Accepted by ApJ — 29 Jan 2006 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.6/22/04 THE VERTICAL STRUCTURE OF THE OUTER MILKY WAY HI DISK E.S. Levine1, Leo Blitz1, and Carl Heiles1 DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofCaliforniaatBerkeley,MailCode3411,Berkeley,CA94720USA Accepted by ApJ — 29 Jan 2006 ABSTRACT We examine the outer Galactic HI disk for deviations from the b=0◦ plane by constructing maps of disk surface density, mean height, and thickness. We find that the Galactic warp is well described byaverticaloffsetplustwoFouriermodesoffrequency1and2,allofwhichgrowwithGalactocentric radius. Addingthem=2modeaccountsforthelargeasymmetrybetweenthenorthernandsouthern 6 warps. We use a Morlet wavelet transform to investigate the spatial and frequency localization of 0 higher frequency modes; these modes are often referred to as “scalloping.” We find that the m = 10 0 and15 scallopingmodes arewellabovethe noise,but localized; this suggeststhatthe scallopingdoes 2 not pervade the whole disk, but only local regions. n Subject headings: Galaxy: disk — Galaxy: structure — Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics — ISM: a structure — radio lines: general J 0 3 1. INTRODUCTION of knowledge regarding galactic halos, but showed that 1 Although the topography of the gas disk of the Milky the shape of the density falloff near the edge of the disk playsanimportantroleinthestabilityofbendingmodes v Way has previously been mapped (Westerhout 1957; (Hunter & Toomre 1969; Toomre 1983). The distribu- 7 Henderson et al. 1982; Burton & Te Lintel Hekkert tion of matter in the halo controls the ability of the disk 9 1986, and many others), its complete Fourier struc- tosustainlong-livedbendingwavewarps,sostudyingthe 6 ture has never been quantitatively described, though propertiesofthe warpwill tellus aboutthe shapeof the 1 Binney & Merrifield (1998) have approximated its 0 three lowest frequency terms. Which spatial oscillation halo (Binney 1978; Sparke 1984). Sparke & Casertano 6 frequenciesaremostimportant? Isthescallopingalocal (1988) argued that bending mode oscillations are plau- 0 or global effect? This paper constitutes an in depth sible when the halo and the self-gravity of the disk are / takenintoaccount,butBinney et al.(1998)showedthat h analysis of the shape of the outer HI disk, as well as the in this situation the warp will wind up within a few p first quantitative analysis of the scalloping. dynamical times. Previous work has largely been con- - The large-scalewarp in the gas disk of the Milky Way o cerned with the existence and behavior of m = 1 warps has been known since 1957 (Burke 1957; Kerr 1957; r only,thoughSparke(1995)demonstratedthestabilityof t Westerhout 1957; Kerr et al. 1957). The warp has a s large amplitude, rising to a height greater than 4 kpc m=0 modes in an axisymmetric halo. a Several other mechanisms have been suggested as at a Galactocentric radius of 25 kpc in the northern : v data. It is also asymmetric; in the south the gas falls possibilities for creating and maintaining a warp Xi about 1 kpc below the plane before rising back to it. (Kuijken & Garc´ıa-Ruiz 2001). Gravitational interac- tion with satellites such as the Magellanic Clouds is By observing other galaxies, it is possible to develop r a promising candidate (Burke 1957; Weinberg 1998; a a general understanding of how warps behave. Bosma Weinberg & Blitz 2005), but there is a longstanding de- (1991) found that at minimum half of all galaxies are bateofwhethertidaleffectsarestrongenoughtoproduce warped,andthatgalaxieswithsmallerdarkmatter halo the observedeffect (Kerr1957). Indeed, evenin galaxies core radii are less likely to be warped. Briggs (1990) with companions similar to the LMC, tidal amplifica- claimed that a warp’s line of nodes starts out straight, tion may not be strong enoughto accountfor the size of and at a transition begins to advance in the direction thewarp(Garc´ıa-Ruiz et al.2002a). Accretionofmatter of rotation, with some exceptions. Another survey has ontothehaloisanotherplausiblecause(Jiang & Binney shown that warps are common in galaxies with HI disks 1999), or matter can accrete directly onto onto the disk thatareextendedcomparedtotheiropticalcomponents, and torque the gas orbits (Lo´pez-Corredoira et al. 2002; and are often asymmetric (Garc´ıa-Ruiz et al. 2002b). In Sa´nchez-Salcedo2004). Intergalacticmagnetic fields can the Milky Way, many components other than HI also act on a slightly ionized gas disk to produce a warp participate in the warp. A partial list includes dust (Battaner et al. 1990), or the intergalactic medium can (Freudenreich et al. 1994), CO (Wouterloot et al. 1990), excite a warp through a wind (Kahn & Woltjer 1959). solarneighborhoodstars(Dehnen1998),andIRASpoint Throughout this paper, we will refer to shorter wave- sources (Djorgovski & Sosin 1989). length (5–25 