Top3 Diffe rentiianl s Neuroardiology A CasRee view WilliaTm.O 'BriSern. lrhieme lrhieme Top3 DiffereinnNt eiuarlosr adiology A CaseR eview WilliamO 'TB.r iSernD. O, PrograDimr ectDoira,g nosRtaidci olRoegsyi dency DaviGdr anUtS AFM edicCaeln ter TravAiisFr o rcBea seC,a lifornia FormeCrh airmDaenp,a rtmoefnR ta diology WilforHda lUlS AFA mbulatSourryg iCceanlt er JoinBta sSea nA ntonio-LacTkelxaansd , AssociCaltien iPcraolf essor DepartmoefnR ta diology Univerosfic tayl iforDnaivai,Ss c hoooflM edicine SacramenCtaol,i fornia Thieme NewY or•kS tutt•gD aerlth Rii•od eJ aneiro ExecutEidviet oWri:l liLaamm sback Importannott eM:e diciinsea ne ver-chansgciinegn ucned er ManagiEndgi toJr.O: w enZ urhelIlVe n goincgo ntindueavie lopmeRnets.e aracnhd c liniecxaple rience AssistMaannta giEndgi toHre:a thAelrl en arec ontinuaelxlpayn dionugr k nowledgien,p articuoluarr InternatPiroondaulc tDiiorne ctAonrd:r eSacsh abert knowledogfep ropetrr eatmeanntd d rugt herapIyn.s ofaars SeniVoirc Per esidEednti,t orainadEl - Product thibso okm entioannsy d osagoera pplicarteiaodne,mr asy r est DevelopmeCnotr:n elSicah ulze assurtehda tth e autehdoirtso,ar nsdp, u blishhearvmsea dee very InternatMiaornkaelt iDnigr ectFoiro:nH ae nderson efforttoe nsurteh astu crhe ferenacreeis na ccordawnicteth h e InternatSiaolneDasil r ectLooru:i Tsuar rell statoefk nowledgaett het ime porfo ductiooftn h eb ook. DirecotfoS ra les, ANomretrhi cMai:k eR oseman Nevertheltehsisds,o esn oti nvolviem,pl yo,r e xpreasnsy SeniVoirc Per esidaenndtC hieOfp erating guaranotrer ee sponsiobnit lhiept ayr otft hep ublishienrr ess pect OfficerS:a raVha nderbilt toa nyd osagien strucatnidofo nrsm so fa pplicatsitoantisen dt he PresideBnrti:aD n.S canlan bookE.v eruys eri sr equestteode xamincea refultlhye m anu PrintReerp:l ika facturelresa'f laectcso mpanyeiancgdh r uga nd cthoe cikf,n ec essairnyc onsultawtiitoahnp hysicoiras np eciawlhiestth,et rh e LibraorfyC ongreCsast aloging-in-PuDbaltiac ation dosagsec hedulmeesn tiontehde reoirnt hec ontraindications O'BriWeinl,l iTa. ma. u thor. statebdyt hem anufacturdeirffse frro m thes tatememnatdse Top3 differentiinna elusr oradi:o lcoaag syre e vie/w int hep resebnoto kS.u che xaminatiispo anr ticuilmaprolryt ant WilliTa.mO 'Brien. witdhr ugtsh aatr ee ithrearr eulsye odr h avbee enne wlrye leased p.;c m. ont hem arkeEtv.e rdyo sagsec heduolree v erfoyr mo fa pplication Topt hredei fferentiinna elusr oradiology usedi se ntiraetlt yh eu sero'wsn risakn dr esponsibTihlei ty. Includbeisb liograrpehfiecraeln ces. authoarnsd p ublishreerqsu eesvte ruys etro r epotrott hep ub ISBN9 78-1-60406-(7p2b3k:-.a 1 l kp.a per-) Iishearnsyd iscrepaonrci ineasc curancoiteisc Iefed r.r oirnst his ISBN9 78-1-60742046--(8e -book) worka refo unda fterp ublicaetriroant,a bwepi olslt eadtw ww. 1T.i tlIeIT..i tlTeo:pt hredei fferentiinna elusr oradiologyt.h ieme.coontm h