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Preview Thermochimica Acta 1992 - 1995: Vol 202-251 Index

thermochimica acta ELSEVIER Thermochimica Acta 252 (1995) 1-117 Cumulative Author Index A Abozied, S.M., see Eid, M.F. 250 (1995) 173 Abraham, K.P., see Raghavan, S. 228 (1993) 291 Abate, L., see Siracusa, G. 232 (1994) Acevedo, I.L., Pedrosa, G.C. and Katz, 117 M Abate, L., Della Gatta, G. and Somsen, Enthalpies of mixing for the n- G. pentane + methylacetate + dichloro- Heat capacities of sixteen small methane system at 298.15 K and their peptides (N-acetyl-N’-methylamino acid amides) measured by differential prediction with the UNIFAC model 241 scanning calorimetry 239 (1994) 7 (1994) 95 Abd-Alla, M.A. and Abd El-Wahab, Achleitner, K., see Barbour, L.J. 205 M.M.M. (1992) 171 Arylidene polymers. Part 21. Thermal Achour, Z., Barbillon, P.. Bouroukba, M. decomposition parameters of new and Dirand, M. diarylidenecycloalkanone organo- Determination du diagramme de phases phosphorus polymers 222 (1993) du systéme docosane (n-C,,) 255 tétracosane (n-C,,): variation de Abd El-Salaam, K.M., see Galwey, A.K. lenthalpie des mélanges en fonction de 239 (1994) 225 la température 204 (1992) 187 Abd El-Wahab, M.M.M.., see Abd-Alla, Acree, Jr., W.E M.A. 222 (1993) 255 Thermodynamic properties of organic Abd El-Wahab, M.M.M.. see Said, A.A. compounds, Part 4. First update of 233 (1994) 13 enthalpy of fusion and melting point Abd El-Wahab, M.M.M.. see Said, A.A. temperature compilation 219 (1993) 97 249 (1995) 313 Adamkovitova, K., see Kosa, L. 230 Abdel-Rahman, R.M., see Ramadan, (1993) 103 A.A.T. 222 (1993) 291 Adamkovitova, K., see Kosa, L. 244 Abdel Wahab, M., see Diefallah, E.-H.M. (1994) 69 230 (1993) 143 Adamkovitova, K., see Nerad, I. 224 Abicht, H.-P., see Miiller, T. 206 (1992) (1993) 85 123 Adamkovitova, K., Fellner, P., Kosa, L., Abicht, H.-P., see Miiller, T. 235 (1994) Nerad, I., Proks, I. and Stretko, J. 171 Abid, Y., see Romain, F. 204 (1992) 157 Determination of the enthalpy of Abood, H.M.A. and Kerridge, D.H. fusion of NaMgF, and KMgF, 242 Thermal stability and solubility of (1994) 23 alkaline earth nitrates and chromates in Adamkovitova, K., Kosa, L., Nerad, I., nitrate melts 215 (1993) 183 Proks, I. and Fellner, P. Abou-Sekkina, M.M., see El-Baradie, Determination of enthalpy of fusion of K.Y. 246 (1994) 175 K,FSO, 209 (1992) 77 Thermochimica Acta, Cumulative Author Index, Vols. 202-251 Adamkoviéova, K., Kosa, L., Nerad, L., Agrawal, R.K. Strecko, J. and Proks, I. Analysis of non-isothermal reaction Isoplethic enthalpies of heating in the kinetics. Part |. Simple reactions 203 systems CaO - SiO,—2CaO - Al,O, (1992) 93 Si0,, CaO - SiO,—CaO - AIO, - 2Si0, Agrawal, R.K. and 2CaO - Al,O, - Si0,-CaO Analysis of non-isothermal reaction Al,O, - 2SiO, 235 (1994) 17 kinetics. Part 2. Complex reactions 203 Adamowicz, L., see Slanina, Z. (1992) 111 (1992) 249 Aharoune, A., see Illekova, E. 203 (1992) Adamowicz, L., see Slanina, Z 445 (1992) 299 Airoldi, C., see Critter, S.A.M. 232 Adamowicz, L., see Slanina, Z. (1994) 145 (1993) 13 Airoldi, C., see dos Santos, L.C.R. 206 Adamowicz, L., see Slanina, Z. (1992) 13 (1993) 1 Akanni, M.S., Okoh, E.K., Burrows, Adamowicz, L., see Slanina, Z. 231 H.D. and Ellis, H.A. (1994) 61 The thermal behaviour of divalent and higher valent metal soaps: a review 208 Adams, J., Kneller, W. and Dollimore, D. (1992) 1 Akhouayri, S., see Ortega, A. 235 (1994) Thermal analysis (TA) of lime- and gypsum-based medieval mortars 211 197 Akhouayri, S., see Ortega, A. 247 (1994) (1992) 93 321 Adanez, J. and Garcia-Labiano, F. Aki, H., Goto, M. and Yamamoto, M. Factors affecting the thermogravimetric Thermodynamic aspects of the technique in the characterization of molecular recognition of drugs by sorbents for AFBC 217 (1993) 99 human serum albumin 