Topological Anderson Insulators in Systems without Time-Reversal Symmetry Ying Su1,2, Y. Avishai3,4, and X. R. Wang1,2∗ 1Physics Department, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong 2HKUST Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen 518057, China 3Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel and 4Department of Physics, NYU-Shanghai University, Shanghai, China (Dated: June13, 2016) 6 Occurrence of topological Anderson insulator (TAI) in HgTe quantum well suggests that when 1 time-reversalsymmetry(TRS)ismaintained,thepertinenttopological phasetransition,markedby 0 re-entrant 2e2/h quantized conductance contributed by helical edge states, is driven by disorder. 2 Here we show that when TRS is broken, the physics of TAI becomes even richer. The pattern of n longitudinal conductance and nonequilibrium local current distribution displays novel TAI phases u characterized by nonzero Chern numbers, indicating the occurrence of multiple chiral edge modes. J Tuning either disorder or Fermi energy (in both topologically trivial and nontrivial phases), drives transitionsbetweenthesedistinctTAIphases,characterizedbyjumpsofthequantizedconductance 0 1 from0toe2/handfrome2/hto2e2/h. AneffectivemediumtheorybasedontheBornapproximation yields an accurate description of different TAI phases in parameter space. ] l PACSnumbers: 73.43.Nq,72.15.Rn,72.25.-b,85.75.-d l a h - I. INTRODUCTION W),theTAIphasesareidentifiedbyre-entrante2/hand s e 2e2/h quantized conductance plateaus. By using a com- m bination of numerical methods and an effective medium The quest for understanding novel electronic proper- theory based on the Born approximation14, the Chern at. tmieesntoafltaonpdolothgeicoarletinicsaullasttuodrsie(sT1–I9s.)Ostbirsreerdvaintitoennsseofexqpuearni-- number and bulk band gap evolution are evaluated in m the W E plane. Inspection of the nonequilibrium lo- tized conductance at 2e2/h in time reversal invariant − F cal current distribution (NLCD) in the nontrivial TAI - TIs4,5 and at e2/h in magnetically doped TIs9 confirm d phases further confirms the conjecture that quantized n the occurrence of the quantum spin Hall (QSH) and the conductance plateaus are due to chiral edge states and o quantumanomalousHall(QAH)effects. Awellaccepted that transitions between these plateaus are drivable by c paradigmis that the main distinction of TIs from trivial tuning either disorder or Fermi energy. [ insulatorsisthe existenceoftopologicallyprotectedgap- 3 lessedgestatesthatconduct(eitherchargeorspin)even v at strong disorder10,11. Recently, a novel family of TIs II. MODEL 1 whosehelicaledgestates canbe inducedbydisorderwas 4 discovered12–23. Explicitly,asdisorderstrengthincreases 5 from zero, the conductance initially decreases, but then, In order to study TAI in magnetic systems that lift 2 within a certain region of disorder, it is quantized at spin degeneracy and break TRS, we consider electrons 0 2e2/h before dropping to zero at stronger disorder12–23. hopping on a hexagonal lattice subject to SOC, stag- . 1 This (evidently nontrivial) phase of matter is termed as gered sublattice potential, antiferromagnetic exchange 0 topological Anderson insulator (TAI). Specifically, disor- field25–28,andoff-resonantcircularlypolarizedlight29–31. 