ep rodudcets cripptaigoen. [DNLM1:. Diagnosis, DiffereRnetpioarlt2-s.C. Na esuer o- Sorneo ft hep roducnta mesp,a tentasn,d r egistered radiographyR-eCpaosre3t .sC .e ntrNaelr voSuyss tem-radiogdreasigrnesf ertroei dn tbhoioska rei nfa ctr egistterraedde phy-CasRee port4s.. CentraNle rvouSsy stemD iseases markosr p roprientaamreyse vetnh ougshp ecirfiecf erence radiographyR-eCpaosretW sL. 1 41.5.N47] tot hifasc ti sn ota lwaymsa dei n ttheex Tth.e reforteh,e RC71.5 appearaonfca ne a mew ithoduets ignaatsip orno prieitsa ry 616.07'5-dc23 2014026028n ott ob ec onstrausea dr epresentbaytt ihoepn u blisthheart iti si n tphueb ldiocm ain. © 2015T hiemMee dicPaulb lishIenrcs., ThiemPeu blishNeerwsY ork 333S evenAtvhe nuNee,w Y orkN,Y 1000U1S A1,- 800-782-3488 [email protected] ThiemPeu blishSetrust tgart Rüdigerst1r4a,7s 0s4e6 S9t uttgGaerrtm,a ny, +49( 0]781913 14 21 [email protected] jJ, MIX ThiemPeu blishDeerlsh i Paperfrom A-12S,e conFdl ooSre,c torN-O2I,D A-201U3t01t,aP rr adesh, IndFiSaC, responsisboluer ces +911 204 55 66O O www.fsc.oFrgS C"'C 021256 [email protected] ThiemPeu blishReiroTs,h iemPeu blicaLçtêideas. Thisb ooki,n cludaiinplga rttsh ereiosfl ,e galplryo tectbeyd Argentina B1u6itlfhdl ionoAgrl ,aA ,2 28P raidaoB otafogRoi od e copyrigAhntyu. s ee,x ploitaotric oonm,m ercialiozuattsiiodne Janei2r2o2 50-0B4r0a z+i5l5,2 13 736-3631 then arrolwi mistestb yc opyrilgehgti slawtiitohno,tu hte p ub lishecro'nss einsti ,l leagnadlI iabtlope r osecutTihoiansp. p liiens PrintiendI ndia particutlopa hro tosrteaptr oductcioopny,i nmgi,m eographing, preparatoifmo inc rofilamnsd,e lectrodnaitcap rocessainndg 54321 storage. The viewesxp resseidnt himsa teriaarlet hosoef t hea uthor, ISBN9 78-1-60742036--1 andd on otr efletchteo fficiaplo liocyrp ositiooftn h eU nited Alsaov ailaabsl eae n- book: StatGeosve mment,t he DepartomfeD netf ensoert, h eD epart eISB9N7 8-1-60742046--8 mento ft heA irF orce. Dedicaitnem de moryo f RobertL MealsDO, 12M arch1 928J-u9n 2e 005 © SusanS cha2ry0 05 Ford ecadeDsr,M. ealisn spitrheodu sanodfss t udenwthsi lsee rviansAg c ademCihca irmoafnt he DepartmeonfRt a dioloPghyi,l adelCpohlilaeo gfOe s teopaMtehdiicc iPnhei,l adelPpehninas,y lvania. DrM.e alwsa sm oret haann i nstruchteow ra;sa mentoarn da trufrei end. Tot hosweh oc hosteo p ursuaec areienrr adiolhoegw yi,l all waybsea l egend. Hei ss oremliys sebdu tw ilnle vebre fo rgotten. Contents ForeworclR ibyc haEr.d Latchaw vii Preface viii Aclmowledgments ix Secti1o.Bn r ain SubsectliaCo.on n geniatnadDl e velopmental 2 t enuaatnidoS ni gnAabln ormality 44 s seasn dM assliLkee sions 110 s culaatnudrC ee rebrosFpliuniSadpl a ces 186 SectiIoLnH eada ndN eck a lvarainudmS kulBla se 260 SubsectIiIobTn.e mporBaoln e 296 SubsectIiIoSeni. n onasal 330 SubsectIiIodMn.a xillofacial 362 SubsectIiIoNene. c k(i ndudsipnagc es) 382 SubsectHifOo.rn b its 444 SectiIoDnS. p ine 484 