Wongetal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:38 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/38 RESEARCH Open Access Towards a metagenomic understanding on enhanced biomethane production from waste activated sludge after pH 10 pretreatment Mabel Ting Wong1, Dong Zhang2, Jun Li1, Raymond Kin Hi Hui1, Hein Min Tun1, Manreetpal Singh Brar1, Tae-Jin Park1, Yinguang Chen2* and Frederick C Leung1,3* Abstract Background: Understanding theeffectsof pretreatment onanaerobic digestion of sludge waste from wastewater treatment plants is becoming increasingly important, as impetus moves towards the utilization of sludge for renewable energy production.Although the fieldof sludge pretreatment has progressed significantly over thepast decade, critical questions concerningthe underlying microbialinteractions remain unanswered. In this study, a metagenomic approach was adopted to investigate the microbial composition and gene content contributing to enhanced biogas production from sludge subjectedto a novelpretreatment method (maintaining pH at10 for 8days) compared to other documentedmethods (ultrasonic,thermal and thermal-alkaline). Results: Our results showed that pretreated sludge attained a maximum methane yield approximately4-fold higher than that of theblank un-pretreated sludge set-up at day 17.Both the microbial and metabolic consortium shifted extensively towards enhanced biodegradationsubsequentto pretreatment, providing insight for theenhanced methane yield. The prevalence ofMethanosaeta thermophila and Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus, together with the functional affiliation of enzymes-encodinggenes suggestedan acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophicmethanogenesis pathway. Additionally, an alternative enzymology inMethanosaetawasobserved. Conclusions:Thisstudyisthefirsttoprovideamicrobiologicalunderstandingofimprovedbiogasproduction subsequenttoanovelwastesludgepretreatmentmethod.Theknowledgegarneredwillassistthedesignofmore efficientpretreatmentmethodsforbiogasproductioninthefuture. Keywords:Wastewatertreatmentplant,Sludge,Pretreatment,Renewableenergy,Biomethane,Pyrosequencing, Metagenomic Background may no longer be feasible in the near future due to land Activatedsludgetechnologyiscurrentlythemostbroadly- scarcity, high waste charge and increasingly stringent implemented biological method for biomass conversion in environmental control regulations [4,5]. As a result, the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) [1]. However, vast strategy for sludge management is shifting towards its re- quantities of highly organic waste activated sludge (WAS) utilizationasapotentialsourceforrenewableenergy[6-8]. is produced during this process, and this by-product mass In this regard, the anaerobic digestion process represents continuestoincreasewiththeexpansionofpopulationand an attractive means of sludge reduction while producing industry [1-4]. Sludge disposal by landfill or incineration renewableenergyintheformofbiogas[8,9].Identifyingef- ficient ways to improve methane production, a major bio- gas product from anaerobic digestion, has now become a *Correspondence:[email protected];[email protected] 2StateKeyLaboratoryofPollutionControlandResourcesReuse,Schoolof topicofinterestfornumerousresearchers[3,10,11]. EnvironmentalScienceandEngineering,TongjiUniversity,1239SipingRoad, The performance of an anaerobic digestion system has Shanghai200092,China 15N01,KadoorieBiologicalSciencesBuilding,SchoolofBiologicalSciences, been shown to be tied closely to its microbial community TheUniversityofHongKong,PokfulamRoad,HongKong,HongKong Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2013Wongetal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Wongetal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:38 Page2of14 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/38 structure [12]. Methane production from WAS is a com- process [29], our study sought to improve knowledge of plex,multi-stepprocesswhichinvolvesmultiplesyntrophic thediversityandphysiologyofparticipatingsyntrophsand interactions within the microbial consortium [13]. Com- methanogens, as well as the mechanism behind the estab- plex compounds (polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids, lishmentandmaintenanceofmutualisticcooperation.This andlipids)arefirstconvertedtooligomersandmonomers knowledge will help to establish a better control over the throughtheactionofextracellularhydrolyticenzymespro- hydrolysis and methanogenic processes, and promote pre- duced by the primary fermenting bacteria [14]. Subse- treatment as part of a pertinent strategy for sludge man- quently,theintermediateproductsarefurthertransformed agement in WWTP. To the best of our knowledge, this