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TRANS BODIES, TRANS SELVES TRANS BODIES, TRANS SELVES | A RESOURCE FOR THE TRANSGENDER COMMUNITY Edited by Laura Erickson-Schroth Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press in the UK and certain other countries. Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 © Oxford University Press 2014 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by license, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reproduction rights organization. Inquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above. You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Trans bodies, trans selves : a resource for the transgender community / edited by Laura Erickson-Schroth. pages cm ISBN 978–0–19–932535–1 (paperback) eISBN 978–0–19–932537–5 1. Transgender people. 2. Transgenderism. 3. Gender identity. I. Erickson-Schroth, Laura.HQ77.9.T714 2014306.76′8—dc232014007921 Contents Acknowledgments Preface – Laura Erickson-Schroth About This Book Throwing Our Voices—An Introduction – Jennifer Finney Boylan Introduction to Media Spotlight Series – Dallas Denny and Jamison Green Introduction to Trans Political Leaders Series – Jamie Roberts and Anneliese Singh SECTION 1 WHO WE ARE 1 Our Many Selves HOLIDAY SIMMONS AND FRESH! WHITE 2 Race, Ethnicity, and Culture KORTNEY RYAN ZIEGLER AND NAIM RASUL 3 Immigration KATE KOURBATOVA AND ELANA REDFIELD 4 Disabilities and Deaf Culture SYRUS MARCUS WARE AND ZACK MARSHALL 5 Religion and Spirituality Delfin Bautista AND QUINCE MOUNTAIN WITH HEATH MACKENZIE REYNOLDS 6 Sex and Gender Development LAURA ERICKSON-SCHROTH, MIQQI ALICIA GILBERT, AND T. EVAN SMITH SECTION 2 LIVING AS OURSELVES 7 Coming Out REID VANDERBURGH 8 Social Transition HEATH MACKENZIE REYNOLDS AND ZIL GARNER GOLDSTEIN 9 Employment JESSICA LINA STIRBA, ZIL GARNER GOLDSTEIN, AND CECILIA GENTILI, WITH HEATH MACKENZIE REYNOLDS, TOBI HILL-MEYER, AND DEAN SCARBOROUGH 10 Legal Issues KYLAR W. BROADUS AND SHANNON PRICE MINTER SECTION 3 HEALTH AND WELLNESS 11 General, Sexual, and Reproductive Health NICK GORTON AND HILARY MAIA GRUBB 12 Medical Transition MADDIE DEUTSCH 13 Surgical Transition JULES CHYTEN-BRENNAN 14 Mental Health Services and Support RUBEN HOPWOOD AND lore m. dickey 15 Mental Health Concerns TAMAR CARMEL, RUBEN HOPWOOD, AND lore m. dickey SECTION 4 OUR RELATIONSHIPS AND FAMILIES 16 Intimate Relationships SARAH E. BELAWSKI AND CAREY JEAN SOJKA 17 Sexuality TOBI HILL-MEYER AND DEAN SCARBOROUGH 18 Parenting KEL POLLY AND RYAN G. POLLY SECTION 5 LIFE STAGES 19 Children AIDAN KEY 20 Youth COLT KEO-MEIER AND LANCE HICKS 21 Aging JOE IPPOLITO AND TARYNN M. WITTEN SECTION 6 CLAIMING OUR POWER 22 US History GENNY BEEMYN 23 Arts and Culture LAZLO ILYA PEARLMAN, JAE DK SZESZYCKI-TRUESDELL, AND KESTRYL CAEL LOWREY 24 Activism, Politics, and Organizing PETER CAVA Afterword Contributors Glossary Index Suggestions ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project would not have been possible without our professional editor, Celeste LeCompte, who agreed to work on this book practically as a probono project because she believed so strongly in it. Jonah A. Siegel and A. Robin Williams were core organizers for this project when it was in its infancy. We also received assistance very early on from Scott Edelstein, who helped to shape our proposal to publishers. One of the most enthusiastic responses to our inquiries came from Dana Bliss of Oxford, who continued to send excited e-mails almost weekly throughout the process of putting together this book. Probono legal advice came from Maura Wogan (Frankfurt, Kurnit, Klein, and Selz) and Victoria S. Belyavsky, Jesse M. Brush, Adam E. Fleisher, Jennifer Kroman, Garth Spencer, and Stephanie Atwood (Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen, and Hamilton). On a personal note, the editor would like to thank her partner, Amanda Rosenblum, for her extensive work on the editing and shaping of this book, as well as organization of book-related events and the creation of the book’s nonprofit entity. In addition to participating in this process, she was patient through times when the work did not stop at home. PREFACE I was 12 years old when I first opened my mother’s copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves (OBOS). I was fascinated by just about everything I read. I flipped through for interesting photos and pored over diagrams. Among my favorite parts were the quotes that appeared on nearly every page, representing the voices of hundreds of women. In some cases, I yearned to have their experiences; in others, I hoped I would never have to face them. I was comforted by all of the stories, knowing that they came from real people. A few years ago, I bought a copy of an early edition of OBOS in a used bookstore. It was older than the one my mother owned. (Though she had seen this edition, she had been good at updating her collection.) Published in 1973, it was yellowing and thinner than the newer editions I was used to. On the cover was a photo of an older woman and a younger woman holding up a sign together that read, “Women Unite.” The 1973 edition of OBOS was billed as “by and for women”—a strikingly radical proposition