251 (1995) 379 Addink, A.D.F., see van Ginneken, Alamo, R.G. and Mandelkern, L. V.J.T. 247 (1994) 209 The crystallization behavior of random Addink, A.D.F., see van Ginneken, copolymers of ethylene 238 (1994) 155 V.J.T. 249 (1995) 143 Al-Ansari, I.A. and Sayed, M.B. Adhihetty, I.S., Deal, P.W. and Masking effect of the ICT features and Padmanabhan, R.P. thermodynamics of trans-4-(dimethyl- Thermal analysis of encapsulants for amino)-f-(1l-naphthyl) styrene 228 tape automated bonded (TAB) (1993) 345 applications 212 (1992) 243 Alaya, M.N., see Youssef, A.M. 235 Adyanthaya, S.D., see Pathak, G. 236 (1994) 91 (1994) 123 Albano, P., Scian, A.N. and Pereira, E. Afzal, M. and Mahmood, F. Formation of £’-sialon in the A study of silica-supported platinum Al-SiO,—N, system 202 (1992) 35 catalysts by temperature programmed Albuquerque, L.M.P.C., see Gongalves, reduction 242 (1994) 265 R.M.C. 209 (1992) 63 Agarwal, S.K. Albuquerque, L.M.P.C., see Gongalves, Spectral and thermal characterization R.M.C. 247 (1994) 265 of mixed-ligand complexes of Cu(II), Alcala, M.D., Criado, J.M., Gotor, F.J., Ni(II) and Co(II) with 3-methoxy- Ortega, A., Perez Maqueda, L.A. and 4-hydroxy benzalidene-2-furoic Real, C. hydrazide as the primary ligand and Development of a new thermo- with 2-hydroxy-5-chloro-2’-carboxy gravimetric system for performing azobenzene as the secondary ligand 244 constant rate thermal analysis (CRTA) (1994) 277 under controlled atmosphere at Agostinha, M., see Ribeiro da Silva, pressures ranging from vacuum to | M.A.V. 247 (1994) 245 bar 240 (1994) 167 Thermochimica Acta, Cumulative Author Index, Vols. 202—251 Aldridge, L., see Cantrill, E.R. 224 (1993) cobalt(II), nickel( 11) and copper(II) 241 ions 221 (1993) 199 Aldridge, L., see Ray, A. 250 (1995) 189 Allan, J.R. and McCloy, B. Aleksovska, S. and Jordanovska, V. Structural and thermal studies of a Double sulfates of cobalt(II), 5-fluorouracil complex of copper 208 nickel( 11), copper(II) and zinc(II) with (1992) 133 trimethylammonium cation: synthesis, Allan, J.R. and McCloy, B. identification and thermal decomp- Thermal, spectral and magnetic studies osition 228 (1993) 103 of the chloro complexes of manganese, Aleman, H. and Lielmezs, J. cobalt, nickel and copper with Ideal gas state thermodynamic 3-pyridinealdoxime 211 (1992) 85 functions for perfluoro-2-aza-propene Allan, J.R. and McCloy, B. (CF,—~N-=CF,) 235 (1994) 277 Thermal, structural and electrical Alexander, K.S., Dollimore, D., Dunn, studies of the chloro complexes of J.G., Gao, X. and Patel, D. cobalt, nickel and copper with The determination of cholesterol, 1,10-phenanthroline 214 (1993) 219 calcium carbonate and calcium oxalate Allan, J.R. and Paton, A.D. in gallstones by thermogravimetry 215 Preparation, structural characterisation, (1993) 171 thermal and electrical studies of Al-Houty, L., see Kassem, M.E. 206 complexes of cobalt, nickel and copper (1992) 107 with m-toluidine 214 (1993) 235 Ali, S.1. and Pundhir, N.K.S. Allan, J.R. and Paton, A.D. Photocatalysed synthesis, characterisa- Preparation, structural characterisation, tion and thermal behaviour of thermal and electrical studies of some molybdenum(IV) and tungsten( IV) first row transition metal complexes of complexes with oxine 224 (1993) 247 2,3-bis( 2-pyridyl) pyrazine 214 (1993) Al-Jadaan, $.A.A., see Al-Rubaie, A.Z. 227 215 (1993) 235 Allan, J.R. and Paton, A.D. Al-Kubaisi, A.H. and Sayed, M.B. Preparation, structural, thermal and IR and UV spectral and differential electrical studies of the chloro thermal analyses of symmetry shifts in complexes of cobalt, nickel and copper geminally bis-, tetrakis- and fully with 4-pyridinealdoxime 228 (1993) 71 substituted phenyl derivatives of Allan, J.R. and Paton, A.D. cyclotriphosphazene 222 (1993) 241 Thermal analyses and electrical studies Allan, J.R. and