intoacetate,carbondioxide,hydrogenandformatebysec- study is the first to adopt a whole genome shotgun ap- ondary fermenters [14]. The final methanogenesis step is proach to link the knowledge between microbiology and then conducted by methanogenic archaea, whose energy engineering of sludge pretreatment methods. Additional substratesarehighlyrestrictedtoacetate,H ,CO ,formate statisticalsoundnesswasconferredtothesurmisedconclu- 2 2 or certain C compounds [15]. To improve methane yield sion, as the comparative analysis was conducted between 1 from sludge, enormous research effortshavebeendevoted meta-datasets generated by the same sequencing method, to the development of pretreatment methods to accelerate from well-characterized experimental designs which only sludge hydrolysis, including thermal [16], thermal-alkaline differinknownparametersbymanipulation. [17], ultrasonic [18], mechanical and thermo-chemical methods [19]. Although the field of pretreatment research Results and discussion has progressed significantly in the past decade, many sig- Enhancedmethaneproductionbyusinganewlydevised nificantquestionsrelatedtotheireffectsontheunderlying pretreatmentstrategy microbialinteractionsremainunanswered. Collected WAS was subjected to a novel pretreatment As the field of pretreatment method research is nearing method (maintainingpH10for8 days)[4], and itseffects a threshold, the accomplishments of the past are pushing on methane production enhancement was characterized on the door of microbiology to provide new insights in this study. Figure 1 illustrates the experimental flow- [20,21].Inthisstudy,weaimedtoinvestigatethemicrobial chartofobtainingendsamplesfromthebiogas-producing composition and gene content of sludge subjected to our anaerobic digesters. Pretreated sludge for 30 days (P30), novel pretreatment method (maintaining pH at 10 for un-pretreated sludge for 30 days (UP30), or 40 days 8days)whichleadstosignificantlyenhancedmethanegen- (UP40) were used as substrate. Pretreated sludge was sig- eration compared to other documented methods (ultra- nificantly more effective in producing biogas, as total gas sonic,thermalandthermal-alkaline)[4].Itwasreportedin volume produced on day 8 (604.32 ml/g VSS-added) is our previous study that both sludge hydrolysis and short- 7.71 and 1.67 times of that in the un-pretreated sludge chain fatty acids (SCFAs; eg. acetic, butyric and propionic bioreactor on day 8 (78.43 ml/g VSS-added) and day 16 acid) accumulation were significantly enhanced when (360.99 ml/gVSS-added), respectively (Figure 2A-B). Me- WAS was anaerobically fermented under the condition of thane production was 389.8 mL-CH4/g VSS-added using pH10for8days[22].Thisphenomenonwassuspectedto pretreatedsludgeasasubstrate,whichwas3.78timesthat be due to biotic factors rather than abiotic ones (e.g. ofun-pretreatedsludge(103.2mL-CH /gVSS-added)(see 4 alkaline hydrolysis) since much higher SCFAs accumula- Figure2C).Thegeneratedmethaneonaverageconstituted tionand enzymeactivities wereobserved inun-autoclaved 70.5%and59.1%ofthetotalgeneratedgascompositionin sludgecomparedtoautoclavedsludge[22].Furtherinvesti- thetworespectivebioreactors,whiletherestwasprimarily gationbyourgroupsuggestedthatthesolubilizationofthe CO (pretreated sludge, 3.6%; un-pretreated sludge, 9.2%) 2 sludge matrix, usually a hydrolysis event by the embedded and other small amounts of N , H , NH and H S (data 2 2 3 2 extracellular enzymes, may contribute to the significant not shown) (Figure 2D-E). It is worthwhile to note that SCFAsimprovement[23]. the methane content was increased by 19.3%, and carbon In this study, a shotgun metagenomic approach was dioxidecontentwasdecreasedby60.9%afterthepretreat- chosen to study potential shifts in microbial communities ment. The reproducibility of this new pretreatment strat- and/orgenecontentsthatcouldhelpexplainelevatedpro- egyvalidated the experimental success seenbeforeand its ductionsofmethaneunderournovelpretreatmentmethod technical robustness. This warranted investigation of bio- [24,25]. The latest advances in pyrosequencing technology logical mechanisms behind this significant bioreactor im- afford new opportunities to undertake such metagenomic provementinperformance. studies to explore the dynamics of microbial communities in time, space or under fluctuating environmental condi- Biogasproducingmicrobialcommunityresidingin tions with un-precedented levels of microbial diversity anaerobicdigesterinferredbymetagenomesequencing coverage and depth [26-28]. In addition to elucidating To analyze biogas-producing microbes residing in our the microbiology underpinning the sludge pretreatment studied bioreactors in terms of community structure, Wongetal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:38 Page3of14 