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Index / 393 INDEX A autism / 111, 114, 117, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131 abuse / 73, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90 B academic probation / 208 bankruptcy / 221, 222 accreditation / 208, 213, 214 baseball / 158, 216 additional evidence/ 120, 122, 140 basketball / 157, 163 administrative hearings / 107, 112, battery/ 152 119, 120, 123, 137 behavior intervention plan / 112, Administrative Procedure Act 128 (APA) / 179, 196, 197 bodily injury/ 134 administrative search / 70, 77, 78, breach of contract / 209, 211, 214, 79,94 215, 217, 219 admissions / 216, 217, 219 breach of duty / 152 age discrimination / 209 burden of proof / 119, 122 Age Discrimination Act in Employ- ment Act of 1967 (ADEA) / 3, 11, C 12, 13, 14, 33 alcohol / 77, 87, 89, 90 campus access/ 178 alternative education / 91, 92, 94 Campus Police Act / 179 alumni / 208, 214 certification / 8, 14, 35, 42, 43 Americans with Disabilities Act Chanukah / 74 (ADA) / 108, 120, 121, 137, 147, charter school/ 112, 114, 145 148, 149, 185, 209, 218, 219, 220 cheating / 209, 210, 217 Americans with Disabilities Act of child abuse / 82 1990 (ADA) / 3, 14, 15, 16, 17 child find / 107, 111, 112, 113, 114, applied behavior analysis (ABA) / 148 131 Christian / 76 appropriate educational placement Christmas / 74, 76 /125 closed forum / 73 arbitration / 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, clothing / 72, 73 104, 105, 213, 214 coercion / 77 Asperger’s Syndrome / 113, 129 collective bargaining / 96 assault / 87, 152, 162 collective-bargaining agreement / 97 assistive technology/ 132, 133 collective negotiations / 96, 104 assumption of risk /1 52, 159, 162 compensation / 178, 184, 188, 189, athletics / 208, 215, 223 197, 199, 200 attendance / 76, 94 compensatory education services / attention deficit hyperactivity disor- 108, 123, 135, 140, 141, 142, 145, der / 110, 130 149 attorney fees / 108, 122, 124, 135, Confederate flag / 72 136, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 149 construction/ 180, 181 audiology/ 131 394 / Index consumer protection / 214 Equal Employment Opportunities contributory negligence / 152 Commission (EEOC) / 4, 5, 9 counseling / 128, 131 Equal Pay Act/ 189 custody / 74, 81, 91, 92, 93, 94 Equal Pay Act of 1963 / 4 equal protection / 182, 187, 192, D 194, 195, 201 Establishment Clause / 74, 75, 76, damages / 108, 120, 121, 145, 152, 77 156, 166 evaluation / 107, 111, 112, 113, 114, defamation / 152, 161, 165, 184, 115, 128, 132, 139 194, 198, 203, 211, 212, 220 exhaustion of administrative rem- degree revocation / 210 edies / 108 deliberate indifference / 82, 86, 87 expression / 71, 73 delinquency / 78, 90, 91 expulsion / 88, 89, 90 disability / 208, 218, 219, 220 extracurricular / 77 discipline / 134, 146 discrimination / 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, F 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 28, 29, 70, 79, 80, 81, 83, 107, 108, 121, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) / 146, 147, 148, 149, 178, 184, 185, 3, 35 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, false imprisonment / 152 193, 194, 195, 201, 205 Family and Medical Leave Act dismissal / 181, 187, 191, 194, 195, (FMLA/) 3 , 5, 16, 191, 192 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 204, financial aid / 208, 220, 222, 223 209, 211, 213, 218, 221 First Amendment / 71, 75, 81, 82 dispute resolution / 119 flyers / 73 disruption / 72 football / 156, 157, 165 dress code / 73 foreseeability / 152 drug / 77, 79, 88 Fourteenth Amendment / 71, 72, 73, drugs / 134 76, 80, 91, 93 due process / 70, 81, 83, 88, 90, 91, Fourth Amendment / 77 92, 93, 94, 178, 187, 193, 194, fraternity / 213,215,217 195, 196, 202, 208, 210, 211, 215, fraud / 164, 212, 213, 216 217, 218, 221 free appropriate public education due process hearings / 119, 144 (FAPE) / 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, duty / 152, 153, 154, 157, 159, 161, 115, 116, 117, 119, 121, 123, 124, 162, 166 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, duty of fair representation / 97 132, 133, 134, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 148, 149 E free association / 201 Free Exercise / 74, 75 educational malpractice / 208 free speec/h 9 , 17, 18, 19, 178, 184, email / 71, 88 192, 201, 202, 203, 205 employee-to-student harassment / 82 functional behavioral assessment / entitlement to services / 107, 108 112 Equal Employment Opportunities funding / 178, 182, 205 Commission / 212 Index / 395 G L gender discrimination / 217, 218 land use/ 181 graduation / 70, 75 learning disabilities /1 10, 118, 123, grievance / 97, 98, 99, 100, 101 129 least restrictive environment (LRE) H / 124, 139 liquidated damages / 33 handball / 162, 163 harassment / 70, 75, 80, 81, 82, 84, M 85, 86 hazing / 84, 