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Trafalgar Echoes 1999 PDF

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» 4 If t MilfwHiBiteifcii Digitized by tlie Internet Arcliive 2015 in https://archive.org/details/trafalgarechoes1999traf 5 C3ooci liocihl OTi yoixr solo ca^reeir « THE ECHOES PPOCJUCGPS Introducing: Conducted By: Kerry Osborne Michelle Jospe Mixed By: Ms. Litvack Mastered By: Ms. den Hertog, Mrs. Hrycyna Designed By: Willow Hopkins Madia McKinney Photos Taken By: Rebecca Engels Ms. den Hertog Ms. Litvack Ms. Owen Mai Bui-Duf^ Yolaine Yinn Gill LeMessurier Dionne Shaffer M. Gratton Songs Written By: Julia Peress, Rebecca Engels, Neely McDonald, Robin Guyer, Lisa Carman, Lisa Mobel, Arielle Kohl, Tamara Selinger,E&nnilyVerrall,GabriellaGoldberg,JohannaMancini Managed By: Steve Weeks Recorded By: Jostens '"^ ^ Thanks To:Julia Peress for her constantteasing. |Alex & Laurent for providing entertainment at YB camp and a ^healthy competition 'Just the two ofus" WillSmith. Along, long time ago, waybackinMayof'98, two hardworking, organized girls setforthemselvesthe ultimate goal: To be earbook Editors. Kerry and Michelle had to fight offtheir entire grade to win this desired position. The minute theyjoyously : scovered that they had obtained the position ofYearbook Editors, they got right down to work. ThatAugust, astheyboardedthebusforyearbookcamp,theyknewtheywereinforaweekoffunSlaughter. Mottomention 'e manylonglasting friendshipsthey'd make. KerryandMichellelooked uponthe ninehoursofclassesperdayasstimulating ; ;'d always interesting. As grade 1 1 started, the two experienced girls taughttheir hardworking and diligentstaffthe basics. Theirdependable staff 35 always eagerto take on more workand spend time afterschool. Kerryand Michelle used their independentstudy period T "'ciently and the book was nearly complete bythe end of December. Everyone was so proud ofthem. Ms. Wightman even :2iled them into her office to congratulate them on the wonderfuljob ofmeeting all their dead-lines way ahead ofschedule. With their book almost finished, Kerry and Michelle were able to sit back and relax and enjoy their free time. I hanks to Ms. Litvack for putting up with a spotless yearbook room, attitude free personalities, and their efficient, hard- Aorking manner. Also thanks to Ms. den for her help for the well-planned cover, and Willow, their Shania Twain, for her encouragement to keep up with the hard work during their independent study. Finishing pages ontime, having a free computer, alwaysseeingeyetoeyewiththeiryearbookadvisor, and neverbeing late for physics class made theirjob a breeze. mm mm mmmmo mmmm mmmm ^miwmmm THE ECHOES The Lead Singeps Introducing: Newsflash:timeflies.FiveyearsatTrafalgar,and I've now worked with a group of Traf students throughafullfiveyearsofsecondaryschool.Nei- Starring: Mr. therofmydaughterswasoldenoughforschoolin Dowd as principal CSleapstseomfbe'9r9'w9e4rewhtehenn,Ijloikienemde,threooskciheosoli,naanndofotuern singer. Tinis is Mr. wonderful,sometimesterrifyingnewenvironment. Dowd's 5th year as Aysounqugicwkolymeans.hIisguhspsecchtootlheihrasparpeanstssedhafvoerftohuensde theleadsingerofthe theirdaughters'yearsofadolescenceashort,star- ECHOES.Previously tlingjourneyintoexperience.Mypleasurehasbeen observingthesometimeserraticbutcontinualgrowth performed in the ofsomanyofourseniorclassintoyoungwomen band"Selwyn"before withaclearsenseoftheirresponsibilitytoothers andthemselves. gmruasciicnaglusprewistehnchei.s rnlAgnhtdpjuasstswahsatrelheavvaentIaldevaircneedtoinstfiuvdeenytesarIshtahvaet You mayhave heard worked with over