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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2011-01-11, Part III-Section 4, Ref. No. TAMP/37/2009-VPT. PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2011-01-11, Part III-Section 4, Ref. No. TAMP/37/2009-VPT.

Conienss TRETE dle tee The Gazette of India EXTRAORDINARY srr my ares 6 PAIL Seton ute t wettte PUBLISIURD RY AUTHORITY, a ai sere, Monae, A 1s Gera 198 NEW DELUL TUESDAY. JANUARY 11. 2001148.84 24, 1982 on See ar Re eee ET aT aR, EE TT wa Ste a from ena 8 Brernsra eT area WET RIE etd ar A ToT gra Te nfeeRTOT carrer a, ZrometL/37 2009 ote feeresrereas wre re dae. srr cma, 2010 8 a fe oh) or rma Safed loe-2003 ae aon 8 Fem Fao a a CREDO crak uta 2 12 Vif h age: Revel oe aistom fir ste teas Sofa 16 SE, 20 atin = ESA fo DAP owt Ran’ unm ee Soe s98- zon) he onn—acee Ag Gill 4 a HERT é Oy eer feel} ey ot ger aia ad 2 ARE TR a A a Ae ay yer ac oH By cect AS SUELO TT wh 95a 37 Be ee ws tim iD A ee sad, HEM ORO alee SRR TET Tense A oe aS oT Bh oP AL UR af CTT eles ne a shea yee 3 yerta oe sea a of Fd eo, A sufi mh or nenae Ge Wat oe ae tS 3 ales 1 Bt eet Petia gh yorm of sented gos oo as SRA erie 8 6 eur Beta & span we wel oon Cake Tf WE Te Gore Joo 4 P08 Cas cet He Fe eve a ule ea we omy Le ae re Fay BEE gh one opto seam uta HF Bld aa BT ge yew eH Cea Ba aa Pe ee Tay (ite an et ea Be 22 BRL YR CO 22 ott iy © oe ed male et onesie oR cane & Si BORO ar Hit? emt na opis 19 GT § By Ven meer Red ape Epis a sree AEN 4 Ae af th & os wa een ky clay oe ee SEE STE Ow 0 she eae ate oh rf shaw oan set rw coe Rare The ao GY ee rom afer, av 8 ea Seal ey eat } ee aE ay Star ra stir ag Prema S Felt oP i me vie altar fa TM 198 a3 a 2 Sie Re Pm com A om 4 ec we tes oe aemxe $date Front (RITE stm 02 aH 8B am fora eran ont] See ee ae Pie oy SERRA Teen 8 omy ov ges eae a tae wh ey! 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TE cu Terfs sca ows flor wi P weita nem Pra, Ge al aed a asa ae wwe esteaois PRE 1 aria cass sie Fat ann of PS yh oa ones fg me TL aE ae OS ct FE a Sak Oa wa, a? so eh ake ome er aT a Se a CL TERT bake A Yan 8 slur for wre BTA Ree #1 fra Sakae i) FEL Ad EA ze Fe 9H, a 2 tes so te BE STE A Tite LA oat Bm, i thel ot AE ET Coclter 1 Zane as a sah 2 fC wee oa Eat eee Esther ce ao Ty feet # Sark S sere geo fa die 2 Bay onl Ber mal ar fuk sem se AL, me wie aro eer Sek ween ict wo TAP Oath ge fer er Lem cron 8 rs Hho SC me te Goat ye oe thas ee Phew a ole Ge ot A ey BME oie emia cit toate ey Pate Rend} a ue oe TE ast few TAS etiam 2 el pS aR Spr Me Fir at #8 ase AY Pee A POR ah 1 fs cam Ms aye Ta @ PA ere ee MTR ene 2 Reenter are 8 a BP GeRT Tiga 410 3 aR af ma ated [THR a Ean waa ant To] ennnnne _ ame 36 Tat Le] oie ie eae Fy ae ae [ xe Fo wer een Tae ER am | wer fea ase foe ent a fog ae Re Hop ae FEET rae a oy sae TN 4 TFs ! ‘aa | 2 Zina foo bi ~ a — Toe i 8 Fe vz fsa frat aay cen a oda Seah an am PS C2 Pa cee # oA We Do or one Viera) Taopn, e “TARIFF AUTHORITY FOR MAJOR PORTE. NOMFICATION sum io, TARPS /12003-VPT nets of he prs 60": by Soins 6 a ab FR) tne ar Ahoy br Mes Pte eb bee peisin“s spc hohe pepo ceed Ke Sonicsotnam Sri isl essan oF lave ate of Por and