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The Xochixtlapilco dinosaur ichnofauna, Middle Jurassic of Oaxaca, southeasten Mexico: description and paleontologic significance PDF

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Preview The Xochixtlapilco dinosaur ichnofauna, Middle Jurassic of Oaxaca, southeasten Mexico: description and paleontologic significance

The Xochixtlapilco Dinosaur Ichnofauna, Middle Jurassic of Oaxaca, Southeastern Mexico: Description and Paleontologic Significance Ismael Ferrusquia-Villafranca,^ Victor Manuel Bravo-Cuevas,^ and Eduardo Jimenez-Hidalgo^ ABSTRACT.. The Xochixtlapilco Dinosaur Ichnofauna was recovered from fine-grained, red phyllarenitic strata of the Middle Jurassic Tecocoyunca Group partim, which was laid down in acoastallagoon,anddatedasEarlyBajocian-EarlyBathonianonthebasisofammonites.Thesiteliesin the OaxacanMixteca, southeasternMexico.The ichnofauna chieflyconsists ofsmall footprints,whose makersarereferredtoasa“basalcoelurosaur” (MorphotypeAtracks);anundescribedsauropodtaxon, probably of family rank (Morphotype C tracks); and an ankylopollexian ornithopod (Morphotype D tracks). There is also a single large footprint made by an Pallosaurid carnosaur (Morphotype B track). This small but relatively diverse ichnofauna is the southernmost record ofJurassic dinosaurs in North America, and adds a new^ fauna to the meager record ofdinosaurs in Middle America. During theJurassic the Mixteca territory (—Mixteca Terrane) was one ofseveral small continental- crust blocks laid down in the inter-American/African space, as Pangea became disassembled. Ecologically such a scenario corresponded to an isolated setting where limited space and resources might have induced selective pressures toward small size, especially to the primary consumers and associatedpredators; italso shieldedtheislandfauna fromcompetitionandexchangewithneighboring continental faunas. Nonetheless, the Xochixtlapilco dinosaur fauna shows a closer biogeographic/ phylogeneticresemblancetotheNorthAmericanfaunasthantothe SouthAmericanorAfricanfaunas; how^eve-r, the meaningofthis factcannot be fully ascertained atpresent because ofthe Xochixtlapilco fauna’s small size. RESUMEN. La Dinosauricnofauna Xochixtlapilco fue recolectada de estratos rojos, finogranudos fiiareniticos del Grupo Tecocoyunca partim, depositados en una laguna costera, y fechados como bajocianostempranos-batonianostempranos,con baseen amonitas. El sitioseencuentraenlaMixteca Oaxaquena, sureste de Mexico. La icnofauna principalmente consiste de huellas podiales pequehas, cuyosautoressonreferiblesaun“celurosauriobasal” (huellasdelMorfotypoA),auntaxonnodescrito de sauropodo, probablemente de rango de familia (huellas del Morfotipo C), y a un ornitopodo ankyiopolexiano (huellas del Morfotipo D); tambien hay una sola huella grande, hecha por un carnosaurio Paliosaurido (huelladel Morfotypo B). Esta pequena, perorelativamente diversa icnofauna es ei registro mas austral de dinosaurios jurasicos en Norteamerica, y agrega una nueva icnofauna al escaso registro de dinosaurios en Mesoamerica. Losmodelosdetectonicadeplacassobrelaevoluciongeologica/tectonicadeMesoamerica,presentan al territorio Mixteco (—Terreno Mixteco) durante el Jurasico, como uno de los pequehos bloques de corteza continental dispuestos en el espacio interamericano-africano, a medida que Pangea se desmembraba. Ecologicamente tal escenario correspondia a un marco isleho, donde lo limitado del espacio y recursos, pudieron haber inducido presiones de seleccion hacia tamaho pequeho, especialmente en los consumidores primarios y en los depredadores asociados a ellos; dicho escenario protegioala faunaisleha decompetenciae intercambioconfaunascontinentalesvecinas. Sinembargo, la dinosaurofauna Xochixtlapilco muestra un mayor parecido biogeografico/filogenetico con la fauna norteamericana que con la sudamericana o la africana; al presente; sin embargo el significado de este hecho no puede establecerse aun, debido al pequeho tamaho de la fauna Xochixtlapilco. INTRODUCTION somewhat better known than those of Asia and Africa. The