kpc) oscillations in azimuth as scallop- Many efforts have been directed toward understand- ing. Gum et al. (1960) first noticed a “waviness” in the ing the warp on a theoretical basis. Bending modes gas layer of the inner Galaxy; observational evidence havelongbeensuspectedasthemechanismcreatingand for scalloping turns out to be prominent in the outer maintaining the warp. Early work studying the evolu- Galaxy (Henderson et al. 1982; Kulkarni et al. 1982). tionofbendingmodeoscillationswashamperedbyalack Fleck (1983) investigated the possibility that the Milky Electronicaddress: [email protected] Way scalloping results from the Kelvin-Helmholz insta- 2 Levine, Blitz, & Heiles bility, and Sparke (1995) suggested that the scalloping functions: should only be present in the outer parts of Galactic R disks. Spicker & Feitzinger (1986) find azimuthal cor- ℓ=sin−1 sinφ (cid:20)r′ (cid:21) rugations in HI and other components along the spiral z arms after removing the warp. In an N-Body simula- b=tan−1 tion, Edelsohn & Elmegreen (1997) found evidence for r′ spiral corrugations due to gravitational interaction with R 0 v =sinℓcosb Θ(R)−Θ a satellite galaxy. In this paper we will only investigate r (cid:20) R 0(cid:21) oscillation in Galactocentric azimuth, and not in radius. In §2 we describe the method of transforming the He- R2 1/2 +v (R)cosφ 1− 0 sin2ℓ cosb. (1) liocentricdatacubeintoGalactocentriccoordinates,and Π (cid:18) R2 (cid:19) presentmapsofthesurfacedensity,averageheightoffthe b=0◦ plane, and vertical thickness of the outer Galaxy. Here, Θ(R) is the Galactic rotation curve, which we as- sumetobe220kms−1everywhere(Brand & Blitz1993). While these maps are constructed using new data, they Θ andR are220kms−1 and8.5kpc,respectively. ris are not significantly different from previous work. In §3 0 0 thevectorconnectingtheSun’slocationtothepointun- we perform global and local analyses on these maps to der investigation; r′ is the projection of this vector onto better understand the warp and the scalloping. the plane of the disk (with magnitude r′). Equation 1 is the transformation that results from an 2. METHOD assumption of elliptical gas orbits with major axis along 2.1. Data Processing the φ=90◦,270◦ line. To derivethis, weassumethe gas moves on the orbit: We use the 21 cm Leiden/Argentine/Bonn (LAB) data (Kalberla et al. 2005; Hartmann & Burton 1997; v =220 km s−1 φ Bajaja et al. 2005; Arnal et al. 2000) to conduct a v =v (R)cosφ. (2) quantitative study of the warp and scalloping. The R Π LAB survey is a combination of the LDS data set v isthemagnitudeofthevelocityintheGalactocentric R (Hartmann & Burton 1997) with Southern sky observa- radial direction. v is a parameterizationof the elliptic- Π tions from the IAR (Arnal et al. 2000); however, much ityoftheorbit,whichisfreetovarywithGalactocentric attention has been paid toward ensuring a uniform data radius; we discuss our method of calculating v (R) in Π set. Thedataarecorrectedforstrayradiation. Thecom- the Appendix. At all points, v /v < 0.1. These equa- R φ binedsurveymapstheentireskywithin−450≤v ≤400 tionsaresimply the epicyclic approximationfor anorbit r km s−1 with a resolution of 1.3 km s−1; this velocity with epicyclic frequency 1 and the angle of ellipse ori- range includes all of the gas in the Galaxy in circular entation fixed. Although the gas orbits in the Galaxy rotation. We used the Hanning smoothed data, which are not likely to correspond to the fixed ellipse orienta- have a velocity resolution of 1.9 km s−1, and used only tion we describe, this configuration minimizes the cor- data with |b|≤30◦. The signal of the warp in the north rection to v for gas far from ℓ=0◦ or 180◦ (see Voskes r canbeweaklytracedbeyondthiselevationlimit(Burton (1999) for more detail on elliptical gas orbits). With- 1985),butthevastmajorityofthewarpsignalisincluded out a correction for radial motion of the gas, there is a within our b range. largeasymmetrybetween the surfacedensities atGalac- The LAB survey contains a large number of angu- tic longitudes on either side of ℓ = 0◦ and ℓ = 180◦ larlysmallemissionfeatures,especiallyathighlatitudes, (Henderson et al. 1982). This must be taken into ac- which are not contiguous with the gas in the disk, and count,orfeaturesinthesetworegionssuchasthesurface may not even be in circular rotation. Features like these densitywillappeardiscontinuousanddistorted. Assum- are particularly troublesome at larger Galactic latitudes ing an outward velocity for the Local Standard of Rest sincetheycancontainenoughgastocontaminateourcal- (LSR)willcorrectthisdiscontinuitytosomedegree(Kerr culations,especially atlargeGalactocentric radii. These 1962; Kerr & Westerhout 1965). However, it seems that objectsare removedwith amedianfilter so wecanfocus the best fit for the motion relative to the LSR changes on the gas in the disk. Points with brightness tempera- with