INTERNATIONALGEOLOGYREVIEW,2017 VOL.59,NO.16,2041–2064 ARTICLE Trace-element geochemistry of transform-fault serpentinite in high-pressure subduction mélanges (eastern Cuba): implications for subduction initiation J. Cárdenas-Párraga a, A. García-Casco a,b, J. A. Proenza c, G. E. Harlow d, I. F. Blanco-Quintero e, C. Lázaro a, Cristina Villanova-de-Benavent c and K. Núñez Cambraf aDepartamentodeMineralogíayPetrología,UniversidaddeGranada,Granada,Spain;bInstitutoAndaluzdeCienciasdelaTierra,CSIC- UniversidaddeGranada,Granada,Spain;cDepartamentdeMineralogia,PetrologiaiGeologiaAplicada,UniversitatdeBarcelona,Barcelona, Spain;dDepartmentofEarthandPlanetarySciences,American MuseumofNaturalHistory,NewYork,NY,USA;eDepartamentode Geociencias,UniversidaddelosAndes,Bogotá,Colombia; fInstitutodeGeologíayPaleontología,SanMigueldel Padrón,Cuba ABSTRACT ARTICLEHISTORY The Sierra del Convento and La Corea mélanges (eastern Cuba) are vestiges of a Cretaceous Received23December2016 subduction channel in the Caribbean realm. Both mélanges contain blocks of oceanic crust and Accepted16March2017 serpentinite subducted to high pressure within a serpentinite matrix. The bulk composition of 17 serpentinite indicates spinel-harzburgite and -herzolite protoliths. The samples preserve fertile KSeErYpeWnOtinRitDe;Shigh-Pmélanges; 20 protolithsignaturesthatsuggestlowmeltingdegrees.Highconcentrationofimmobileelements Cuba;Caribbean;subduction er Zr, Th, Nb, and REE contents (from ~0.1 to ~2 CI-chondrite) point to early melt–rock interaction initiation;transform-fault ob processesbeforeserpentinizationtookplace.Major-andtrace-elementcompositions suggestan ct oceanic fracture-zone–transform-fault setting. A mild negative Eu anomaly in most samples O 0 indicates low-temperature fluid–rock interaction as a likely consequence of seawater infiltration 1 during oceanic serpentinization. A second, more important, serpentinization stage is related to 7 3 enrichment in U, Pb, Cs, Ba, and Sr due to the infiltration of slab-derived fluids. The mineral 7: assemblages are mainly formed by antigorite, lizardite, and chlorite, with local minor talc, 1 at tremolite,anthophyllite,dolomite,brucite,andrelictorthopyroxene.Thelocalpresenceofantho- ] phylliteandthereplacementsoflizarditebyantigoriteindicateametamorphicevolutionfromthe 5 1 cooling of peridotite/serpentinite at the oceanic context to mild heating and compression in a 27. subduction setting. We propose that serpentinites formed at an oceanic transform-fault setting 7. that was the locus of subduction initiation of the Proto-Caribbean basin below the Caribbean 0 2 plate during early Cretaceous times. Onset of subduction at the fracture zone allowed the 52. preservation of abyssal transform-fault serpentinites at the upper plate, whereas limited down- [1 ward drag during mature subduction placed the rocks in the subduction channel where they y tectonically mixed with the upward-migrating accreted block of the subducted Proto-Caribbean b d oceanic crust. Hence, we suggest that relatively fertile serpentinites of high-pressure mélanges e d werewitnessto theonsetofsubductionatanoceanictransform-fault setting. a o nl w o D Introduction zones, mantle zones above subducting plates, fore-arc and back-arc basins, and passive continental margins The incorporation of up to 15–16 wt.% H O into 2 (ocean–continent transition; OCT). The identification of metaultramafic rocks during the serpentinization of the geodynamic setting of the ultramafic protolith of lithospheric mantle (e.g. Vils et al. 2008) controls much exhumed serpentinite bodies is, however, challenging of the geochemical and geophysical characteristics of (e.g. Deschamps et al. 2013; Martin et al. 2016). the oceanic lithosphere (e.g. Hacker et al. 2003; Hattori At (or near) the seafloor, abyssal serpentinites occur and Guillot 2007). This in turn affects the global geo- at slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges and associated chemicalcycleoflithospherecreationandconsumption transform-faults (Kerrick 2002) as a result of the exhu- (Ulmer and Trommsdorff 1995; Tatsumi 2005). mationofuppermantleperidotites,whicharehydrated Serpentinized ultramafic rocks occur in a variety of after interaction with downwelling seawater (e.g. geodynamic settings, including active plate margins, Cannat et al. 2010; Kodolányi et al. 2012) and/or by such as mid-ocean ridges, oceanic abyssal fracture hot fluids (~350ºC) released from ocean-ridge CONTACTJ.Cárdenas-Párraga [email protected] DepartamentoMineralogíayPetrologíaFacultaddeCienciasAvda,Fuentenueva,s/n