then. At a time when over 90% of physicians were men, and only a small number of states allowed legal abortions, it was an extremely daring and exciting thing to publish a book in which women taught other women about their bodies, their sexuality, and their rights. This wasn’t the stuff of polite conversation. It was about abortion rights, rape, intimate partner violence, and lesbian and bisexual identity. From the very beginning, OBOS questioned the medical establishment. If male doctors would not allow women access to information about their bodies, they would get that information, and they would share it with other women. Childbirth, once clouded in secrecy, would be a two- page photo spread, so that women could see just what they were in for if they decided to make that choice. To the writers of OBOS, it was clearly a choice. They believed that no one had the right to tell women whether or when to have children. Trans Bodies, Trans Selves (TBTS) is written by and for transgender and gender nonconforming people (although we hope that many allies will read it as well!). We have endeavored to make it as radical as its predecessor. Where OBOS challenged the medical establishment’s monopoly on knowledge about women’s bodies, TBTS shares trans health information and implores medical providers to educate themselves about trans bodies. Where the original questioned psychiatry’s condemnation of lesbian identity, we fight the similar treatment of transgender identity. As a psychiatrist, one of my personal goals for activism is to help lead the fight against pathologization of trans identities. Not all feminists are trans allies, but I believe they should be. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first reached out to Judy Norsigian and Wendy Sanford, current board members of OBOS. Immediately I received mountains of enthusiasm for our new book, as well as indication that they were working hard to update the latest edition of theirs to include information on transgender and genderqueer identities. They even printed a story about our project in their most recent book. It was invigorating to see that they understood that all of our fates are linked. In 1973, the cover price of OBOS was $2.95. Our book is more expensive, but we have fought to keep it affordable by today’s standards. As we began writing this book, we also started a nonprofit organization with the immediate goal of disseminating the book to as many people and organizations as possible, regardless of ability to pay. All author proceeds from the book will go toward Trans Bodies, Trans Selves, Inc. Our hope is that we will publish, with your help, many more editions of this book, in many countries and in many languages, and the work of our organization will expand to include additional education around transgender issues. In the lower right corner of the back cover of the 1973 edition of OBOS—the place where the reader finds, literally, the book’s last words—there is a simple sentence: “Please share this book with others.” After 40 years, this is still the most important message I can send. Please share this book with others. Laura Erickson-Schroth, MD, MA ABOUT THIS BOOK This book does not need to be read from cover to cover. It is meant to be flipped through, referenced, picked up, and put down. Chapter 1, “Our Many Selves,” provides an overview of terminology and concepts that may be useful before delving into other chapters. When terms are introduced for the first time, they appear in bold and are defined in the glossary. One of the main goals of this book is to provide as many viewpoints as possible. Our authors come from varied backgrounds, with expertise in law, health, culture, and policy. They wrote text for their chapters collaboratively and worked with multiple knowledgeable advisors. Most chapters appear in sequence within the book. There are, however, two chapters (Media and Global Leaders) that instead appear as series of spotlights throughout the book. Short pieces by hundreds of contributors add personal experiences and opinions to each chapter, demonstrating the diversity of our communities. Quotes in italics are taken from an online survey where over 3, 000 people across the globe participated in answering questions about their lives. We also held forums in cities across the United States and Canada, to gather information on the kinds of resources community members wanted. The book is heavily illustrated, as pictures can often say more than words. We have taken liberties with English grammar at times, especially when it is gendered. For example, parts of the book use the third-person “they” where other books might use the phrase “he or she.” An effort was made to select short pieces, quotes, and art that represent the diversity of trans communities. We have inevitably failed at this goal. Most of the authors live in the United States or Canada. Many are middle or upper class, and many are white. There are stories that are not told here—voices that are not heard. If one of these voices is yours, please consider completing our online survey or sending your suggestions for the next edition of this book to

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