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Uniform asymptotics for the full moment conjecture of the Riemann zeta function 2 Ghaith A. Hiary and Michael O. Rubinstein ∗ 1 0 2 n a Abstract J Conrey,Farmer,Keating,Rubinstein,andSnaith,recentlyconjectured 4 formulas for the full asymptotics of the moments of L-functions. In the case of the Riemann zeta function, their conjecture states that the 2k-th ] T absolute moment of zeta on the critical line is asymptotically given by a N certain2k-foldresidueintegral. Thisresidueintegralcanbeexpressedas a polynomial of degree k2, whose coefficients are given in exact form by . h elaborate and complicated formulas. t In this article, uniform asymptotics for roughly the first k coefficients a m of the moment polynomial are derived. Numerical data to support our asymptoticformulaarepresented. Anapplicationtoboundingthemaxi- [ mal size of the zeta function is considered. 3 v Contents 2 5 3 1 Introduction 2 4 1.1 Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 6 1.2 Numericalverificationsandanapplicationtothemaximalsizeof 0 |ζ(1/2+it)|. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 1 2 Proof of the main theorem 11 : v i 3 An algorithm to reduce to the first half 17 X 3.1 The first step: from p (α) to p (λ;0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 k k r a 3.2 An example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.3 The second step: from p (λ;0) to N0(λ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 k k 4 An algorithm to compute N0(λ) 21 k 4.1 An algorithm to compute N0(λ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 k 4.2 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5 Applications of the algorithms 27 ∗Both authors are supported by the National Science Foundation under awards DMS- 0757627 (FRG grant) and DMS-0635607. In addition, the second author is supported by an NSERCDiscoveryGrant. 1 6 The arithmetic factor 31 6.1 Contribution of “the small primes”: via Cauchy’s estimate . . . . 33 6.1.1 The combinatorial sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 6.1.2 The convergence factor sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 6.2 Contribution of “the large primes”: via Taylor expansions . . . . 44 6.2.1 The combinatorial sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 6.2.2 The convergence factor sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 6.3 Bounding the coefficients of the arithmetic factor . . . . . . . . . 49 7 The product of zetas 51 1 Introduction The absolute moments of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line are a natural statistical quantity to study in connection with value distribution questions. For example, they can be used to understand the maximal size of the zeta function. These moments are also connected to the remainder term in the general divisor problem [T]. Hardy and Littlewood proved a leading-term asymptotic for the second mo- ment on the critical line [HL]. A few years later, in 1926, Ingham gave the full asymptotic expansion [I]. In the same article, Ingham gave a leading term asymptoticforthefourthmoment. Thefullasymptoticexpansionforthefourth momentwasobtainedbyHeath-Brownin1979[HB]. Incomparison,thehigher moments seemed far more difficult and mysterious. Keating and Snaith, in a breakthrough, conjectured the leading-term asymptotic [KS]. Recently,however,basedonnumber-theoreticconsiderations,Conrey,Farmer, Keating, Rubinstein, and Snaith, conjectured [CFKRS1] [CFKRS2] the follow- ing full asymptotic expansion for the 2k-th absolute moment of the Riemann zeta function ζ(s) on the critical line: 1 (cid:90) T 1 (cid:90) T (cid:18) t (cid:19) |ζ(1/2+it)|2kdt∼ P log dt, as T →∞, (1) T T k 2π 0 0 where P (x) is a polynomial of degree k2: k P (x)=:c (k)xk2 +c (k)xk2−1+···+c (k), (2) k 0 1 k2 given implicitly by the 2k-fold residue (−1)k 1 (cid:73) (cid:73) G(z ,...,z )∆2(z ,...,z ) P (x)= ··· 1 2k 1 2k (3) k k!2 (2πi)2k (cid:81)2k z2k i=1 i ×ex2(cid:80)ki=1zi−zk+idz1...dz2k, where the path of integration is around small circles enclosing z =0, and i (cid:89) ∆(z ,...,z ):= (z −z ) (4) 1 2k j i 1≤i<j≤2k 2 is the Vandermonde determinant, and k (cid:89) G(z ,...,z ):=A(z ,...,z ) ζ(1+z −z ), (5) 1 2k 1 2k i k+j i,j=1 is a product of zetas and the “arithmetic factor” (Euler product) A(z ,...,z ) 1 2k :=(cid:89) (cid:89)k (cid:0)1−p−1−zi+zk+j(cid:1) (cid:90) 1(cid:89)k (cid:18)1− e2πiθ (cid:19)−1(cid:18)1− e−2πiθ (cid:19)−1dθ p i,j=1 0 j=1 p21+zj p21−zk+j (6) k (cid:89) (1−p−1+zi+k−zm) k =(cid:89)(cid:88)(cid:89)m=1 . (7) 1−pzi+k−zj+k p j=1i(cid:54)=j As pointed out by [CFKRS1], the rhs of (3) has an almost identical form to an exact expression for the moment polynomial of random unitary matrices, the difference being that G(z ,...,z ) is replaced by the function (cid:81)k (1− 1 2k i,j=1 ezj+k−zi)−1 in the unitary case, so there is no arithmetic factor. The CFKRS conjecture (3) agrees with the theorems of Hardy and Little- wood, Ingham, and Heath-Brown, for k = 1 and k = 2. It has been supported numerically; see [CFKRS1], [CFKRS2] [HO] [RY]. The conjecture provides a method for computing the lower order coefficients of the moment polynomial P (x). It gives, in particular, a stronger asymptotic than that of Keating and k Snaithwho, bycarryingoutananalogouscomputationforrandomunitaryma- trices, first predicted the leading coefficient (see [KS]): a g c (k)= k k , (8) 0 k2! where a :=(cid:89)(1−1/p)k2F(k,k;1;1/p), (9) k p and k−1 (cid:89) j! g :=k2! . (10) k (j+k)! j=0 1.1 Results Our main theorem develops a uniform asymptotic for c (k) in the region 0 ≤ r r ≤ kβ, for any fixed β < 1. We expect the asymptotics can be corrected so as to remain valid well beyond the first k coefficients (i.e. for β ≥1), and that the methods in our paper, which are of combinatorial nature, will be helpful in deriving uniform asymptotics for the moments of other L-functions. 3 To state our main theorem, let us first define (cid:88)klogp F(k+1,k+1;2;1/p) logp B := − , (11) k p−1 F(k,k;1;1/p) p p where F(a,b;c;t) is the Gauss hypergeometric function Γ(c) (cid:88)∞ Γ(a+n)Γ(b+n) tn F(a,b;c;t):= . (12) Γ(a)Γ(b) Γ(c+n) n! n=0 In the notation of [CFKRS2], B is the same as B (1;), which is given in k k Eqs. (2.24) and (2.43) there. The factor B is arithmetic in nature. It is the k coefficientofthelinearterminthefollowingTaylorexpansionofthearithmetic factor: k (cid:88) logA(z ,...,z )=loga +B z −z +··· , (13) 1 2k k k i k+i i=1 where it is known (see 2.7 of [CFKRS1]) that a =A (0,...,0). (14) k k Theorem 6.2 will later furnish the following asymptotic for B : k B ∼2k logk, as k →∞. (15) k Main theorem. Fix β <1, let 0≤r ≤kβ, and let τ :=2B +2γk, (16) k k where γ =0.5772... is the Euler constant. Notice by (15) we have τ ∼4k logk, as k →∞. (17) k Then as k →∞, and uniformly in 0≤r ≤kβ, (cid:18)k2(cid:19)a g (cid:20) (cid:18)r2(cid:19)(cid:21) c (k) = τr k k 1+O (18) r k r k2! k2 (cid:18)k2(cid:19) (cid:104) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:105) = τr c (k) 1+O k2(β−1) . (19) k r 0 Alternatively, τrk2r (cid:104) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:105) c (k)= k c (k) 1+O k2(β−1) , (20) r r! 0 as k →∞. Asymptotic constants depend only on β. 4 Remarks: 1)Theasymptoticformulas(18)and(19)ofourtheoremareactually equalities for r = 0, and r = 1. The r = 0 case is trivial, and the r = 1 case follows from either (2.71) of [CFKRS2] or (49) below. 