radius, implying that the effect is global, rather ture T ≤ 0 are temporarily filled with the value 0.01 K than local (Blitz & Spergel 1991). To reduce the magni- b for this filtering only. We then cycle through the LAB tude of the discontinuity using gas orbits, one can use a datacubeandcalculatethe medianofeachpointandits Galactocentric radial velocity roughly of the form cosφ 12 nearest neighbors in ℓ and b at the same line-of-sight (or cosℓ) (Kuijken & Tremaine 1994). velocity v (a two dimensional diamond shaped filter); We exclude all points that lie within 345◦ ≤ ℓ ≤ 15◦ r callthismedianT (ℓ,b,v ). AnypointwithT >10T or 165◦ ≤ ℓ ≤ 195◦. Points in these two wedges have m r b m is replacedwith 10 T . Two examples of objects caught velocities along the line of sight that are too small with m by this filter are M31 and NGC 6822. respect to their random velocities to establish reliable Thesurveygridinℓ,b,andv isnotconvenientforan- distances. All points in this region are set to T =0. r b alyzing Galactic properties. Ideally, our measurements Using(1)weconstructaGalactocentricgridT (R,φ,z) b wouldbeequallyspacedintheGalactocentriccylindrical by trilinear-interpolating from the grid T (ℓ,b,v ). We b r coordinates R,φ, and z; we must interpolate a Galacto- dothisbycalculatingthecoordinatesofan(R,φ,z)point centric grid from the LSR-centered data. The Galactic in(ℓ,b,v )space,andinterpolatingfromT (ℓ,b,v ). The r b r azimuth φ is defined such that it converges with galac- resolutionoftheGalactocentricgridissetbythespacing tic longitude ℓ at large R. To convert from observed of the LSR centered grid, but in this paper we are not ℓ,b, and v to R,φ, and z we use the following mapping interested in small-scale disk structure. A grid of 100 r Vert. Struct. of Outer Milky Way HI Disk 3 points in 10 kpc ≤ R ≤ 30 kpc, 350 points in −π ≤ 1. Calculate the total mass surface density φ ≤ π, and 141 points in -20 kpc≤ z ≤ 20 kpc gives N=141 us sufficient resolution to answer the questions we are M(R,φ)= ρ(R,φ,z )∆z (3) interested in. i Undersampledgridsfailtoutilizealloftheinformation Xi=1 in the data; our choice of grid spacing is both is an un- where ∆z is the z bin size. dersampling and an oversampling of the information in T (ℓ,b,v ) depending on the position in the disk. Con- 2. Calculate b r sider two points near R = 10 kpc and ℓ = 15◦, where N=141z ρ(R,φ,z )∆z we have poor Galactocentric resolution in φ. The LAB z¯(R,φ)= i=1 i i . (4) survey has ∆ℓ = 0.5◦; at this location this corresponds P M(R,φ) to ∆φ≈0.9◦. The spacing in our Galactocentric grid is 3. Calculate the second moment larger than 1◦, thus we are undersampled everywhere in the φ dimension. In §3.1.2 we will perform an azimuthal N=141[z −z¯(R,φ)]2ρ(R,φ,z )∆z d2(R,φ)= i=1 i i . (5) frequency analysis of each ring; none of the frequencies P M(R,φ) weexamine approachthe Nyquistfrequency ofthe data. Near the midplane at R = 30 kpc and ℓ = 15◦, lines 4. Runthrougheachpointin(R,φ,z)space. For any of constant b are separated by around 300 pc, and near point that does not lie within 2d of z¯, set ρ = 0. the top of the grid they are separated by around 400 Callthe gridthatresultsfromthis dispersionfilter pc; there is some oversamplingin the z dimension by no ρ (R,φ,z). d more than a factor of 2. The most severe case of over- sampling is in the R dimension, where along ℓ=15◦ we Forstep4,weexperimentedwithseveraldifferentcutoffs have only 14 velocity resolution elements in our R range (inthe range1−3d);ourresults do notdepend strongly for the 100 grid points. On the other hand, at ℓ = 90◦, on which cutoff we choose. there are more than 60 resolutionelements in our range. We construct the Galactic disk surface density and We have chosen a grid spacing in R that oversamples to mean height maps from ρ (R,φ,z). For example, we d a varying degree depending on location in the disk. can sum the density over the z dimension to construct From T (R,φ,z), we can recover ρ(R,φ,z) using the the surface density associated with the disk (Figure 1): b method outlined in Kerr (1968). We assume T , the s t spin temperature, is 155 K everywhere. This is slightly Σ(R,φ)= ρ (R,φ,z )∆z (6) higherthanthe maximumbrightnesstemperature found d i in the LAB survey in the region we are concerned with. Xi=b Choosingalargernumbertoforcetheopticallythinlimit Theindicestandbrepresentthe topandbottomz that i (T ≪ T ) makes a difference only in a small number of have not been zeroed out by the dispersion filter. The b s areas in the inner radii of our grid. The vast majority resultingfigureclearlydemonstratesthefalloffofthedisk of the points are optically thin with any reasonable T , surface density with radius. The contour lines are nicely s and are not affected by this choice. The transformation continuous across the ℓ=0◦ and ℓ=180◦ lines because to a density grid depends on |dv /dr|. Using elliptical of our use of elliptical orbits; see the Appendix for a r orbits makes calculating this quantity slightly more dif- version of this figure without correcting for these orbits. ficult than with a flat rotation curve. Although the full The jagged nature of the contours with R . 