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The unmixed kinematics and origins of diffuse stellar light in the core of the Hydra I cluster (Abell 1060) PDF

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Preview The unmixed kinematics and origins of diffuse stellar light in the core of the Hydra I cluster (Abell 1060)

Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.15982 c ESO2011 (cid:13) January21,2011 The unmixed kinematics and origins of diffuse stellar light in the core of the Hydra I cluster (Abell 1060) G.Ventimiglia1,2,M.Arnaboldi2,3,andO.Gerhard1 1 Max-Plank-Institutfu¨rExtraterrestrischePhysik,Giessenbachstraβe1,D-85741GarchingbeiMu¨nchen,Germany. 2 EuropeanSouthernObservatory,Karl-Schwarzschild-Straβe2,85748GarchingbeiMu¨nchen,Germany. 3 INAF,OsservatorioAstronomicodiPinoTorinese,I-10025PinoTorinese,Italy. ReceivedOctober22,2010;acceptedDecember16,2010 1 1 ABSTRACT 0 2 Context. Diffuse intracluster light (ICL) and cD galaxy halos are believed to originate from galaxy evolution and disruption in n clusters. a Aims.Theprocessesinvolvedmaybeconstrainedbystudyingthedynamical stateoftheICLandthegalaxiesintheclustercore. J HerewepresentakinematicstudyofdiffuselightintheHydraI(Abell1060)clustercore,usingplanetarynebulas(PNs)astracers. 9 Methods.Weusedmulti-slitimagingspectroscopywithFORS2onVLT-UT1todetect56PNsassociatedwithdiffuselightinthe 1 central100×100kpc2oftheHydraIcluster,atadistanceof∼50Mpc.Wemeasuredtheir[OIII]m5007magnitudes,skypositions, andline-of-sightvelocitydistribution(LOSVD),andcomparedwiththephase-spacedistributionofnearbygalaxies. ] Results.TheluminosityfunctionofthedetectedPNsisconsistentwiththatexpectedatadistanceof∼50Mpc.Theirnumberdensity O is∼4timeslowerforthelightseenthanexpected,andwediscussrampressurestrippingofthePNsbythehotintraclustermedium C asoneofthepossibleexplanations.TheLOSVDhistogramofthePNsishighlynon-Gaussianandmultipeaked:itisdominatedbya broadcentralcomponentwithσ∼500kms−1ataroundtheaveragevelocityofthecluster,andshowstwoadditionalnarrowerpeaks h. at1800kms−1and5000kms−1.Themaincomponentisbroadlyconsistentwiththeoutwardcontinuationoftheintraclusterhaloof p NGC3311,whichwasearliershowntohaveavelocitydispersionof∼470kms−1atradiiof∼>50′′.Galaxieswithvelocitiesinthis - rangeareabsentinthecentral100×100kpc2andmayhavebeendisruptedearliertobuildthiscomponent.ThePNsinthesecond o peakintheLOSVDat5000kms−1arecoincidentspatiallyandinvelocitieswithagroupofdwarfgalaxiesintheMSISfield.They r t maytracethedebrisfromtheongoingtidaldisruptionofthesegalaxies. s Conclusions.MostofthediffuselightinthecoreofAbell1060isstillnotphase-mixed.Thebuild-upofICLandthedynamically a hotcDhaloaroundNGC3311areongoing,throughtheaccretionofmaterialfromgalaxiesfallingintotheclustercoreandtidally [ interactingwithitspotentialwell. 1 Key words. galaxies:clusters:general – galaxies:clusters:individual (Hydra I) – galaxies:cD – galaxies:individual (NGC 3311) – v planetarynebulae:general 6 8 7 3 1. Introduction proachto deep photometryfor studyingthe ICL, also enabling . kinematic measurements for this very low surface brightness 1 Intracluster light (ICL) consists of stars that fill up the cluster population. 0 space amonggalaxiesand thatare notphysicallyboundto any 1 An important open question is the relation between the galaxyclustermembers.Forclustersinthenearbyuniverse,the 1 ICL and the extended outer halos of brightest cluster galaxies morphologyand quantitativephotometryof the ICL have been : (BCGs), whether they are independentcomponentsor whether v studiedwithdeepphotometricdataorbydetectionofsinglestars theformeris a radialextensionofthe latter. Usinga sampleof i inlargeareasofsky. X 683SDSS clusters, Zibettietal. (2005) founda surfacebright- Deep large-field photometry shows that ICL is common in r nessexcesswithrespecttoaninnerR1/4profileusedtodescribe clusters of galaxies and it has morphological structures with a the mean profile of the BCGs, but it is not known yet whether different angular scales. The fraction of light in the ICL with this cD envelope is simply the central part of the cluster’s dif- respect to the total light in galaxies is between 10% and fuselightcomponentorwhetheritisdistinctfromtheICLand 30%, depending on the cluster mass and evolutionary status partofthehostgalaxy(Gonzalezetal.2005). (Feldmeieretal. 2004; Adamietal. 2005; Mihosetal. 2005; Both the ICL and the halos of BCGs are believed to have Zibettietal.2005;Krick&Bernstein2007;Pierinietal.2008). formedfromstarsthatweretidallydissolvedfromtheirformer The detection of individualstars associated with the ICL, such host galaxiesor from entirely disrupted galaxies. A number of asplanetarynebulas(PNs)(Arnaboldietal.2004;Aguerrietal. processeshavebeendiscussed,startingwithearlyworksuchas 2005; Gerhardetal. 2007; Castro-Rodrigue´zetal. 2009), glob- Richstone(1976);Hausman&Ostriker(1978).Contributionsto ular clusters (GCs) (Hilker 2002; Leeetal. 2010), red giants the ICL are thought to come from weakly bound stars gener- stars(Durrelletal.2002;Williamsetal.2007),andsupernovae ated by interactionsin galaxy groups,subsequentlyreleased in (Gal-Yametal.2003;Neilletal.2005)isacomplementaryap- thecluster’stidalfield(Rudicketal.2006,2009;Kapfereretal. Send offprint requests to: G. Ventimiglia, e-mail: gven- 2010),interactionsofgalaxieswitheachotherandwiththeclus- [email protected] ter’stidalfield(Mooreetal.1996;Gnedin2003;Willmanetal. 1 Ventimigliaetal.:KinematicsandoriginsofdiffuselightinHydraIclustercore 2004), and from tidal dissolution of stars from massive gal- sphere, whose central region is dominated by a pair of non- axies prior to mergers with the BCG (Muranteetal. 2007; interactinggiantellipticalgalaxies,NGC3311andNGC3309. Puchweinetal.2010).StarsinBCG halosmayhaveoriginated NGC3309isa regulargiantelliptical(E3)andNGC3311is a in both such major mergers as well as through minor mergers cDgalaxywithanextendedhalo(Vasterbergetal.1991). with the BCG. Which of these processesare most importantis X-raypropertiesofHydraI-Exceptfortwopeaksassociated stillanopenissue. with the bright elliptical galaxies NGC 3311 and NGC 3309, Kinematic studies of the ICL and the cD halos are instru- the X-ray emission from the hot intracluster medium (ICM) mentalinansweringthesequestions.ThekinematicsoftheICL in the Hydra I (A 1060) cluster is smooth and lacks promi- contains the fossil records of past interactions, due to the long nent spatial substructures. The center of the nearly circularly dynamical timescale, and thus helps in reconstructing the pro- symmetric emission contours roughly coincides with the cen- cessesthatdominatetheevolutionofgalaxiesinclustersandthe ter of NGC 3311 (Tamuraetal. 2000; Yamasakietal. 2002; formation of the ICL (Rudicketal. 2006; Gerhardetal. 