6 der drives topologicalphase (TP) transitions by modify- The tight-binding Hamiltonian reads 1 ing the topological mass and chemical potential of HgTe : v quantum well14. Interestingly, TAI in three dimensions H =t c†icj +λv µic†ici+ ǫic†ici Xi has also been identified in a cubic lattice in which elec- Xhiji Xi Xi r trons are subject to strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC)15. +iλ ν c†szc +iλ c†(s dˆ ) c a so ij i j r i × ij z j (1) So far, TAI was studied mainly in systems that main- X X hhijii hiji tain time-reversalsymmetry (TRS) for which the Chern +λ µ c†szc +iλ ν c†c . numbervanishesandedgestatesarehelical. Inthiswork am i i i l ij i j X X wesuggestamodelforexposingthe(evenricher)physics i hhijii of TAI in systems with broken TRS. As we show, these The various symbols in Eq. (1) are defined as follows: i systems support multiple chiral edge states, and display andjlabelthelatticesites,while ij and ij standfor novel TAI phases characterized by nonzero Chern num- h i hh ii nearestneighbor(NN)andnextnearestneighbor(NNN) bers. Even in the absence of disorder, the model ex- sites. s=(sx,sy,sz) is the vector of Pauli matrices act- hibits nontrivial TPs including the QAH phases with Chern numbers C = 1 and 2, and the TRS-broken inginspinspace. νij =(2/√3)(dˆ1 dˆ2)z = 1isdefined QSHphasewhosehelic±aledges±tatesarenottopologically by lattice geometry where dˆ and×dˆ are t±wo unit vec- 1 2 protected24. Then, adding on-site disorder (of strength tors along NN bonds connecting site i to its NNN site j, 2 dˆ is a unit vector connecting two NN sites i andj, and ij (a) (b) µ = 1denotesAandBsublattices. Thefirsttwoterms C=0 i descri±be NN hopping and staggered sublattice potential C=1 c C=-1 K′ with respective strengths t and λ . The third term rep- d K v b resentson-site disorderinwhich ǫ [ W/2,W/2] are { i ∈ − } C=-2 (c) i.i.d. The fourth and fifth terms describe the intrinsic o λs TanhdeRfirassthbfiaveStOeCrmwsirtehspreecspteTctRivSe, satnrdencgatnhsbλesvoieawneddλars. λ / v C=0 a disordered version of the Kane-Mele model1. The last C=2 two terms break TRS, and are termed as the antiferro- (d) magnetic exchange field25–28 and off-resonant circularly C=1 C=-1 polarized light29–31 with strengths λ and λ . The last am l C=0 termisnamedsobecauseitisoriginallyderivedfromthe interaction of electrons with a vertically incident weak λ / λ circularlypolarizedlightofhighfrequency( t/~). Such l so ≫ thattheoff-resonantconditionsaresatisfiedandhighor- der effects can be neglected29–31. By using the Floquet theory32,33, the time-dependent problem is transformed FIG. 1: (color online) (a) Phase diagram in the λl/λso − to a static problem encoded in the effective Hamiltonian λv/λsoplane. RedsolidandbluedashlinesaretheTPbound- described by the last term in Eq. (1)29–31. Of course, aries at which the bulk band gap closes at K and K′ valleys respectively. Various TPs with different colors are specified this term may be generated by other means such as by bytheChernnumberC. TheC =0phasesarefurtherdistin- staggered magnetic flux in the Haldane model34. guishedbyapairofspinChernnumbersas(C+,C−)=(0,0) markedbygreenand( 1, 1)markedbyred. Thelow-energy ± ∓ ′ bandstructuresneartheK andK valleys(correspondingto III. CLEAN CASE: TOPOLOGICAL PHASES the three TP boundary points labeled as b, c, and d in (a)) are shown in (b),(c), and (d). In the absence of disorder, this model supports the QAH phases with C = 1 and 2. The Hamilto- ± ± nian Eq. (1) is block-diagonized in momentum space as H = kc†k (k)ck. In the basis of A, , A, , B, boundarylinescorrespondtosimultaneousclosureofthe , B, P, (Hk) can be expressed in ter{m| s o↑fit|he D↓iir|ac Γ↑ bulkbandgapattwodifferentvalleys. Theseareverified mi |atri↓cie}s35Has by the band structures (Fig. 1(b)-(d)) at three points markedasb, c,donthe TP boundariesasshowninFig. 5 5 (k)=d (k)I4+ d (k)Γa+ d (k)Γab, (2) 1(a). 