XIV Introduction Introduction 1 Subject matter Subvolume III/21e is the fifth and last one of a series of subvolumes belonging to Landolt-Börnstein, New Series, Vol. III/21, entitled "Superconductors: Transition Temperatures and Characterization of Elements, Alloys and Compounds". The subvolume III/21e presented herewith contains a complete compilation of the superconducting data of the elements Tl ... Zr, and alloys and compounds based on these elements. The compilation com- prises not only transition temperatures of more than 4600 substances, but also the preparation technique, the thermal history, the crystal structure and the lattice parameters. By adding a particular column with the title "Other properties", it is aimed to give a complete information about the low temperature properties of a given substance. All available quantitative values of the electronic specific heats, the Debye tempera- ture, the critical fields and their initial slopes have been included after a critical selection. Other low temperature physical properties measured on a given substance are indicated. Where available, low temperature data of proven nonsuperconductors have been included, indicating in each case the lowest temperature of investigation. Available and confirmed data in subvolume III/21e are included up to 1987. 2 General remarks on the contents of subvolumes III/21a...21e 21a: Superconductors based on Ac...Na 21b: Superconductors based on Nb...Np 21c: Superconductors based on O (without cuprates)...Sc 21d: Superconductors based on Se...Ti 21e: Superconductors based on Tl...Zr Subvolume 21e contains all available data on the elements Tl...Zr and the alloys and compounds based on these elements (all the oxides found prior to 1987, without the high T cuprates). c 3 Selection, arrangement and sequence of the specific data in the tables a) Selection of the data The tables include informations on experimental data obtained on − bulk materials − thin films − junctions (only included if the primary result is a further characterization of the superconducting material, i.e. energy gap, phonon spectrum or superconductivity by proximity. Superconducting devices are not included) − multilayers, superlattices − granular superconductors − mono- or multifilamentary wires (only the material properties are retained, not the configuration. Complex conductors or magnet characteristics are not included) Landolt-Börnstein New Series III/21e Introduction XV b) Arrangement of the data The data in the tables are arranged in individual columns. Column 1: Number Column 2: Material The composition of all alloys has been indicated in atomic percent. The compounds are listed either with their general compound formula as quoted in the original publication or by their effective composition in atomic percent (for compositions within a range). The position of the formulae in the table follows their corresponding composition in atomic percent. Examples: − Nb Al Nb based compound, listed under Nb 3 − Ag Sb Ag based alloy, listed under Ag 0.59 0.41 − Ag Pt Alloys or compounds within a range of composition 0.95...0.66 0.05...0.34 − AgLa Equiatomic compound, listed under Ag − AlFe (10...300 ppm) Dilute alloy − Al (H, Impl) Al, implanted with hydrogen − Nb/Al O /Pb Junction, indicating the sequence of metal/insulator/metal 2 3 − Nb/Ta Bilayer or multilayer or superlattice The sequence of the various substances is fixed by following rules: −the elements are listed in alphabetical order, −the alloys and compounds are listed in the alphabetical order of the base element, i.e. the element with the highest concentration in atomic percent, −within the same base element, the binary alloys and compounds are listed in the alphabetical order and increasing concentration of the second constituent, −tenary alloys and compounds are first listed in alphabetical order of the base element. Within the same base element, the further listing occurs in alphabetical order of the element with the second highest concentration, and so on. Examples: Cu0.35Al0.45Si0.20 and BaPb1−xBixO3 will be found under the base elements Al and O, respectively. Column 3: Characterization