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To what extent does the self-consistent mean-field exist? PDF

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by  Lu Guo
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To what extent does the self-consistent mean-field exist? Lu Guo,1,2 Fumihiko Sakata,3 En-guang Zhao,4 and J. A. Maruhn1 1Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, J. W. Goethe-Universit¨at, D-60438 Frankfurt, Germany 2Department of Mathematical Science, Ibaraki University, Mito 310-8512, Ibaraki, Japan 3 Institute of Applied Beam Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University, Mito 310-8512, Ibaraki, Japan 4Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China (Dated: February 8, 2008) Anon-convergentdifficultynearlevel-repulsiveregionisdiscussedwithintheself-consistentmean- fieldtheory. Itisshownbynumericalandanalyticstudiesthatthemean-fieldisnotrealized inthe many-fermion system when quantum fluctuations coming from two-body residual interaction and quadrupole deformation are larger than an energy difference between two avoided crossing orbits. Ananalytic condition indicating alimitation of themean-field concept is derivedfor thefirst time. 7 0 PACSnumbers: 21.60.Jz, 21.10.Pc,21.30.Fe 0 2 n The Hartree-Fock mean-field theory has been greatly a successful in describing many-fermion systems. Level (a) (b) Occ. 4 31 J rmanenuepdcaulnelnsa-uifirocenslletdariusrdcseatysucsrurteniepmipvthiseoyrn[ss1ai,clos2f,p,thm3he,oenlr4oee]mc.uhelaInanvroe,ntbhaaeetepodnmpeemviacer,alionnbpygimodlieonisngctituchoase-fl PES [MeV] 00001.....24680 Unocc. 00001.....24680 ρProton density kk sions on the applicability of cranked mean-field theory 0.0 0.0 407031v ntdfiaoeieagalrdbirevamle[te7nivo,ceva8olen-]rr,gbceueipbtrluesatclarssaieinmuvesemoseprmseutgewtrnoiioootnbuucems[r5ori,nsebs6atuie,sntro7gan]ac.atotbAiroablnenigtiasainvrngiecndnurtmaetanroenakngccetotudnolnamnsroterhtfauornacewtt-- Neutron s.p. levels [MeV] ----11117531 (d) UnO(o-,cc-cc)A..+1(-,-)A (c) (-(,--,)-A)A+1UnOocccc.. 000001......024680 ρNeutron density kk quency. However the above argument may not be sim- 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 ply extended to the deformation constrained mean-field Quadrupole moment q [fm2] Number of Iterations / h theory and the interactionbetween two potential energy -t surfaces (PESs) might not be necessarily regarded to be FIG.1: GroundstatePESofnucleus66Se(a);diagonalcom- l spurious since the Hamiltonian and deformation opera- c ponentsof proton (b)and neutron(c) densitiesas afunction u torsdonotcommutewitheachother. Althoughthenon- of iterative number for a non-convergent case; neutron s.p. n convergentdifficultyinthemean-fieldcalculationwasre- energies nearFermi surface (d). : alized numerically [7], to our knowledge, there has been v i no discussion by deriving analytic expressions to clearly X demonstratewhy andhowthe competitionbetweenone- After the missing region, a continuously-connected PES r bodypotentialandtwo-bodyresidualinteractionplaysa passingthroughanotherlocalminimum(q ≈100fm2)is a decisive role in breaking the concept of mean-field near obtained. InordertounderstandwhatpreventstheCHF level-repulsive region. For this purpose, this Letter will calculation from convergence, the diagonal components giveananalyticconditionto indicatethe applicabilityof of proton (b) and neutron (c) densities as a function of mean field near level replusion. iterative number are depicted for a non-convergent case The quadratic constrained Hartree-Fock (CHF) equa- with µ = 150 fm2. Here, µ is a control parameter of tion with Gogny D1S interaction [9] has been solved by quadraticconstraintgivenby−w(µ−hQˆi)Qˆ,andisused using three dimensional harmonic oscillator basis [10]. to assign deformation in the missing region instead of q. Thetriaxialoscillatorparametersaredeterminedbymin- A representation