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Tricoma (Quadricoma) jindoensis, a New Species of Marine Interstitial Nematoda (Desmoscolecida: Desmoscolecidae) from Jindo Island, Korea PDF

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Preview Tricoma (Quadricoma) jindoensis, a New Species of Marine Interstitial Nematoda (Desmoscolecida: Desmoscolecidae) from Jindo Island, Korea

The Korean Jounal of Syatemutic Zoology Tricoma (Quadricoma) jindoensis, a New Species of Marine Interstitial Nematoda (Desmoscolecida: Desinoscolecidae) from dinde Island, Koren yung Wook Lim and Cheon Young Chang Beene ef Sy, Cie Nur sn a ABSTRACT courrier ace aes Sensing he st-gacs Cunicenma af corer Degrees 6 del nen Fac ar, Soh Koren, Tie nestanmolnes rs, 1921 shying sh site cite ste, nay Ie Irv. Quarts eden pws, mn sl wit 7 6) dren of oor vpn tion # tbl pe 9 oe el ery rion the seen eornene's wth 68 suachienmoid rege. Vguwar F1Q5 finger dos ne ty Gaus rn. 6 9 ive of soeol setae fe male ‘shies the ee eal of rs neat un Eat a INTRODUCTION esmewalc an ga namaste ecm hg th srs ergs ans manly ibis the movin ines usar rom kcal to det bis, ee specs of 21 yon 2 Laity Tan. 1920, Ca ese 30 wth lain ake Feleniavrcer, 1% Perse, 1985, HE) Hae bree aly bg deere nerds it nos hangin west Pace aca Kove -hirag the cememeratse fi: surey ie 25 dy 1, 2004: for he ZU saverexe othe evan Socan: at Sgro Zoey ate Kad. apse ng to Ese yn Tica, ts apres aoe gente under Drei, Ae ‘olleted a nae ew tng ne aoe Der spo owl senna ovate Rss we oie aE les eet yas des rth ins Kl oa aad ae Ore ot sce yar Th sa sed eur the 9 rea anecehaloging 1m he ebage Okairon of genus "roma, and eseried aes under tae rama & Tense Quasar dae #0. ‘MATERIALS AND METHODS Mens sos rts Bane sce 7 Pt hy Som Kone dh aa ing, 206 Serta eso ng lle Fla ame ses pins el sy sh luna, oF sang he ane rece abatec en le ree stone Noon vere bed Hooves mn see wis SA cr omnes sheextisetezsen. 198, acd then fat vale restnler race for ss bu «rule th 9%: toncan on 938% ath. eck Exar wire son i benicar Sle Shaye ta WV, e dese Co le, shes ling + slo of S% ace le; wate > AZ Ags, 4% sarod under a cierwacel iterlarence conmast IEIC:sienoeeape lms 38-51; gashoped th Nemec? opts lier nro yr dill sa nme ma pra ig oa hace opto for scsi sey ina ae aoe he and oan fer an teres ream :1¢-30 ger 9 mange dle eect he bay, he semiloce recone were pte seh °C 42584 bale lary WM pre caller all 4, allway polation ul 1 cen lage he we be ol soins 28, 4, 8 6A, HD, AB, 99, 95, 10s for 2U sneeies sack che macenals wore ears pes di. comes: goo pels 19-22, ker detycrotion terough a qed ab and evade a Hach SAH, a 1 vckage ccoarain, “Texeskgy tal tlle Dectoees 9981, boven aot ett ae calles = wpb of cept Sees: QUE = Kra . syptn’ f aubirimehra a= nny hs (vaso dh leh), = lg af hae rs avin ey va eh ai bedy dames estene matral not vtec ee ang of oaeeinegn alana of a one ernst