Prakash Vakil TO !NGUE That Does Not Lie - ~. . . . i ' ·" \ How to Use Tongue Symptoms in Homeopathy Prakash Vakil TONGUE THAT DOES NOT LIE Fig. 1: Red tip Sulphur (sulph.) Red tip with coating of tongue. - Patient suffering from upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) > with sulpll. Prakash Vakil TONGUE THAT DOES NOT LIE Tongue That Does Not Lie by Prakash Vakil {Estate of Prakash D.Vakil Sweta Vakil, Mumbai-400 001, India) Revised paper submitted for the 42nd International Homoeopathic Congress ofThe International Homoeopathic Medical League ISBN 978-3-941706-81-1 First Edition 1987 Second Edition 1988 Third Revised Edition 2013 Fourth Edition 2016 © 2013 Narayana Publishers Narayana Verlag Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany Phone +49 7626 9749700 [email protected] WW\ All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in any t·ecrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for private or public use without the written permission of the publisher. Note: In spite of the extreme care taken over the production of this book, it is possible that you may find mistakes for which we cannot be held responsible, or which may be nothing more than a misinterpretation of the information provided. The aim of this book is to guide the reader in their attempt to find balance and health through homoeopathy, but it should in no way substitute the advice or opinion of a qualified doctor. CONTENTS Fore"'vord .•...................................................................•........ vi Preface to the Edition ......................................................... vii 2nd Preface to the I Edition ......................................................... viii st PART 1: 'Tongue That Does Not Lie' .................................... } Introduction. ................................................................... 2 Method & Material. ......................................................... 4 Observations ................................................................... 6 Cases .............................................................................. IO Summary of Findings ................................................... 14 PART II: Tongue Repertory .................................................... 17 Users Guide ................................................................... 18 Repertory ...................................................................... 19 PART III: Appendix ................................................................ lOS Different Types of Tongue Described in the Literature .. ! 06 Tongue According to Ayurveda .................................. l09 Bibliography ............................................................... 110 List ofPhotographs. .................................................... ll3 FOREWORD It is almost 25 years since Dr Prakash Vakil published the second edition of this important compilation of tongue symp toms in homeopathy. Based on the late author's clinical studies that he origi nally presented as a paper, this third edition from Narayana Publishers has been entirely revised to improve readability and accessibility of the information. Among other improvements made in this edition, the tongue repertory has been reorganised and symptoms are ordered under Time followed by alphabetised lists of tongue features. It now includes several groups of valuable symp toms that were previously listed separately: movements of the tongue (now under 'Motion'), clinically observed symptoms and symptoms of lesser known remedies. Additional rem edies have also been added that have only more recently been proven by experienced clinical homeopaths and from sources that most likely would not have been accessible to Dr Vakil. We are happy to make this significant contribution to ho meopathy again available and wish you many successful pre scribings. November, 2012 The Publishers vi PREFACE TO THE 2N° EDITION The overwhelming response to the first edition and appre ciation of this book has inspired me to bring out the second edition within a year. The general plan of arrangement remains the same. How ever, I have added some more pictures to this book and have made some additions to the compilation and my clinical find ings. 1Oth April, 1988 Prakash Vakil vii PREFACE TO THE 1sT EDITION When I decided to present a paper on this subject at the 42nd International Homoeopathic Congress of The International Homoeopathic League, I had not thought of bringing out this book. I had started collecting information and began, with the help of a few of my colleagues, compiling this information, when I realised the difficulties involved. A practitioner may have to refer to several books before getting a clear-cut picture of a particu lar subject. I therefore thought that the information we collected may be useful to other practitioners and students of homoeopa thy, so· the information has taken the shape of this book. For the last several years I have been working on this sub ject and as time passes by, I keep on adding to my knowl edge. I may bring out subsequent editions in the future with additions to the information given here. This book has been published in the form of a pocket-book so that it can serve as a useful and ready reference. Following are the features of arrangement in this book. 1) The book is divided into two parts. a. The paper as presented at the Congress giving informa tion about the confirmed and unconfirmed information from the homoeopathic literature with additions from clinical observation. b. A compilation of visual features of the tongue, prepared from the standard literature. Sensations, pains etc. are omitted. At the end of the compilation some informa tion from lesser-proven remedies is also given. viii Preface to the 1st Edition 2) The following pattern of gradation has been used: Gradation: Tongue Kent's Boericke's Boger- Knerr's Repertory Repertory Repertory Boenning- Repertory in this book hausen's Repertory Grade I CAPITAL+ Bold Italics II (Bold) Bold Grade II Italics Normal Italics (Italics) Grade III Normal Normal+ () II, I, t, rr (Normal) There are no changes on this subject in Kent's Final General Repertory compared to Kent's Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, therefore it was not used to compile the information here. Synthetic Repertory by Barthel and Clun ker does not give any information on this subject. M.E. Dou glass' Repertory of Tongue Symptoms was also referred to but as the arrangement of the rubrics did not correspond to the general arrangement in other repertories and as most of the information given was found to be covered by the other books, it was not considered for this compilation. 3) The abbreviations of remedies used in ~e book are the same as in Kent's Repertory. Abbreviations of some rare remedies are as in my Textbook of Homoeopathic Therapeutics for Students and Practitioners - Volume I, II and III. 4) The second part of this book is arranged in two parts: (i) visual features without movements and {ii) different types of movements of tongue. ix