Submittedto ApJLon November12,2015. Accepted on December 27,2015 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 THE UNUSUAL SUPER-LUMINOUS SUPERNOVAE SN 2011klAND ASASSN-15lh Melina C. Bersten1,2,6, Omar G. Benvenuto1,2,3, Mariana Orellana4,5 and Ken’ichi Nomoto6,7 Submitted toApJL on November 12, 2015. Accepted on December 27, 2015 ABSTRACT Two recently discovered very luminous supernovae (SNe) present stimulating cases to explore the extents of the available theoretical models. SN 2011kl represents the first detection of a supernova 6 explosionassociatedwithanultra-longdurationgammarayburst. ASASSN-15lhwasevenclaimedas 1 themostluminousSNeverdiscovered,challengingthescenariossofarproposedforstellarexplosions. 0 Here we use ourradiationhydrodynamicscode in orderto simulate magnetarpoweredSNe. Toavoid 2 explicitlyassumingneutronstarpropertiesweadoptthemagnetarluminosityandspin-downtimescale n as free parameters of the model. We find that the light curve (LC) of SN 2011kl is consistent with a a magnetarpowersource,aspreviouslyproposed,butwenotethatsomeamountof56Ni(&0.08M⊙)is J necessaryto explainthe lowcontrastbetweenthe LCpeak andtail. Forthe caseofASASSN-15lhwe 6 findphysicallyplausiblemagnetarparametersthatreproducetheoverallshapeoftheLCprovidedthe progenitormassisrelativelylarge(anejectamassof≈6M⊙). Theejectahydrodynamicsofthisevent ] is dominated by the magnetar input, while the effect is more moderate for SN 2011kl. We conclude E thatamagnetarmodelmaybeusedfortheinterpretationoftheseeventsandthatthehydrodynamical H modeling is necessary to derive the properties of powerful magnetars and their progenitors. h. Subject headings: stars: evolution — supernovae: general — supernovae: individual (SN 2011kl) p — supernovae: individual (ASASSN-15lh) — gamma-ray burst: individual (GRB - 111209A) o r st 1. INTRODUCTION Moriya et al. 2010), so competing, so competing alter- a natives have been proposed. One possible mechanism Superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) have been dis- [ invoked to explain SLSNe is the energy injection by an covered almost a decade ago (Quimby et al. 2007; accretingblackholethatlaunchesrelativisticjets,orfall- 1 Smith et al. 2007). They show a factor 10 to 100 times v brighterthannormalcore-collapsesupernovae(SNe), of- backscenario(e.g.,Dexter & Kasen2013,andreferences 1 ten well above −22 absolute magnitude. It is believed therein). The interaction of the SN ejecta with dense 2 thattheyaretheexplosionofmassivestarswhichusually circumstellarmaterial(CSM) is anotherproposedmech- 0 are found in low luminosity, star forming dwarf galax- anism (see e.g. Sorokina et al. 2015). Another popular 1 explanation is that a magnetar is formed by the col- ies (Neill et al. 2011; Lunnan et al. 2014; Leloudas et al. 0 lapse of a massive star. The magnetar is a strongly- 2015). But the physical origin of the extreme luminos- . magnetized, rapidly-rotating neutron star that loses ro- 1 ityemittedremainsspeculative(see,e.g.,Gal-Yam2012, tational energy via magnetic dipole radiation. Although 0 forareview). ThehighluminosityofSLSNemakesthem someprogressintheareawererecentlyreported(seee.g. 6 ideal to get information from the early universe and to 1 explore the capability to use them as cosmological stan- Timokhin & Harding 2015), other important aspects of : dard candles at much further distance than normal SNe the scenario are still unclear. v In this work we study two peculiar SLSNe of Type (Quimby et al. 2011; Inserra & Smartt 2014). i X In order to be radioactively powered, as normal Ic (lacking hydrogen), SN 2011kl and for ASASSN- 15lh. SN 2011kl has been associated with the ultra- r SNe, SLSNe would require a too large nickel mass ex- a cept for pair instability SNe and hypernovae (see, e.g., long-durationgammarayburstGRB 