engine feam IS : 5507:1979 95-02-15 type 4. IS 12823 Prolaminated particle boards IS : 12823:1990 95-07-20 5. IS 13592 UPVC pipes soil and waste discharge sys- IS : 13592:1972 95-06-20 tem inside buildings including ventilation and rain water system 6. IS 14102 Leaded in bronze IS : 14102:1994 95-08-09 7. IS 14104 Nitrite rubber components IS : 14104:1994 95-06-01 [No. CMD/13.-9)] S. K. KARMAKAR Addl.Dir General 174 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : JANUARY 20, 1996/PAUSA 30, 1917 [PART II—SEC. 4] 175 176 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : JANUARY 20, 1996/PAUSA 30, .1917 [PART II—SEC. 4] MINISTRY OF COAL New Delhi the 12 th January 1996 S.O.. 129. —Whereas by the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Coal No. S.O. 337 dated the 27th l December 1993 published in the Gazette or India Part-II Section-3 sub-section (i) dated the 27th January 1994 under sub-section (1) of Section 4 of the Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Develop- ment) Act 1957 (20 of 1957) the Central Government gave notice of intention to prospect for coal in 340 263 hectares (approximately) or 840.,80 acres (approximately) of the lands in the locality specified in the Schedule annexed to that notification; And whereas the Central Government is satified that coal is obtainable in a part of the said lands; Now therefore in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 7 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby gives notice of its intention to acquire the rights to mine quarry bore, dig and search for win, work and carry away minerals in the lands measuring 338.263 hectares (approximately) or 835.894 acres (approximately) described in the Schedule appended hereto; Note 1 :—The plan bearing No. C-l(E)/III/HR/571-0495 dated the 19th April 1995 of the area covered by this notification may be inspected in the office of the Collector Cohindwara (Madhya Pradesh) or in the Office of the Coal Controller 1 Council House Street Calcutta (PIN 700 001) or in the Office of the Western Coal fields Limited (Revenue Section) Coal Estate Civil Lines Nagpur-440 001 (Maharashtra). Note 2:—Attention is hereby invite to the provisions of section 8 of the aforesaid Act which provides as follows :— "8. Objections to Acquisition :— (1) Any person interested in any land in respect of which a notification under section 7 has been issued may within thirty days of the issue of the notification object to the acquisition of the whole or any part of the land or of any lights in or over such land. Explanation—I' shall not be an objection within the meaning of this section for any person to say that he himself desires to undertake mining operations in the land for the production of coal and that such operation should not be undertaken by the Central Government or by any other person. (2) Every objection under sub-section (1) shall be made; to the competent authority in writing and the competent authority shall give the objector on opportunity or being hoard other in person or by a legal practitioned and shall after hearing all such objections and after making such further enquiry if any, 177 as ho thinks necessary will make a report, in respect of the land which has been notified under sub- jection (1) of Section 7 of rights in or over such land or make different reports in aspect or different parcels of such and or of rights in or over such land to the Central Government containing his recom- mendations on the objections together with the record of the proceeding held by him for the decision of that Government. (3) For the purpose of this section a person shall be deemed to be interested in land who would be entitled to claim on interest in compensation if the land or any rights in or over such land were acquired under this Act Note 3— The Coal Controller I Council House Street Calcutta has been appointed by the Central Government as the competent authority under the Act THE SCHEDULE MAORI BLOCK KANHAN ARFA DISTRICT CHH1NDWARA (MADHYA PRADESH) (Plan No. C-ItE)/III/HR/571-0495 dated the 19th April, 1995) Mining Rights SI. Name of the Palwari Compart- Coup Tahsil District Area in Remark' No. - circle ment number hectares Village Forest number number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 1 Maroi 50/6 Parasia Chhind 57.899 Part (New) wara 2. Ghogri-Raytwari -- 50/7 - _ Parasia Chhind 24.281 Part (New) wara 3. Khari .._ 29 — - Junar Chhind 0.971 Part deo wara 4. Nakatla Forest 29 P1 5B XXXII Junnar Chhind- 61.675 Part deo wara 5. — Dobhan- .., 15 XLIIl Junnar Chhind- 59,085 Part Pathar deo wara 15 XLVIII Junnar Chhind- 79,320 Part deo vvara 6. ____ Samwan- — I6A XXX Junnar Chhind- 36 . 260 Part wara Parra deo wara 16A XXIX Junnar Chhind- 18.777 Part deo wara Total area 338.268 hectares (approximately) or 835.894 acres (approximately) 57 GI/96-2 178 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : JANUARY 20. 1996/PAUSA 30. 1917 [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] Plot numbers to be acquired in village Maori : 1, 2, 3/1-2 Part. 4, 5, 6/1, 6/2 Part, 7 Part, 9 Part, 15 Part, 16 Part, 17, 18/1-2 Part, 2/ Part, 22/1, 22/2, 23, ?4, 25 Part 26 Part, 27 Part, 31 Part, 32 to 36, 37 (Nallah) Part, 39 Part 40 to 45 46 Part, 47/1 to 5 Part 48/1 Part. 48/3 Part. Plot numbers to be acquired in village Ghogri Raytwari : 48 Part, 49 Part, 50 Part 51/1-2 Part, 53/1-2 Part, 54 (Nallah) Part. Plot numbers to be acquired in village Khari : 18/1 Part. Compartment and Coup number of Protected Forest to be acquired in village Nakatia : Compartment number P 15B Part, Coup number XXXII Part, Compartment number and Coup numbers to be acquired in Dobhan Pathar Reserved Forest. Compartment number 15 Part, Coup numbers XLIII Part and Coup number XLVIII Part. I Compartment number and Coup numbers to be acquired in SamwanKvara Bana Reserved Forest : Compartment number 16 A Part, Coup numbers XXX Part and Coup number XXIX Part. Boundary description : A~B : LINE starts from point A and passes along the common boundary of Reserved Forest Compartment Numbers 15 and 14A and meets at a point 'B'. B—C-D: Line passes through Reserved Forest Compartment number 15, in Coup number XLIII, then proceeds through village Ghogri Raytwari in plot numbers 48, 49. 50, 51/1-2,53/ 1-2, 54 (Nallah) and meets at point 'D'. D-E Line passes along the eastern boundary of plot number 54 (Nallah) and meets at poin 'E' E-F Line passes along the common village boundary of villages Ghogri Raytwari and Maori and meets at point 'F' F-G : Line passed through village Maori in plot numbers 46, 48/3 and meets at point 'G'. G-H : Line passes through village Maori in plot numbers 48/3, 48/1, 47/1 to 5, 37 (Nallah), 39, crosser nallan, in plot numbers 31, 27, 26, 25, 21, 18/1-2, 16 15,3/1-2, 6/2,7, 9 and meets at point 'H'. H -I : Line passes through compartment number 15B protected forest of village Nakatia in coup number XXXII and passes through village Khari in plot number 81/1. then fur- ther proceeds through compartment number 15 in coup number XLVIII of Reserved Forest and passes through compartment number 16A in coup number XXX of Reserved Forest and meet at point ''I' I-A : Line passes through compartment number 16A in coup number XXIX or Reserved Forest and passes through compartment number 15 in coup number XIVIII, XLIII of Reserved Forest and meets at starting point 'A'. [F. No.430l5/9/92-LSW] P.K . G. Nair, under Secy.

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