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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2010-01-21, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. S.O. 144(E) to 164(E) PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2010-01-21, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. S.O. 144(E) to 164(E)

‘Hed sete wre oneing RECILNO,D.L SS JK a The Gazette of Audia EXTRAORDINARY ‘er 1—a00e 970-05 (4) PART I_Seetion —Sub-oction Git sateen & oat PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY fave, area, uw 27, 2OTO7aTE 1, 1937 NEW DRLHL, THURSDAY. JANUARY 21, 2{0MAGHA L, 1931 7 feet, 21 ara, 2010 “aiat, 14a(sn eda she pe Pion ker vied eH} te ae wee TY Te SMT Tio so SBzla eTAPA 4 fearae, 997 = ENT aloe atl (Ra Pete) wie, 1995 = ART 9 sr Or () oy) gree mee aaah a whe aR’ ey, an RM WOR & eas ah we ema Gera ates apa fen weRtare} @ soe io eH ano 1928, ATER 1 TTR, 2007, = Soe ST wee FS AA eae & HAPAAEN Al & 8 Sel B Reta SIT mee HR Bel oaorin Bye Mon eran aT wl oy Roa tar 8, ANA HOR a cir GT RARE, sits ah ar arent # acs G) afte ) Bat ose: cea wfattcd A PAIR acta fy A SPR BARI ae aR Sw) HE) meee ae A RAP fea aR A at at B, Salts yeah SN vetla 22, WB ak 8, wt gee wees nd ae CTH (A RAE alae wh Sere Be, SR ae, fa aac, af AEST Ta ae aTaTT gen ee GOT FE wai 8) - alt a, RAPA wi ae eer Ye oR fet whl we dieu SAGE () ste gen tow _ @) 1a 3 z 5 a sees five fe For 7 weit) RMR pehHo09 Hie 10 wars Re gee ea cate aie a/ ere safer 2 2 Fahoome? Rear era 00 10% ethic Wewslet CRRRARTETE THREH 6 AM, H/ RAT smi sifea ndtetrea arige-2 Pr, Hea Sr) crethynd & ately grata af ad ATL EL ae (a) A atnd eats tee a gar aaa Oe ge aE UH ate ihe os ah APOE A 2 arms gar tira 38s) Baw Wl aids Be psa Rh ge on wet Soe oe oe & (RS Hen, “Taafam, fake om = at fa) weal Aataien ae woh ae ty ve BAR sea ate G # Rai ET HT Basia Aap fr 8 | OR arma pT Ef ee ey A ahs AAI sa afin, ot Sreh, seas Ey gfe Ren are aT $0) aR tes Seer ere Say & APT aR a alee Bk aos met ade 2360) fie 27,2996 B mee Hal i FogT a ati/Teee # iy wd] (athe nf ART TA a fle afm Prem gla or ate FRG A Fa oF foxy {aU iy, oat yaa pre alg fa FIPS og ee Ry cine ot HE WAR, BOTH a AS Sm aE I, Ta 8, a a (ahi yoo Pari de, r99 & cee Pa 8 ng ed =A TH sera aero el aT wig 0 ee AN At PT tee er PART A> cw aber gd rT APR, 1040 wad arpa 2 {e) arts YA ah A/S era her eR Pad Ae ea SH eon 9 RRA aco fore wary af Fea IE Ge ae eae ane a sR yd eae wet al (@) sa & omar pe Preah og afer aaa, sera gee he de a oT ae oT sosge orem ou afin ary FET meh aka qa gia ay abe ve ala (oy SRE sigan Pro ig ora gon a, gen ar wemee BAe | TATA wh at Bair 6 Ee tonsa Bae A TRA Inher, REMOTE wR Za Poa oT aaceem wo # ort 8, a aA ee Yee stem Ae oh aera we acre an @, ge ad oi ga ver & wen fog ae sere gow ay wr 2s, tugs F vee S gee “ef ars emA e RAN A RA t a e PE o H gmT e a MRA sare yes abe a) Pe GAH 4 al Aa wa RD a go OTT ght oa Be ar ed eT A tet Hat AA oe vidserr permite Re era 3 a beh AD again sine & ara gs @, Th ae are @ aeaPCg cen cen & em RE MD andes et Sour saat &, ore os fs Pre geo ae ca heer # fe wey are Preite Fedeigs pea ater fan fe) asian ar fers ee, gar wl eT A Mer & ae Keel Sem ee Se syst site eh oo ured dh are 8 a, 8 sce TAGE RAPIER, -a05 F a Ph ah, 1695 8 gatos S ae re afte afore a at oT wed & fore anf s 1) ew ode F PIRia Ha a antray aire Pic Bh yfoore rey, oer ge ore 8 gion gt et a em ot ont (a Sa s2oofaw, & a(22 cue sberidefee, apm nani, 29 freer Tar are 36) sna Tae oem 3 MINISTRY OF CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS (NATIONAL PILARMACELTICAL PRICING AUTHORITY: ORDER ‘New lh, he 2a Fury, 2010 8.0. 