Dalrymple, J. of bis[dicarbonyl{z-cyclopenta- Preparation, and structural and thermal dienyl) iron(I1)] 231 (1994) 333 studies of 1,1-cyclobutanedicarboxylic Allan, J.R., Beaumont, P.C., Milburn, acid complexes of cobalt, nickel and G.H.W. and Wood, 1.J. copper 221 (1993) 205 Preparation, structural characterisation Allan, J.R. and Dalrymple, J. and thermal analysis studies of Preparation, structural characterisation methacrylic acid complexes of and thermal analyses studies of the cobalt(II), nickel( II) and copper(II) cobalt(II), nickel( II) and copper(II) 230 (1993) 123 complexes of benzylmalonic acid 231 Allan, J.R., Beaumont, P.C., Milburn, (1994) 129 G.H.W. and Wood, IJ. Allan, J.R. and Dalrymple, J Preparation, structural characterisation Structural characterisation of and thermal analysis studies of bis(suberate) cobalt(II) 1.5 hydrate and vinylacetic acid compounds of some a thermal analysis study of suberic acid first row transition metals 230 (1993) and bis(suberate) cobalt(II) 1.5 hydrate 137 221 (1993) 195 Allan, J.R., Beaumont, P.C., Milburn, Allan, J.R. and Dalrymple, J. G.H.W. and Wood, LJ. The thermal, spectral and magnetic Preparation, structural characterisation, studies of oxamic acid compounds of thermal and electrical studies of a Thermochimica Acta, Cumulative Author Index, Vols. 202-251 novel polymer produced from Allan, J.R., McCloy, B. and Gardner, dichlorobis( 2-vinylpyridine)cobalt( 11) ALR. 228 (1993) 79 The preparation and characterisation of Allan, J.R., Beaumont, P.C., Milburn, a complex of copper with poly(acrylic G.H.W. and Wood, L.J. acid) and an assessment of its Preparation, structural characterisation, suitability as an anti-static additive for thermal and electrical studies of polyethylene 214 (1993) 249 cobalt(I]) chloride and zinc( 11) chloride Allan, J.R., McCloy, B. and Paton, A.D. compounds of poly( acrylamide) 230 Preparation, thermal, structural and (1993) 129 electrical studies of dichlorohexa Allan, J.R., Beaumont, P.C., Milburn, (anthranilamide) cobalt(II) and G.H.W. and Wood, I. dichloro (anthranilamide) copper(II) Preparation, structural characterisation 231 (1994) 121 and thermal analysis studies of Allan, J.R., McCloy, B. and Paton, A.D. complexes of cobalt, nickel and copper Thermal, structural and electrical with nonylamine 214 (1993) 243 studies of the chloro complexes of Allan, J.R., Beaumont, P.C., Milburn, cobalt, nickel and copper with G.H.W. and Wood, I. 4,7-phenanthroline 214 (1993) 211 Allan, J.R., McCloy, B., Paton, A.D., Preparation, structural characterisation, Smith, W.E. and Gerrard, D.L. thermal and electrical studies of cobalt Thermal, structural and electrical chloride and zinc chloride compounds studies of the chloro complexes of of poly(2-vinyl pyridine) 224 (1993) cobalt, nickel and copper with 119 anthranilamide 205 (1992) 127 Allan, J.R., Beaumont, P.C., Milburn, Allan, J.R., Paton, A.D. and Turvey, K. G.H.W. and Wood, I. Preparation, structural characterisation, Structural and thermal studies of the thermal and electrical studies of chloro complexes of cobalt, nickel and complexes of cobalt, nickel and copper copper with 1|.6-hexanediamine 219 with methyl-3-pyridyl-carbamate 240 (1993) 159 (1994) 215 Allan, J.R., Gardner, A.R., McCloy, B. Allan, J.R., Paton, A.D. and Turvey, K. and Smith, W.E. Structural, thermal and electrical Structural and thermal studies of the studies of the chloro complexes of chloro complexes of cobalt, nickel and cobalt, nickel and copper with copper with 2,2-bis( acrylamido)acetic 4-butylaniline 242 (1994) 207 acid and assessment of their suitability Al-Maydama, H.M.A., Finch, A.., as anti-static additives for polyethylene Gardner, P.J., Head, A.J., Shah, M.N. 208 (1992) 107 and Furkaluk, M. Allan, J.R., Gardner, A.R., McCloy, B. The enthalpy of solution of and