2007; Hayakawaetal.2004,2006).Afaintextendedemissionwithan- Muranteetal.2007;Arnaboldi&Gerhard2010).Thekinemat- gularscale<1′trailingNGC3311tothenortheastern,overlap- ics in the cD halos can be used to separate cluster from gal- pingwithanFeexcess,couldbeduetogasstrippedfromNGC axy components, as shown in simulations (Dolagetal. 2010); 3311 if the galaxy moved towards the south-west with veloc- sofar,however,theobservationalresultsarenotunanimous:in ity > 500kms−1, according to Hayakawaetal. (2004, 2006). both NGC 6166 in Abell 2199 (Kelsonetal. 2002) as well as The∼total gas mass and iron mass contained in this region are NGC3311inAbell1060(Ventimigliaetal.2010b)thevelocity dispersion profile in the outer halo rises to nearly cluster val- ∼109M⊙and2×107M⊙,respectively(Hayakawaetal.2004, 2006).TheemissioncomponentsofNGC3311andNGC3309 ues,whereasintheFornaxcDgalaxyNGC1399(McNeiletal. themselvesare small, extendingto only 10” 2.5kpc,sug- 2010) and in the central Coma BCGs (Coccatoetal. 2010) the ∼ ≃ gestingthatbothgalaxieslostmostoftheirgasinearlierinterac- velocity dispersion profiles remain flat, and in M87 in Virgo tionswiththeICM.Inbothgalaxies,theX-raygasishotterthan (Dohertyetal.2009)itappearstofallsteeplytotheouteredge. the equivalent temperature corresponding to the central stellar Evidently,moreworkisneededbothtoenlargethesampleand velocity dispersions, and in approximate pressure equilibrium tolinktheresultstotheevolutionarystateofthehostclusters. withtheICM(Yamasakietal.2002). The aim of this work is to further study the NGC 3311 halo, how it blends into the ICL, and what is its dynamical On cluster scales the X-ray observations show that the status. NGC 3311 is the cD galaxy in the core of the Hydra hot ICM has a fairly uniform temperature distribution, rang- I (Abell 1060) cluster. Based on X-ray evidence, the Hydra I ing from about 3.4KeV in the center to 2.2KeV in the outer clusteristheprototypeofarelaxedcluster(Tamuraetal.2000; region, and constant metal abundances out to a radius of 230 Furushoetal.2001;Christlein&Zabludoff2003).Surfacepho- kpc. Deviations from uniformity of the hot gas temperature tometry is available in the Johnson B, Gunn g and r bands and metallicity distribution in Hydra I are in the high metal- (Vasterbergetal. 1991), and the velocity dispersion profile has licity region at 1.5arcmin northeastern of NGC 3311, and ∼ beenmeasuredoutto 100”(Ventimigliaetal.2010b), show- a region at a slightly higher temperature at 7 arcmin south- ingasteeprise to 47∼0kms−1 in theouterhalo.Herewe use east of NGC 3311 (Tamuraetal. 2000; Furushoetal. 2001; the kinematics of P∼Ns from a region of 100 100 kpc2 cen- Yamasakietal. 2002; Hayakawaetal. 2004, 2006; Satoetal. teredonNGC3311,toextendthekinematicstu×dytolargerradii 2007). Based on the overall regular X-ray emission and tem- andcharacterizethedynamicalstateoftheouterhaloandofthe perature profile, the Hydra I cluster is considered as the pro- clustercore. totype of an evolved and dynamically relaxed cluster, with the In Section 2 we summarize the properties of the Hydra I time elapsed since the last major subcluster merger being at cluster from X-ray and optical observations. In Section 3 we least several Gyr. From the X-ray data the central distribution discussPNsaskinematicalanddistanceprobes,andthe“Multi- of dark matter in the cluster has been estimated, giving a cen- Slit Imaging Spectroscopy - MSIS” technique for their detec- tral density slope of 1.5 and a mass within 100 kpc of tioninclustersinthedistancerange40 100Mpc.Wepresent 1013M⊙ (Tamurae≃tal−. 2000; Hayakawaetal. 2004). Given theobservations,datareduction,identifi−cation,andphotometry ≃these properties, the Hydra I cluster is an interesting target for in Sections4and 5. In Section6 we describethe spatialdistri- studyingtheconnectionbetweentheICLandtheextendedhalo bution,line-of-sight(LOS) velocitydistribution(LOSVD),and ofNGC3311. magnitude-velocity plane of the PN sample. In Section 7 we Theclusteraveragevelocityandvelocitydispersion-From use the propertiesof the planetarynebulae luminosity function a deep spectroscopic sample of cluster galaxies extending to (PNLF) and a kinematic model for the PN population to pre- M 14, Christlein&Zabludoff (2003) derive the average R dict its LOSVD in MSIS observations. The simulation allows cluste≤rr−edshift(meanvelocity)andvelocitydispersionofHydra us to interpret the observed LOSVD and also to determine the I. We adopt their values here: v¯ = 3683 46kms−1, and luminosity-specific PN number or α parameter for the halo of σ = 724 31kms−1.ThesamHypleofmeas±uredgalaxyspec- NGC 3311. In Section 8 we correlate the velocity subcompo- Hy ± tra in Hydra I is extended to fainter magnitudes M > 17 nents in the PN LOSVD with kinematic substructures in the V − through the catalog of early-type dwarf galaxies published by HydraI galaxydistributionanddiscussimplicationsforgalaxy Misgeldetal. (2008); their values for the average cluster ve- evolution and disruption in the cluster core. Finally, Section 9 locity and velocity dispersion are v¯ = 3982 148kms−1 containsasummaryandtheconclusionsofthiswork. Hy and σ = 784kms−1, with the average clust±er velocity at Hy somewhat higher value with respect to the measurement by 2. TheHydraI clusterofgalaxies(Abell1060) Christlein&Zabludoff (2003). Both catalogs cover a radial range of 300kpc around NGC 3311. Close to NGC 3311, ∼ The Hydra I cluster (Abell 1060) is an X-ray bright, non- a predominance of velocities redshifted with respect to v¯ is Hy cooling flow, medium compact cluster in the southern hemi- seen,butintheradialrange 50 300kpc,thevelocitydistri- ∼ − 2 Ventimigliaetal.:KinematicsandoriginsofdiffuselightinHydraIclustercore butionappearswell-mixedwith aboutconstantvelocitydisper- Theplanetarynebulaluminosityfunction(PNLF)technique sion. isoneofthesimplestmethodsfordeterminingextragalacticdis- Distance estimates - The distance to the Hydra I cluster tances.ThisisbasedontheobservedshapeofthePNLF.Atfaint is not well constrained yet, as different techniques provide magnitudes, the PNLF has the power-law form predicted from rather different estimates. The cosmological distance to Abell modelsofuniformlyexpandingshellssurroundingslowlyevolv- 1060 based on the cluster redshift is 51.2 5.7Mpc assum- ing central stars (Henize&Westerlund 1963; Jacoby 1980). ing H = 72 8km−1 Mpc−1 (Christlein&±Zabludoff2003), However,observationsand simulations have demonstratedthat 0 while direct m±easurements using the surface brightness fluctu- thebrightendofthePNLFdramaticallybreaksfromthisrelation ation (SBF) method for 16 galaxies give a distance of 41Mpc andfallstozeroveryquickly,within 0.7mag(Ciardulloetal. ∼ (Mieske,Hilker,&Infante2005). 