Jurassic assemblages have a high The Mesozoic tetrapod faunas of temperate percentage ofshared taxa, which in turn suggests North and South America and Europe are land connections that allowed migration of taxa 1. Institute de Geologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacan, Mexico, D.F., C.P. 04510;ResearchAssociateVertebratePaleontology,NaturalHistoryMuseumofLosAngelesCounty, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007 USA 2. Museo de Paleontologia, Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Ciudad Universitaria, Pachuca, Hidalgo Mexico C.P. 42188 3. Universidad del Mar- Campus Puerto Escondido-Oaxaca, Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca Mexico C.P. 71980 Contributions in Science, Number 515, pp. 1-40 Natural History Museum ofLos Angeles County, 2007 2 Contributions in Science, Number 515 Ferrusquiaetal.: SoutheasternMexicoDinosaurIchnofauna and/or geographic extension of faunas. However, (standing, resting, stalking, walking or running, the detailed Jurassic paleogeography and the being solitary or gregarious, etc.). tetrapod faunas of southern North America and The nonbiological factors mainly pertain to the ofthemiddleAmerican/Caribbeanregionarevery nature and to the later geological history of the poorly known. The Mexico record is based strata bearing the footprints. The nature of the mainly on Late Cretaceous faunas north of the stratum determines the precision and quality of Trans- Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). Location the prints. The diagenesis and later history of the ofthe chiefcontinental Mesozoic tetrapod faunas track-bearing strata also influence the print of Mexico are plotted in Figure 1 and listed in quality. Such considerations lead us to take Table 1. a conservative approach and limit our taxonomic To properly evaluate the faunistic relationships identifications to the family level at most. between North and SouthAmerica, it is critical to have a large database on the Mexican Mesozoic, MATERIAL, METHODS, particularly the Jurassic tetrapod record. An AND TERMINOLOGY added benefit of this database is that it poses objective constraints on the paleogeographic and The footprints lie on a hill slopeformed bysteeply tectonic models proposed to depict the complex tilted red sandstone strata with few clear expo- geologic evolution of the middle American- sures. The footprint-bearing strata were in most Mexican region during the Mesozoic. In this places too friable to attemptremoval orcasting of paper, the Xochixtlapilco Dinosaur Ichnofauna, prints, so there is no direct material record of Middle Jurassic of Oaxaca, southeastern Mexico them. During visits to exposed areas by the senior (Figure 1 (Ferrusquia-Villafranca et al., 1995)), author, each individual print was numbered and a small, butimportant, footprint assemblage from measured. To record the relative position and a locality south ofthe TMVB, is described in full, spacing of the prints, they were carefully de- and its regional significance discussed, as a con- lineated in full size with indelible ink markers on tribution to increase the meager dinosaur data- transparentplastic sheets placed overthe outcrop. base of the Mexican-middle American region. Threesequenceswererecorded:IGM-7958,a4- Further, it is essential to monograph this ichno- m-wide and 6-m-long sheet with 34 footprint fauna now, before it becomes irretrievably lost to silhouettes from the main outcrop; IGM-7960, erosionwithin a fewyears because ofthe frailness a 1-m-wide and 1.5-m-long sheet with three of the footprint-bearing rock strata. footprint silhouettes from a smaller outcrop A preliminary study of the site was conducted located 20 m east of the main one; IGM-3006, in 1981 byMr. Oscar Comas, thenteachinginthe a 0.8-m by 0.8-m square sheet with a single Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional footprint silhouette from another small outcrop Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) (Comas and located about 80 m east from the main one. From Applegate, 1982). Visiting the site when the the latter a