Smith, W.E. tris(dimethylamino) phosphine oxide in Structural and thermal studies of the water 217 (1993) 323 chloro complexes of cobalt, nickel and Al-Rubaie, A.Z., Al-Salim, N.I. and copper with 2,6-diaminopyridine and Al-Jadaan, S.A.A. an assessment of their suitability as Thermal behaviour of some new anti-static additives for polyethylene organotellurium compounds containing 208 (1992) 125 an ortho-acetamido group 215 (1993) Allan, J.R., Gardner, A.R., McCloy, B. 235 and Smith, W.E. Al-Salim, N.1., see Al-Rubaie, A.Z. 215 Structural and thermal studies of the (1993) 235 chloro complexes of cobalt, nickel and Alsina, M.A., see Busquets, M.A. 232 copper with 4-aminobenzoyl hydrazide (1994) 261 and an assessment of their suitability Alsleben, M. and Schick, C. as anti-static additives for polyethylene The melting of polymers—a 208 (1992) 115 three-phase approach 238 (1994) 203 Thermochimica Acta, Cumulative Author Index, Vols. 202-251 Alteman, A.A., see Alzahawi, $.K. 237 Anekonda, T.S., see Criddle, R.S. 251 (1994) 119 (1995) 335 Altenburg, H., see Plewa, J. 216 (1993) Anekonda, T.S., see Hansen, L.D. 250 229 (1995) 215 Alvarez Bartolome, M.L., see Moro Angberg, M. Garcia, R. 215 (1993) 281 Lactose and thermal analysis with Alvarez, T., see Fuertes, A.B. 242 (1994) special emphasis on microcalorimetry 161 248 (1995) 161 Alves, O.L., see Medeiros, M.E. 241 Angeloni, A.S., see Laus, M. 227 (1993) (1994) 33 49 Alvial J., M., see Cardenas T., G. 220 Anglea, S., see Karel, M. 246 (1994) 249 (1993) 255 Antonijevic, M., see Colovic, N. 233 Alyabyev, A.J., see Loseva, N.L. 251 (1994) 113 (1995) 357 An, X.-w. and Xie, Y.-d. Alyabyev, A.J., see Petrov, V.Y. 251 Enthalpy of isomerization of (1995) 351 quadricyclane to norbornadiene 220 Alzahawi, $.K., Muhyedeen, B.R.., (1993) 17 Alteman, A.A., Salman, $.R. and Aoki, I., Muhi-Eldeen, Z. Entropy production in living systems: The thermal stability of some from organisms to ecosystems 250 thiadiazole derivatives in relation to (1995) 359 antimicrobial activity 237 (1994) 119 Aquilano, D., Cavalli, R. and Gasco, M.R Amend, J.P., see Helgeson, H.C. 245 Solid lipospheres obtained from hot (1994) 89 microemulsions in the presence of Amorin, A.K.C., see Araujo Melo, D.M. different concentrations of cosurfactant: 210 (1992) 311 the crystallization of stearic acid Anachkov, M.P., Rakovsky, S.K., Fotty, polymorphs 230 (1993) 29 R.K. and Stoyanov, A.K. Aqvist, G., see Ostmark, H. 213 (1993) DSC study of the thermal 165 decomposition of I-decene ozonide 237 Aranzabe, A., see Roman, P. 206 (1992) (1994) 213 61 Anakkar, A., see Daoudi, A. 245 (1994) Aranzabe, A., see Roman, P. 206 (1992) 219 137 Anderson, H. and Hartmann, H. Aranzabe, A., see Roman, P. 223 (1993) Various applications of the new 167 solution calorimeter ACTRON 4.2 229 Araujo Melo, D.M., Oliveira, O.A.., (1993) 229 Amorin, A.K.C., Zinner, L.B. and Anderson, H. and Heldt, N. Vicentini, G Investigations of the progress of an Thermochemical study of the reaction organic chemical reaction by precision between some lanthanoid trifluoro- calorimetry. Part 2 229 (1993) 235 methanesulfonates and Anderson, H. dimethylacetamide (DMA) in ethanolic On the controversies in TA kinetics solution 210 (1992) 311 203 (1992) S515 Araujo, A.S., Fernandes Jr., V.J., Giolito, Andrade da Silva, M.A., see Zinner, L.B. I. and Zinner, L.B. 242 (1994) 253 Evaluation of the relative acid strength Andrade, M.I.P., see Peleteiro, J. 207 of cerium and calcium exchanged Y (1992) 1 zeolite by TG and DSC 223 (1993) 129 Andreyeva, I.N., see Ryazantseva, I.N. Arcoleo, V., Goffredi, M. and Turco 251 (1995) 63 Liveri, V. Andruh, M., see Dragoe, N.D. 220 (1993) Precipitation of calcium carbonate and 185 calcium fluoride in microemulsions. Andruh, M., see Ferbinteanu, M. 221 Calorimetric investigation 233 (1994) (1993) 237 