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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2013-01-07, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. S.O. 60(E) PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2013-01-07, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. S.O. 60(E)

Fine to eas _RUGD.NO.D.L 0 JRd = The Gazette of India PXTRAGRTINARY TT a 30 E i PAT Tesion Subsection) afer 2 ISHED BY AUTHORITY 41 cae, HW 7, DOA 7, 1906 was) NEW DRLAT, MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 2OLSBAUSA 1, 1934 _ frm sega (Fac ter foe) aig vd feet, 7 sr, 20:3 am, 600) rafts utr BAR ate ator Gare de Grand, ater arom ed eftsar atawist fe, at de aur dae amy gitar ot Arar aie de, feta are ds ate Rage oT a ar stats Ae, a Oh arg eg wen wr a fo FR oie ee ow ate oar Eat are Boor ah A tar én ett Ra Mat fen He A aan aed on ete actor dat Oy fer aR stata § fs sw atthe ao dst at wre athe avi ds & gerber Sear ae; : Rue, are vrais aretor far afeftemr, 1976 41976 a 21) BRA ae A caterer & ee A seater Bem arn, & ere 23H FT STURT (1) ERT see aftvat emt satan wd EY, SR ATH, CaRERT, Sem att aor dah at waa ehre mater dn at mama wet a mu ae & at Ot Ton, raft, vty, seta, Feat, sneer ed fatnftrey, ser defy Asana, alent wé afta a ate Rie BF ar aNd coer A ge oityeeT AH sents & QD Y any een (TAMIas Gt wed fale & ew A steaReay scam o ‘THE GAZHY'. OF INDIA : EXIWAONDINARY [eae 30) 1 fen aaa Ht gfteae steer a, gat the cre aie ae Sor RT wate stoner area ates, afin acer ta attr dorcel arr Fe care A, siarerect shite ameter dah wr a sieata) a ccagre wae abate aro, ae a aafia Ber wal} at ate wea de cae A iafiet te capotor dee as a aivaftaay saeorem, Rear ven sratora sata H eto ait orators a gfteae areata Fe eter 2, afte etter arate aie Ar softer goth ster aatg core al it et ear at wae & oh Gar tact a Gist onar Sroar & asa ete afer ester ator fe aiee tae tit aigeorect atta ator dat xfer Qa opt a aerate ear Ge A, Siaormah etka actor dat Ay eEeGT aiften dee est seein meth are ate ataRet ethan fet or aafvige tae oh Be A aT TAT 3. safer er aretor de fo ema dee Goh wd dae pt oar wer Sf wage area ST, ; ~ raat seh ote oy A ST 4.0 Raia A and Bi a, sleet atte ator He, oer ater cater tes, iti mee dep oth Seno mer din ue, ge vitae & STE “wore wretch at are] at ABest ewe eer, wt teat Poet At srarckat aN fia ware at agra A arreT strectah ot feet eT Seth scrap meant ERA afer tare aA OT fae eT 5 wanes & yordh oka @ siaeorect eer muti ast suR, tafe ele aratoy at ah slater a ds athe re fer et Te (7) sierormch Ba aeter at & seat A a suet, ftw, erat, saftare cen ftw oie wat wa ger seer suf, ae aah caret afte, feger he ane ah ecg ger teh feat ae aT eR wm ad mar cae, ot ga afar & am, ga Scere siaworect ether water dat & aries, after, war ao Pron 4 a, (18 2p wo at tes 5 eT PD 6(m) wad ae ana % et oy ae oe wh eae, via, fers se Reet xdite wah ger & yet ah arent ee AA ae Set seroedt eer ator tae ar sa Rae Mole eet at wat wan Serh, Sremait ate anfteat at att avard eee anf fra se: at aituer & amy ga Boome Eh Behe et adh or aay ae atari, see ams, wes, oneal aNenT, aE Tes A aiggft ott Beet str sere & area Rue ite Bre Raw savin estar crater ai we oe Ear at alzemech atta mor fei a wer aE agg errr & siete & Schra maohor das & fer ay oar aH abt ate ae Gt ae Soar mah So Siero ater Tar ash a een oy ary fer are &, oR ePsrer ameer ap res ww TeT BST ATT 358 aioe ater arson ais ey A aft Phar ater a a, waraa & werd arte wh sieoreal ate air dat & fast eater & aatr & feet st sa a ae, acta a see ardartar Sateoredh atte ator jet ger ar & eg aftaa &, ae siavorect dat & supat simer ge aftquer & Re aw Paw ae a ssa aft en are, aay cet we ET Aba STA aT Ph ar were & qiepl ate & saefaa adt eter, afer are, arta ar arr spre aie eta arate ist err ar ae Flee ont zat ar Rat 8, atakarr rar at weve & ste Bear an aera B fect arin. iter, BeaiaOr oe, sntereet, aparece or rch at Serre Pe ie root A adeornch ater angior a Be oe enare at siaRch-eblter anefoy as & ran ara sara ara sem ate Sterna fat overstate wt siete eter as feere site ave rer TET siren ae a wads ane ae maT oT wal war aT ara aan, aedt sarery, sate srarePe, ater ar are yar Bu SATAY BT fag at ant A ey on anh Pag oa aeraPRt aia ae sie Serf ard a ahd a steht atte amor de wade cert arte st anet ugh sath daft srnetat 3 amr & ceaE atte art ger ahian ate awh ane A aa are ata ot oY wan aber {TE GAZE 1h OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY ase Se. 39] wad, agi fe Saftch aaa ameter ae at feet are wrt A Ft ag safeat a adr ert qe sale ear a ag Tatar ae sete A wartaa ft gant otis ¢ det ee A acter A val & fav oe ea Ht aa a8 ff oho a ae oa & rah Her safe a a card Et ate af BiAa FTI (a) wer aah Saat Bader A, Gaui sic swe, 1882 oT ameter efor, 1908 4 Reet aa ett ge AT ae afta siacoreet Shite mater del arta coats, oles ch fears, aftr, elt, erat, faterRearet, wat ate fet ait seme ast an gu afftguen & srauiat & arqere atafechr sha ator a at vats grater etal