repect of 17 ny af che Cole axe ce (ARIE AUTHORITY FOR MAJOR PORTS Gage fo, TAMEIOTBD08 VP “ netic conse (pense hi 28h dar oF Naomnser LUC Visakhapatnam Por Tat na cate seater to 2 proposal datad <6 September 2098 racsved ert spsaktissdnaet on Tal (VER. or revlon of esse fenials sf 12 Z0res of hs hed “or the ‘ganduenium 1068 200 and 2003-7002 THR 7 OF NDA: EXTRACADIKARY 2 Tha Autersy rad sensed an Order ve 22 Ail 2008 seeora'g proisanal Spprava of r'son of ease rota for “8 zones aslorging tT fr the guinquent ha “004-299 74 2003.7008 foloving tha Govern gules on land cacy situ Kren 2004 a4 oe. proposs! vigically submited by the YET ude 4 eter dated 28 Save 20K sight approval of eate feta for 24 zones "As sated iv pana Ta(e) tho coed ‘Otero Apr g008. tha PT ad sought approval cftwa aes af vabston of le cunasennae wsiier and best vaue of vt The quinguennal valuation o "ands was bevesen valiaie rot las asspsnee 1052 uric~ er cub sed ta adhe percentage irsvaeu tecommenaad ty the BRA avery quirquennnum over He “ake prevarng Wt MB previay quncsensir Sines fae vronesa “af VP apetong appro! af qurigasnnisvaliation of snd ce Lie lana wae asezseed 1 “282 was nat fn lo bein ine wD" tha Coversment gcldeive, or wed aly. > eat o Oup suv lea 8 reused proposal July 2007 wherein * Fad excluced evar cf ce inguer nin elation of and line ev iu pronase, Thad, wove. cought ay oroval er evan of nase feurot on “es i Mm saoz wulue of land fbr a8 ores ome ar agetel "Hoies erovased nts inal arp 32 This auhorty nts Daa oaled 22 Apel 2008 pron’ Snaty apevaved “eve ico “orale er the 19 anpes aa prepused by Ine WPT th the revee Foposal te ‘canqucnnium 4828-2008 are 2002008 sulec! Lathe canditon fat the put would rete {Ao Isis valsatan wraer all the methods ateserbed in fe Govenenl guidelres ana les ease rerdas hase oa ne ane whie™ units be ros! deneheat ara aektca che pol to Fe 2 separa [aboee fer me omer Jones fer Bon the qulsqurnmiim afer ablanngrsveseory exempta fom Me Govemmertto he extent th propoaal is oannstew win the Govern. a {La Ins back drop tha: he YPT has fla the waar pr pacal fo revs on 3 "=2:e rel othe remeng 12 zones r the quinquanniams 1999-2095 and 200-2098, 42. nthe proposal led in Septe—oer 2008, the par: “as sought sey sic= uf lease “ula or ine 12.7anes oabed or the nasi winston of tad ars CRA fa de Wve suing seni 1298-260 and 2900-2008. The Incovictency wth reference ta the Guvemner: gates sh vas absence in“ ls: proceeds ar hy Olver zones 2089 evs no” ace rafal as cl “e-rquernil valet on afar is annals nthe curent propose 43, Sra man saints made by he V2T in ta png cated 18 Sp ber 2338 20% 9 approval of rviseo lease rentals or reremainrg 12 sees ee at how (@ The “AMP ts approved ransed teaue rane forthe auingaanior 998-2908 are 2032-4008 r vespoel ofthe esa 14 20nee bal ha apo of TEMP fo" ne remaining 12 zonests tec atzaired {8 “ya loasien ot scme of cha port pueets ae faling in cera cures whch a'e sirangst te balanar 1? cones. Diet te urgency yclved nf prot Wks {he rns ernie by tre Datel Revance Autry ICR; and rezemmating iy Ree tation Coniter (RFC! is adopted prevsgraly tower 2th la nase ‘cota prepang tne inject estmatos Roping that TEMP's