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LIST OF CONTENTS 2006 Vol. 47, No. 1 Articles N. A. Steen, S. C. Barker and P. F. Alewood l Proteins in the saliva of the Ixodida (ticks): Pharmacological features and biological significance P. C. Panunto, M. A. da Silva, A. Linardi, M. P. Buzin, 21 Biological activities of a lectin from Bothrops jararacussu S. E. S. F. C. Melo, S. M. Mello, J. Prado-Franceschi and snake venom S. Hyslop I. B. Brisset, A. Schaper, P. Pommier and L. de Haro 32 + Envenomation by Amazonian freshwater stingray Potamo- : trygon motoro: 2 cases reported in Europe S. Pantano and C. Montecucco 35. A molecular model of the Vibrio cholerae cytolysin trans- membrane pore A. Bintvihok and S. Kositcharoenkul 41 Effect of dietary calcium propionate on performance, hepa- tic enzyme activities and aflatoxin residues in broilers fed a diet containing low levels of aflatoxin B1 M. H. Toyama, D. de O. Toyama, L. F. D. Passero, 47 Isolation of a new L-amino acid oxidase from Crotalus M. D. Laurenti, C. E. Corbett, T. Y. Tomokane, F. V. Fonseca, durissus cascavella venom E. Antunes, P. P. Joazeiro, L. O. S. Beriam, M. A. C. Martins, H. S. A. Monteiro and M. C. Fonteles N. Yigit and T. Guven Functional structure of Agelena labyrinthica’s (Araneae: Agelenidae) venom gland and electrophoresis of venom G. P. Gamborgi, E. B. Metcalf and E. J. G. Barros 68 Acute renal failure provoked by toxin from caterpillars of the species Lonomia obliqua R. Mora, A. Maldonado, B. Valverde and J. M. Gutiérrez 75 Calcium plays a key role in the effects induced by a snake venom Lys49 phospholipase A, homologue on a lympho- blastoid cell line S. M. Carneiro, M. B. Zablith, C. M. Kerchove, A. M. Moura-da- Venom production in long-term primary culture of secretory Silva, D. O. Quissell, R. P. Markus and N. Yamanouye cells of the Bothrops jararaca venom gland M. M. T. Rocha, D. Paixéo-Cavalcante, D. V. Tambourgi and 95 Duvernoy’s gland secretion of Philodryas olfersii and M. de Fatima D. Furtado Philodryas patagoniensis (Colubridae): Neutralization of local and systemic effects by commercial bothropic antive- nom (Bothrops genus) S.-R. Zhong, Y. Jin, J.-B. Wu, R.-Q. Chen, Y.-H. Jia, 104 Characterization and molecular cloning of dabocetin, a W.-Y. Wang, Y.-L. Xiong and Y. Zhang potent antiplatelet C-type lectin-like protein from Daboia russellii siamensis venom A. F. M. Pinto, K. R. L. M. Silva and J. A. Guimaraes Proteases from Lonomia obliqua venomous secretions: Comparison of procoagulant, fibrin(ogen)olytic and amido- lytic activities C.-Z. Wang, H. Zhang, H. Jiang, W. Lu, Z.-Q. Zhao and 122. A novel conotoxin from Conus striatus, -SIIIA, selectively C.-W. Chi blocking rat tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channels J.-F. Jiang, Y. Han, L.-J. Xing, Y.-Y. Xu, Z.-H. Xu and K.Chong 133 Cloning and expression of a novel cDNA encoding a mannose-specific jacalin-related lectin from Oryza sativa Vol. 47, No. 2 Articles A. V. Aznaurian and S. V. Amiryan 141 Histopathological changes induced by the venom of the snake Vipera raddei (Armenian adder) B. Inceoglu, J. Lango, A. Rabinovich, P. Whetstone and The neutralizing effect of a polyclonal antibody raised B. D. Hammock against the N-terminal eighteen-aminoacid residues of birtoxin towards the whole venom of Parabuthus transvaa- licus G. C. Mello, I. A. Desouza, S. Marangoni, J. C. Novello, Oedematogenic activity induced by Kunitz-type inhibitors E. Antunes and M. L. R. Macedo from Dimorphandra mollis seeds K. PreuBel, A. Stiiken, C. Wiedner, I. Chorus