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Preview Towards the electron EDM search: Theoretical study of HfF+

Towards the electron EDM search: Theoretical study of HfF+ A.N. Petrov,1,∗ N.S. Mosyagin,1 T.A. Isaev,1 and A.V. Titov1,† 1 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Leningrad district 188300, Russia We report first ab initio relativistic correlation calculations of potential curves for ten low-lying electronic states, effectiveelectric field on theelectron and hyperfineconstantsfor the3∆1 state of cation of aheavytransition metalfluoride,HfF+, thatissuggested tobeused astheworkingstate 7 in experiments to search for the electric dipole moment of the electron. It is shown that HfF+ has 0 deeply bound 1Σ+ ground state, its dissociation energy is De =6.4 eV. The 3∆1 state is obtained 0 tobetherelatively long-lived firstexcited statelyingabout 0.2 eV higher. The calculated effective 2 electric field Eeff =Wd|Ω| acting on an electron in this state is 5.84×1024Hz/(e·cm). n a J Introduction. The search for the electric dipole mo- of required spectroscopic properties, E and hyperfine eff 9 ment(EDM)oftheelectron,d oreEDMbelow,remains structure of HfF+ as a candidate for the eEDM experi- e 1 one of the most fundamental problems in physics. Up ment. Suchacompleteanalysisisthefirstoneperformed to now only upper limits were obtained for d . The for the given kind of molecules. ] | e| h tightest bound on d was obtained in the experiment on E , hyperfine structure and working state in HfF+. e eff p the Tl atom [1], which established an upper bound of One of the most important features of such experiments m- de <1.6 10−27 ecm (e is the charge of the electron). is that the knowledge of the effective electric field, Eeff, | | × · It seems unlikely that experiments on atoms can give seen by an unpaired electron is required for extracting o tighter bounds. Molecular systems, on the other hand, d from the measurements. E can not be obtained in t e eff a provideawayformuchenhancedsensitivity,sincetheef- an experiment, rather, electronic structure calculations . s fective intramolecularelectric fieldacting onelectronsin are required for its evaluation. It is presented by the c polar molecules can be five or more orders of magnitude expressionE =W Ω, whereW isaparameterofthe i eff d| | d s higherthanthemaximalfieldavailableinthe laboratory P,T-odd molecular Hamiltonian that is given in Refs.[4, y [2, 3, 4]. 14, 15] h p ThenewgenerationoftheeEDMexperiments,employ- [ ingpolarheavy-atommolecules,isexpectedtoreachsen- 1 v2 rsietsiuvlittsyaorfe1ex0−pe30c−te1d0t−o2d8er·acmma/t√icdaallyyi(nefl.gu.,ensceeea[5ll])t.heTphoepir- Wd = ΩdehΨ|Xi Hd(i)|Ψi , (1) 4 ular extensions of the standard model, in particular su- where Ψ is the wavefunction for the working 3∆ state, 5 persymmetry,evenifboundsontheP,T-oddeffectscom- 1 and Ω = ΨJ nΨ = 1, J is the total electronic 12 patible with zero are obtained (see [6, 7] and references momentumh,n| is·the| uinitv±ectoralongthemolecularaxis therein). These studies include the beam experiments 1 directed from Hf to F, carriedoutonYbFmolecularradicalsbyE.Hindsgroup 6 0 atImperialCollege,London[5],andthevaporcellexper- / iment on the metastable a(1) state of PbO prepared by 0 0 s H =2d , (2) c the group of DeMille at Yale University (see [8] and ref- d e(cid:18)0 σE (cid:19) i erencestherein). NewwaysofsearchingforeEDM,using s y trappedcoldmolecularcations,wereinvestigatedduring Eistheinnermolecularelectricfield,σarethePaulima- h trices. Recently,theE valueforthe3∆ statewasesti- last two years at JILA by E. Cornell group. The first eff 1 p candidate was HI+ [9], but subsequent estimate [10] and mated in the scalar-relativistic approximation by Meyer : v accurate calculations [11] have showed that the cation et al. [16] and the method used for calculation of Eeff is i close in essence to that developed by us earlier [17] and X hasrathersmallEeff (seebelow). Thensomemoremoti- vated candidates were considered, HfH+ [12], HfF+ [13] appliedtofirsttwo-stepcalculationsofthePbFmolecule