2) For comparison, the corresponding asymptotic in the unitary case, provided in [HR], is: (cid:18)k2(cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:18)r2(cid:19)(cid:21) c˜ (k)=kr c˜ (k) 1+O , (21) r r 0 k2 wherec˜ (k)isthecoefficientofxk2−r inthe2k-thmomentpolynomialofrandom r unitary matrices. Although the CFKRS conjecture seems hopelessly difficult to prove, the precise nature of the asymptotic formula allows one to gain insight into the behaviorofthezetafunction. Forexample, byderivinganasymptoticforc (k) r that is applicable as r and k both tend to infinity, one can understand the true size of ζ(1/2+it). The results we present here are a step in this direction. OnedifficultyinextractinguniformasymptoticsforthecoefficientsofP (x) k from a residue like (3) is that the coefficients are given only implicitly. By comparison, both the coefficients and the roots of the moment polynomials for random unitary matrices, which correspond to the zeta-function moment polynomials according to the random matrix philosophy, are known explicitly, viarandommatrixtheorycalculations. Infact,theproofofTheorem1of[HR], which provides complete uniform asymptotics for the coefficients in the unitary case, makes essential use of the information about the roots via a saddle-point technique. In the case of the zeta function, however, we do not have ‘simple’ closed form expressions for the moment polynomials. We remark that if one directly applies the methods of this paper to the residue expression for unitary moment polynomials, given in [CFKRS1] Eq. (1.5.9), then one encounters similar difficulties as in the zeta function (e.g. a similar difficulty in deriving asymptotics beyond the first k coefficients). The mainaddedsimplicityintheunitarycaseisthatitdoesnotinvolveanarithmetic factor. Before delving into the careful details of the next sections, let us describe the basic idea of the proof. To this end, define k (cid:89) R(z ,...,z ):=G(z ,...,z ) (z −z ). (22) 1 2k 1 2k i k+j i,j=1 where, recall, G(z ,...,z )=A(z ,...,z )(cid:81)k ζ(1+z −z ). The extra 1 2k 1 2k i,j=1 i k+j product on the rhs in (22) is introduced in order to cancel the poles in the product of zetas in the definition of G(z ,...,z ). This renders the function 1 2k R(z ,...,z ) analytic and non-zero in a neighborhood of the origin, where it 1 2k 5 is equal to a . Therefore, we may write k P (x)= (−1)k 1 (cid:73) ···(cid:73) ∆2(z1,...,z2k)ex2(cid:80)ki=1zi−zk+i k k!2 (2πi)2k (cid:81)k (z −z )(cid:81)2k z2k i,j=1 i k+j i=1 i (23) ×elogR(z1,...,z2k)dz1...dz2k, and consider the Taylor expansion of logR(z ,...,z ): 1 2k k logR(z ,...,z )=loga + τk (cid:88)z −z +··· , (24) 1 2k k 2 i k+i i=1 where, recall, τ =2B +2γk ∼4klogk, as k →∞. Also, dropping the factor k k exp(logR(z ,...,z )), define 1 2k p (x,0):= (−1)k 1 (cid:73) ···(cid:73) ∆2(z1,...,z2k)ex2(cid:80)ki=1zi−zk+i dz ...dz (25) k k!2 (2πi)2k (cid:81)k (z −z )(cid:81)2k z2k 1 2k i,j=1 i k+j i=1 i (a more general function p (x,α) will be introduced in the next section). Our k basic claim is that the approximation P (x)≈a p (x+τ ,0), (26) k k k k obtained from P (x) by truncating the Taylor expansion of logR(z ,...,z ) k 1 2k at the linear term, is good enough to deduce asymptotics for the coefficients {c (k), 0≤r ≤kβ}, for any fixed β <1, in the sense the leading term asymp- r totic of the coefficient of xk2−r, 0≤r ≤kβ, on either side of (26) is the same. Notice the formula defining p (x,0) does not involve the complicated arith- k metic factor A(z ,...,z ) present in the residue expression for P (x). More- 1 2k k over, by the results of Conrey, Farmer, Keating, Rubinstein, and Snaith, the function p (x+τ ,0) can be evaluated explicitly as a polynomial in x of degree k k k2. For, by property (45) later, and the formulas in §2.7 of [CFKRS1], we have g p (x+τ ,0)= k (x+τ )k2. (27) k k k2! k The idea that the linear term in the Taylor expansion of logR(z ,...,z ) 1 2k ought to dominate over 0 ≤ r ≤ kβ was inspired, in part, by the analogous asymptotic (21), derived in [HR], for the moments of the characteristic polyno- mial of random unitary matrices. As mentioned earlier, the main theorem of this paper shows that the coef- ficients of the polynomial a p (x+τ ,0) = akgk(x+τ )k2 provide the leading k k k k2! k asymptotics, as k → ∞, for essentially the first k coefficients of P (x). The k proof of this theorem will naturally split into two main parts. In the first part, whichispresentedin§3, §4, and§5, weobtainestimatesoncertainfunctionsin k, later denoted by p . In the second part, which is presented in §6, we obtain k 6 boundsontheTaylorcoefficientsofthelogarithmofthearithmeticfactor. The latter bounds (and in some cases asymptotics) are fairly involved but generally straightforward, while the former bounds are more subtle, requiring somewhat more thought. Both bounds are obtained via essentially combinatorial argu- ments. 1.2 Numerical verifications and an application to the max- imal size of |ζ(1/2+it)|. Table 1 provides numerical confirmation of our Main Theorem, listing values of the ratio c (k) r (28) c (k)(cid:0)k2(cid:1)τr 0 r k for k = 10,20,30,40,50 and 0 ≤ r ≤ 7. Our theorem provides an estimate for this ratio of 1+O(cid:0)(r/k)2(cid:1), and our table is consistent with such a remainder term, agreeing, for example, to 3-4 decimal places for r = 2 and k = 50, and 2-3 decimal places for r =8 and k =50. Next, let β < 1, and, as usual, k ∈ Z . While the asymptotic formula ≥0 for c (k) given in our Main Theorem holds, as k → ∞, for r < kβ, it appears, r numerically, that our asymptotic formula is, uniformly, an upper bound for |c (k)| for all 0≤r ≤k2. r We therefore conjecture, for all non-negative integers k, and all 0≤r ≤k2, that: (cid:18)k2(cid:19) |c (k)|≤c (k) τr. (29) r 0 r k We have verified this conjecture numerically for all k ≤13, 0≤r ≤k2, and all k ≤64, 0≤r ≤8. The coefficients of the moment polynomials were computed in the former case in [RY] and in the latter case using the program developed for the computations in [CFKRS1] and [CFKRS2]. See Figure 1 for evidence supportingthisconjecture,whichdepictstheratioc (k)/(cid:16)c (k)(cid:0)k2(cid:1)τr(cid:17)fork = r 0 r k 10 and 0≤r ≤k2. Assuming the bound (29), we have, by the binomial theorem and term-wise comparison, the following upper bound for P (x), for all k ∈Z and x∈R: k ≥0 |P (x)|≤c (k)(|x|+τ )k2. (30) k 0 k Let |ζ(1/2+it )| = m := max |ζ(1/2+it)|. Lemma 3.3 of [FGH] 0 T t∈[0,T] provides: (cid:32) (cid:33)1/2k 1 (cid:90) T m ≤2(CT logT)1/2k |ζ(1/2+it)|2kdt (31) T T 0 for some absolute constant C > 0. Farmer, Gonek and Hughes use this in- equality, combinedwiththeKeatingandSnaithleadingtermconjectureforthe 7 k r cr(k) cr(k)/(cid:16)c0(k)(cid:0)kr2(cid:1)τkr(cid:17) 10 0 3.548884925e-148 1 10 1 2.357691331e-144 1 10 2 7.702336630e-141 0.9934255388 10 3 1.649486344e-137 0.9803060865 10 4 2.604519447e-134 0.9608017974 10 5 3.233666778e-131 0.9352015310 10 6 3.287651416e-128 0.9039165203 10 7 2.814729470e-125 0.8674698258 20 0 9.404052083e-789 1 20 1 7.007560591e-784 1 20 2 2.600909647e-779 0.9986738069 20 3 6.410977573e-775 0.9960221340 20 4 1.180624032e-770 0.9920509816 20 5 1.732651855e-766 0.9867716274 20 6 2.110801042e-762 