144(0).—in exercise aPthe powers, confered by sub-parapraphs (2) ane (2) of paragraph 9 of te Drugs (Priges Crntrl) Order, 1995. read with No. §.0. 637 (E) dated the 4” Sepremfer, 1997 issued by the Government if India in the Ministry of Chemicals aud Fetilizes aud in supersession cof the Order of the Government of India in the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Nivienal Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority} No. 8.0. 1328(F), date I Augus), 2007, in sn fr ai reales to formation packs mentioned inthe table helow, except in respect of dhings dome ur anita to be done before soeh soperscssion, the Natwnal Pharmaceutical Peciag, Authurty, hercby tixes the prices ay specified in golumn (5) of the cable belo as ecling prices exclusive of excise duty and local tax. it any, and in cotimn 46) of the table below as Equivalont MRP inclusive of excise duty and education cess, selas tax/VAT of uch of the Schednled! formulations spreiiat in. the sorespanding, e207 in colwnn (2) of she said Table with the strength and puck acre specified respectively inthe comresponding cnties in columns and (4) thereof TABLE SL Name of the formoiation ‘Suength Pook Ceiling Equivalent Ko. Size Price MRP* (inclusive (s} of all tves) _ Rs) ay, (Zi 13) ay is) & Each film costed tablet eontains 1 Chlorprocuvine HCI+ Chlerpromazine HCL-2u0mg W's wat 15? Tehexyphenidy] HCE Teéhexyphenidy! HCL? mg” StipiBlistr Tablet: 2. Chlorpromazine - Chlerpromazine HCI-LOmg 10s 694742" Teiflueperninet ——Triflyoperazine HOLS me Suép/Blister Trihexyphenidy {ridexyphenidy! TICI-2 mg, Tables Sheet ts acta paumen of Government levastanes as aplicabie, Note Gi The prives xed are the musinnurn retail priew in culuma (6) Uinclusive 07 excise duly and local texes af any) foc the spccitied pack and yueks al’ sivilar strength, sad companies emer claim cxcmption on my poind thencftom, less specitically permived hy the GovemmenlNPPA Theugh an ord. 4 THE GAZETTE OF DUA : EXTRAORDINARY [Psa Sie: 3 (H) The companies # manufacturers may ndded tees only 4 they hwo paid actualy 19 the Government on the price rensened inthe colvann (5. If there is any variation in the MRP UGoclusive of the taxes), the same ay be intimated ta the NPPA in the Form-V af DICO. 93s. (6) Frown micing (or packs of'surue composition tt of dificess sizes will be applicable vide $8.0. io. S3(E) dated 27,4,1998 for tablet and capsle packed in stip blister. ) Par different packing material used ar, diferent rug, delivery systeras oF any other special eaturestoeras claimed, the veiling prices, ay speciffed in Column No. 5 above. shall be applicable unless the companies approaches NPPA fir specific price approvals for its Formulations fe) The prices fxedinottied hereinabove under the provisions a? DPCO. 1995 have 10 be andaiouly implemented by the manefacturing, fmaketing company notwithstanding Hs satus of compliance of conditions for such lirraulation puck under the Drugs aad Cosmetics at, 1940, (“The mauufacturer and marketing comonny for the above sand formulation shill be eequired to take the requisite prior approval stom the competent Authority for any ehnnge ig the composition of the above sald forraulalion sth writen prior intimation to the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (@) The ceiling price