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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2004-01-19, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(i), Ref. 50-53(E) PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2004-01-19, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(i), Ref. 50-53(E)

foisrte yelate afi ah RR as0RAE The Gazette of Gudia ramaoroweasy fo. 560 2 wesw 3 PARTIt Section 3—Sub-recuni — Day aso —- rousmpsrarmomy PB - PRO ba #34] 38 fret, evar, arertt 79, 2004he 29, 1925 we EW DELI MONDAY, JANUSRY 1 004A 2.124 7 mb (ae fo) wees casual “aah 19 204 200s trea RE wasxihs, 9090. —chta AER. Fah Sea geo APIO, tous [ros a 4} aE ATE Sr em (1) one woe ww cn aR BD, HE ore eh UT AR Sen mer Te 2 ng Tea we Ae arma (ed [eae aL aT tio 6/2002 Seale Wome Ger, FOE 1 amh 2007 A Rei ate aha oP eet seu oie A ane a ae Ho: 270 ate wird a afReah we wea Arerstter okt: renee flr angen, ai Te] @ | a 78, @ | "pa" seES10 wi] ESTER Bee iva + - 3028.10 “aa [aa | Re Cc a ro (oa. sgsnnn008 Ae! ie a, ee cwefeomt afta th efooueatt Ge TE, aides 1 tm, cog oe Has -momofan y 27st) caer 1 eR, zone eT ane BT a Ae ses aR aR ART i knooe DoT Ge YEH wT te SHEE. 200g [ALO ot ab fe) fea a5 MHHeH, ous ] av ae Pate | o UB GAZETTE OF NDA: BRIPRAORDIUARY perTl—Sec. 301 ‘Now Delt 19 Fry, 2004 ‘No S04 CENTRAL EKCHE. GS. SWE)—p exis of te powers conferred by sb-ection 1} of satan'$4 of the Centred Being Act, 1944 (1 of 1940), the Ceaval Government being sified Out tiv notesahy inthe bie {arses so to de. Nercky males thr Yllowing far ameceas inthe noicaton of te Govemient ‘na ine Moy of Mame Depart Reva), No, 202 Comal nee, ede I Mae, lxike sid voto, ithe Table aS, No, 279 ant the enti 0, the ete! ine ros eating thereto the lowing oa js a “a ETH — haa ~~ $7 —S— 3024.10, Ba” “SYP Wasa ans % “s . FESe sS62VU-IRLY GS RARKLUatersecy "Nate: The principal nlfcation No6/2092-Coatral Racic date the ™ Mach, 2002 was pitlshed in the CGavene of india, Eergortinary vide GSR. 27(E dred the Ft March, 2002 and was lst amended by agifction No. @2004-Coural Pecive dated the 1c muss, 2004 {GS 5. 45(E) daved the Sch emaey 2004, ategrt ete 19 are 2004 1. 6/2008 Spare I ‘Wraa sican aa aves, after Te eR (its se a ty 1987 (1957 ee} a om 2 A ouere oo ere olds Dobie we er AAPA, 1944 (104 1} Hae ow A serra (ga aes abel wr me ae BE ote mer wee tie ate wat ea eT S (ET ftom) wh oH 6/2000 EA TTS waa 0 whe, 2000 A, Pre aT wer rary A mondo set fo) mm 20 atte, zoo eer ore or Ta a, aA SATIN TA ag amiss & OFF oe ee shes A fen wen aes AR ATO a wie GA RAS wT ST “ee Ua) Faas oy aE fg oA ne ect hl ah deter oT Br Bhs FB 1985, (1905 es} 2 meme ag me Se SRR Te IR (A AE aT A A eA ra rar ae erga er ya) 2 ep Et & oa UT: eee Tare ~ Pant oa “a fa cm “Te 7 [saa Sriifaa Fite ie Set pee wee PR A fete af a 1 athe v7 56, 55 50 ae Bf war wr), ae | net wera 3 mf west Pref 00 (a) Se fae we Se ep = FON BT ART ART 26 wT eee sas | “ ii) es ew me sere Be & | Ge fy fhe oF cons 2004 ser Pret ora EE Se et etl; |B Fre aT 95/2008 ar Sdegiia et are ees fre we at Bahr ue ge, ake 30 a, ity“ We AE aoe weap « fm] 2000 & atria oA a Pre et Ee ee ae are tae a) Rent Mt meet ate fat sda Z| 8. | ew Se aaa aA, we aie S Gee F Tae 5056, 28 | xfer of agen meiege fre Teeter Am ue sigh as Rent 2 fg atte ye See Postar mF oD aha er ge ag BM ort (Fess RPtner Go after near @ A ama Was A Peel oer tae Ue Ae So Big. wea Re Sr gE PTR a St 7 FoR eh & He ATT | Gp Fr ee oe Pa ae: set Hew A