18 kpc is derivative can be written analytically, we just calculate due in part to spiral arms (Levine et al. 2006). There is it numerically. Points with T <0 are set to ρ=0. a region near R ≈ 27 kpc and φ ≈ 90◦ with a smaller b surface density than other regions at the same radius; this region has somewhat unusual features in all of our maps. Also notice the excluded regions near the Sun- Galactic center line; these gaps will appear in all of our 2.2. Surface Density and Mean Height maps plots. Thegridρ(R,φ,z)containsinformationabouttheden- We will be looking closely at the mass weighted mean sity of HI in the Galaxy, minus whatever has been re- height of the gas disk (Figure 2), moved by the median filter and the excluded regions. t Previous studies have proceeded by calculating a mean 1 h(R,φ)= z ρ (R,φ,z )∆z. (7) heightz¯(R,φ)forthegas. However,theGalaxyisacom- Σ(R,φ) i d i plicated place that contains a variety of HI structures in Xi=b addition to the disk. In particular, there are many ex- This height is calculated with respect to the Galactic tended clouds locatednearthe disk as wellas spurs that midplane defined by b = 0◦. The Galactic warp is the split off from the disk. None of these will have been re- most immediately evident feature in this map; the gas moved by the median filter, which acts only on compar- in the northern hemisphere peaks at h ≈ 5 kpc, while atively small areas of the sky. Voskes (1999) developed the southern gas descends only to h≈−1.5 kpc, consis- an alternative method to remove some of these features; tent with previous maps of the Galaxy. At least three he masked out a map of high velocity cloud complexes. verticaloscillationsof magnitude≈1 kpc canbe seen in Since we are only interested in the shape of the disk it- the south from φ≈−120◦ to φ≈−20◦; these have pre- self, these additional components must be filtered out viously been called the “scalloping”. The approximate before ourcalculationofthe meanheight. We performa extentofthescallopingismarkedwithanarcconnecting dispersion filter that operates as follows. two “S” labels. The region of low surface density noted 4 Levine, Blitz, & Heiles in the discussion of Figure 1 (R = 27 kpc, φ = 90◦) has can lead to inaccuracies in T in places where the thick- h a height that seems anomalous when compared to sur- ness is small, i.e. R≈10 kpc. T (R,φ) is shown in Fig- h roundinggas(itismarkedwithan“X”).Severalfeatures ure4. Somepointsnearthesunactuallyhavecalculated are elongated along lines of constant ℓ indicating some half-thicknesses of zero; this is due to the comparatively level of contamination by turbulent velocities and/or lo- small thickness of the disk in that region combined with cal gas. In the past these have been dubbed “fingers of our limited LAB survey range |b| ≤ 30◦ and poor grid God” because they all point back to the Sun. resolution in z. In §3.1.1 we will need a measure of the uncertainty in The flaring of the disk with radius is immediately themeanheightofeachpointinthemap. Wedefinethis evident, as T increases in magnitude by a factor of h error using the sum of squared residuals, as is usual for about 8 between R ≈ 10 and 30 kpc; this flaring was least squares fits: first seen in Lozinskaya & Kardashev (1963). Asymme- N=t(z −h(R,φ))2ρ (R,φ,z )∆z try between the northern and southern halves of the e2(R,φ)= i=b i d i , (8) disk is also prominent; the southern half of the Galaxy P (t−b+1)Σ(R,φ) has a lower average thickness than the northern. This wheret−b+1is the number ofpoints inthe calculation asymmetry was also evident in Henderson et al. (1982) of the mean and surface density. This is only an ap- andBurton & Te Lintel Hekkert(1986). Thelowsurface proximation because it does not account for any of the densityregionaroundR≈27kpchasaverylargethick- uncertainty introduced in T (ℓ,b,v ), v (R), the inter- b r Π ness;thegasintheregionhasclearlybeendisturbedand polation to ρ(R,φ,z), or the dispersion filter. Typically, dispersed by some mechanism. There are regions of in- e(R)/R≈0.01. creased thickness close to ℓ=15◦ and 345◦ near R≈10 Because of effects like turbulence, anomalous veloci- kpc probably caused by local gas. ties,andspiralarms,thefeaturesinthemeanheightmap Figure5plotsthesurfacedensityandhalf-thicknessof may not correspond to the actual shape of the Galaxy. the HI layer averaged over φ as a function of R. This The severity of this effect can be seen by looking at a figure confirms our visual impressions from the surface contour map of dr/dv (see Figure 3). While similar to r density and dispersion maps by showing the falloff in previously published plots (Burton & Te Lintel Hekkert the surface density and the flaring of the thickness with 1986), this figure also includes the correction for ellipti- radius. The contamination by local gas described in the cal gas orbits. Given a turbulent velocity of magnitude previousparagraphaswellasthepoorz resolutionprob- v ,featureswithcoherentscaleslessthanv dr/dv could t t r lem mentioned at the beginning of the section account potentially be false signals. Furthermore, even real fea- for the rise in the average of T with decreasing R near h tures will be blurred out or even incorrectly positioned R≈10kpc;thereisnoevidencethethicknessofthedisk over the same length scale. A typical turbulent veloc- actually behaves this way. A gradient-expansion least- ity is around 8 km s−1. Small regions can differ from squares routine (Marquardt 1963) gives the best fit for the flat rotation curve by 20-30 km s−1 (Brand & Blitz thesurfacedensitybeyond14kpc(wheretheexponential 1993). We do not expect that these distortions will sig- falloff begins) as: nificantlyeffect ourFourieranalysis. The steepcontours near ℓ = 0◦ and ℓ = 180◦ demonstrate the need for the Σ(R)=4.5×exp[−(R−14kpc)/4.3kpc]M⊙pc−2. (10) excluded regions, because small irregularities in velocity there result in large changes in distance. 3. ANALYSIS 2.3. Thickness map 3.1. Global Structure We also construct a measure of the thickness of the Using the maps we have constructed, we conduct a disk. In contrast to the previous section, we keep all quantitative investigation of the disk vertical structure. of the complicated features of the HI in our calculation Sincewearestudyingadisk,weuseamethodthatisin- of the thickness. We do this because these features do dependent of rotation in φ and treats φ=0 and φ=2π containinformationregardingpressureandgravitational as the same point. Furthermore, the data are unevenly force,althoughthey are a nuisance when calculating the sampled due to the excluded regions within 15◦ of the mean height. In particular, our method for finding the Sun-Galacticcenterline. Wecompletetheanalysiswith- thickness of the disk relies heavily on the tails of the out extrapolating h(R,φ) in these regions, to avoid in- vertical density distribution. Thus, in this section, we troducing any artifacts into the signal. Throughout this will work with ρ instead of ρ . d paper, we refer to different frequency oscillations in the Following Henderson et al. (1982), we define the first disk. These frequencies will always be labeled by the and third quartile points as zj1 and zj3 as the smallest number of oscillations they will complete in a full 2π; and largest indices, respectively, that satisfy: thus the m=1 mode has a one maximum and one min- j1 imum in the disk. ρ(R,φ,z )∆z≥M(R,φ)/4 i Xi=0 3.1.1. Galactic Warp 141 The Galactic warp is the most prominent feature in ρ(R,φ,zi)∆z≥M(R,φ)/4. (9) Figure 2. A Lomb periodogram analysis of each radius iX=j3 ring(see§3.1.2)revealsthatthepowerineachofthe0,1, We then define the half thickness (a factor of 2 smaller and2modesisconsistentlylargerthanthatinanyother thanHenderson et al.(1982)toeasecomparisonwithre- mode for R & 20 kpc. At some radii m = 3 is the next cent work): T (R,φ)=(z −z )/2. Note that this im- strongest mode, and at others it is m = 4. Accordingly, h j3 j1 plies that T is quantized by ∆z/2 (about 140 pc). This we characterize the warp by an offset in the z direction, h Vert. Struct. of Outer Milky Way HI Disk 5 Fig. 1.— A contour map of Σ(R,φ). Contours are evenly spaced in log10 space, at (3,1,0.3,0.1) M⊙/pc2. The large blank regions directlytowardsandawayfromtheGalacticcenteraretheexcludedregionsforwhichitishardtoestablishreliabledistances. plus two Fourier modes with frequency 1 and 2. We fit Each of these plots is a good fit; the offset and the two each ring with the function: Fourier components are both necessary and sufficient to describe the large-scale structure of the disk. For illus- W(φ)=W +W sin(φ−φ )+W sin(2φ−φ ). (11) 0 1 1 2 2 trative purposes, we will follow the ring at R = 28 kpc through each step of the analysis. Each of the three amplitudes W and two phases φ in i i Following the evolution of the fit parameters at differ- this fit is a function ofradius, because we fit eachradius ent places in the disk will tell us how the warp changes ring independently. We use the gradient-expansion fit- with radius. The three amplitude parameters each in- ting algorithm to perform this fit, weighting each point crease monotonically, with the m = 0 mode possibly bythe inverseofthe squaredestimate ofthe uncertainty in the mean height, e2(R,φ). The results of this fit for reaching an asymptotic value near the far end of our radius range (Figure 9). At R ≈ 11 kpc, the m = 1 the rings atR=16,22,and28kpc areshownin Figures mode dominates the shape of the warp; the other two 6,7, and 8. Error bars in these plots represent e(R,φ). 