and J. Fastner First report on cylindrospermopsin producing Aphanizome- non flos-aquae (Cyanobacteria) isolated from two German lakes P. Vale Differential dynamics of dinophysistoxins and pectenotox- ins, part II: Offshore bivalve species P. Ciminiello, C. Dell’ Aversano, E. Fattorusso, M. Forino, Investigation of the toxin profile of Greek mussels Mytilus S. Magno, F. Santelia and M. Tsoukatou galloprovincialis by liquid chromatography—mass spectro- metry A. K. Mukherjee, B. L. Sollod, S. K. Wikel and G. F. King Orally active acaricidal peptide toxins from spider venom S. S. Morey, K. M. Kiran and J. R. Gadag Purification and properties of hyaluronidase from Palam- neus gravimanus (Indian black scorpion) venom D. D. Spadacci-Morena, S. C. de Tomy, I. S. Sano-Martins and The effect of experimental Bothrops jararaca envenomation S. G. Katz on pregnant mice M. D. Wiese, T. K. Chataway, N. W. Davies, R. W. Milne, Proteomic analysis of Myrmecia pilosula (jack jumper) ant S. G. A. Brown, W.-P. Gai and R. J. Heddle venom S. U. Gerbersdorf An advanced technique for immuno-labelling of microcys- tins in cryosectioned cells of Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806 (cyanobacteria): Implementations of an experiment with varying light scenarios and culture densities C. O. Miles, A. L. Wilkins, A. D. Hawkes, A. I. Selwood, Identification of 45-hydroxy-46,47-dinoryessotoxin, 44- D. J. Jensen, J. M. Cooney, V. Beuzenberg and A. L. MacKenzie 0x0-45,46,47-trinoryessotoxin, and 9-methyl-42,43,44, 45 ,46,47,55-heptanor-38-en-41-oxoyessotoxin, and partial characterization of some minor yessotoxins, from Protocer- atium reticulatum L.-P. Xu, W.-J. Jiang, T. Ma, P.-X. Qiu, J. Hou, Y.-J. Huang, Expression, purification and molecular modeling of recom- J.-S. Chen and G.-M. Yan binant fibrinogenase [IV], a metalloproteinase from Deina- kistrodon acutus venom Short communication X. Xu, J. Li, Q. Lu, H. Yang, Y. Zhang and R. Lai 249 Two families of antimicrobial peptides from wasp (Vespa magnifica) venom G. G. Habermehl 254 Book Review Vol. 47, No. 3 Articles A. Ménez, R. Stécklin and D. Mebs 255 ‘Venomics’ or: The venomous systems genome project D. N. Amora, T. M. Sousa, A. M. C. Martins, P. S. F. Barbosa, 260 Effects of Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom in the M. R. Magalhaes, M. H. Toyama, M. C. Fonteles, D. B. de isolated rat kidney Menezes and H. S. A. Monteiro Y.-L. Lin, P.-F. Wu, T. T. Wu and L.-S. Chang KChIP3: A binding protein for Taiwan banded krait B- bungarotoxin A.-D. Jungblut, S. J. Hoeger, D. Mountfort, B. C. Hitzfeld, Characterization of microcystin production in an Antarctic D. R. Dietrich and B.-A. Neilan cyanobacterial mat community P. Rojnuckarin, C. Muanpasitporn, L. Chanhome, Molecular cloning of novel serine proteases and phospholi- J. Arpijuntarangkoon and T. Intragumtornchai pases A, from green pit viper (Trimeresurus albolabris) venom gland cDNA library T. Chen, H. F. Kwok, C. Ivanyi and C. Shaw Isolation and cloning of exendin precursor cDNAs from single samples of venom from the Mexican beaded lizard (Heloderma horridum) and the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum) A. Saha, A. Gomes, A. K. Chakravarty, A. K. Biswas, B. Giri, CNS and anticonvulsant activity of a non-protein toxin (KC- S. C. Dasgupta and A. Gomes MMT*x) isolated from King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) venom M. C. Menezes, M. F. Furtado, S. R. Travaglia-Cardoso, Sex-based individual variation of snake venom proteome A. C. M. Camargo and S. M. T. Serrano among eighteen Bothrops jararaca siblings S.CC.. S ampaio, T. C. Alba-Loureiro, P. Brigatte, R. G. Landgraf, Lipoxygenase-derived eicosanoids are involved in the inhi- E. CC.. dos Santos, R. Curi and Y. Cury bitory effect of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom or crotoxin on rat macrophage phagocytosis Y.