UniversidaddeGranada,Granada,18002Spain Thesupplementaldataforthisarticlecanbeaccessedhere. ©2017InformaUKLimited,tradingasTaylor&FrancisGroup 2042 J.CÁRDENAS-PÁRRAGAETAL. hydrothermal activity (e.g. Früh-Green et al. 2003). At mantle wedge to the crust of the upper plate (Guillot transform-faults, serpentinization reaches great depths etal.2015;Lietal.2015). belowtheoceanicMoho(Peacock1990),creatingzones Asaresultofthiscomplexevolvingscenario,serpen- of lithospheric weakness that may be favourable for tinites exhumed in suture zones worldwide cover dif- subduction initiation (Müeller and Phillips 1991; Stern ferentgeodynamicsettingsincludingmid-oceanridges, 2004; Gerya 2011). abyssal transform-faults, fore-arcs, OCTs, and passive Inthesubductionscenario,theinfiltrationofseawater margins (e.g. Zheng et al. 2005; Hattori and Guillot into the subducting oceanic lithosphere at trenches, 2007; Deschamps et al. 2013; Barnes et al. 2014; favouredbynormalfaultsdevelopedduringplatebend- Guillot et al. 2015). Although the original lithologic ing, causes serpentinization of the underlying oceanic associations can be partially preserved (e.g. in the wes- lithospheric mantle (e.g. Ranero et al. 2003). tern Alps, Zermatt–Saas, Monviso, and Corsican ophio- Furthermore, tectonic extension in the fore-arc and the lites; Angiboustet al. 2009, 2012; Beltrando et al. 2014), associated infiltration of seawater, in addition to the the primary contacts of serpentinites and associated releaseoffluidsafterdehydrationofthesubductedcrust with HP rocks (i.e. the initial position with respect to andmantle,areresponsiblefortheserpentinizationofthe the down-going and upper plates) are generally miss- upper-plate fore-arc mantle (Peacock 1993; O’Hanley ing. A more chaotic scenario emerges in exhumed sub- 1996). Continued subduction during tens of millions of duction mélanges, varying in diversity among yearsreleasesconsiderableamountsoffluidtotheupper- occurrences. Although tectonic-sedimentary processes 7 1 plate mantle as a result of dehydration of subducted at the fore-arc involving syn-subduction exhumation of 0 2 r serpentinite,hydratedmaficcrust,greenschist,blueschist, serpentinite and HP slices/blocks, erosion, sedimenta- e b eclogite, and sediments, promoting large-scale serpenti- tion, and re-subduction may explain mélanges with o ct nization of the mantle at the slab–mantle interface at blocks of different pressure-temperature (P-T) condi- O 0 moderatetolowtemperatures(<700ºC,<100kmdepth) tions and age, serpentinite mélanges with blocks 1 7 (PoliandSchmidt2002;Stern2002;Hacker2008;Schmidt recording the same P-T range and age are better 3 7: and Poli 2013). The larger extent of serpentinization explained by tectonic processes at the subduction 1 at across-strikeintheupper-platemantleoccursatshallow channel (Wakabayashi 2015). ] 5 depth and low temperature (<50 km; <400ºC; Hyndman As an example, serpentinites of varied origins occur 1 7. andPeacock2003;Savovetal.2007),inagreementwith in close spatial relationship together with tectonic 2 7. observed fore-arc serpentinite-mud volcanoes. Clasts of blocks of subducted crust metamorphosed at various 0 2 2. blueschist/greenschist rocks contained in serpentinite P-T conditions and ages in the northern boundary of 5 1 muds demonstrate that these diapiric structures are the Caribbean plate (García-Casco et al. 2002; Harlow [ by rooted to 20 km in the subducted oceanic crust et al. 2004; García-Casco et al. 2006, 2008a; Tsujimori ed (Maekawaetal.1993;Yamamotoetal.1995;Savovetal. et al. 2006; Hattori and Guillot 2007; Krebs et al. 2008, d oa 2005; Fryer 2012). The roots of serpentinite diapirs may, 2011; Brueckner et al. 2009; Lázaro et al. 2009; Blanco- wnl however,belocatedatdeeperdepthswithintheupper- Quintero et al. 2010; Saumur et al. 2010; Deschamps Do plate serpentinized mantle (Marschall and Schumacher et al. 2011, 2012; Escuder-Viruete et al. 2011, 2013a, 2012),asproposedforfossilsubductioncomplexessuch 2013b; Escuder-Viruete and Pérez-Estaún 2013c). astheFranciscan(NorthAmerica;e.g.Ernst2016),RíoSan Except for rare cases (e.g. western Cuba; García-Casco Juan (the Dominican Republic; Krebs et al. 2008, 2011), etal.2006),sedimentarymatrixhasnotbeendescribed and the Motagua (Guatemala; Tsujimori et al. 2006) in these mélanges, suggesting tectonic origin in the mélanges that extracted blueschists and eclogites. This subductionchannel.Furthermore,theycontainjadeitite scenario is consistent with the development of several blocks (also formed at