Pond hf 8 aH RE eye ote Pek wh ee oe Ty a ee FART oy ETF | Gi) WH aT ates EH pa AAR are sm ya er gles APs gra Rea TTA arg err a Ray en ia Sect er wee, Uw fete ef il ap one H whe al & 1g she gooznoe A ye a ery doh lt ates ee & fh APT re ue [eo a afrs tata ae fen: ort a signer io aef20us tale eee yw, TEE 0 ahs aise foe tg Ph mer Fre A APR TTT ig oot ta away rs Pon ss eres vd & er a mom fr 009-2004 F SiPcen 2e(aone 4:8 oT Be TAT 20 sake, 2009 sie aA ad Real ate ge aE 2 atela vh ne Soren wr ge Ae as cra wa A ade 8 oT we fey wa 25 vA we oP Sara efter ie ge ae ot Pree ae MT ae a Re YE TT Te 3 8 gn Acad oe sear re ft Pare oe os wes a Batter aT S| Go} ain oat me Saat se ae tT eT | ep Fare Ra a a aa aI aes stn Tw ae HE ‘Serhan hve 1 oR AE Poe a a ot Fe aT MY ‘ao afer we Richa af Om eT agg A Sas gem ST Ee eT 3. Way ana Roh dae Prior & oe omage de tat ah ha eos Aa FA ate dw fey qu Ap Troe a sea yen, aMs 19 TTR, 2004 F aie, siege tes Sears Sea af Fou ek “THE GAZE OF NDT ETRAORDINARY sere 30 iG rs TRE ele and fire a ge 2 AB crvgpa a Per aree HEE Ea as HET A Ft ct Re nf or Te Pama Ean Fe artim ra afiggen 3 wt & Rey “0 ah oy a TT Tew ATOR Shere a awe gee eT ATTRA SA soue Yoo ofan Sa ow wh META} B st a Fasc fh qua ae (ee GAY A ere Re de oe ye BAPTA TT cofrtea Sena yee (RN ECCT a A Ne aT A RAI TI gan aH ae oft of Pe ond aiceyis Ate ox eer der aster a Sebergham Pa ar fig re oe AAG a ea 3 fue ie By a | eat ssueno0r-dormy FUT om, seat NOMIACATION es Dali he 190 may, 200 ‘No 620-CUNTRALERCTSE GSRSIQO— In exercise ofthe powers cunfere by sub-section (I) of scion $A of the Cena Excise Act, 1349 (of 1948), road with sub-section (3) of sstion 3 ofthe Addienal Duties of Hasse (Goods of Special importance) Act, 1957 (58 of 1987, ant in sapersrson of he notiicat ofthe Goverastent of Taio in he ertvbile Minimy of Finaice and Company Alfara (Dpermeat of Revenk} No, 35/2015-Ceat) Excise ‘dgd he 30" Api 2003, published in Gaza of India, Fxeanrinay, Pat [Laetinn 3, sub-ction (dvd the 2308 April 2003 [G SR 364 (8), data the 30" April 2000], the Central Goveramnay, bing sated tha iis ‘cecssry inthe public tteest so 10 do, brchycxooyps charms, spaced i colgm (4) of he Table blo? (erabalse eferrod 0s the ssid Table) fr ome oansumplion ef exciable goods Of he dessin mpocified ‘nthe comesponing ent in columm (3) of the eid Table ad ling wud he Chapter of the rt Scheie the Dontral Excise Tariff Act 1985 (© of 1986) speci in the camenpendig entry in cofurm @2) of sid Tate from the whole oF he duty of excise spected thorn in the Fal Selldule tothe sid Coal Pause Tiff Act and the dary of eveie specified. lorem in tho Fist Schedule to te Adkitional Duis of Exciac (Goods of Special lapse) Au. - TABLE « _-. S| Che | Design ‘Yates of denen g i = m3 51°53, 54, The Dllowing Tabien (racials velba vo" Fit cleamass upls an area 55, 38 or60 | asthe said tre), namaly- valac ot oxsendng twenty fe fabs at aubjected 0 ay gress; ‘lh mpets adc om ov aller Une LF (Gi) fabrics subycted plan toll cleaning dy Api in any francs see ‘8 decmiving or bow (but not subjected to Preside that fr the Snes ny ofhec procs), cared ot 30 4 pee: 20032004, The elearnecr uae | ‘odier then the place of manutuure of th | avaliag the exempcion unr the! proceed Gibiee. and cleared from the | NoliGcation Wo. 39/2002-Cxntal place of manufscire of waprovssedfabiee | Taine, dated the 30" Apa 2003, ‘ans. skall be taken ita aocount I for calculating the aygregate valve of set slesraace foc the sid . . [nancial gen, 32. 