-C. Cheng, K.-C. Chen, S.-K. Lin and L.-S. Chang Divergence of genes encoding B chains of B-bungarotoxins P. Hebestreit, A.W eng, C. Bachran, H. Fuchs and M. F. Melzig Enhancement of cytotoxicity of lectins by Saponinum album G. Holtrop, J. Petrie, J. McElhiney and N. Dennison Can general anaesthesia be used for the Paralytic Shellfish Poison bioassay? C. Zhijian, L. Feng, W. Yingliang, M. Xin and L. Wenxin Genetic mechanisms of scorpion venom peptide diversifica- tion P. T. J. Tan, A. Veeramani, K. N. Srinivasan, S. Ranganathan and SCORPION2: A database for structure—function analysis of V. Brusic scorpion toxins R. A. Harrison, S. S. Hasson, M. Harmsen, G. D. Laing, Neutralisation of venom-induced haemorrhage by IgG from K. Conrath and R. D. G. Theakston camels and llamas immunised with viper venom and also by endogenous, non-[gG components in camelid sera 369 Announcement Vol. 47, No. Articles R. C. Barbosa, F. Riet-Correa, R. M. T. Medeiros, E. F. Lima, 371 Intoxication by Ipomoea sericophylla and Ipomoea riedelii S. S. Barros, E. J. Gimeno, R. J. Molyneux and D. R. Gardner in goats in the state of Paraiba, Northeastern Brazil S. A. de Andrade, M. T. Murakami, D. P. Cavalcante, R. K. Arni 380 Kinetic and mechanistic characterization of the Sphingo- and D. V. Tambourgi myelinases D from Loxosceles intermedia spider venom P. Sicinska, B. Bukowska, J. Michatowicz and W. Duda 387 Damage of cell membrane and antioxidative system in human erythrocytes incubated with microcystin-LR in vitro A. V. M. Kumar and T. V. Gowda 398 Novel non-enzymatic toxic peptide of Daboia russelii (East- ern region) venom renders commercial polyvalent antive- nom ineffective F. Caloni, A. Stammati, G. Friggé and I. De Angelis Aflatoxin M, absorption and cytotoxicity on human intest- inal in vitro model R. Yanoshita, Y. Ogawa, N. Murayama, T. Omori-Satoh, Molecular cloning of the major lethal toxins from two kraits K.-i. Saguchi, S. Higuchi, O. Khow, L. Chanhome, Y. Samejima (Bungarus flaviceps and Bungarus candidus) and V. Sitprija H. Jiang, C.-Q. Xu, C.-Z. Wang, C.-X. Fan, T.-Y. Zhao, J.-S. Chen Two novel O-superfamily conotoxins from Conus vexillum and C.-W. Chi A.-H. A. Abdel-Haleem, A.-R. M. A. Meki, H. A. Noaman and Serum levels of IL-6 and its soluble receptor, TNF-a and Z. T. Mohamed chemokine RANTES in scorpion envenomed children: Their relation to scorpion envenomation outcome A. D. Kanavage, L. V. Boyer, J. McNally and J. J. Osterhout Resistance of antivenom proteins to foaming-induced dena- turation H. P. B. Magalhaes, A. Magalhaes, L. Juliano, D. L. Nelson and 453 Mechanism of action and determination of the best substrate E. Rogana for a thrombin-like enzyme from Lachesis muta muta venom by regression analysis of the kinetic parameters determined with peptidyl p-nitroanilide substrates X. Xu, J. Li, Y. Han, H. Yang, J. Liang, Q. Lu and R. Lai 459 Two antimicrobial peptides from skin secretions of Rana grahami S.-G. Wan, Y. Jin, W.-H. Lee and Y. Zhang 465 Cloning of two novel P-III class metalloproteinases from Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom gland P. McCarron and P. Hess 473 Tissue distribution and effects of heat treatments on the content of domoic acid in blue mussels, Mytilus edulis S.