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A TWO NEW OF SPECIES PARATHESIS (MYRSINACEAE) FROM AND MESOAMERICA NEOTYPIFICATION OF ROTHSCHUHIAN PARATHESIS JonM.Ricketson John J.Pipoly III Missouri Botanical Garden Garden Fairchild Tropical [email protected] [email protected]; ciu5la@latin ABSTRACT & ithesis, pseudocalophylla Ricketson Pipoly from Chiapas, Mexi P. The genus Parathesis (A. DC.) Hook. contains 95 species distributed from f. northern Mexico to Panama, the Caribbean, and throughout the Andes from Venezuela to Bolivia and adjacent Brazil. The genus defined by the unique is glandular and papillae of the corolla lobes, bright yellow anthers. In preparing the treatment of the genus Parathesis Flora Mesoamericana, two new for spe- were and cies discovered, are described herewith. [mm pedunculis lammisque ngide rutd idpttsst luginco Jaiachnoideo dcndroideo tomentoMS Ili mm petiolib 07-15(non 2 8-3 4) cm Icim^is cdxLc 1(t S (non 2 2-2 4) longo coioUa 61-6 3 (non 1 mm mm 7.2-7.5) longa atque stammium 4 5-4 7tnon 4 4 longarum hlamcntii,2 9-3 Knon 5- 3 5) 2 m mm m Trees to 61 Branchlets slendei angulate, 3~6 diam, densely and tall stiffly rutous arachnoid and dendroid tomentose Leaves with blades cm cm chartaceous to subcoriaceous, elliptic 8 8-14 4 long, 2 2-4 7 wide, cm acuminate acumen 6-16 apically the long, basally acute, decurrent on the petiole, conspicuously and prominently punctate and punctate-lmeate, gla- brous above except scattered densely rufous dendroid tomentose to the base at and along the midrib, with scattered arachnoid and dendroid trichomes below except densely so along the midrib, the midrib impressed above, prominently 20-27 raised below, the secondary veins pairs, slightly bullate above, promi- cm nently margins raised below, the entire; petioles slender, marginate, 0.7-1.5 long, vestiture as in the branchlets. Inflorescences lateral, pinnate to bipinnately cm cm 2-5 paniculate, 3.5-9.5 long, wide, pyramidal, shorter than the leaves, with the rachis a vestiture as in the branchlets, the branches 3-7-flowered cm corymbs; peduncles unknown; 2.2-5.1 long; inflorescence bracts inflores- cm cence branch bracts caducous, membranous, ovate to lanceolate, 1.8-2.1 long, mm 0.7-0.9 wide, apically conspicuously and prominently punctate and acute, punctate-lineate, glabrous adaxially, densely arachnoid and dendroid tomen- tose abaxially, the veins inconspicuous, the margins entire; floral bracts simi- mm mm branch lar to the inflorescence bracts but, 0.9-1.6 long, 0.3-0.5 wide; mm and prommently pedicels slender, angulate, 4.3-5.5 long, conspicuously punctate and punctate-lineate, vestiture as in the branchlets. Flowers 5-merous; mm mm calyx chartaceous, 1.6-1.8 long, the tube 0.3-0.5 long, the lobes ovate, mm mm 1.1-1.3 long, 0.8-1 wide, apically acute, conspicuously and prominently and punctate punctate-lineate, glabrous within, scattered to densely pubescent mm with simple trichomes, the margins entire; corolla pink, chartaceous, 6.1-6.3 mm mm long, the tube 0.6-0.8 long, the lobes lanceolate, 5.4-5.7 long, 1.2-1.5 mm wide, apically attenuate, conspicuously and prominently punctate and punctate-lineate, glandular-papillose within except glabrous at the very base, scattered to densely pubescent with simple trichomes, the margins entire; sta- mm mm mens 4.5-4,7 long, the filaments 2.9-3.1 long, the staminal tube 0.7- mm mm and 0.8 long, the apically free portion 2.1-2.3 long, conspicuously prominently punctate and punctate-lineate, glabrous, the anthers yellow, erect, mm mm 2-2.2 basifixed, lanceolate, long, 0.7-0.9 wide, apically acute, apicu- basally cordate, the connective conspicuously and prominently punctate late, mm mm and punctate-lineate; pistil 5.9-6.2 long, the ovary ovate, 1.1-1.3 long, inconspicuously punctate and punctate-lineate, glabrous except apically of scattered to densely villous or pilose of simple multicellular trichomes, the style mm 4.7-4.9 long, conspicuously and prominently punctate and punctate- lineate, glabrous except basally with scattered to densely villous or pilose of unknown. simple multicellular trichomes, the ovules 6-8, uniseriate. Fruits known Distrihution—Parathesispseudocalophylla only from the type is Campo collection, between Las Margaritas to Alegre, in the Mpio. of La m Independencia, Chiapas, Mexico, growing 2300 at elevation. and Ecology conservation status— Parathesis pseudocalophylla occurs