plaster cast was made (IGM-3006). footprints were less weathered, he made plaster In an effort to detect the orientation of the casts of several footprints and deposited them in prints when theywere made, the plastic sheetwas the Museo de Paleontologia of that school; these properly oriented both topographically and struc- casts were lent to the senior author by Dr. Pedro turally. The structural restoration of the strata to Garcia-Barrera, Curator of the Museo. Mr. the original horizontal position allows one to Comas also furnished two tracing-paper silhou- establish the orientation ofthe prints with respect ettes offootprints (IGM-9309 and IGM-9310), as to the present-day North Pole. This information well as measurements of some prints. All the could then be transferred to the Middle Jurassic material is depositedinthe ColeccionNacional de North Pole position inferred from paleomagnetic UNAM Paleontologia, Instituto de Geologia, data of the Mixteca region (cf. Caballero-Miran- (acronym IGM used for formal cataloguing). da et al., 1991). The general patterns of vertebrate locomotion Epirelief/hyporeliefcasts pairs were made from and its functional anatomical design generate the epireliefcast suite ofthe Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM a limitednumberofbasic configurationalpatterns (IGM-9303/-9304, IGM-7428/-9305, reflected in the dinosaur footprints. Therefore, IGM-7430/-9306, IGM-9311/-9312, IGM-9313/ similarity of footprint morphology discloses only -9314, and IGM-7425/-9315). A photographic a generalized degree of taxonomic affinity, record was made of the casts and plastic sheets. usuallynolowerthanfamilylevel. The taxonomic The description ofeach track, aswell as the shape value of footprints is real but limited, because and numerical parameters used, follows Peabody both biological and nonbiological factors intro- (1948), Sarjeant (1975), Ferrusquia-Villafranca et duce variables that affect footprint morphology. al. (1978), and Lockley (1991b). Among the biological factors, the most significant We adhere to the usage ofThulborn (1989:41) one is the pedal/manual anatomyofthe individual forthe followingterms: small theropods are those that made the prints. In turn, this anatomy is whose average footprintlength is less than25 cm, modified by individual variation (sex, age, size, large theropods are those whose average footprint etc.), and locomotory and behavioral aspects length is more than 25 cm; small ornithopods are Contributions in Science, Number 515 Ferrusquiaetal.: SoutheasternMexicoDinosaurIchnofauna 3 Figure 1 Indexmap ofMexico showing the location ofthe chiefcontinental Mesozoic tetrapod faunas (1-14), the TMVB, andtheMixtecaTerrane (MT).The state ofOaxaca (southeasternMexico) is blownuptoshowtheposition ofthe study area (HJ, Huajuapan de Leon Area, Mixteca Alta region). Faunas: EarlyJurassic, Tamaulipas State: 1, Huizachal Fauna. Middle Jurassic, Oaxaca State: 2, Xochixtiapilco Dinosaur Ichnofauna. ?Middle/Late Jurassic, Puebla State: 3, Otlaltepec single occurrence. LateJurassic, Michoacan State: 4, Chuta Dinosaur Ichnofauna. Early Cretaceous, Puebla State: 5, San Martin Atexcai Dinosaur Ichnofauna; Late Cretaceous, Baja California State: 6, El RosarioFauna.SonoraState: 7,CabuOonaFaunuie.ChihuahuaState; 8,Ojinagasingleoccurrence. 9,Altaresfaunule. CoahuilaState: 10,ElPelliliaiFauna. 11,RinconColoradoFauna. 12, SabinasDinosaurIchnofauna. 13,Patausingle occurrence.PueblaState: 14,MitepecDinosaurIchnofauna.MichoacanState: 15,ElAguajeDinosaurIchnofauna. 