1998;Mendez&Soffner1997).Itistheconstancyofthecutoff TherelativedistanceofNGC3311andNGC3309alongthe magnitude,M∗ = 4.51,andthehighmonochromaticluminos- − lineofsightisalsocontroversial.Distancemeasurementsbased ityofPNs,thatmakesthePNLFsuchausefulstandardcandle. on the globular cluster luminosity function locate NGC 3311 about 10Mpc in front of NGC 3309, which puts NGC 3309 3.2. TheMulti-Slit ImagingSpectroscopytechnique at61Mpc(Hilker2003), while SBF measurementssuggestthe opposite, with NGC 3311 now at shorter distance of about At the distance of the Hydra I cluster, the brightest PNs at 41Mpc and NGC 3309 even closer at 36Mpc, 5Mpc in front the PNLF cutoff have an apparent m magnitude equal to 5007 ofNGC3311(Mieskeetal.2005). 29.0, corresponding to a flux in the [OIII]λ5007A˚ line of In this work we assume a distance for NGC 3311 and the 8 10−18ergs−1cm−2 accordingtothedefinitionofm b∼y 5007 × Hydra I cluster of 51Mpc, corresponding to a distance modu- Jacoby (1989). To detectthese faintemissions we needa tech- lus of 33.54. Then 1” corresponds to 0.247kpc. The systemic nique that substantially reduces the noise from the night sky. velocity for NGC 3311 and its central velocity dispersion are This is possible by using a dedicated spectroscopic technique v = 3825(3800) 8kms−1 (heliocentric;withoutandin named“Multi-SlitImagingSpectroscopy”(MSIS,Gerhardetal. N3311 bracketswithrelativistic±correction),andσ =154 16kms−1 2005;Arnaboldietal.2007). 0 (Ventimigliaetal. 2010b).Thesystemicvelocityof±NGC3309 MSISisablindsearchtechniquethatcombinestheuseofa is v = 4099kms−1 (Misgeldetal. 2008). The velocities mask of parallelslits, a dispersing element,and a narrowband N3309 oftheotherHydraIgalaxiesareextractedfromthecatalogsof filter centered at the redshifted [OIII]λ5007A˚ emission line. Misgeldetal.(2008)andChristlein&Zabludoff(2003). With MSIS exposures, PNs and other emission objects in the filter’swavelengthrangewhichhappentoliebehindtheslitsare detected,andtheirvelocities,positions,andmagnitudescanbe 3. Probingthe ICL kinematicsusingplanetary measuredatthesametime.The[OIII]emissionlinefromaPN is 30kms−1wide(Arnaboldietal.2008),soifdispersedwith nebulas ∼ a spectral resolution R 6000, it falls on a small number of ∼ 3.1. Planetarynebulasaskinematicalprobesand pixels,dependingontheslitwidthandseeing. distanceindicators Inthiswork we use MSISto locate a sample ofPNs in the coreoftheHydraIclusterandmeasuretheirvelocitiesandmag- PNsoccurasabriefphaseduringthelateevolutionofsolar-type nitudes. Our aim is to infer the dynamical state of the diffuse stars. In stellar populations older than 2 Gyrs, about one star lightintheclustercore,asdescribedbelowinSections7and8. everyfew millionis expectedto bein the PN phaseat anyone time(Buzzonietal.2006).StarsinthePNphasecanbedetected viatheirbrightemissionintheoptical[OIII]λ5007A˚ emission 4. Observations line, because the nebular shellre-emits 10%of the UV pho- ∼ MSISdataforHydraIwereacquiredduringthenightsofMarch tonsemittedbythestellarcoreinthissingleline(Ciardulloetal. 26-28,2006,withFORS2onUT1,invisitormode.TheFORS2 2005). When the [OIII] emission line is detected, the line-of- sightvelocityofthePNcanbeeasilymeasured. field-of-view (FoV) is 6.8 6.8arcmin2, corresponding to ThenumberdensityofPNstracestheluminositydensityof 100 100kpc2 atthe∼distan×ceoftheHydraIcluster.Theef- ∼ × theparentstellarpopulation.Accordingtosinglestellarpopula- fective field area in which it was possible to position slits with tiontheory,theluminosity-specificstellardeathrateisindepen- theGrismusedhereis44.6arcmin2.TheFoVwascenteredon dentoftheprecisestarformationhistoryoftheassociatedstellar NGC3311atα = 10h36m42.8s,δ = 27d31m42s(J2000)in − population(Renzini&Buzzoni1986;Buzzonietal.2006).This the core of the cluster. The FoV is imaged onto two 2 2 re- propertyiscapturedinasimplerelationsuchthat binnedCCDs,withspatialresolution0′′.252perrebinned×-pixel. Themaskusedhas24 21slits,each0′′.8wideand17′′.5long. N =αL (1) The area covered with×the mask is about 7056arcsec2, corre- PN gal spondingtoabout4.4%oftheeffectiveFoV.Tocoverasmuch whereN isthenumberofallPNsinastellarpopulation,L ofthefieldaspossible,themaskwasstepped15timessoasto PN gal fillthedistancebetweentwoadjacentslitsinthemask.Thetotal isthebolometricluminosityofthatparentstellarpopulationand α is the luminosity-specific PN number. The predictions from surveyedareaistherefore29.4arcmin2, i.e.,66%oftheeffec- stellar evolution theory are further supported by empirical evi- tive FoV. Three exposures of 800sec were taken at each mask dence that the PN number density profiles follow light in late- positiontofacilitatetheremovalofcosmicraysduringthedata and early-type galaxies (Herrmannetal. 2008; Coccatoetal. reductionprocess. 2009),andthattheluminosity-specificPNnumberαstaysmore The dispersing element was GRISM-600B with a spec- or less constant with (B-V) color. The empiricalresult that the tral resolution of 0.75A˚ pixel−1 (or 1.5A˚ rebinned-pixel−1) at rmsscatterofαforagivencolorisaboutafactor2-3remainsto 5075A˚.With theadoptedslit width,themeasuredspectralres- beexplained,however(Buzzonietal.2006). olution is 4.5A˚ or 270kms−1. Two narrow band filters were 3 Ventimigliaetal.:KinematicsandoriginsofdiffuselightinHydraIclustercore used, centered at 5045A˚ and 5095A˚, respectively, both with but two fall in the blue filter in the velocity range between 60A˚ FWHM.ThisensuresthefullcoverageoftheHydraIclus- 1000kms−1 and 2800kms−1, blue-shifted with respect to the ter LOS velocity range. Each illuminated slit in the mask pro- HydraI cluster. Severalof theunresolvedbackgroundgalaxies ducesa two-dimensionalspectrumof40 rebinnedpixelsin the in this blue-shifted velocity range have a continuum level just spectraldirectionand70rebinnedpixelsinthespatialdirection. abovethedetectabilitythreshold,suggestingthatthePNcandi- Theseeingduringtheobservingnightswasintherangefrom datesamplemaycontainafewbackgroundgalaxycontaminants 0′′.6to1′′.5.Fortheaverageseeing(0′′.9)andwiththespectral inthisvelocityrangewhosecontinuumistoofainttodetect. resolution of the set-up, monochromaticpoint-like sources ap- Thetwo backgroundgalaxiesseen in the red filter are both pear in the final spectra as sources with a total width of 5 extended and have medium bright emission fluxes; one has a ∼ pixelsinboththespatialandwavelengthdirections. verybrightcontinuum,theothernodetectablecontinuum.From Biases and through-maskflat field images were also taken. thisweconcludethattheresidualcontaminationofthePNcandi- Arc-lampcalibrationframeswithmask,Grismandnarrowband datesampleatvelocities>3000kms−1mustbeminimal.With filter were acquired for the extraction of the 2D spectra, their this in mind, we will in the following simply refer to the PN wavelengthcalibrationanddistortioncorrection.Longslit data candidatesasPNs. forthestandardstarLTT7379withnarrowbandfilterandGrism wereacquiredforfluxcalibration. 