sae on rom ry nahh sen gaya dy he wea bs 44 — gle ‘fier ners ee em = gly aang eel a te = ith of rnin ermine af farm mere esl el gsr of ll I va be Pak 2 = rath tain of 56 Mae BE = fi. Al mpesnsinen a ‘AXONOMIC ACCOUNTS aly Dor nesinenin Scns, 1907 AE MSE Gans Trina Colin, 1H BATA ARAL Tricoma(Quadvicoma) indounsien. xp. iA AAAS IE Pige 1-3) Material exemined. Rule yyw: “ole UITRGQNGG), Gove, la 20-01, 2008 0H Liev ual JM gan ranqe: thn lad ele DIBDIDS-36 123, eet ta someasin hlabype, all ze-nesised mn ashes ceo on 5 dices, seed at ols Helstype and allot i a¢ devostcd mn cha Banonal Soles Hesauress Cane, lncneon. Kecea, and th vancung Faatjee spasivars 7c ast athe auhr’scecarsh election st che specicat. oso ofthe Duan e Bis, Dang Useesiy T tae tale a Cae ees Fea hs I ate gy an r SBE re Additonal swsteial nine, % rk 2 fal. Garg, Sith fo 1 Sd, 200% IH, apd) Ment; 2s 1 foe, Sr fy di i, 18 Del 2A, eae Diagnoste, Bey elongeasd cad fle sender, wth 4 qundiceed ge alain 7 aL rag: reese. ofan ang: semete seta comping aay 12 po: sbvnta ace 2 $ pas Sv subeoel tea. send. fies ie “hon ars th broad See evi orrnadin beyond safer avr of hea cephle seme ree” fongee ta a of rested Ao soy wR von ba er sano fae ean head oma, ced empl ideo ec pubis, envy fo omen Jp: maids wands ener rast hoe lene. of head ‘heween prkowles oFeapelcceto: acti pese™ at min ea cule steaer and Jona, about as pales nna vertcbuealy ebloepeo:terance sete tlane cole, semen paras pee ee ending ote, 41m Toma ih 3 ra Holotype tale, ody a litle slender and elongated. O20 ya 1ong. tapering texrde bos reer: conpoed af 4 gpl iaorrold als rng. th dscwn eoricond a eee 4 do hne Foreign ate, uth sezonce, let of seston ot ean nnge aaa 33 2D Nig. 1. Ho 14 times vscer than fone, ping Hom lve of tartan of cache sae taal swonaly Fenced areriogreigk ig, IC; aretes rach of ead thiskenad and selvc=zod, Feurarn edly nen scaped beret. Lal opts 6 ys sgty kewl Layee anaein ream: of Ree deal ew (Cophohe setae anuch ange dhe al ei. wih, aed 12 os hag hen end lech: wth toad basal pest, peri into ne 3h. ole nth aed Uy alia er beens aposssed 3 roatal we €: haad: sans ram abou male of Head, cach inate sree ant spent 1.) Ar hidsremdos, comes ceva wtsle eth o: hepa setweer. pects el cess at Fig Ch mis gly bsg oching tp lore “ann of ae, pomerony Ile bicod consti: end Eases of eapoas slay, cht Ga at in ang ea ing os ies 7am doen, roc ace thick-wnlled 1g, <UL Gesephague ans or ks sli ann in srl roars poate mcg ob 3 Fig 1 Tacomas adaacaa sana rzously wicaned antavtort2 eve ng. than tapas paleo. Meow ve euxoulans fcesopagus at lvl @ ane: put ¢! mu deferens. Qesophaso ‘test item Pa oe ite uel mas, sm sed other nang, ck shape «LO eusted 5 Msculn t t nee hay sheng afl fe taint, Hons: see and 12 alee ss al in ngs Tk bn al pen cl ten al T=, a , l beef exvaniloch sets 8 Se lace ADM BT “Dar HCL, Tye ascony 2s 4-8 leh 3.8.9, 12,14, 17, 29,2, 2%, 