111209A,ata red- shiftz of0.677(Greiner et al.2015). Itslightcurve(LC) wassignificantlyover-luminouscomparedtootherGRB- [email protected] associated SNe, suggesting for the first time a link be- 1Facultad de Ciencias Astron´omicas y Geof´ısicas, Universi- tween SN-GRB and SLSNe-ultra long GRB (ULGRB). dad Nacional de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque S/N, B1900FWA The precise explosion time estimation makes this SN LaPlata,Argentina 2InstitutodeAstrof´ısicadeLaPlata(IALP),CONICET,Ar- ideal for numerical modeling. gentina Morerecently,ASASSN-15lhatz =0.2326wasdiscov- 3Member of the Carrera del Investigador Cient´ıfico de la ered by the All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae Comisi´on de Investigaciones Cient´ıficas de la Provincia de (Dong et al. 2015). It showed an hydrogen-poor spec- Buenos Aires(CIC), Argentina 4SedeAndina,UniversidadNacionaldeR´ıoNegro,Mitre630 trum,andthe maximumluminositywas∼2.2×1045 erg (8400) Bariloche,Argentina s−1, i.e. more luminous than any previously known SN. 5Member of the Carrera del Investigador Cient´ıfico y Tec- Contrary to SN 2011kl, the explosion date of ASASSN- nol´ogicodelCONICET,Argentina 6Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the 15lh is unknown, and data before the luminous peak Universe, The University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced were less reliable than later. The optical emission was Study (UTIAS), The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, continuously detected for more than 100 days after the Kashiwa,Chiba277-8583, Japan explosion. The spectrum lacked the broad Hα emission 7HamamatsuProfessor 2 Bersten, Benvenuto, Orellana and Nomoto feature that would have evidenced interaction between The values of B and P can be found later from t , L , 0 p p the supernova and an H-rich circumstellar environment assuming an NS mass. Then, the radius and momen- (Milisavljevic et al. 2015). tum of inertia are found for a given EOS. In this way, Magnetar models have been proposed for the two one avoids to assume from beforehand explicit values of SLSNe of this work (Greiner et al. 2015; Metzger et al. theNSsproperties. Thismethodopensthepossibilityto 2015), even for the extremely luminous ASASSN-15lh. accommodate a variety of NS structures, which is rele- However, the analysis was based on simplistic assump- vant because of our poor knowledge of the EOS at these tions that neglected the dynamic effects on the ejecta. extreme conditions. Here we shall study the magnetar scenario using hydro- Along the calculation, if the photosphere recedes deep dynamic calculations which incorporate the dynamical enough so that part of the magnetar energy is directly effect and considering the limit imposed by the neutron depositedoutsidethephotosphere,weaddthisenergyto star (NS) matter equation of state (EOS). the bolometric luminosity. The same treatment is used for 56Ni deposition (Swartz et al. 1991; Bersten et al. 2. MAGNETARMODELS 2011). We implicitly assume that the magnetar (or the We include an extra source of energy due to a rapidly 56Ni decay)produces hard photons than can be trapped rotating and strongly magnetized NS (or “magnetar”) even if the ejecta is optically thin to optical photons. in our one-dimensional LTE radiation hydrodynamic During these epochs, usually after about 60 days (al- code (Bersten et al. 2011). A spherical young mag- thoughthisdependsontheprogenitormassandenergy), netar releases its rotational energy at a well known theemitted luminosityisalmostthe sameasthe magne- rate described by the radiating magnetic dipole (e.g. tar luminosity. Shapiro & Teukolsky 1983). We assume that this en- 3. RESULTS ergy is fully deposited and thermalized in the innermost 3.1. Models for SN 2011kl layers of our pre-supernova