16, Tiquicheo single occurrence those whose average footprint length is less than measurements used, as well as the corresponding 25 cm,large ornithopods arethosewhose average abbreviations, are illustrated and spelled out in footprint length is more than 25 cm. It should be Figure 2. noted that the qualifiers large(er) and small(er) The nomenclatural treatment adopted in this are sometimes used as comparative terms and paper is based on the concept and usage of related to the known or inferred adult size of the morphotypes and morphic varieties. Sarjeant taxon under consideration; this usage is clearly (1992:304) also recommends that the names of deduced from the context. Other terms and ichnotaxa should be based upon ichnofossil 4 Contributions in Science, Number 515 Ferrusquiaetal.: SoutheasternMexicoDinosaurIchnofauna Table 1 Major Mesozoic tetrapod faunas ofMexico Period State Fauna EarlyJurassic Tamaulipas Huizachal Fauna (Clark et al., 1994) MiddleJurassic Oaxaca Xochixtlapilco Dinosaur Ichnofauna (Comas and Applegate, 1982; Ferrusquia-Villafranca et al., 1995, 1996, this study). ?Middle/LateJurassic Puebla Otlaltepec (Applegate and Ferrusquia, unpublished information) LateJurassic Michoacan Chuta Dinosaur Ichnofauna (Ferrusquia-Villafranca et al., 1978; Tilton et al., 1996) Early Cretaceous Puebla San Martin Atexcal Dinosaur Ichnofauna (Rodriguez-de la Rosa et al., 2004) Late Cretaceous Baja California El Rosario Eauna (Morris, 1967, 1972, 1973) Sonora Cabullona Eaunule (Lucas and Gonzalez-Leon, 1990, 1993; Taliaferro, 1993) Chihuahua Ojinaga single occurrence (Eerrusquia-Villafranca, unpublished information) Altares Eaunule (Andrade-Ramos et al., 2002) Coahuila ElPellilalEauna (Rodriguez-delaRosaandCevallos-Ferriz, 1998, Rodriguez-de la Rosa, 2003) Rincon Colorado Eaunule (Kirkland et al., 2000) Sabinas Dinosaur Ichnofauna (E. Jimenez-Hidalgo, unpublished information) Palau single occurrence (Eerrusquia-Villafranca, unpublished information) Puebla Mitepec Dinosaur Ichnofauna (Eerrusquia-Villafranca et ah, 1993) Michoacan El Aguaje Dinosaur Ichnofauna (Ortiz-Mendieta et al., 2000) Tiquicheo single occurrence (Benammi et al., 2004) morphology, not on the presumed affinities ofthe and geographic distribution of the taxa involved. trace maker. Much the same is advocated by Inevitably, given the current extensive usage of Lockley (1989:441) and by Farlow et al. cladistic analysis of skeletal remains to character- (1989:385), who strongly recommend thatformal ize andwork outthe phylogenetic relationships of names should be given only to dinosaur tracks generic and higher-rank dinosaur taxonomic preserved well enough to provide significant categories, some of the names referred to in this information about the pedal structure of their study are now cladistically defined, but still maker. Thus, given the small number of available remain Linnean taxonomic categories, and are ichnites and their moderate to poor preservation, named accordingly. We use and refer to such we have chosen not to assign formal ichnogeneric categories as taxonomic/nomenclatorial “han- names to them but rather to refer to them as dles” to convey the possible taxonomic position morphotypes and morphic varieties. However, in of the morphotype maker, and certainly no an effort to tie morphotypes to known ichnogen- cladistic analysis of bone remains is implied. era, we discuss the relevant ichnotaxonomic record. GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND Amorphotypeisthe fundamentalconfiguration PALEOGEOGRAPHIC CONSIDERATIONS of an ichnite that allows it to be differentiated from other such configurations and constitutes an GEOLOGIC SYNOPSIS OF THE HUAJUAPAn informal taxonomic category; in this paper, DE LEON AREA, OAXACA however, morphotypes are given a capital letter designation. Morphotype makers can confidently The dinosaur footprint locality lies in the Mixteca be linked to family categories of the Linnean Alta Oaxaquena, Municipality of Huajuapan de system. Morphic varieties (MV) document vari- Leon, northwestern Oaxaca State, southeastern ability within a given morphotype. In this paper, Mexico, 17°42'-17°50'N Lat. and 97°45'- morphic varieties are designated with the corre- 7°52'W Long. (Figure 2). The area includes sponding morphotype capital letter, followed by nearly 160 sq. km ofrugged, complexly deformed a particular lowercase letter, thus producing territory, where Paleozoic to Quaternary units a unique two-lettercombination. These categories crop out (Figures 3 and 4). The Paleozoic Acatlan are also informal. The possible Linnean taxonom- Complex in the Mixteca region is unconformably ic identification of the morphotype