6 Levine, Blitz, & Heiles Fig. 2.— A contour map of h(R,φ). The shading changes every 500 pc in vertical displacement with respect to the b = 0◦ plane. A white contour is drawn at 0 pc; black contours are drawn at 2000, 4000, and 6000 pc. The colorbar on the right hand side is marked in verticalkpc. Thetwo“S”labelsmarktheapproximateextentofthescallopingasseenbypreviousauthors. The“X”marksthesharpdip discussedin§3.2and§4. modes do not become important until R≈15 kpc. This plot implies that the m=1 mode has power evenat the TABLE 1 Parametersresulting froma linearleast-squares fit edge of our grid, thus we cannot establish the onset of tothe warp the warp. We do a linear least-squaresfit on the growth of each warp parameter using the function m Rk (kpc) k0 (pc) k1 (pckpc−1) k2 (pckpc−2) Wn =k0+k1(R−Rk)+k2(R−Rk)2 (12) 0 15 -66 150 -0.47 1 10 9 197 -3.1 where only points at R and beyond are weightedin the k 2 15 -70 171 -5.3 fit. R is arbitrarilychosento be near where eachof the k three modes starts growing. The value of k for each fit 0 is strongly correlatedto the choice of R . k Binney & Merrifield (1998) (hereafter BM) discuss an are filtered according to the procedure described in §2, approximationto the warpthat is of similar form to our whereas BM’s data are not. Fig. 10 compares the mode fit. They also fit the first three modes, but they fix the amplitudes calculated from the data, the fit from BM, line of zeros to lie along the Sun-Galactic center line. In and our fit. BM overestimate the strength of the warp our fit, this would be equivalent to setting φ and φ to starting at around R ≈ 22 kpc for the m = 2 mode, 24 1 2 zero. Also,BMfixW andW tobethesame. Notethat kpc for the m= 0, and 27 kpc for the m =1. However, 0 2 our warp data are adjusted for elliptical gas orbits, and theBMfitmatchesourdatafairlywellfortheradiiwhere Vert. Struct. of Outer Milky Way HI Disk 7 continue to assume no information regarding the shape of the disk in the excluded regions. We can now look for higher m modes of oscillation that may be present in s(R,φ). Such a signal would be present if the gas were coherently moving up and down as a function of φ. The Lomb periodogramis a useful numericalmethod for detecting periodic signals in unevenly spaced data (Press et al. 1992). It provides the same amplitude we woulddeterminebyusingalinearleastsquaresfit,evenif the signalis notsinusoidal,while allowingforastraight- forward error analysis. The data are weighted equally perpoint, whichis necessaryto dealwithunevenly sam- pleddata. Toeasecomparisonwiththewarpcomponent amplitudes in Fig. 9, we use an unnormalized Lomb pe- riodogram and take the square root of the power to get the amplitude. WeuseaMonteCarloalgorithmtodeterminethenoise level for the Lomb periodogram. For each ring, the null hypothesis is Gaussian white noise with the same dis- persion as the data in s(R). We construct 103 sets of noise for each ring, run the Lomb periodogram on each set,andrecordthe highestpeak inthe Lombamplitude. Wethendeterminethedistributionofpeaksintheseam- Fig. 3.— A contour map of dr/dvr, including the velocity plitudes, and define the 95% confidence interval as the contribution fromthe ellipticalgas orbitcorrection. The axes are markedinkpc;thecontoursdelineateregionsof250pc/(kms−1). amplitude just larger than 95% of the noise amplitude The contours rise close to the Galactic center and anticenter due peaks. We use the same technique todetermine the 99% tothesmallradialvelocitiesofgasinthoseregions,demonstrating confidence level. To conclude that a signal is real and whythedatainthosedirectionsareexcludedfromtherestof the study. notcausedbynoise,the signalstrengthmustcrossthese confidence levels. We found nearly identical noise lev- els by scrambling the order of the data instead of using Gaussian white noise, indicating that these calculations the warp is growing most rapidly. are robust. The line of maxima for the m = 1 mode and one of The Lomb periodogram of s(R,φ) for the R =28 kpc the two lines of maxima for the m=2 mode are marked ring is shown in Figure 12. 95% and 99% confidence onthe contourmapofthewarpfit(Figure11). Sinceφ 1 levels are marked as thresholds in amplitude. At this andφ areactuallythe lineofzeros,the lines ofmaxima 2 radius,thereissignificantstrengthinmodes4-6,10,and are shifted 90◦ and 45◦ from these values in our fit, re- 15. These modes are markedly weaker than the warp spectively. The parameter φ is not well determined at 2 components at the same radii,which have amplitudes of smallradiiinourfit becausethe amplitude ofthem=2 1-2 kpc. Fourier component is very small in that region. For this In the case of unevenly spaced or missing data points, reason, we do not plot φ in the region where W is less 2 2 simplesinewavesarenoteigenmodesofthesystem. One than150pc. Thereislittleevidenceforprecessioninthe way to see this is to take a Lomb periodogram of