Jon) serra eae oe aa ae tafe Gtetes Aa after, 1947 & amera ¥ aca ae A tal at obese oh ote ay A dar statech ette anstror dat A sat orfeafinw sie dar 1 set erat oe ond aa at a wot ae RT aT Se A aT A, STAT Sw arte & wearer ee fae ant a Pita et a fa) seme ea Boneh fe owe tier ower Fee Te Heat A spruiftat y oeeat after an foe se SRY are Pou area FRA sadhana Sa at Teer ep ate aah Paes dae ant vA ea 8. afte abd miso am a orm ain atte otra & feet A awa a safc ata ovttor te ames oer aa A ag af daa wet a iter 1 9, safer abies anton aay 2a area eter sven dap onaler ater men, afdin ame dep vic Aaah ae de H oftware SyT aA a aera at aden ae at agg, aman, al, aa, gh, apis, aha, Few, ATT, Drees, waegy, avery ate see Fare ht 10, wa aw ge afinqaer af ever eu Dow far en A, ge aT sradet er stata dita ene ao ae der vere eta stat sa oh A ear 36 srure (1) & sienter g@ eta far ara er ° jem ea 31802 aH OE: ATT, MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Financlal Services) NOTIFICATION New Defi, the 7th January, 2013 .8.0.60(E)— Whereas the Central Goverment, after consultation with the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD}, Goverment of Odisha and the Indian Overseas Bank, UCO Bank and Bank of India being the Sponsor Banks of Neelachal Gramya Bank, Kalinga Gramya Bank and Baltam! Gramya Bank is of the opinion that it ig necessary in the public interest and in the interest of the development of the area served by the aforesaid Regional Rural Banks and also in the interest of the sald Regional Rural Banks themselves, that the said Regional Rurat Banks should be amalgamated into a single Regional Rural Bank; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 234 of the Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976 (21 of 1976) (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"), the Gentral Goverment hereby provides for the amakjamation of the said Regional Rural Barks into a single Regional Rural Bank which shall come into effect on and from the date of publication of thie notification in the Oficial Gazette {hereinafter referred to as the “effective date of amalgamation”) with such constitution, property, powers, rights, interests, authorities and privieges; and with such iabitles, duties and obligations as specified hereunder 1, Neelachal Gramya Bank, Kalinga Gramya Bank end Baitami Gramya Bank (hereinafter referred to as “the transferor Regional Rural Banks") sponsored by the Indian Overseas Bank, UCO Bank and Bank of india in the State af Odisha are hereby amalgamated into @ single Regional Rural Bank which shall be called as Odisha Gramya Bank (hereinafler referred to as “the transferee Regional Rural Bank") with ifs head office at Bhibaneswar under the sponsorship of Indian Overseas Bank, : 2. The authorized capital of the transferee Regional Rural Bank shall be Rupees five crore divided into five lakh number of fully paid shates of rupees one hundred each, The subscribed share capital of the transferee Regional Rural Bank shail be ‘equal to the eubseribed share capital of transferor Regional Rural Banks and, ‘therefore, the entire subscribed share capital of the transferor Regional Rural Banks shall be deemed to have been transferred to and shall be deemed as subscribed shara capital of the transferee Regional Rural Bank. fo aes [THY GAZETTE OP INDIA EXTRAORDINARY User Sue, 309) 3. The entire share capital and share capltal deposit of the transferee Regional Rural Bank shall be as under:- | Bharé caplet Central Government | Rupees Two hundred and fity lacs {State Government | Rupees Seventy five lacs SponsorBank Rupees One hundred sevénty five faca___| Share Capital Rulpecs five Bundred eighty nine crore and © [Deposit ane lakh . 4, From the effective data af amalgamation, the transferor Regional Rural Banks viz., Neslachal Gramya Bank, Kalinga Gramya Bank and Baitemi Gramya Bank shall cease 10 carry on the business including that of making any payment fo any depositors or dlacharge any Siabilty or obligation to the creditors except to the extent ab may be necessary for Implementalion of the provisions of the ‘emalgamation as per this notification. 8, From the elfective date of amalgamation, the undertakings of the transferor Regional Rurat Banks shall be transferred to and shall vest in the transferee Regional Rural Bank: {@) The uridertakings of the transferor Regional Rural Banks shall include all assets. fights, powers, authoriies and privileges and all property movable and immovable, cash balance, reserve funds, investments and all other rights and interest in or atlsing out of such property, as are immadiataly before the commencement of this notification, in the ownership, possession, power or control ofthe transferor Regional Rural Banks whether within of outside lodia and all books af accounts, registers. records and all otter documents of whatever nature relating therete and shall also be deemed to include all borrowings, liabitles