arrived on the basis of above shall not exceed the MRP by rauleiptying the ceiling price hy a factor of 1.0696 as per the existing rates of exeive duty anil VAT (i) The MIRP arrived as above shall be subject to puymnent of Government! levies / taxes as applicable and necessary adjustment ic the factor of 1.0696 shat] necessarily be tequired 40 be made by the manufsciuser'markcting company. whenever the existing rae of excise duty andioe VAT undergoes a change, subject to the candivion that the excise duty andor VAT se ruleulated shell in no case exweed the acthat excise duty andior VAT paid by the manutacturermatketing company ct as applicable as per the factor of 1.0696. Ihe snamulacturer/marketing company shall be specifically table w ensure the eoraptiance of this condition, Gd) Any other lurmulation ! composition not cavered in the sbuve lable hal has any ane of the scheduled drugs jn Column No. (3) as one of its ingredients, it shall be subject to the price ceiling a respective serial mimher af he tahle, 2s the case muy be, unless the mamafactarer ‘has got hereaier specific pice tixed ty the NPPA for that Formaation. The manufaetuter or markering campany nut camplying with the exiting, prices and eonditinns specified in notes hereinahove within IS days froma the date af ahave said ssoification, shall be liable 10 deposit overcharged armuunt along withthe interest under tee provisiand of the PCO, 1995 read with the PC Act, 1954 (1) Conszquent 10 die insu of ceiling price of the laraulation pack(s) in this notilication, Ue acs order(s} issued prior to this date of notification stund automatically withdrawn, SPNPL1320104F No. W22V2010D PANPPADIe TIL MANISE GOSWAML Dy: Dirvelur [sta arte 361 ore Te: HT 5 ae af tere, 2 wd, 2010 erat, 145099 — area str yea Pre re, are AT a ATA ote ee AT BRT ‘ari a0 ao 631s) ater + Faaray, 1997 ene ofa ates (Fe Prise sree, 1995 Fr 9 @ a 4a (1) aR Q) am cee weet AT ae oe EE TET aT Wan + TT ah whe starere (a shear apa Faker sere) @ sue wo Blo Oo 301). MTA 23 TEE, 2009, wT dt oe Bee werd Ae A are APRs Beh a oa ara aera ora By Ree ‘ee fern yg fer mt Fa we aT che fem or & oh a Hn 6) A PRS ia aL om aT ie 8) ah A A oa amar fect 4 See mem she ae are FARA. GT RUM TG) A At atenlT DARE Ai AME segyP RMAF A A siete HL Bete yeah he wT a, A MH RT Shae aoe ors ate wa (6) A abe ee a OE I, fin Te, Ph ae, a wh & wh A ae RMT Ge PHT OTA Fe ath 1 are 3 RRA a aH cod to ome ator wa ima ita wager () afer gan oar ©) va 3 r = ry wets Ufgw fafa fear a "], Wepre = wererrenitet—sop rr 19 aT 9290 35.19 cher oe ore 2, wepmbenfiet | wermtenfir—sono Fen. 10 egc2 67.41" site v/a saad aged ani $ Tete Gr at ee aT EL ate: fm) tote Ritts te a mar aan & aot ge see Ge ae eee ah cata ae ara (6) 4 afecr gay stan & wa A Ped at ont 2st pert feel ge oT ara at ae Worf, om oe GR ES BI Toe/eah aia, & ane AA i VUE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Poet 8s 3 aaah Ban co we ig aU A SHR A oo) A SIR FR ue ROT By area Haars fom By af atone ge ge (em ae alba Ha fa A a ae ‘enihdhg a Sesh, 1900 a wid-v a faa feat ara ae 1 te frat rife war Bae ore ope & ee we refi or Eero. aoiet Reaiw 27.1900 9 teu *Aeed ste des 3 er Tees fry st ‘ameter aft rg Fiea SFR eh ay Fr tes Foe sana Rng Ty Bg aver Ste re fy, Saas aa gad ast fay Peden a eae ty Coy a6 oh, seer apres cam aio ao H fates & ar ait sina gen fram amie, i9es & com Far A 7 oad Die wh wanes] AderraKia ERT swraecey 64 8 ary ge ehh fer ree Sr AAAS te oe at oe