various P-T conditions and ages) tens of kilometres long ‘soft’ serpentinitic subduction documenting fluid fluxes and fluid–rock interactions at channel in the slab–mantle interface that extends down the subduction environment (Harlow 1994; García- toca.100kmdepth(Guillotetal.2001;Geryaetal.2002). Casco et al. 2009; Harlow et al. 2011; Cárdenas-Párraga The extent ofthis slab–mantleinterface depends onthe etal.2012;Schertletal.2012;Floresetal.2013;Hertwig spatialdistributionofthemaximumstabilitylimitofanti- et al. 2016). Subduction initiation in the Caribbean has gorite (Ulmer and Trommsdorff 1995; Wunder and been explained by forced convergence at the so-called Schreyer 1997; Schmidt and Poli 1998; Bromiley and inter-American transform-fault zone at about 135 Ma Pawley 2003). In the serpentinite channel, a low-viscos- (Pindell et al. 2012; Boschman et al. 2014). In this con- ity/densitymélangerisesbuoyantlyalongthesubduction tribution,wetestthishypothesisassessingtheoriginof channel–mantle interface as a self-organized circulating serpentiniterocksandtheserpentinizationprocessesin system, and/or as sub-vertically diapirs through the the Sierra del Convento and La Corea serpentinite INTERNATIONALGEOLOGYREVIEW 2043 mélanges (eastern Cuba), which formed early in the withsubordinatedunites,chromititebodies,bandedgab- subduction history of the region. Using mineral assem- bros,anddiscordantmicrogabbroandpyroxenite,trocto- blages, textural relations, and major and trace-element lite, wehrlite, and diabase bodies. Basaltic rocks with whole-rock compositions, we discuss the geologic set- tholeiitictoboniniticsignatureandradiolaritestectonically ting of serpentinization and of mantle protoliths in an underlie the mantle-plutonic section (Kerr et al. 1999; effort to decipher the implications of subducted ser- Iturralde-Vinent et al. 2006; Marchesi et al. 2006, 2007; pentinite for the geodynamic evolution of subduction Proenza et al. 2006). Although Dilek and Furnes (2011) zones. haveclassifiedCubanophiolitesasplume-related,eastern Cuba ophiolites have supra-subduction geochemical sig- natures (Proenza et al. 1999, 2006; Gervilla et al. 2005; Geological setting Marchesi et al. 2006, 2007). Recently, Lázaro et al. (2013) TheGreaterAntilleanArcformedbytheconvergenceof and Lázaro et al. (2015) identified the Guira de Jauco the North American and the Farallon/Caribbean plates amphibolitecomplex(650–665°Cand8.5–8.7kbar)asthe during the Lower Cretaceous to Tertiary (Burke 1988). metamorphicsoleoftheMoa–Baracoaophiolitesheetand After the Jurassic fragmentation of Pangea and the relatedittotheinceptionofanewSW-dippingsubduction opening of the Proto-Caribbean oceanic basin, subduc- of Late Cretaceous age (85 Ma) in the back-arc of the tion of the latter underneath the Caribbean plate (of CretaceousCaribbeanarc.Theophioliticmassifsweretec- Pacific–Farallonplate-origin)createdtheCaribbeanvol- tonically emplaced over the tholeiitic to calc-alkaline 17 canic arc (Pindell et al. 2006; Pindell and Kennan 2009; Aptian–Campanian volcanic arc units during the late 0 r 2 Boschman et al. 2014; and references therein). Campanian–Maastrichtian times (Iturralde-Vinent et al. e b Subduction initiation has been dated at ca. 135 Ma in 2006andreferencestherein)shortlyafterthevolcanicarc- o Oct the leading northern edge of the Caribbean plate related El Purial complex subducted to greenschist to 0 (Rojas-Agramonte et al. 2011, 2016; Lázaro et al. 2016; blueschist facies (Boiteau et al. 1972; Somin and Millán 1 7 seealsoTorróetal.2016,2017,forsubductioninitiation 1981; Cobiella et al. 1984) during the latest Cretaceous 3 7: basaltic magmatism in the Dominican Republic), likely (75±5Ma;Sominetal.1992;Iturralde-Vinentetal.2006). 1 at in a transform-fault plate boundary termed the inter- Zircon from an ophiolitic gabbroic body from Cayo 5] Americantransform(Pindelletal.2012;Boschmanetal. Grande (Moa–Baracoa ophiolitic massif) yielded a 1 27. 