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Three new Mediterranean Maera with remarks on the Quadrimana complex (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae) PDF

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by  KrappTraudl
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Preview Three new Mediterranean Maera with remarks on the Quadrimana complex (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae)

Beaufortia INSTITUTE FORSYSTEMATICSAND POPULATIONBIOLOGY (ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM)UNIVERSITYOF AMSTERDAM Vol. 46, no. 3 October31 , ThreenewMediterraneanMaera with remarks ontheQuadrimana complex (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae) TraudlKrappP*, AmparoMartiI**, SandroRuffo)*** * Forschungsinstitut undMuseumA.Koenig, Adenatierallee150-164,D-53113Bonn(Germany) ** Universitatde Valencia,Departamento deBiologiaAnimal, LaboratoriodeBiologiaMarina, FacultaddeBiologia, E-46100Buijassot, Valencia(Spain) *** Museo CimcodiStoriaNaturale,Lungadige Porta Vittoria9,1- 37129Verona(Italy) Keywords: Crustacea, Amphipoda, Mediterranean,Maera n.sp. Abstract Three new Mediterranean species ofthe Maera quadrimanacomplex aredescribed and illustrated: Maera revelata from the western sector, M. ariadne fromthe eastern oneand M.aurorafromthe entireMediterranean.Maera inaequipes(A. Costa, 1857)isredescribed and itssynonymy and geographical distribution arerevised tostabilize the confused taxonomyofthis species. These four species arecompared by meansofatable and anidentification key. The Maera quadrimanacomplex is definedand 19speciesarerecognized in the world. This groupis brieflyreviewedfromabiogeographical pointofview. INTRODUCTION Oceans and the Red Sea (G. Karaman, 1982). Several nominal species of Maera described Until recently the melitidamphipod Maera inae- afterwards have furthermore generally been quipes (A. Costa, 1857) has been considered to consideredjunior synonyms of M. inaequipes (G. be aspecies with a very wide, practically pantro- Karaman & Ruffo, 1972). These last authors pical, distribution. Originally described from the nevertheless expressed the opinion that several Mediterranean Sea (loc. typ.: Gulf ofNaples), valid taxa may have been confused under the the species was subsequently reported from name Maerainaequipes. They stressed the necessi- many localities in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific ty of a thorough revision, using types or topo- 27 Fig. 1. Maera revelata n. sp. (female holotype), Alboraya nearValencia(Spain). a) headwith antennae; b) epimeral plates 2,3; c) mandibularpalp; d) urosome;e) uropod 3;e’) tip ofouterramus ofuropod3; f)telson (scales represent0.2mm). 28 typical materialofthe nominal species and care- SYSTEMATICDESCRIPTIONS ful checking ofall distributional records, inorder to elucidate the number of valid taxa in this Maerarevelata n. sp. complex and their distribution. The same opin- Figs. 1-3 ionwas expressed independently by J.L. Barnard (1972a) who discussed the existing doubts con- MATERIALEXAMINED cerning the Indo-Pacific species, which were par- tially identified as Maera inaequipes in the quadri- - Western Mediterranean: Alboraya nearValen- mana complex. cia (Spain), 12 m depth, May 5, 1985, 3 fe- Recendy oneof us (A.M.) found specimens of males, 12males or juveniles; Banyuls, 1 female Maera on the Mediterranean coast ofSpain that (ovig.). keyed out as Maerainaequipes auct., but which dif- - Alboran Sea: Congreso Island, Chafarinas fered from typical Maera inaequipes in some con- archipelago (North Africa), 2 m depth, July stant ways. The discovery of this material spurr- 18,1991, 10juveniles. ed us to check the rich Mediterraneancollection - Tyrrhenian Sea, Napoli: Ischia, S. Anna, 8-10 of"“Maera inaequipes “ " in the Museumof Verona. m depth, July 27, 1969, 2 females, 1 juv.; We could establish that not only was the new Ischia, P.taS. Pancrazio, 35 m depth, June 