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/38 Waste activated sludge Pretreatment Anaerobically stirred at Anaerobically stirred for (In published paper) constant pH 10 for 8 d 8 d for control Adjusting the pH of Adjusting the pH of mixture to 7.0 mixture to 7.0 Methane generation Stirred for 9 d after anaerobic Stirred for 9 d after anaerobic granular sludge seeded granular sludge seeded Sample collection Sampling at day 30 since Sampling at day 30 and 40 since semi-continuous culture (P30) semi-continuous culture (UP30; UP40) Figure1Samplepreparation(P30,UP30andUP40)frompretreatedandun-pretreatedsludgebioreactors. gene content, metabolic capabilities and the role of BacteriaandArchaeadomains(unlessotherwisespecified, specific organisms in biogas formation, a metagenomic the percentages below are representative of the identified approach usingthe 454pyrosequencing was used. Statis- readswithineachdomainperindependentrun). tical data summarizing the output sequencing quantity Within the Bacteria domain, the top abundant phyla of the three independent runs of P30, UP30 and UP40 is were Proteobacteria (UP30, 32.17%; UP40, 30.45%; P30, giveninTable1.Todetectdifferentiallyabundantfeatures 42.28%), Bacteroidetes (UP30, 22.91%; UP40, 22.25%; between the microbial communities, we used the Meta P30, 23.38%), Firmicutes (UP30, 16.54%; UP40, 17.65%; Genome Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology P30, 10.97%), Actinobacteria (UP30, 7.13%; UP40, 6.94%; (MG-RAST) analysis pipeline, which has shown to be ap- P30, 6.83%) and Chloroflexi (UP30, 5.00%; UP40, 5.21%; plicable to various metagenomic data performing taxo- P30, 3.37%), they collectively account for over 0.7 of the nomicclassificationaswellasfunctionalannotation[30]. bacterial reads (normalized between 0 and 1) for each Composition of the biogas-producing microbial com- of the three bioreactors (Figure 3A). Proteobacteria, munitywasobtainedbytaxonomicclassificationofreads Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes have been reported to be base on the M5NR database on the MG-RAST platform. dominant phyla as well in similar analysis of anaerobic In all three reactor samples, Bacteria were the dominant digestion of sludge [9]. Further resolution at the class superkingdom (Table 1). Domain-based allocation was level revealed that the microbial compositions over- primarily assigned to Bacteria (82.13% on average) and lapped between the bioreactor samples. To be more pre- Archaea (11.86% on average), whilst the assigned reads cise, the dominant bacterial lineages presented in this to Eukaryota and Viruses altogether accounted for less study were related to anaerobic digestion, including than half a percent (Table 1). The bacterial proportion Bacteroidia (UP30, 13.50%; UP40, 12.69%; P30, 8.90%), of the microbial community in P30 was the highest δ-proteobacteria (UP30, 13.08%; UP40, 12.71%; P30, (85.46%) followed by UP30 (81.82%) and UP40 (79.10%). 8.93%), Clostridia (UP30, 11.42%; UP40, 12.21%; P30, As for the Archaea domain, it ranged from 8.32% in 7.31%), γ-proteobacteria (UP30, 8.12%; UP40, 7.90%; P30, to 12.13% in UP30, and to 15.13% in UP40. The P30, 11.18%), Actinobacteria (class) (UP30, 7.37%; UP40, clustering pattern shown in Additional file 1 provides a 7.20%; P30, 7.06%), α-proteobacteria (UP30, 5.78%; graphical representation of the overall taxonomic similar- UP40, 5.28%; P30, 9.33%), β-proteobacteria (UP30, ity—the microbiomes of the unpretreated sludge bioreac- 5.73%; UP40, 4.86%; P30, 13.58%), Bacilli (UP30, 5.16%; tors (UP30 and UP40) displayed high resemblance, in UP40, 5.25%; P30, 3.53%), Flavobacteria (UP30, 4.70%; which the mature unpretreated sludge bioreactor (UP40, UP40, 4.76%; P30, 6.98%) and Chloroflexi (class) (UP30, operated for longer time) is comparatively closer to the 2.65%;UP40, 2.56%;P30,1.84%)(Figure 3B). significantly diverse pretreated sludge bioreactor. The re- Withtime,therewasmoderatetemporalvariationinthe sult provided the first insight into both the temporal relative abundances of these bacterial members in the an- dynamic and the enormous impact of pretreatment aerobic digester fed with un-pretreated sludge (UP30 and on microbiology. Downstream analyses focused on the UP40).Whiletherelativeproportionofthesecommunities Wongetal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:38 Page4of14 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/38 A B C D E Figure2Biogasproductionprofileofpretreatedandun-pretreatedsludgebioreactors.Efficiencyofbiogasproductionin(A)the pretreatedsludgebioreactorissignificantlyhigherthan(B)theun-pretreatedsludgebioreactor,givingrisetoa7.71-folddifferenceinthe producedvolumeatday8.