-G. Wan, Y. Jin, W.-H. Lee and Y. Zhang 480 A snake venom metalloproteinase that inhibited cell prolif- eration and induced morphological changes of ECV304 cells Short communication A. L. Hermogenes, M. Richardson, A. Magalhaes, A. Yarleque, 490 Interaction of a plasminogen activator proteinase, LV-PA E. Rodriguez and E. F. Sanchez with human a@2-macroglobulin 495 Announcement Vol. 47, No. .) Articles S. H. White, L. J. Duivenvoorden, L. D. Fabbro and 497 Influence of intracellular toxin concentrations on cylindros- G. K. Eaglesham permopsin bioaccumulation in a freshwater gastropod (Melanoides tuberculata) C. O. Miles, A. L. Wilkins, A. I. Selwood, A. D. Hawkes, 510 Isolation of Yessotoxin 32-O-[®-L-arabinofuranosyl- D. J. Jensen, J. M. Cooney, V. Beuzenberg and A. L. MacKenzie (5’ — 1”)-8-L-arabinofuranoside] from Protoceratium reti- culatum A. IVina, A. Lipkin, E. Barsova, M. Issaeva, E. Leychenko, 517 Amino acid sequence of RTX-A’s isoform actinoporin from K. Guzev, M. Monastyrnaya, S. Lukyanov and E. Kozlovskaya the sea anemone, Radianthus macrodactylus C.-H. Yan, Z.-Q. Liang, Z.-L. Gu, Y.-P. Yang, P. Reid and 521 Contributions of autophagic and apoptotic mechanisms to Z.-H. Qin CrTX-induced death of K562 cells M. Alami, B. Céard, C. Legros, P. E. Bougis and 531 Genomic characterisation of the toxin Amm VIII from the M.-F. Martin-Eauclaire scorpion Androctonus mauretanicus mauretanicus S. P. Mackessy, N. M. Sixberry, W. H. Heyborne and T. Fritts 537 Venom of the Brown Treesnake, Boiga irregularis: Onto- genetic shifts and taxa-specific toxicity C. M. Fernandes, S. R. Zamuner, J. P. Zuliani, A. Rucavado, 549 Inflammatory effects of BaP1 a metalloproteinase isolated J. M. Gutiérrez and C. de Fatima P. Teixeira from Bothrops asper snake venom: Leukocyte recruitment and release of cytokines M. Lombardo, F. C. R. Pinto, J. M. S. Vieira, R. Y. Honda, 560 Isolation and structural characterization of microcystin-LR A. M. C. Pimenta, M. P. Bemquerer, L. R. Carvalho and S. Kiyota and three minor oligopeptides simultaneously produced by Radiocystis feernandoi (Chroococcales, Cyanobacteriae): A Brazilian toxic cyanobacterium S. Abbés, Z. Ouanes, J. ben Salah-Abbés, Z. Houas, R. Oueslati, 567 The protective effect of hydrated sodium calcium alumino- H. Bacha and O. Othman silicate against haematological, biochemical and pathologi- cal changes induced by Zearalenone in mice K. W. Magalhaes, C. Lima, A. A. Piran-Soares, E. E. Marques, 575 Biological and biochemical properties of the Brazilian Pota- C. A. Hiruma-Lima and M. Lopes-Ferreira motrygon stingrays: Potamotrygon cf. scobina and Potamo- trygon gr. orbignyi Z. A. Mohamed, H. M. El-Sharouny and W. S. M. Ali 584 Microcystin production in benthic mats of cyanobacteria in the Nile River and irrigation canals, Egypt P. B. Clissa, M. Lopes-Ferreira, M. S. Della-Casa, S. H. P. Farsky Importance of jararhagin disintegrin-like and cysteine-rich and A. M. Moura-da-Silva domains in the early events of local inflammatory response P. Ciminiello, C. Dell’ Aversano, E. Fattorusso, S. Magno, Toxin profile of Alexandrium ostenfeldii (Dinophyceae) L. Tartaglione, M. Cangini, M. Pompei, F. Guerrini, L. Boni and from the Northern Adriatic Sea revealed by liquid chroma- R. Pistocchi tography—mass spectrometry Short communication L. Satora, D. Pach, K. Ciszowski and L. Winnik 605 Panther cap Amanita pantherina poisoning case report and review 608 Announcement Vol. 47, No. 6 Articles P. Escoubas 609 Mass