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TOWARDS AN UNDERSTANDING OFAFFIRMATIVE ACTION ELAINE PATRICIA PALMER 2 TOWARDS AN UNDERSTANDING OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION(AA) ELAINE PATRICIA PALMER HONOURS BACHELOR OF ADMINISTRAliON A dissertation submitted to the Faculty ofCommerce and Administration, University ofZululand in fulfillmentforthe degree of MASTERS ADMINISTRATION In the DepartmentofIndustrial Psychology Atthe University ofZululand Supervisor: Prof. M.K. Du Toit January 2001 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I can do all things through Christ. With thatfirm belief, I give God who enabled me to start and complete this research all the glory. My sincere thanks for the guidance of: - My supervisor, Prof. M.K. Du Toit, for his guidance and support. - My husband Clinton for his loyal supportand encouragement. In memory of my father, Hermanus, who believed that "Ifyou can dream it, you can achieve it". My mothers, Muriel and Salome, from whom I learned the strength to perservere and complete my research against all odds. - The financial assistance of Billiton South Africa. 4 CONTENTS PAGE Acknowledgements 3 Table of contents 4 List oftables 8 List of appendices 9 Opsomming 10 Summary 14 Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 17 1.1 Reasons for the study 19 1.2 Aims of the study 21 Chapter 2: Background Sketch to the Problem 24 Chapter 3: Definition and ManagementViews of AA 34 3.1 WhatisM 34 5 3.2 AA in the RSA 37 3.3 The Importance of Management Views 43 3.4 Strategic Management and AA 50 3.5 Managing Diversity 51 3.6 Lessons from other countries 56 3.6.1 United States of America 56 3.6.2 Namibia 59 3.6.3 Zimbabwe 60 3.6.4 Malaysia! Australia! Canada 61 3.6.5 Lessons for the RSA 62 3.7 Conclusion 65 Chapter 4: Research Design and Methodology 67 4.1 Research Objective 67 4.2 Qualitative Research 68 4.2.1 Research Design 71 6 4.2.2 In-depth Interview 74 4.2.3 Participants 75 4.3 The Procedure 76 4.3.1 Data Collection 77 4.3.2 The Process 78 4.3.3 Measure 79 4.4 Data Analysis 80 4.5 Coding of Interview Data 84 Chapter 5: Analysis of Results 86 5.1 Respondent A 86 5.2 Respondent B 89 5.3 Respondent C 94 5.4 Respondent D 98 5.5 Respondent E 102 5.6 Respondent F 106 7 5.7 Respondent G 110 5.8 Respondent H 113 5.9 Respondent I 117 Chapter 6: Discussion and Implications of Results 120 6.1 Needs related to HR Managers 122 6.2 Problems experienced 125 6.3 Feelings experienced 130 Chapter 7: Recommendations and Conclusion 137 7.1 Recommendations 137 7.2 Problems and Limitations 142 7.3 Conclusion 143 References 145 Appendices 153 8 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Comparisons of Race, Genderand Disability Demographics 28 Table 2 Samples of HR Managers 76 Table 3 Key Themes for Respondent A 88 Table 4 Key Themes for Respondent B 93 Table 5 Key Themes for Respondent C 97 Table 6 Key Themes for Respondent D 101 Table 7 Key Themes for Respondent E 105 Table 8 Key Themes for Respondent F 109 Table 9 Key Themes for Respondent G 112 Table 10 Key Themes for Respondent H 116 Table 11 Key Themes for Respondent I 119 9 LISTS OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A- Respondent A: 1.1 Coded Interview 153 1.2 Key Ideas 156 APPENDIX B- Respondent B: 1.1 Coded Interview 158 1.2 Key Ideas 162 APPENDIXC - Respondent C: 1.1 Coded Interview 165 1.2 Key Ideas 170 APPENDIX D- Respondent D: 1.1Coded Interview 173 1.2 Key Ideas 177 APPENDIX E- Respondent E: 1.1 Coded Interview 180 1.2 Key Ideas 183 APPENDIX F- Respondent F: 1.1Coded Interview 185 1.2 Key Ideas 189 APPENDIX G- Respondent G: 1.1 Coded Interview 193 1.2 Key Ideas 197 APPENDIX H- Respondent H: 1.1 Coded Interview 200 1.2 Key Ideas 203 APPENDIX 1- Respondent I: 1.1Coded Interview 206 1.2 Key Ideas 209 APPENDIXJ - Open Ended Interview Questions 211 10 OPSOMMING Die totstandkoming van die nuwe gedemokratiseerde Siud Afrika het kenmerkende veranderinge in die samelewing teweeggebring. Die intervensie strategie, regstellende aksie (RA), is tans aan die orde van die dag. Daar bestaan 'n groot mate van ontevredenheid en ontnugtering aangaande die wyse waarop RA prosesse geimplimenteer word. Duidelike kennis van die begrip RA mag handig te pas kom in die daarstel en suksesvolle implimentering van RA prosesse in die toekoms. Die rede waarom die studie ondemeem is, sluit die volgende in: onduidelikheid betreffende RA, gebrek aan 'n holistiese RA strategie, en 'n gebrek aan insig oor wat die bestuur se rol in die RA proses behoort te wees. Dit is nodig om te bepaal wat die behoeftes, gevoelens en probleme is wat deur die bestuur ondervind word ten opsigte van 'n RA proses. Aangesien die bestuur van 'n organisasie 'n belangrike rol vertolk by die suksesvolle implimentering van enige RA proses, is dit noodsaaklik om hierdie behoeftes, gevoelens en probleme wat

Namibia. 59. 3.6.3. Zimbabwe .. positions and will thus not be keen to implement AA policies that .. Affirmative action in the private and public sectors can thus.
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