(C)Thecumulativemethaneproductionwas389.8mL-CH/gVSS-addedusingpretreatedsludgeassubstrate,3.78 4 timesofthatwithun-pretreatedsludge(103.2mL-CH/gVSS-added)assubstrate.Figure2(D-E)displaymethaneandcarbondioxide 4 percentagesproducedby(D)pretreatedand(E)un-pretreatedsludgebioreactor,respectively;whilemethaneisthemajorbiogascomponentin bothreactors,themethanecontentwasincreasedby19.3%withadecreaseincarbondioxidecontentby60.9%afterpretreatment. remained comparable between UP30 and UP40, a larger WAS substrate, AGS inoculum and the biogas-producing extent of differences could be observed when P30 symbiontwithinthesystem,hencethedifferencesobserved was taken into comparison for certain lineages. The in their relative abundance were attributable to the sole over-represented bacterial members in P30 included variable of either using pretreated or un-pretreated sludge α-proteobacteria (9.33%), β-proteobacteria (13.58%) andγ- in thebioreactors.Theseresultssuggestedthatthebacter- proteobacteria (11.18%); which are respectively 69.06%, ial communitiesthatunderlietheanaerobicdigesterswere 158.21% and 39.60% more than UP30 and UP40 on aver- dynamic, and they responded rapidly to the pretreated age. Overall, these sequences were originated from the sludgesubstrateandchangesubstantiallyovertime. Wongetal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:38 Page5of14 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/38 Table1Statisticsof454GSJuniorpyrosequencedatasets was determined to be the most abundant methanogen presentedinthisstudy in all three bioreactors (13.51% on average—UP30, Sample P30 UP30 UP40 15.10%; UP40, 13.32%; P30, 12.10%), while Methanosaeta Pretreatment pH10for8d Un-pretreated Un-pretreated (10.67% on average—UP30, 13.13%; UP40, 10.31%; P30, 8.56%) and Methanothermobacter (10.35% on average— Semi-continuousculture 30d 30d 40d UP30, 10.73%; UP40, 9.41%; P30, 10.91%) contributed to Sequencescount 151,676 114,694 134,522 slightly lesser portions. Anaerobic digesters are typical Meansequencelength 392±120bp 289±99bp 425±115bp habitats to these three genera of methanogens [43], and Archaea 8.32% 12.13% 15.13% theenrichmentofMethanosarcinaspecieswasincongru- Bacteria 85.46% 81.82% 79.10% ence with other evaluation studies on primary sludge and Eukaryota 0.45% 0.30% 0.48% WAS anaerobic digesters [44,45]. The observation of a lesser portion of Methanothermobacter was expected, as Viruses 0.01% 0.02% 0.02% the operating condition of the bioreactor (approximate othersequences 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 35°C) was not in favour of this thermophilic Archeon’s unassigned 5.75% 5.72% 5.28% proliferation(55-65°C)[43]. Legends:BytaxonomicclassificationbasedonM5NRdatabase,Bacteria Methanosaeta species were observed to be more (82.13%onaverage)andArchaea(11.86%onaverage)arethedominant abundant in samples of bioreactor digesting un- domains,withvariableproportionsinthebioreactorsamples.UP30andUP40 arecollectedfromsamereactoratdifferenttimesince pretreated sludge (UP30; 13.13%) than that with semi-continuousculture. pretreated sludge (P30; 8.56%), but the population de- creases with time (UP40; 8.56%). A similar observation Basedonthephylogeneticaffiliationofthemetagenomic was found in an earlier surveillance of the methano- sequences, it is possible to form hypotheses regarding the genic population dynamics in anaerobic digesters, metabolic functions of the groups [9]. Proteobacteria are where the hitherto abundant Methanosaeta population microorganismsinvolvedintheinitialstepsofdegradation, decreased rapidly as the acetate concentration in- studies have shown that they are the main consumers creased [12]. As acetoclastic methanogens, both of propionate, butyrate and acetate [31]. Bacteroidetes Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta are able to split areknownproteolyticbacteria,responsibleforthedegrad- acetate, oxidize the carboxyl-group to CO and reduce 2 ation of protein and subsequent fermentation of amino the methyl group to CH [43]. At the same time, while 4 acids into acetate for acetoclastic methanogens [31,32]. Methanosarcina thrive in environments with high acet- ConcerningFirmicutes, theyaresyntrophicbacteriawhich ate concentration; lower acetate concentrations benefit degrade volatile fatty acids such as butyrate [31]. The H the dominance of Methanosaeta owing to their high af- 2 generated from this process could be then uptaken by the finity for acetate [12,46-48]. As aforementioned, an hydrogenotrophic methanogens [33]. The bacterial class enhanced bioproduction of acetic acid was reported in Clostridia is frequently found in co-culture with other thepretreatedsludge[4],therevealedshiftinthemeth- species in biomasss conversion systems and it includes anogenic community could therefore be interpreted as a number of anaerobic species that are commonly associ- an