30, Spanish taxon also present in other parts of the 1969, 1 female; same locality, 40 m depth, Mediterranean, but the collection contained two September 10, 1969, 1 female(with oostegites); further species that were clearly different from Secca d'Ischia, 35 m depth, October 23, 1956, Maera inaequipes s.str., from the Spanish taxon, 1 juv.; Secca di Forio, 40-45 m depth, August and from each other. One of these had already 1, 1970, 3 males, 2 females; Punta Pizzaco, been recognized as distinct by G. Karaman & Procida, 15-18m depth, September 29, 1971, Ruffo (1972), but without giving a name as they 6 females (ovig.), 2males, 6juveniles. only had at their disposition a few specimens - Tyrrhenian sea, Sicily: Ganzirri, 3 m depth, fromthe coastofIsrael. September9, 1971, 1 male, 3juv.. In the present paper three new Mediterra- - Eastern Mediterranean: Malta Isl., St. Paul's nean species ofMaera, all veryclose to Maerainae- bay, 14 m depth, April 17,1974, 11 males, 10 quipes s.str., are describedand the composition females (ovig.); same locality, 3 m depth, April and distribution of the Maera quadrimana com- 12, 1974, 2 males, 9females; samelocality, 18- plex is discussed. 22 m depth, April 26, 1974, 1 male, 1 female; near "Grotta Blu", 15 m depth, April 23, MATERIALAND METHODS 1974, 3 males, 1 female (ovig.), 2 juv.; same locality, 15-20 m depth, April 24, 1974, 2 This study is based on the material of “Maera females; Gozo Isl. (Malta), 15-35 m depth, inaequipes” in the Verona Museum, and on the April 24, 1974, 2 males, 3 females (ovig.). personal collections of T. Krapp and A. Marti. The holotype (ovigerous female from Albo- The type of the nominal species of Maeraintegri- raya, 8 mm MVr Cr 362, partially mounted in mana Heller, 1866 and other material were re- glycerogelatine, on slides n. 3850-3853); 3 ceived on loan from the British Museum of paratypes from Malta havebeen deposited in the Natural History, London, the Naturhistorisches Zoôlogisch Museum Amsterdam, reg. no. ZMA Museum, Wien and the Zoologisches Museum Crust. Amph. 202015; further paratypes have derUniversitat, Innsbruck. been deposited in the Museo Civico di Storia Our methods were the usual ones for taxo- Naturale, Verona except 2 specimens in Museo nomic studies: direct observation undera dissect- Nacional deCiencias Naturales, Madrid. ing microscope (Wild M5A), and drawings of preparations dissected and stored in glycerine DIAGNOSIS and Faure's medium, under a phase contrast microscope (Leitz LaborluxS). A Maera species of the quadrimana complex dis- 29 Fig. 2. Maera revelata n. sp. (female holotype), Alboraya nearValencia (Spain). a) gnathopod 1; a’) distally enlarged; b) gnathopod 2; b’) distally enlarged; Maera revelata n. sp. (male), Secca diForio, Napoli. c) gnathopod 2 (scales represent 0.2mm). 30 Fig. 3.Maera revelata n. sp. (femaleholotype), Alboraya nearValencia(Spain), a) peraeopod 4;b)peraeopod5; c) peraeo- pod6; d)peraeopod 7;e)dactylus and nailofperaeopod 5; f) dactylus andnail ofperaeopod6(scales represent0.2mm). tinguished by: mandibular palp article 1 with medianexcavation and delimited by a strong acute distal tooth; coxa 1 acutely produced ante- sharp tooth without a spine, dactylus inner mar- rodistally; gnathopod 1 carpus anterior margin gin with two humps (male), or with one low smooth, distally rounded, palm delimited by an hump (female); dactylus of peraeopods 3-7 with inner row of spines; gnathopod 2 propodus pal- nail not bifid, nail of peraeopods 5-7 minutely marmargin, in both sexes, with arelatively deep denticulate on posterior margin; propodus of 31 peraeopods 6-7 with posteromedial tuft of long seta, with innerlow hump fitting medianexcava- setae; uropod 3 short, rami broadand subequal, tion. distally truncated and with distal spines as long Peraeopods 3-4 (fig. 3a) small and slender, as rami, outer ramus article 2 rudimentary. Tel- basis with numerous setae on posterior margin, son lobes distally