0 a ab H X X a=1 a<b=1 Two distinct C = 0 phases exist with different spin whereI4isthe4 4identitymatrixandthenonvanishing Chern numbers (C+,C−) defined in Ref.38,39: The first, d and d facto×rs are shown in Ref.36. To be concrete (C+,C−)=(0,0) (green color region in Fig. 1(a)) is a a ab topologically trivial insulator. The second, (C ,C ) = (and without loss of generality), λ = λ = 0.3t and + − r am ( 1, 1)(red color regionin Fig. 1(a)) is the QSH insu- λ =0.2t are fixed below while (λ ,λ ) are tunable pa- so l v ± ∓ lator(strictlyprotectedonlyifTRSisrespected). When rameters to realize various TPs (identified by their cor- TRSisbrokentwocounter-propagatingchiraledgestates respondingChernnumbers). TPtransitionsoccuratthe closure and reopening of the bulk band gap. For (k), couldannihilateeachother. Nevertheless,whentheTRS gap closure and reopening occurs (at K and K′ vHalley) is only weakly broken, the edge states that suffer from the backward scattering can still exist, and capable of whenever, transporting charge and spin although not in a perfect (quantized) value24. In other words, the edge states are 2 f λ = λ2 +9λ2, (3) | η|−| η| q η r nottopologicallyprotected,and,atstrongdisorder,they will be destroyed40. wheref =λ 3√3ηλ andλ =λ 3√3ηλ ,while η am so η v l − − η = 1 denotes K and K′ valley, respectively. At half In order to elucidate the role of edge states, we con- ± filling, the Chern number is calculated for the valence sider the model on a long strip with zigzag edges. The bandsintheλ /λ λ /λ planebasedonthenumerical energy spectrum of (k) is evaluated numerically for l so v so method developed−in Ref. 37. The results are shown in (λ ,λ ) = (0.25t,1.8tH) in the trivial phase, (0.35t,1.4t) l v Fig. 1(a) where TPs are classified by different colors in the QAH1 phase with C = 1, and (0.03t,0.7t) in − and the Chern numbers. The TP boundaries of Eq. (3) the QAH2 phase with C = 1. The corresponding band (red solid and blue dash lines) separate different TPs as structures are shown in Fig. 2(a)-(c). The edge modes showninFig. 1(a). Crossingpointsoftwodifferentphase are clearly visible for the QAH1 and QAH2 phases. 3 G(e2/h) FIG. 2: (color online) (a)-(c): (a) (d) (g) Low-energy band structures of the nanoribbons with zigzag C=0 C=-1 edges in the trivial, QAH1, and QAH2 phases whose parameters are specified in thetext. (d)-(f): Densityplotoflongitudinalcon- (b) (e) (h) ductanceofthenanoribbonscor- C=-1 C=-2 respondingto(a)-(c). Theblack Et/F eh2(/) aTnPdbpouurnpdlaerylinaensdabruelkrbesapnedctgiavpe G evolution predicted by the Born approximation in the W EF − (c) (f) (i) plane. The colorbar is termi- natedatG=3andG 3isrep- ≥ resented by white. (g)-(i): Con- ductance profiles are displayed C=1 C=0 asafunctionofdisorderstrength for given Fermi energies within the bulkband gap. ka W/t W/t x IV. TAI: BROKEN TRS AND ROLE OF Here SBZ is the areaof the firstBrillouinzone and (k) H DISORDER is the 4 4 Hamiltonian given in Eq. (2). The self- × energy can also be decomposed into the summation of the Dirac Γ matrices. Thus, the effective Hamiltonian in To study TAI phases within this model, we elucidate the presence of disorder is the effect of on-site disorder on the longitudinal con- ductance in a two-terminal setup: A long strip of size (k,W,E )= (k)+Σ(W,E ). (5) 200a/√3 1000a is connected to two semi-infinite leads H F H F × at the two ends. Here a is the in-plane lattice constant. Due to the violation of time-reversal, spin rotation, in- Existence or absence of edge channels due to disorder version,and particle-hole symmetries,Σ(W,E ) is a full in different phases can be clearly seen from the density F 4 4matrix(forW =0)thatmodifiestheparametersof plot of longitudinal conductance (averaged over 5 disor- ×(k) and shifts the6 Dirac points away from the K and der realizations) in the W −EF plane as shown in Fig. KH′ valley. 