187 Thermochimica Acta, Cumulative Author Index, Vols. 202-251 Arfi, C., see Kaloustian, J. 204 (1992) 2-methylindole-3-carboxaldehyde 179 thiosemicarbazone 244 (1994) 291 Argentero, M., see Stradella, L. 219 Atalay, T. and Ozkan, E. (1993) 315 Thermodynamic stabilities. Thermo- Arico, E.M., see Vicentini, G. 228 (1993) dynamic parameters of some complexes 137 of 4'-morpholinoacetophenone Arita, Y., Hamada, S. and Matsui, T. 4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazone 246 High-temperature heat capacities and (1994) 193 electrical conductivities of UO, doped Atalay, T. and Ozkan, E. with simulated fission products for Thermodynamic studies of some com- 2-10 at™% burnup 247 (1994) 225 plexes of 4’-morpholinoacetophenone Arnauts, J.,. De Cooman, R.., thiosemicarbazone 237 (1994) 369 Vandeweerdt, P., Koningsveld, R. and Atamny, F., see Henschke, B. 234 (1994) Berghmans, H. 53 Calorimetric analysis of liquid-liquid Auffredic, J.P., see Benard, P. 232 (1994) phase separation 238 (1994) | 65 Arnold, Jr., F.E., Cheng, $.Z.D. and Augsten, R.A., see Jones, D.E.G. 242 Harris, F.W. (1994) 187 Thermomechanical analysis of a Auroux, A., see Pap, I.S. 241 (1994) 247 segmented rigid-rod polyimide film 212 Aust, L., see Frenz, U. 251 (1995) 271 (1992) 189 Avila, D.M. and Muccillo, E.N.S. Arnold, Jr., F.E., Harris, F.W. and Influence of some variables of the Cheng, S.Z.D. precipitation process on the structural Thermal dynamic relaxation and characteristics of fine zirconia powders enthalpy distribution of an aromatic 248 (1995) 259 polyimide film: 6-DA-PFMB 226 Avsgar, E., see Basaran, B. 247 (1994) 407 (1993) 15 Ayral-Marin, R.M., see Tedenac, J.C. 245 Arnold, M., see Utschick, H. 229 (1993) (1994) 207 289 Ayranci, E. Arnold, M., see Utschick, H. 234 (1994) A method to study protein 139 denaturation by measurements of Aronne, A., Catauro, M., Pernice, P. and apparent molar volumes 232 (1994) Marotta, A. 297 Gel synthesis and crystallization of Azab, M.M., see El-Hamouly, S.H. 241 Li,O - 7GeO, glass powders 216 (1993) (1994) 57 169 Azarenkov, V.F., Baibak, A.V., Arriortua, M.I1., see Garcia-Jaca, J. 220 Kramarenko, V.Y. and Privalko, V.P. (1993) 203 The thermophysical characterization of Arya, A., Tripathy, P.K. and Bose, D.K. glassy, cross-linked heterocyclic Thermal decomposition of ammonium polymers 238 (1994) 417 metavanadate in a fluidized bed reactor 244 (1994) 257 Aslam, M., see Sawhney, S.S. 204 (1992) 321 Asomoza, M., see Lopez, T. 216 (1993) B 279 Asomoza, M., see Lopez, T. 223 (1993) 233 Asou, M., see Takahashi, Y. 223 (1993) 7 Baba, Y., see Kagemoto, A. 205 (1992) Atake, T., see Takai, S. 246 (1994) 1 179 Atalay, T. and Ozkan, E. Baba, Y., see Kagemoto, A. 242 (1994) Evaluation of thermodynamic 65 parameters and stability constants of Baba, Y., see Kagemoto, A. 242 (1994) Cu(ID, Ag(1) and Hg(Il) complexes of 77 Thermochimica Acta, Cumulative Author Index, Vols. 202-251 Baba, Y., Kunihiro, A. and Kagemoto, Baguenne, M. and Bellagi, A. A. Analyse expérimentale et théorique des Thermodynamic characterization of the mécanismes de transfert de matiére au 9-aminoacridine intercalated into DNA cours du séchage des grains d'un 202 (1992) 241 engrais phosphate dans un lit fixe 235 Babich, M.W., Benrashid, R. and (1994) 81 Mounts, R.D. Baibak, A.V., see Azarenkov, V.F. 238 DSC studies of new energy storage (1994) 417 materials. Part 3. Thermal and Baish, S.K., see Dyszel, S.M. 212 (1992) flammability studies 243 (1994) 193 39 Babich, M.W., Hwang, S. and Mounts, Ba-Issa, A.A., see Gaber, M. 207 (1992) R.D. 239 DSC studies of new energy storage Bajaj, H.A., see Chikate, R.C. 249 (1995) materials. Part 2. New materials and 239 bulk studies 226 (1993) 163 Bakare, P.P., see Nikumbh, A.K. 239 Babich, M.W., Hwang, S.W. and (1994) 253 Mounts, R.D. Bakass, M., Mokhlisse, A. and