2014). This event does not appear to be related to the 206Pb/238U age of ca. 124 Ma (Rojas-Agramonte et al. 07. mid-late Cretaceous plume-induced subduction sce- 2016). Similar early Cretaceous ages characterize low- 2 2. nario proposed for the western and southern edges of pressure serpentinite-matrix mélanges containing 5 1 the Caribbean plate (Gerya et al. 2015; Whattam and blocks of fore-arc metadiabase/metamicrogabbro [ by Stern 2015). In the northern leading edge, the intra- whose basaltic protoliths formed at >123 Ma (Lázaro ed oceanic Caribbean arc system was tectonically et al. 2016).The correlatedGaspar–Hernándezserpenti- d oa emplaced by northward collision with the Maya block, nite mélange in the Dominican Republic contains wnl the Caribeana terrane, and the Bahamas platform dur- blocks of similar (meta)micrograbbro crystallized at Do ingthelatestCretaceous–Tertiarytime(Iturralde-Vinent 136 Ma from Mid-Ocean-Ridge Basalt (MORB) magmas et al. 2008; García-Casco et al. 2008b; Van Hinsbergen formed in the proto-Caribbean oceanic lithosphere et al. 2009; Solari et al. 2013). This collision event is (Escuder-Viruete et al. 2011) or fore-arc basalts (Lázaro recordedinobductedophiolitebodiesandserpentinite et al. 2016) formed during subduction initiation. These mélanges containing high-pressure blocks from agespredateagesoftheexhumedproductsofsubduc- Guatemala through Cuba to Hispaniola (Figure 1(a)). tionrecordedinhigh-pressuresubductionmélanges,as IneasternCuba,theorogenicbeltincludesoceanicunits described next. of Cretaceous volcanic arcs, ophiolites, and closely asso- ciated serpentinite-matrix subduction mélanges (Figure 1 Subduction mélanges (b)).Alltheseunitsconstitutetectonicnappeswithagen- eral vergence towards the NE and accreted in the late Twoserpentiniticmélangesbearinghigh-Pblocks,namely Cretaceous–earliest Palaeocene (Cobiella et al. 1984; the Sierra del Convento and La Corea mélanges (Millán Nuñez Cambra et al. 2004; Iturralde-Vinent et al. 2006). 1996b;Figure1(b)),recordearly to latestagesof subduc- The ophiolite belt comprises two allochthonous massifs: tion of the Proto-Caribbean below the Caribbean plate theMayarí–Cristalmassiftothewest,withamantlesection (García-Casco et al. 2008a; Blanco-Quintero et al. 2010, over5kmthick,andtheMoa–Baracoamassiftotheeast, 2011d).Bothmélangessharesimilargeological,petrologi- withabout2.2kmofperidotitesection(Proenzaetal.1999; cal, and geochemical characteristics. The Sierra del Marchesietal.2006).Harzburgitictectonitesaredominant, Conventomélangeoccursbelowabodyofpartlyhydrated 2044 J.CÁRDENAS-PÁRRAGAETAL. 7 1 0 2 r e b o ct O 0 1 7 3 7: 1 at ] 5 1 7. 2 7. 0 2 2. 5 1 [ y b d e d a o nl Figure1. (a)SchematicmapofGreaterAntilleswithindicationofophiolitebodies(modifiedfromWadgeetal.1984).(b)Geological w o mapofeasternCubashowingthegeologicalunitsmentionedinthetextandthelocationoftheSierradelConventoandLaCorea D serpentinite mélanges (modified from Pushcharovsky 1988). ultramaficrockslackinghigh-Ptectonicblocks,andabove grade metavolcanic and metasedimentary blueschist- the metamorphosed Cretaceous volcanic arc Purial com- and greenschist-facies rocks derived from abyssal and plex(Iturralde-Vinent1998;García-Cascoetal.2008a).The volcanic-arc-related settings (Millan 1996b). The earliest distributionoffieldexposuresofthemélangeallowsdefin- productofsubductionisgarnet-epidoteamphibolitethat ingfoursub-mélanges:ElPalenque,Posango,Sabanalamar, reachedsupersolidustemperatureatmantledepths(700– and Macambo, respectively, to the north, east, west, and 750ºC,15kbar,50kmdepth),asdocumentedbyanatectic southofthehydratedultramaficbody(Figure2(a)).TheLa leucocraticsegregationsandveinsoftrondhjemiticcom- Corea mélange is completely surrounded by ultramafic position that crystallized at similar depths (García-Casco rocks of the Mayarí–Cristal ophiolitic massif and its corre- 2007; Lázaro and García-Casco 2008; Lázaro et al. 2011; spondingfootwallrocksarenotexposed(Figure2(b)).The Blanco-Quinteroetal.2011b,2011c,2011e).SHRIMPU–Pb tectonicrelations suggest thatthe mélange is overridden agesofmagmaticzirconsfromanatecticrocksrangefrom by the ophiolitic massif, and that both override the 113 to 105 Ma (Lázaroet al. 2009; Blanco-Quintero et al. CretaceousvolcanicarcSantoDomingounit. 2011e).BlocksofjadeititeoccurattheMacamboregionof Chaotictectonicblocksofsubductedmaterialinclude theSierradelConventomélange(García-Cascoetal.2009; MORB-derived garnet-epidote amphibolite and lower- Cárdenas-Párragaetal.2010,2012). Therockcrystallized INTERNATIONALGEOLOGYREVIEW 2045 Figure2. (a)GeologicmapsoftheSierradelConventomélange,showingthelocationofPosango,ElPalenque,Sabanalamar,and 7 Macambosub-mélangesand(b)theLaCoreamélange(afterKulachkovandLeyva1990).Bothmapswithindicationofsamplesites. 