CiL © Biodiversity Heritage Library,;; www.biologiezeFntOrumR.SatCHUNGS museum KOENIG fJ fr BONNER ZOOLOGISCHE MONOGRAPHIEN Herausgeber: Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn Karl-L. Schuchmann (ed.) TROPICAL VERTEBRATES A CHANGING IN WORLD Leibniz Gemeinschaft 1 © Biodiversity Heritage Library,;; BONNER ZOOLOGISCHE MONOGRAPHIEN Schriftleitung/ Editor Karl-L. Schuchmann Zoologisches ForschungsmuseumAlexander Koenig (ZFMK) Ornithologie Adenauerallee 160 D-53113 Bonn, Germany Email: [email protected] Die Reihe BONNER ZOOLOGISCHE MONOGRAPHIEN (BZM) erscheint seit 1971 in regelmäßiger Folge. PubliziertwerdenOriginalbeiträgeinenglischerSprache. DieBZM nehmenvorallemsolcheArbeiten auf, die zu umfangreich sind, um in der Zeitschrift BONN ZOOLOGICAL BULLETIN zu erscheinen. SchwerpunktederBZMsind: Systematik,Taxonomie, Biogeographie,AnatomieundEvolutionsbiologie.Alle eingereichtenManuskriptewerdenbegutachtet.Autorenwerdengebeten,sichvorManuskriptvorlagemitdem SchriftleiterinVerbindungzusetzen. ErwerbderBZM:Bibliothek,ZoologischesForschungsmuseumAlexanderKoenig(ZFMK),Adenauerallee 160, D-53113 Bonn, Germany, Kontakt: d.steinebach. [email protected]. Thepeer-reviewedseriesBONNERZOOLOGISCHEMONOGRAPHIEN(BZM)hasexistedsince 1971. The BZM consist of original zoology papers too long for inclusion in our institute's journal BONN ZOOLOGICALBULLETIN. Preferredmanuscripttopicsare: systematics, taxonomy, biogeography, anato- my, and evolutionary biology. Manuscripts must be inAmerican English. Authors are requested to contact theeditorpriorto manuscriptsubmittal. TheBZM maybeobtainedfrom:TheLibrary,AlexanderKoenigZoologicalResearchMuseum,Adenauer- allee 160, D-53113 Bonn, Germany, Contact: d.steinebach. [email protected]. Karl-L. Schuchmann (editor) Recommendedcitations: Schuchmann, K.-L. (ed.). 2011.Tropicalvertebrates inachangingworld. Bonn. Jahn, O. 2011. Birds and mammals as indicators for the conservation status of tropical forests in the EcuadorianChocö.Pp. 169-184inSchuchmann,K.-L. (ed.),Tropicalvertebratesinachangingworld.Bonn. Published: November201 BonnerzoologischeMonographien Nr. 57, 208 pp. Acknowledgment offinancial support of this issue: The German Science Council (DFG) and Sparkasse KölnBonn. Editorial assistants:AlexandraSchuh and Brian Hillcoat Cover:Left-Smith'sGreen-eyedGecko{Gekkosmithii),photographbyLeeGrismer.Righttop-Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher {Terenotriccus erythrurusfulvigularis), photograph by OlafJahn. Right center - Dwarftreefrog {Dendropsophus cf. nanus), photograph by M. Guerrero-Reinhard. Right bottom - Rhinoceros Ratsnakes {Rhynchophisboulengeri) photograph byThomas Ziegler. , EUR60- Price: © Biodiversity Heritage Library,;; Karl-L. Schuchmann (editor) TROPICAL VERTEBRATES A CHANGING WORLD IN © Zoologisches ForschungsmuseumAlexander Koenig, Bonn © Biodiversity Heritage Library,;; © Biodiversity Heritage Library,;; CONTENTS ContributingAuthors 5 Preface On the phylogeneticaffinityofthe extinctacrodontan lizard Tinosaurus. K. Smith 9 DescribingEastMalaysian tadpolediversity: Statusandrecommendations forstandardandprocedures associatedwithlarval amphibian description & anddocumentation.A. Haas I. Das 29 Anuran species richness in theDepartamento Pando, Bolivia./. Moravec, & J.Aparicio, M. Guerrero-Reinhard, G. Calderön 47 Herpetologyonthefringes oftheSundaShelf:Adiscussion ofdiscovery, taxonomy, andbiogeography. L.L. Grismer,J.L. Grismer, P.L. Wood,Jr., & V.T.Ngo, T.Neang, K.O. Chan 57 Theterrestrialreptilefaunaofthe bioshere reserve Cat BaArchipelago, & Hai Phong,Vietnam. T.Q. Nguyen, R. Stenke, H.X. Nguyen, T.Ziegler 99 ApplicabilityofDNAbarcodingto museumspecimens ofbirds from G theDemocraticRepublicoftheCongo. G. Sonet, EC. Breman, Lenglet, M. Louette, G