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Timelike Form Factor of the Kaon for |Q^2|=M^2(J/psi) PDF

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Timelike Form Factor of the Kaon for |Q2| = M2(J/ψ) Kamal K. Seth Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208 The timelike form factor of the charged kaon is evaluated at |Q2| = M2(J/ψ) = 9.59 GeV2 by relating it to B(J/ψ → K+K−), B(J/ψ → KSKL) and B(J/ψ → e+e−). The resulting value, |Q2|FK(9.59GeV2)=0.81±0.18GeV2isfoundtobeingoodagreementwith|Q2|FK(13.5GeV2)= 0.85±0.05 GeV2 obtained recently by thedirect measurement of thereaction e+e− →K+K−. PACSnumbers: 13.40.Gp,13.20.Eb,14.40.Aq Electromagnetic form factors provide direct insight exclusively via a virtual photon, so that one can write intotheelectromagneticstructureofahadron,thedistri- B(J/ψ →π+π−) p 3 7 butionofchargesandcurrentsinthehadronastheycou- =2F2(M2 )× π (2) 0 ple with the photon. Since targets of unstable hadrons B(J/ψ→e+e−) π J/ψ (cid:18)MJ/ψ(cid:19) 20 aspreacneolitkepomsosimbleen,tduemtetrrmaninsafetriosn(poofsitthiveierQfr2o)matfalacrtgoersmfoor- where the pion phase space factor, (pπ/MJ/ψ)3 =0.125. In order to determine the kaon form factor at |Q2| = n mentum transfers becomes all but impossible. How- M2 , we have to revisit the arguments of Milana et al. a ever, form factors of a hadron (h) for timelike mo- J/ψ J mentum transfers (negative Q2) can be measured by for the relative importance of the three amplitudes in 4 e+e− → h+h− reactions. Unfortunately, until recently Eq. 1. The pQCD prediction [5] including the lowest order such measurements for pions or kaons were rare, and for 1 |Q2| > 4.7 GeV2 they had either upper limits or results radiative correction is v 5 witherrors≥50%[1]. Recently,CLEO[2]reportedmea- Γγgg 16αem 1−6.7αS/π 0 surements of |Q2|Fπ and |Q2|FK for |Q2| = 13.48 GeV2 Γggg =(cid:18) 5αS (cid:19)(cid:18)1−3.7αS/π(cid:19)=0.029, (3) 0 with errorsof ∼±15% and ±5%, respectively, providing 1 the first opportunity to critically test theoretical predic- using αS(J/ψ) = 0.35. Milana et al. have argued that 0 tions. Sincethesemeasurementsforasinglevalueof|Q2| for the purposes of the form factor calculation in which 7 the final state is pure hadrons, the virtual photon in the are far removed from accurate measurements at smaller 0 γgg intermediate state must convert into a qq¯ pair, so momentum transfers,they do not shed light on the vari- / x ation of |Q2|F with |Q2|, which is a distinguishing thattheaboveratioisreducedbyanadditionalfactorα. e characteristic oπf,Ktheoretical predictions. Sometime ago, Thus, Γγgg(γ →qq¯)/Γggg ≈3×10−4, and Aγgg in Eq. 1 p- Milana, Nussinov and Olsson [3] provided an estimate canbe neglected. This argumentcompletely carriesover e of |Q2|F (9.59 GeV2) by relating the measurements of to the K+K− decay of J/ψ, and we obtain π h B(J/ψ→π+π−)andB(J/ψ→e+e−)totheformfactor B(J/ψ→K+K−)=K|A +A |2. (4) v: atM2(J/ψ)=9.59GeV2. TheresultofMilanaetal.[3], γ ggg i modified for the PDG06 [4] value of B(J/ψ → e+e−), By independent analyses of the available experimental X is |Q2|F (9.59 GeV2) = 0.95 ± 0.07 GeV2. The ex- data, Suzuki [6] and Rosner [7] have shown that for J/ψ π r decayintotwopseudoscalars,thetwoamplitudesA and cellent agreement of this result with the result of the γ a ◦ recent CLEO measurement [2] |Q2|F (13.48 GeV2) = Aggg arenearly90 outofphase. Thisresultisconfirmed π 1.01±0.13GeV2providesremarkableconfirmationofthe by Bai et al. in an analysis including the latest experi- mental data from BES [8]. As a result, Eq. 4 leads to validity of the arguments provided by Milana et al. In thiscommunicationweusethesamelineofargumentsto B (J/ψ →K+K−) (5) obtain |Q2|FK(9.59 GeV2), and thus obtainthe only de- γ =B(J/ψ →K+K−)−B (J/ψ →K+K−) terminationofthekaonformfactoratalargemomentum ggg transfer, other than that from the CLEO measurement Asiswellknown[6,7],chargeconjugationdoesnotallow [2]. the decay