Indexo fD ifferentDiiaagnlo sesby, Case 607 Indexo fKey Findi� 612 vi Foreword Unique/ derifrvoem m ultidpilaeg nocsatitce goFroisreo sm.ea ppear ancesh,e e veni ndudesso meu ncommobnu tp otentially lbati st heb eswotr d to describTeo p3 DijJerentials in importcoannsti derations ("AdditiCoonnasli dDeiraagnostic NeuroradioblyWo igyl liTa.m O'Brieni-nui ntaispq pureo actiho ns"t)h,up sr ovidmionrget hajnu stth repeo ssibifolri ties tot hec linipcraalc tioœf n euro-imaagnidnu gn,i quieni ts casewsi tmho ren onspecfiinfdiicn Hgesfi .n isheeasc cha se approatcoeh d ucatiiontn h irsa piedxlpya ndsiunbgs peci.a lwtiytdhi nicaanldi magi"nPge arwlhsi,c"ph r oviqduei cdki f Thetr aditiocnlailn ipcraalc toifœa neurolongeiusrto, ferentiating fHeeaa tlusprore osv.i dsoemse s elecrteefd-e r surgeoonr,t hopesduircg eon-apnhyys icioarnd erian g encefosr m orei n-derpetahd ionngt het opic. neuro-imageixnagm inatitoone -viasl utahteep atienhti'ss Sornei magianpgp earawnictehsei anc she ctiaornue n ique, toriyn co njunctwiiotnsh ignasn ds ymptomcso,rn eta a withoduitf ferential adnidan gontho asveisan Tgo p3 ;t hey probabcloen clusainodtn h,e rne queasnti magisntgu dtoy arcea lled "Aunt DMrOi.'n Bnriiecoesnn.s "i dearn su mbeorf confiromrd entyh actl inicocnacll usion. thesteob efu ndamenttaotl h ken owledbgaeso eft hset udent, Thec linipcraalc tiocfea r adioloigniistitar lelqyu itrhees sat heayr per esenattte hdee ndo fe acshe ctiEoanc.hh a sa n recognitoifao co nm binatoifof ni ndionnga sni magisntgu dyex tensidvies cusrseigoanrd ipnagt hophysiaonldco hgya rac withtihne s tatecdl iniccoanlt eTxhti iss fo llowedb yt he teriismtaigci anpgp earanacleosnw,gi tshe lecrteefde renœs, iteraticvoem pariosfot nh esfien dintgose xamplfreosm similtaotr h afto unwdi tthh cea sehsa viTnogp 3 d ifferential diagnocsattiecg oriinecsl,u dmiansgs edse,m yelinadtiisngp ossibilities. easeiss,c hemia, infection,d idseegaesetenc,eT. rh aitisv eH ow didD r.O 'Briveanl idhaitsTe o p3 choicweist sh o iteraptirvoeœ smsa yb em entaolra ctuarlelqyu icormep arimanyv ariaepdp earanicnde isv erse clinicBayl contexts? sonw ithp ublisexhaemdp leTsh.e r esuilsta differentiadlo inexgt ensirvees eaarscto h t hem ostc ommond iagnoses diagnotshiamstay variyn s pecificiatnydd eptOhn.e m ight fora g ivefinn dinbgyc; o nsulwtiitnmhga ny radiolowghios ts litshttoe p t hrpeoes sidbilaeg noosreo sn,eco uldl itshtme o st subspeciianln iezuer oradihoelaodgya ,n dn eckr adio,l ogy likelytwhiatwthh icihst hmeo sdta ngeraonudts h umsu sbte and spinarla dioloagnyd; b y incorporaetnitnigti es excludeda,l onwgi tohn et hawto ulbde e astoy exc ludew ith thatte ntdo b ef avoriintge esn eraanlds ubspecbioaalrtyd mores tudies. examinations. Howd owetr aditioendaulclaytr ee aado efnr e uro-imaginHgo w wiltlh ibso okc hangheo wwe practiacned t each studiWees7 u sualelnys urteh atth en ovicer eadhears s een neuro-imalgiti