90, 91 mediation / 119 homosexuality / 72 medical services / 131, 139 ministerial duty / 162 monopoly / 214 MySpace / 71 immorality / 28 immunity / 152, 159, 160, 161, 162, N 165, 183, 185, 194, 197, 198, 204, 212, 213, 214, 217, 218, 219 neglect / 73, 83 immunization / 71, 75 negligence/ 152, 153, 154, 158, incompetence / 28 159, 160, 161, 163, 166, 183, 205, independent evaluation/ 112, 114 213, 216 individualized education program negligence defenses / 151, 159 (IEP) / 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, negligent misrepresentation / 209 115, 116, 117, 119, 121, 124, 125, non-compete agreements / 182 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, notice of claim / 151, 152, 163, 164 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 140, 144 O Individuals with Disabilities Educa- tion Act (IDEA) / 108, 109, 110, occupational therapy / 131, 132 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, off school property / 151, 154 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, online / 70, 85 125, 126, 127, 130, 131, 132, 133, open forum / 72 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, open meetings / 179, 180 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, open records / 178 149 injury / 152, 153, 155, 156, 159, P 162, 163 insubordination / 7, 10, 27 physical therapy / 132, 140 intentional infliction of emotional pills / 78, 79 distress / 152, 165 placement/ 108, 111, 116, 117, 118, 121, 122, 127, 130, 131, 133, 134, intentional torts /1 52, 164 137, 138, 139, 141, 146 invasion of privacy / 212 plagiarism / 210, 211 K Pledge of Allegiance / 74 plenary powers / 182 Kwanza / 74 396 / Index Pregnancy Discrimination Act Section 504 of the Rehabilitation (PDA)/4 Ac/t 8 1, 108, 112, 113, 120, 121, premises liability / 183 137, 146, 147, 148, 149 prevailing party / 136, 142, 143, Section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act 144, 145 of 1866 (section 1981/) 4 , 32, privacy / 79, 94 80, 81 private schools / 109, 111, 136, 137, Section 1983 of the Civil Rights Act 139 of 1871 (section 1983/) 4 , 32, 73, procedural due process / 22 80, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 91, 92, 93, procedural safeguards / 111 94, 107, 137, 145 psychological disorder / 110, 113 Section 1985 of the Civil Rights Act of 1871 (section 1985/) 4 , 5, 85 Q section 1986 / 85 seriously emotionally disturbed / qualified immunity / 71, 74, 76, 78, 110 81, 82, 83, 92, 93 settlement agreements / 122, 142 R sexual abuse / 83, 85, 86, 163 sexual harassment / 10, 11, 18, 19, racial discrimination / 208, 217, 221 20, 75, 217, 218 reasonable accommodations / 147 sexual orientation / 85 reasonable suspicion / 77, 78, 79 softball / 163 records / 92, 94 sorority / 215 reduction-in-force / 31 special education / 108, 109, 110, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (section 111, 112, 113, 116, 120, 122, 123, 504) / 3, 14, 15, 218, 219, 220 124, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 135, related services / 108, 109, 124, 129, 139, 140, 146, 148, 149, 162 131, 132, 135, 138, 139, 141 status quo / 113, 118 release-time / 77 statute of limitations / 107, 123, 124 remedies / 108, 119, 120, 121, 135, strike / 103 136, 145, 149 student handbook / 210 residential placement / 131 student-to-student harassment / 82, resolution session / 119, 144 83 resource officer (SRO) / 78, 79, 89, substantive due process / 21 9] supervision / 153, 154, 155, 156, retirement and benefits / 184 157, 160, 163 retirement benefits / 16, 17, 36, 37, suspension / 71, 75, 81, 88, 90, 92 38, 39 “right-to-sue” letter / 5 T S teacher-to-student harassment / 86 tennis / 153 school bus / 154, 161 tenure / 25, 26, 30, 32, 40, 41, 42, school newspaper / 72 43, 178, 184, 192, 193, 195, 196, search / 70, 77, 78, 79, 81, 88, 94 197, 203, 205 Title LX of the Educational Amend- Z ments of 1972 (Title IX) / 4, 80, zoning / 181 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 188, 215, 216, 217,218 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) / 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28, 188, 189, 192, 205, 212 Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) / 4, 81 torts /1 52, 153, 159, 163, 164, 166, 178, 205, 212, 217 transition services / 129, 133 transportation/ 126 truancy / 88, 90 T-shirt / 71, 72 tuition reimbursement / 108, 122, 135, 137, 138, 139 U undue hardship / 221, 222 unemployment benefits / 35, 36 unfair labor practice / 97, 101, 102, 103 uniform / 73 Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Act (USERRA) / 3, 5,6 union / 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 unitary status / 80 V visitors /1 52, 157, 158 WwW weapons / 72, 79, 88, 89, 134 whistleblower / 34, 35, 193, 203, 204, 205 workers’ compensation / 36, 37, 38, 39 wrestling / 216

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