51.95.41 12 rahe de 1216 29,2297 AL AT bana ‘Soa sta vhtnehe sand, espechl in oe ina, beemoe of eae Flee any whoa ‘angth ooh oi sm Wisk ri shenarel tas Go anion aa ps ding eral ve ve oxy Ue Fool ig AF ean g reser inanch ends Repeonictse mst Goa. sor stamens Okercema Sock, 11 yo ove. BL li ly cares ace de, ott ct Foam rie HH sg SP Mle of ees ens ye Risener: 2s wim Ton, sare oi a tp, ‘orl Foye 8B a ig AF. Min apie aan st = aoe ly, Ten cereus 3b a Pps canine Fay ear Sica i su, Sobel rombearce vith hiceonod ever nega 10. 36 Tene eg Bum ns, ens of yor conical sev ra coer ety See mart ar obaalel “ole spree 20 yet eg. anew caveat sheath Phare sn 25 “ra 2 dares an ound, saver st about miele sel amir we olen tboype female. sy fleshy lurpy 3 compzron thet of taste role 600 yrs In Fs 2A oeal vw of bla ogi, aust obal pepille shunted rar ede fara genie in mga cimaugaren. staal wang. chp gion unde by wel develeped cephalic Vig, 3B, Ch ae! irs omling bap lanes main ead n deal wes 20) Aoi rar, eae shea oases ale 20 Somat eae wih 9 aus cf subtrel sole on 12 sory oP altuna sale, amg me to lek 4.7.10, 13.17, 25, 28 4, ag MCE ea UT, TSP 2 oe ADT a 4,0.8,11,19,1/ 20,28.2, 91,98 41= 12 SUNS apes 8.8 TLE TF 29.32.20, tH 95 A= Te Pearo: sell sal ane m4 <1 4 srustecbebaves sain eos Bs Sip UE Ae ube feng anc eis, leated sstweer mn rings i ayd 3. eqnochirce spate Hira ft (Goashaorna Yuka hued erseen main sone 2 ae 78 Taal composed of Tres: rigs: peste coq wlhcut any ¢.obular orotberswre ath thane ecto erase a6 = rales Figs. 2A. earn 35 “Sum ons, consiting of broad san pot Sc narote naked mpinaeer ism lea, 20h, Mcameta not sensed Othe: hafactrss sory ancl ar sr to hove a helenpe al Measures. 2s 22 85718, 5-17, 3-202 By 28s 228. sg HE. wy, IL. soe 1,07, 20, se “TAL. gb ~25. t= 121, ns =, ee 15, cate 20, 68 ~ 79 bd ~ Gb be GG, a= 8.7, 2 PS, Bu ‘Aap foie: L~ GU, be. 16, e222 ey 22, fg BA, tig, Bh teg #27. a = 27. tg 27 td 26, 92~ 29. 58,~ 14, 34,21. 94-4 B. 2A, By =Z5, sim 22 804 LE By.= BE y=, soo ~2D.VI=BO.t— 2A t=, Yeame=1F.spinneret~ 18, 9¢2~ 78, ed Ibe) 8, = $2, BGA. arabiiy Bly egal 20 14a sce amily sg Re BAe TED pm ‘aan GC we, ee Nae hot tenet oe Ho SGI saber of cena se condstsy are # pis of suheorea ace sa TY gst at ots oles and fae esd, but he etl arescemert ie comeazor sake sapendna om to retainer nde atone mer. cheese cabo arabsie='1 fon fs 17,10, L903, Lo. ust, 19, 2822, 29027), J, aD —@ ROPERS oot JG MARL, BEBE, 2, YANG A= 9 abennes 2. 881 86 “LTE 1405, 1726, 18, ZODS, 245, 2609, 2AVBL OL 5. b= 22 OE oe 9 SL, I! 16H, AFIS, ZOU, 2, 242, LAVAL YA, G6, AL 12 vedere scat, © PE LOCH, LH TIO, 5,24 DE A= 8 ih 4, HS. OU L1H, ZONAL TBE, 34. A10=9 sr ag LSS IN, 12 18, NS, ER, 29024, 27881 9B, ABET = 12 aA TATA, 12, VN THU SO} RADA, eT ATE BAL = 12 ‘Tes specimens dems come done poskon of wven al setae or lege 2 cn Buble snare cher tara, ‘Dealt ans cee 02 veg 8. tonwser 5 ew speimess ta