2(d)-(f). In the trivial phase, as disorder increases, a e2/h quantized conductance plateau appears in the bulk To demonstrate the disorder-induced TP transitions, theChernnumberC(W,E )oftheeffectiveHamiltonian band gap as shown in Fig. 2(d). In the QAH1 phase, F as expected, e2/h quantized conductance plateau exists (k,W,EF)isevaluatedforvariousW andEF byusing Hthe same method mentioned early for (k). The results within the bulk band gap. However, it shoots up to H 2e2/h above a critical disorder and penetrates into the are shown in Fig. 2(d)-(f) where the TP boundaries are markedbyblacksolidlinesanddifferentTPsarespecified conduction band as disorder increases further (see Fig. 2(e)). In the QAH2 phase, the e2/h quantized conduc- byChernnumbers. The disorder-inducedTPtransitions are: (i) trivial phase (C = 0) QAH phase (C = 1); tance plateau is terminated at relatively weak disorder → − (ii) QAH phase (C = 1) QAH phase (C = 2); as shown in Fig. 2(f). The corresponding conductance − → − (iii) QAH phase (C = 1) TRS-broken QSH phase profilesasafunctionofdisorderstrengthforgivenFermi → (C = 0). In order to further determine the TAI phases energieswithinthebulkbandgaparerespectivelyshown intheW E plane,the bulkbandgapevolutionunder in Fig. 2(g)-(i). The data is obtained by averaging over F − disorderisevaluatedandisrepresentedbypurplelinesin 100 realizations. The absence of fluctuation within the Fig. 2(d)-(f). (Recall that the appearance of edge states quantized conductance plateaus indicates that they are requires the Fermi energy to lie in the bulk band gap). contributed by topologically protected edge states. Indeed,bandinversionoccursattheTPboundary. Thus, To corroborate this physical interpretation, we ana- for modest disorder, this effective medium theory yields lyze the present model within an effective medium the- anadequatedescriptionofthe variousTAI phasesin the orybasedontheBornapproximationinwhichhighorder W E plane. The peculiarity of these TAI phases is scattering processes are neglected14. In this formalism, − F thattheyarecharacterizedbynonzeroChernnumbersas the role of disorder is encoded in the self-energy, a result of broken TRS. In analogy with the distinction betweenQAHandQSHphases,the TAI phasesfoundin Σ(W,E )= W2 d2k E +i0+ (k) −1. (4) systems without TRS are distinct from the one studied F 12S Z F −H previously in systems that respect TRS. BZ BZ (cid:2) (cid:3) 4 VI. DISCUSSION (a) h) So far, the TAI was observedand analyzed in systems V/ that respect TRS. In these systems, the Chern number e2 J( is strictly zero. Thus only trivial and QSH phases can exist, and there are either zero or two Kramer degener- atehelicaledgechannels. Consequently,theconductance can only jump from 0 to 2e2/h or vice versa. It was not (b) clear from previous studies how the topologically pro- tected edge channels are created and destroyed by dis- Vh/) order in systems without TRS, where the TAI phases e2 canhavenonzeroChernnumbersandsupportchiraledge J( states. In fact, the appearance of robust multiple chiral edgemodesinourmodelisstrikingandnontrivialwithin our current understanding of TAI11. The present work FIG.3: (coloronline)TheaveragedNLCDinnanoribbonsfor showstheedgechannelscanbecreatedand/ordestroyed different TAI phases and with various disorder strengths W one-by-one, resulting in multiple quantized conductance and Fermi energies EF in a two-terminal setup. The color in plateaus. Furthermore, previous works can only be re- eachhexagonistheaveragevalueoftheNLCsatsixcorners. alized in non-magnetic materials. Our model could be The red arrows denote current direction at each lattice site. realized in magnetic materials. As for