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Théorie des nombres / Number Theory : Proceedings of the International Number Theory Conference held at Université Laval, July 5-18, 1987 PDF

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Preview Théorie des nombres / Number Theory : Proceedings of the International Number Theory Conference held at Université Laval, July 5-18, 1987

Theorie des nombres Number Theory Theorie des nombres Number Theory Comptes Rendus de la Conference internationale de Theorie des nombres tenue ä l'Universite Laval, 5-18 juillet 1987 Proceedings of the International Number Theory Conference held at Universite Laval, July 5 -18, 1987 Editeurs/Editors Jean-Marie De Köninck Claude Levesque w DE G Walter de Gruyter · Berlin · New York 1989 Editors Jean-Marie De Köninck Claude Levesque Departement de mathematiques et de statistique Universite Laval Quebec, Canada G1K 7P4 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification (1985 Revision): 11-06; llAxx, llBxx, llDxx, llExx, llFxx, llJxx, llKxx, llLxx, llMxx, llNxx, llPxx, llRxx, llSxx, llYxx, 14Cxx, 14Kxx. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data International Number Theory Conference (1987: Universite Laval) Theorie des nombres : comptes rendus de la Conference internationale de theorie des nombres tenue ä l'Universite Laval en 1987 / editeurs, Jean-Marie De Köninck, Claude Levesque = Number Theory : proceedings of the International Number Theory Conference held at Universite Laval in 1987 / editors, Jean-Marie De Köninck, Claude Levesque p. cm. English and French. Held July 5 -18, 1987, Quebec. ISBN 0-89925-510-8 (U.S. : alk. paper) 1. Numbers, Theory of — Congresses. I. De Köninck, J.M., 1948- II. Levesque, Claude, 1946- . III. Title. IV. Title: Number theory. QA241.I59 1987 89-1181 512 '.7~dcl9 CIP Deutsche Bibliothek Cataloging-in-Publication Data Theorie des nombres : comptes rendus de la Conference internationale de Theorie des nombres tenue ä l'Universite Laval, 5-18 Juillet, 1987 = Number theory / ed. Jean-Marie De Köninck ; Claude Levesque. - Berlin ; New York : de Gruyter, 1989 ISBN 3-11-011791-6 NE: International Number Theory Conference <1987, Quebec>; Universite Laval <Quebec>; PT ® Printed on acid-free paper. © Copyright 1989 by Walter de Gruyter & Co.. Berlin. All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form - by photoprint, microfilm or any other means nor transmitted nor translated into a machine language without written permission from the publisher. Printing: Bosch-Druck, Landshut. Binding: Dieter Mikolai, Berlin. Cover design: Thomas Bonnie. Printed in Germany. Introduction Du 5 au 18 juillet 1987, a From July 5 to 18, 1987, l'Universite Laval, se tenait dans at Universite Laval, an interna- le cadre enchanteur de la ville de tional number theory conference Quebec, une conference interna- took place in the lovely city of tionale portant sur tous les do- Quebec; all aspects of number the- maines de la theorie des nombres: ory were covered: elementary, al- theorie elementaire, alg^brique et gebraic and analytic number the- analytique des nombres; theo- ory; constructive (computational) rie constructive (calculatoire) des number theory; elliptic curves and nombres; formes modulaires, cour- modular forms; abelian varieties, bes elliptiques; varietes abeliennes; arithmetical geometry. geometrie arithmetique. Pres de 300 personnes provenant Close to 300 mathematicians d'une vingtaine de pays se sont ins- coming from about 20 countries crites, et on trouvera dans la liste registered, and the list of partici- des participants les noms de ceux pants shows the names of all who qui sont efFectivement venus (les effectively came (the names of Uni- noms des etudiants de l'Universite versite Laval students not studying Laval n'etudiant pas en theorie des in number theory being excluded). nombres etant exclus). Le leitmotiv des organisateurs The leitmotiv of the confer- de la conference etait: plus on a du ence organizers was the following: plaisir, plus les echanges mathema- the merrier, the more fruitful the tiques sont fructueux. Tous furent mathematical exchange is. Every- unanimes ä dire qu'ils ont eu beau- body agreed: everyone had fun. coup de plaisir. II y eut 155 exposes presentes 155 lectures were delivered by at par au moins 144 mathemati- least 144 mathematicians. Three ciens(nes), dans un cadre perma- parallel sessions were run excepted nent de trois sessions paralleles, for the following so-called general sauf pour les conferences suivantes audience lectures: declarees d'interet general: vi INTRODUCTION (1) Dr. Karl RUBIN, The arithmetic of elliptic curves with complex multiplication. Parts I, II, III: "In these lectures we will describe in detail descent on elliptic curves with complex multiplication, to relate arithmetic properties of such a curve with the value of its L-function at s = 1. Our main goal will be to prove the following theorem (the first assertion of which is due to Coates and Wiles): Theorem. Let Ε be an elliptic curve defined over an imaginary quadratic field K, with complex multiplication by K. If L(Ejj, 1) φ 0, then E(K) is finite and the p-part of the Tate-Shafarevich group of Ε is trivial for almost all primes ρ of K. This theorem will allow us to give examples of finite Tate-Shafarevich groups." (2) Dr Jean-Marc DESHOUILLERS, Coefficients de Fourier de formes modulaires et applications a la theorie