maker is overlain by the Jurassic System, which largely discussed;theassignmentmade,usuallyacategory consists of a 1,700- to 2,500-m-thick, sedimenta- offamily orhigherrank, isthe mostparsimonious ry, continental-to-marine sequence; its current estimate on the basis of the morphological lithostratigraphic differentiation (Erben, 1956a information, known biogeochronologic ranges. and b, Cortes-Obregon et al., 1957) into two Contributions in Science, Number 515 Ferrusqmaetal.: SoutheasternMexicoDinosaurIchnofauna 5 Figure 2 Descriptive track and trackway terminology used (modified from Peabody (1948), Sarjeant (1975), Ferrusqma-Villafrancaetal.,(1978),andLockley(1991b)).A1-A5:trackshapesofAl,rhomboidal;A2,rounded;A3, oval; A4-A5, hyperelongated; the interdigital notch is V-shaped in Al and A3 and U-shaped in A2; B1-B4: track measurements of Bl, theropod footprint; B2-B3, sauropod pedal and manual prints respectively; B4, ornithopod footprint. ABBREVIATIONS: Da, divergence angle; dl, apparent digit length; Dm, dorsal margin (ofmanual print); dw, width ofdigit at its base; fl, antero-posterior footprint (= pedal print) length; fw, transverse footprint (= pedal print) width; ia, interdigit angle (between stated digits); ml, antero-posterior length ofmanual print; mw, transverse widthofmanualprint;pm,palmarmargin(ofmanualprint);Ctrackwaymeasurements;PA,paceangulation;sa,step angle; si, step length; STl, stride length groups (the Early Jurassic Consuelo Group and group is a fine to medium-grained, phyllarenitic the Middle to early Late Jurassic Tecocoyunca clastic body, largely laid down in a transitional Group) and eight formations needs a thorough environment, and corresponds to a huge delta revision (not attempted here) because the recog- complex. About 18 km S 8°W of the dinosaur nition ofthe formations beyondtheirtype areas is footprintlocality(seeFigure 3),intheDiquiyu-Rio uncertain or altogether impossible due to their Santa Catarina ‘subarea’, Taberna Formation lithic resemblance and complex structural de- strata (a largely clastic, shallow marine and formation. transitional unit of the Tecocoyunca Group) Inthe studyarea (Figures 3 and4), the footprint located above the dinosaur footprint-bearing beds bearing strata belong to the Tecocoyunca Group contain ammonites such as Duashnoceras (loresi partim (i.e., an undifferentiated lithostratigraphic Burckhardt, 1927, Subcollina lucretia d’Orbigny, unit of group rank, where only some of the 1847 (Sandoval and Westermann, 1986), Strigo- formations that make it up are present). This ceras (Lyroxinites) cf. S. (L.) kellumiImlay, 1961, 6 Contributions in Science, Number 515 Ferrusquiaetal.: SoutheasternMexicoDinosaurIchnofauna HUAJUAPAN DE LEONAREA, OAXACA Knrrt 17 42’ T7tt Kmt Tmi QsQal TmpTml Tmp Ttt Kmt : * ~_t Jmt JmEA' Pma 0 Pma ' =>maACcoamtpllanex Jmt TGercooucpoPyaurntciam Aunrigtillo-Calcareous Kmt TLeipmoessctoolnuela 00" TCaonmgalzoumlearpaatne -r Punyirtoclastic Tmi LaQuebrada LL0J.I‘Lav'ic | | | Figure 3 Geologic map and structural section of the Huajuapan de Leon Area, Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, and southeastern Mexico Lissoceras cf. L, oolithicum d’Orbigny, 1845 complexly and tightly folded anticlinoria, separat- (Sandoval and Westermann, 1986), Oppelia sub- ed by a narrow synclinorium (Figure 3). Normal radiata Westermann, 1983, Parastrenoceras zapo- faulting further complicates the structures. The tecum Ochoterena, 1963, and Stephanosphinctes dinosaur footprint-bearing strata are located near buitroni Sandoval and Westermann, 1986 (Erben, the western edge of the eastern anticlinorium, 1956a; Sandoval and Westermann, 1986), that where a thin basaltic andesite sill intrudes the indicateanEarlyBajocian-EarlyBathonianage.In sequence. The textural and primary structural the study area, poorly preserved plant remains features of these strata, such as laminar to thin referred to as Otozamites sp. (Silva-Pineda, 1984) bedding, ripple marks, immature fine grain sand- are present; their geochronological range is con- stones,siltstones,andclaystones,indicatethatthey gruent with the Middle Jurassic age assignment were deposited very probably on the shores of obtainedfromthe ammonites. Thestructure ofthe a coastal lagoon. Tecocoyunca Group partim in the area includes The Tecocoyunca Group partim is overlain by two north-northwest-south-southeast trending. a LateJurassicmarineunit, inturnoverlain bythe Contributions in Science, Number 515 Ferrusquiaetal.: SoutheasternMexicoDinosaurIchnofauna 7 IND. /|vV/VVVV/ VV V/VVV\/ 4oo0 AQlUluAvTiuEmRaNnAdRsYoilD.EPOSITS: ui \'r,yr\fvyVV/VVVV-fVmVVlVVV/ C6UNOI Tml, UNNAMED LAVA UNIT: \/ V/ V/ V/ O + + + + + O Andesitic flows. V .