The morphology of the sample, the preparation method and the thermal history are described in this column. i) Morphology, modification and shape of the samples Bul, 5N+ Bulk configuration. For bulk elements, the purity has been indicated where available, e.g. 6N = 0.999999 (1 ppm impurities), 5N4 = 0.999994, 5N+ = better than 0.99999 Film (200 nm on Al O ) Thin film configuration. Where available, the film thickness and the 2 3 Lay (5 µm on Cu) substrate material are given. The distinction between film and layer being not always clear, the notation used by the respective authors is used Pow (50 µm) Powder with 50 µm average particle size. If the shape of the powders is of im- portance, e.g. spherical, this is indicated by Pow (50 µm, sphere) Tape Self-supporting tape produced by splat cooling or rolling or coating of the superconductor on a metallic tape Foil (0.1 mm) Self-supporting superconducting foil Wire (0.2 mm) Wire or rod, with indication of the diameter Wire (5 µm) Monofilamentary wire, with the diameter of the superconducting filament Landolt-Börnstein New Series III/21e XVI Introduction MFil or Wire (720 . 5 µm) Multifilamentary wire configuration, obtained by repeated stacking of rods and deformation of the billets by extrusion and wire drawing. In parentheses, number and diameter of the superconducting filaments Whi Whiskers Mono (2 . 3 . 5 mm3) Single crystal. Where available, the size is given Poly Polycrystal. Polycrystalline bulk oxides are often characterized as ceramics Gran (3 µm, Al O ) Granular material. The size of the superconductor and the nature of the 2 3 insulating matrix are specified MLay (...) Multilayer. The thickness of various materials can vary and must be specified, as well as the number of the layers SuLa (20 nm, 200 nm) Superlattice. In a periodically alternating sequence of layers constituting a superlattice, the layer thickness of the two constituents is given. (For example: Al, 20 nm, Fe, 200 nm) Eut Eutectic alloys HOPG Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite ii) Sample preparation Mel Melted, without particular precisions ArcM Arc melted SplC Splat cooled. If available, the initial temperature and the foil thickness are given MelSp Produced by melt spinning. If available, the rotating speed and the tape thickness are given ZMel Zone melted In Situ Melting procedure of mutually almost insoluble elements, leading to dendrite growth (for example, Nb dendrites in Cu). Subsequent deformation to a wire leads to a large number of elongated dendrites of 10...1000 nm thickness, thus constituting a multifilamentary configuration P/M Powdermetallurgical approach for producing a multifilamentary configura- tion. Powder mixtures of 20...200 µm particle size are mixed, compressed and drawn to fine wires, each powder particle being elongated to filaments with thickness of 10...1000 nm (example: Cu − 20wt% Nb P/M mixtures) Sint (800 K/20 h) Sintered at 800 K for 20 hours HP (5 GPa, 1200 K/1 h) Hot pressed at 5 GPa and 1200 K for 1 hour Flux Flux grown Subl Sublimated Evap Evaporated Coev Coevaporated. If available, substrate material and temperature as well as pressure are indicated Spu (500 K, Al O ) Films produced by sputtering on an Al O substrate held at 500 K. If 2 3 2 3 available, indications about gas mixture and pressure are given ReSpu (800 K, MgO, N ) Reactively sputtered film on a MgO substrate held at 800 K in a reactive N 2 2 atmosphere CVD Chemical vapor deposition. If available, the reaction conditions are given Epi Epitaxial deposition. The kind of epitaxial deposition is indicated in parentheses: − MBE: molecular beam epitaxy − VPE: vapor phase epitaxy ElDep Electrodeposited. Particular conditions are given in the "Remarks" QC (10 K) Quench condensed at 10 K DiffR (973 K/64 h) Diffusion reaction at 973 K for 64 hours Impl (20 keV/32S) Produced by implantation of 32S ions at energies of 20 keV Landolt-Börnstein New Series III/21e Introduction XVII iii) Material history Q Quenched, without further indication WQ Water quenched OQ Oil quenched LGQ Liquid gas quenched, e.g. N , Ar 2 ArJQ Argon jet quenched Ann (1070 K/20 h) Annealed at 1070 