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Two new species of Curvella Chaper (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Subulinidae) from the East Usambara Mts., Tanzania PDF

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by  VerdcourtB
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Preview Two new species of Curvella Chaper (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Subulinidae) from the East Usambara Mts., Tanzania

BASTERIA, 66:107-112,2002 Twonewspecies ofCurvella Chaper (Gastropoda, Pulmonata,Subulinidae) fromtheEastUsambaraMts., Tanzania B.Verdcourt RoyalBotanicGardens,Kew, Richmond, SurreyTW93AB,U.K. Curvella myrmecophilaand C. usambarensis are described as new species from Tanzania, East Africa.AconspectusofEastAfricanCurvella isaddedasaguidetonamingofshellsinthisgenus. Key words: Gastropoda,Pulmonata,Subulinidae,Curvella, East Usambara Mts.,Tanzania, EastAfrica. INTRODUCTION I havebeen gathering materialsforarevision oftheCurvellaspecies occurringin eastern Africabutalthough manyspecies are distinctivethemajorityare smalland characterless.As in manysubulinidsitisoftendifficultto decideifaspecimen isadultornotunlessmanyspe- cimens areavailable fromonepopulation.AllmajormuseumsholdingAfricanmaterialhave hundredsofunidentifiedspecimens of thegenus, manybearing manuscriptnames ofH.B. Preston which cannotbenamedatthepresenttime.The two species describedbeloware, however, quitelargeand distinctive.ThefirstI collectedwhilstworkingin Tanzaniaaslong agoas 1950. Thesecondwas collectedby FrontierTanzaniasome45yearslater duringasur- veyofthecoastalforests. For collections the following abbreviations are used: BM, British Museum (Natural History), London;RMNH, NationalMuseumof Natural History (formerly Rijksmuseum vanNatuurlijke Historie), Leiden. DESCRIPTIONS Curvella myrmecophila spec.nov.(fig. 1) Curvellacaloraphe; Verdcourt,1957:41; [1981]: 67. NotPreston, 1910. Material examined.- Tanzania,EastUsambaraMts,Amani,Kiumba,5°5.5'S38°38.5'E,900 malt.,inants' nest,B. Verdcourtleg.,1950(RMNH 93498/holotype,93499/8juvenileparatypes[allexVenmansColinno. 6400]);Amani, Mavumbi track, B. Verdcourt leg., 1950 (RMNH 93500/1juvenileparatype [exVenmans Colin no.6399]);Amani,inants'nest,900 m alt.,B.Verdcourtleg.,1950(RMNH 93501/2juvenileparatypes [exVenmansColinno.6401]). Diagnosis. -A typicalovoid-conicCurvellaoffairlylarge size,strongly ribbedandwiththe aperture distinctly produced toleft. 108 Basteria, Vol. 66,No. 1-3, 2002 Description. - Shellwhitebutoftenwith reddishstaining dueto lateritesoil, ovoid-conic, narrowly but distinctly umbilicate, not very thin; spire produced, obtuse, the apical angle about60°.Whorls6, convex, quiterapidly increasing, theapical 1V2smooth,therest with ratherirregular strongly curved(particularlywheremeetingthesuture) ribs atabout8per mm; sutureimpressed. Aperture narrowly obovate, distinctly produced toleft below the columella;peristomesharp, strongly curved,excised attheapex; columellaslightly curved, strongly reflectedovertheumbilicus.Animalyellow. Measurements:12 x 6 mm, length oflastwhorl9 mm,aperture6.5 x 3.5mm Distribution.