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Two new species of the genus Ctenognophos Prout (Geometridae, Ennominae) from the Himalayas PDF

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Preview Two new species of the genus Ctenognophos Prout (Geometridae, Ennominae) from the Himalayas

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan maLma 7>'ansZepiaLSoc.Jkepan54(4)2:41-247,September2003 Two new species of the genus (]ltenqgnoph aPsrout (Geometridae, Enneminae) from the Himalayas ItikioSATo 2-27-29Shindori-nishNii,igata,95a2036 Japan Abstract Ctenqgnophos juscohrun nspe. an. from India and Nepal, and C yoshimoterum sp, n. from Kashmir are describe dand illustrate d.C paerfita (Butl eirs f)irs rtecorded from Nepal. Key words Ctenognophos ,new species, Geometridae ,Ennominae, India, Nepal, Kashmir. rntroductien In this paper two new species ofthe genus Ctenognqphos Prout will be described from the Himalayas. They are closely related to C eolaria (Guenee )th,e type species ofthe genus. One of them was collected from India and Nepal, and the other from Kashmir, In my previous papers (Sat o19,94, 1998, 2000), the following four species were record- ed from Nepal as members of Ctenognophos: cuprearia (Moore) ,zelompus Inoue, eolaria (Guenee )o,bteetaria (Walker ).Besides C methoria Prout was recorded from E, Nepal by Inoue (1982 :186), Here, C paerfita (Butle rwi)ll be added to the fauna ofNepal. The fbllowing acronyms are used to indicat ethe location of the specimens. BMNH: The NaturalHistoryMuseum, Londen, UK, NIAES: InsectSystematicsLaboratory, Natural Resources Inventory Center, National Institut eof Agro-Environmental Sci- ences, Tsukuba, Japan. NSMT: National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan, ZSM: Zoologische Staatssammulung, Munich, Germany. Ctenognqphos juscebrunn espa. noy. (Fig 4s-9) Catascia eotaria ab. juscobrun Wnareraen, 1896i 318. Gnophos (Ctenognoph oeosta)ria ab. juscobrunn eParo:ut ,1915: 384. Ctenognophos eoiaria ab. juscobrun nWeehral:i, 1953: 569. Length of forewing 21-36 mm, wingspan 35-43 mm. Both wings variable in colour and maculation, especially on underside (Fig 5s, 7 & 9). Mere similar to obtectaria (Fig s10-ll) than te eolaria (Figsl- 2)in having wings without yellowish tint. Differen tfrom obtectaria in the fo11owing characteristics. Male antennal pectinations shorter. Both wings greyish brown, net tinged with purple or red; rnarkings as well in obtectaria, but tending to be less defined. Male genitalia (Fig 2.4). Most similar to those of eolaria (Fig 2.8) as fo11ows , Left valva with an oblong mass of spines and right valva with several long spines, as in eolaria, but valva narrower, ventral spur longer s,pines on lef tvalva much shorter than in eolaria, Easily distinguishe dfrom those of obtectaria (Fig 2.5) by a large rmass of spines on left valva. Female genitali a(Fig 2,9). Similar to those of obtectaria (Fig 3,0), but a triangular NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 242 ItskioSATo ' a)g.st7h c s--f t-}:t" ut nv.stX,": ttu'P 'tt-- ss- )bc. C )k, liIv -g i' tt:t tt.v uS '61 :!cl'i tstk t;latel :"t s"-fV "i/bt t> 1 4S"" v 'g .k・ sl ' tl6 ' i7 ee" $,s gg;・li "';"ew Figs 1-23 Type specimens of Ctenognophes spp 1-2 Syntype of Gnophas eolarta Guenee, cin 3-9 C fiascobru nsnp enaov 3-5 Holotype, di 3 Labels 6-9 Paratypes 6-7 [jn 8-9 \ 