K for 20 hours ThMec Thermomechanical heat treatment (alternating sequence of deformation and annealing) CW Cold worked, stays also for "strained" Irr (1 MeV, 3.1015 n/cm2 , Irradiated with neutrons of 1 MeV energy at 150 K T = 150 K) irr iiii) Technical details about wire preparation MFil Multifilamentary configuration in a wire, obtained by repeated stacking of rods and deformation of the billets by extrusion and wire drawing. A large number of filaments with diameters between 5 and 10 (cid:181)m leads to a higher thermal, electrical and mechanical stability. In Situ A wire with multifilamentary configuration can be obtained by using the In Situ technique, a melting procedure leading to dendrite growth of one component into the other. If both components are ductile (for example, V dendrites in Cu), deformation to a wire leads to a large number of elongated dendrites, thus constituting a multifilamentary configuration. For example, a Cu/V rod produced by the In Situ technique is first Ga coated, then reacted to V Ga. 3 Dip The superconducting layer is obtained by dipping a V substrate tape or a V rod in an appropriate liquid Ga bath. The resulting surface layer is submitted to a reaction heat treatment at T > 1200 K which renders it superconducting. Bronze The A15 phase V Ga in a superconducting wire is formed by a solid state 3 diffusion process, the so-called "bronze diffusion process", where the Ga contained in a Cu-Ga bronze matrix diffuses to the V filaments and reacts there around 923 K to V Ga. Due to the severe work hardening of the Cu-Ga 3 bronze, this technique requires a large number of intermediate recovery heat treatments during wire formation. Column 4: Crystal structure, a, c [[[[nm]]]] Am amorphous Tetr tetragonal bct, fct body centered tetragonal, face centered tetragonal Cub cubic bcc, fcc body centered cubic, face centered cubic Hex hexagonal hcp hexagonal close packed dhcp double hexagonal close packed Ortho orthorhombic Mono monoclinic Rhomb, rh rhombohedral Tricl triclinic In cases where the crystal structure has been analyzed, the structure type is given, e.g. W, Cr Si, 3 PbMo S , ... 6 8 Landolt-Börnstein New Series III/21e XVIII Introduction In parentheses, the "Strukturbericht" notation is indicated for the structures where it has been defined. Examples: W (A2) Mg (A3) Cr Si (A15) 3 Ni Sn (D0 ) 3 19 PbMo S 6 8 NdRh B 4 4 (See section 5 Alphabetical list of frequently used structure types.) If a material is not single phased, the crystal structure corresponding to the superconducting phase will be printed in bold types. If a material consists of two superconducting phases, the crystal structure will be indicated after T (see column 5). c The lattice parameters for cubic and tetragonal phases are listed in column 4. For all other structure types with 2 and more lattice parameters, the values of the latter are given in the "Remarks". Column 5: Superconducting transition temperatures T ;T [[[[K]]]] c n In this column, the transition temperatures of proven superconductors are listed, but also the lowest temperature of investigation of interesting materials where no superconductivity was found. Examples: 12.0 Reported value of T for accepted or confirmed values of T . Cases where further c c confirmation is needed are described in the "Remarks" 4.6 (A3); 7.5 (A15) The material consists of two superconducting phases with T = 4.6 K and 7.5 K, c respectively <0.032n The material is normal or nonsuperconducting above 0.032 K, the lowest temperature attained in the investigation 2.7...6.2 T is measured over a composition range, 2.7 and 6.2 K being the T values at both c c composition limits, for example at 0.10 and 0.35 at% of the element B in the range A B . The detailed variation of T in this range with possible maxima or 0.90...0.65 0.10...0.35 c minima is described in the "Remarks" 0.245, Reentr Reentrant superconductor. The corresponding ferromagnetic transition (for example, at T = 0.241 K) will be indicated in the "Remarks" ferro Ferromagnetic material antiferro Aniferromagnetic material 100 MPa: 0.3 200 MPa: 0.6 T as a function of applied hydrostatic pressure c 450 MPa: <0.4n 0.05, Extr T has been extrapolated from a series of measurements at various compositions c not given T is not given in the paper, but the substance is a proven superconductor and the c data on other physical properties than T are of interest c Column 6: Other properties In this column, all the physical properties treated in the analyzed paper in addition to T are mentioned. c The symbols for the physical quantities are given in the list of symbols and abbreviations. Column 7: Remarks The experimental values of the electronic specific heat, the Debye temperature, and the critical fields are given in this column. The values of many other properties, e.g. the Curie temperature and the Néel temperature, are also explicitly given. Landolt-Börnstein New Series III/21e Introduction XIX Column 8: References The first two numbers of the reference key indicate the year of publication of books, papers, conference proceedings and patents. The following three letters are an abbreviation of the first author’s name, and the number at the end of the reference key is a serial number and allows an unequivocal distinction between several papers. For Russian articles, the reference key corresponds to the publication year of the Russian original. Where available, the English translation of the article has been added, too. In order to save space in the handbook, the references for the Low Temperature Conferences No. 1 to 18 have been written in an abbreviated version, e.g. LT-1, Vol.3 (1975) 45. The full text comprising editors, publishers, year of publication, etc. for all the LT conferences up to 1987 is listed below. International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (Proceeding) LT-1 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 1st, 1949 Cambridge 6.−10.9.1949 in Physics today 2 (1949) No. 11. LT-2 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 2nd, 1951 Oxford 22.−28.8.1951. Bowers, R. (ed.), Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1951. LT-3 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics and Chemistry, 3rd, 1953 Houston, Texas 17.−22.10.1953. LT-4 Conférence de Physique des Basses Températures, 4th, 1955 Paris 2.−8.9.1955 in Annexe 1955-3, Supplément au Bulletin de l’Institut International du Froid. LT-5 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics and Chemistry, 5th, 1957 Madison, Wisconsin 26.−31.8.1957 Dillinger, J.R. (ed.), Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1958. LT-6 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 6th, 1958 Leiden 23.−28.6.1958 in Achives Néerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, Ser. 4A, Suppl. 24 (1958) No.9. LT-7 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 7th, 1960 Toronto, Canada 29.8.−3.9.1960 Graham, G.M., Hollis Hallett, A.C. (eds.), Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1961. LT-8 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 8th, 1962 London 16.−22.9.1962 Davies, R.O. (ed.), London: Butterworth & Co., 1963. LT-9 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 9th, 1964 Columbus, Ohio, 31.8.−4.9.1964 Daunt, J.G., Edwards, D.O., Milford, F.J., Yaqub, M. (eds.), New York: Plenum Press, 1965. Part A pages 1−620 Part B pages 621−1255. LT-10 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 10th, 1966 Moskau Malkov, M.P. (ed.), Moskau, 1967. LT-11 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 11th, 1968 St. Andrews, Scotland 21.−28.8.1968 Allen, J.F., Finlayson, D.M., McCall, D.M. (eds.), St. Adrews: The University of St. Andrews Printing Department, 1968. Vol. 1 Plenary Papers Sect. A 4He, 3He and mixtures Sect. D Experimental Methods and other Low Temperature Phenomena Vol. 2 Sect. B Superconductivity Sect. C Normal Metals and Magnetic Ordering. Landolt-Börnstein New Series III/21e XX Introduction LT-12 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 12th, 1970 Kyoto, Japan 4.−10.9.1970 Kanda, E. (ed.), Tokyo, Japan: Keigaku Publishing Co., LTD., 1971. LT-13 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 13th, 1972 Boulder, Colorado 21.