analytique des nombres. Partie I: Coefficients de Fourier de formes modulaires. Partie II: Applications a la theorie analytique des nombres. Partie III: Valeurs propres du Laplacien pour le sous-groupe To(Q). (3) Dr. Carl POMERANCE, Algorithmic aspects of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Part I: Primality testing. Part II: Factoring. Part III: Applications of elliptic curves. (4) Dr. Peter SCHNEIDER, An introduction to Beilinson conjectures. Parts I, II. (5) Dr Michel WALDSCHMIDT, Recent developments on transcen· dance theory. (6) Dr. Aleksandar IVIC, Some recent results on the Riemann zeta function. II y eut meme une conference Even a popular lecture was d'interet populaire prevue pour le scheduled for lay persons, publi- public, annoncee et commentee par cized and commented by news me- les medias de la presse par lee, ecrite dia: radio, newspapers and televi- et televisee: sion: (7) Dr Paulo RIBENBOIM, Les nombres: des amis qui nous donnent des problemes. INTRODUCTION vii Mentionnons en terminant que It is worth mentioning that all tous les articles soumis pour pu- papers submitted for publication in blication dans ces Comptes Rendus these Proceedings were refereed furent arbitr£s par des experts: ne by experts: only papers meeting furent retenus que ceux qui satisfai- high standards were accepted. saient a des criteres severes. Les editeurs, The editors, Jean-Marie De Köninck Claude Levesque Octobre 1988 October 1988 Remerciements Acknowledgements Nous voulons d'abord re- Our first thanks go to the Cana- mercier la Societe Mathematique dian Mathematical Society (CMS) du Canada (SMC) pour avoir for sponsoring this Conference ω parraine notre conference comme the CMS 1987 annual summer sem- etant le seminaire d'ete annuel 1987 inar; in particular we thank Dr. de la SMC; en particulier, nous re- James G. Timourian and Dr. Stan- mercions Dr James G. Timourian ley O. Kochman. et Dr Stanley O. Kochman. Ce fut un plaisir de nous associer We were fortunate and pleased avec la celebre maison d'edition to deal with the famous publisher Walter de Gruyter & Co., et Walter de Gruyter & Co., and nous exprimons notre reconnais- we express our gratitude to the sance a toute l'equipe de Walter de Walter de Gruyter team. Gruyter. Cette conference de theorie des This Number Theory Con- nombres fut rendue possible grace ference was made possible with a, des subventions provenant du grants coming from Natural Sci- Conseil de recherches en sci- ences and Engineering Re- ences naturelles et en genie search Council of Canada, from du Canada, du Ministere des the Minist&re des communi- communications du Quebec, cations of the government of du Fonds pour la formation Quebec, from Quebec FCAR de chercheurs et l'aide k programme, and from our main la recherche du Quebec et supporter 1ST, a computer ser- de notre commanditaire principal vices company with Mr Andr£ 1ST, societe de services informa- Thompson acting as its enthou- siastic president. Several copo- tiques dont le dynamique president rations joined 1ST to support est monsieur Andr£ Thomp- the conference: Amdhal; Xerox; son. Se sont associes ä IST Laurent Gagnon; Raymond, les entreprises: Amdhal; Xerox; Chabot, Martin, Pari, c.a.; Laurent Gagnon; Raymond, Price Water House; Fiducie, Chabot, Martin, Pari, c.a.; Pret et Revenu; Air Canada; Price Water House; Fiducie, En Route; Marcel Jobin. Pret et Revenu; Air Canada; En Route; Marcel Jobin. χ REMERCIEMENTS / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Nous avons beneficie de tout le We benefitted from all the support possible de l'Universit^ possible support of University Laval, l'hote de cette conference, Laval, host of the conference, and et en particulier du Departement in particular of Departement de de mathematiques et de statis- Mathematiques et de statistique; tique; nous remercions son di- we thank its head, Dr. Robert recteur, Dr Robert Cote. Cote. Nous avons regu de precieux We received valuable advices conseils des mathematiciens sui- from the following mathematicians: vants: Dr Ram Murty, Dr Kumar Dr. Ram Murty, Dr. Kumar Murty, Dr Michel Waldschmidt et Murty, Dr. Michel Waldschmidt Dr Richard Mollin. Nous leur and Dr. Richard Mollin. We sommes reconnaissants. Nous re- are grateful to them. We also mercions aussi Dr Ernst Kani, Dr thank Dr. Ernst Kani, Dr. Hugh Hugh Williams et Dr Victor Snaith Williams and Dr. Victor Snaith for pour leur aide. their help. Nous voulons vivement re- We heartfully thank all au- mercier tous les auteurs des ar- thors of submitted papers, as well ticles soumis, de meme que tous as all the referees for their de- les arbitres pour leurs rapports tailed reports frequently assorted detailles et souvent pleins de sug- with many suggestions. gestions. Tous les articles furent redacty- All the papers were typewritten lographies avec T^jjX, nous remer- with the TßX facilities. We thank cions tous ceux qui les ont tapes. all those who typed them. Enfin, nous ne saurions pas suf- Finally, but definitely not least, fisamment insister pour remercier we are much grateful to Dr. Dr Ärmel Mercier (Chicoutimi) Armel Mercier (Chicoutimi) for pour les nombreuses heures qu'il the many hours he spent to format a passees pour rendre possible the whole book with I^TJJX. 1'edition finale de ces Comptes Rendus avec JATgX. Les editeurs, The editors, J.M. De Köninck C. Levesque

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