and obligations of whatever kind then subsisting of the transferor Regional Rural Banks; (©) All contfacts, deeds, bonds, agreements, quarantess, powers of attomey, grants of legal representation and other instauments of whatsoever nature subsisting or having effect immediately before the commencement of this notification and to which the transferor Regional Rural Banks are a party or which are In favour of the transferor Regional Rural Banks shall be in full force and effect againat or in favour of the transferee Regional Rural Bank and may be enforced or acted upon as fully and effectively as if in the place of the transferor Regional Rural Banks. the transferee Regional Rural Bank has been @ party thereto or as if they had been issued in favour af lhe transferee Regional Rural Bank; 1s tee SR agS mmm pe ah bara. are 301 Ser EEE = BNET (6) If, on the effective date of amalgamation, any suit, appeal or other proceedings. ‘of whatsoever nature In relation to any business of the transferor Regional Rural Banks are pending by, or agsinst to, the transferor Regional Rural anks, the same shail not abale, be discontinued or be, In any way, prejudicialy affected by reason of the transfer of the undertaking of the transferor Regional Rural Banks ‘or of anything contained in this notification but the suit, appeal or other proceedings may be continued, prosecuted and enforced by, or against, the transferee Replonal Rural Bank; (a) Any referanca to the transferor Regional Rural Banks in any agreamant, contract, conveyance, assurance, power of attorney or any other dacument of whatsoever natura shall be deemed to be a reference to the transferee Regional Rural Bank and the rights and obligations of the transferor Regional Rural Banks shall be deemed to be the rights and obligations of the transferee Regional Rural Bank. 6 (@)_In respect of every savings banks account or current account or any other depasit account including a fixed deposit, cash cenilicate, monthly deposit, deposit payable at call or short notice or any other deposits by whatever name called ‘with the transferor Regional Rural Bank, the transferee Regional Rural Bank shall ‘open with itself an the effective date of amalgamation a corresponding and similar apcaunt in the name of the respective hokler(s) thereof crediting thereto full amount ‘including Intereet to tha extant payable: Provided that where the transfaraa Regional Rural Bank entertains a reasonable doubt: about the correctness of the entries made in any particular ‘account, it may with the approval of the Sponsor Bank withhold the credit to be made in that account for a period not exceeding three months from the effective date of amalgamation within which the transfarse bank shall ascertain the corect balances in such account, . (©) in respect of every other liability, notwithstanding anything contained in the Tranafar of Property Act, 1882 or the Registration Act, 1808, this notification shell be sufficient conveyance, in accordance with the provisions, of this notification, of the business, properties, assets and liabilities. rights, intérests, powers, privileges, benefits and obligations of whatever nature of the transferor Regional Rural Banks to the transferee Regional Rural Bank. 7. (a) The service of all the employees of the transferor Regional Rural Banks (excepting such of them as vot being workmen within the meaning of the Industial Disputes Act, 1947 ) shall conunue In the transferae Regionat Rural Bank at the same remuneration and on the same terms end conditions of serviog, which they 1: GAZETZE OF IS DUA EXTRAORDINARY er 8.2, were getting of, as the case may be, by which they were governed immediately before the effective date of amalgamation. jb) The inter-se-seniority of officers and empioyees, directly recruited or promoted, 19 be decided by the Committee representing the sponsor bank and the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural evelopment. 8, The transferee Regional Rural Bank shai have the power ta post the employees. in the interest af the bank and the public as a whole anywhere in the entire area of ‘operation of the transferee Regional Rural Bank, 8. The area of operation of the transferee Regional Rural Bank shall be the combined area of operation of the transferor Regional Rural Banks viz. Neelachal Gramya Bank, Kalinga Gramya Bank and Baitarn: Gramya Bank in the Districts of Angul, Dhenkanal, Khurda, Nayagarh, Puri, Mayurbhanj, Keonjhr, Cuttack, Jajput, Kendrapara, Jagatsinghpur, Balasore and Bhadrek in the State of Odisha. 10, Unless otherwise expressly provided in this notification. the provisions of the Act shall have the same effect on the transferee Regional Rural Bank as If ithas been established under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Act. IF. No, 1/12012-RRB] UMESH KUMAR, Jt Secy a gmeegmers piomeayt cetera eae ce ae

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