TUTTE, 4040 io ary et anu ofits ahiie a fetter feos weft feng ofr] 8 ae oor phir RAR siued 2 Foal acon & lane gadhty wy fefira a Fear wert q sneer we opin aru ai Sal ARR Prom ng cfr ele, Sear Yor sire teak ache a A gee 1.0686 teh EMT mas ae you oe safer Ger wed A aes ah a err 8 agen PAA nd ae! goa She, ear re ON CARR Era A at oni & oe joes mee Few mato, FARM TA RT Pret ee, wigees BAA) BOO KAN sede! ow aT Ae A abla ed HT tt lek RL aE avs 1 aR A mG THR TY TON GR oe 1 Ae, nes B GH arg ‘fest /Fawer amet a shah eo a aver rch A cm A aprons Pre a mata re aw sik aT te Baha ae PaPaefo Pr weer ee a a TE TE gPited ae & fare aA cit Ba are a ore Fer a a ORR anor) far mew ae Ped saga ame $ wre ATE A, ll Ue “IB PA oH iow Sarena ea Bad ode Qh chet aren go we Pe Restart gas eA Ge sr @ fae Cathe a Wulf adage yee sk a Roar ay faPtain a Rae each, oe arse of aera 4 15 fest @ dee ged aed GR apa ote al er gars Fat wet Fah, F pona Te oP, ves 3B Be UP Ste, sues B oTEETH Son are aR wuts i a ae ad 8 By sill AA] ea nda fa at a vt ae fae EH SRE HRT Maw lB EAT atyd ofl ge 8 aa 2) ea dl th; [e Renscovediom, a. uCa>vay orgie Peau] sca Tar: Sr 7 ‘ORDER ‘New Delhi the 21st January, 2010 8.0, 145(E}.—An exerosse of te powers, conferred Dy sub-parsgeuphs (1) and (2) ul paragraph 9 of ‘the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995, read with No. S.G. 637 (Fy dated the 4” Scplember, 1997 insued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Chernicals and Festilivers anal in supersession of the Onler of the Goverment of India in the Minisuy uf Cheunivals and Fertilizers, (Nations Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority) No, $.0. 301(L), dared 23° January, 2009, in so far as it relates 1 Formulation packs meniioned in the able below except in respect of things dane er emitted to he done betore such supersession, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, hereby fixes the prices as specified in coturen (S} of the table below as ceiling prices exclusive of excise duty and focal tax, if any. and in eotumn (6) af rhe eable bolowe a: Fquivalent MRP inclusive of exelse dry and education cess. sales tax/VAI of each of the Scheduled formulations specified ia the comesponding entry in cohm (2) of the said Tule with the strength and pack size specified respectively ia the euresponding entries in columns (3) and ¢4) thereof: TABLE 3 Nae ofthe formation Stent Pak Gelling Eauivaleat No. Sive MRP" incisive Fal taxes) we Rs di 5) rat ‘Bach cope coated tablet coptgins “1. Sulfsalazine Tablets Sullbwavne- SOO mg 10's 32.90 35.19 Stip/Blister 2 Sulfselazine Tablets Suittafazine -1000 mg 63.02 67.41" "Subjn tn acaual payment of Government viernes, ar epplicaie: Note (a) Ibe prices fixed are the maxinunt retail prices in volun (6) inclusive of exeise duly and trwal taxes if any) for the spceified pack and packs of similar stength, and vompanies tinnot claim exempon on any greund Loerelzom, ualeys spowifically permitted by de Governmen/KPPA through an odor, (b) The companies ¢ manufacturers may added raxes only if they have paid actnally to the Government on the price mentioned inthe seiurci (5). If there is any vacation ithe MRP inclusive of the tases), the same may be intimated to the NPPA in the Form-V of DCO. 1998, (©) Pro-tata pricing for packs of same composition but of different sizes will 6e applicable vide S.0. No. ¥3(E} dated 27.1.1998 for tablet and capsule packed in striptblister. {@) For different