- Tanzania, Tanga Province,East UsambaraMts. Discussion. - During my earlycollecting atAmaniI designated species by aletterorlet- ters.This CurvellawasAWandIhavearecord thatmaterialwasalso sent to H.Watsonin spiritandDr. K.L.Pfeiffer.Watsondid nothavetime toinvestigate itbeforehis death.His collectionis now in the Zoology Museumat Cambridge but this specimen has not been traced.Dr.Pfeiffer'scollectionis atFrankfurtandaspecimen shouldbethere.Dr.Venmans identifiedthe species as Curvella conoidea (Von Martens, 1892)butthat has a muchmore obvious umbilicus and compared with juveniles of C. myrmecophila of the same size is distinctlybroaderbelowthemiddlewhich IconfirmedwhenI examinedthetypein 1959. Later I identifiedAW as Curvella caloraphe Preston, 1910,a species described from the ShimbaHillsin Kenya anditis to thisspecies thatCurvellamyrmecophila bears mostresem- blance. I foundthespecies in loosesoil around theants' nest and in it;ajuvenile was also seen beingcarriedby anant.Atthe time using Stadelmann(1898) Ithought itvery likely thatthe black ant concernedwasMyrmicariaeumenoides(Gerstacker, 1859) knownin Kishambaa as 'Korokoro'.I sent someoftheants toHoraceDonisthorpe whomislaidthem.He diedshort- lyafterreceiving the secondbatch butdeterminedthemasanewspecies ofMyrmicaria. This maybe correct since Gerstacker (1859) describeshis antas 'obscurerufus'. Itis undoubtedly closesttoC.caloraphe butthatdiffersin having aconcavedepressed area belowthesuturewherethetransverse ribs arestrongly bent. C.nyasana E.A.Smith, 1899,is similarin size andshapetoC. myrmecophilabuttheapertureis muchless spout-like attheleft, ribbing stronger, columellastraighter, shell thickerandumbilicuslarger; otherspecies with spout-like apertureseg. C.campyla Connolly, 1923,and C. blacklockiConnolly,1928, aresmal- lerandnarrow. C. disparilis (E.A.Smith, 1890)is largerwithstrongerstriae butclearly related andalsofromtheEasternArcforests; C.subvirescens(E.A.Smith, 1890)also fromthe Eastern Arc forests is muchnarrowerwithastraighter columella. Curvellausambaricaspec. nov. (fig.2) Material examined.- Tanzania,TangaProvince,East Usambara Mts.,Kwamgumi Forest Reserve, Plot 39/111,4°57'S38°44'E,FrontierTanzania leg., 1996(RMNH 93502/ holotype,93503/twojuvenileparatypes; BM/paratype). Verdcourt: Twonewspecies ofCurvella 109 Figs 1,2.Curvella spec.1,C.myrmecophilaspec.nov.,holotype(RMNH93498);Tanzania,EastUsambaraMts, Amani,Kiumba,5°5.5’S38°38.5’E,900m alt.,in ants’ nest, B.Verdcourt leg., 1950 (actual shell height 12 mm);2,C. usambarica spec.nov., holotype(RMNH93502);Tanzania,TangaProvince,EastUsambaraMts., Kwamgumi Forest Reserve, Plot 39/111,4°57’S 38°44’E,Frontier Tanzanialeg., 1996 (actualshell height 14.5 mm).I.vanNoortwijkdel. Diagnosis. - Atypical, ratherbroadly ovoid-conic Curvellaoffairlylarge size, ribbed, the peristome deeplyexcised nearjunction withbodywhorl andaperturenot produced toleft. Description. - Shell white, glossy, rather broadly ovoid-conic, distinctly rather nar- rowly umbilicate,thefissureoblonginsection, not very thin;spire produced, obtuse,the apical angle about 53°. Whorls 6, convex, rapidly increasing, the first 2 practically smooth,the restwith close curvedribs 7-8permm,strongly benttorightjustbelowthe suture andentering the umbilicus; undervery high powers there are very close wavy- lines; suture moderately impressed. Aperture oblong-pyriform, not produced to left below the columella; peristome sharp, with outer margin not strongly projecting at middlebut deeply excised at junction with body whorlto forma well marked sinuous slit; columellastraight, very strongly reflectedoverthe umbilicus whichis notvisiblein frontalview.Animalnotknown. Measurements:holotype - 14.5x8.5mm,length oflastwhorl 11.5mm,aperture8.5x 5.3 mm;paratype - 14x7.5mm,aperture 8x5.2;juvenile paratypeof4whorlsmeasu- res 5.3x3.3mm and of5 whorls9x5 mm. 110 Basteria, Vol. 66, No. 1-3,2002 Distribution.