0.9802005819 20 7 2.195579847e-758 0.9723595087 30 0 2.174528185e-2019 1 30 1 6.409313254e-2014 1 30 2 9.429995281e-2009 0.9994621075 30 3 9.234275546e-2004 0.9983864033 30 4 6.770756592e-1999 0.9967738368 30 5 3.964993050e-1994 0.9946262257 30 6 1.931729883e-1989 0.9919462534 30 7 8.053463103e-1985 0.9887374636 40 0 1.878520688e-3887 1 40 1 1.450126078e-3881 1 40 2 5.592030026e-3876 0.9997132915 40 3 1.436301603e-3870 0.9991398909 40 4 2.764308226e-3865 0.9982800615 40 5 4.252265871e-3860 0.9971343131 40 6 5.445979160e-3855 0.9957034019 40 7 5.972928889e-3850 0.9939883295 50 0 3.461963190e-6425 1 50 1 5.605367518e-6419 1 50 2 4.535291006e-6413 0.9998231027 50 3 2.444917857e-6407 0.9994693125 50 4 9.879474579e-6402 0.9989387280 50 5 3.191850197e-6396 0.9982315414 50 6 8.588531004e-6391 0.9973480389 50 7 1.979690769e-6385 0.9962886003 Table 1: A comparison of our asymptotic formula for cr(k), for k = 10,20,30,40,50 and r≤7. The1’sareexplainedbytheremarkfollowingtheMainTheoremthattheasymptotic formulaisactuallyanidentityforr=0andr=1. Weexpecttheretobelowertermsinour asymptoticexpansion,andwillreturntotheproblemofdeterminingtheminafuturepaper. 8 1.2 1 0.8 c oti 0.6 pt m y s a _r(k)/ 0.4 c 0.2 0 -0.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 r Figure 1: We compare the ratio of cr(10), 0 < r < 100, to our asymptotic formula. Here, k=10isrelativelysmall,andweonlygetreasonableagreementforthefirstfewr. However, thegraphindicatesthattheasymptoticformulais,uniformly,anupperboundfor|cr(k)|. 9 moments of zeta to estimate m . However, the leading term does a poor job at T bounding the true size of the moments if we allow k to grow with T. However, using our conjectured bound (30) for P (x), we have, in whatever k range of k that (1) remains valid asymptotically, that (cid:32) (cid:33)1/2k 1 (cid:90) T m ≤2(c (k)C T logT)1/2k (|log(t/2π)|+τ )k2dt (32) T 0 2 T k 0 for some absolute constant C > 0. Following the argument in [FGH], we will, 2 at the end, apply the above with k proportionate to (log(T)/loglog(T))1/2. The portion of the integral, t ∈ (0,2π) where log(t/2π) is negative con- (cid:16) (cid:17) tributes O (k2)k2 , on using: (cid:82)2π|log(t/2π)|k2dt = 2πk2!, the binomial ex- 0 pansion, Stirling’s formula for k2!, and also (cid:80)k2τr/r! < exp(τ ) combined 0 k k with (17). (We could also slightly modify the argument in [FGH] and ignore this interval outright.) Next, by (17), we have τ = O(klogk). Thus, if k ≤ C log(T)/loglog(T), k 3 for some absolute constant C , the contribution to the integral for t∈[2π,T] is 3 (cid:16) (cid:17) O T(C log(T))k2 , for some absolute constant C . 4 4 Therefore, if k = O(log(T)1/2), we can ignore the portion of the integral from 0 to 2π, and get: m (cid:28)2(c (k)C T logT)1/2k(C logT)k/2 (33) T 0 5 4 for some absolute constant C , i.e. 5 logc (k) log(T)+loglog(T) k logm (cid:28) 0 + + loglogT +O(k). (34) T 2k 2k 2 Combining Conrey and Gonek’s estimate [CG]: loga ∼−k2log(2eγlogk)+o(k2) for k →∞, (35) k with the asymptotics of the Barnes G-function, see (3.17) and (3.18) of [FGH], gives: logc (k) klogk 0 =− +O(kloglogk). (36) 2k 2 Hence, log(T)+loglog(T) k klogk logm (cid:28) + loglogT − +O(kloglogk), (37) T 2k 2 2 i.e. bound(3.20)of[FGH]continuestoholdevenwhenweuseourupperbound for the moment polynomials, rather than the much smaller and less precise (as k grows) leading term. Taking, as in [FGH], k ∼c(log(T)/loglog(T))1/2, and choosing the optimal c=21/2, thus gives the identical upper bound (3.9) of [FGH]: (cid:18) (cid:18)(logT)1/2logloglogT(cid:19)(cid:19) m (cid:28)exp (1logT loglogT)1/2+O . (38) T 2 (loglogT)1/2 10

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