1 0 2 r e b o from Al O -Na O-SiO -rich fluids in open veins at high from different outcrops at the Macambo sub-mélange ct 2 3 2 2 O temperature (550–625ºC, the highest temperature of (Figure 2(a)). The samples occur as plastically or brittly 10 jadeitite reported so far; see review in Harlow et al. deformed bodies (massive to foliated fabrics; Figures 3 7 3 2015). SHRIMP 206Pb/238U ages of hydrothermal zircon (a,b)), surrounded by the sheared serpentinite. At the 17: yielded 107–108 Ma (Cárdenas-Párraga et al. 2012), indi- hand-sample scale, they present green-coloured veins ] at cating a close temporal/spatial relation between hydro- in a dark-green matrix, and inherited deformation from 5 1 thermal jadeite forming fluids and slab-derived hydrous peridotite protoliths, which are locally defined by elon- 7. 2 trondhjemitic melts. All these early subduction-related gated (retrograde) Cr-bearing magnetite/ferrian chro- 7. 0 rocks show retrograde blueschist facies overprint, docu- mite grains (Figures 3(c)). Other primary minerals are 2 52. mentingcounterclockwiseP-T-tpaths.Themetamorphic/ lacking,andonlybastitepseudomorphs,afterorthopyr- 1 [ magmatic/hydrothermalevolutionindicates the subduc- oxene, as an irregular occurrence of green pseudomor- y d b tion of young hot oceanic lithosphere (close to a mid- phosed porphyroblasts/clasts (≤8 mm in size), were de ocean ridge) at ca. 120 Ma, accretion to the upper plate observed. a o (near-isobaric cooling stage at 50 km depth dated at Blanco-Quinteroetal.(2011d)identifiedtwotypesof nl w 115–105 Ma), and slow syn-subduction exhumation to serpentinite of harzburgitic protolith in the La Corea o D ca.25kmdepthwithintheevolvingserpentiniticchannel mélange (Figure 2(b)) based on petrographic and until ca. 75Ma(Lázaroetal. 2009; Blanco-Quinteroetal. major-element composition: i) large blocks of massive/ 2010, 2011a, 2011e), when subduction of the Purial vol- sheared antigorite serpentinite interpreted as deep canic arc complex accreted blocks of greenschist and fragments of the channel developed after mantle- blueschist to the mélange. At 70 Ma, arc-Caribeana ter- wedge peridotite and ii) lizardite–antigorite serpenti- rane–Bahamas margin collision triggered exhumation to nite of abyssal origin accreted from the incoming thesurface,asdocumentedbytheMaastrichtian–Danian plate at shallow depths. Both types occur intermixed olistostromic synorogenic sediments of Micara and La atthedmscaleanddisplaymassivetofoliatedtextures Picota formations containing detrital ophiolitic material in the field, with massive serpentinite blocks and other (Cobiellaetal.1984;Iturralde-Vinentetal.2008). lithologies included as boudins in a strongly sheared serpentinite matrix (Figures 3(d)); Blanco-Quinteroet al. 2011d). The lizardite–antigorite type occurs within Serpentinites foliated varieties. In this article, the published major- Serpentinites from the Sierra del Convento mélange element and platinum-group element (PGE) data of show similar textural (see below) and field relations. Blanco-Quintero et al. (2011d) are considered in addi- Fourteen fresh serpentinite samples were selected tion to new trace-element data of these samples. 2046 J.CÁRDENAS-PÁRRAGAETAL. (Govindaraju 1994) wererun as unknownsduringanaly- ticalsessions.Precisionwasbetterthan±2%and±5%for analysed concentrations of 50 and 5 ppm, respectively. PGE concentrations were determined at the Genalysis Laboratory Services Pty. Ltd. at Maddington (Western Australia) following the method described by Chan and Finch(2001)usinganICP-MSisotopicdilutiontechnique after nickel sulphide fire assay with detection limits of 1 ppbforRhand2ppbforOs,Ir,Ru,Pt,andPd. Representative samples were selected for micro- Raman study and analysed directly in the polished thin sections with a HORIBA Jobin Yvon LabRam HR 800 dispersive spectrometer equipped with an Olympus BXFM optical microscope in the Serveis Científics i Tecnòlogics of Barcelona University (CCiT- UB). Raman spectra were obtained by applying a non- polarized532nmlaser,usinga50xobjective(beamsize around 2 µm), with three measurement repetitions for 7 1 60 s each. The instrument was calibrated by checking 0 r 2 the position of the metallic Si band at ~520 cm−1. The e b micro-Raman spectra were processed using the o ct LabSpec® software (JobinYvon). The final spectra O 0 were produced by subtracting the background 1 7 fluorescence. 