−25.8.1972 Timmerhaus, K.D., O’Sullivan, W.J., Hammel, E.F. (eds.), New York: Plenum Press, 1974. Vol. 1 Quantum Fluids Vol. 2 Quantum Crystals and Magnetism Vol. 3 Superconductivity Vol. 4 Electronic Properties, Instrumentation and Measurement. LT-14 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 14th, 1975 Otaniemi, Finland 14.−20.8.1975 Krusius, M., Vuorio, M. (eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1975. Vol. 1 Helium Vol. 2 Superconductivity Vol. 3 Low Temperature Properties of Solids Vol. 4 Techniques and Special Topics Vol. 5 Invited and Post-Deadline Papers. LT-15 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 15th, 1978 Grenoble, France 23.−29.8.1978 Tournier, R. (ed.), Orsay: Editions de Physique 1978 in Journal de Physique (Paris) Colloque 39 (1978) C6. Vol. 1 Quantum Fluids and Solids Superconductivity Vol. 2 Low Temperature Properties of Solids Techniques Vol. 3 Invited Papers. LT-16 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 16th, 1981 Los Angeles 19.−25.8.1981 Clark, W.G. (ed.), Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1981. Vol. 1 Physica 107 B + C (1981) 1−750 Vol. 2 Physica 108 B + C (1981) 751−1390 Vol. 3 Physica 109/110 B + C (1982) 1391−2220. LT-17 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 17th, 1984 Karlsruhe 15.−22.8.1984 Eckern, U., Schmid, A., Weber, W., Wühl, H. (eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1984. Vol. 1 Contributed Papers Vol. 2 Contributed Papers Vol. 3 Invited Papers and Post-Deadline Papers in Physica 126 B + C (1984) Nos. 1-3, p. 1−526. LT-18 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 18th, 1987 Kyoto 20.−26.8.1987 Nagaoka, Y. (ed.), Japanes Journal of Applied Physics 26 (1987) Suppl. 26-3. Vol. 1 Quantum Liquids and Solids Low Temperature Properties of Solids Vol. 2 Superconductivity Techniques and Application. Landolt-Börnstein New Series III/21e Introduction XXI c) Sequence of the substances in the tables Within the same base element, the substances are listed by their modification, starting with "element, bulk", followed by "elements under pressure", "thin films", ... as indicated below. Within the same modification, the sequence of substances is then given by the physical properties. 1. Element, bulk The data are listed in the sequence: − Transition temperature only, without other physical properties − Specific heat data (priority) − Critical field data − Other physical properties Within these criteria, all materials are listed following the reference symbol, in inverse chronological order (the last year first) and alphabetical order of the author’s name. 2. Element, under pressure The data are listed with increasing pressure, then following year and author’s name. 3. Thin films, deposited at T > 77 K The data are listed in the sequence: − T only, without other physical properties c − Specific heat data (priority) − Critical field data − Other physical properties Within these criteria, all materials are listed in the order of increasing film thickness, followed by those where film thickness is not given (listed following year and author’s name). 4. Thin films, deposited at T ≤ 77K Same sequence as for films deposited at T > 77 K. 5. Multilayers, superlattices 6. Granular films Listed with increasing superconducting particle diameter, followed by the materials where the granule diameter is not given (listed following year and author’s name). 7. Junctions Within a base element in alphabetical order of the second element. 8. Dilute alloys Solute element in alphabetical order with increasing concentration. 9. Implantation Implanted element in alphabetical order. 10.Composites Listed in alphabetical order and increasing concentration of the matrix element. 