10-11 Syntype of Gnophas obtectana Walker, di 12-l3 Syntype of Gnophos incolana Leech, or 14-15 Syntype of Gnqphos? paerkta Butler, [li 16-19 C yashimotoram sp nov 16-17 Holotype, cfi 18-19 Paratype, 9 20-23 C aiitssimus Herbulot 20-21 Helotype, [7 22-23 Paratype ,g NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Two New Species of Ctenqgnophos from the Himalayas 243 pouch-like process from ostium bursae much larger ,extending to the right. In eolaria (Fig 3.1) and paerfit a(Fig 3.2), such a pouch is absent. Holotype. cl , "Type/ Catascia eoZaria Guen. aberr. fctscobru nWanrera./CherrapunJ'i, Oct. 1893, Assam/Rothschild Bequest B. M. 1939-1/Geometridae genitalia slide No. 21319",BMNH. Paratypes.26 22 4. E. Nepal. 1 Kathmandu, Godavari 1,600 c7i cl, m, 14, iv. I990, 1 ci{, ditto ,24. iv. 1990, 1 [Ii, ditto ,29. iv. 1990, 1 cii, ditto ,13, v. 1990, 1 cfZ, ditto 2,. x. 1991,2 ci'T, ditto ,8-9. x. I99I, l cl 1 51 ,ditt o2,6-27. iii ,1992, 1 9, ditto, 3, iv .I992, 1 ci'T, clitto, 20, iv, 1992, 1 9, ditto ,19. v, 1992, 1 (3i, Kathmandu, Mt Phulchouki 2,275m, 19. 1990 (T.Haruta),1 Mechi, Godok 400m, 21-22.iv. vii, cln, 1993 (M. S. Limbu), 1 clZ 1 \, Sagarmatha, Okhaldhunga 1,800 m, r7-18. x. 1990 (K. Itoh). C. Nepal. 1 9, Gandaki, Kaski District ,Pokhara 850 m, 25. M. 1993, 2 \, ditt o2,8-29. iii .1993, 1 4, ditt o1,4. iv .1993, 1 Sl ,ditto ,4. v. 1993, 1 cln 1 SP -d,itto ,4. vi. 1993, 3 cge 3 9, cfitto, 4, vii, 1993, 1 (i't ] \, ditt o4,. viii, 1993 (T .Haruta). W. Nepal. 2 cl 1 \, Mahakali, Daldendhura 1,900 m, 3-5. iv .1994, 1 g, ditt o2,8. ix. 1994 (T ,Haruta), E. Sikkim,1 [7T,Dalapchand Aritaa l1,500 m, 27. iii .1991,l \, ditto ,26. x, 1991, 1 ci'T, ditto ,28. x. 199I, 1 51 ,ditt o1,. xi. 1991, 1 Sl ,ditt o1,2. xii. i991, 1 [ii 1 9,ditto,9-11.iii.1992, ]6']3 4,ditto1,9-21.iii1.992,l ditto3,. 1992(native cl, viii. collector), 1 cSn, Gangdok, 2. v. 1981 (Y, Kishida). N, India, 1 cli, Darjeeling ,Tiger Hill ,vi-vii. 1976 (nati vcoellector). In NSMT & NIAES. Geographical range, India (Assam ,Sikkim), Nepal. Catascia eolaria ab, .fuscobrunnea Warren, 1896, is not available under the Interna- tional Code of Zoological Nomenclature. I examined the Warren's "type specimen" (Fig 3s-5) and it sgenitali a(No .21319) preserved in BMNH, and here designated it as the holotype. I also examined the fbllowing type and non-type specimens and their genitali aslides in BMNH to ¢onfirm the identificati oonf this species. Syntype of Gnophos eolaria GuenEe, 6n (Fig s1-2) ,"lnde north/Ex Typicalibus SpeciminibusfEx Musaeo, Ach Guenee/Ex OberthUr Coll. Brit.Mus.1927-3/ Geometridae genitali aslide No,21320". Non-type female of C eolaria, "Goorais Valley ,Sept, 1887, J, H. LeechfLeech Coll, 1900-64/Geometridae genitalia slide No. 20299". Syntype of Gnophos obtectaria Walker. (in (Fig s10-11) ,"Type/Datieeling, W. S, Atkinson!Gnophos obtectaria, typefProbably Moore Coll. 94-106/Geometridae genitalia slide No.21314", Syntype of Gnophos incolari aLeech. dn (Fig s12-I3), "Type/Kwei-chow, (ProvinceN)a,tive June & July 1890fGnophos incolaria coll., Leech, type, di AMNH (6 )XIX. 330!Leech Coll. I900-641Geometridae genitalia slide , No,21316". Ctenognophos yoshimetorum sp. noy. (Fig s16-19) Length of fbrewing 22-25 mm, wingspan 35-45 mm, Most similar to juscobrun ninea fuscous wings with obscure markings, Forewing a iittl emore elongate with a larger discal