ects ewan ings 7 9°e 8, er batseer singe 8 are 9 All .2 mate apooimens esznined coassteny aie & gut rotsana en he Sine ira A, ti ae EEaient Ke sane and sa Mts“ aad oe ie ep vip, ad i vag am 364 Op Phacrmla wes Sl ese, te Ds sak as Eiyimotegy. Thee ns acs lle the Reamarka, sven al 36 sms st ssn Hy Fs byte Qaida, 7 sce ‘nly fhe ne ss, aun eosasing M4 ymin gy Trina WQvadshora) Inbawarerae Tiny, (996, F 10. ersmicorsa Stale, VOU, T. 9. sraaisinsites Tien 1926, T. 10.) Scr Steroien, I9FF, Tl sagsafeweie Dist 1M, TQ puptane Dosaein, 1277, del TQ pontea Fiji 1982, The ne aks » et le wilh 71 enamesnes ane 1 cosas it dating Mace sbi ef keg kee MOG ue an a ape ssl posto sul, bre! ed ah rca st aria iba, Ie sin wel ir, ae ivoire ig 8 Hin, 157 econ fi) yrdmaes w ck al lige fi 1.3 eae Ie a ang foaly B80-PPA ee eg pied A73HAGN gor Egan T. 4G eras, wel lege crstais sate ISPD 0 long nies 9-1 an lesg ie Tid avesioaea er ons nga seu (49-280 jr kes onl 100-107 os hong in 7 (0. email. and passccn of ‘Pome in eal in abl. 10% eae Yigoma KD} artceeenoan ily mst econ. A) finde 244 ang oe sition czas: see ae se si inal 9 yal labial pope Desvaene 1977 in 2-00 coche chore hirncto-s abuse. Hoover, To iG. Suan ns of dices funn 7. €@ crsicomo'aes the numer f Ia isin =ane {Pg ir TsO eraser aed La tel pattern fn rie 3 om af ale lee ile pit of ars ebm T. Du rroesicomordos. Al the ris: of Cav prime ne 2 a Cansetamy showed a Sibsus swabs oe wad cor ew slot ee Fg, AF, aa sa Hon ps prsievanece varied» Ble fhe lips a oe De nd mcoplogiel easton ncinl'g SEM ssp an kr orate 9 ashes ty Pay ae ne: Gael, Ine speveton sxe te 9 pl ecfouley ine passe! elt nal of Thx epee. This slotuler mcmoerence mcles the present nese snociescsrinsinased wacily Horn 2.4 ‘Noaucomovtes us wal sell tear 4d ras ccaenes, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Wee ave gual 9 Dr. i Mi Le 4:2 Ke, Hun Sst i hv Ui alps Un ud Ue rrskheslbie warevals, soci fn otansg besten mie ry. We ee esc Da {WM Darsor tl TVs Sivan anny che ricer oe wane hn Wg mnneab, This work was snqtl by Kenoa Resear Foci Gant IKRF- 2608-0 casi, REFERENCES. Decere ts IAFF Tha gen Gaceivies igh. 1A ath 9 ake Seats ore IGE 2 ecatonrniae Te IES 24) eon Py, 122 Nevetady, Manresa CAE Re Destsne 1908 On the vey ate arabe ue of Le fa: 3 Zap Yer Denso Dew SOS UL Ms HS a. aie ol BB 2 bis Bier 500. 1682. tie eabascsclan, ft de Heo hac Mazar Mol et Vd Werah use rp great The, el Dae ven, 8 ID Faenbe i 167% Tears ote dee Tot awe Tine ve! ine Rese dws Seresden-Oniere Meas" excuaegie, Reet, 20:5 HG sbi Het te, 9 STALL, ios BAY, SP Avene! wstade ee Bowed igs 1 ‘ya-28 2 ASCEPLEL 27 Guer 206 ay ae BER Le oles: aeldgct ae ae as laTaee aarp ote eo Beal wel BS ye Heady A AEA, nee Anbae a anger napergena EA eee 7d Shar ae Toes 7s f Aedch, cated a4, Bre cba wl te te Tad BA 82 Fas) Ta es, ARC EIA Sohal spear al oh ort

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