in evergreen cloud with Pinus, Quercus, Magnolia, Podocarpus,Photinia and forests, was Olmediella. Because collected along a logging road, should be consid- it it ered threatened. Etymology— The comes from specific epithet close affinity to Parathesis it calophylla. Panithcsis pscudoca lophyUu was at first confused witt^ ca lophylla because P. and ' the chartaceous to subcoriaceous, slightly bullate leaves, lateral inflo- scences. However, P ca lophyl has densely appressed ferrugineous arachnoid la dendroid trichoines forming a tomentum, while in P pseudocalophylla, the r airs are erect, stiff and rufous. In addition, P pseudocalophylla has shorter peti- mm and stamens and es perianth parts, but significantly longer to 4.7 long, mm. irger lanceolate instead of ovate anthers to 2.2 x 0.9 & Ricketson nov costa Pipoly, sp. (Fig. 2). type, Zeledon, Parque Nacional Chirripo, Cuenca Terraba^Sierpe, A M, 083' 35' 21" W, 1,300-1,400 m, 17 Sep 1997 (f E. IJaro 1431 r.), mm m 8-10 Trees 6 Branchlets stout, angulate, in diam, densely appressed tall. papillose- or glandular-granulose-tomentose, glabrescent with age. Leaves: with cm cm 18-25 blades coriaceous, elliptic to oblong, long, 7.9-10.5 wide, apically cm acumen obtuse, abruptly acuminate, the 1-1.8 long, basally obtuse to rounded, decurrent on the petiole, bullate, conspicuously and prominently punctate and punctatc-lineate, glabrous above, essentially glabrous below but with sparse papillae or glandular granules at the very base, the midrib im- pressed above, prominently raised below, the secondary veins 80-110 pairs, con- spicuously impressed above, prominently raised below, the margins entire, en- cm petioles slender, margmate, 2 8-3.6 long, glabrous above, appressed rol led, papillose- or glandular-granulose-tomentose below, glabrescent with age. In- m florescences terminal and the axils of the uppermost leaves, pinnate to bipin- cm cm 27-28 22-25 nately paniculate, long, wide, pyramidal, as long or longer 3-7- than the leaves, the rachis tomentose as in the branchlets, the branches flowered corymbs; peduncles nearly absent l unkn subtended by inflorescence bracts leaves; unknown; membranous floral bracts caducous, to chartaceous, ovate, 0.9-1.5 mm mm long, 0.5-1 wide, apically acuminate, basally conspicuously sessile, and prominently punctate and punctate-lineate, glabrous adaxially, vestiture as in the branchlets abaxially, the veins inconspicuous, the margins entire; mm pedicels stout, angulate, 1-2.5 long, conspicuously and prominently punc- and tate punctate-lineate, vestiture as in the branchlets. Flowers 5- to 6-merous; mm mm calyx chartaceous, 1.2-1.7 long, the tube 0.2-0.4 long, the lobes ovate, mm mm 0.9-1.5 long, 1-1.4 wide, apically long acuminate, conspicuously and prominently punctate and punctate-lineate, glabrous within, vestiture as in the branchlets, the margins entire; corolla color unknown, chartaceous to coria- mm mm ccous, "5-5.2 long, the tube, 0.8-1 long, the lobes linear-lanceolate, 4.1- mm mm 4.3 long, 1-1.2 wide, apically long acuminate, conspicuously and prominently punctate and punctate-lineate, densely tomentose near the base mm mm within, the margins entire; stamens 2.8-3 long, the filaments 1.8-2 long, mm mm the staminal tube 0.5-0.7 long, the apically free portion 1.2-1.4 long, conspicuously and prominently punctate and punctate-lineate, glabrous, the mm mm anthers yellow, 1.5-1.8 long, 0.6-0.8 wide, apically acuminate, apicu- basally the connective, conspicuously and prominently punc- sagittate, late, mm mm and tate punctate-lineate; pistil 4.3-4.6 long, the ovary ovate, 0.9-1 long, conspicuously and prominently punctate and punctate-lineate, densely mm tomentose with appressed simple or stellate trichomes, the style 3.4-3.6 conspicuously and prominently punctate and long, punctate-lineate, glabrous, mm mm unknown. 