where one-body CHF hamiltonian h(n) imizing the energy of HF solution. In the calculation is diagonal is used with n being iterative number. From of PES, the same oscillator parameters as those of the Fig.1(b), one may observethat the expectation values of groundstateareusedtotraceanevolutionoftheground proton density converge to 0 for unoccupied orbits and stateconfiguration,andtomakethesingle-particle(s.p.) 1 for occupied orbits. For the case of neutron density level-crossing dynamics transparent. Figure 1(a) shows (c),thereappearsasimilarsituationformostsingle-hole thatthereappearsamissingregioninthePESofnucleus and single-particle states, except for two specific orbits 66Se. At an edge of the PES (hQˆi = q ≈ 178 fm2), the labeled as (−,−) and (−,−) , where (−,−) denotes A A+1 CHF calculation meets a difficulty of non-convergence parity and signature quantum numbers and A the num- evenone decreasesthe deformationquite a little, and no ber of occupied orbits. The two specific orbits are inter- matter how much effort one makes to get convergence. acting and lying just below and above the Fermi surface 2 asshowninFig.1(d). Onemayexpectthatthe twospe- cific orbits play a dominant role in preventing the CHF calculation from convergence. 0.3 (a) hAA+1 In what follows, we will focus on how the non- onian 00..12 hAA-hA+1A+1 convergent difficulty appears as a result of the micro- milt 0.0 scopicdynamics. SupposethereexistsaconvergentCHF Ha -0.1 state at q =q0. We will discuss whether the CHF calcu- HF -0.2 lation with slightly different deformation at q =q −∆q C -0.3 0 goes to convergence or not. When one takes the CHF (b) sitteartaetiaotnqa=tqq=0 aqs0a−s∆taqr,ttinhgemtraiatlrifxunelcetmioennttosopfrtohceeeCdHaFn (n)(n)ab -000...011 Hamiltonianinthefirstiterationbetweentwospecificor- e of -0.2 bitsinaq0-representationofusingtheself-consistents.p. Valu -0.3 states {ǫ (q ),ϕ (q )} at q are written as (for detailed -0.4 k 0 k 0 0 -0.5 analytic derivation, see Ref. [11]) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Number of Iterations h(1) (q −∆q) ≡ ϕ† (q )h(1)ϕ (q ) A,A+1 0 Aα 0 αβ βA+1 0 FIG. 2: For a given non-convergent case the off-diagonal αβ X Hamiltonian and differenceofdiagonal Hamiltonians (a)and = w∆µQ , A,A+1 thevalueof a(n)b(n) (b) as a function of iterative number. h(1) (q −∆q) ≡ ϕ† (q )h(1)ϕ (q ) A,A 0 Aα 0 αβ βA 0 αβ X = ǫ (q )+w∆µQ , may be understood by the truncated Hamiltonian and A 0 A,A 2×2 unitary matrix U(n) h(1) (q −∆q) ≡ ϕ† (q )h(1)ϕ (q ) A+1,A+1 0 A+1α 0 αβ βA+1 0 Xαβ ϕ(n) a(n) b(n) ϕ (q ) = ǫ (q )+w∆µQ ,(1) A = A 0 A+1 0 A+1,A+1 ϕA(n+)1 ! (cid:18) d(n) c(n) (cid:19)(cid:18)ϕA+1(q0)(cid:19) whereα,β,··· refertoasetofs.p. statesusedfornumer- ϕ (q ) ical basis. In the q -representation, the matrix elements = U(n) A 0 . (5) 0 ϕ (q ) A+1 0 of deformation operator in Eq.(1) are expressed as (cid:18) (cid:19) In each diagonalization, A and A+1 are always used to Q ≡ ϕ† (q )Q ϕ (q ). (2) i,j iα 0 αβ βj 0 label the s.p. states in an energy increasing order. To Xαβ show a decisive effect of relative phase a(n)b(n) on the non-convergence of the CHF calculation, we introduce The 2×2 truncated Hamiltonian of h(1)(q0−∆q) in the four inter-dependent parameters in U(n) rather than a first iteration is expressed as single independent parameter. The mixing parameters b(n) and d(n) measure a degree of interaction between hh(A1(A+)1,)1A,A(q(0q0−−∆∆q)q) hh(A1(A+)1,)1A,A++1(1q(0q0−−∆∆q)q) !. (3) thw(no)(sqp0ec−ifi∆cqo)rbaittst.hHeenrethanitderhaetrieoanftaerre,ϕsiA(mn)p(qly0−ex∆pqr)esasnedd as ϕ(n) and h(n). Makingthefollowinganalyticdiscussionsimple,weex- A Inthe q -representation,onegetsthe relationbetween ploitsuchanapproximateexpressionthatacontribution 0 two successive CHF Hamiltonians as to the mean-field fromthe (A−1) number of hole-states is independent of small deformation change ∆µ, and of h(n+1) = h(n) +{a(n)b(n)−a(n−1)b(n−1)}v¯ numberofiterations,whichiswellrealizedinournumer- A,A+1 A,A+1 A+1AAA+1 ical calculation discussed above. That is − {∆λ(n)−∆λ(n−1)}Q , A,A+1 A−1 A−1 h(n+1) = h(n) −{b(n)2−b(n−1)2}v¯ ϕ(n)ϕ†(n) ≈ ϕ (q )ϕ† (q ), n=1,2.... (4) A,A A,A A+1AAA+1 αi iβ αi 0 iβ 0 − {∆λ(n)−∆λ(n−1)}Q , i=1 i=1 A,A X X h(n+1) = h(n) +{b(n)2−b(n−1)2}v¯ Under the above assumption, one may explore the non- A+1,A+1 A+1,A+1 A+1AAA+1 convergent dynamics governing the CHF calculation in − {∆λ(n)−∆λ(n−1)}Q , (6) A+1,A+1 terms of the 2×2 truncated CHF Hamiltonian. Although a set of s.p. eigenstates {ǫ(n)(q − k 0 where ∆q),ϕ(n)(q −∆q)}is numericallyobtainedbydiagonal- k 0 izing the full CHF Hamiltonian h(n)(q −∆q), a charac- ∆λ(n) =−2wa(n)b(n)Q −wb(n)2{Q −Q }, 0 A,A+1 A+1,A+1 A,A teristic feature of interacting orbits at the nth iteration (7) 3 and the anti-symmetried two-body interaction 3 v¯A+1AAA+1 is defined in the q0-representation as qua(cid:15)nA.+ f1l−u(cid:15)cA. 2 v¯ A+1AAA+1 V] = ϕ† (q )ϕ† (q )v¯ ϕ (q )ϕ (q ). Me 1 A+1α 0 Aγ 0 αγβδ βA 0 δA+1 0 y [ αXβγδ erg 0 n (8) E -1 Similarly, the (n+2)th off-diagonalCHF Hamiltonian is related with the nth through -2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 h(n+2) =h(n) +{a(n+1)b(n+1)−a(n−1)b(n−1)} Quadrupole moment q [fm2] A,A+1 A,A+1 v¯ −{∆λ(n+1)−∆λ(n−1)}Q . (9) FIG. 3: The difference of s.p. energies and quantumfluctua- A+1AAA+1 A,A+1 tion. Numerical values of h(n) −h(n) and h(n) are A,A A+1,A+1 A,A+1 shown in Fig. 2(a) for the non-convergent case with clearly indicates that the concept of CHF mean-field is µ = 150 fm2. Here the matrix elements are calculated applied successfully, provided there holds a condition in the q -representationatthe edge point ofconvergence 0 qb0ot=h c1o7m8pfmon2e.ntFsroemxhitbhiitsafigsutarge,georninegmparyopoebrsteyrvaerotuhnadt hA(n,+A1+)1 ≥0, (10) h(n) some averaged values. It should be noticed that the off- A,A+1 diagonal hamiltonian h(n) changes its sign from iter- A,A+1 whose most important part is evaluated for a case with ation to iteration. According to the perturbation theory n=1. Withthe aidofEqs.(6)and(9),itiseasilyshown for 2 × 2 Hamiltonian, a sign of a(n)b(n) of the lower that Eq. (10) is satisfied for any n provided there holds (n) (n) (n) state is givenby thatof(h )/(h −h ). In Eq. (10) with n = 1. After some calculation, one may A,A+1 A,A A+1,A+1 Fig.2(b),anumericalvalueofa(n)b(n)isshownasafunc- derive a relation tion of iterative number. Comparing Fig. 2(a) with (b), h(2) onemayrecognizethattheabovediscussionofperturba- A,A+1 sign =sign{ǫ (q )−ǫ (q )−v¯ tion theory is well justified by the numericalcalculation. (h(1) ) A+1 0 A 0 A+1AAA+1 Since the sign of a(n)b(n) changes by iteration and iter- A,A+1 −2wQ2 −w∆µ(Q −Q )−O(b)}. (11) ation, one may deduce such a conclusion that the prop- A,A+1 A,A A+1,A+1 erties of the upper state (−,−) and the lower state A+1 HereO(b) containsa smallmixing parameterb(1), andis (−,−) areinter-changedfromoneiterationtothenext. A expressed as As seen from Eq. (6), h(n+1) becomes large because A,A+1 of the different signs between a(n)b(n) and a(n−1)b(n−1), O(b)=−2b(1)2 v¯ +2wQ2 + whereas h(n+2) becomes small at the (n+2)th iteration A+1AAA+1 A,A+1 becauseofAt,hAe+s1amesignofa(n+1)b(n+1) anda(n−1)b(n−1) wab(1(1)) 1−2b(1)(cid:0)2 QA,A+1 QA+1,A+1−QA(cid:1),A .(12) in Eq. (9). Since the quantum fluctuations coming from (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) two-body residual interaction and quadrupole deforma- Condition (10) for n=1 is then expressed as tion become small in one iterationand largein the next, thereappearsthestaggeringpropertyandtheycouldnot ǫA+1(q0)−ǫA(q0)≥v¯A+1AAA+1+2wQ2A,A+1 beapproximatedsuccessfullybytheone-bodymean-field +w∆µ(Q −Q )+O(b). (13) A,A A+1,A+1 potential. Physicallyonecouldunderstandtheabovesit- uationasfollows: twomean-fields,onecharacterizedwith Here the r.h.s. of condition (13) with neglecting the ϕ (q )andtheotherwithϕ (q ),interacttoostrongly higher-order effect O(b) is the quantum fluctuation A 0 A+1 0 bythe two-bodyresidualinteractiontobe approximated expressed as v¯A+1AAA+1 + 2wQ2A,A+1 + w∆µ(QA,A − by a single mean-field. Although the above phenomenon QA+1,A+1). The physical meaning of condition (13) is in Fig. 2 has been known as “ping-pong” [7], it should clear: the two-body correlationbetween nucleons can be benotedthatthepresentanalyticunderstandingisgiven successfully incorporated into the mean field when the for the first time. energy difference between two interacting orbits is not The above analytic and numerical results clearly in- smaller than the quantum fluctuation coming from two- dicate that the sign of a(n)b(n) between two successive body residual interaction and quadrupole deformation. iterationsis importantwhether ornotthe self-consistent Similar derivation gives the opposite condition CHF theory would be applicable. Our next task is to make clear an analytic condition, which could tell us ǫA+1(q0)−ǫA(q0)<v¯A+1AAA+1+2wQ2A,A+1 an existence of the mean-field. The preceding discussion +w∆µ(Q −Q )+O(b), (14) A,A A+1,A+1 4 1.0 teractionandthepairingpotential;theircrosseffectsalso conv. 0.8 nonconv. mustbe considered. Moreover,the twomeanfields char- acterizedbydifferentconfigurationsaremixedupby the 0.6 pairing correlation, and the uv factor introduced by the (2)(1)h/hA,A+1A,A+1 000...024 BSfeoCamtSuertenhiuenomrCyeHriocFba-slBcoeuvgrieodslieutnbhceoevco(ofCntHcheFepBta)obtfohvteehoernyochonna-csfiogbnuevreeanrtgideoinnst-. cussed in Ref. [10] and its analytic derivation on an ap- -0.2 plicability of the CHFB theory near levelcrossingregion -0.4 is on progress. -0.6 60 90 120 150 180 210 µ [fm2] Summarizing the present Letter, we have shown that the concept of CHF mean-field breaks down near the FIG. 4: The ratio of off-diagonal Hamiltonians between the level-repulsive region when the condition (13) is not first and second iterations for each given µ. satisfied. Deriving the analytic condition, we make it clear that the competition between one-body potential andquantumfluctuationsmainly comingfromtwo-body which states the breakdown of mean field. residual interaction plays an important role whether the Figure 3 shows the l.h.s of condition (13) as well as self-consistent CHF mean field is realized or not. Since the r.h.s. withneglectingthe higher-ordereffectO(b). It the aboveresultisobtainedby usingthe constrainedop- is clear that our numerical results show the feasibility of eratorQˆ putbyhand,furtherstudiesareneededwhether the analyticcondition(13). Namely, bothsidesofcondi- anintroductionof“diabatic”orbits[6,7]reallyremedies tion (13) take almost the same value, when q reaches to the present difficulty or not. That is, the system does the edge points of the convergence. Figure 4 depicts the not like to be elongated nor contracted along a given di- ratio h(2) /h(1) , the l.h.s of Eq. (10) with n = 1, rection of quadrupole deformation any more, but it likes A,A+1 A,A+1 as a function of quadrupole parameter µ. One may see to develop toward a direction chosen by itself. Further that the ratio is kept positive in convergent region, and microscopicinvestigationisneededtoanswertheveryin- reaches zero near the edge of it. When one slightly de- teresting conclusionin Ref. [8] by introducing dynamical creasesµfromtheedgepoint,theratiobecomesnegative constrainedoperatorsbasedonthe self-consistentcollec- wheretheconvergenceofCHFcalculationisnotachieved tivecoordinate(SCC)method[12,13],becauseadiabolic and condition (14) is satisfied. point related to the level crossing indicates an existence The present work does not include the pairing cor- of missing degree of freedom. relation. Including the pairing correlation might make the situation so far discussed more complicated because L. 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