snv gi?tt ahlan te uro-imagehrasvi en grained examplefrso mt hev arioduisa gnocsatitecgo riweist whh ich int hebirra itnh bea sciacte goroifen se uropathosloto hgya,t wed eaaln,d h asl eamehdow diseawsietsh eianc cha tegoryt hecya nb es urteh atth ecya vearip lo tentdiiasle acsaet ego diffefrro mt hosieno thecra tegorTiheeso .r ganizaotifoo unr riewsh enc onfrontewdi tha n unknownc aseH.o wever, bookasn do urt eachsiensgs iiostn ysp icbaalsleyd uspuocnh O'Briaepnp'rso accahne asiblesy u perimpoonst ehda bta sic categoriNeeso:p lasCmosn,g eniDtiasle aIsnef,e ctieotcn.s ,k nowledogfde i seaosreg anizaltitio snf .a st, acacnudr ate, Howevewrh,a th appenwsh ent hei mageirsc onfrontreedm ovtehse p otentiatlh atth er eadweirl ble s loweddo wn, witahn " unknowan fi,n"d intgh adto enso tfit easiilnyto tryintgoe nsutrhea atic la tegoarriceeo sv ered.a pTphriosa ch oneo ft hec ategortoi ewsh ichhe o rs heh asb ecomes o providae wsa yt obe "compleitend" e velopdiinffegr ential accustomedU?n fotrunat,ee lvyen thotuhgeih m ager hdaisa gnorsaepsi dalnyda ccurya.t el leametdh ea ppearanocfte hsem ajoriotyfe ntitiweist hin 1f ounrde aditnhgib so otko b ea ojyO. nec ana pproaicbthy a givecna tegoorfdy i seatsheefi, n dindgo esn otte llt he playitnhge stuvdieenwti,en agc hi magaes a nu nknown, imagetrow hiccha tegoriytb elongSso!t, h ei magemru st determinwihnagtt hem ostp rominefinntd inigsa ,n dt hen nows earcthh ec ategoricbaalsleteydx tboofkosra "lookg ivionnge o'wsn T op3 .Fr an,kt lhyiissa b oonko tj usfotr t he alikweh,i"c ihsv ertiym e-consumainndmg a yn ote veben residoerfn etl lbouwto, n et hawti lgli vaen ya cademfaiccu lty successful. membearp ositilveea rning expjeurslitie ktnehœ eo, n et hat DrO.' Briaepnp'rso atac bho tthh ec linipcraalc tiacnedt he 1h adl educatioofnn euro-imaigsiq nugi tuen iquaem ongstth e textbo1oh kavses eeonv emra nyye arsa sa n euroradiologist Heh asd ividtehdib so oikn ttoh resee ctionBrsa:i Hne,a da nd RichaErd.L atchaMwD, Necka,n dS pinWei.t hiena cshe ctihoecon n,œ ntrateso nt he ProfessoorfR adiology mosatp parenitm agifinngd ingw(ist)h tihne prescelnitinng NeuroradiolSoegyc tion icalc onteaxntdg, i vtehse" To3p"p otentidaila gnofsoetrsh at UniversoiftyC aliforniDaa,v iMse dicCaeln ter appeara(tn hcea "tg amuti"n)c,l udeinntgi ttiheamstay well SacramenCtaol,ifo rnia vii Preface Iti sa distinpclte asutrope r eseTonpt 3 Differentiailns facmta,n yi llustrcaatsiehvsae v ea finald iagnotshiast NeuroradiolAo Cgya:s Ree vieDwe.v elopain negu roradiolwooguyl ndo tb ec onsideirnet dh eT op3 for thep articular versiooftn h eo rigi"nTaol3p " b ookT,o p3 Differentiianl sg amutI.n stetahdep, r imaariym o ft heb ookis t og enerate Radiolhoagyd,b eeann a spiraotfim oinn es incietp su blicaandh avaen u nderstanodfai rnega sonalbilsoetfg amut tioinn2 0O1.T h issu bspedvaelrtsyi iospn r imarily desbiagsnededid ff erentriaatlhset rh