model. This assumption as well as a large inclination i = 45◦ is the same used in Greiner et al. (2015) (hereafter G15), recently ana- previous numerical works of magnetar powered SN light lyzed the LC and spectrum of SN 2011kl. A low ejecta curves (Woosley 2010; Kasen & Bildsten 2010). Power- mass ≈ 2.4 M⊙ and high explosion energy ≈ 5.5 ×1051 ful enough magnetars may force the envelope to expand ergwereobtainedfromtheiranalysis. Theradiativeout- at velocities comparable to the speed of light (see be- putofSN2011kl locatesitinbetweentheGRB-SNeand low, particularly Fig. 5). Therefore, we have modified SLSNe. A large 56Ni mass ≈ 1 M⊙ was found necessary our code to properly include relativistic velocities. A inordertoreproducethe highobservedluminosity. This detailed description of our treatment of relativistic radi- largeamountofradioactivematerialseems tobe neither ating hydrodynamics will be presented in a forthcoming compatible with the spectrum properties nor with the paper. low mass ejecta, as pointed by G15. A magnetar source Our hydrodynamical calculations simulate the explo- was then proposed by the authors to explain the LC. sion of an evolved star, followed consistently until core We used the code describe in §2 to study SN 2011kl. collapse condition. The pre-SN He star models of dif- Oneadvantageofthehydrodynamicscalculationsisthat ferent masses used in this paper were calculated by the explosion time (t ) is fully determined from the exp Nomoto & Hashimoto (1988). The explosion itself is assumed physical parameters. The GRB detection of simulated as usual by the injection of a certain energy SN2011kl establishesa tightvalue oft 9 then, itisan exp (a few ×1051 erg) at the innermost layers of our pre-SN ideal target of study. Motivated by the values proposed models. In addition to the explosion energy, the rota- byG15weassumedapre-SNHestarof4M⊙ withacut tional energy lost by newly born magnetar is included. mass(Mcut)of1.5M⊙ correspondingtoanejected mass Once the NS momentum of inertia and radius R are (Mej) of 2.5 M⊙ and an explosion energy of 5.5×1051 fixed, this energy source essentially depends on two pa- erg. While the LC of SN 2011kl is unlikely to be pow- rameters, the strength of the dipole magnetic field8, B, ered only by 56Nisome amount of radioactive material and the initial rotational period, P0 (see, e.g., equations is usually expectedto be producedduring the explosion. 1 and 2 of Kasen & Bildsten (2010)). It is equally pos- We assume a 56Ni mass of 0.2 M⊙ consistent with ra- sible to use the spin-down timescale (tp) and magnetar dioactive yield of energetic SN (Nomoto et al. 2013). energy loss rate (Lp) as the free parameters to be deter- Weextensivelyexploredthemagnetarparameterspace minedbyfittingtheobservedlightcurve(LC).Therefore and found a reasonable agreement with the data for the magnetar luminosity can be written as P = 3.5 ms and magnetic field B = 1.95 × 1015 G. 0 Figure1 showsthis modelwiththick solidline. Ourval- t −2 ues lie out of the ranges given by G15 whose analysis L=L 1+ , (1) p(cid:18) tp(cid:19) gave P0 = 12.2±0.3 ms and B = 7.5±1.5×1014 G. The thin line of Figure 1 show the result of our hydro- with dynamicalcalculationsassumingthesameparametersas 4π4R6B2 in G15. We found a poor match to the data as opposed L = , (2) p 3c3 P4 to G15 (see their Fig. 2). We note that we have used OPAL opacity tables with an opacity floor of 0.2 cm2 and g−1 corresponding to the electron scattering opacity for 3c3I P2 t = NS . (3) p π2R6 B2 9 Here we assume that the GRB precursor indicated the ex- plosion itself. But see Vietri&Stella (1999) for other possible 8 Consideredfixedduringtheevolution scenarios. SLSNe SN 2011kland ASASSN-15lh 3 hydrogen free material. This value is usually assumed 3.2. Models for ASASSN-15lh as gray opacity in LC magnetar models in the literature Dong et al.