spectrometry in toxinology: A 21st-century technol- ogy for the study of biopolymers from venoms D. Wilson and P. F. Alewood 614 Taxonomy of Australian Funnel-web spiders using rp- HPLC/ESI-MS profiling techniques D. G. Nascimento, B. Rates, D. M. Santos, T. Verano-Braga, 628 Moving pieces in a taxonomic puzzle: Venom 2D-LC/MS A. Barbosa-Silva, A. A. A. Dutra, I. Biondi, M. F. Martin- and data clustering analyses to infer phylogenetic relation- Eauclaire, M. E. D. Lima and A. M. C. Pimenta ships in some scorpions from the Buthidae family (Scor- piones) C. Guette, C. Legros, G. Tournois, M. Goyffon and M.-L. Célérier 640 Peptide profiling by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisa- tion time-of-flight mass spectrometry of the Lasiodora para- hybana tarantula venom gland P. Escoubas, B. Sollod and G. F. King 650 Venom landscapes: Mining the complexity of spider venoms via a combined cDNA and mass spectrometric approach M. J. Maclean, C. S. Brinkworth, D. Bilusich, J. H. Bowie, New caerin antibiotic peptides from the skin secretion of the J. R. Doyle, L. E. Llewellyn and M. J. Tyler Dainty Green Tree Frog Litoria gracilenta. Identification using positive and negative ion electrospray mass spectro- metry P. Favreau, L. Menin, S. Michalet, F. Perret, O. Cheneval, Mass spectrometry strategies for venom mapping and M. Stocklin, P. Bulet and R. Stécklin peptide sequencing from crude venoms: Case applications with single arthropod specimen J. A. Jakubowski, W. P. Kelley and J. V. Sweedler 688 Screening for post-translational modifications in conotoxins using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry: an impor- tant component of conotoxin discovery J. W. Fox, L. Ma, K. Nelson, N. E. Sherman and S. M. T. Serrano Comparison of indirect and direct approaches using ion-trap and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spec- trometry for exploring viperid venom proteomes L. Quinton, J.-P. L. Caér, J. Vinh, N. Gilles and J. Chamot-Rooke 715 Fourier transform mass spectrometry: A powerful tool for toxin analysis Vol. 47, No. 7 Articles R. Shashidharamurthy and K. Kemparaju 727 A neurotoxic phospholipase A, variant: Isolation and char- acterization from eastern regional Indian cobra (Naja naja) venom J. L. Ott and W. W. Carmichael 734 LC/ESI/MS method development for the analysis of hepa- totoxic cyclic peptide microcystins in animal tissues Y.-M. Chen, T.-H. Lee, S.-J. Lee, H.-B. Huang, R. Huang and 742 Comparison of protein phosphatase inhibition activities and H.-N. Chou mouse toxicities of microcystins P. Schaffer, C. Reeves, D. R. Casper and C. R. Davis 747 Absence of neurotoxic effects in leopard sharks, Triakis semifasciata, following domoic acid exposure G. Chowell, P. Diaz-Duefias, R. Bustos-Saldafia, A. A. Mireles Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of scorpionism and V. Fet in Colima, Mexico (2000—2001) D. C. S. Damico, L. G. F. Bueno, L. Rodrigues-Simioni, Functional characterization of a basic D49 phospholipase A, S. Marangoni, M. A. da Cruz-H6fling and J. C. Novello (LmTX-I) from the venom of the snake Lachesis muta muta (bushmaster) . V. Kulagina, M. J. Twiner, P. Hess, T. McMahon, M. Satake, Azaspiracid-1 inhibits bioelectrical activity of spinal cord . Yasumoto, J. S. Ramsdell, G. J. Doucette, W. Ma and neuronal networks “=. O’ Shaughnessy . A. P. Gongalves, M. A. Dalboni, A. T. Peres, A. P. Manfredi, Effect of microcystin on leukocyte viability and function . R. Manfredi, S. M. Azevedo, V. F. Magalhaes, S. Draibe, .E F. Canziani and