r a etc., having, possibly, working 3∆ as the ground or at [14,17]. Inthepresentwork,amorereliablevalueofEeff 1 is calculated using the advanced two-step techniques de- least long-lived first excited state. Even experimental veloped by us later [18, 19, 20, 21]. The hyperfine con- study ofspectroscopicpropertiesforthis cationis a very stants for 177Hf and 19F nuclei (A [Hf] and A [F]) for difficultproblemandtherearenosuchdatameasuredup k k the 3∆ state of HfF+ are also calculated. When the todatethoughtheyarerequiredalreadytoanalyzebasic 1 experimental value A [Hf] is measured, it will provide stagesoftheeEDMexperiment[13]. Inturn,themodern k an accuracy check for the calculated E value. Both relativistic computational methods can now give reliable eff A [Hf] and A [F] values are useful for identifying HfF+ answers on almost all the questions of interest even for k k by his spectrum from another species in the experiment. compounds of heavy transition metals as is in our case. Moreover, preparation of the HfF+ cations in the work- So, the goal of the present paper is a theoretical study ingstatefortheeEDMexperiment,registrationofeEDM 2 signalsetc.requirestheknowledgeofspectroscopicprop- orbital of Hf with admixture of 6p orbital of Hf, δ and z erties. Inparticular,anopenquestionistoclarify,which π are mainly the 5d orbitals of Hf. state is the ground one. If 3∆ is not the ground state, Toobtainspectroscopicparameters,sixpointsbetween 1 itsradiativelifetimeisalsorequired. Inthepresentwork 3.1and4.0a.u.andpointat100a.u.ofthe HfF+ poten- these data are obtained, though precise studying of the tial curves were calculated for ten lowest-lying states in compoundswithtransitionelementsisadifficultproblem 10-electroncalculationsandforfourstatesin20-electron for modern molecular theory. The needed spectroscopic ones. The 20-electron calculation is substantially more information cannot be obtained now from other sources. time-consuming and for the rest six states were calcu- Methods and calculations. The 12-electron general- lated only for one point, 3.4 a.u., in the present study. ized relativistic effective core potential (GRECP) [22] Comparingthelattercalculationswithcorresponding10- simulating interaction with the explicitly excluded 1s to electron ones the core (5s2,5p6 shells of Hf and 1s2 shell 4f electrons of Hf is used in 20-electron calculations of ofF)relaxationandcorrelationcorrectionstotheT val- e HfF+. In10-electroncalculationswhicharesubstantially ues, called “core corrections”below and in Table I, were less time consuming, 5s and 5p spinors of hafnium and estimated. The core properties A and E were calcu- k eff 1s orbital of fluorine are frozen from the states averaged lated only for the working 3∆ state at point 3.4 a.u., 1 over the nonrelativistic configurations 5d26s0.66p0.4 for which is close to the equilibrium distance (see Table I). Hf+ and 2s22p5 for F and not treated explicitly. The Beforecalculatingcorepropertiesthe shapesofthe four- generalized correlation atomic basis set (GCBS) [23, 24] component molecular spinors are restored in the inner (12s16p16d10f10g)/[6s5p5d3f1g] is constructed for Hf. coreregionafterthetwo-componentGRECPcalculation The ANO-L (14s9p4d3f)/[4s3p2d1f] atomic basis set ofthemolecule. Forthispurposethenonvariationalone- listed in the molcas 4.1 library [25] was used for flu- centerrestoration(NOCR)method[17,18,20,21,27,33] orine. The molecular orbitals are obtained by the com- is applied. pleteactivespaceself-consistentfield(CASSCF)method Resultsanddiscussion. Theresultsofcalculationsfor [25, 26] with the spin-averagedpart of the GRECP [27], HfF+ spectroscopic parametersare presented in Table I. i.e. only scalar-relativistic effects are taken into account Thefirstpointtonoteisthatthecationisdeeplybound. at this stage. In the CASSCF method, orbitals are sub- Secondimportantresultisthatthe1Σ+ stateappearsto divided into three groups: inactive, active and virtual. bethegroundoneandtheworkingstate,3∆ ,isthefirst 1 Inactive orbitals