+ + 4- + + Tmp+ CoSIJ Tmp, UNNAMED PYROCLASTIC \ + + + + LO OQO Oo°oQO o UNIT: Thin to medium bedded, diverse- o ®^OOo°0°OOcS?Ooon°^ CosIJ alyntdexltapuirlleid-taufnfsd. welded silicic tuffs OOqfN O^Ooo LO Tmi, LA QUEBRADA SILL: Basaltic andesite. TAMAZULAPAN CONGLOMERATE: Thickly bedded calclithite. r~T I'1, I'r i‘r, iI TEPOSCOLULA LIMESTONE: 1 I I I. oo Thickly bedded biomicrite and biopel- o nzx TI~rIi I micrite; partly recristalized. T~71 o o CD UNNAMED ARGILLO-CALCAREOUS UNITS: Quartz-bearing calcareous r^T "T 1 "T" r argillite and siltstone. TECOCOYUNCA GROUP Partim: O to Red, thin to medium bedded phylla- CNJ renitic silstone, sandstone and con- o oo glomerate. It bears dinosaur foot- prints. ACATLAN COMPLEX: High grade ^ metamorphites such as biotite schist and pyroxene granulite (green stone). * in meters Figure 4 Generalized lithostratigraphic column of the Huajuapan de Leon Area, Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, and southeastern Mexico 8 Contributions in Science, Number 515 Ferrusquiaetal.: SoutheasternMexicoDinosaurIchnofauna Albian Teposcolula Limestone, which is overlain than the one proposed; nonetheless, Caballero- by a Cenozoic continental sequence (Figures 3 Miranda et al. preferred the second hypothesis. and 4). Bohnel (1999) proposed a third hypothesis, namelya25° southwardpost-Bajociantranslation PALEOGEOGRAPHIC CONSIDERATIONS of the Mixteca from a starting position in ON THE MIXTECA REGION northern South America across northeastern North America (i.e., by present-day New York, The Mixteca is part of the southeastern Mexico- then located just south of the Paleoequator middle American-Caribbean region, whose geo- (Figure 5.4)). logic evolution during the Mesozoic is far from In these hypotheses, the Mixteca region is well known. Severalcompetingmodels oftectonic regarded as an island locatedclose to west-central and/or paleogeographic evolution have been pro- South America (first hypothesis), close to south- posed (see Anderson and Schmidt, 1983, for western North America (second hypothesis), or a review of early models). Figure 5 depicts six close to northeastern North America/northern such models proposed (between 1988 and 2004) South America (third hypothesis). The largely for the Jurassic. Notice that all of them include undifferentiated Pangeatic nature of the Middle several small continental-crust blocks lying in the Jurassic dinosaur fauna as a whole (Weishampel, space left between North America, South Amer- 1990; Russell and Bonaparte, 1997; Sues, 1997a) ica, and Africa as Pangea became disassembled. lends no support to any of these hypotheses. Paleogeographically they corresponded to islands. However, the island component of all three However, there are not enough data to positively hypotheses is consistent with the ecologic and constraint the sea/land boundary for any of them geographic scenarios proposed for the Xochixtla- during any particular time interval (nor for the pilco ichnofauna towards the end of this article. adjacent continents either). Later, some such blocks accreted to North America, generating SYSTEMATICS southeastern Mexico-Central America, or formed the GreaterAntilles. TheMixteca isone orpart of This ichnofauna is named for the village of Santa one of these blocks. Maria Xochixtlapilco, which lies 4.5 km south- There have been three studies on the paleogeo- east of the locality by Highway 49, segment graphic and tectonic evolution of the Mixteca Huajuapan de Leon-San hdarcos Arteaga (Fig- region (which is one, or part of one such blocks) ure 3). The locality lies on an east-west trending, during the Middle Jurassic, both based on paleo- —80-m-long, steep slope formed by brick red, magnetic data. Caballero-Miranda et al. (1991: laminar, phyllarenitic silty-clayey strata dipping 206-209) considered two paleogeographic hy- 62° south-southeast (Figure 6); the average height potheses. In one the Mixteca was located in the of the slope is 8 m, and the footprints occur on Southern Hemisphere, perhaps by the Central bedding planes within a strata thickness no Andes (~20°S Lat.).Thishypothesiswasproposed greater than 45 mm, hence they are regarded as by Westermann et al. (1984), Taylor et al. (1984), contemporaneous. Close to thewestern end ofthe and Sandoval and Westermann (1986) to explain slope, there is a well-exposed bedding plane the close affinities of the Mixtecan and Andean covering 16 m^, where 33 footprints of small ammonite faunas and implies at least a 37° north- theropods and sauropods are present (Figures 6 ward rotation (i.e., about 4,500 km) from a start- and 7). About 20 m east of this main exposure, ing position by present-day northern Chile. there is a much smaller one, where only three In the second hypothesis the Mixteca was small ornithopod footprints (and a digit impres- located in the Northern Hemisphere, around sion) are discernible (Figure 7). Farther east, close today’s west-central Sinaloa (about 20°N Lat. to the end of the slope, on its lower part, there is and 108°W Long.), as advocated by Scotese et al., a single, large, well-preserved theropod print. The (1979), Anderson and Schmidt (1983), and footprints ofthe latter exposures and some ofthe Urrutia-Fucugauchi (1984), among others, who main outcrop are faintly outlined and shallow, postulated a left lateral displacement related to whichsuggeststhattheyareerosionalremnants of the Sonora-Mojave and TMVB megashears. This true prints or underprints. hypothesis implies an oblique (southeastward, —1,000 km) rotation from a starting position Order Saurischia Seeley, 1888 located 8° farther north and 10° farther west of Suborder Theropoda Marsh, 1881 the present-day location. However, the data to Coelurosauria, Huene, 1914, supportthis hypothesis (Caballero-Miranda etal., sensu Holz et ah, 2004 1991:table 2) locate the Middle Jurassic Refer- “Basal Coelurosauria” sensu Holz et al., 2004 ence Paleomagnetic Pole at 61°N Lat. and 116°E Morphotype A, Morphic Varieties Aa to Ak Long., whereas the rotated Middle Jurassic (Figures 8.1-8.4, Tables 2-3) Paleomagnetic Pole’s location varies from 53° to 62°N Lat. and 144° to 165°E Long., thus cal- DESCRIPTION. Small, rhomboidal to oval ling for a much greater rotation (ca., 15° to 30°) tridactyl footprints;with shortto moderatelylong Contributions in Science, Number 515 Ferrusquiaetal.: SoutheasternMexicoDinosaurIchnofauna 9 SYMBOLS \ Convergent Spreading Suture \Transform Volcanic I . 1 Addition- margin zone zone fault * arc I I al land Figure 5 Paleogeographic and paleotectonic hypothetical reconstructions ofthe NorthAmerican-South American- African region duringtheJurassic, after 1, Ross and Scotese, 1988; 2, Smith etal., 1994; 3, Golanka et al., 1996; 4, Bohnel, 1999;5,DickinsonandLawton,2001;6,Elias-Herrera,2004(allareslightlymodified);noticethatonlysome continental-crust blocks are labeled; the Mixteca Terrane Block is shown in solid black. ABBREVIATIONS: AF, Africa; APO, Ancestral Pacific Ocean; ch, Chortis Block; ds, Del Sur (i.e., Sierra Madre del Sur) Block; NA, North America; SA, South America; y, Yucatan Block and robust digits separated by V-shaped notches, a humanlike footprint appearance because the digitIII is the longest and the others are subequal; pedal/metatarsal margin is diffuse. Eleven mor- divergence angle (between digits II-IV) typically phic varieties are recognized for this morpho- of 54° to 78°, angle interdigits II-III of 39°-42°, type. and angle interdigits III-IV of ~20°-39°; estimat- ed hip height of 0.50 m to 0.70 m; other Morphic Variety Aa numerical parameters are presented in Tables 2 REFERRED MATERIAL. Plaster and plastic and 3. Sixty percent of the recorded footprints epirelief/hyporeliefcastpairsnumbersIGM-9303, are hyperelongated, seemingly combining the IGM-9304 and IGM-7428, IGM-9305 (Figures dactylar/plantar impression with a large meta- 8.1AalP, 8.1AalN, and 8.1Aa2P, 8.1Aa2N); tarsal impression into a single print, which has both correspond to left footprints. 