(2015)reportedthediscoveryofthebright- (Kasen & Bildsten 2010; Inserra et al. 2013). However, est known SN, ASASSN-15lh with a peak luminosity of with a lower and constant value of κ = 0.07 cm2 g−1, ≈2×1045 ergs−1,almosttwomagnitudesbrighterthan presumablyusedinG15,werecoveredareasonablefitto theaverageobservedSLSNe,andwithtotalradiateden- thedataforthemagnetarparametersofG15(seedotted ergyof≈1052 erg. The spectra presentedsome similari- line of Figure 1). ties to SLSNe-Ic. Magnetar models seem to be the most In addition, we present our results for a model pow- plausible explanation for this class of SLSNe. However, ered only by 56Ni. A model with M(56Ni)= 1 M⊙ is Dong et al. (2015) emphasized the difficulty to explain shown with a dashed line in Figure 1. Even with this this object in the magnetar context. The short initial large amount of 56Ni we could not reach the high lumi- period≈1msrequiredtomatchtheLCpropertiescould nosity needed to explain SN 2011kl using our opacity be incontradictionwith the maximumrotationalenergy prescription. While an non-standard source of energy is (E ) available that in turn is limited by the emission max necessary to explain the peak luminosity, some amount of gravitational waves. However, Metzger et al. (2015) of 56Ni (& 0.08 M⊙) is also needed to explain the tail lately suggested that E could be up to one order of max luminosity. Magnetar models without nickel produce a magnitude larger than previous estimations, depending largercontrastbetweenpeakandtailandthusapoorfit ontheNSproperties,butavoidingtheproblemraisedby to the data. Dong et al. (2015). Wecalculatedasetofmagnetarmodelstoanalyzethe LC of ASASSN-15lh. Here we use L and t as free p p parametersforthefitting(see§2). Inthisway,weavoid including explicitly the properties of the NS. Once the LC fit is admissible, we derived B and P as a function 0 of the magnetar mass (see bellow). Figure 3 shows our resultsforapre-SNHestarof4M⊙ withMcut=1.5M⊙ andMej =2.5M⊙ (thinredline)andforamoremassive model of He star 8 M⊙ with Mcut= 2 M⊙ and Mej = 6 M⊙ (thick blue line). We assumed an initial explosion energy of 5.5×1051 erg although this has a minor effect on the results. Also, we assumed that the SN exploded a week before the discovery. ThemagnetarparametersareinthiscaseL =9×1045 p erg s−1 and t = 40 days. For the less massive model p we could not reproduce the overall LC shape. A more massive pre-SN model with 8 M⊙ or more is therefore neededtoreproducethetemporalwidthoftheLC.At∼ 100 days, there is a slight change on the LC slope in co- Fig.1.— Bolometric LC of SN 2011kl compared with several incidencewiththemomentthatthephotospherereaches LC models. Thick red solid line shows our preferred model with P0 = 3.5 ms, and magnetic field B = 1.95×1015 G (see text for moredetails). Amodel withP0 =12.2msand B=7.5×1014 G assuggestedbyG15computedwithourhydrodynamicalmodeling andouropacityprescriptionisshowninthinbluelineandindotted 2255 linefor κ=0.07 cm2 g−1. A 56Ni power model with a56Ni mass 95.6 d of1M⊙ isshownwithdashedline. 3.3 d 4.8 h 2200 2.2 m Figure 2 shows the velocity profile at different times since the explosion for our preferred model (solid thick s) 1155 1.3 m line of Fig. 1). Initially, the shock wave propagates as m/ k in a standard explosion. Later the dynamic effect is no- 30 ticeablealthoughnotasextremeasthecaseofASASSN- v (1 1100 15lh (see below). The extra heating source due to the magnetar swell the inner zones and produces larger ve- locities and a flat profile that raise steeply only at the 55 1122..88 ss 23.3 s 48.0 s outermost layers. The high ejecta velocity is consistent with the analysisby G15 who inferredthat a largevalue of v would explain the rather featureless spectrum by ph 11..55 22..00 22..55 33..00 33..55 44..00 Doppler line blending. We remark that here the opacity prescription is probably responsible for the differences M r / MO • found between our calculation and the analytic models Fig.2.