4-5 6-9 the ovules Fruits depressed globose, long, wide, con- spicuously and prominently punctate and punctate-lineate, densely puberu- appressed simple inconspicuously Icnt of finely or stellate trichoines, costate. known Distrihution—Parathesispseudocrassiramea only from the type is collection in the Parque Nacional Chirripo, San Costa Rica, growing from Jose, m 1300-1400 elevation. Ecology and conservation status— Parathesis pseudocrassiramea occurs in premontane forests. Although seems protected in the Chirrip6 National Park, it known only from the type collection and should be considered threatened it is Etymology— The comes from specific epithet close affinity to Parathesis it The type in fruit with few partial remnant flowers and buds. The is re- maining buds appear house thus bud measurements to insects, are inaccurate. The fruits are unusual in the genus and appear as a "cauliflower" shape, how- may ever this be strictly because they were "juicy" at the time of collecting and may the "wrinkled" nature be caused by the drying process. Parathesis pseudocrassiramea closely related to P crassiramea because is of the bullate leaves, terminal inflorescences, and the ovary densely puberu- lent with finely appressed simple or trichomes. The blades stellate leaf of P. pseudocrassiramea are larger, to 25 x 10.5 cm, and essentially glabrous below but with a few papillae or glandular granules at the very base, while in P. crassiramea they are inconspicuously to conspicuously bizonal below with the marginal zone glabrous and the costal zone sparsely to scattered fine appressed may with whitish stellate trichomes. In fruit, pseudocrassiramea also be con- P. with fused cartagoana] however, the vestiture of the lower leaf surface in- P. is conspicuously or conspicuously bizonal and the marginal zone strongly ap- is pressed with dense, canescent stellate or dendroid trichomes and the costal zone has a mixture of appressed, dense, canescent or ferrugineous to tomentose stel- AND NEW FROM M N PIPOLY, SPECIES OF PARATHESIS late and/or dendroid trichomes with scattered erect reddish dendroid tri- chomes, which immediately two separate the taxa. In addition the aforementioned novekies, revision of the genus disclosed to the necessity of neotypifying Parathesis rothschuhiana Mez. Parathesis rothschuhiana Mez, Pf lanzenr. IV. 236 (Heft 9):176. 1902. (Fig. 3). Type. NICARAGUA. Managlia: Grenze der Berg und savanncnregion, 550 9 Mar 1894 in, (fl., fr), E. NICARAGUA. NUEVA Rothschuh53} (iiOLOTYPH: B 1943, F neg.4875j; NroTVPR. SEGOVIA: destr. & a la orilla del Rio Achuapa al S del Cerro Mogoton, 1,500 m, 12 Jun 1975 (fl), Atwood D. J. NeiU MO: J4 (NEOTYPE, here selected: isoneotype: FTG). A 37A 54' W], 3,000-4,000 leg |914-l,219 m], Jan 1848 U Oc> s(ai iolotype: C; lsotype: LL). (i ). I m The was March holotype of Parathesis rothschuhiana destroyed at Berlin (B) E 1943, thus necessitating the need to located an isotype. Unfortunately, the Rolhschuh specimens were not widely distributed, the only other institutions known to house his material are Leiden (L) and the Smithsonian (US). Searches of these herbaria, as well as the National Herbarium of Nicaragua (HNMN), have failed to locate a duplicate specimen. In the absence of any original type & H material a neotype must be selected. The Atwood D. NeiU material in is J. good condition with mature flowers and young Unfortunately, search fruits. a (HNMN) by Alfredo Guijalva of Nicaraguan herbaria has failed to locate a du- & Thus we Atwood NeiU plicate of this specimen. hereby designate the D. 14 J. MO sheet at as the neotype. was Oersted (1862) the to recognize the unique characters of this taxon, first when Mez he described Ardisia/uscaOerst.var.glabrataOerst. However, (1902) misunderstood and synonymized under the material the variety Parathesis Mez and between jusca (Oerst.) failed to recognize the similarities the type of new Ardisiajusca Oerst. van glahrata Oerst. with his species rothschuhiana P. Mez. Lundell (1966) in his revision of the genus was the to synonymize the first taxon under Parathesis rothschuhiana but was unable to locate any type material. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish thank Garden (MO) to the Missouri Botanical (MO), Gerrit Davidse and Mesoamericana and the Flora Project for support, to bring Ricketson its We Pi poly together to work on the project. gratefully acknowledge the loans made from the herbaria that this study possible, along with our collaborators who much We supplied us with critical material. also gratefully wish to thank (HNMN) Alfredo Guijalva for his diligent search for specimens in Nicaragua. Thanks due Roy Gereau (MO) comments on are to for the Latin diagnosis. Gerrit Davidse and Zachary Rogers (MO) generously gave of their time to provide thor- REFERENCES arathesis of the Myrsinaceae. Contr. Texas Res. Found., Bot. Das Pflanzenreich 236(Heft -437. Engler, ed. . IV. 9):1

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