The search for novel energy storage Lallemant, M. materials using differential scanning Adsorption et désorption de l'eau calorimetry 210 (1992) 83 vapeur sur un polymére polyacrylique Babich, M.W., Hwang, S.W. and superabsorbant. Partie |. Isothermes et Mounts, R.D. chaleurs d’adsorption de l'eau vapeur The thermal analysis of energy storage sur le polymeére 204 (1992) 205 materials by differential scanning Bakass, M., Mokhlisse, A., Ben Chanaa, calorimetry 210 (1992) 77 M. and Lallemant, M. Bach, F., see Singer, D. 229 (1993) 133 Adsorption et désorption de Peau Bach, F., see Singer, D. 251 (1995) 227 vapeur sur un polymere polyacrylique Bach, F., Singer, D., Bauer, M.., superabsorbant. Partie II. Cinétiques Bretschneider, H.J. and Larsen, R. d’adsorption et de désorption. Influence Prediction of recovery after ischemia. du cyclage et du temps de stockage 206 A microcalorimetric and biochemical (1992) 309 study of rat liver tissue 251 (1995) 161 Bakass, M., Mokhlisse, A., Lallemant, M. Backman, P. and Ben Chanaa, M. A microcalorimetric study of human Adsorption et desorption de l'eau erythrocytes in stirred buffer vapeur sur un polymére polyacrylique suspensions 205 (1992) 87 absorbant. Partie 3. Rdle de leffet Backman, P., Breidenbach, R.W., thermique local sur la cinétique Johansson, P. and Wadsé, I. d’adsorption 223 (1993) 271 A gas perfusion microcalorimeter for Bakowies, D., see Slanina, Z. 202 (1992) studies of plant tissue 251 (1995) 323 249 Bader, A.E., see Héhne, G.W.H. 251 Balabanovich, A.1., see Levchik, S.V. 207 (1995) 307 (1992) 115 Bader, R.G., Schawe, J.E.K. and Hohne, Balabanovich, A.I., see Levchik, $.V. 225 G.W.H. (1993) 53 A new method of purity determination Balaz, P., Briancin, J. and Turéaniova, L. from the shape of fusion peaks of Thermal decomposition of mechanically eutectic systems 229 (1993) 85 activated tetrahedrite 249 (1995) 375 Badescu, M., see Ferbinteanu, M. 221 Bald, A., see Woznicka, J. 214 (1993) 195 (1993) 237 Bald, A. and Barczynska, J. Bae, S.H., see Yun, S.S. 246 (1994) 39 Enthalpies of solution of citric acid in Bagga, C.S., see Bao, Q.-B. 226 (1993) water at 298.15 K. The effect of 107 association processes on thermo- Baglio, J.A., see Struck, C.W. 216 (1993) chemical properties of electrolyte 45 solutions 222 (1993) 33 Thermochimica Acta, Cumulative Author Index, Vols. 202—251 Bald, A., Gregorowicz, J., Szejgis, A. and triphenylphosphine complexes with Piekarski, H. halides, nitrate, and thiocyanate 235 Thermodynamic and conductometric (1994) 285 studies on Nal solutions in water Barbillon, P., see Achour, Z. 204 (1992) t-butanol mixtures at 299.15 K 205 187 (1992) 51 Barbour, L.J., Achleitner, K. and Greene, Balek, V., see Gyéryova, K. 234 (1994) JR. 221 A system for studying gas—solid Balek, V., see Epple, M. 250 (1995) 29 reaction kinetics in controlled Ball, G.F.A., see Herrington, P.R. 202 atmospheres 205 (1992) 171 (1992) 201 Barezynska, J., see Bald, A. 222 (1993) Ballivet-Tkatchenko, D., Galy, J., Parize, 33 J.-L. and Savariault, J.-M. Barham, P.J., see Hill, M.J. 238 (1994) 17 Thermal decomposition of sodium Baric, B., see Kovatic, T. 231 (1994) 215 oxalate in the presence of V,O.. Barja, I., see Gomez-Orellana, I. 219 Mechanistic approach of sodium (1993) 135 oxibronzes formation 232 (1994) 215 Barja, I., see Nufez, L. 237 (1994) 73 Balsa, R., see Barros, N. 249 (1995) 161 Banciu, A., see Periganu, S. 228 (1993) Barone, F., see Marco, D.D. 246 (1994) 393 229 Banciu, A.C., see Teodorescu, M. 233 Barone, G., Del Vecchio, P., Fessas, D., (1994) 317 Giancola, C. and Graziano, G. Banciu, A.C., see Teodorescu, M. 240 The deconvolution of multi-state (1994) 199 transition DSC curves of biological Banciu, M., see Periganu, S. 228 (1993) macromolecules: bovine serum albumin 393 and bovine seminal ribonuclease 227 Bandopadhyay, A., Ganguly, A., Prasad, (1993) 185 K.K., Sarkar, $.B. and Ray, HLS. Barone, G., Del Vecchio, P., Giancola, C. Determination of kinetic parameters and Graziano, G. for the reoxidation of direct reduced Excess enthalpies of N-acetyl- iron under rising temperature glycineamide and N-acetyl-L- conditions 228 (1993) 271 leucineamide in concentrated aqueous Bao, Q.