ecological consequence [30,49,50] of the sludge atedwiththedecompositionoflignocellulosesandmunici- pretreatment. pal solid waste [34,35]. As for Chloroflexi, this group is often found in various wasterwater treatments such as an- Methaneproductionviaacetoclasticand aerobicdigestersandbiologicalnutrientremovalprocesses; hydrogenotrophicpathways their potential role in carbohydrate degradation has been To identify the methane-producing organisms in the bio- reportedinseveral studies[31,36-38].Overall, theresident reactor samples, taxonomic and functional affiliation of bacteria manifested in the bioreactors represented a bio- the metagenomic reads were evaluated in parallel (rep- massdecomposingcommunity. resented as percentage of total identified methanogens). Archaeal representatives were less diverse and On the species level, it is common to all three bioreac- consisted of only three major families of methanogens, tor samples that Methanosaeta thermophila (12.36% on belonging to Methanosarcinaceae, Methanobacteriaceae average—UP30, 14.48%; UP40, 12.36%; P30, 10.25%) and Methanosaetaceae (Table 2). The predominance of and Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus (9.34% selected methanogen lineages in the Archaeal domain on average—UP30, 9.50%; UP40, 8.59%; P30, 9.94%) are (represented as percentage of total identified reads in the over-represented methanogens (Table 2). Here, Archaea) has been observed in both production and Methanosarcina species were not represented as one of laboratory-scale biogas reactors [23,39,40], and con- the top dominant methanogens (13.51% on average— cluded in a recent meta-analysis of the collective micro- UP30, 15.10%; UP40, 13.32%; P30, 12.10%), this obser- bial diversity [41,42]. At the genus level, Methanosarcina vation was linked to the intra-divergence of each family Wongetal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:38 Page6of14 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/38 A Proteobacteria Bacteroidetes Firmicutes Actinobacteria Chloroflexi Cyanobacteria Thermotogae Planctomycetes Chlorobi Acidobacteria Verrucomicrobia Deinococcu-sThermus Spirochaetes Synergistetes unclassifiedBacteria Fusobacteria Aquificae 1.00 Nitrospirae Dictyoglomi Deferribacteres 0.64 Gemmatimonadetes Lentisphaerae Chlamydiae 0.51 Elusimicrobia Tenericutes Chrysiogenetes Fibrobacteres 0.00 Abundance CandidatusPoribacteria UP30 UP40 P30 B Bacteroidia Deltaproteobacteria Clostridia Gammaproteobacteria Actinobacteria(class) Alphaproteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Bacilli Flavobacteria Sphingobacteria Chloroflexi(class) Cytophagia UP30 Thermotogae(class) Chlorobia UP40 Planctomycetacia P30 Anaerolineae Synergistia Spirochaetes(class) Deinococci Others Figure3Bacterialcommunityinpretreatedandun-pretreatedsludgebioreactoratday30and40.(A)Proteobacteria,Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes,ActinobacteriaandChloroflexirepresenttopabundantphyla,allaccountforover0.7ofthebacterialreads(normalizedbetween0 and1)inthebioreactors.Abundanceisdisplayedbybothcolourschemeandclusteringdendrogram.(B)Bacterialconsortiumswhichrepresent ananaerobicdigestioncommunityweremanifestedwithoverlappeddominantlineagesinthebioreactors,withover-representedα-,β-and γ-proteobacteriainthesludgebioreactorconsequenttothepretreatment(compareinnerandoutermostrings). [9].M.thermophilaisanobligatemethanogenwhichcon- for the two methanogenesis pathways were identified sumes acetate only [51], whereas M. thermautotrophicus with reference to KEGG and Metacyc pathway database conserves energy by using H to reduce CO to CH entries (Figure 4, Additional file 2) [54,55]. Nonethe- 2 2 4 [33,52]. While the pH was adjusted to be within the less, based on these results, it was evinced that the pro- optimum range (7.0) for the two dominate methanogens duction of methane in the studied bioreactors was after pretreatment (Figure 1), it was interesting to detect performed by methanogenic Archaea via acetoclastic theprevalenceofthethermophilicM.thermautotrophicus and hydrogenotrophic pathways. inthebioreactorsthatoperatedatmesophilictemperature Acetoclastic and hydrogenotrohpic pathways are in- [53].Atthesametime,functionalenzyme-encodinggenes deed common methanogenesis pathways reported in Wongetal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:38 Page7of14 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/38 Table2RelativeabundanceofArchaeainpretreatedandun-pretreatedsludgebioreactorsatday30and40 Archaealtaxonomicaffiliation PercentageofallArchaealreads (phylum/family/genus/species) UP30 UP40 P30 Euryarchaeota 97.60% 95.60% 94.86% Methanosarcinaceae 23.11% 20.56% 19.14% Methanosarcina 15.10% 13.32% 12.10% Methanobacteriaceae 20.81% 18.61% 21.44% Methanothermobacter 10.73% 