— Velocity profile for the explosion that reproduce the presentedbyG15. Thehydrodynamiceffectsofthemag- LCofSN2011kl. Theinteriordynamicsisaffected incomparison netar on the luminosity are not as important as in the toastandardexplosionwithoutanymagnetar. Adayafterexplo- sion the bulk of the stellar mass expands at ≈ 13×103 km s−1, case of ASASSN-15lh, although as shown in Figure 2, it or higher, whereas the outermost layers (not shown in the figure) is evident in the velocity evolution. reachvelocitiesevenhigher(upto0.21c). 4 Bersten, Benvenuto, Orellana and Nomoto the inner regions where the magnetar energy is directly deposited. The observable effect of this fact should po- tentiallymodifythespectralenergydistribution,andde- serve further investigation. Figure4 showsthe values ofB andP asa functionof 0 theNSmassderivedfromL andt . Forthestructureof p p themagnetarwehaveassumedthedatapresentedinTa- ble 12 of Arnett & Bowers (1977). This corresponds to the structure ofaNS assumingthe nuclearmatter equa- tion of state of Bowers et al. (1975) that gives a mass radius relation similar to those currently favored by re- cent observations (see Fig. 11b of Lattimer 2012). We haveneglectedrotationalandmagneticeffectsontheNS structure. Forcomparison,weincludedthe curveforthe case of SN 2011kl whichrepresents the locationof other possible solutions (i.e. the degeneracy of the parameters B and P ). Physically possible solutions correspond to 0 rotation periods larger than the critical breakup value. Fig.3.— Observed bolometric LC of ASASSN-15lh (dots; For the complete NSs mass range, we found solutions Dongetal. 2015) compared with models of 4 M⊙ (dashed line) that fulfill this condition. For the pre-SN model a spe- and 8 M⊙ (solid line) pre-SN mass for magnetar parameters of cific value of Mcut was assumed, but we have corrob- Lp=9×1045 andtp=40daysandtexp=JD2457143. orated that changing this value in the range shown in Figure 4 produces a minor effect on the LC model. Weconcludethatinitialperiodsranging∼1−2msand magneticfieldsof∼(0.3−1)×1014Grelatedbythecurve ofFigure4provideareasonablefittotheLC.Thesemag- netar values are in good agreement with those proposed by Metzger et al. (2015) although they assumed a lower ejecta mass of 3 M⊙. However, we could not reproduce the data with such low mass progenitor. Here we should note that the uncertainty regarding t could modify the exact value of the parameters. In exp any case, the scope of this analysis is to show that the magnetar scenario is plausible for this object and not to provide definitive values of the physical parameters. Figure 5 shows the velocity profiles for our preferred model of 8 M⊙. In this case the magnetar is extremely powerfulandthedynamicaleffectismorenoticeablethan for the case of SN 2011kl. The energy permanently sup- plied by the magnetar impulses all the envelope at high velocities and particularly the outermost layers. As re- sult, a few days after the explosion most of the material movesatconstantvelocity,whichincreaseswithtimedue tothe permanentinjectionofmagnetarenergy. Thisdy- namic behavior should have a clear effect on the spec- Fig. 4.