5.2. Photometry MagnitudesofthePNcandidatesarecomputedusingthem 5. Data reductionandanalysis 5007 definitionbyJacoby(1989),m = 2.5logF 13.74, 5007 5007 − − The data reduction is carried out in IRAF as described in whereF istheintegratedfluxinthelinecomputedincircular 5007 Arnaboldietal.(2007)andVentimigliaetal.(2008).Theframes aperturesofradius0′′.65 0′′.85inthe2Dspectra,measuredus- − are registered and co-added after bias subtraction. The con- ingtheIRAF task.noao.digiphot.aphot.phot.The1σlimiton tinuum light from the bright galaxy halos is subtracted us- thecontinuuminthesespectrais7.2 10−20ergcm−2s−1A˚−1. ing a median filtering technique implemented in the IRAF × task .images.imfilter.median,with a rectangularwindowof 19 35 pixels. Then emission line objects are identified, and 5.2.1. Photometric errorsandcompletenessfunction × 2D-spectra around the emission line positions are extracted, The photometric errors are estimated using simulations on a rectified, wavelength and flux calibrated, and backgroundsub- sample of 2D wavelength,flux calibratedand backgroundsub- tracted.Finallythewavelengthoftheredshifted[OIII]λ5007A˚ tractedspectra.Foreachsimulation100artificialPNsourcesare emission line for all the identified sources is measured via a generatedusingtheIRAF task.noao.artdata.mkobject.The Gaussian fit. The heliocentric correction for the PN velocities is 5.44kms−1. adopted PSF is a Gaussian with a dispersion obtained by fit- − ting a 2D Gaussian to the profile of a detected PN candidate with adequate signal-to-noise. The σ value is 1.1 pixels, i.e., 5.1. IdentificationofEmission-LineObjects FWHM 0′′.7, and the FWHM in wavelength is 4A˚. The ∼ ∼ simulatedPNsampleshaveluminosityfunctions(LFs)givenby All emission line objects found are classified according to the a deltafunctionatoneoffivedifferentinputmagnitudes(29.3, followingcriteriaas 29.7, 30.1, 30.5 and 30.9 mag). The output magnitudes on the 2D spectra are measured with .noao.digiphot.aphot.phot us- – PN candidates: unresolved emission line objects, both in ingcircularapertures,inthesamewayasforrealPNcandidates. wavelengthandspatialdirection,withnocontinuum; Intheseexperiments,nosignificantsystematicshiftinthemag- – backgroundgalaxycandidates:unresolvedemissionlineob- nitudes was found, and the standard deviation of the retrieved jectswithcontinuumorresolvedemissionlineobjectsboth magnitude distribution is adopted as the measured error at the withandwithoutcontinuum. respectiveoutputmagnitude. The total numberof detected emission line sources in our data Onthebasisofthese simulations,we thusmodelthe errors setis82,ofwhich56areclassifiedasPNcandidatesand26as fortheMSISm photometry,whichincreaseapproximately 5007 backgroundgalaxycandidates,ofwhich6areclassifiedas[OII] linearlytowardsfaintermagnitudes,by emittersandtheremaining20ascandidateLyαgalaxies1. For details on the background galaxy candidates see ǫ 0.25(m5007 28.5) [29.0,30.4]. (2) ≃ − Ventimigliaetal.(2010a).Notethatthebackgroundgalaxyclas- sification is independent of luminosity and that these objects We thenevaluatea completenesscorrectionfunction,usingthe have a broad equivalent width distribution. Therefore, the fact fractionofobjectsretrievedateachmagnitudeasthesebecome thatthePNcandidates(unresolvedemissionlineobjectswithout fainter. This fraction is nearly100%at 29.0 mag, the apparent detectable continuum) have a luminosity function as expected magnitudeofthePNLFbrightcutoffat51Mpc,anddecreases for PNs observed with MSIS at a distance of 50 Mpc (see linearlydownto10-20%at30.4 mag,the detectionlimitmag- Section7.1), impliesthatthe largemajorityof t∼hese PN candi- nitudeofourobservations.Wemodelthisdependenceby datesmustindeedbePNs.Inaddition,Fig.1ofVentimigliaetal. (2010a) shows that all of the background galaxy candidates 1 ifm5007 29.0, ≤ f 0.64( m +30.55) if29.0<m 30.4, (3) 1 Note that the equivalent widths (EWs) of the PN candidates are c ≃ − 5007 5007 ≤ mostlydistributedbetween30A˚ <EW <100A˚ ,similartotheEWs 0 ifm5007 >30.4. ofthebackground galaxycandidates, andcannot thereforebeusedto  discriminatebetween both types of emission sources. Thisisbecause Theerrordistributionandthecompletenessfunctionareusedin thesedistantPNsarefaintandthecontinuumlevelintheMSISimages Section 7 below to performsimulations of the LOSVD for the isgivenbythe1σlimitfromtheskynoise;seeSection5.2. PNsample. 4 Ventimigliaetal.:KinematicsandoriginsofdiffuselightinHydraIclustercore Fig.1. PNs in the Hydra I cluster core. Left panel: the PN velocity-magnitude distribution. The black crosses show the entire sampleof56PNcandidates.Theblueandredlinesarethemeasuredtransmissioncurvesoftheblueandtheredfilter,respectively, normalizedsothatthemaximumtransmissionisnearthetheoreticalbrightcutoffofthePNLFatthedistanceofHydraI.Central panel:thePNLOSVD(blackhistogram).Thebinsinvelocityare270kms−1wide.Theblueandtheredsolidlinesshowagainthe suitablynormalizedtransmissioncurvesoftheblueandredfilters.Theverticalmagenta,greenandgraylinesinbothpanelsmarkthe systemicvelocityofHydraI,NGC3311andNGC3309,respectively.Rightpanel:SpatialdistributionofthePNs(blackdiamonds) intheMSISfield.ThefieldiscenteredonNGC3311andhassize 100 100kpc2;northisupandeasttotheleft.Thetwoopen ∼ × trianglesindicatethepositionsofNGC3311(center)andNGC3309(upperright).ThePNindicatedbythegraysymbolistheonly objectcompatiblewithaPNboundtoNGC3309,basedonitspositionontheskyandLOSvelocity,vgrayPN =4422kms−1. 6. ThePN samplein HydraI Hydra I cluster. In the blue filter velocity range there is a sec- Our PN catalog for the central (100kpc)2 of the Hydra I ondary peak at ∼ 1800kms−1 that falls 2 − 3σHy from the systemicvelocityofHydraI.Thisbluepeakmaycontainafew cluster contains 56 candidates, for which we measure v , LOS background galaxy contaminants, as discussed in Section 5.1 x , y and m . The detected PN velocities cover a raPnNge frPomN 970kms5−0017to 6400kms−1 with fluxes from 2.2 above. Finally a red peak at 5000kms−1 within 2σHy of 10−18ergcm−2s−1 to 7.6 10−18ergcm−2s−1. The detecte×d theclustermeanvelocityisde∼tectedinthevelocityin∼tervalfrom sampleofobjectshaveama×gnitudedistributioncompatiblewith 4600to5400kms−1,andtherearesomePNswithevenhigher thePNLFatthedistanceofHydraI;seealsoSection7.1. LOSvelocities. The magnitude-velocity plane - The properties of the PN The spatial distribution of the PNs - The locations of the sample in the velocity-magnitude plane are shown in the left detectedPNson thesky areshownin the rightpanelofFig. 