3 7: SamplesanalysedbypowderX-raydiffraction(PXRD) 1 at were milled and sieved for <20 µm particle size, and ] 5 preparedbymanualpressingofthepowdersbymeans 1 7. of a glass plate to obtain a flat surface in cylindrical 2 7. standard sample holders of 16 mm in diameter and 0 2 2. Figure 3. (a) A example of outcrop view from the Sierra del 2.5 mm in height. The diffractograms were obtained 5 [1 Convento mélange. (b) Representative outcrop close-up of a in a PANalytical X’Pert PRO MPD Alpha1 powder dif- by massive serpentinite block. (c) Sample MCB-2f showing a fractometer in Bragg-Brentano θ/2θ geometry of ed foliated fabric. (d) Contact zone between an amphibolite 240 mm of radius, nickel filtered Cu Kα radiation oad block within a serpentinite matrix from the La Corea mélange. (λ = 1.5418 Å), and 45 kV – 40 mA, in CCiT-UB. During wnl analysis, the sample was spun at 2 revolutions per o D Analytical procedures second. A variable divergence slit kept an area illumi- natedconstantly(10mm)andamaskwasusedtolimit A volume of about 40 cm3 per sample was crushed for thelengthofthebeam(12mm).AxialdivergenceSoller major and trace-element analyses. Major elements were slits of 0.04 radians were used. Samples were scanned analysedwithaPHILIPSMagixPro(PW-2440)X-rayfluor- from 3 to 80º 2θ with a step size of 0.017º and a escence (XRF) equipment (Centro de Instrumentación measuring time of 50 s per step, using an X’Celerator Científica – CIC, University of Granada). Measurements detector (active length = 2.122º). The software X’Pert were carried out on glass beads prepared with 0.6 g of Highscore®wasusedtosubtractthebackgroundofthe powderedsampledilutedin6gofLi2B4O7.Precisionwas patterns, to detect the peaks, and to assign mineral betterthan±1.5–2%and±4%(relative)forconcentrations phases and their corresponding dhkl to each peak. of ≥10 wt.% and <10 wt.%, respectively. Trace-element The data were treated by full-profile Rietveld refine- compositionsweredeterminedbyICP-MassSpectrometry ment for the quantitative analyses of mineral phases (ICP-MS)atCICafterHNO3+HFdigestionof0.1gofsam- using the software TOPAS V3. plepowderina Teflon-linedvesselat~180°Cand~200 The ternary Ol-Opx-Cpx diagram in oxy-equivalent psi for 30 min, evaporation to dryness, and subsequent units was calculated with CSpace software (Torres- dissolution in 100 ml of 4 vol.% HNO3. Blanks and inter- Roldán et al. 2000). Abbreviations of minerals and end- national standards PMS, WSE, UBN, BEN, BR, and AGV members are after Whitney and Evans (2010). INTERNATIONALGEOLOGYREVIEW 2047 Petrography silicates and Cr-spinel are completely absent and only Cr-bearingmagnetiteandferrianchromitearefoundas All studied samples are strongly to completely serpen- alterationproductsofthelatter.AsinLaCorea,mostof tinizedperidotites, assupportedbythe losson ignition the samples from the Sierra del Convento mélange (LOI) values higher than 10 wt.% (Supplementary show a general massive to fragmented mesh texture Table 2 and Blanco-Quintero et al. 2011d). Primary (Figures 4 and 5(a)). Samples 09-SC-3 g and MCB-2f 7 1 0 Figure4. Scannedthinsectionsshowingasummaryofthedifferentcharacteristicmacroscopictexturesofsamples(a)09-SC-8aV; 2 r (b) 09-SC-27t; and (c) 09-SC-7f. e b o ct O 0 1 7 3 7: 1 at ] 5 1 7. 2 7. 0 2 2. 5 1 [ y b d e d a o nl w o D Figure5. Cross-polarizedlight(a–d)andBSEimages(e–f)showingserpentinitemicrotextures.(a)and(b)Meshtexturesandblades of antigorite (Atg) in sample 09-SC-08aV (note some grains of altered spinel). (c) Interpenetrating (interlocking) needles in the antigoriticmatrix, containingscattered chlorite(Chl) (sample 09-SC-3g). (d)Chloriterims aroundmagnetite/ferrian chromite from alteration of spinel, all surrounded by the interlocking antigoritic matrix (sample 09-SC-31k). (e) Fine-grained clinopyroxene (Di) associated with tremolite (Tr) in sample 09-SC-9d. (f) Anhedral granules of relict anthophyllite (Ath) overprinted by the antigoritic matrix and associated with altered spinel (sample 09-SC-7k). 2048 J.CÁRDENAS-PÁRRAGAETAL. show a strong deformation fabric (Figures 3 and 5(c)). representative samples are shown in Figure 6(e–h). Antigoriteis themainconstituentinallsamples(>90%; These samples consist mainly of antigorite (from 100% SupplementaryTable1)formingpseudomorphicmicro- to 63.9%) associated with talc (up to 35.7% in the textures (mesh textures; Figure 5(a,b)), millimetric sample MCB-2f) or tremolite (4.93% in the sample 09- blades that overprint the original peridotite texture SC-31b), and minor chlorite (from 0.32% to 0.63%). (Figure5(b)),andnon-pseudomorphicmassivelyrecrys- Notably, brucite is absent in the samples, suggesting tallized microtextures characterized byinterpenetrating higher temperature than in lizardite–brucite-bearing needles (interlocking texture; Figure 5(c,d)). Bastite tex- samples from the La Corea mélange. tures are frequent and made of elongate serpentine Chlorite is present in all studied samples crystals parallel to the orientation of exfoliation (Supplementary Table 1). It forms fine-grained idioblas- planes/exolution