Montanes, Z.T.Nagy,J. vanHoudt, &E. Verheyen 117 Frances'ssparrowhawkAccipiterfrancesiae(Aves:Accipitridae) radiationontheComoro Islands.M. Louette, M. Herremans, Z.T.Nagy, & L-A.R. deRolands, K.Jordaens,J. vanHoudt, G. Sonet, EC. Breman 133 Thefetishculture inWestAfrica: An ancienttraditionas athreatto endangeredbirdlife? G. Nikolaus 145 Rangechange amongNewWorldtropicalandsubtropical birds. & J.H. Rappole, S. Glasscock, K. Goldberg, D. Song, S.Earidani 151 Birds and mammals as indicators fortheconservationstatus of tropicalforests in theEcuadorian Choco. O.Jahn 169 NestingoftheWliite-rumped Shama (Copsychusmalabaricus) in southernVietnam. I.V.Palko, M.V.Kalyakin, &N.V.Thinh 185 Morpho-functional analysis ofthejawapparatus ofSoutheastAsian tropical forest timaliidbirds. M.V.Kalyakin 193 3 © Biodiversity Heritage Library,;; © Biodiversity Heritage Library,;; CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS JamesAparicio Marcelo Guerrero-Reinhard Museo Nacional de Historia Natural-Coleccion UniversidadAmazönicade Pando, Centro de Bolivianade Fauna, Casilla 8706, La Paz, Bolivia InvestigaciönyPreservaciön delaAmazonia, Av. 9 de Febrero No. 001, Cobija, Bolivia Floris C. Breman RoyalMuseum forCentralAfrica (RMCA), AlexanderHaas Tervuren, Belgium Biozentrum Grindel & Zoologisches Museum JointExperimental Molecular Unit Hamburg, Martin-Luther-King-Platz3, 20146 (JEMU-RMCA/RBINS), Brussels, Belgium Hamburg, Germany Gonzalo Calderön Marc Herremans UniversidadAmazönicade Pando, Centro de RoyalMuseum forCentralAfrica (RMCA), InvestigaciönyPreservaciön delaAmazonia,Av. 9 Tervuren, Belgium de Febrero No. 001, Cobija, Bolivia NatuurpuntStudie, Mechelen, Belgium Kin O. Chan OlafJahn Institute forEnvironmentand Development Zoological Research MuseumAlexanderKoenig (LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, (ZFMK),Adenauerallee 160, 53113 Bonn, 43600 Bangi, SelangorDarulEhsan, Malaysia Germany Indraneil Das KurtJordaens Institute ofBiodiversityandEnvironmental RoyalMuseum forCentralAfrica (RMCA), Conservation, UniversitiMalaysiaSarawak, Tervuren, Belgium 94300 KotaSamarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia JointExperimental MolecularUnit (JEMU-RMCA/RBINS), Brussels, Belgium SiamakFaridani IEOR, EECS, andBCNM Departments, MikhailV. Kalyakin UniversityofCalifornia, Berkeley, California, USA ZoologicalMuseum ofMoscowLomonosovState University, BolshayaNikitskayaStr., 6, Moscow, SelmaGlasscock 125009, Russia, and WelderWildlifeFoundation, P.O. Box 1400, JointVietnamese-RussianTropical Centre, Sinton,Texas, USA Ho Chi Minh City, N 3, Street3/2, 10 District, Vietnam Ken Goldberg IEOR, EECS, and BCNM Departments, Georges Lenglet UniversityofCalifornia, Berkeley, USA Royal Belgian InstituteofNatural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium JesseL. Grismer DepartmentofBiology,VillanovaUniversity, Michel Louette 800 LancasterAvenue,Villanova, Pennsylvania RoyalMuseumforCentralAfrica (RMCA), 19085, USA Tervuren, Belgium Lee. L. Grismer GloriaMontanes DepartmentofBiology, LaSierraUniversity, Royal Belgian InstituteofNatural Sciences, 4500 RiverwalkParkway, Riverside, California, Brussels, Belgium 92515, USA 5 © Biodiversity Heritage Library,;; JiffMoravec KristerT. Smith DepartmentofZoology, National Museum, DepartmentofPalaeoanthropologyand Messel 11579 Praha 1, Czech Republic Research, SenckenbergMuseum, Senckenberganlage25, 60325 Frankfurtam Main, ZoltanT. Nagy Germany Royal Belgian Institute ofNatural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels, Belgium Gontran Sonet Joint Experimental Molecular Unit Royal Belgian InstituteofNatural Sciences (JEMU-RMCA/RBINS), Brussels, Belgium (RBINS), Brussels, Belgium JointExperimental