the same time span? A few thoughts, in noparticular order, learned or rein- ofG. Dowd's songs, forcedbymytimeattheschool: including the hit •Treatalladvicewithappropriateskepticism. singles"Todayisday ••MKoereepoyfotuernptrhoamnisneost.,yourtrustinotherswillbe 1allday","Doupyour repaid. top button", and the •Striveforexcellence,notperfection. • Don'texpectlifetobefair. fabulousrenderingof •Countyourblessings. "Where'syourtie".All • Followyourdreams. these songs can be • And finally, in keepingwiththisyear's musical themeofEchoes,rememberthatwonderfulmusic found on the album isnot.alwayswritteninthescore. Havesomefun "TheAssembly". improvisingonlife'smelodiesasyouageslowly,but gracefully. GeoffreyDowd Principal Theacademicyear 1998-99hascometo aclose.Thenewmilleniumisapproaching rapidly. Life is fastpaced and exciting. Itis Starring: Ms. importantto face each daywith optimism. Life is something to be enjoyed and to be WightmanastheDi- appreciated. It is up to your generation to rectorofStudents.J. make a difference and to do something Wightman has been worthwhileforsociety. Don't be afraid to pursue your dreams. one of the longest Take calculated risks in planning your fu- performers for the ture. Remember as one wise philosopher ECHOES.Shebegan staled;"Gooutonthelimb,thatiswherethe hercareeras a band fruitis". Thisismylastyearbookmessageasmy member,playinghis- ehhnaujvsoebyahenadddmatynhedyoeIaparprsoeramttuonvTiritanyfgatltogoawOronritkmarmwieiont.hseImlhayan.vyeI Atosritcialmeiwnsetnrtumoenn,tss.o fmiyneicnotlerlaecatgiuoens.wi1thhatvheesptaurdtiecnutlsa.rlIyheanvjeosyiend- dSihdeJbaenecaWmieghotnmeano.f cerely believed that being Director ofStu- the lead singers for dbeernTtoysotuwhaeasrGertavhdeeruybaetssiptencgoifaClla.lalsAjslosobofs.y1o9u99a.reRethmeelmas-t tbheeeEnCaHOkeEySmaenmdbhears wcsiollcalisesmtoyaf.ktLehiosomckaennbtyaucrykp.osfIioftneidevlleycocononfnitydroeiunbrtuttyiheoaantrssyotauot iHnetrhebbeastndreevceernstincliev.e "^afalgar Remembertocomebackandvisit performance-wasthe yotrrschooloften. IfthereisanythingIcan 1999 Multicultural doforyoupleasefeelfreetocontactme. Festival. JaneWightman DirectorofStudents mmm mm mmmw, mm mmum^ & mm mm mmmm, 'omm, ikmodii^ HMffiPi'im> cUMHEKmciDr THE ECHOES JUS MS^UbS^Q BS^I^ Featunng: a Q ''Thepersonwhoknoivshoujtolaughathimself willneoerceasetobeamused!"-ShirleyMactaine wehadtouseonephrasetosumuptheprefect ysteraerssofa'n9d8-a99l.moisttwodualildybmeen"twainlg-bitr"e.akDdeoswpnist,e twhee a wereabletopullitoffandevenmanagedtolooklike weknewwhatweweredoing.Surprise! AmongstalltheusualTrafevents,webeganafew ofourown;MametheteacheratHalloween,morn- ing (as opposed to afternoon) grad breakfasts, multi-culturalwomanandherfestivalofsplendours, andwhocouldforgetflashback/power-lunch/sno- coneday?Wegaveawaycoolbinders,muggedthe teachers, and attempted to celebrate St. Patty's Day!Let'sgetpi**ed! Wewouldliketoespeciallythanktheundergrads forbeinggrossed-outatourbakesales.Weknow thatyouwill miss the heartswithyour nameson thempostedallaroundtheschool. Through it all we smiled, laughed and cried- sometimesall3atthesametime!We'llmissyou! Love.Meely&Ali mm mmmmmw mmm^o "mm mTTTMHw^ iBi\m 5iLi\Mg ikdiikidii^ f StephanieBaptist CelineBoisiard DianeUlusoy-Bouciiard - Susan Brass Susan Broden SherrynBrown Kathleen Casey-Cook Karenden Hertog Isabelle Gaulin Nicole Gauthier BettyGoldwarg Danielle Gonzalez ShirleyGrant VinceGratton MarleyGuyda Karen Hrycyna LouiseJarrett PeterJudson Chantal Lalonde CeliaLang Jeanne Lanteigne LoriLitvack SheilaMacleod NancyMandigo ChristianMartin

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