1. panelofFig.12.Inthisplot,theapparentmagnitudeofthePNLF Theirspatialdistributioncanbecharacterizedasfollows: brightcutoffatthedistanceoftheHydraIclustercorrespondsto ahorizontallineat29.0mag.Theblueandredlinesarethefilter – most PNs follow an elongated north-south distribution ap- transmission curves, as measured from the spectra, normalized proximatelycenteredonNGC3311; sothatthemaximumtransmissionoccursnearthePNLFbright – there is no secondary high density concentration around cutoff. The PNs are indeed all fainter than m = 29.0 and NGC 3309. Only one PN, indicated by the gray symbol in 5007 extend to the detection limit magnitude, m . This is slightly the right plot of Fig. 1, has a combination of velocity and dl differentforthetwofilters;thefaintestPNsdetectedthroughthe positionthatarecompatiblewithaPNboundtothehaloof bluefilterhavem =30.45,andthosedetectedwiththered NGC3309; B,dl – a possibly separate concentration of PNs is present in the filterhavem =30.3. R,dl northeasterncornerofthefield. ThePNLOSVD-ThemeasuredLOSVDofthePNsampleis shownbytheblackhistograminthecentralpanelofFig.1.The Wesummarizeourmainresultssofar: velocitywindowcoveredbythetwofiltersisalsoshownandthe systemic velocitiesof HydraI, NGC 3311andNGC 3309(see 1. ThePNcandidatesdetectedintheMSISfieldhaveluminosi- Section2)areindicatedbythemagenta,greenandgrayvertical tiesconsistentwithapopulationofPNsatthedistanceofthe lines,respectively.Thesevelocitiesfallinthemiddleoftheve- HydraIcluster. locitywindowallowedbythefilters,wherebothfiltersoverlap. 2. The distribution of PNs in the MSIS field is centered on ThemeanvelocityofallPNcandidatesis¯v =3840kms−1 NGC 3311. Only one candidate is consistent with being PNs andthestandarddeviationisrms = 1390kms−1.Thedis- boundto NGC 3309,even thoughNGC 3309 is of compa- PNs tribution is highly non Gaussian and dominated by several in- rableluminositytoNGC3311and,onaccountoftheX-ray dividual components. The main peak appears in the range of results(seeSection2),islikelylocatedintheinnerpartsof velocities from 2400 to 4400kms−1 and its maximum is at theclusterwithinthedenseICL,atsimilardistancefromus 3100kms−1, within 1σHy of the systemic velocity of the asNGC3311. ∼ 3. Thereisnoevidenceofasingle,well-mixeddistributionof 2 Thisplotisbased onmoreaccuratephotometry thanandupdates PNs in the central 100kpc of the Hydra I cluster, contrary Fig.1ofVentimigliaetal.(2008). towhatonewouldexpectfromthedynamicallyrelaxedap- 5 Ventimigliaetal.:KinematicsandoriginsofdiffuselightinHydraIclustercore pearance of the X-ray emission. Instead, the observed PNs whereG(v)isnormalizedsothat G(v )∆v =1. i i i separateintothreemajorvelocitycomponents. SimulatingtheMSISobservatiPons-Themagnitude-velocity diagram for such a model population is modified by a number of effects in the MSIS observations, which we simulate as de- 7. Kinematicsubstructuresandα parameterfor scribedbelow.TheMSISsimulationprocedureimplementsthe the observedPN samplein HydraI: followingsteps: comparisonwith a simulatedMSISmodel – thethrough-slitconvolutionofthePNLF; Atthispoint,we wouldlike toreinforcethe lastpointbycom- – theconvolutionwiththefiltertransmission; paring the observed velocity distribution with a simple model. – thephotometricerrorconvolution; The model is obtained by assuming a phase-mixed PN popu- – thecompletenesscorrection; lation placed at the distance (51 Mpc) and mean recession ve- – thecomputationoftheLOSVD. locity of NGC 3311, and simulating its line-of-sight velocity distribution by convolving with the MSIS instrumental set up. Thethrough-slitPNLF-TheMSIStechniqueisablindsur- The velocity dispersion of the PN population is taken to be veytechnique.Thereforethepositionsoftheslitsontheskyare 464kms−1, the highestvaluemeasuredfrom the long-slitdata not centered on the detected objects, and the further away an inVentimigliaetal.(2010b).Inthiswaywecantestmorequan- objectis fromthe centerof its slit, the fainterit becomes.This titativelywhethertheobservedmultipeakedLOSVDforPNsin effectisafunctionofbothseeingandslitwidth,anditmodifies ourfieldisbiasedbytheMSISobservationalset-uporwhetherit the functionalform of the PNLF, which needs to be accounted providesevidenceofun-mixedcomponentsintheHydraIclus- forwhenusingtheLFfromMSISPNdetectedsamples. tercore. Inprinciple,somePNsmaybedetectedintwoadjacentslits ofthemask,andthiswouldneedto becorrectedfor.However, atthe depthofthe presentHydraI surveythis effectis notim- 7.1. PredictingtheluminosityfunctionandLOSVDwith portant for the predicted PNLF, and indeed no such object has MSISforamodelPNpopulation beenfoundinthesample. Given a “true” PNLF LF(m), the “through slit PNLF” Wefirstcharacterizethemodelintermsoftheintrinsicluminos- sLF(m)caneasilybecomputed,anddependsonslitwidthand ityfunctionandLOSVDofthePNpopulation.Thenwedescribe seeing; for further details see Gerhard et al. (2011, in prepa- thestepsrequiredtopredictthecorrespondingm magnitude 5007 ration). The effect of the through-slit correction is to shift the vs.LOSvelocitydiagramandLOSVDthatwouldbemeasured sLF(m) faintwards in the observable bright part, compared to with the MSIS set up. In the next subsection we compare the the”true”PNLF. resultsobtainedwiththeobservedHydraIPNsample. Convolutionwith filtertransmission- Whenthefiltertrans- Model for the intrinsic PN population - The intrinsic mission T(v ) is less then 1 (100%), it shifts the through-slit PNLFcanbeapproximatedbythe analyticalfunctiongivenby i PNLF to fainter magnitudes.The ∆m dependson the value of Ciardulloetal.(1989): the filter transmission curve at the wavelength λ or equivalent N(m)=Ce0.307m 1 e3(m∗−m) (4) binned velocity vi, and is equal to ∆m(vi) = 2.5logT(vi). h − i The resulting instrumental PNLF, the distribu−tion of source wheremistheobservedmagnitude,m∗ = 29.0istheapparent magnitudesbefore detection, becomes velocity dependent,i.e., magnitudeof the brightcutoff at the adopteddistance of NGC iLF(m,vi). 3311, and C is a multiplicative factor. The integral of N(m) For the present MSIS Hydra I observations, the combined from m∗ to m∗ + 8 gives the total number of PN associated filtertransmissioncurvefrombothfiltersisdefinedas with the bolometric luminosity of the parent stellar population (N in Eq. 1), and the C parameter can be related to the T(v)i = max[TB(vi),TR(vi)], (7) PN luminosity-specificPNnumberα(Buzzonietal.2006).Forour whereBandRdenotetheblueandredfilters.Itis1wherethe modelwedistributethemagnitudesofaPNpopulationaccord- transmissionis100%,approximatelyfrom 1500kms−1 to ingto a verysimilar formulafitted byMe´ndeztothe resultsof 3300kms−1 and from 4200kms−1 to ∼6300kms−1; it∼is Mendez&Soffner(1997). < 1 in the filter gaparo∼und 3800kms−∼1 andat the low and Next we assume that this PN population is dynamically ∼ highvelocityendsoftheobservedrange. phase-mixedandthatitsintrinsicLOSVDisgivenbyaGaussian Photometric error convolution - Once the instrumental LF centeredonthesystemicvelocityofNGC3311,¯v, iLF(m,v ) is computed, it must be convolved with the photo- i 1 (v ¯v)2 metric errors which, for the case of the Hydra I observations, G(v)= exp − (5) aregivenbythelinearfunctioninEq.2.Becauseofthephoto- σcore√2π (cid:20) 2σ2core (cid:21) metricerrors,PNsthatareintrinsicallyfainterthanthedetection wherehereweadopt¯v=3830kms−1(Ventimigliaetal.2010b, limit (heremag 30.4)may be detected if they happento fall ∼ correctedtothefilterframe),andforthevelocitydispersionwe on a positive noise peak on the CCD image, and PNs that are take σcore = 464kms−1, the highest value measured from intrinsicallybrighterthanmag∼30.4maybelostfromthesam- ple.Generally,becausethethrough-slitPNLFsLF(m)increases the long-slit data in this paper. This approximates the velocity towardsfaintermagnitudes,thephotometricerrorsscattermore dispersion for the intracluster component in the outer halo of faintobjectstobrightermagnitudesthanvice-versa;sotheeffect NGC3311,atcentraldistances 20 30kpc(Ventimigliaetal. ∼ − of the convolution is to shift the PNLF to brighter magnitudes 2010b). We will consider the magnitude-velocity diagram and again. theLOSVDashistogramsinvelocity;thenineachvelocitybin Completeness correction - The completeness correction at ∆v ,thenumberofPNsis i a given observed magnitude is a multiplicative function which LF(v ) N(m)G(v )∆v (6) accountsforthedecreasingfractionofPNsatfaintermagnitudes i i i ≃ 6 Ventimigliaetal.:KinematicsandoriginsofdiffuselightinHydraIclustercore detected against the noise on the MSIS image. For the case at 7.2. Realityofobservedkinematicsubstructures handitisgiveninEq.3.Afterthelasttwosteps,wearriveatthe final“MSISPNLF”,MSLF(m)forshort. ThesimulatedMSISLOSVDgivenbyN (v )forthesimple MSIS i Computation of the simulated LOSVD - For each velocity Gaussianvelocitydistributionmodelandluminosityfunctionof bintheMSLF(m,vi)isintegratedbetweentheapparentmagni- Eq.4isshownasthegreenhistograminFig.3,withtheobserved tude of the PNLF bright cut off (m∗ = 29.0 for Hydra I) and PNLOSVDoverplottedinblack.ThesimulatedMSISLOSVD the detection limit magnitude in the relevant filter, mf,dl (see is scaled to approximatelymatch the observedHydra I sample Section6),toobtainthe“observed”cumulativenumberofPNs inthecentralvelocitybins. ineachvelocitybin: mf,dl N (v )= MSLF(m,v )dm. (8) MSIS i i Zm∗ The most cumbersome step in this procedure is the cor- rection for the filter transmission, because it makes the final MSLF(m,v ) velocity-dependent.It must correctly be applied i beforetheconvolutionwiththephotometricerrors,becausethe latter depend on the flux measured at certain positions on the CCD. So the errors on the through-slit magnitudes depend on thefiltertransmissionvaluesofthePNs. However, we have found that the observed MSLF for the Hydra I PN sample, when obtained from wavelength regions where the filter transmission is 100%, is very similar to the ∼ oneobtainedbysummingovertheentirefilterbandpass.Theef- fectofthevelocitydependenceontheoverallMSLFmustthere- forebesmall,andforthecomparisonofsimulatedandmeasured LOSVDsbelowwehavethereforeappliedthefiltertransmission onlyaftertheerrorconvolutionandcompletenesscorrection. Before we discuss the LOSVD obtainedfromthe complete Fig.3. LOSVD for the Hydra I PN sample from Fig. 1 (black model, we show in Fig. 2 the predicted cumulative luminosity histogram), compared with a simulated MSIS LOSVD (green functionresultingfromerrorconvolution,completenesscorrec- histogram) for a Gaussian velocity distribution with σ = tion,andfilter transmissioncorrectionof the through-slitlumi- core 464kms−1; see text for further details. The blue-redsolid line nosity function, weighting by the number of observed PNs in showsthecombinedfiltertransmissioncurveasgiveninEq.7. each velocity bin. Also shown in Fig. 2 is the cumulative his- The vertical magenta, green and gray lines mark the systemic togramofthem magnitudesforthe56observedPNsinthe 5007 velocityofHydraI,NGC3311andNGC3309,respectively. MSIS field. With a cutoffmagnitudeof 29.0the modelfits the observedhistogramfairlywell;however,thisisnotaformalbest fittothedistance.TheimportantpointshownbyFig.2isthatthe observedMSISluminosityfunctionofthePNemissionsources The comparison between the simulated LOSVD and the in the Hydracluster coreis evidentlyconsistentwith a popula- HydraIPNLOSVDinFig.3identifiesthecentralpeakatabout tionofPNsat∼50Mpcdistance. 3100kms−1 in the observed PN LOSVD with that of the PN populationassociatedwiththestellarhaloaroundNGC3311in the cluster core, with σ 500kms−1. The mean ¯v and core core ∼ σ ofthiscomponentareapproximatelyconsistentwiththose core oftheintraclusterlighthaloofNGC3311derivedfromthelong- slit kinematic analysis in Ventimigliaetal. (2010b). However, theasymmetryandoffsetofthepeakoftheobservedhistogram (by several 100kms−1) relative to the MSIS convolvedmodel centered at the systemic velocity of NGC 3311 appear signifi- cant(σ /√N 100kms−1),arguingforsomerealasym- core core ≃ metry of the central velocity component. We shall refer to the centralpeakin theHydraI PN LOSVDin Fig.3asthecentral ICLcomponent. Two additional velocity peaks are seen in the LOSVD in Fig.3, onenear1800kms−1 andoneat 5000kms−1,which ∼ do not have any correspondence with the velocity distribution derived for the simulated MSIS model. These velocity compo- nents cannot be explained as artifacts of the MSIS set up, in particular,the filter gapin the B+R filter combination.We will Fig.2.Cumulativeluminosityfunctionpredictedforthepresent refer to these two velocity components as secondary blue and MSIS observations and the nominal cutoff magnitude of the redpeaks,respectively.Theyrevealthepossiblepresenceoftwo HydraIcluster,29.0(fullredline,seetext),comparedwiththe kinematicalsubstructuresinthecoreofAbell1060,whoseori- cumulativehistogramoftheobservedm5007 magnitudes. ginsmustbeinvestigatedfurther;seeSection8. 7 Ventimigliaetal.:KinematicsandoriginsofdiffuselightinHydraIclustercore 7.3. Lowα-parameterinthecoreofHydraI consistentwiththecentralICLhaloofNGC3311isafactor 2 ∼ lowerthanthenumberofallPNs.Clearlytherefore,someofthe We now compare the number of observed PNs with the ex- light at these radii is in a componentdifferentfrom the phase- pectations from the luminosity distribution and kinematics in mixedcentralICLhalo,buttheamountisuncertainbecausewe and around NGC 3311. One issue is the absence of a clear donotknowwhethertheluminosity-specificα-parameterofthis subcomponent of PNs with velocity dispersion 150 componentissimilarlylowasfortheNGC3311ICLhalo.For 250kms−1, as would be expected from the central∼ 25” o−f example, agreementbetween observed and predicted PN num- ∼ NGC3311(Ventimigliaetal.2010b).ItisknownthatPNsam- berscouldbeachievedbyscalingonlytheNGC3311halocom- plesinellipticalgalaxiesaregenerallynotcompleteinthecen- ponentbyafactor 6.Ontheotherhand,scalingonlyanouter tral regions because of the increasing surface brightness pro- componentwill no∼t work, because the discrepancy in Fig. 4 is file; PNs are hard to detect against the image noise in the already seen at small radii. Thus we can conclude that the α- bright centers. E.g., in observations with the Planetary Nebula parameteroftheNGC3311ICLhaloislowbyafactor4 6. Spectrograph, the threshold surface brightness is typically in SuchananomalousspecificPN numberdensityrequi−resan the range µV = 20 22mag/arcsec2 (Coccatoetal. 