11.Alloys and compounds For alloys and compounds based on the element A: −binaries A1−xBx or AaBb with alphabetical order and increasing concentration of the element B −ternaries A1−x−yBxCy or AaBbCc with alphabetical order and increasing concentration of the element with the second highest concentration, then element with the lowest concentration in alpabetical order and increasing concentration. Landolt-Börnstein New Series III/21e XXII Introduction 4 List of symbols and abbreviations Symbols Units Definitions 〈a2〉 Energy gap anisotropy parameter a Crystallographic analysis at room temperature 0 a (p) nm Lattice parameter vs. hydrostatic pressure 0 a (T) nm Lattice parameter vs. temperature 0 a (φ t) nm Lattice parameter vs. radiation fluence 0 ac losses kJ m−3 Hysteretic alternating current (ac) losses A Number of atoms per unit cell Age Ageing effects Andr Andreev reflexion Auger or AES Auger spectroscopy analysis b (or h) Reduced magnetic field: b = B/B = H/H , where H is the c2 c2 c2 upper critical magnetic field and B = µH c2 0 c2 B T Magnetic induction, B = µµH, with µ ≈ 1: B = µH 0 0 c, c(T) mJ/K gat Specific heat capacity vs. temperature c(H) mJ/K mol Specific heat capacity under an applied magnetic field c N m−2 Elastic constants ij c ,c m s−1 Sound velocity l t C mJ K−1 mol−1 Normal part of the electronic specific heat en C mJ K−1 mol−1 Superconducting part of the electronic specific heat es Cavity Superconducting cavities CDW Charge density waves Channel Channeling experiments d kg m−3 Density d µm Thickness (of samples) d nm Critical thickness of films cr D m2 s−1 Diffusion coefficients Decor Decoration experiments for visualization of flux lines Def Mechanical deformation Defect Defect or vacancy analysis DOS Density of states curves DSC Differential scanning calorimetry DTA Differential thermal analysis dHvA De Haas-van Alphen effect E GPa Young’s modulus E eV Fermi energy F ED Electron diffraction analysis EDX Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy EELS Electron energy loss spectroscopy EPMA Electron probe microanalysis EPR Electron paramagnetic resonance ESR Electron spin resonance Ett Ettingshausen effect EXAFS Extended X-ray analysis of fine structures F N m−3 Bulk pinning force p F (H), F (h) N m−3 Bulk pinning force, as a function of the applied field p p FC Flux creep investigations FF Flux flow considerations Landolt-Börnstein New Series III/21e Introduction XXIII Symbols Units Definitions FIR Far infrared reflectivity Fluc Fluctuation behaviour FL Flux line lattice F(ω ) Hz−1 True phonon density of states g g factor G(r) m−1 Atomic distribution function G(ω ) Hz−1 Generalized phonon density of states Galv General symbol for galvanomagnetic effects other than Ett, R , See, ... H h (or b) h = H/H (0) c2 H a) Magnetic field strength H a) Breakdown field b H , H (T) a) Thermodynamic critical field strength vs. temperature c c H a) H = H (0) 0 0 c H (p) a) H vs. pressure c c H (d) a) H vs. film thickness c c Hc ||, Hc⊥ a) Anisotropy of Hc with respect to a given crystallographic orientation dH /dT b) Initial slope of H (T) at T c c c H , H (T) a) Lower critical magnetic field strength vs. temperature c1 c1 H (p) a) H vs. pressure c1 c1 H (d) a) H vs. film thickness c1 c1 Hc1 ||, Hc1⊥ a) Anistropy of Hc1 with respect to a given crystallographic orientation dH /dT b) Initial slope of H (T) at T c1 c1 c H , H (T) a) Upper critical magnetic field strength vs. temperature c2 c2 H (p) a) H vs. pressure c2 c2 H (d) a) H vs. film thickness c2 c2 Hc2||, Hc2⊥ a) Anistropy of Hc2 with respect to a given crystallographic orientation H (ϑ) a) Angular dependence of H c2 c2 dH /dT b) Initial slope of H (T) at T c2 c2 c H||, H⊥ a) Anistropy of Hc1 or Hc2 (not specified) with respect to a given crystallographic orientation H* a) Upper critical magnetic field at 4.2 K as extrapolated using the c2 Kramer plot H* (T) a) Upper critical magnetic field strength at a given temperature c2 T ≠ 4.2 K as extrapolated using Kramer plot H a) Critical magnetic field strength where the surface c3 superconductivity vanishes H a) Nucleation field n H Vickers microhardness v HRTM High resolution transmission electron microscopy a) The physical property indicated in the column "other properties" is H, the magnetic field strength, with the unit [A m−1]. The quantitative values in the "Remarks" are given in [T], the unit of the magnetic induction B = µH. 0 b) Same remark as for a), but for the units [A m−1 K−1] and [T K−1]. The full notation for the initial field slope would be !! $!" , but has been simplified in the tables for practical reasons. "# " =" " Landolt-Börnstein New Series III/21e