incised with 2-3 spines, the somevery long, dactylus short withnail not bifid. exterior one as long as telson. Peraeopods 5-7 (fig. 3b,c,d) moderately slen- Locustypicus: Alboraya, nearValencia(Spain) der, basis narrowly ovato-rectangular, posterior margin very weakly serrate, posterodistal round- DESCRIPTION ed lobe present, merus and ischium with long marginal setae, propodus of peraeopods 6-7 with Female with oostegites, 8 mm. Lateral cephalic a median tuft oflong setae on posterior margin, lobes subquadrangular (fig. la). Antennal sinus dactylus as long as the halfofpropodus, nail(fig. deep, without cephalic notch, anteroventral 3e,f) short, not bifid, posterior margin with 3-5 cephalic corner produced in asharp tooth. Eyes minute teeth. subrounded, diameterequal to the width of arti- Uropods 1-2 (fig. Id) rami subequal, moder- cle 1 ofpeduncle antenna 1. ately long and spinose. Uropod 1 peduncle with Epimeral plates 2-3 (fig. 1b) posterodistal cor- 1 ventrofacial spine. Uropod 2 nearly reaching ner produced into asmall tooth and with arow tip of uropod 1. Uropod 3 (fig. 1e) stout, slightly ofspines on distal margin. exceeding the tip of uropods 1, peduncle slightly Antenna 1 (fig. la) shorter than halfthe body: shorter than rami, rami subequal flat, broad, peduncle long, ratio ofarticles 1-3 = 1:1:0.25, truncated distally and spinose, outer ramus arti- flagellum slightly shorter than peduncle, withup cle 2 rudimentary, hardly visible (fig. le'), with to 17 articles, accessory flagellum nearly halfas distal spines partially as long as rami. long as primary one,with 7-8 articles. Antenna2 Telson (fig. 1f) exceeding peduncle ofuropods longer than peduncle of antenna 1, ratio of 3, nearly as long as broad, cleft three fourths of peduncle arts 4-5 = 1:0.8, gland cone reaching its length; lobes distally incised with 2-3 distal the tipofarticle 3,but never exceeding it,flagel- spines of unequal length, the external one as lum shorter thanpeduncle, with7-9 articles. long as telson, and with 3 distal and 1 marginal Mandibularpalp (fig. lc) article 1 with distal setulae. tooth, article 3shorter than2. Male, 7 mm (from Secca di Forio, Napoli). Coxae 1-4 short, broader than long. Coxa 1 Differs from female in gnathopod 1 palm defined (fig. 2a) subquadrangular, acutely produced by 3 inner spines, palm of gnathopod 2 with anterodistally, coxa2subrectangular, tapered dis- deeper median excavation, dactylus inner mar- tally, coxae 3-4subquadrangular. gin with two low humps, bisinuate; uropod 3 Gnathopod 1 (fig. 2a,a'): carpus elongate with peduncle shorter than rami. several facial rows ofsetae on internal side and with about 10 groups of long setae on posterior VARIABILITY margin, anterior margin not notched, distally rounded; propodus ovate, slightly shorter than Somespecimens ofMaerarevelata showvariations carpus, palm oblique and convex, shorter than in body length (6-8 mm), gland cone length, posterior margin, delimitedby an innerrow of6- numberof spines which delimit gnathopod 1 7 spines, dactylus with 1 anterior seta. Gnatho- palm (3-7), different development of inner pod 2 (fig. 2b,b') much larger than 1: basis with humps of gnathopod 2 dactylus, number of several long setae on anterior andposterior mar- spines of telson and proportion between them, gin; merus distally acute; carpus very short, tri- posterior margin of dactylus nail ofperaeopods angular; propodus broadly rectangular, longer 5-7 sometimes entirely smooth. than large, slightly expanded distally, palm trans- verse, regularly convex, crenulate, with median DERIVATIONOMINIS excavation, delimitedby strong sharp tooth with- outany spine; dactylus robust, bearing 1 anterior Species sofarconfusedwith Maerainaequipes and 32 nowrevealed (latin =revelata). dissected and mounted in Faure's medium, on slides n. 3798-3800; paratypes have been REMARKS deposited in the Zoôlogisch Museum Amster- dam, reg. no. ZMA Crust. Amph. 202016, and Maerarevelata