the experimen- The arrow size is proportional to the magnitude of NLC. eV tal detection, the TAI in systems without TRS can sup- denotes the chemical potential difference between the source port both even andodd numbers quantized conductance and drain. (a) W =3.8t and EF =−0.25t (marked by green plateaus in units of e2/h. However, only even number spot in Fig. 2(d)). (b) W =4t and EF =−0.1t (marked by quantized conductance is permitted in TAI with TRS green spot in Fig. 2(e)). studied previously. For QSH states in the present case where the TRS is broken, helical edge states are not topologicallyprotectedasexpected. However,theseedge states, suffering the backward scattering, can still exist at weak disorder and transport charge and spin24,40. V. NONEQUILIBRIUM LOCAL CURRENT DISTRIBUTION (NLCD) VII. SUMMARY To further substantiate the assertion that the re- We present a tight-binding model on a hexagonal lat- entrantquantizedconductanceplateausinFig. 2(d)and tice that breaks both time-reversal and spin rotation (e)originatefromtherobustchiraledgestates,westudy symmetries. It displays several TPs, including the QAH the NLCD (averaged over 1000 ensembles). In the two- phases with C = 1 and C = 2, as well as the TRS- terminal setup specified above, the strip size is set as ± ± broken QSH phase. In the presence of on-site disorder, 26a/√3 40a here. Consider first the disorder induced e2/h qua×ntized conductance plateau shown in Fig. 2(d). the longitudinal conductance within various TPs is dis- playedintheW E planeandexposesnewTAIphases. F For (W,E ) = (3.8t, 0.25t) (green dot in Fig. 2(d)) − F − They are characterized by nonzero Chern numbers, and that is in the C =−1 TAI phase, the NLCD is shown in canbeexperimentallyidentifiedfromthere-entrante2/h Fig. 3(a). Apparently, the nonequilibrium local currents and 2e2/h quantized conductance plateaus. Disorder- (NLCs) are strongly localized at the bottom edge. The inducedTPtransitionsaremarkedbyjumpsofthequan- NLCs at the top edge are suppressed because the charge tizedconductancefrom0toe2/handfrome2/hto2e2/h. motion is directed against the source-drain bias voltage. An effective medium theory based on the Born approx- Similar NLCD is found in the 2e2/h quantized conduc- imation adequately encodes all transitions among these tance plateau. For (W,E ) = (4t, 0.1t) (marked by F − TAI phases. Analysis of the NLCD further confirms the green spot in Fig. 2(e)) within the C = 2 TAI phase, − interpretationthatquantizedconductance plateausorig- the NLCD is shown in Fig. 3(b). As expected, the edge inate from chiral edge states, similar to the QAH and current is roughly twice higher than that encountered in quantum Hall effects. Fig. 3(a) since the Chern number is doubled. Namely, the number of edge channels is doubled. The fact that the two edge modes propagate in the same direction at the same edge indicates that the edge states are chiral, VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT not helical. Thus, our results pertaining the NLCD are consistentwiththeconclusionsobtainedwithintheBorn This work is supported by NSFC of China grant approximation. (11374249)andHong Kong RGC grants(163011151and 5 605413). The research of Y.A is partially supported by Israeli Science Foundation grant 400/2012. ∗ corresponding author: [email protected] Rev.B 85, 195125 (2012). 1 C. L. Kane and E. J. Mele, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 146802 20 D. Xu, J. Qi, J. Liu, Sacksteder V., X. C. Xie, and H. (2005). Jiang, Phys. Rev.B 85, 195140 (2012). 2 C. L. Kane and E. J. Mele, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 226801 21 Y. 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