M. Cendoroglo .M . S. Freitas, M. M. Fagian and M. A. da Cruz H6fling Effects of veratrine and veratridine on oxygen consumption and electrical membrane potential of isolated rat skeletal muscle and liver mitochondria . L. M. Pereira, M. Fritzen, F. Faria, G. da Motta and Releasing or expression modulating mediator involved in M . Chudzinski-Tavassi hemostasis by Berythractivase and Jararhagin (SVMPs) . Mebs, U. Kuch, F. I. V. Coronas, C. V. F. Batista, Biochemical and biological activities of the venom of the . Gumprecht and L. D. Possani Chinese pitviper Zhaoermia mangshanensis, with the complete amino acid sequence and phylogenetic analysis of a novel Arg49 phospholipase A, myotoxin C. Bruschini, F. R. Dani, G. Pieraccini, F. Guarna and S. Turillazzi Volatiles from the venom of five species of paper wasps (Polistes dominulus, P. gallicus, P. nimphus, P. sulcifer and P. olivaceus) : Short communication R. S. Vetter and G. K. Isbister Verified bites by the woodlouse spider, Dysdera crocata Announcement Vol. 47, No. 8 Articles P. S. F. Barbosa, A. M. C. Martins, R. S. Alves, D. N. Amora, 831 The role of indomethacin and tezosentan on renal effects R. D. Martins, M. H. Toyama, A. Havt, N. R. F. Nascimento, induced by Bothrops moojeni Lys49 myotoxin I V.L.C. Rocha, D. B. Menezes, M. C. Fonteles and H. S. A. Monteiro V. Haddad Jr. and I. A. Martins Frequency and gravity of human envenomations caused by marine catfish (suborder siluroidei): a clinical and epidemio- logical study K. S. Paludo, L. H. Gremski, S. S. Veiga, O. M. Chaim, The effect of brown spider venom on endothelial cell W. Gremski, D. de Freitas Buchi, H. B. Nader, C. P. Dietrich and morphology and adhesive structures C. R. C. Franco M. C. A. Rodrigues, L. H. S. Guimaraes, J. L. Liberato, Acid and alkaline phosphatase activities of a fraction M. de Lourdes T. de Moraes Polizeli and W. F. dos Santos isolated from Parawixia bistriata spider venom M. D. M. Braga, A. M. C. Martins, D. N. Amora, D. B. de Purification and biological effects of C-type lectin isolated Menezes, M. H. Toyama, D. O. Toyama, S. Marangoni, from Bothrops insularis venom P. S. F. Barbosa, R. de Sousa Alves, M. C. Fonteles and H. S. A. Monteiro L. Ivanova, E. Skjerve, G. S. Eriksen and S. Uhlig Cytotoxicity of enniatins A, Al, B, B1, B2 and B3 from Fusarium avenaceum J. Boles, M. West, V. Montgomery, R. Tammariello, Recombinant C fragment of botulinum neurotoxin B sero- M. L. M. Pitt, P. Gibbs, L. Smith and R. D. LeClaire type (rBoNTB (Hc¢)) immune response and protection in the rhesus monkey A. G. C. Bonavita, A. S. da Costa, A. L. A. Pires, A. G. C. Neves- Contribution of mast cells and snake venom metalloprotei- Ferreira, J. Perales, R. S. B. Cordeiro, M. A. Martins and nases to the hyperalgesia induced by Bothrops jararaca P. M. R. e Silva venom in rats B. Sangare-Tigori, S. Moukha, J. H. Kouadio, D. S. Dano, Ochratoxin A in human blood in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire A.-M. Betbeder, A. Achour and E. E. Creppy H. Ma, B. Zhou, Y. S. Kim and K. D. Janda A cyclic peptide—polymer probe for the detection of Clos- tridium botulinum neurotoxin serotype A S. C. Sampaio, M. F. Santos, E. P. Costa, A. C. Rangel-Santos, Crotoxin induces actin reorganization and inhibits tyrosine S. M. Carneiro, R. Curi and Y. Cury phosphorylation and activity of small GTPases in rat macro- phages P. G. Cruz, A. H. Daranas, J. J. Fernandez, M. L. Souto and DTXSc, a new OA sulphate ester derivative from cultures of M. Norte Prorocentrum belizeanum Short communication D. A. Boaru, N. Dragos, M. Welker, A. Bauer, A. Nicoara and Toxic potential of microcystin-containing cyanobacterial K. Schirmer extracts from three Romanian freshwaters AUTHOR INDEX Abbés, S. 567 Card, B. 531 Abdel-Haleem, A.