apa ut Le 2tanee foro same (Since the lease rentals both fr the on gaing teases ar fore fve-ccing pot ojects fal i corain zones of the sald $2 zene haa S3Ugh 2pf>4a TAME yer Sr 1 oon 2 ER forthe Flow valuation of fan fr the uinquaneium 1996-05 an 2002-08 vis- fue the qunquenintsluaion of arr prewcus qu ssn: “883~ O88 " tn Rupaes’ SL Zone’ TGaingiennlalvaliation | Proposed | “Proposed ho. Ter previous basie-value of | basic value of + quinguermium | land for 9988- | Tand for 2003 19931008 2003 7008 fecperaa. yard) | Rs. pareg. ya | (Re. por sa. yo) sz 2 = im 1B canes sas0od | mats. 2 that ato" [aac 0 ru SEAS 00 ‘Be 09. ‘ood.0e 4 ue eco “aoc 09 “one ue Bi ere 05.00 06.09 “ane. 0c ca 106 906 se we Lz, “a8.00 = "79 | a Ze . ia Sora _ Tj _gomoe w bare 00.00 ecece 2 rez | as00.0¢ ee. 00 “The port fas given che baste value of land, Lease ren! is fo he antve’ applving 6% return an tho Market value of land as per the fand poliay gudalines issued by the Goverraram in March 2004 BA. tr ahe-matie=gesewing fiction of lege rental ‘or pon esate, shia Auhocty 1 Guide by 9 Saveremert ploy 7 the Lata ana Wale Management of Mar Pu Tess As ers ley gasieines sauez by fee Gomer-versin 1098 ss wal a3 200, 9 Commieehested by tre Cha sean of ve pot ‘rst fs rocorwmand he rales ke Tie TAMP. The utgn!propesal Slomtod oy me VPT ne 2008 was aczcaparied Wi copy of he recommendation made hy Be Ceomilee 3 Tre one value ofthe land sow proposed by tne YET for the q.nquer ium TaGt.70e4 and 2900 2008 forthe 12 28 fe sated to casa onthe vaisation ot fd cor by ho Gitnet Revera autvanty ard reconverded by the Rale fvaticn Comaiee appointed by fhe SPT: The por hes nc? separ vanished the vapy of te Roper ofthe Rete “ater Eenmitce song sic she irsant areal Tho inal pronoasl dateé 29 lune 2006 iu Uy Is GPT homever, simaed the poseee nga offe moelngectthe Rate Fixation Commitee. CUTTS eam precceuings, tne pot on ovr asvicn to fee of valson of DM had ld cesses proceaw ied 23 Noveber 2 and Faas onda dod rvsed revannmencatons ofthe Rat Frese Sammtios rei on Sapte ier 2900 vue ts later dated 5 October 2008 6 bn accordance wih che consuiaton process pres ad, tne pravosal recived “am the VET dated 18 September 7069 along wit far ofthe Fate Fixier. Cor-mltee of Nay eto and tne row 0d recon nandatone of fe Rae Shan Cornice date 9 Septeoer 2095 Elony wil Pesedings of the -ohnt Caleta of Vieekxapotnam dated 6 December 2000 a0 [e Sne par 2064 wero stcultee vo th canowed Users user ovgarsal ons! ereees #20693 rer commer, The comments regsived Item the USES! use otganisatons ! leeeees wore foneardi tribe VPI ae feedback format en 1 ‘aint rearing in rs cute was held on ? Neverbat 2010 st tna Vad ager Ett unt, The WET mane 2 cower pont presentat on ofits proposal along wi @ detalle rics TRdning te reevant 1? zones cf fd ender coneiuraon. atthe i heanng, ¥PT and te ‘acersed sora’ o'garisaten sada! laasers have wade hak 6ub 121003 8 the procecdings(elaing to consult cr in “his case ara avalabe on recut at dhe ofise of tg Authors. An excerpt of tna sovmentsroocved an arguments mace by the Concert pains wi be seit sparatay 19 relevant pare, Thess dela'a wil a0 be nade (Nolable sto urabeig