9.41% 10.91% Methanothermobacterthermautotrophicus 9.50% 8.59% 9.94% Methanosaetaceae 14.00% 11.03% 9.19% Methanosaeta 13.13% 10.31% 8.56% Methanosaetathermophila 14.48% 12.36% 10.25% Crenarchaeota 2.33% 3.61% 4.40% Korarchaeota 0.00% 0.45% 0.37% Thaumarchaeota 0.05% 0.27% 0.37% Nanoarchaeota 0.02% 0.07% 0.00% Legends:ArchaealdomainconsiststhreemajorfamiliesbelongingtoMethanosarcinaceae,MethanobacteriaceaeandMethanosaetacea,whileMethanosarcina, MethanosaetaandMethanothermobacterrepresenttopabundantmethanogensonthegenuslevel.ThedecreaseinabundanceofMethanosarcina-relatedspecies inP30wascorrelatedwithanenhancedbioproductionofacetateinthepretreatedsludge.Exceptforphylumlevel,onlycandidatesofabundance>8%are presented.Speciesarerepresentedaspercentageofallmethanogens. various reports [42,56]; the affirmation of these path- Functionalaffiliationrelatedtohighermethane ways permitted subsequent in-depth investigation of productionaftersludgepretreatment the encompassed enzymology. The first step in Degradationofthehighlyorganicpolymersrepresentsthe acetoclastic methanogenesis is the formation of acetyl- firstandoverallrate-limitingstepforthemineralizationof CoAfromacetate[51].Analysisoftherecentlycompleted organic matter in activated sludge and anaerobic digested genome of Methanosaeta thermophilia confirmed that sludgetreatmentsystems[59-61].Inourwork,thestudied the majority of the acetoclastic pathway are similar for pretreatment involved alteration of pH, which is an im- Methanosaeta and Methanosarcina, except the enzymes portantparameteraffectingbothbacterialactivityandme- employedforthefirststepofcatalyzation[51].Itwaspro- tabolite pathways. KO-based annotations were used to posed that acetoclastic methanogenesis in Methanosaeta understand how these phylogenetic trends could be used proceeded with a modified version of the pathway com- to predict the metabolic potential of these microbes. paredwithMethanosarcina,whichutilizestheacetatekin- Figure 5 shows the subsystems that are related to higher ase/phosphotransacetylase pathway to convert acetate to methane production, including metabolism of amino acetyl-CoA[57,58].TakingM.thermophilaasanexample, acids, energy, carbohydrates, nucleotides, lipids, cofactors its genome does not include a readily identifiable acetate and vitamins, xenobiotics, as well as the fermentation of kinase,andithasbeenpostulatedthatthisarcheonutilizes different substrates. These results revealed a general ele- an acetate transporter coupled with acetyl-CoA synthe- vated expression of these faculties in the bioreactors fed tases to convert acetate to acetyl-CoA, and the hydroly- with un-pretreated sludge over time (compare UP30 and sis of pyrophosphate by inorganic pyrophosphatase UP40),whereastheselevelswerehighestinthebioreactor (PPase) drives this reaction forward [51]. In this study, digestingpretreatedsludge(P30).Distributionofthefunc- the analysis of metagenomic datasets using SEED anno- tional systems was most divergent in P30, which showed tation indicated the presence of acetyl-CoA synthetases predominance in metabolism consistent with a commu- (EC and inorganic pyrophosphatase (EC nity shifted towards an enhanced biomass degradation in the compiled Methanosaeta bin. While the sequen- metabolism. Herewith, the downstream analysis focused cing depth might account for the absence of genes on the degradation of carbohydrates for a number of rea- for the acetate kinase/phosphotransacetylase pathway, sons. Firstly, the matrix of extra-cellular polymeric sub- the discovery of these two enzymes advocated an alter- stances (EPS) that crosslink cells together remains the native pathway in acetotrohpic methanogenesis for primary solid part of biological sludge, of which the poly- Methanosaeta [41]. Results from a recent study on a saccharide is the predominant component [62-64]. Sec- terephthalate-degrading bioreactor supported this hy- ondly, complex carbohydrate is the commonplace pothesis [41]. recalcitrant in the hydrolysis process, and bioprospecting Wongetal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:38 Page8of14 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/38 Acetate CO2 ack fmdABCDEFG acs Acetyl-Pi Formyl-MF 2Pi pta ftr Acetyl-CoA PPi ppa Formyl-H4MPT mch Methenyl-H4MPT H4SPT cdhABCDE mtd CoA Methylene-H4MPT H2or F420-H2 mer F420 F420-H2 CH3-H4MPT frhABDG CoA F420 mtrABCDEFGH H4SPT CoB-S-S-CoM hdrABCDE Methyl-CoM CoB+ BoA CoB mcrABCDG CoB-S-S-CoM Methane Figure4Reconstructionofmethanogenesispathwaysoccurringinthebioreactorsusingidentifiedgenes.Positiveidentificationsin meta-datasetsareshownincoloredboxes,withnegativeidentificationsshownunderlined.Genecandidatesfortheformationofacetyl-CoAfrom acetateintheMethanosaetabinaredisplayedingreenboxes,andnegativeidentificationsparticulartothisbinareshowninpurpleboxes.See