-H. A. 437 Carmichael, W. W. 734 Achour, A. 894 Carneiro, S. M. 87, 909 Alami, M. 531 Carvalho, L. R. 560 Alba-Loureiro, T. C. 313 Casper, D. R. 747 Alewood, P. F. 1, 614 Cavalcante, D. P. 380 Ali, W.S.M. 584 Céard, B. 531 Alves, R. S. 831 Cendoroglo, M. 774 Amiryan, S. V. 141 Chaim, O. M. 844 Amora, D. N. 260, 831, 859 Chakravarty, A. K. 296 Antunes, E. 47, 150 Chamot-Rooke, J. 715 Arni, R. K. 380 Chang, L.-S. 265, 322 Arpijuntarangkoon, J. 279 Chanhome, L. 279, 416 Azevedo, S. M. 774 Chataway, T. K. 208 Aznaurian, A. V. 141 Chen, J.-S. 241, 425 Chen, K.-C. 322 Bacha, H. 567 Chen, R.-Q. 104 Bachran, C. 330 Chen, T. 288 Barbosa, P. S. F. 260, 831, 859 Chen, Y.-M. 742 Barbosa, R. C. 371 Cheneval, O. 676 Barbosa-Silva, A. 628 Cheng, Y.-C. 322 Barker, S. C. 1 Chi, C.-W. 122, 425 Barros, E. J. G. 68 Chong, K. 133 Barros, S. S. 371 Chorus, I. 156 Barsova, E. 517 Chou, H.-N. 742 Batista, C. V. F. 797 Chowell, G. 753 Bauer, A. 925 Chudzinski-Tavassi, A. M. 788 Bemquerer, M. P. 560 Ciminiello, P. 174, 597 Beriam, L. O. S. 47 Ciszowski, K. 605 Betbeder, A.-M. 894 Clissa, P.B. 591 Beuzenberg, V. 229, 510 Célérier, M.-L. 640 Bilusich, D. 664 Conrath, K. 364 Bintvihok, A. 41 Cooney, J. M. 229, 510 Biondi, I. 628 Corbett, C. E. 47 Biswas, A. K. 296 Cordeiro, R. S. B. 885 Boaru, D. A. 925 Coronas, F. I. V. 797 Boles, J. 877 Costa, E. P. 909 Bonavita, A. G. C. 885 Creppy, E. E. 894 Boni, L. 597 Cruz, P. G. 920 Bougis, P. E. 531 Curi, R. 313, 909 Bowie, J. H. 664 Cury, Y. 313, 909 Boyer, L. V. 445 Braga, M. D. M. 859 da Costa, A. S. 885 Brigatte, P. 313 da Cruz-H6fling, M. A. 759, 780 Brinkworth, C. S. 664 da Motta, G. 788 Brisset, I. B. 32 da Silva, M. A. 21 Brown, S. G. A. 208 Dalboni,-M. A. 774 Bruschini, C. 812 Damico, D. C. S. 759 Brusic, V. 356 Dani, F. R. 812 Bueno, L. G. F. 759 Dano, D. S. 894 Bukowska, B. 387 Daranas, A. H. 920 Bulet, P. 676 Dasgupta, S. C. 296 Bustos-Saldana, R. 753 Davies, N. W. 208 Buzin, M. P. 21 Davis, C. R. 747 Diaz-Duejias, P. 753 Caloni, F. 409 de Andrade, S. A. 380 Camargo, A. C. M. 304 De Angelis, I. 409 Cangini, M. 597 de Freitas Buchi, D. 844 Canziani, M. E. F. 774 de Fatima D. Furtado, M. 95 de Fatima Pereira Teixeira, C. 549 Gowda, T. V. 398 de Haro, L. 32 Goyffon, M. 640 De Lima, M. E. 628 Gremski, L. H. 844 de Lourdes Teixeira de Moraes Polizeli, M. 854 Gremski, W. 844 de Menezes, D. B. 260, 859 Gu, Z.-L. 521 de O. Toyama, D. 47 Guarna, F. 812 de Sousa Alves, R. 859 Guerrini, F. 597 de Tomy, S. C. 196 Guette, C. 640 Della-Casa, M.S. 591 Guimaraes, J. A. 113 Dell’ Aversano, C. 174, 597 Guimaraes, L. H. S. 854 Dennison, N. 336 Gumprecht, A. 797 Desouza, I. A. 150 Gutiérrez, J. M. 75, 549 Dietrich, C. P. 844 Guven, T. 58 Dietrich, D. R. 271 Guzev, K. 517 dos Santos, E. C. 313 dos Santos, W. F. 854 Habermehl, G. G. 254 Doucette, G. J. 766 Haddad Jr, V. 838 Doyle, J. R. 664 Hammock, B. D. 144 Dragos, N. 925 Han, Y. 133, 459 Draibe, S. 774 Harmsen, M. 364 Duda, W. 387 Harrison, R. A. 364 Duivenvoorden, L. J. 497 Hasson, S. S. 364 Dutra, A. A. A. 628 Havt, A. 831 Hawkes, A. D. 229, 510 e Silva, P. M. R. 885 Hebestreit, P. 330 Eaglesham, G. K. 497 Heddle, R. J. 208 El-Sharouny, H. M. 584 Hermogenes, A. L. 490 Eriksen, G. S. 868 Hess, P. 473, 766 Escoubas, P. 609, 650 Heyborne, W. H. 537 Higuchi, S. 416 Fabbro, L. D. 497 Hiruma-Lima, C. A. 575 Fagian, M. M. 780 Hitzfeld, B. C. 271 Fan, C.