MolecularUnit ThyNeang (JEMU-RMCA/RBINS), Brussels, Belgium General DepartmentofAdministration forNature ConservationandProtection (GDANCP), Dezhen Song MinistryofEnvironment, Phnom Penh, Cambodia DepartmentofComputerScienceand A&M Engineering,Texas University, College VanT. Ngo Station,Texas, USA Institute ofTropical Biology,VietnameseAcademy ofSciences andTechnology, 85Tran QuocToan RoswithaStenke Street, District3, Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam Zoologische GesellschaftfürArten- und Populationsschutze.V. (ZGAP), HuanX. Nguyen Franz-Sennstr., 14, 81377München, Germany FacultyofBiology, Hanoi UniversityofNatural Sciences,Vietnam National University, NguyenV.Thinh 334 NguyenTrai St., Hanoi,Vietnam JointVietnamese-RussianTropical Centre, Ho Chi Min City, N 3, Street3/2, 10 District, Truong Q. Nguyen Vietnam InstituteofEcologyand Biological Resources, 18 HoangQuocViet, Hanoi,Vietnam, and JeroenVan Houdt Zoological ResearchMuseumAlexander Koenig Royal MuseumforCentralAfrica (RMCA), (ZFMK),Adenauerallee 160, 53113 Bonn, Tervuren, Belgium Germany Joint Experimental MolecularUnit (JEMU- RMCA/RBINS), Brussels, Belgium GerhardNikolaus Feldweg 87, 27474 Cuxhaven, Germany ErikVerheyen Royal Belgian InstituteofNatural Sciences, V Igor Palko Brussels, Belgium A.N. SevertsovInstituteofEcologyand Evolution, RussianAcademyofScience, LeninskyProsp., 33, PerryL.Wood,Jr. Moscow, 119071, Russia DepartmentofBiology,VillanovaUniversity, 800 LancasterAvenue, Villanova, Pennsylvania John H. Rappole 19085, USA Conservation andResearch Center, Smithsonian National Zoological Park, 1500 Remount Road, Thomas Ziegler Front Royal, VA, USA AG ZoologischerGarten Köln, RiehlerStraße 173, 50735 Köln, Germany Lily-Arison Renede Roland The Peregrine FundMadagascarProject, Antananarivo (101), Madagascar 6 © Biodiversity Heritage Library,;; PREFACE During May 3 - 8, 2009, the Alexander Koenig Zoological Research Museum (ZFMK) hosted the 6th International Tropical Zoology Symposium. This series of symposia was established in 1984 with the intention ofbringing together specialists from various fields oftropical research to contribute to a better understandingof the organisms found in the most complex ecosystems, those spanning the Earth around the equator. The 6th symposium in 2009 was organized by the curators of the Vertebrate Department. The topic "TropicalVertebratesinaChangingWorld"waschosentodrawattentiontothestochasticimpactsofclimate change and direct man-madehabitatalterations onvarious levels ofvertebrate communities. Symposium sessions were arranged geographically (Africa and Madagascar, Central and South America, South-EastAsia), andopenedbysixplenarytalks. Themeetingwasattendedbyover 150colleaguesfrom 16nations:Australia, Ecuador, Kenya,Madagascar, SouthAfrica,Thailand, USA,Vietnam, andeightEuropean countries.Atotalof50 oralpresentationsand 23 posterswere featured. The papers published in this proceedings issue are arranged in taxonomic order, ranging from fishes, amphibians, and reptiles to birds and mammals. All contributionswere peer-reviewed. IwishtoexpressmyspecialthankstomycolleaguesfromtheZFMKVertebrateDepartmentfortheexcellent organization ofthe symposium, and to the manystudent helpers. Jobst Pfaender, however, stands out for his painstakingefforts to keep all administrative matters undercontrol. Lastbutofcourse notleast, I thankthe authors and reviewers fortheirexcellentcooperation andpatience throughouttheprocessofeditingthisvolume. SuperbeditorialhelpwasprovidedbyAlexandraSchuhand Brian Hillcoat. I gratefully acknowledge financial support from the German Science Council (DFG) and the Sparkasse KölnBonn. Karl-L. Schuchmann, Editor. Bonn, Germany 7 © Biodiversity Heritage Library,;;