spot; male hind tibia without hair-penci lw,hile in juscobrunn ehiand tibia with weak hair-pencil. Maie genitali a(Figs2 7& 27a). Most simjlar to those of paerfit a(Fig 2.6), but difleren tfrom them as fo11ows . Left valva with a mass of long spines of various lengths and right valva without a group ef long spines, as in paerlita .Mass of spines NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 244 RlkloSATo i F i g s 242-S2 8 C Maoblteec tagrteanit a(liWa aofl kCet ern)aRgSn-o3p8h7o9ssp2p6 C2 4 paCerh. tfitas cobrunBneaut le r R Ss-p4 7n3o5v 27R S-C47 2y5o- shimotorum sp nov RS4261 28 C eolana (Guenee)RS-6258 a aedeagus on lef tvalva more developed, costal projection of valva longer, ventral spur of valva much sherter, spines on aedeagus vesica more in number (ove rtwenty) than m paerbta Female genitalia (Fi g33) Pouch-kke process from ostium bursae much smaller than in juscobrun n(eFai g29) and obtectana (Fi g30) Similar to those ofpaeritta (Fig 32), but colliculum longer ,sclerotized and nbbed part of bursa copulatrix longer Holotype c!, Kashm]r, Naranag 2,500m, Kangan-Wayul, ]6-18 vm 1982 (E &H Yoshimoto), NIAES Paiatypes 2(1 13\ Kashrmr 16Z4\, same data as holotype, 2 4, Rampora 2,OOO m, Lolab Valley, 13 vm 1982 (H Yoshimoto), 1 4, Rampora-Dors, Lolab Valley, 12-15 vm 1982 (E Yoshimoto), 1 cln 6 \, Lidderwat 3,OOO m, Pahalgam-Kolohoi, 8-9 v"r 1982 (E & H Yoshimoto) All the paratypes m NIAES Geographical range Kashmir Ctenognophos altissimus Herbulot was described from Himachal Pradesh, N India, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Two NewSpeciesof Ctenqgnophasfrom the Himalayas 245 .i t" Figs 29-33. Female genitalia of Ctenqgnophos spp. 29. C j u s c o b r u n ns p.e a no v. RS-5560, 30. C o bt e ct a ri a ( W a l k e r )R.S-4734. 31.CZ eolaria (Guenee ).Geometridae genita- lia slide N e . 2 0 29 9 , B M N H, 3 2 . C Lpaemlit aButler,RS-4733. 33. C yoshimotorum sp.nov. RS-473I. based on a pair ef specimens, by Herbulot (199 52:2). I examined the digita limages ofthe holotype male and the p a T a t y p e female preserved in ZSM through the courtesy of Dr Hausmann, to compare t he m ' w'i t h my specimens frem Kashmir. As the result I fbund this new species eas i ly di stmguished from altissimus (Figs20- 2b3y )wing colour, Holotype, cJ, "Ctenognophos a lt t s si m u s Hrblt, HOLOTYPE/46 INDIEN, Himachal Pradesh, Spiti ,Spiti Valley, 7 km SE Kaza, 4,150 m, 3, 8. 94, leg ,P. Kautt & V, Weisz", ZSM. Paratype ,4,samed a t aa s holotype, ZSM. Etymology Itake pleasure i n na m in g this species after Mr Hiroshi Yoshimoto and Mrs Emiko Yoshimoto, who c e ll e ct ed al l the type specimens and donated them to me. Ctenognophos paerlita (Bu t l e r( )F i g sI4-15) Gnophos.? paerlit aButler ,1886, P r oc . z oo L S o c .Lonal 1886 (3) :389. Gnophos (Ctenognqpho se)olaria a b. p a er l i t a:Prout ,1915: 384. Ctenognqphos eolaria ab. paerli t a :W e h rl i , 1953: 569. Ctenagnophos paerlita: Parsons e t a L , 1 9 9 9 :200. This species was described f r o m W e s t e r n India [Pakist aonn ]the specimens taken at Kala Pani, between Thuliana i and Abbottabad (6,OO fOt? )(Parso nets aL, 1999). Here NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 246 Rikio SATO   1 record  two  pairs from Nepal  and  one  male  from  Kashmir  in the following.  