427 Yaw aahjéaed tw dowilng,” Wiading | clearances Far wee wile We $8 or 60 | warping, blenching ar pi winding feiary of rodetion foe Ue i smannfacuve of he sid bres Lert) ra gE : sere 2 Theescmption contained in this nodeation shall apply sbjecta he flowing coins. mama 0) where mamuficrer cles the sai abs tom marc than one tris, he exertion his cone ‘hall apply to de sid oggregote value of clearances for home consninption fam al such Tacos sd na sepals fo euch Paco i) whew the suid bros are cleaned by ror: than ote sanctters fo a foto, she exepkion Goal apply to the sek aggregate value of cloaances Jor bome oosunption by all such Softens and aos sopra Teac: manactrer Gi) the agersgate vale of clearances for ame consumption of suid fic, by the sid manufacturer few ane or rare factotes, a ftom a Botory by om: a acre manures, does nol exceed Dis ‘ve lakh eupost i a floanial yea: Provided hat foe the financial year 2003-24, The cleargnees made availing the exemption under he Notrcaion No, 25/2005-Cabtral Ess, dete the 30" Apt 2003, i any, shall be taken ite acount for onlenlfing the aggrege value of clearances by amamficare for one or eve Fetries, or fom a facia by neo ors actors for se nancial year Provided finther ‘Ast jn any financial year, if tke aggregate valu of clearances for ume ceasomption of ead Skee orogeds thity Cc lh ropes, oe fr the Fanci year 2072-2004 the egress vaboe of slew made under Ue Neilston No, 3S?203-Cenal Excise, data the 530" psi 2003,an8clearmees rad wer this Noaicauon cxzcuds tity Ove Lakh Tages, the sid Tewoteruer oe the rammulasunes, 9 the cake may be sal pay the mount of duty a pezeble, an the suid fis clearances of de atid Sirce of Inenty five Eh rupees, but forthe exemption ‘mune inthis licen, with Bins dayt of The day when sock clcaranoss wxceed the sad thin ive ak rupees; i) the msauficto al eep all docunetsclating mo pchase of yams ©) the matures ey opt not o aval ds excnoon contained in his aotfcation sd clear the sid fabri on payment of normal me of ty However, cnce such option has ben exercised during a Thuncil sear, Be sud mmutaciuer shall nos be Mlawed to ait Ue exumption dung the easing pal oft tnencal yor. x For lhe purposes of dstarsinng the aggregic Value of clearances Jar home sonsomprion, the Slewences of wapcecssed fray to place Sher Un Ts plese of manors of he mproccased fibrin, fo oh work andes NoHteiow No, 72014Cenmal Exess, dated the 19" January 2008. shall not be er lo azure, Provided, if the fics, which has boon cleared for job work, us nol retumed to the smanofbeeaes of uopfoeesed fabvice, thea the valve of ooh wapeoceseed Lubrics claveed shal he inclndoa ewends calculating the sid pgregate vale of lwrances Penkonsion:For He papas of Dis voici: - © Valos’ maxosths valu as determined in acoordance with he provsisns af setinn 4 of the sid Cone Excise Act it) *Nermal te of day" mens due day of extioe speed in de Fist Schedule id Conrad ‘Bycis Tan Acland th Fist Schade nthe said Aiional Duis of Excise (Coods of Social Jorma) Act rnd wah un evant noaricanen (oferta ths wticatcn istved under so- fection () af scton 5A of hess Contra Enzise cL ii) “Soh work” moans eutjecting mprecesed rs suppl vo dejo wevkr. to plain sll calendaring or decatizing or both (bl 90 sabjesied te aay edhe process). Frne. ssenene TRI] G.S.KARKI,UndirSecy é WS GAZET1W OF INDIA :EICTRACADINARY Ropes 40 ae “afte 1 wn oo 700 aE TATE TS manta 