sip:tarfautaay oun 84a3)-3 on Oo DIAEXTRADAIIINRY es ‘ etarence to the tally af tke ivermaton cotectd during te» 5unésing of Ure ease ete otthy poster ererqes Fr the pu-puse of deters yng lease rontale for he tans longing ts che Patt “rupis hs Atchorky smandeled fo foe tha lane fey guidlines sue fy Savarr enc ium Hie te ne vice cage @ of the tant gues lesaed Ete ovement Mayet 2008, ‘As aleacly brought oct. the nroposal fled bythe YE seaiing agpravl for kane rertat or ie 12 zones tn Font ofthe arginal¢ropoeal tec by te VEY rly OCS. Sinem ie proposel at me VPI sooking revi ot lesérronsl Dazed ote Buineveroial valusion whetem valuaion of lands aseesead in 362 wore subiecled te echoe serenlage increase feccmmandes, oy the CRA every imuenn.m wae ne foure i be inline wh (xe Gavermiertsoiclines o> = ‘ord mato, the nom was eae te rslook tha revienang he epoca she ort ints fna.resisea procera of uly 2007 seughs approval sry 8 aenes busee on che casi wales ofthe Lang ule was approve? woe Orcer dated emp 28S The instant propose: ake othe renorng 12 core" oa GBs requred ny tne Gox vnmom auigetnes, a Comins ules tre Chaitrepshiy of Chairman TPT) ith the Collec” “sesd'spatar Cnet ann Dopury Secretary, Mt of Spaing as ule members wae ondtuied to review and recammend the rates asces tow: oye Dee Revenue Aalhoily dang the roscecing of lhe last th Grab ofp 2002. "Suring te kee preczesings the YPT svas adknsed to revien ef Yvaliaion of DRA for 21 the canes uy resvanrg. Ihe levant “formaton eneoring lares st ihe afters 20% aril be “epor sblained fran he CRA tee Seemed Uy Le Commins nasal by Shaiiman MeL). The PT vide ita’ aoted 20" Mavemiber 2900 submited tat Joinl Golacarin a meeting wi the VET axpreaser: ta! 3 ‘rash reve by DA would rot be posible and Pence dios doaded DRA vaualions soccamenta eater may ke tevevol by he Rate Foaicr Gcnvnlige. The Aate “halon Cemmites afer reviewing tre Fr rutes othe previous ngeings at he Comer and air clean ‘econ firey ad the “lowing recarmrencst one ta valuation of lana ‘er tun quing-enniums 1898-2003 ard 290-98 n rossod Gt lee "5 genoa urcerso"sidacata (2 Farts qunguece vm 1206-2022: Tho Rate rhesuon Commitee eter exa*ring the sasio and olution. umished by the Disttet Revenue suo Tesanteuled edopton 21 same late For the ance tasa-7mn @—Forthe quingsennivn 2009-08 “Yo base value of end terisred by he BWA wreectrmenced by be Rate uate Commies Though the taf the Rete Fxator Commits does ne: rent cn the basis odapled iy the IRA fer vatiaton et Land ro V1 ate rear car queret nad flares that Zowle sake wovided In te Skee ‘Govammen's weecy rockaner is necpied fy CRE. “or fxaton ot So valuation tr Pande ‘The retownensators ctw Commitee inde tye va.aic af land fe: the 12 zones wid e the subject mater ef the oxcrcse in rend "te urea! pecposal ‘ed y che VP~ fr igion of Ieaca rn‘ or he 2 Zones i based on tae revise recammeniaene made 2y te Cornice Const ute by he pv dri ths last prosee ys 1) Mls noaive fat ula ascont~g ape-oval to 1¢ ae renal moat ot eT ana VPT in Api 2008, Ie ahorty haa teva tas row that ould be appranrats for 3 Por‘ liat Io aerors Whe ratket le Aer all

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