Male  and female genitalia are  illustrat eads in Figs 26 & 32. Specimens examined ,2 ♂ 1 ♀,W . Nepal, Mahakali, Daldendhura 1,900 m ,3−5, iv. 1994(T,Haruta)1 ♀ ditto28. ix,1994(T . Haruta), NSMT .1♂ Kashmir, Dors l,000 m ,Lolab Valley, 14. ,viii.1,982 (H . Yoshimoto ) NIAES . , , , Type  material  exam 加ed . Syntype of  Gnophos〜 1アaerlita  Butler. ♂ (Figs l4−15) , ‘‘Type/Gnophos paerlita Butler type/Kala Pani,86/54,(49),249.83/Geometridae genitalia slide No .21315”, BMNH, .  I also examined  the followin gfemale(non −type) and  its genitali.a♀ “Simla 4.97/Joicey Bequest Brit. Mus .1934−12./Geometridae , , , genitali aslide  No .213玉8”  BMNH , , Acknowledgement Iwould  Iike to express  my  cordial  thanks to Mr  D . Carter(BMNH )and  Mr G , Martin (BMNH ), f()r their permission to study  specimens  under  their care .  I deeply thank  Dr A .Hausmann (ZSM )fbr providing me  w {th digitalize dphotographs of the type specimens  of  C  altissimus  Her モ)ulQt  and  Dr  H . Inoue  Iruma  for his critical  reading through  the original  manuscript ・.  My  thanks are  also  d,ue to th,e late Mr T. Haruta  Mr , H .Yoshimoto , Mrs  E. Yoshimoto and  Mr Y . Kishida f()r their kindness in offering  me , valuable  specimens . Refe「ences Herbulot, C.1995.  Un nouveau  Ctenognophos du nord −ouest  de rndc (Lepidoptera Geometridae). ,    BulL Soc, en t. Mu ”tettse 1995: 22, Inoue, H .,1982.  Geometridae  of Eastern Nepal based on  the collection  ofthe  lepidopterological rescarch    expedition  to Nepal Himalaya by the Lepidopterologlc aSlociet yof Japan in 1963.  Part II.  Bull.    Fac, domest.3ci Otsuma urom. 〔ノniv.18: 129−190. Parsons, M . S., Scoble, M .亅., Honey, M . R. and  L, M . Pitki,n1999,  In Scoble M , J.(Ed.) Geαmetrid , ,    Moths  qプ the MOrld: α Catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae )、 10】6pp ., Index l29 pp. CSIRO    PubHsh 加g/Apollo Books, Collingwood/Stenstru.p Prout, L. B ,1915. 」肋 Seitz A.(Ed.), Gross−Schmetterlin gdeer Erde 4. Stuttgar.t , Sato, R .,1994.  Geometridae:Ennominae (pa亘).  In Haruta, T.(Ed.), Moths of Nepa1, part 3.  Tinea    14 (Suppl.1):41−62 pls 73−76. ,       ,1998.Geometridae:Ennominae (part).  In Haruta, T.(Ed.), Moths of Nepa1, part 5.  Tinea    15 (Suppl、1): 19−31, pls l30−131,       ,2000.G◎omotridae :Ennominae (part).  In Haruta, T.(Ed.), Moths of Nepal, part 6.  Tinea    16 (Suppl.1):15−22 pl.163. Warrcn, W .,1896.  New  ,Indian Epiplemidae and  Geometridae./>bvi.t zool. 3:307−321. Wehrli, E.,1953,  In SeitZ, A .(Ed .), Gro,∬−Sehmetterlin gdeer Erde 4 (Suppl.).  Stuttga,rt 摘 要 ヒマ ラヤee Ctenognopho tss (シャ クガ科エ ダシ ャ ク亜科)の 2新種 (佐藤力夫) Ctenognophos  eolaria (Guen6e)(属の タイプ種)に近縁の 2種を新種として記載する と ともに,  C. paerlit a(Butler)をNepal から初めて記録 した.また 同定確認のために調査 した 5種の タイ プ標本 , を図示 した. (].fuscobran nSeatao 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan Two  New  Specie sof Ctenognophos from thc Himalayas 247 Warren (1896)によっ て,  Cataseia eotaria  ab . fuscobrunとnしeてa記載 されたが,国際動物命名規約 (条 45.6.2)に より無効 である.あらためて,Warren の記載 の基 になっ た Assam 産の♂ をホ ロ タ イプ に指定し,新種として記載 した.India(Assam, Sikkim)とNepa1に分布. (]yoshiηotonim  Sato 吉本浩 ・恵美子夫妻によっ て 1982 年 8月に採集された標本に基づ い て記載した.Kash 皿 irに分布. AcceptedMarch 25 2003 (     ) , Published by the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 5−20 Motoyokoyama 2 Hachioji Tokyo 192−0063 Ja,pan         , , , , 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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