- Knownfromthe typelocality only. Discussion. - This species is distinctive by itsroundedcontour and ratherlarge size, andvery deepexcisionatjunction ofperistome andbody whorl.ItdiffersfromC. myrm- ecophila in the aperturelacking theprojection totheleft andwidercontour. Theforest has some otherendemics, notably theAnnonaceous genusSanrafaeliaVerdcourt,1996, only recently discovered. CONSPECTUS OF EASTAFRICANCURVELLA Although it is notpossible togive a key tothespecies ofCurvellaocurring in EastAfrica thefollowingconspectus may help to limitthenumberoftypeswhichneed tobelookedat. 1. Body whorl/spireratio over4 2 Body whorl/spireratio under4 3 2. Shellbroadly ovate-conic, 7.6x5.5 mm with deep suture andopen umbilicus; body whorl/spireratio4.1 (Zaire, nearMasisi) CI . bathytoma Pilsbry, 1919 Shellbroadly ellipsoid (ie widestnearmiddle), 8.5-9.2x5.2-5.5mm; body whorl/ spire ratio5.6(E. Zaire/W. Uganda) C. dautzenbergi Pilsbry, 1919 3. Shelllarge, 31x 13mm withspire 1/3the lengthofthebody whorl (Ethiopia) . . C. aethiopica Thiele, 1933 Shellmuchsmaller 4 4. Shell small, 3.1 x 1.7 mmwith very deep suture and wideumbilicus; body whorl/ spire ratio2.07 (Zaire, Tschibinda) C. bathyraphe Pilsbry &Cockerell, 1933 Shellnot as above,usually larger withshallower suture 5 5. Body whorl/spireratio over 2 6 Body whorl/spireratio under2 11 6. Shell ovoid with ratio 3.3, 8.5 x 3.5 mm; montane species at 2700-3000 m (Mt.Kenya) (C. deliciosaPreston, 1911 Not amontane species or ifso thenratiounder2.5 7 7. Shellimperforate whenadult;Uganda or E. Congo 8 Shellperforate or distinctlyumbilicate 10 8. Body whorl/spire ratio 2.79-2.48; 9.1 x 4.3 mm, incised sculpture (W. Uganda) C. campyla Connolly, 1923 Body whorl/spireratio 2.2-2.23; sculpture ofratherfinearcuate costulae 9 9. Shellovoid,7.75 x 4mm (Uganda) C. entebbensisPreston, 1912 Shellovoid-conic, 10-11x4.7-4.8mm (E. Zaire) <C. langiPilsbry, 1919 10. Multipleentry in orderof size: a. Shell ovoid-conic, 6.1 x 3.2 mm; ratio 3.14 (Tanzania, KilwaDistrict, Matumbi Hills) C. sp. b. Shellelongate-conic, 7.75x 4mm; ratio2.2 (Uganda) C. entebbensisPreston,1912 c. Shellovoid-conic, 9.2-10 x 5.5 mm; ratio 2.3, openly umbilicate; submontane species at2000m(W. Uganda, Ruwenzori) Ci . conoidea(Von Martens, 1892) d. Shellovoid-conic, 9.5 x 4.5 mm; ratio 2.17 (Tanzania, Kilwa District, Matumbi Hills) C. sp. e.Shellovoid, 11.5x6.5mm; ratio 3.09 (Kenya, coastal) (A specimen fromKenya, KilifiDistrict, Vipingo collectedandidentifiedbymeas thisis probably yetanother newspecies) C. calorhaphe Preston, 1910 Verdcourt: Twonewspecies ofCurvella 111 f. Shellovoid-conic, 12x 5.5 mm; ratio 2.04 (Tanzania, Ulanga District, Mahenge, Kwiro) iC. afra C.R. Boettger, 1917 g.Shellovoid-conic, 12x6 mm;ratio2.96 (Tanzania, East Usambaras) (seeabove) C. myrmecophila spec. nov. h. Shellovoid-conic, 11-12.2x 6.2-6.5mm;ratio 1.86-2.13(W. Uganda) (C. masakanaConnolly, 1923 i. Shell narrowly bulimoid, 13 x 6.5 mm; ratio 2.5 (Tanzania, Morogoro District, Nguru Mts., Mamboia;alsorecordedfromW. Uganda/Zaire; someso-namedfrom Tanzania,Usagara areimperforate) Ci . disparilis(E.A. Smith, 1890) j. Shell broadly ovoid-conic, 14-14.5 x 7.5-8.5 mm; ratio 3.83 (Tanzania, East Usambaras) (see above) C. usambaricaspec. nov. 11. Shellimperforate 12 Shellperforate,rimateordistinctlyumbilicate 13 12. Multiple entryin orderofsize: a. Shellnarrowly bulimoid, 7.5x3.3 mm; ratio 1.72 (Tanzania, Morogoro District, Nguru Mts.) C.associata(E.A. Smith, 1890) b. Shell narrowly ovoid-conic, 11.4-14 (-16?) x 5-5.3 mm; ratio 1.5 (Tanzania, Morogoro District, Nguru Mts.) C.subvirescens(E.A. Smith, 1890) c. Shellvery narrowly bulimoid, 12.5 x3mm; ratio 1.25 (Malawi, Mt. Chiradzulu andZomba;materialfrom Tanzania,UluguruMtsis probably correctly namedbut thatfromKenya, Naivashais probably Opeas lamoense)C. whytei E.A. Smith, 1899 d.Shellturrited, 13.2x 5mm; ratio 1.23; 71/3whorls (E. Zaire) C. chapini Pilsbry, 1919 13. Multiple entryinorderofsize: a. Shell narrowly bulimoid, 4 x 1.6 mm; ratio 1.86; narrowly umbilicate(Kenya, Kakamega) (? adult) C. babaultiGermain, 1923 b. Shell'elongate-ovate', 8 x 3.2 mm; ratio notknown but body whorl said tobe underhalfthelength ofshell(Tanzania, ArushaDistrict, base ofMt. Meru) C. subgradata D'Ailly, 1910 c. Shellnarrowly bulimoid,9.4x4.1 mm;ratio 1.43-1.76(Uganda, . .. .Elgon and Entebbe) iC. elgonensis woodhouseiConnolly, 1923 d. Shellbulimoid,10.2x 4.9mm; ratio 1.83-1.87;minutely rimate(Uganda, Elgon) CC.. eellggoonneennssiiss Connolly,1923 e. Shellovoid-conic, 10.25x6 mm; ratio 1.46; shell solid, very coarsely sculptured (Uganda, Entebbeto Mbarara) C. solidulaPreston,1912 f. Shell narrowly bulimoid, 11 x 4.25 mm; ratio 1.55(Kenya, widespread buttype locality ShimbaHills- somematerialis 8-9x4 mm) Ci .pertranslucenspertranslucens Preston, 1910 g. Shellelongate-conic, 12x 5mm;ratio 1.36;striaeweak,slightly curved, columella thick, reflected into a tube (Kenya/Tanzania border, Kilimanjaro, Lake Chala) (perhaps anOpeas) CC. kretschmeri(Von Martens, 1897) h. Shellovoid-conic, 11-12.2x6.2-6.5mm; ratio 1.86-2.13(W. Uganda) iC. masakanaConnolly, 1923 i.Shellconic, 12.5x6.5mm; ratio 1.86(Malawi; aTanzania,Tukuyu specimen leg. Fiilleborncompareswiththis) (note avariety from ZombaMt. is 18.5x 11mm) . . C. nyasanaE.A. Smith, 1899 j. Shellnarrowly bulimoid, 13x 4.5mm; ratio1.25-1.4(Central Kenya, Nairobietc) C.pertranslucensfallooniConnolly, 1923 112 Basteria, Vol. 66,No. 1-3, 2002 k. Shellnarrowly conical, 13.2-13.5x5.8-6.1 mm;ratio 1.4 (W. Zaire) C< . thysvillensis Pilsbry, 1919 1.Shellnarrowly bulimoid14x5.5-6mm;ratio 1.64;suturebordered;very strongly curved columella(Tanzania,LindiDistrict, Rondo Plateau) iC.suturalis(Von Martens, 1897) m. Shell narrowly bulimoid-conic, 18-18.5 x 6 mm; ratio 1.16(Kenya, Machakos District, 'Ukamba') C. sinulabris(Von Martens, 1878) There are many specimens at Berlin, Brussels and The Natural History Museum (London) bearing manuscript names ofPreston. Someofthese are Opeas, Pseudopeas or Euonyma (sensu Connolly) but others have beenidentifiedby Connolly with described species of Curvellaand thematerialannotated.These Prestonmanuscript species are in a separatedrawer atthe NaturalHistory Museumwitha card index.Connolly did not see materialfrom Berlin or Brussels some ofwhich is not duplicated in Londonand there appear to be several undescribed species of Curvella there. Curvella shimbiense Preston and Curvella alabastrinaPreston, nonDaCosta, are both Opeaslamoense(Melvill &Ponsonby, 1892). REFERENCES GERSTACKER, C.E.A., 1859. [Report on Peters' Formicariae].— Monatsberichte der Koeniglichen Preussischen Akademie der WissenschaftenzuBerlin 1858:261-264. STADELMANN, H., 1898. Die Hymenopteren Ost-Afrikas.In: K. MOBIUS, ed., Deutsch-Ost-Afrika 4. Wirbellose Thiere 3: 1-74.Berlin. VERDCOURT, B., 1957. Snailsin ants'nests.—Entomologists'MonthlyMagazine93:41 VERDCOURT, B.,[1981],Photographs& drawingsofEastAfrican snails. Unpublished,but copiesinseve- ral places.

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