ant oo btaitnh e" correct" fors eniroard iolroegsyi dents, neuroradainodl oagnys wfeerl.l ows, starfafd iolopgriesptasr foirnt gh en euroradipoolrotgiyo n As witthh ee arlTioepr3 DifferentiinaR lasd ioliotgyi ,s ofi nitiaanldr ecertifibcoaatiroexdna minatiohnosw;e veirt, i mporttoa nrte alizet htedh iaffetr entiaanldds i scussairoen s maya lspor ovues efuflo rd iniciaanndss urgeownhso baseodn t hek eyfi ndinogrg amuatn dn otn ecessatrhiel y routinuetliyl niezuer oimaging. illustrcaatsietvshe aa tr es hownT hiissby desigbne,c au1s e Thibso oki so rganiiznetdto h remea ins ectiobnrsa:i n,f elittw oulbde m oreh igh-ytoi ebladst eh ed ifferenatnida ls heaadn dn ecka,n ds piniem aginagn;df urthdeirv idiendt o discussointo hneso vergaalmlu t/kefyi ndirnagt htehra tnh e subsectbiaosneusdp ona natomrieeg ioornp atterno fi magillustrcaatsiepv ree senteHdav.i nga n understanodfi ng inga bnormalEiatcyhs. e ctiobne ginwsi tha serioefs gamut-badsieffde rentiwaillalsl loown et os ubsequently unknownd ifferentiacla-sbeaasns dee dn dwsi t"hR oentgent ailtohrIe i osftd ifferenfotria anlycs a steh aitss howwni thin dassicwsh,i"ca hr ec asewsi tihm agifinngd incghsa ractetrheg amutw,h erebaass itnhge d ifferenotinat lhses elected istiocfa s ingdliea gnosis. imagewso ulbde m ore limiteidnte rmso ff utuurtei lity. Ont hefir spta goef e accha sree,a dearrsep resenwtietdh Givetnh e veavsotl,v fiienlgod fn euroimagtihnibgso, o iks imagefrso ma nu nknowcna sael,o nwgi tahc linihciastto ryn otm eantto b ea c omprehenrsefievree nbcoeo kr;a thietir s, anda ni maglee genTdh.e imaagreems e antto i llustar amteea ntot servaesa h igh-yrieevlidfe owbr o arpdr eparation, keyi magifnign diwnhgi,c ihst heb asifsot rh es ubsequenatsw elals a quicrkefe rencfoer c linipcraalc hese casdei scussTihoens .e conpda geI istthse k eyi magingi ntentiionmn is ndt,h see lectainodon r deroifnd gi fferentials findifnrgo,mw hicah l isotfd iffereinstb iraolksed no wn foera cgha muwte reb aseudp ona c ombinatiooftn h em ost inttoh eT op3 ,a lonwgi t"ha dditiodniaalg nocsotincs iderlaikedliya gnotos beese nrountereidna b oarsde ttiansweg l,l tionTsh.e" discussescitiooonnfe accha sper ovidae bsr iefa sc linipcraalc tiScoern.e " additiodniaalg nocsotnisci dera revioefwi mportiamnatg ianngd c linimcaanli festatifoorn st ionwse"r see lecotveedor t he(rwsh ich amcatyu ableml oyr e aleln titioenst he loifds itff erentimaalksi,n g at hhiigsh rommon)i no rderto provitdheeo pportutnoid tyi scuasss yielrde ferefonrc beo ard prepalrmaatgiiopnneg.a rls amraen yd iagnoesnttiitci aesps o ssitbhlreo ughtohuebt o ok. providaettd h ee ndo fe accha steoa llofwo arq uicrke view 1 sinœrehloyp et hayotu fintdh iTso p3 case-based ofke y nadli agnoisspi rso vidfeoder a ccha se;a pproaecnhj oyaabnldue s efualn,d I w isyho ua ltlh eb est howeveirti, sb yn om eantsh efo cuso ft hirse view bIono ki.nyo urf utuerned eavors. viii