packing material used or, different drug delivery systems or uny other apeciol feauresloms claimed, the ceiling paces, as specified in Coltmn No. S above, shall be applicable unless the eompeniss approaches NPP& ‘or specific prise approvals for its formulations, (@) The prves fixedviligd hereinabuve unde the provisions uf DPCO, 1995 have to be rowdatovly implemented by the oaaofscturing ‘marketing company notwithstanding its 8 {DHE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAGRDINARY Wes MSc. ate caine condi or ach Gonmulaton pak under the Drugs and Came, fet, 2940 (The manstacrer and matketing company foe the above ei formulation shal he equted to ake the reqs prior apgowal umn Ub competent Arty for ay chaige Wo the cemmpsitio ofthe above sail mation ith witen Wr bition tn he Nin Pharmaccudeal Pricing Autor (@ The cciling price arrived on the basis of above shail not exceed the MRP by multiplying the cei puece ys act of 1696 pe he essing ates excise dy and VAT (6) “The MRP srived ws above hl be eubjet to payment uf Geveranenl eves # @xet span and necessary ashen nse fie ol}. O606 shall necessary be reed te via by Ue munufucarermarketing company, whenever Ue existing tate wf wise diy ttd'or VAT undergoes charg, subject tothe condition Dat te excise dy and/or WA s0 Cakule sulle tase exceed ie ala exci duly aml VAU paid. by the tmametrctmafketing compare ce 24 appiahe as por the ctor of 16586. Ihe mrorolciurcmatketing company shall be spel Hable wv ensure fhe veopiance <f ths condition, (Any other fomulation/ compeston not covered in the above ial tht ay any une af the <Cheled drugs in Calum No. (2) eae oes inet shal he subject to te rie ang eespectve seria numbe: 6 Uns ble, asthe eae say be nls the nanufieter hav een specie pie Ive by the NOPA i that Gna, (>the tsanuficrier or markting campeny not complying with the illg pels and anions speed In nes heinghovs hn. 1 ays fom the date of shoe revit, halle abe ops ercage stint lon th te interes der the Pisa lbe PCO, $995 rent he FC At, 1953 tu Cnseqoen tots isu of ering pice of the formulton pacts in this atfcton, the testers) tc pr ite secon sand aera hae PAE P01 0°" JF No, 822) 20D.2 NPRA-Div ll] MARIE GOSWAMI, Dy. Pireetor aat “a fe 2: srr, 2000 ara, 126684, aie ott Paton: RRO, ted eee dS cae ite sea Airaa ETT Se we ate 37) andra ¢ Rearee, 1907 oH 1-1 fb ofa ftir Pcie iia, 1905 ab eT 9 ue Ga) Ae OT are est MURA or WedT ee gk aE NU avon B TCH ote Tew sara (ord ote ap Paste maw) aes vo Blo ate 276M}, ART ATTA, 2006, wT el ae Swear arene rk at evel & PAS et a oe cat Para aorsar avd gu Si ‘i sft eR fear re 2 ar eT am re Fe a Are A cr a cer G) PIP ‘Brae ai Sen rE wi 9 ae (a) Hew gee: cel PTS Aaa: sre Pe Ar came HER SH FEM RTH) A acetate A Reh sap Aver a det iL Sar BRR atk wd a ae a & st arger Soe stra abe HH sl Pfau are ape, fits ora, ah oe Ae, a Ee a ae ars gee an ea Pea aol 81 are aaa te sro afters wil at ten aftr eigen @) afer gem ttre ) 12 3 4 * « rete ora art fib TL ceaiehte Yet caatefte eRe 200 fi TO RNLIRE wes 1170" fear ee Si vaerete-saeFi, coe ete seen squamant @ aafte Gar a et a aL ET ae: fo} a ain re Soe gwar aT Mot me ee ee he erent RT ‘Bi GA aterm geet ama # oa A Fram A oe & ote wer fee BE ST ere = we ah, oa mw oe Ge F faa wee fiom, # ane Sra ai fa) ONPUT/APelen daa wi oe ag ae Ba WA cia (6) Hier nee we HEE a area Heer fare Bf eae Ge ET GM aA BHR) A ag ATT a ae white wt Sree 1008 wey aftr fe SM TET Go) ae ta rae whiners warn & Aer