( CONTINUED FROM FRONT FLAP ) LaRocco FFFFF OOOOOO RRRRRR EEEEEE WWWWWWW OOOOOOO RRRRRRR DDDDDDD BBBBBBB YYYYYYYYY HHHHHHHHHHH.... WWWWWWWWWWW AAAAAAAAAA YYYYYYYYYY NNNNNNNNNN EEEEEEEEEEE HHHHHHHHHHH UUUUUUUUUUUU IIIIIIIIIIII ZZZZZZZZZZZZ EEEEEEEEEEEE NNNNNNNNNNN GGGGGGGGGGGG AAAAAAAAA $24.95 USA / $29.95 CAN “Thriving in the New Economy is a must-read for anyone who wants With a Foreword by H. Wayne Huizenga, founder “ . . . a compelling, page-turning book.” to think big. Leaders are people who can look at a crisis and act of Waste Management, Inc., Blockbuster Video, and The world’s top business AutoNation and owner of the Miami Dolphins and accordingly. This book has strategies from business leaders who do just T DONALD TRUMP, Chairman and President, The Trump Organization leaders help you survive with an Afterword by former New York City mayor that. Lori Ann LaRocco sits down with some of the biggest and brightest H Rudy Giuliani, Thriving in the New Economy offers and thrive in today’s minds on Wall Street and has them open up and tell their stories in a the kind of business and leadership wisdom you’ll R economy fi nd nowhere else. If you’re struggling to stay afl oat compelling, page-turning book.” I in these rough economic waters, this book offers safe —DONALD TRUMP, Chairman and President, The Trump Organization passage—and a competitive advantage. LV These are make-or-break times for business leaders e and their organizations. Economic contraction and sI s plummeting consumer confi dence have made this a oN “Lori Ann’s book is a fast read and gives some interesting perspectives n defi ning moment in the new economy. Whether you’re s on the disaster that we’re currently coming out of and some predictions G a business owner, a manager, or a team leader—in any f r industry—you face unprecedented conditions and for the calamity that we are now facing.” o m I tough challenges daily. —BERNIE MARCUS, cofounder of Home Depot and Chairman, Marcus Foundation N T o T Thriving in the New Economy gives you a unique d H a look at what some of today’s best economic and y E “A fascinating analysis of the recent American fi nancial markets directly ’ business minds are doing to stay ahead of the pack. sN Filled with profi les of top industry leaders, the book from the mouths of major participants, all of whom are unusually T oE offers inspirational personal stories, useful advice, articulate and able to convert complex issues into easily understood p and actionable strategies you can use immediately to BW concepts. A must-read for both the novice and the professional, skirt fi nancial peril, seize opportunities, and fl ourish u LORI ANN LAROCCO yet in a style that makes for easy and enjoyable reading.” si in today’s economy. n E is Senior Talent Producer at CNBC —LEONARD STERN, Chairman and CEO, Hartz Group e s Take a tour inside the heads of some of the biggest and one of the producers of the sC names in business, including: CNBC show Squawk Box. M O i • Financial publisher Steve Forbes “Lori Ann LaRocco has edited and written a compendium from n dN • Vanguard Group founder Jack Bogle a group of successful innovators and investors . . . s • Former director of the National Economic it is a very worthwhile read. Our thanks to her for doing this.” O Council Larry Lindsey —JOHN GUTFREUND, former CEO, Salomon Brothers M • Saks CEO Steve Sadove JACKET DESIGN: PAUL McCARTHY and President, Gutfreund & Company • Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A. President Jim Lentz Lori Ann LaRocco Y • Renowned economist David Malpass • Real estate industry leaders Don Peebles, CNBC Richard LeFrak, and Ron Peltier • And many more! A F T E R W O R D B Y R U D Y G I U L I A N I ( CONTINUED ON BACK FLAP ) E1FFIRS 11/16/2009 9:29:15 Page4 E1FFIRS 11/16/2009 9:29:15 Page1 THRIVING IN THE NEW ECONOMY Lessons fromToday’s Top Business Minds L A L R ORI NN A OCCO JohnWiley&Sons,Inc. E1FFIRS 11/16/2009 9:29:15 Page2 Copyright#2010byLoriAnnLaRocco.Allrightsreserved. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. 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Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthatappears inprintmaynotbeavailableinelectronicbooks.FormoreinformationaboutWiley products,visitourwebsiteatwww.wiley.com. ISBN:978-0-470-55731-0 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 E1FFIRS 11/16/2009 9:29:15 Page3 Thisbookisdedicatedtomytruecompanion— myhusband,Michael— andmythreewonderfulchildren: Nicholas,Declan,andAbigail. Thankyouforunderstandingmommy’sevencrazierschedule. E1FFIRS 11/16/2009 9:29:15 Page4 E1FTOC 11/17/2009 9:13:41 Page5 Contents FOREWORD H.WAYNEHUIZENGA ix PREFACE xiii PartOne TheEconomy 1 Chapter1 LarryLindsey 3 Chapter2 SteveForbes 25 Chapter3 DavidMalpass 31 Chapter4 JackBogle 37 Chapter5 BobDoll 47 Chapter6 AbbyJosephCohen 59 Chapter7 PaulMcCulley 71 Chapter8 RonBaron 79 Chapter9 KenLangone 91 Chapter10 PeterCohen 99 Chapter11 115 Chapter12 JerryYork 117 v E1FTOC 11/17/2009 9:13:41 Page6 vi CONTENTS PartTwo Banking 123 Chapter13 KellyKing 125 Chapter14 DonaldPowell 141 Chapter15 CamFine 149 Chapter16 DonaldMarron 165 PartThree RealEstate 177 Chapter17 RichardLeFrak 179 Chapter18 DonPeebles 189 Chapter19 RonPeltier 199 PartFour Autos 207 Chapter20 MikeJackson 209 Chapter21 JimLentz 215 Chapter22 GeraldGreenwald 225 PartFive Retail 239 Chapter23 SteveSadove 241 PartSix Opportunities 249 Chapter24 WilburRoss 251 E1FTOC 11/17/2009 9:13:41 Page7 CONTENTS vii EPILOGUE 265 AFTERWORD MAYORRUDYGIULIANI 267 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 271 ABOUTTHEAUTHOR 273 INDEX 275 E1FTOC 11/17/2009 9:13:41 Page8