of a flavor SU(3) singlet state of JPC = 1−− − − As is well known, J/ψ annihilation into a meson pair into a 0 0 pair. The gluonic decay therefore may (MM) can proceed by three different intermediaries: a only proceed via the SU(3) breaking part of the pseu- photon, three gluons, or two gluons plus a photon. In doscalars. For the pions this part is negligibly small, other words, but it can be substantial for the kaons. The decay to K K , having no direct photon part, proceeds only S L through this SU(3) breaking part. We therefore identify B(J/ψ →MM)=K|Aγ +Aggg +Aγgg|2 (1) B (J/ψ →K+K−)withB(J/ψ →K K ). Eq.5then ggg S L becomes whereK isaconstant. Milanaetal. showedthatforthe productionofapionpairAggg andAγggaresmallandcan Bγ(J/ψ →K+K−) (6) be neglected. The decay therefore proceeds essentially =B(J/ψ→K+K−)−B(J/ψ→K K ). S L 2 3 2.5 ) 2 2 V e G ( 2)| 1.5 Q CLEO ( K F 2| | J/y Q 1 | 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 |Q2| (GeV2) FIG.1: Compilationofthemeasurementsof|Q2|FK(Q2)basedonRef.[1],theCLEOmeasurements[2],andthepresentresult for |Q2|=M2(J/ψ). The solid curveshows thearbitrarily normalized variation of αS(Q2). Thus, corresponding to Eq. 2, we get Again,itisreassuringthatthetworesultsareveryclose. This adds to our confidence in the arguments used in B (J/ψ →K+K−) p 3 deriving the above result for |Q2|F (M2 ). γ =2F2(M2 )× K (7) K J/ψ B(J/ψ→e+e−) K J/ψ (cid:18)MJ/ψ(cid:19) We note that with the present result, the ra- tio F (9.59 GeV2)/F (9.59 GeV2) = 0.85 ± 0.20 K π Inserting the PDG [4] values of the branching ratios, is also in good agreement with the CLEO result, B(J/ψ → K+K−) = (2.37 ± 0.31)× 10−4, B(J/ψ → F (13.48 GeV2)/F (13.48 GeV2)=0.84±0.12. K K )=(1.46±0.26)×10−4,B(J/ψ →e+e−)=(5.94± K π S L 0.06)×10−2, and the phase space factor (p /M )3 = Fig. 1 shows the compilation of all existing mea- K J/ψ surements of |Q2|F (|Q2|). The curve, normalized at 0.106, we get [9] K the CLEO result, illustrates the pQCD prediction that |Q2|FK(9.59 GeV2)=0.81±0.18 GeV2 (8) |pQre2d|FicKti(o|nQs2|f)orsh|Qou2l|dFva(|rQy2a|)saαrSe(a|Qva2i|l)a.bleNoforthceoomreptiacrai-l K This is to be compared with the CLEO result of direct son. measurement The author wishes to thank Dr. Peter Zweber for dis- cussions. This work was supported by the U.S. Depart- |Q2|F (13.48 GeV2)=0.85±0.05 GeV2 (9) ment of Energy. K [1] For a compilation of experimental measurements of [5] W. Kwong, P. B. Mackenzie, R. Rosenfeld, and J. L. FK, see University of Durham/RAL database at Rosner, Phys. Rev. D 37, 3210 (1988). http://durpdg.dur.ac.uk/HEPDATA/REAC. [6] M. Suzuki, Phys. Rev. D 60, 051501(R) (1999). Suzuki [2] T. K. Pedlar et al. (CLEO Collaboration), Phys. Rev. obtains a phasedifference δ=89.6◦±9.9◦. Lett.95, 261803 (2005). [7] J. L. Rosner, Phys. Rev. D 60, 074029 (1999). Rosner ◦ ◦ [3] J. Milana, S. Nussinov, and M. G. Olsson, Phys. Rev. obtains δ=89 ±10 . Lett.71, 2533 (1998). [8] J. Z. Bai et al. (BES Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D 69, [4] W.M. Yaoet al.(Particle Data Group),J. Phys.G 33, 012003 (2004). Using their result for B(J/ψ → KSKL), ◦ ◦ 1 (2006). Bai et al. obtain δ=103 ±7 . 3 [9] It has been noted that the recent BES result [8] for |Q2|FK(9.59 GeV2)=0.63±0.19 GeV2, and using only B(J/ψ → KSKL) = (1.82±0.14)×10−4 is nearly 2.5σ the Mark 3 result would lead to |Q2|FK(9.59 GeV2) = largerthantheoldMark3result[10]B(J/ψ→KSKL)= 0.93±0.15GeV2.WebelieveitisprudenttousethePDG (1.18±0.22)×10−4. The BES result is based on a very average [4] whose error reflects the discrepancy between detailed analysis of 58 million J/ψ which resulted in the old and thenew results for B(J/ψ→K+K−). 2155 ± 45 KSKL events. The Mark 3 result is based [10] B. M. Baltrusaitis et al. (Mark 3 Collaboration), Phys. on the analysis of 2.7 million J/ψ which resulted in 74 Rev. D 32, 566 (1985). KSKLevents.UsingonlytheBESresultedwouldleadto

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