aT A arere @, ge Sharer sreftin one wa sa(y) frie 274.1090 $ ARM Aa oR Baga & sen/emee Fer ari 3) supe ak oe BR AAR A a ste FeO eI my eH re Ty fs ort Re wo 3 fag a ce ate orb wiser & fore feerhige aga ated bq pede & aT see ome, ea oer GRA Teer tar a. 8 A PrRET Soe, eT 48) iat gee Preset onde, 1905. da FG A ad sees aoe av RTE ETT ARE HY BRT ae eA Fe em HAAR Ase ft rE BPE, 1940 8 wd ory at G1 8) se often RAPA at Parr aoe a forge oe a er PAPA ses A fra a aera & ry ty fat ApH eT eH see A ae apie we ot ©) Sard oom we Ror wf often dee were gen cin de A ada A # og 1.0606 mesh ETT HTM A AT AH eae gen aoe Bae eT et fa) sea & gui Deore nd saa yee Ba, wea ATL ereone) Saw B gra AH ad Bois 8 ote toes sew F oee ert APR fer BEM ERT Aen AT satus wad med & aw oom Ye ote T de A) ater ge 8 acid Bl 8 STATE aris for gs wow Bower fing my Gere yoo she aT ae, 06s BCH FIT PaPrrfen/Prwna aes a Sa ah Rec) Se gre ARE A aed A rae fing ay Sea ara ep of eo afte 5 2 faster war fesia eS gE Nd an ATTEE aha wet & fay oh 4 wsieWio 2 0 “THe GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXYRAORUINARY Wear Ue Sie, 3) Fea aR Fan EOF ae TARTANA) RAD east a @ Ra agyfant aime @ ore tape a ze trot @ Tae mH dono we ES $ aeirr dim Seat are a, a me Pe Panton 9 eS eT Sa iS Pe Cay a Freie fettope ea are a foe Yee ar Ruy eo, A AP a a at 15 Rt Ae a a eT eal ae eel or ars gh BA & ol, maraRT age ORRIN, 2956 # wre aio See, 905 & arma & aco a aie Ee af IA oA oh ey or fe) ea ocean 4 RPA ea a afta Se Pra Shab a we, aT THM og ont gr 8, wef Pees @ ome Cai Ha szamorterm, B 9(22 anorthite fea] TP aa, 34 Tae ONDER ‘New Delis the 2TstJannary, 2010 S.0.146{E:}—in exercise of the powers, confzred by sub-paragraph (1) and (2) of paragraph 9 of ‘he Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1996, read with No. 8.0. €37 (E) dated the 3! September, 1997 issued by the Government of India in the Minisiry of Chemicals and Fertilizers and in supersession of the Order of the Goverment of India inthe Ministry of Chsmicals and Ferzers. (National Pharmacextival Pricing Authority) No. $.0. 27644F}, dated 27" November. 2008, in s0 far agi relates 1 formulation packs mentioned in the ule below, except in respeet of ings dene vt ‘mite 1o be done before such supersceson, tbe Notional Pharmacestical Pricing Authority, hereby fixes the prices as spectied in columns (5) of the tble below as ceiling prices exclusive OF excise duty and focal tax, if any, and in calumn (6) of the table below as Equivalent MRD inclusive of excite duty and education cess, sales tax'VAT of cach of the Scheduted fomnulations specified in the corresponding entry ia cohuma (2) of the suid Table with the strength and pack sive speciiad respectively inthe eosresponding enttcs in cofuinns 3} and (4) thereat TABLE SI,_Name ofthe formulation Siteagtn| Fuck Calling Pyuivaient No. Size Price MRP*(inelusive (Rs) ofl saxes) . Rs} ro} wy o ef ro ral ‘Each chewable ablel contain “1. Ascothiv Acid— Ascorbie Acid Mime LO'sAL Strip 10.84 1t.70" Sodium Ascobate Sodium Ascabate 338mg 0.04 7mm Tablets *SaSject actual pemens of Covernrnnt levewtaves, ax applicable Note: (0) The prises fixed are the maximum retail prices i cviun (6) (inclusive af excise duty and local tines if ny) for the specified pack and gacks of similar stenyth, and eompunies annot claim exemplion on any ground thereliony uiless spatially permits Dy be GoxenuneavNPPA through 1 order.

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