lamellae of former orthopyroxene. tic flakes (around0.3 mm; Figure 5(c,f)) andxenoblastic These petrographic observations were confirmed with felt-like aggregates (Figure 5(e)). Both types appear micro-Raman and PXRD spectra obtained from Sierra dispersed in the serpentine matrix and usually occur del Convento samples, which show very intense and at the edge of mesh texture bodies (Figure 5(a)). sharpbandsat~228,371–374,~680,and~1043cm−1,a Chloritesystematicallyenvelopesferrianchromite-mag- weaker band at 456–459 cm−1, and a shoulder/peak at netite that formed after the complete replacement of 636–637 cm−1 in the low-wave-number spectral region disseminated primary Cr-spinel (Figure 5(d)). Chlorite is (Figure 6(a–d)). According to Rinaudo and Gastaldi also locally interlocked with calcic amphibole (tremo- 17 (2003), Groppo et al. (2006), and Schwartz et al. (2013), lite) grains (Figure 5(e)) in replacement textures after 0 2 r these typical bands of serpentine group minerals are primarypyroxene(s).Talciscommoninallsampletypes e b located at relatively low Raman shifts and are assigned (Supplementary Table 1). It forms fine anhedral gran- o ct to antigorite. In addition, in the high spectral region, ules or dusty grains dispersed in the matrix, which are O 0 two very intense bands at 3663–3670 and associated with chlorite and rare fine- to medium- 1 7 3695–3699 cm−1 are observed (Figure 6(a–d)), which grained sub-idioblastic tremolite (Figure 5(a); 3 7: can be related to antigorite, according to Petriglieri SupplementaryTable1).Tremolite(Figure5(e))islocally 1 at et al. (2014). The calculated PXRD profiles of four includedwithincarbonates.Anthophylliteoccursinone ] 5 1 7. 2 7. 0 2 2. 5 1 [ y b d e d a o nl w o D Figure 6. Representative micro-Raman spectra in the 150–1200 cm−1 and 3200–4000 cm−1 regions (central panel) and the corresponding optical photomicrographs (left panel) indicating the analysed spots (yellow circles) in samples (a) 09-SC-8aV; (b) 09-SC-7k; (c) 09-SC-31b; and (d) 09-SC-31k. The numbered yellow circles indicate the location of the micro-Raman spectrum displayed.Peakslabelledinblackarecharacteristicofantigorite.RepresentativePXRDresults(rightpanel)forsamples(e)09-SC-6c; (f) MCB-2f; (g) 09-SC-27 u; and (h) 09-SC-31b with the experimental (blue) and calculated (red) profiles. INTERNATIONALGEOLOGYREVIEW 2049 sample(09-SC-7k)asdispersed,anhedralgranulesover- Wehaveperformedthecalculationsandternaryprojec- printed by matrix antigorite and associated with mag- tion using software CSpace (Torres-Roldán et al. 2000), netite and ferrian chromite after spinel (Figure 5(f)). which makes use of the Singular Value Decomposition Fine-grained neo-formed clinopyroxene occurs in sam- technique for solving linear equations (Fisher 1989, ple 09-SC-09d (Figure 5(e)) associated with tremolite 1993). According to the fields defined by Le Maître andinthecoresofpseudomorphicserpentinetextures. et al. (2002), most samples of Sierra del Convento ser- Antigorite serpentinite from La Corea mélange is pentinite show a harzburgitic protolith in this diagram, characterized by non-pseudomorphic textures of inter- except for samples MCB-2f and 09-SC-8aV, which have penetrating needles of antigorite, which is locally par- an apparent olivine orthopyroxenite composition. As tially replaced by dolomite. Talc is variably abundant. expected, these two samples contain a relatively high Primary Cr-spinel grains are completely altered to fer- talc content, which may indicate a silica-metasomatic rian chromite and magnetite generally surrounded by transformation of a former harzburgite. On the other chlorite. On the other hand, antigorite–lizardite serpen- hand,thesample09-SC-27t,withthehighestcalculated tinite from this mélange shows pseudomorphic fea- Cpx content, shows relatively abundant tremolite and tures, such as the hourglass texture of lizardite and carbonate,thelattersuggestingmetasomatic(carbona- antigorite replacing the orthopyroxene in bastite, fine- tion) alteration. In this diagram, the serpentinite sam- grained clinopyroxene, chlorite, magnetite, and ferrian ples from the La Corea mélange of Blanco-Quintero chromite that overgrew/replaced primary clinopyrox- et al. (2011d) plot as harzburgite and lherzolite compo- 7 1 ene porphyroblasts, and spinel. Veins of andradite gar- sitions that overlap the field of the Sierra del Convento 0 r 2 net crosscut these rocks (see Blanco-Quintero et al. serpentinites, although a trend towards higher Ca is e b 2011d for additional petrographic information). apparent. To a certain extent, this is the result of the o ct presence of carbonates (dolomite). O 0 Figure 9 shows the relationships between the MgO/ 1 7 Whole-rock composition SiO and Al O /SiO ratios of the studied serpentinites 3 2 2 3 2 7: frombotheasternCubamélanges.Allcompositionsare at 1 Major-element geochemistry relatively consistent with an abyssal origin (values of ] 5 The bulk composition of the analysed samples from Al O /SiO above 0.03 are considered typical of sub- 1 2 3 2 27. Sierra del Convento has LOI values from 9.69 wt.