may, especially in the shape ofthe the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Verona, Mtelson and gnaathopod 2e, corresprond tao except the material from Lesvos which is in truncatipes Spence Bate, 1862, but type material Krapp's collection, Bonn. of this species is lost. It appears therefore better to retain Maera truncatipes Spence Bate as "spe- DIAGNOSIS cies dubia". A Maera species ofthe quadrimana complex dis- ECOLOGY tinguished by: mandibularpalp article 1 without distal tooth; coxa 1 anterodistally rounded, not From I to 12m. It is asciaphilous species, inhab- produced; gnathopod 1 carpus with anterior iting sublittoral enclaves (12 m depth) ofthe cir- margin smooth or slightly impressed, distally calittoral coralligenous assemblage developed on rounded, palm delimited by one inner spine; the dead rhizome terraces of Posidonia oceanica, gnathopod 2 propodus of female with palmar build by the action of calcareous algae Pseudo- margin serrate or with a very shallow median lithophyllum expansum, Lithophyllum mamillosum and excavation and delimitedby strong tooth with Mesophyllum lichenoides, covered by a sciaphilic onespine; gnathopod 2 propodus ofmalesimilar flora((Peyssonelia sp., Halimedatuna, Udoteapetiolata, to femalebut palmar margin with median exca- etc.) (GulfofValencia). Shallower (1-2 m depth) vation; dactylus inner margin with a single low under stones and between rocky blocks (Chafa- hump or little tooth (male), or smooth (female); rinas Islands). Accompanying species in sciaphi- dactylus of peraeopods 3-7 with bifid nail; lousenvironmentsareLeucothoespinicarpa, Pereiono- propodus of peraeopods 6-7 posteriorly without tus testudo and Pseudoprotella phasma. Also identi- median tuft of long setae or with one small seta; fied in Laminaria (?). Sometimes together withM. uropod 3 ramislim andlong, subequal in length, inaequipes andM. aurora (Napoli, Malta). with few and short distal spines, outer ramus article 2reduced; telson longer than broad, distal BIOLOGY spines abouthalfthelength oftelson. Locus typicus: East coastofCrete(Greece) Ovigerous females fromApril to September. DESCRIPTION DISTRIBUTION Male, 6 mm. Lateral cephalic lobes obtusely Western Mediterranean; in Eastern Mediterra- angular, without cephalic notch, anteroventral nean only atMalta. cephalic corner produced into a sharp tooth. Eyes suboval, diameterequal to breadtharticle 1 ofpeduncle ofantenna 1. Maera ariadne n. sp. Epimeral plates 2-3 ( fig. 4a) posterodistal cor- Figs. 4-6 ner somewhat produced into a small tooth and with 2-3 short spines on distal margin. MATERIALEXAMINED Antenna 1 (fig. 4b) about 1/2 length ofbody; peduncle, ratio of articles 1-3 = 1:1.1:0.25, fla- - Crete: East coast, 0.5-2 m depth, May 17, gellum 4/5 ofpeduncle, with 19 articles, accesso- 1976, 30 males, 37 females, 15juv. ry flagellum about halflength of primary one, - Aegean Sea: Lesvos Isl., 0.5-2m depth, August with 8 articles. Antenna2 (fig. 4c) longer than 22-27, 1991, 4 males, 3 females (with oostegit- peduncle ofantenna 1, ratio ofpeduncle arts 4-5 es), 3juv. = 1:0.87, gland cone reaching tipofarticle 3, fla- Theholotype (male fromEast coastof Crete), gellum shorter thanpeduncle, with 9articles. 33 Fig. 4. Maera ariadnen. sp. (male holotype), East coast ofCrete, a) epimeral plates 2,3;b) antenna 1; c) antenna 2; d) mandibular palp; e) uropod 1;f)uropod 2; g) uropod 3; g’) distally enlarged; h)telson(scales represent0.2mm). 34 Fig. 5.Maeraariadne n.sp.(male holotype), East coastofCrete, a) gnathopod 1;a’) distallyenlarged; b)gnathopod 2; b’)dis- tally enlarged; c)propodus gnathopod 2(paratype male)(scalesrepresent0.2mm). 35 Fig. 6. Maera ariadnen.sp. (maleholotype), East coastofCrete.a)peraeopod 4;b)peraeopod 5); c)peraeopod 6);d)peraeo- pod 7; e)dactylus ofperaeopod 7 enlarged; (paratype female), samelocalityf) gnathopod 2; f’)gnathopod 2 palmenlarged (scales represent0.2mm). 36

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