a lines of maxima for the two modes, and the line of max- pure sine wave on our φ grid with missing data; a small ima for the m = 1 mode is roughly aligned with one of amount of the power will leak into other frequencies. the lines of maxima of the m = 2 mode; for each radius Thus subtracting out the warp from h(R,φ) influences their difference in φ is less than 12◦. Burton (1988) has theamplitudesofthehigherordermodesfromtheLomb examined how the two lines of zeros for the meanheight periodogram because individual m modes are not inde- change in φ as a function of radius; they appear to stay pendent. We argue that the subtraction is nonetheless roughly aligned with the Sun-Galactic center line as R acceptablebecausethewarpandthescallopingappearto changes from R to 26 kpc. Fig. 11 shows that the line 0 be due to physically distinct phenomena; studying them ofzerosforthe sumofourthreewarpmodesfallswithin ismucheasieroncetheyhavebeenseparated. Removing the excluded region, consistent with the earlier work. the strongest modes will also result in a more accurate The three component fit shown in Figure 11 does a powerspectrumoftheweakerfrequencies,sinceweelim- good job of reproducing the large-scale features in the inate the power leakage from the stronger to the weaker mean height map. This is not surprising, given that the modes. m = 0,1, and 2 modes are the strongest in the Lomb Figure13showshowtheamplitudesinseveraldifferent periodogram; differences between the two plots are due m modes evolve with R. Modes 4-6, 10, and 15 appear topowerinhighfrequency modes. We willnowexamine to increase in strength at outer radii, while mode 3 is the differences between the mean height map and the strongest in the intermediate radii in our map. Other warp fit. modes have no detectable strength because they do not cross the 95% confidence level at any radii. Also notice 3.1.2. Scalloping how the confidence thresholds rise with radius because From the fit to the warp, we can determine a func- of the increase in the dispersion of s(R,φ). tionforthe scalloping: s(R,φ)=h(R,φ)−W(R,φ). We Another consequence of using the Lomb periodogram 8 Levine, Blitz, & Heiles Fig. 4.— AcontourmapofTh(R,φ);thethicknessofthediskisapproximatelytwicethisquantity. Contoursaredrawnat0,500,1000, 1500,2000,3000, 4000,and6000pc. Thecolorbarandthefigurelabelsareinpc. analysis on unevenly spaced data is that it is possible to periodogram, but this effect may be dwarfed by oscil- be fooled by a false signal due to ringing from interfer- lations elsewhere in the disk. We wish to detect these encebetweendifferentm modes. Itisdifficult to protect sorts of perturbations and learn where in the disk they against this, but if two strong modes were interfering are prominent. with each other to produce a third signal, we would ex- One way to draw out this type of structure is to use a pect at least two of the signals to increase in strength waveletanalysis. Waveletsareidealforourpurposesbe- at the same radius. The strongest modes in Figure 13 cause they are localized in both position and frequency become significant at different radii and have visually space;inotherwords,they willshowwhereinthe diska different evolution with radius; we conclude that these givenmodeofoscillationisdominant. Inwavelettheory, modes are real. it is beneficial to choosea mother waveletthat is similar in shape to the signals you are searching for. Since we 3.2. Local Structure are looking for sinusoidal perturbations, we use the nor- malizedMorletwaveletwithω =6;thisissimplyasine TheLombperiodogramcannotbeusedtostudythelo- 0 wave times a Gaussian envelope. In the same way that calstructure ofthe disk since it cannotdetermine where aFouriertransformbreaksdownthefrequencystructure in azimuth each mode is strong. Imagine a situation of a signal using sines and cosines, a wavelet transform where, like a falling stone creating ripples on the surface breaks down a signal in terms of a set of these Morlet of a pond, something passes through the HI disk and wavelets centered at different spatial positions and with excites a local series of vertical oscillations. The oscil- arangeoffrequencies. However,in acontinuouswavelet lation will add power to some frequencies in the Lomb Vert. Struct. of Outer Milky Way HI Disk 9 Fig. 7.— The solid line is the warp fit W(φ) to h at R = 22 kpc. Theapproximateerrorinthemeanheightofthediskateach pointisrepresentedbytheerrorbars. Fig. 5.— The upper panel is the disk surface density, and the loweristhehalfthicknessofthegasasafunctionofradius. Inthe lower panel, the solid lineis the average thickness over the whole disk, the dotted line is the average from 0◦ < φ < 180◦, and the dashedlineisfrom180◦ <φ<360◦. Fig. 8.