— Magnetic fields (in units of 1014 Gauss, represented trum. Broad line features at 4100 and 4400 ˚A were ob- withdottedlines)andinitialspinperiods(inmilliseconds,denoted servedinthe opticalspectrumofASASSN-15lh between with solidlines) of the magnetar as a function of its mass. Black 13 and 20 days after maximum implying very high ve- linescorrespondtotheparametersforSN2011kl whereasredlines locities of ≈ 20.000 km s−1 (Metzger et al. 2015). This denotethecaseofASSASN-15lh. Forcomparison,thecriticalspin periodisgiven witha dashed line. Notice that for both cases the timing and velocity are fully consistent with the model NScanrotateattherequiredrate. showninFigure5. We notethatthe photosphereatthis epoch is located in the flat part of the velocity profile. which in turn depend on the properties of the nuclear 4. DISCUSSIONANDCONCLUSIONS matter EOS which is poorly known. We were able to reproduce the LC of SN 2011kl and For SN 2011kl we found L ≈ 1.2×1045 erg s−1 and p ASASSN-15lh inthe contextofmagnetar-poweredmod- t ∼15days. AfamilyofvaluesofP andBwerederived p 0 els with physically allowed parameters (the NS rotating that lie outside the ranges proposedby G15. We ascribe below breakup point). the differences to the opacity values adopted and not to By adopting the magnetar luminosity and spin-down the hydrodynamic effects. We note that in addition to timescale as free parameters we could separate the LC the extrasourceofenergydue to a magnetar,somenon- fit from any assumption on the NS structure. The usual negligibleamountof56Ni(&0.08M⊙)wasalsonecessary parameters(B andP )couldbe recoveredafterwardsby in our calculation to produce the LC peak and tail. 0 assumingtheNSconfigurationforagivenEOS.Wehave Regarding the extreme luminosity of ASASSN-15lh shownthatthis leadsto adegeneracybetweenB andP the overall shape of the LC was reproduced for L ≈ 0 p SLSNe SN 2011kland ASASSN-15lh 5 M⊙ (see Tanaka et al. 2009, for a relation between pre- SN mass and M ). On the other hand, if no He is 5500 ZAMS present, then the pre-SN star could be a C+O star of 84.2 d 28.0 d 8 M⊙, which corresponds to a MZAMS ∼ 30 M⊙. In 4400 13.7 d both cases, the progenitor mass is close to the bound- 6.1 d ary mass between BH and NS formation (Nomoto et al. 2013). We emphasize that hydrodynamical modeling of s) 3300 the LC can provide better constraints on the highly un- m/ certainprogenitormassesofmagnetarsthantheanalytic k 30 prescription. 1 v ( 2200 Our treatment of the SN evolution illustrates the im- portance of the dynamical effects on the ejecta, espe- 1.1 m - 6.0 d cially in cases of powerful magnetars. The homologous 1100 expansion,usuallyassumedinSNstudies,canbebroken 5.3 s 20.9 s 49.5 s becauseoftheadditionalenergysource. Thiscouldhave animportanteffect onthe line formationandthe photo- sphericvelocityevolution. ForASASSN-15lh wefounda 33 44 55 66 77 88 M r / MO • totalenergyreleasebythemagnetarofE ∼3×1052erg, which is one order of magnitude larger than the initial Fig.5.—VelocityprofileforASASSN-15lh magnetarmodelwith explosion energy. For the more moderate SN 2011kl we Lexpte=rna9l×ra1d0i4a5lzaonndestpup=to400.d1a5ycs.. This extreme case inflates the obtained E ∼ 1.6×1051 erg. In general, the dynamical effects on the expansion of the ejecta become significant whenthemagnetarenergyiscomparablewiththeexplo- sion energy. 9×1045 erg s−1 and t ∼40 days. The resulting ranges p of B and P were compatible with those proposed by 0 Metzger et al. (2015). However, we note that our nu- We are grateful to Sergei Blinnikov and Gasto´n Fo- merical models require a massive progenitor with M ≈ latelli for the helpful conversations and to Jose Prieto ej 6 M⊙, i.e. a factor of 2 larger than the value adopted for sending the data of ASASSN-15lh. This research by Metzger et al. (2015). Translating M into a zero- is supported by the World Premier International Re- ej age main-sequence mass, M , of the progenitor in- searchCenter Initiative (WPI Initiative), MEXT, Japan ZAMS volves several uncertainties. It is particularly important andtheGrant-in-AidforScientific ResearchoftheJSPS whetherthe He featurescanbe hiddeninthe earlyspec- (23224004,26400222),Japan. 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