2009). explanation.One possibilityisthatthe stellar populationin the − In the current Hydra I data, the PN sample is severely incom- haloofNGC3311isunusuallyPNpoor;thiswillneedstudying plete at µV = 21.0mag/arcsec2 (only two PNs are seen at thestellarpopulationinthegalaxyoutskirts.Asecondpossibil- µV 21.0mag/arcsec2,andsixatµV > 21.5mag/arcsec2). ity is that the ram pressure against the hot X-ray emitting gas Refe∼rring to Fig. 13 of Me´ndezetal. (2∼001), we estimate that inthehaloofNGC3311ishighenoughtoseverelyshortenthe thecurrentsampleisnotcompleteforµV <22.0mag/arcsec2, lifetime of the PNs (Dopitaetal. 2000; Villaver&Stanghellini which is reached at a distance of 30∼” from the center of 2005).Intheirsimulations,Villaver&Stanghellini(2005)con- ≃ NGC3311(Arnaboldietal.2011,inpreparation).Atthisradius, sideragaseousmediumofdensityn = 10−4cm−3 andarela- the projected velocity dispersion has risen to σN3311(30”) tive velocity of 1000kms−1. They find that the inner PN shell 300 400kms−1 (Ventimigliaetal.2010b).ThusthePNsde≃- isnotsignificantlyaffectedbytherampressurestrippingduring − tectedinthispaperalmostexclusivelysamplethehot(intraclus- the PN lifetime, and becausethe inner shell dominatesthe line ter)haloofNGC3311.Thecoldinnergalaxycomponentisnot emissionintheirmodel,thePNvisibilitylifetimeisthereforenot sampled. shortenedrelativetoanundisturbedPN.However,withadensity ThesecondissueistheobservedtotalnumberofPNs,given of the ICM inside 5′ around NGC 3311 of 6 10−3cm−3, thedetectionlimit,theinstrumentalsetupandthelightinNGC and a typical velocity of √3 450kms−1∼ 8×00kms−1 the 3311andNGC3309.Integratingthe simulatedMSISluminos- ram pressure on the NGC 331×1 is 40 time≃s stronger than in ity functiondownto thedetectionlimitof 30.4mag, we obtain theirsimulatedcase,sotherampre∼ssureeffectscouldbemuch an effective α parameter for our observations of αMSIS,Hy = stronger. Unfortunately,simulations of the evolution of PNs in 0.012αtot,whereαtot quantifiesthetotalnumberofPNs8mag suchdensemediaarenotyetavailable,toourknowledge. down the PNLF3. This value is similar to α , the integrated 0.5 value0.5magdownthePNLF.ItisconsistentwithFig.1,even thoughinthisfigurePNsareseenupto1.5magfainterthanthe nominalcutoffmagnitude,becauseof(i)theshifttowardsfainter magnitudesduetotheslitlosses,and(ii)thecompletenesscor- rection(Eq.3). We can estimate the bolometric α for NGC 3311 from tot its (FUV-V) color, the relation between (FUV-V) and logα 1.0 shown in Fig. 12 of Coccatoetal. (2009), and correcting to logα by using Fig. 8 of Buzzonietal. (2006). The (FUV- tot V) color is determined from the Galex FUV magnitude and the V band magnitude from RC3, both corrected for extinc- tion, as described in Coccatoetal. (2009, Section 6.1). The resulting value, (FUV-V)=6.7, corresponds to logα = 1.1 1.0 and logα = 7.34. This is very similar to the value of tot − logα = 7.30foundfortheFornaxclustercDgalaxyNGC tot − 1399 (Buzzonietal. 2006). Using the V band light profile of Fig.4. Observed and predicted cumulative PN numbers, as a NGC3311measuredinArnaboldietal.(2011,inpreparation), function of radial distance from the center of NGC 3311. The andabolometriccorrectionof0.85mag,wecanthenpredictthe greenlineshowsthecumulativenumberofPNsassociatedwith expected cumulative number of PNs within radius R from the thecentralICLhaloofNGC3311,basedontheirvelocities.The centerofNGC3311.ThisisshownastheredcurveinFigure4, blacklineshowsthecumulativenumberofallPNs,withoutve- aftersubtractingtheluminositywithin20”whichisnotsampled locity selection. The red curve shows the predicted cumulative by ourMSIS observations.Also shown are the cumulativehis- numberofPNscomputedusingtheluminosity-specificparame- togramsoftheobservednumberofPNsintheMSISdata,both terαestimatedasexplainedinthetext forallPNsinthefield,andforPNswithvelocitiesinthecentral ,theMSISobservationalset-up,andtheintegratedbolometric velocitycomponentonly. luminosityinincreasingcircularaperturescenteredonNGC3311. Fig.4showsthatthetotalnumberofPNsdetectedinthefield fallsshortofthenumberpredictedfromtheluminosityprofileby afactor 4.Outside 100”,thenumberofPNswithvelocities Ifthisexplanationiscorrect,PNsshouldbemostefficiently ∼ ∼ ram pressure stripped in the innermost, densest regions of the 3 Thisvalueincludesthelightbetweenadjacentslitsforthenormal- ICM.Henceinthiscasewewouldexpectmostoftheobserved ization. PNs to be located in the outermost halo of NGC 3311, even 8 Ventimigliaetal.:KinematicsandoriginsofdiffuselightinHydraIclustercore thoseprojectedontotheinnerpartsofourMSISfield.Atthese brightgalaxiesin the northernpartof the field, but a deficit of outerradii,dynamicaltime-scalesarelonger,andphase-mixing galaxiestothesouthofNGC3311. should be less complete. This would fit well with the unmixed The spatial distribution of the PNs associated with the sec- kinematicsand spatialdistributionof the observedsample (see ondaryredpeakinthePNLOSVDisshownintherightpanelof alsonextSection). Fig.5.Ithasanorth/southelongation,apparentlyextendingfur- ThethirdissueisthatwedonotseeaconcentrationofPNs thertowardsthesouthofNGC3311thanthecentralICLcom- aroundNGC 3309.As shownin Section 6, onlyone PN in the ponent,withahighdensityregionnorth/eastofNGC3311. sample, shownby the graysymbolin the rightpanelof Fig. 1, Finally,thespatialdistributionofthePNsassociatedwiththe hasbothpositionandLOSvelocitycompatiblewithbeingbound secondarybluecomponentat1800kms−1 (leftpanelofFig.5) to NGC 3309. Whereas using the relative total luminosities of also appears elongated along the north/south direction, but the NGC 3309 and NGC 3311 to scale the numberof PNs associ- smaller number of objects in this subsample makes inferring ated with the main LOS velocity componentfor NGC 3311 in theirspatialstructuremoredifficult. Fig.3(i.e.,27PNs),wewouldexpectabout11PNsassociated Insummary,thereislittleevidenceofasphericallysymmet- withthelightofNGC3309ifbothgalaxieswereatthesamedis- ricwell-mixeddistributionofPNsintheouterhaloofNGC3311 tance. There are two possible explanationsfor this fact. One is in the cluster core. Several velocity components are seen, and thatNGC3309isatsignificantlylargerdistancethanNGC3311, eventhe centralICL componentcenteredon NGC3311shows suchthatevenPNsatthebrightcutoffwouldbedifficulttosee. signsofspatialsubstructures. However,asimplecalculationshowsthatthenNGC3309would beputat 70Mpcwelloutsidethecluster,atvariancewithX- ∼ ray observationsfinding that its gas atmosphere is confined by 8.2. SpatialandvelocitydistributionofHydraIgalaxies: theICMpressure(seeSection2).Thesecondpossibilityisthat, comparisonwiththePNssample similarlyasforNGC3311,also thePNsin NGC3309maybe severely ram pressure stripped by the galaxy’s motion through The spatial distribution of the galaxies from thedenseICMintheclustercore.ThiswouldrequirethatNGC Christlein&Zabludoff (2003); Misgeldetal. (2008) in the 3309 moves rapidly through the cluster core, and is physically central 20 20arcmin2 centered on NGC 3311 is shown in ratherclose toNGC 3311.Againsimulationswouldbeneeded Fig. 6. We w×ould like to analyze their phase-spacedistribution tocheckthisquantitatively. by dividing into the same velocity componentsas identified in the PN LOSVD. Therefore,in the image on the left the bright galaxiesareencircledwith thecolorsof thePN componentsin 8. Thesubstructuresin theHydraI clustercore Fig.5,andin therightpanelallgalaxiesin thefield areshown schematically as squares and crosses with the same color code We now turn to a more generaldiscussion of the spatial distri- for these velocity bins. NGC 3311 and NGC 3309 are marked butionandkinematicsofPNsandgalaxiesinthecentralregion inthecenteroftheMSISfield(orangesquare). of the cluster. ICL is believed to originate from galaxies, so it In Fig. 7, the left panel shows the velocity distribution of isinterestingtoaskwhetherthephase-spacesubstructuresseen in the distribution of the PNs that trace the ICL has some cor- all the galaxies in the 20 20arcmin2 region centered on × respondence to similar structures in the distribution of cluster NGC 3311. In the right panel, the velocity histograms for the galaxies.Thuswewanttoinvestigatethespatialdistributionsof bright galaxies(mR < 15.37, violet color) and dwarf galaxies the PNs associated with the velocity subcomponentsin the PN (mR >15.37,greencolor)areshownseparately. LOSVD discussed earlier, and compare them with the spatial The LOSVD for the Hydra I galaxies covers the same ve- distributionof HydraI galaxiesin similar velocityintervals.In locities as for the PN sample. If we select only galaxies in thisway,wemayobtainabetterunderstandingofthedynamical the range of velocities of the PNs in the central ICL compo- evolutionofthegalaxiesintheclustercore,andoftherelevance nent, from 2800kms−1 to 4450kms−1, their LOSVD is con- ofclustersubstructuresfortheoriginofthediffuseclusterlight. sistent with a Gaussian distribution centered at a velocity of 3723 100kms−1 withadispersionof542 80kms−1.This ± ± confirms results from long-slit kinematics in the outer halo of 8.1. Spatialdistributions ofthePNvelocitycomponents NGC3311(Ventimigliaetal.2010b),wherethevelocitydisper- We first consider the spatial distribution of the PNs associated sionwasfoundtoincreaseto 465kms−1at 70”radius,64% ∼ ∼ withthedifferentvelocitycomponentsinthePNLOSVD.This ofthevelocitydispersionofallclustergalaxies. is shownin the threepanelsof Fig. 5, dividedaccordingto the This subsample of galaxies also has an interesting spa- classification in Sect. 7.2. Each panelcoversa region of 6.8 tial distribution: the central 6.8 6.8arcmin2 region of the 6.8arcmin2 100 100kpc2centeredonNGC3311. × cluster (the MSIS field), while do×minated by NGC 3311 and ≃ × PNs associated with the central ICL component (middle NGC 3309, contains no other Hydra I galaxies with these ve- panelofFig.5)canbedividedintotwospatialstructures.There locities.Whereasoutsidethisregion,theyappearuniformlydis- is a prominent PN group concentrated, as expected, around tributedoverthe field (see the greensquaresandcrossesin the NGC3311,andanelongatedeast-westdistributioninthenorth- rightpanelofFig.6).NGC3311isatthecenterofthedistribu- ernpartoftheFoV.Bycontrast,weseealowPNdensityregion tionofthesegalaxiesbothinspaceandinvelocity.Thedistribu- inthesouthernpartoftheMSISfield. tionofthese galaxies,aswellasthesimilarityoftheirvelocity Suchanorth/southasymmetryisseenalsointhespatialdis- dispersionwiththatmeasuredinthehaloofNGC3311,supports tribution of the galaxies. Fig. 6 displays a larger area, 20 the interpretation of Ventimigliaetal. (2010b) that the halo of 20arcmin2,whichincludestheMSISfieldstudiedinthiswor×k, NGC3311isdominatedbyintraclusterstarsthathavebeentorn asindicatedbytheorangesquare.Wecanseefromthetwopan- fromgalaxiesdisruptedintheclustercore:galaxiesthatpassed els(photo,andschematic)thatNGC3311andNGC3309dom- throughthecentral100kpcoftheclustercoreatmodestveloci- inatethecenteroftheMSISfield,thatthereisahighdensityof tieshaveallbeendisrupted. 9 Ventimigliaetal.:KinematicsandoriginsofdiffuselightinHydraIclustercore Fig.5. Left panel: Spatial distribution of the PNs associated with the blue secondary peak in the PN LOSVD (< 2800kms−1). Central panel: Spatial distribution of the PNs associated with the central ICL component ( 2800kms−1 to 4450kms−1). Right panel: Spatial distribution of the PNs associated with the secondary red peak at > 4450kms−1 in the PN LOSVD. The black trianglesindicateNGC3311(center)andNGC3309(north-westofcenter),respectively.Northisupandeastistotheleft. Fig.6. Left panel:20 20arcmin2 DSS image of the Hydra I cluster. The two brightgalaxies at the field center are NGC 3311 (center) and NGC 330×9 (north-west of center). The blue circles indicate galaxies with v < 2800kms−1, the green circles sys galaxieswith2800kms−1 <v <4450kms−1(onlythosewithin10arcminaroundNGC3311andwithm >15.37),andthe sys R redcirclesgalaxieswithv > 4450kms−1.Rightpanel:SpatialdistributionofHydraIgalaxiesinthesameareaof20arcmin2 sys centeredonNGC3311.SquaresindicategalaxiesfromthecatalogofChristlein&Zabludoff(2003)andcrossesindicategalaxies fromMisgeldetal. (2008). Thecolorofthe symbolsreferstothe velocitycomponentsin thePN LOSVD asdescribedin Fig.5. ThetwodiamondslocateNGC3311andNGC3309.TheorangesquareshowstheFoVusedintheFORS2MSISobservations. Bycontrast,thegalaxieswithLOSvelocities>4450kms−1 regionoccupiedbymanyPNsassociatedwiththesecondaryred as in the secondaryred peak of the PN LOSVD are mostly lo- peak. cated withinthe central 100 100 kpc2 region of the cluster Finally, in this region there are only a few galaxies with a × (redsquaresandcrossesintherightpanelofFig.6).Inthissub- LOSvelocitylowerthan2800kms−1,compatiblewiththesec- sample, there are 14 galaxiesin total, 5 are classified as bright ondary blue peak in the PNs. They are 8 in total (blue squares galaxiesand9aredwarfs,and3brightgalaxiesand6dwarfsfall andcrossesintherightpanelofFig.6).Onlyoneofthesefalls withintheMSISFORS2field.These6dwarfsareconcentrated on the boundary of the central 100 100kpc2 region around in the northeastern part of the halo of NGC 3311, in the same × NGC3311.OneofthesegalaxiesisthegiantspiralNGC3312, 10

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