Additionalfile2forfullformofabbreviatednamesanddetailedidentificationcounts. for carbohydrate active enzymes is a topic of interest in In this study, a total of 1917 and 107 gene modules metagenomics[65].Asaresult,thefocusofourstudywas were recognized across 52 glycosyl hydrolases (GH) and henceplacedonthedegradationofthisdominantrecalci- 9 carbohydrate binding modules (CBM) respectively trant component. (Please see Additional file 3 for further (Tables 3and 4). GH isdefinedasa widespread group of insightstowardsproteinandlipiddegradation.) enzymes which hydrolyzes the glycosidic bond between As sequencing technology provides access to a remark- carbohydrates or between that and a non-carbohydrate ablearrayofmicrobialfunctionalcapacity,sequence-based moiety [68]. On the other hand, CBM are contiguous dataminingisanimportantprospectinmetagenomicpro- amino acids within a carbohydrate-active enzyme with a jects[66,67].Tounderstandhowthemicrobialcommunity discreetfoldwhichbearsthe carbohydrate-bindingactiv- mediates the solibulization of the sludge matrix, a ity [68]. In contrast to the small number of enzymes de- carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZy) characterization of voted to the hydrolysis of the main chain of cellulose, the metagenomic datasets was performed after ab initio hemicelluloses and pectins (GH 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 44, 45, geneprediction[68,69].Conventionalsequencehomology- 48 and 74), all three metagenomes displayed a variety of based enzyme discovery introduces a bias towards the enzymes that digest the side chains of these polymers identification of candidates similar to known enzymes, ra- and oligosaccharides. Families of GH 2 and 3, which ther than enzymes with low sequence identity and poten- contain a large range of glycosidases cleaving non- tially divergent biochemical properties [66]. The entries in reducing carbohydrates in oligosaccharides and the side the CAZy database contains both experimentally verified chains of hemicelluloses and pectins, were particularly and putative carbohydrate-active enzyme domains, hence abundant in the bioreactor samples (29.10% of all GH— this search strategy would be able to provide a better UP30, 27.56%; UP40, 29.55%; P30, 24.20%). CBM 48 was insightintothecatalysisofbiochemicalreactions[68,70]. the most dominant in the three metagenomes, it binds Wongetal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:38 Page9of14 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/38 Amino Acid Metabolism Biosynthesis of Other Secondary Metabolites Carbohydrate Metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycan Biosynthesis and Metabolism Lipid Metabolism Metabolism of Cofactors and Vitamins Metabolism of Other Amino Acids Metabolism of Terpenoids and Polyketides Nucleotide Metabolism Xenobiotics Biodegradation and Metabolism 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Relative abundance P30 UP40 UP30 Figure5RelativeabundanceoffunctionalreadsaffiliatedtometabolismsassociatedtohighermethaneproductionusingKO database.Expressionofthesefacultiesintheun-pretreatedsludgebioreactorgraduallyelevatedovertime(compareUP30andUP40),andwere highestinpretreated-sludgebioreactor(P30). glycogen and is commonly found in a range of enzymes performance of a bioreactor. This study represents the that act on branched substrates, such as the hydrolysis first attempt to gain an in-depth metagenomic perspec- of glycogen, amylopectin and dextrin by isoamylase, tive, with regard to taxonomic and functional aspects, pulluanase and branching enzyme. Overall, the number on increased biogas (methane) production when a newly of GH hit returns appeared to increase with time in the devised pretreatment method is used. Dual taxonomic bioreactor fed with un-pretreated sludge (468 counts in and functional analysis indicated the microbial and UP30; 792 counts in UP40); while the bioreactor metabolic consortium shifted extensively towards en- digesting the pretreated sludge harboured 1.40 times the hanced biodegradation, also seen in the methanogenesis GH count in the control counterpart at the same time. pathways. Altogether, these results presented here help As for CBM, P30 (51 counts) had a higher abundance furthermicrobiologicalunderstandinginsludgepretreat- than UP40 (38 counts), and made up to approximately ment research for anaerobic digestion. As microbiology 2.83 times that of UP30. Generally, there appeared to be istheultimatedriverfortheanaerobicdigestionprocess, a dynamic process in enzymology within the anaerobic this new perspective encourages a closer engagement digesters with time and substrate natureThe heightened between the engineering and microbiology knowledge GH and CBM