% to ducted abyssal harzburgitic serpentinite; Deschamps 07. 12.36 wt.% (Supplementary Table 2). The contents of et al. 2013). Two samples plot within the field of the 52.2 MgO and SiO2 are variable, in the range of 36.59– compositional evolution trend of melting residue (‘ter- 1 42.93 wt.% and 46.13–50.79 wt.%, respectively restrial array’ after Jagoutz et al. 1979 and Hart and [ by (Supplementary Table 2, Figure 7(a,c)), as a likely con- Zindler 1986), although most samples have depleted ed sequenceofmobilizationduringserpentinization(Snow compositions with respect to the ‘terrestrial array’. d wnloa athnedrDanicgke1o9f915.;6N2i–u32.6060w4)t..%Th(eFicgounrteen7t).oNfaArrl2oOw3evrarrainesgeins Do are observed for FeO (7.0–8.95 wt.%, (Figure 7(b)), Trace-element geochemistry tot Mg# (100 x Mg/[Mg+Fe2+ ], 88.48–91.55; The rare earth element (REE) contents of the Sierra del tot Supplementary Table 2), and TiO (0.02–0.17 wt.%; Convento and La Corea serpentinites (Supplementary 2 Figure 7(d)). The CaO contents are generally low, but Tables 2 and 3, respectively) range from ~0.1 to ~2 one sample reaches 1.10 wt.% (09-SC-27t) as a likely times CI-chondrite (Figure 10(a,b)). The abundance of consequence of limited carbonation, whereas the typi- other trace elements is, in general, depleted relative cal values are around 0.5 wt.% (Supplementary Table 2 to estimates of the primitive mantle (PM), with excep- and Figure 7(e)). These compositions are similar to the tions in the large ion lithophile elements (LILE) published values from the La Corea mélange (Blanco- (Figure 10(c,d)). The REE patterns vary from nearly Quintero et al. 2011d). flat with a mild negative Eu anomaly to slightly We have classified the samples in the Ol-Opx-Cpx HREE-enriched (>CI-Chondrite) and LREE-depleted ternary diagram calculated in oxy-equivalent or (gram- (Figure 10(a)). PM-normalized trace-element patterns oxygen) units (Figure 8). This measure of mineral pro- of serpentinites are characterized by similar or slightly portions was obtained from the molecular proportions enriched Cs, Ba, U, and Rb contents and Th depletion of oxides in whole-rock samples using standard alge- (Figure 10(c,d)). In general, all samples show marked braic methods and has the advantage of being a mea- Hf and Sr depletion and Pb enrichment (Pb was not sureofthevolumeofsolidsinwhichoxygenistheonly analysed for the La Corea mélange), although a local major anion (Brady and Stout 1980; Thompson 1982). prominent positive spike in Sr and a negative spike in 2050 J.CÁRDENAS-PÁRRAGAETAL. 7 1 0 2 r e b o ct O 0 1 7 3 7: 1 at ] 5 1 7. 2 7. 0 2 2. 5 1 [ y b d e d a o nl w o D Figure7. Major-elementdiagramsdisplayingthecompositionofthestudiedserpentinites(LaCoreamélangefromBlanco-Quintero etal.2011d),withoxidesrecalculatedtotheanhydrousbasis.(a)SiO content(wt.%);(b)FeO content(wt.%);(c)MgOcontent 2 total (wt.%); (d)TiO content(wt.%); and(e)CaO content (wt.%)versusAl O content(wt.%). Silicate Earth(primitivemantle,PM) from 2 2 3 McDonough and Sun (1995). Samples from different formation environments are plotted for comparison. Rb characterize some samples, suggesting mobiliza- Ru = 6–9 ppb) and concentrations of Pd-type PGE tion of fluid-mobile trace elements during (PPGE) from 8 to 21 ppb (Rh = 1–2 ppb; Pt = 5–10 serpentinization. ppb; Pd = 2–9 ppb; Supplementary table 4). The sam- ples have similar values to the primitive upper mantle (PUM;Beckeretal.2006)forIr,Ru,Pt,andPd,although PGE composition one sample shows depletion in Pt and Pd and all sam- ples show depletion in Os (Figure 11). Serpentinites The total concentration of PGE in the Sierra del from theLa Coreamélange have similarconcentrations Convento serpentinite samples ranges from 18 ppb to of IPGE (Os, Ir, Ru) and PPGE (Rh, Pt, Pd), although they 36 ppb (Supplementary Table 4). These low values are donotshowamarkeddepletioninOsandPdandhave characterized by concentrations of Ir-type PGE (IPGE) higher values of PPGE. from 10 ppb to 15 ppb (Os = 1–3 ppb; Ir = 3–4 ppb;