are doubly occupied in all the config- excited one. Besides, the excitation energy from 1Σ+ to urations, all possible occupations are allowed for active 3∆ is increased from 866 cm−1 to 1633 cm−1 after in- 1 orbitals, whereas virtual orbitals are not occupied. So, cluding the 5s and 5p shells of Hf and 1s shell of F to wavefunctionisconstructedasafullconfigurationinter- the relativistic correlation calculation. Excitation ener- actionexpansioninthe space ofactive orbitals andboth gies from 1Σ+ to other calculated low-lying states are active andinactive orbitalsare optimized for subsequent also increased. Note also that the values obtained in 10- correlation calculations of HfF+. Using the C point electron calculations for lowest four states when just the 2v group classification scheme, five orbitals in A , four in corecorrectiondescribedaboveis takeninto accountare 1 B and B and two in A irreps are included into the in a good agreement with the purely 20-electron calcu- 1 2 2 active space. In 10-electron calculations, one orbital in lations. (Note that accounting for correlation/relaxation theA irreps(whichismainly2sorbitalofF)belongsto of the 4f-shell would be also desirable but it is too con- 1 the inactive space. In 20-electron CASSCF calculations, suming and we expect it will result in smaller change of the5sand5porbitalsofHfand1sorbitalofFareadded spectroscopicpropertiesthanthatfortheabovecorecor- to the space of inactive orbitals. rection.) The SO splittings of the 3∆ and 3Π states are Next, the spin-orbit direct configuration interaction mainly due to the SO splitting of the 5d shell of Hf: (SODCI) approach [28, 29, 30] modified by our group to account for spin-orbit interaction in configuration se- Hslso =a·(l5d·s5d) , (3) lection procedure [31] with the selected single and dou- The atomic Dirac-Fock calculation of Hf+ gives ble excitations from some multiconfigurational reference ε ε = 3173 cm−1 a = 1269 cm−1, where ε states (“mains”) is employed on the sets of different ΛS 5/2− 3/2 ⇒ 5/2 and ε are orbital energies of 5d and 5d states of many-electron spin- and space-symmetry adapted basis 3/2 5/2 3/2 Hf+. The SO interaction(3)averagedoverthe 3∆ or 3Π functions (SAFs). Details on features of constructing states is reduced to the reference space and selection procedure are given in Refs. [21, 31, 32]. Hso = (LS), (4) Ten lowest states with the leading configura- LS A· · tions [...]σ12σ22 (1Σ+), [...]σ12σ21δ1 (3∆1,2,3; 1∆), where = 1269/2= 635 cm−1, L and S are the orbital [...]σ12σ21π1 (3Π0−,0+,1,2; 1Π) were calculated. Here andspiAnmomentaofHfF+. TheSOinteraction(4)leads σ1 orbital is mainly formed by 2pz orbital of F with tosplittingbetweencomponentsofthe3∆and3Πstates admixture of 6pz and 6s orbitals of Hf, σ2 is mainly 6s on 1269 and 635 cm−1, correspondingly. It is in a good 3 TABLE I:Calculated spectroscopic parameters for HfF+ TABLE II: Calculated parameters Ak[Hf] and Ak[F] (in MHz) and Eeff (in 1024Hz/(e · cm)) for the 3∆1 state of 177Hf19F+ at internucleardistance of 3.4 a.u. State Re ˚A Te cm−1 Te with core we cm−1 De cm−1 a correction 10-electron calculation Ak[Hf] Ak[F] Eeff 1Σ+ 1.784 0 0 751 51107 10-electron calculation 3∆1 1.810 866 1599 718 3∆2 1.809 1821 2807 719 -1250 -33.9 5.89 3∆3 1.807 3201 4324 721 20-electron calculation 1∆2 1.814 9246 11519 696 3Π0− 1.856 9466 11910 689 -1239 -58.1 5.84 3Π0+ 1.854 9753 12196 699 3Π1 1.860 10190 12686 687 3Π2 1.856 11898 14438 703 1Π1 1.870 12642 14784 679 20-electron calculation 1Σ+ 1.781 0 790 51685 ∗Electronic address: [email protected]; Also at St.- 33∆∆21 11..880056 21862383 774486 †PAelstoersabtuSrgt.-SPteatteersUbnuirvgerSsittayt,eSUt.-nPiveetersristbyu,rSgt,.R-Puestseirasburg, 3∆3 1.804 4273 749 Russia [1]B. C. Regan, E. D. Commins, C. J. Schmidt,and D. De- Mille, Phys.Rev.Lett. 88, 071805 (2002). a See paragraph “Methods and calculations” for details. [2]O. P. Sushkov and V. V. Flambaum, Sov. Phys.–JETP 48, 608 (1978). [3]V.G. Gorshkow, L. N. Labzovsky,and A.N. 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