-B. and Bagga, C.S. solutions of tetramethylurea 227 (1993) The dynamic mechanical analysis of 67 hydrogel elastomers 226 (1993) 107 Baro, M.D., see Clavaguera-Mora, M.T. Baran, E.J., Vassallo, M.B. and De 203 (1992) 379 Marco, D. Barreiro, G., see Schulz, P.C. 231 (1994) Evidence for the intermediate 239 generation of hexavanadate during the Barros, N., see Gomez-Orellana, I. 219 thermal degradation of (NH,),V,O, (1993) 135 237 (1994) 143 Barros, N., see Nufiez, L. 237 (1994) 73 Barbarin-Castillon-Castillo, J.-M., see Barros, N., Gomez-Orellana, I., Feijoo, S. McLure, I.A. 233 (1994) 325 and Balsa, R. Barbieri, L., Leonelli, C., Manfredini, T., Romagnoli, M., Pellacani, G.C. and The effect of soil moisture on soil Siligardi, C. microbial activity studied by Non-isothermal kinetic equations microcalorimetry 249 (1995) 161 applied to crystallization of glasses 227 Basahel, S.N., see Diefallah, E.-H.M. 230 (1993) 125 (1993) 143 Barbieri, R.S., Rocha, J.C. and da Silva, Basaran, B., Avsar, E., Gdgmen, A. and E.G. Erim, F.B. Thermal analysis of coordination The thermodynamics of benzoate compounds. Part |. complexes of copper(II) and iron( III) Thermodecomposition of nickel( 11) in aqueous solution 247 (1994) 407 Thermochimica Acta, Cumulative Author Index, Vols. 202-251 Bashir, Z., see Price, D.M. 249 (1995) Beaumont, P.C., s e Allan, J.R. 230 351 (1993) 123 Bastide, J.P., see Carré, J. 210 (1992) 307 Beaumont, P.C., s Allan, J.R. 230 Bastide, J.P., see Siniti, M. 224 (1993) 97 (1993) 129 Bastide, J.P., see Siniti, M. 224 (1993) 105 Beaumont, P.C., see Allan, J.R. 230 Bateman, F.G., Masson, J.A. and Raper, (1993) 137 E.S. Becker, H., see Schmidt, C. 238 (1994) Identification of blowing agents in 321 cellular PVC compounds by DSC. Becker, V., see Zeman, A. 219 (1993) 305 Part 2. The detection and identification Beckhaus, H.-D., see Verevkin, S.P. 249 of azodicarbonamide 210 (1992) 243 (1995) 1 Battino, R., see Letcher, T.M. 224 (1993) Beezer, A.E., Mitchell, J.C., Colegate, 39 R.M., Scally, D.J., Twyman L.J. and Battley, E.H.., Willson, R.J Comment on the state of development Microcalorimetry in the screening of in applied calorimetry in 1994 251 discovery compounds and in the (1995) 207 investigation of novel drug delivery systems 250 (1995) 277 Battley, E.H., Beg, M.A.A. and Qaiser, M.A. The advantages and disadvantages of Thermal behaviour of bis(diphenyltri- direct and indirect calorimetry 250 fluoromethylphosphine) dichloroplatinum (1995) 337 (11) 210 (1992) 123 Bauer, M., see Bach, F. 251 (1995) 161 Beger, J., see Buschmann, H.-J. 213 Bauer, R., see Varma-Nair, M. 226 (1993) 11 (1993) 99 Beitia, J.1., see Roman, P. 231 (1994) 231 Baumer, A., Ganteaume, M. and Bernat, Beitia, J.1., see Roman, P. 233 (1994) 223 M. Beitia, J.1., see Roman, P. 241 (1994) 113 Variations de la teneur en eau des Bélaadi, S., see Sabbah, R. 247 (1994) coraux lors de la transformation 193 aragonite — calcite 221 (1993) 255 Bélaadi, S., see Sabbah, R. 247 (1994) Baura-Pefia, M.P., see Martinez-Lope, 201 M.J. 206 (1992) 113 Belicic-Kolsek, A., see Kemp, R.B. 250 Bayane, C., Sciora, E., Gerard, N. and (1995) 259 Bouchdoug, M. Belkbir, L., see El Hammioui, M. 231 Kinetic studies of LaNi, hydride (1994) 225 formation in non-isothermal conditions Bellagi, A., see Baguenne, M. 235 (1994) 224 (1993) 183 81 Bayane, C., Sciora, E., Gerard, N. and Bellomo, M., see Siracusa, G. 244 (1994) Bouchdoug, M. 105 LaNi, hydride formation. The effect of Bénard, P., Auffredic, J.P. and Louér, D. the thermal conductivity of the holder A study of the thermal decomposition on the kinetics 224 (1993) 193 of ammine zinc hydroxide nitrates 232 Bayol, A., see Brass, O. 220 (1993) 55 (1994) 65 Bayol, A., see Claudy, P. 207 (1992) 227 Ben Chanaa, M., see Bakass, M. 206 Beach, L.J., see Lai, J.T.W. 230 (1993) 39 (1992) 309 Bear, J., see Puri, M. 206 (1992) 187 Ben Chanaa, M., see Bakass, M. 223 Beaumont, P.C., see Allan, J.R. 214 (1993) 271 (1993) 243 Ben Cherifa, A., see Elasri, S$. 