10 Contributions in Science, Number 515 Ferrusquiaetal.: SoutheasternMexicoDinosaurIchnofauna Table 2 Measurements of footprints assigned to Morphotype A. ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS: aiII~III, angle between interdigits ll-III; ailll-FV, angle between interdigits DA, divergence angle; dl, digit length; dw, width at digit base; e, estimated; fl, antero-posterior footprint length; fw, transverse footprintwidth; f#, number of footprints recorded in IGM-7958; I, indeterminate; H, hip height; L, left; MV, morphic variety; Mw, apparent maximum footprint transverse width; R, right; TPl, apparent maximum antero-posterior footprint length; (4), (6), castsmadefromthesefootprintsin 1981. (A),morphometricratiomethod: h = 4.5 fl (Thulborn, 1990:251,Equation 8.2); (B), allometricequationmethod: h = 3.49 (1.5 fl)^ (Thulborn, 1990:255,Equation 8.15. Linearmeasurements H ai ai dl dw dl dw dl dw f# Side MV TPl Mw fl fw (A) (B) DA II-III III-IV II II III III IV IV _ L Aal _ — 130 119 585 693 78° 39° 39° 65 24 72 25 58 24 - L Aa2 - - 100 83 450 533 56° 42° 14° 30 22 52 28 30 17 - L Ab - - 120 77 540 640 45° 15° 20° 32 18 50 22 35 17 - R Ac 130 80 110 80 495 587 54° 30° 24° 44 16 60 13 13 - R Adi 210 84e - - - 60° 30° 30° 44 24 63 28 63e 21 - R Ad2 125 53e -- - 56° 33° 23° 23 19 33 18 32 19 (6) L Ae 195e 78e - ~ - - - _ 18 44e 13 42e 14e (4) L Af 200e 85e - - - ~ - - - 45e 20 68 23 18 - L Ag 205 78 122 74 9 L Ah 260 130 125 124 15 L Al 150 133e - ~ - - - - - - - - - 31 R Ai 295 122 128 126e 2 L Aj 295 126 - 121 10 I A) - 110 - 110 - - - - - - _ - - - 16 R Aj 315 125 _ 123 29 L Aj 328 130 - 129e 1 Ak 215 110 3 Ak 260 140 4 Ak 265 120 5 Ak 200 140 6 Ak 270 135 12 Ak 300 123 13 Ak 230 112 22 Ak 205 110 23 Ak 256 115 24 Ak 256 143 25 Ak 294 143 DESCRIPTION. Theyare small, rhomboidai to between II and III, and 20° between III and IV). oval, have well-developed, moderately long digit Another difference is that the plantar region is impressions, with acute apices, which suggests the larger, but no heel or pad impressions are presence of narrow, elongated claws, digit III is discernible. the longest, a divergence angle of 56°-78°, angle interdigits II-III of 39°-42° and angle interdigits Morphic Variety Ac III-IV of 14°-35°; one of the footprints is slightly REEERRED MATERIAL. Plaster and plastic larger, with straight digits; the other has curved, epirelief/hyporelief cast pair number IGM-9307 shorter digits (particularly II and IV). The plantar and IGM-9306 (Figures 8.2AcP and 8.2AcN); it portion of the footprint is little developed; no corresponds to a right footprint. pads and heel impressions are discernible. DESCRIPTION. Thismorphicvarietyis broad- MV ly similar to Aa (divergence angle of 54°), Morphic Variety Ab differing from it in being smaller, with rather REFERRED MATERIAL. Plaster and plastic thick, rounded-tipped digit impressions, and in epirelief/hyporelief cast pair number IGM-7430 possessing a long and narrow, posteriorly di- and IGM-9306 (Figures S.lAbP and S.lAbN); it rected projection, interpreted as a metatarsal corresponds to a left footprint. impression. DESCRIPTION. This morphic variety is also small, with well-developed, acute-tipped digit Morphic Variety Ad impressions, whichsuggeststhe presence ofclaws, REEERRED MATERIAL. IGM-9309 and MV but differs from Aa in having narrower, IGM-9310, two silhouettes outlined in 1981 over nearly straight digits, with their tips slightly bent; tracing paper on a now-eroded part of the lower the divergence angle of 45° is much smaller than trackway (see Figure 7, and in “General Discus- MV in Aa, and so are the interdigit angles (15° sion of the Morphotype,” Morphotype Assign-

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