-X. 425 Hoeger, S. J. 271 Faria, F. 788 Holtrop, G. 336 Farsky, S. H. P. 591 Honda, R. Y. 560 Fastner, J. 156 Hou, J. 241 Fattorusso, E. 174, 597 Houas, Z. 567 Favreau, P. 676 Huang, H.-B. 742 Feng, L. 348 Huang, R. 742 Fernandes, C. M. 549 Huang, Y.-J. 241 Fernandez, J. J. 920 Hyslop, S. 21 Fet, V. 753 Fonseca, F. V. 47 Fonteles, M. C. 47, 260, 831, 859 IVina, A. 517 Forino, M. 174 Inceoglu, B. 144 Fox, J. W. 700 Intragumtornchai, T. 279 Franco, C. R. C. 844 Isbister, G. K. 826 Freitas, E. M. S. 780 Issaeva, M. 517 Friggé, G. 409 Ivanova, L. 868 Fritts, T. 537 Ivanyi, C. 288 Fritzen, M. 788 Fuchs, H. 330 Jakubowski, J. A. 688 Furtado, D. 95 Janda, K. D. 901 Furtado, M. F. 304 Jensen, D. J. 229, 510 Jia, Y.-H. 104 Gadag, J. R. 188 Jiang, H. 122, 425 Gai, W.-P. 208 Jiang, J.-F. 133 Gamborgi, G. P. 68 Jiang, W.-J. 241 Gardner, D. R. 371 Jin, Y. 104, 465, 480 Gerbersdorf, S. U. 218 Joazeiro, P. P. 47 Gibbs, P. 877 Juliano, L. 453 Gilles, N. 715 Jungblut, A.-D. 271 Gimeno, E. J. 371 Giri, B. 296 Gomes, A. 296 Kanavage, A. D. 445 Gongalves, E. A. P. 774 Katz, S. G. 196 Kelley, W. P. 688 Martin-Eauclaire, M.-F. 531 Kemparaju, K. 727 Martin-Eauclaire, M. F. 628 Kerchove, C. M. 87 Martins, A. M. C. 260, 831, 859 Khow, O. 416 Martins, I. A. 838 Kim, Y. S. 901 Martins, M. A. C. 47 King, G. F. 182, 650 Martins, R. D. 831 Kiran, K. M. 188 Martins, M. A. 885 Kiyota, S. 560 McCarron, P. 473 Kositcharoenkul, S. 41 McElhinney, J. 336 Kouadio, J. H. 894 McMahon, T. 766 Kozlovskaya, E. 517 McNally, J. 445 Kuch, U. 797 Mebs, D. 255, 797 Kulagina, N. V. 766 Medeiros, R. M. T. 371 Kumar, A. V. M. 398 Meki, A.-R. M. A. 437 Kwok, H. F. 288 Mello, G. C. 150 Mello, S. M. 21 Melo, S. E. S. F. C. 21 Lai, R. 249, 459 Melzig, M. F. 330 Laing, G. D. 364 Ménez, A. 255 Landgraf, R. G. 313 Menezes, D. B. 831 Lango, J. 144 Menezes, M. C. 304 Laurenti, M. D. 47 Menin, L. 676 Le Caér, J.-P. 715 Metcalf, E. B. 68 LeClaire, R. D. 877 Michalet, S. 676 Lee, S.-J. 742 Michalowicz, J. 387 Lee, T.-H. 742 Miles, C. O. 229, 510 Lee, W.-H. 465, 480 Milne, R. W. 208 Legros, C. 531, 640 Mireles, A. A. 753 Leychenko, E. 517 Ménez, A. 255 Li, J. 249, 459 Mohamed, Z. A. 584 Liang, J. 459 Mohamed, Z. T. 437 Liang, Z.-Q. 521 Molyneux, R. J. 371 Liberato, J. L. 854 Monastyrnaya, M. 517 Lima, C. 575 Montecucco, C. 35 Lima, E. F. 371 Monteiro, H. S. A. 47, 260, 831, 859 Lin, S.-K. 322 Montgomery, V. 877 Lin, Y.-L. 265 Mora, R. 75 Linardi, A. 21 Morey, S. S. 188 Lipkin, A. 517 Moukha, S. 894 Llewellyn, L. E. 664 Mountfort, D. 271 Lombardo, M. 560 Moura-da-Silva, A. M. 87, 591 Lopes-Ferreira, M. 575, 591 Muanpasitporn, C. 279 Lu, Q. 249, 459 Mukherjee, A. K. 182 Lu, W. 122 Murakami, M. T. 380 Lukyanov, S. 517 Murayama, N. 416 Ma, H. 901 Nader, H. B. 844 Ma, L. 700 Nascimento, D. G. 628 Ma, T. 241 Nascimento, N. R. F. 831 Ma, W. 766 Neilan, B. A. 271 Macedo, M. L. R. 150 Nelson, D. L. 453 MacKenzie, A. L. 229, 510 Nelson, K. 700 Mackessy, S. P. 537 Nicoara, A. 925 Maclean, M. J. 664 Noaman, H. A. 437 Magalhaes, A. 490, 453 Norte, M. 920 Magalhaes, H. P. B. 453 Novello, J. C. 150, 759 Magalhaes, K. W. 575 Neves-Ferreira, A. G. C. 881 Magalhaes, M. R. 260 Magalhaes, V. F. 774 Ogawa, Y. 416 Magno, S. 174, 597 Omori-Satoh, T. 416 Maldonado, A. 75 O’Shaughnessy, T. J. 766 Manfredi, A. P. 774 Osterhout, J. J. 445 Manfredi, S. R. 774 Othman, O. 567 Marangoni, S. 150, 759, 859 Ott, J. L. 734 Markus, R. P. 87 Ouanes, Z. 567 Marques, E. E. 575 Oueslati, R. 567

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