249 (1995) Beaumont, P.C., see Allan, J.R. 219 121 (1993) 159 Ben Cherifa, A., Jemal, M., Nounah, A. Beaumont, P.C., see Allan, J.R. 224 and Lacout, J.L (1993) 119 Enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of Beaumont, P.C., see Allan, J.R. 228 mixing of calcium and cadmium (1993) 79 hydroxyapatites 237 (1994) 285 10 Thermochimica Acta, Cumulative Author Index, Vols. 202-251 Benedetti, A.V., see David, H.L. 202 The role of thermal analysis in (1992) 45 revealing the common molecular nature Benin, A.I., see Kossoy, A.A. 203 (1992) of transitions in polymers 238 (1994) 77 41 Benito, I., see Gonzalez, F. 223 (1993) 83 Bessonova, N.P., see Godovsky, Y. 247 Benito, I., see Pesquera, C. 219 (1993) (1994) 19 179 Bezjak, A., Tkaléec, E., Ivankovic, H. Ben Moussa, S., Farid, M. and and Eres, M. Trabelsi-Ayedi, M. Determination of kinetic parameters Thermal study of double poly- for nucleation and growth from DTA phosphates M'Er(PO,), (M' is H, data 221 (1993) 23 NH,) 249 (1995) 189 Bhat, G.S., see Zhang, D. 226 (1993) 123 Benrashid, R., see Babich, M.W. 243 Bhat, G.S. and Sawant, A.D. (1994) 193 Thermal studies on some metal see Kumaran, J. 223 complexes of hexamethylenimine- carbodithioate 222 (1993) 231 .. see Wang, L. 213 (1993) Bhengu, T.T., see Brown, M.E. 242 (1994) 141 ., see Zhu, S. 222 (1993) 15 Bhide, N.M., see Prabhakaran, K.V. 220 see Zhu, S. 235 (1994) 161 (1993) 169 Berbenni, V., Marini, A., Massarotti, V. Bhide, N.M., see Prabhakaran, K.V. 249 and Capsoni, D. (1995) 249 A DSC characterization of sulphur Bhowmick, A.K., see Thavamani, P. 219 selenium interaction phenomenology (1993) 293 237 (1994) 253 Biader Ceipidor, U., Brizzi, E., Bucci, R. Berchiesi, G., see Castellani, F. 209 and Magri, A.D. (1992) 295 Using thermoanalytical data. Part 7. Berghmans, H., see Arnauts, J. 238 DSC/DTA/DTG peak shapes (1994) 1 depending on operational settings, Bergman, H., see Ostmark, H. 213 (1993) equipment features, sample kinetic and 165 thermodynamic parameters 247 (1994) Bernalte-Garcia, A., see Diaz-Diez, M.A. 347 247 (1994) 439 Biader Ceipidor, U., Bucci, R. and Bernalte-Garcia, A., see Godino-Salido, Magri, A.D. M.L. 230 (1993) 225 Using thermoanalytical data. Part 6. Bernardo, M.M.C., see Ribeiro da Silva, Heat transfer contribution in M.A.V. 205 (1992) 99 TG/DTA/DSC data processing: Bernat, M., see Baumer, A. 221 (1993) non-isothermal kinetics do they 255 become “applied science” by exiting Bernes, A., see Teyssedre, G. 226 (1993) the “dichotomy”? 203 (1992) 137 65 Biader Ceipidor, U., Bucci, R. and Bernés, A., see Mourgues-Martin, M. 226 Magri, A.D. (1993) 7 Using thermoanalytical data. Part 5. Bernés, A., Chatain, D. and Lacabanne, Effect of experimental constraints and os data processing on the accuracy of Differential scanning calorimetry and kinetic parameters determined by thermostimulated current spectroscopy dynamic thermal analysis 231 (1994) for the study of molecular orientation 287 in polymers 204 (1992) 69 Bickerton, J., MacNab, J.I., Skinner, Bershtein, V.A., see Peschanskaya, N.N. H.A. and Pilcher, G. 238 (1994) 429 Enthalpies of solution of some Bershtein, V.A., Egorov, V.M., Egorova, aromatic sulphonic acids and of some L.M. and Ryzhov, V.A. aminosulphonic acids 222 (1993) 69

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