52030). SEs Ream tft ome ys PATE mee a Ara Pie 1057 (957 | Se) 3 erm a af eran (9h F aa ofa Fale wee Gow ae, 1986 (104d BI 4) BH se oa ! : ore () aru se efbsek ST wen a ge Tea BOR wee St Pt ee i sateen & Shah Ging yew sitios tees (esse at 5) oT cg & alm 20 s4.ce-sm ; | tesarhsatran at mye OBS Reet er a gaa ate | ! BENE Dee hes 19 THe, 004 & eta al of & OH GR ie ME YR 2 fay AF i ted segg HT Gee af wee yaw ate TEE ot mr a wet are anf a oe : i caret rae Weal 8 it ee BAB oe a Oia coh ars Ge ey oF ATR © ipa & Ar ch ava tes aa a dire. gw ftien Swed 3 Foe H Se we a ad smtp re oe oder tnd enh a aha aN fran i rg ee are eg Pr a BH BAT i i Con ss92004 te) i ten rca i NOTEICATION wai ie IM Janary. 2004 : ‘a 7a CENTHAL EXCISE pee: MB in exrte of the powers canted by sub-ccinn (1) of ctien SA of he Comal Excite 194 (I of 1948). read wih ach-cction Go son 3 of he Addon Das cf Petes (Ges f Sonal tnpotanca) Act, 1957 (8 of 157, He Caml Cova, beng ied ea ctwary in, the gobi, ieret so to do. haschy exempts vapocessed abot carat seg ‘th than De plas of mauufertirs of cach unprocesod fabric, filling undet Chapes $152,545.58 or | 60 ofthe Fird Schadol to the Cen Exsit0 Twit Act, 19RS (5 of 1986) fom whole ot Be daty ot ‘nein specified thereon in the said Fist Sched tthe Ceneral Esvive Tt Act and ja le cet i Schedule to tbe said Addon) Dats of Exexse (Goods of Spacat Tpemanga) Act, subject tthe i ‘endiin Hat afi jo wos, such proceed abies reser bask hy she jb mores fe the manufbcrur I ‘af such mnprocestod fabrics, i ‘Wolmaton, - Forte purposes of tha noice, te cxpessan "ob work” H ‘eeans subjecting wprcceso# | SRegpppign et era i al ending destiny obo (ut not subjected wo ay octet I! ‘races, and the expression “job saree” ehll be coostuod scsordngh i Fev ssaren-TRCT H . GS KARKI Unters, i aes Sa: ONT, stg i ech, 2008 oon ArT (GA) sweat 2360. ahr aa Seta TTT yer RP, 1944 (1964 eH 4) eA AA a ae the wT 2) eer se ell se oT HRY gE RET a fe stelea 3 ar a aay @ ame Seo @ kt ate eras Fear se Ho 19200 atte Gee Tew (Grodo) . aA 1 AT, 2002 3% Praire hy aber et & ante a ater 8, eat A (i) 3H Ho aa co ad) aR PPR Bee oe HA 40 Hi safes 3 arn; 3 Gi) 24 io aah sear ee (g) oA ER aE TT RR 95 te" after cena mt asec Some] fea. re re fr ra fear ARI a (afonor aba SM Yew (od), Bet 1 we, 2002 we a AIT -ommofhe 0 12718) aie 1 TE, 7002 art sne ee ATE a he rer oer aT RET @ aypees Sr TaN aR eM 90 ahs, 2009 FL € s6a(e) arte 30 aa, 20m | aR aie fra ea en NOUFICATION ‘New lh he Sh Tamar, 2004 No. 220M CENTRAL AKCISE (LT) 65.8. SK) exif the powers confined by ab-ttion (1) of and sob secon (2) of seution 4A ofthe Conta) Brie Act, Vis (L af 1948). te Ceara Govemncnt bing aited ha its ‘ovesiry a lke publi interest ota d, herby este loving further aracnameat Ln the soueation of {Ue Goveruneat of edi, 1b the Ministry of Pnanoe (Deparment of Revenus), v1 2/2002-Central Excise (ge 1a We I* Mach, 2002, mimste- Tih sid wien nthe Tale» (again 8, No, 48, forthe cauy i lum (8). he ery “4084” eal be subsite 4) againe S.No, 92, for teeny i crue (8), He cm "25%" hal be subtitted IFN, 156200000-98L] G.S.KARKI Under. ‘oe: The principal otfeton No.12/2002-Cemmal Enos (N-T) dated the Marc, 2002 spud ‘nee Cette of India, Pxtaortinany vide G SR. 152(E dled Ge at Mach, 2002 and ws last ceded Oy oferta Na, 4U2002-Cenina Ei (NT) dated tne 30" Ape. 2003 (GS. 3626) dated the 3004 ‘Spi, 2003. Toran os aig Gr a ig ea ape eB

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