— The solid line is the warp fit W(φ) to h at R = 28 kpc. Theapproximateerrorinthemeanheightofthediskateach pointisrepresentedbytheerrorbars. transform like the one we perform, the different wavelet functions are not orthogonal. To avoid having to interpolate or zero out the ex- cluded regions, we will examine the northern and south- ernhalvesofthe Galaxyseparately. As in§3.1.2,wewill work with the mean height function once the warp has been subtracted, s(R,φ). Points in frequency and posi- tion space that would involve the excluded regions are defined as being inside the “cone of influence”; points in this region are subject to edge effects, and are there- fore discarded. The points affected by this are not just those in the excluded regions but also those adjacent to these regions, within some range set by the wave- Fig. 6.— The solid line is the warp fit W(φ) to h at R = 16 length (and thus the frequency) of the particular mode kpc. Theapproximateerrorinthemeanheightofthediskateach (Torrence & Compo1998). Thus,lowerfrequencymodes pointisrepresentedbytheerrorbars. will have a larger portion of the disk fall inside the cone ofinfluence,andhavetodiscardalargerrangeofpoints. It is also important to have some analytic measure 10 Levine, Blitz, & Heiles as significant those that cross the 95% confidence level threshold. Again, we use Gaussian white noise to model the randomness in the height function. 2 The wavelet power spectrum, W , for the northern n half of the R = 28 kpc ring is plotted in Figure 14; the southern half is shown in Figure 15. The mathematical details of the wavelet transform are summarized in the Appendix. This ring has several regions with significant power. These regions have a large width in both dimen- sions because wavelets do not have precise resolution in either position or frequency space. Much like the uncer- tainty principle, the cost of using a technique that gives bothpositionandfrequencyinformationismediocreres- olution in both. The power around φ≈ 90◦ comes from the sharp dip at that azimuth; as the figure shows, this causesringingforalargerangeoffrequencies. Thepower at −45◦ & φ & −90◦ is due to the “scalloping” in that region. Fig. 9.— Theevolutionofthewarpamplitudeparametersasa The filteredwaveletpowerspectra forseveraldifferent functionofradius. W0 isthesolidline,W1 isthedashed,andW2 bandsareplottedinFigure16. The bandthatis labeled isthedotted. Thedashedgreylineiszeroamplitude. m = 7 is actually the filtered sum of the power spectra thatsatisfy6.5≤m≤7.5,andsoon. Notethatsincewe calculate the power spectra for the northern and south- ern halves independently, the significance contours are different for the two hemispheres, in addition to being a function of R. In practice, this occurs because the vari- ance of s(φ) for the northernhalf of the Galaxy is larger than that for the southern, and the strength required of the power spectrum to cross the 95% confidence level is directly proportional to the variance. 4. DISCUSSION We grouped the m = 0,1 and 2 modes together in the warp because of their similar magnitudes in a Lomb periodogram. A close look at their dependence with R (Fig. 9) demonstrates that there are additional similar- ities. Both the 0 and the 2 mode are near zero until about 15 kpc from the Galactic Center. The 0 mode growslinearlyfromthispointoutwardswhilethe2mode declines a small amount, and then grows approximately linearly by about 1.2 kpc. In comparison, the m = 1 mode starts out fairly large (≈300 pc), declines slightly andthengrowsbyaboutanorderofmagnitude. Though the m = 2 mode does break off from this pattern at largerradii,allthreecomponentsgrowessentiallymono- tonically,approximatelylinearly,andwithsimilarslopes over the range 15 . R . 22 kpc. This may be a clue that their origins involve the same physics, and helps to justify our classificationof higher frequency modes as scalloping. Studying the radial dependence of the warp inside the solar circle seems a fruitful way to learn more about these three components. The filtered wavelet power spectrum maps (Fig. 16) arearepresentationofthescallopingintheouterGalaxy. Fig. 10.— Ineach panel,the solidlineisthecalculated ampli- Due tofrequency-positionuncertaintyrelations,itis im- tudeofthethemodefrom(11),thedashedlineisthefitfromBM, andthedottedlineisthefitdescribedin(12). Toppanel: m=0. possibletoestablishpreciselytheoscillationfrequencyof Middlepanel: m=1. Bottom panel: m=2. any local disturbance. This uncertainty manifests itself in the wavelet transform by perturbations that are only somewhatlocalizedinfrequency andpositionspace,and therefore have some width in both. of which peaks in the filtered power spectrum are sig- These maps demonstrate that the m ≈ 10 scalloping nificant. Significance levels are discussed in detail in found near ℓ ≈ 310◦ and R ≈ 25 kpc mentioned in pre- Torrence & Compo (1998). We construct a combination vious work (Henderson et al. 1982; Kulkarni et al. 1982) of parameters that have a χ2 distribution, and count is real. The strong power around m=10 in the wavelet