abundance in the bioreactor with pools. Further studies involving deeper sequencing of the pretreated sludge may possibly correlate with the higher metagenomestocharacterizethedecomposingandmeth- sludgesolubilizationproposedinpreviousstudies[23]. anogenic microbiome at higher frequency and replicate number parallel to the physical-chemical characterization Conclusions arerequiredforeachWASpretreatmentintervention. The treatment and disposal of excess sludge accumula- tion represents a bottleneck in wastewater treatment Methods plantsworldwideduetoenvironmental,economic,social Collectionofwasteactivatedsludgeandanaerobic andlegalfactors.Reduction ofexcesssludgeisbecoming granularsludge one of the biggest challenges in biological wastewater The waste activated sludge (WAS) used as substrate for treatment [71,72]. The anaerobic digestion process is a methane production was collected from the secondary promising technique, along with which waste is elimi- sedimentation tank of a municipal wastewater treatment nated and methane is produced as a valuable renewable plant in Shanghai, China. The anaerobic granular sludge energy source. Understanding the impact of pretreat- (AGS) used as the inoculum for methane production ment on the microbiology at different stages of anaer- was obtained from the upward-flow anaerobic sludge obic digestion is important; it ultimately impacts the blanket (USAB) reactor of a food wastewater treatment Wongetal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:38 Page10of14 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/38 Table3Identificationofglycosidehydrolase(GH)familyclassifiedbyCAZydatabase Numberofcounts Numberofcounts CAZyGHfamily Pfammodel UP30 UP40 P30 CAZyGHfamily Pfammodel UP30 UP40 P30 GH1 PF00232.12 11 14 15 GH38C PF07748.7 20 42 15 GH2 PF00703.15 7 27 28 GH39 PF01229.11 2 1 6 GH2_C PF02836.11 18 38 31 GH42 PF02449.9 8 18 12 GH2_N PF02837.12 26 61 44 GH42C PF08533.4 0 3 3 GH3 PF00933.15 49 69 59 GH42M PF08532.4 7 5 4 GH3_C PF01915.16 29 39 33 GH43 PF04616.8 12 27 33 GH4 PF02056.10 9 20 10 GH44 PF12891.1 1 1 2 GH8 PF01270.1 0 0 1 GH4C PF11975.1 8 18 8 GH9 PF00759.1 9 5 7 GH53 PF07745.7 1 1 10 GH10 PF00331.14 4 10 11 GH57 PF03065.1 22 38 12 GH15 PF00723.1 2 2 7 GH62 PF03664.7 0 1 0 GH16 PF00722.15 11 9 9 GH63 PF03200.10 1 1 0 GH17 PF00332.12 0 0 1 GH65C PF03633.9 2 2 3 GH18 PF00704.22 7 11 7 GH65m PF03632.9 19 5 12 GH19 PF00182.13 0 0 1 GH65N PF03636.9 3 8 5 GH20 PF00728.16 25 40 22 GH67C PF07477.6 2 5 1 GH20b PF02838.9 12 6 7 GH67M PF07488.6 3 6 7 GH25 PF01183.14 7 8 8 GH67N PF03648.8 4 9 5 GH26 PF02156.9 5 10 6 GH76 PF03663.8 0 1 1 GH28 PF00295.11 2 16 11 GH77 PF02446.11 7 26 17 GH30 PF02055.10 3 8 11 GH81 PF03639.7 0 0 1 GH31 PF01055.20 20 29 30 GH88 PF07470.1 9 10 18 GH32C PF08244.6 0 5 0 GH92 PF07971.6 34 49 46 GH32N PF00251.14 4 4 3 GH97 PF10566.3 15 49 26 GH35 PF01301.13 12 4 18 GH101 PF12905.1 7 3 7 GH38 PF01074.16 8 26 21 GHcc PF11790.2 1 2 2 Totalnumberofcounts 468 792 657 Legend:Dynamicprocessinenzymologywithtimeandsubstratenaturewasobservedinthebioreactors,theheightenedGHandabundance(inbold)inthe pretreated-sludgebioreactorwerecorrelatedwithahighersludgesolubilization,andinturnsahigherSCFAproduction. plant in Yixing, China. The main features of WAS and new sludge pretreatment strategy (pH 10 for 8 d) for en- AGS can be found in Additional file 4. The AGS was hanced methane production from WAS. During the pre- cultured in a laboratory up-flow anaerobic sludge bed treatment, the pH of the collected WAS was adjusted to (UASB) by synthetic wastewater (Additional file 5) prior 10.0 by addition of 5 M NaOH or 4 M HCl with an to its use as the inoculum for methane production, automatic titrator, in a tightly-sealed reactor which was where the use of synthetic wastewater for AGS culturing mechanically stirred (80 rpm) at 35 ± 1°C for 8 d. A is a common practice in anaerobic digestion studies blank test was also conducted, in which the sludge was investigating the microbiology and biodegradability not pretreated but mechanically stirred for 8 d.Thenthe [4,73,74]. The hydrolytic retention time of UASB was pH in all reactors was adjusted to pH 7.0, and 30 mL of 6 h, and the AGS concentration in UASB was approxi- AGS was added to each reactor for methane production. mately 29165mg/L. All reactors were sealed with rubber stoppers and mech- anically stirred at 80 rpm without further pH control. Pretreatmentofwasteactivatedsludge The retention time of all reactors was 17 d and the Biogas-producing, anaerobic digester samples were organic loading rate was 1.88 kg/COD/m3/d. The gas obtained from a reproduction of the experiment de- generation was detected by water displacement and scribed in our previous work [4], which introduced a the methane concentration was measured by a gas